0.8.3 Patch (and all patches for the foreseeable future)

Okay, so I made this thread after Punylover mentioned in his module idea thread about making a thread for what we wanted to stick in the next patch.


Make suggestions, argue about suggestions, make suggestions to suggestions if you want, but I’m only adding ideas to the OP when it’s been settled upon. Link threads all you like.


So, for my two cents:


0.8.3 Patch

  1. I would really, really like to see mass heals reverted to their original radius. Not strength, just radius. Neither did I have much problem with engineer survivability; in fact, they seem a bit too resilient now. I stayed alive not by tanking damage, but by pulling myself from any losing fight and running to safety. Which is what engineers should be doing. Either that or just trying not to get involved in the first place.
  2. Percentual healing. IMO, it would help balance immortal interceptors and ridiculously slow healing guards in T2. Not just for engineer heals, but for pretty much all kinds of healing.
  3. Remote healing fix. This sort of ties into the above. Remote healing (as we all know) is the main reason frig balls are possible. The range nerf was a great idea, but we’re still not quite there. Some people have said it would be good if remote heals instead allowed an engineer to shuffle around their health. I personally think this is a great idea: ‘playing cards’ with your health seems more balanced than just gifting an ally with about 4000 health in 3 seconds.
  4. [Modules. Modules everywhere.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20124-mass-rebalance-modules-ships-the-works/?p=204159)
  5. [Looting system tweaking](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19918-looting-overhaul-proposal/).


In future patches:

  • [Crafting system with upgrade options](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19923-crafting-and-upgrading/). Probably using broken loot.
  • Free-roaming option.


I’ve just done a few. Say what you want to say.


Decided Community 0.8.3 Patch

  • Waiting for input.


Decided Community Future Patches

  • Waiting for input.





My idea of a good ship tree, ships in the same row are linked as pre-requiste(Dagger being the pre-requiste for Dagger AE)





My idea of a good ship tree, ships in the same row are linked as pre-requiste(Dagger being the pre-requiste for Dagger AE)


Make it public. Can’t access it.

I have one request for 8.3.


Well thought-out balances. Not just “we’re going to nerf it because it’s too op’d” or otherwise biased opinions from the pets.

Make it public. Can’t access it.

Should be fixed now.

I’ve never played an engi frigate, but is there a debuff or cooldown on the ship that was remotely healed from being healed again by another engi frigate? If not, I’d strongly recommend one in order to prohibit the abuse of chain heals. I think that would make frigate balls less effective. The debuff duration can be tweeked after testing ofc.

I’ve never played an engi frigate, but is there a debuff or cooldown on the ship that was remotely healed from being healed again by another engi frigate? If not, I’d strongly recommend one in order to prohibit the abuse of chain heals. I think that would make frigate balls less effective. The debuff duration can be tweeked after testing ofc.

Testing is done in live servers, seeing as this is still in “beta”…

New ship tree looks good…


EDIT: I meant bacon’s.

Various Ship Tree proposals

FUNKYBACON - click for spreadsheet




JasanQuin - click for original thread

[wBKBfS1.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19881-yet-another-ship-tree-modification-suggestion/)



Naqel - click for original thread

[Dukhusq.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19826-how-the-tech-tree-should-look/)

Naqel is better :good: 

you misunderstood mine ;o  mine would like the cov ops 1 - cov ops 2 - cov ops 3 - cov ops 4 without any other links, while ECM would also be ecm1 - ecm1.2 - ecm 2 - ecm 2.2 - ecm 3 - ecm3.2 - ecm 4 - ecm 4.2 :slight_smile:

It would lower the cost of progression a lot i imagine

Still need more loyalty coming in.  I dunno if more contracts will do it.  Loyalty gain is still a lifetime of grinding.  That would be the #1 thing I’d want patched.


the #2 thing would be Long Range Frigates.  The torpedo frigs are 100% useless.  At this point it isnt a balance issue, its a bug.  The ships simply dont work.  They do not do what they are supposed to do (hit things with torpedos).  They are so easy to counter they are hopeless.  The problem is worse than just being “countered” though.  You can be accidentally countered too.  Too many things completely negate the guided torpedo.  When a ship reaches that level of “broken” I’d make it a priority to fix.  Why have all those ships sitting around taking up space?

Still need more loyalty coming in.  I dunno if more contracts will do it.  Loyalty gain is still a lifetime of grinding.  That would be the #1 thing I’d want patched.


the #2 thing would be Long Range Frigates.  The torpedo frigs are 100% useless.  At this point it isnt a balance issue, its a bug.  The ships simply dont work.  They do not do what they are supposed to do (hit things with torpedos).  They are so easy to counter they are hopeless.  The problem is worse than just being “countered” though.  You can be accidentally countered too.  Too many things completely negate the guided torpedo.  When a ship reaches that level of “broken” I’d make it a priority to fix.  Why have all those ships sitting around taking up space?

Torps aren’t useless, Guards tend to make them useless. The Torpedoes are extremely effective and the Jericho sniper ships are incredible with the right fits and pilots.

You might not see many guards in T2 but there are at least 2 on the enemy team in every game in T3.  Combined with how squishy they are, Jericho LRF are basically a free kill for the enemy team…easily countered and almost no defense.  I for one vote giving them pulsar back.  Make it a guard and LRF module so the class can be semi useful again.

the empire LRF outclasses the jericho LRF in practicly everyway…especially in DPS and non-blockable.

the empire LRF outclasses the jericho LRF in practicly everyway…especially in DPS and non-blockable.

If you keep it at 10km and hide behind a rock, the Jericho WILL kill the flimsy Empire LRs. I always paly hide and seek with them when I’m on a Frigate. Then I get annoyed and they either die at the hands of some ceptor pilot who saw the tasty morsels or they eventually kill me because I was busy with other things around me that shot me into deep hull.

If you keep it at 10km and hide behind a rock, the Jericho WILL kill the flimsy Empire LRs. I always paly hide and seek with them when I’m on a Frigate. Then I get annoyed and they either die at the hands of some ceptor pilot who saw the tasty morsels or they eventually kill me because I was busy with other things around me that shot me into deep hull.

he can easily run from your missle tho, especially if he isnt full xxxx :stuck_out_tongue: not to mention a single guard anywhere on your path will likely kill your missile

he can easily run from your missle tho, especially if he isnt full xxxx :stuck_out_tongue: not to mention a single guard anywhere on your path will likely kill your missile

Considering most of these Empire snipers will just fly upwards into open space, I find it hard to believe they’d hide from the missile. If anything, you’ll break his focus and force him to reposition himself before he takes another shot at me.

If you say torpedo LRF are fine I’d like to see some proof.  Maybe record and youtube a couple entire battles (start to finish) with you pwn’ing in a torpedo LRF…  Last time I took one out, I got *1* torpedo to hit its target out of 10 launches.  The other 9 were cheesed by any number of the various ways to screw a Torpedo LRF. 


So since your saying they are fine, I’d like to see exactly how you skillfully dodge all the ways torpedos get shot down and land those kills…

If you say torpedo LRF are fine I’d like to see some proof.  Maybe record and youtube a couple entire battles (start to finish) with you pwn’ing in a torpedo LRF…  Last time I took one out, I got *1* torpedo to hit its target out of 10 launches.  The other 9 were cheesed by any number of the various ways to screw a Torpedo LRF. 


So since your saying they are fine, I’d like to see exactly how you skillfully dodge all the ways torpedos get shot down and land those kills…

There’s always the possibility that the LRF isn’t your ship type.