1.4.1 Actual Patchnotes

Well it is time for us to kick this off, as a little heads up, this is meant to be helpful, not a way to make fun of the game or anything, remember, if you found anything that I didn’t, feel free to post it here, screens for that before and after the patch would be appreciated, so let’s go.

-New aspects for Halo and Pyro, Halo it’s not as…pink? and the Pyro is brighter, seems that they have a niche for brightening things up lately, huh.

-Rework on Sk’rah, some of you may know about this, halved the firerate and I think they doubled the damage, it also has a new sound effect like a mini-laser, now firerate builds are a thing, yay.

That’s all that I could find for now, good luck in finding more things!

I would like to know if the new packs contain all or just one of the modules. I understand the patchnotes like we get everything of it with buying it one time but the german translation ingame says we only get one random module everytime. No matter what. i think it´s a waste of money except they made the new stuff exclusive to these, which i really don´t like.

  • rf blaster still fires as fast as a plasma gun. (This is not how it should be)

I really wish this gun would become usable again. Im sick of having to screw around with heatsinks just to get it to shoot reliably, i get it, it’s not a priority, in this swamp of modules & resources, who cares about a gun that has been here for 3 years.

  • Massdriver is still soundless 80% of the time (as the shooter)


1 hour ago, otaku98753 said:

I would like to know if the new packs contain all or just one of the modules…

contains all listed items in each ‘Protector’ container … unique items, one cannot build them hereafter buy - like after learning from a blueprint, sadly though


  • Ellydium station is not smoked any more (Linux)

Oh I almost forgot, the blueprint icons are different, they actually show the weapon icon they unlock on mk5 but it’s cut in half, something like that.

You forgot holo ship has a new explosion look.

The dreadnought torpedo has a new explosion too, gotta try the Spec Ops sometime soon.


Captured Dreadnought PvE, round 3. Barriers are not immediately dropped. Color of the barriers is brighter and it also applies to the Main Caliber Guns in Round 1.

5 hours ago, Oregyen said:

  • rf blaster still fires as fast as a plasma gun. (This is not how it should be)

I really wish this gun would become usable again. Im sick of having to screw around with heatsinks just to get it to shoot reliably, i get it, it’s not a priority, in this swamp of modules & resources, who cares about a gun that has been here for 3 years.

  • Massdriver is still soundless 80% of the time (as the shooter)

It’s a bug. Make a bug report! Fire rate does not match the statistics!

Team battle respawn timer seem to have been lowered. Getting back in the fight much faster.

-Everything about the Command Phaser is ugly af now too. It’s like they are trying to go for a slightly more “realistic” look in everything and I hate it.

But I must admit that the new pyro beam looks fantastic.

EM torps don’t have a blue explosion fx anymore, and shares the same fx as the holo-ship detonation

God mode timer is also increased to 15s-18s ish, now I can spawn, get to a beacon and not doing anything to draw fire for 10s without getting damaged, fun tactic.

3 hours ago, Milfeulle said:

God mode timer is also increased to 15s-18s ish, now I can spawn, get to a beacon and not doing anything to draw fire for 10s without getting damaged, fun tactic.

So THAT’s what it is! I was wondering.

I’m in love with the pyro xD I can’t get enough of it it look so cool!

It’s somehow appear bigger on the procyon like WAY bigger, it’s like doing a kameameameaaaaaa! Loving it^^

3 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

-Everything about the Command Phaser is ugly af now too. It’s like they are trying to go for a slightly more “realistic” look in everything and I hate it.

But I must admit that the new pyro beam looks fantastic.

Phaser look pretty cool it look more futuristic ^^

I noticed that collision damage in survival is no longer x3 which is nice (not sure if latest patch)

New spawn invoulnerability is broken. It doesn’t vanish when you shoot or use active module. Someone tell them to fix that…


11 hours ago, Milfeulle said:

God mode timer is also increased to 15s-18s ish, now I can spawn, get to a beacon and not doing anything to draw fire for 10s without getting damaged, fun tactic.

That’s because of you I guess
