0.9.6 Solo CovertOps T4 fights.

Enjoy! I like this update very much! Really skill based one.




I like to watch… do moar pls

Zerk1, Thank alot for posting this, it is always informative to see how top players fly, if you don’t mind i am gonna link your gunship videos from Russian forums here (Gunships Zerk1 style :slight_smile:


I love to watch too, good job dude.

Godamn, that noise. I know what that is. Do you record with bandicam? If so, just plug in your mic.

Zerk1, Thank alot for posting this, it is always informative to see how top players fly, if you don’t mind i am gonna link your gunship videos from Russian forums here (Gunships Zerk1 style :slight_smile:


Thanks, I just forgot to share it here:)



Godamn, that noise. I know what that is. Do you record with bandicam? If so, just plug in your mic.

Open Broadcaster Software. I don’t hear any noise… Just soundtracks from youtube :slight_smile: Original videos were with some ESB talking about everything except the game :slight_smile:

Enjoy! I like this update very much! Really skill based one.


it looks the same as pre 0.9.6… what changed?


i see some dude crashing into terrain often. is that it?

it looks the same as pre 0.9.6… what changed?


i see some dude crashing into terrain often. is that it?

autoaiming reduced by 80%.

Yeah, asteroids are my worst enemies usually :wink:

In part 1 @ 2:19, SUDDENLY WALL! -boom-


Great videos though :slight_smile:

So when you gave up on the attack drones, was that because those things are so annoying to try to kill or it just wasn’t worth it?


You probably don’t realize how lucky you are to see that many ships in T4/T5.  North America has it so dead, I risk 1v1 matches against T4 ships in my T3 ships I’m leveling up.  Great watch.

take forever to load the video…

MOAR! I love CovertOps 

So when you gave up on the attack drones, was that because those things are so annoying to try to kill or it just wasn’t worth it?

Drones were with unpredictable moving trajectory with insta acceleration. Waste of time. And they weren’t on me, lol. So I gave up :stuck_out_tongue:

I know the feeling.  The jerking makes them a pain to kill.  Yes, I fit them on my engineer for that reason, and sometimes just sit back, lock on to someone, and watch their hit points go down while we’re each behind asteroids.