1.2.1 Public Test Patch Notes (not official translation)

adaptives - don’t get why stacking was removed for them, with the new stacking system, they would have been nerfed anyway :slight_smile:


but maybe it was easier that way.



Funny part, back then it was a BUG :smiley: since as lazy as programmers as they are, in order to create icons of active adaptive in battle, they simply moved adaptives into properties of “aura” and aura do not stack - strongest active, so only 1 adaptive activated because of that, took them awhile to recode it into unique property to make them sum these “aura” effects :smiley:

i got nothing against programmers being a bit lazy.

it’s almost a bit good for the code quality if you dont write too much, brings you closer to the zen of brilliance.

but brilliance also needs perfectionism, so only the programmer who does lazy things which still work perfectly is considered brilliant enough to be lazy.



Proposition for Nukes:

They should remain the same as they are now, BUT:


To construct them, you would need to manufacture them in the workshop :


Nah Koro, bad idea. first off way too expensive. second, co will suffer anyway because of these changes. third, all craftable ammo is craftable because you can use it on any class. nuke is co’s special missile.

(eheh some pure dps build for fighter and frig will suffer, i like it. Also 3 missile pilons biaccc will cry :P)


or he will realize, he is the only one with 60 secs nuke cooldown. the damage increase on the cloud might be nice against beacon drones.

however, i think most empire fighters will just say “meh, now my tank is superiorrrr”, since little stacking involved there for hulltanks.

double galva styx will suffer :frowning:

Interesting changes… Now everyone will wail about special ops though, because they all stack em :stuck_out_tongue:

Tacklers I think will be nice if this patch goes ahead. But I’ve just used up my mono crystals on a frigate so here comes a grind before I can make jaguar :slight_smile: Just built my secret ship and some smart guy fiddles with the internet adsl exchange box on a FRIDAY so that it won’t be fixed until Monday… Lol

As for double galvanised, well it will stop the Styx being a guard and make it an engi :slight_smile:

What strategy? Drop drop beeb beeb shaka laka destroy all?


Yeah but you should also be able to come back safe to your dread after you nuked the dread and blinded the long range (and stuffs like that), otherwise score wise it’s not so effective. 


Most people doesn’t understand that and just go kamikaze.

Aww, there goes my adaptive guards…

Why the double nerf on adaptives though? The stacking reduction should be enough, imho. 

Also, can we talk about the Supernova nerf? Augh, that’s going to mess up our RF/piercing combos, :frowning:


On the bright side:

I do like how we can spam engine suppressor more now - that’s actually quite good.

And now we can finally get away from the nukethedreadtohell meta.

And screw holoships.

On the bright side:

I do like how we can spam engine suppressor more now - that’s actually quite good.

And now we can finally get away from the nukethedreadtohell meta.

Yeah, get away from kamikaze nuk rushers, and get into mass SlowBeamEngineSepressorsInhebeatorBeamsTacklers, cause who need an anti slow implant on interceptors on a 10 000km wide open map?

32 Seconds CD (28.8 in T4+ with new 10-1), yeah that’s gonna be fun in Dread battles

Yeah, get away from kamikaze nuk rushers, and get into mass SlowBeamEngineSepressorsInhebeatorBeamsTacklers, cause who need an anti slow implant on interceptors on a 10 000km wide open map?

32 Seconds CD (28.8 in T4+ with new 10-1), yeah that’s gonna be fun in Dread battles

everyone with 2x drone, suppressor and slow beam!

everyone with 2x drone, suppressor and slow beam!

was it an attempt at a good build or a bad one? cause it is neither

was it an attempt at a good build or a bad one? cause it is neither

c’mon man…

drones in dread fights are awesome especially with those nice new slowdowns we gonna get

I think the changes are going in the wrong direction.

Here’s what I envision:



  • ‘Mass Driver’ projectile and firing rate speed increased by 20%. There’s no need to even hold the M1 button now, as it will fire automatically. Due to popular demand, renamed to ‘Spam Driver’.
  • ‘Scatter Gun’ moved exclusively to Tier 2.


  • Increased ‘Doomsday Missile’ damage by 35%, speed by 25% and cassette size to 6. Renamed to ‘Cowboy Crab’s Missile’ and updated its icon to reflect the changes.
  • Removed unguided missiles because logs show aiming is overpowered.


  • ‘Adaptive Shields’ are too powerful, they were removed completely.
  • ‘A1M1’ has been reverted to the old mechanics.
  • Increased ‘Holoships’ ships by 1 and removed the ability to counteract them by using ‘Micro-locator’. Instead, more ships will spawn if attempted.
  • Tacklers can now mount any kind of modules in any slots, including drones, regardless of unique constraints.
  • ‘Cruise Engine’ no longer has maneuverability penalties and its energy consumption has been reduced. Module icon changed to a chicken and engine sound effect to ‘cluck-cluck’.


Since ammunition was completely fine, I’ve decided to change that a bit, too.   

  • ‘Supernova’ damage bonus removed. Instead, it will now spawn fireworks which spam the opponents screen with particles and loud sounds.
  • Removed everything else.


  • ECMs now come equipped by default with ‘Cowboy Crab’s Missile’, ‘Ion Diffuser’ and ‘Stasis Generator’ and they no longer take up weapon/module slots.
  • Implant 8-2 reworked as eye-candy.
  • Matchmaking reverted to the old state because the new solution was too good. Added ‘Candy Crush’ mini-game to the queue instead.
  • Explosion, projectile and hangar sound effects volume raised by 125%, in order to comply with Russian hearing-loss legislation.


It’s a joke /s

people, how about you put your ideas and feelings in proper thread, where developers actually going to look through? :smiley:

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/28206-testing-1909-2009-from-1500-to-1900-utc/#entry335596](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28206-testing-1909-2009-from-1500-to-1900-utc/#entry335596)

people, how about you put your ideas and feelings in proper thread, where developers actually going to look through? :smiley:

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/28206-testing-1909-2009-from-1500-to-1900-utc/#entry335596](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28206-testing-1909-2009-from-1500-to-1900-utc/#entry335596)

it all looks like your twisted idea…  :fed013:


  • Matchmaking reverted to the old state because the new solution was too good. Added ‘Candy Crush’ mini-game to the queue instead.

Oh gosh, would pay GS for that!

It’s not even an official translation and it is pre patch testing yet you are all acting like it’s final… Go and test it, then complain in relevant thread >:)

Please use the official thread.