Web Player's Statistic Calculator

I like it! (note taking)

Added two donut  graphics and a line chart.

The corporation images will be available soon…

Found the Russian section of the Corporations logo.

I’ll need a bit of time for data entry. @.@

Those donuts are neat!

I don’t understand what the Average Performance Charts actually show though. What are the roman numerals? And the x-axis on the other two graphs?


There’s something to fix to make the data more explanatory XD…


The line graph at the top center indicates the average number of kills, assists and deaths after  1, 2, 3, 4… battles.

The line graph at the bottom left indicates the average number of kills, assists and deaths after  1, 2, 3, 4… hours.

The line graph at the bottom right indicates the average number of PvP wins, PvP loss and PvP played after  1, 2, 3, 4… hours.


3 hours ago, MightyHoot said:

yyy you don’t have that data ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

The line graph at the top center was calculated with the “Average In A Battle” multiplied per battles.

The line graph at the bottom left  and bottom right were calculated with the frequencies of “Average Time For” multiplied per hours.


What’s the average kill in one hour?

TimeFor1Kill  = TotalBattleTime / TotalKill


XKill : TimeForXKill = 1Kill : TimeFor1Kill                  number : time = number : time

X : 1Hour = 1 : TimeFor1Kill                                     number : time = number : time

X = 1 / TimeFor1Kill * 1Hour                                     number = number / time * time

X = 1 * 1Hour / TimeFor1Kill                                     number = number * time / time

KillIn1Hour = 1Hour / TimeFor1Kill                            number = time / time


 myObj.data.pvp.HK = (3600000 / myObj.data.pvp.KillTime).toFixed(2);



Added the “Average Probability For” and the relative chart.

In the chart you’ll find the probability of kill, die and assist 0/5, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 , 4/5 and 5/5.


The graph’s values are calculated using a binomial distribution.




function DoBi(n, x, p) {return binomial(n, x) \* Math.pow(p, x) \* Math.pow(1 - p, n - x);}function binomial(n, k) {var x, coeff = 1;for (x = n-k+1; x \<= n; x++) coeff \*= x;for (x = 1; x \<= k; x++) coeff /= x;return coeff;}




Added 95 custom images of the corp. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

The Img are uploaded in a Imgur Album available to anyone. The ID is i8Q2q

If there’s any problems with your custom logo write it here, i’ll fix it as soon as possible.

Improvements of code and layout afterwards.


function GetImg() {TextArea = document.getElementById("TextArea");var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {if (this.readyState == 4) {TextArea.value +="\n- Img Corp loaded and ready.";TextArea.scrollTop = TextArea.scrollHeight;ImgCorp = JSON.parse(this.responseText); console.log(ImgCorp);}}; xmlhttp.open("GET", "https://api.imgur.com/3/album/i8Q2q/images", true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Client-ID xxxx"); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Accept","application/json"); xmlhttp.send();return;}



How to download the world in an instant XD Wonderful! :3

Implemented the locally store of the image’s index for 1 day.

For to improve the loading of the corporations images and decrease the requests to the Imgur server.


function LoadIDImgCorp() {var ImgTime, TimeNow = new Date().getTime(), Day = 24 \* 60 \* 60 \* 1000;if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") if (localStorage.IDImgCorp && localStorage.IDImgTime) {ImgTime = Number(localStorage.getItem('IDImgTime'));if (ImgTime + Day \> TimeNow) {ImgCorp = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('IDImgCorp'));TextArea.value +="\n- IDImgCorp loaded from memory.";return;}TextArea.value +="\n- IDImgCorp not loaded, older than a day.";}TextArea.value +="\n- IDImgCorp not found in memory.";GetImg();return;}function GetImg() {var TimeNow, xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {ImgCorp = JSON.parse(this.responseText);TextArea.value +="\n- Img Corp loaded and ready.";if (Tag) PrintImgCorp();if (typeof(Storage) !== 'undefined') {TimeNow = new Date().getTime(); localStorage.setItem('IDImgTime', TimeNow); localStorage.setItem('IDImgCorp', this.responseText);TextArea.value +="\n- Img Corp uploaded in local storage.";}TextArea.scrollTop = TextArea.scrollHeight; console.log(ImgCorp);}}; xmlhttp.open("GET", "https://api.imgur.com/3/album/i8Q2q/images", true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Client-ID xxx"); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Accept","application/json"); xmlhttp.send();return;}



Why did you added a captcha, they are just stupidly annoing since it takes like 1min to solve them since the solution is never what it should be.

The reCAPTCHA protect the site against spam and other types of automated abuse.

I can try to add a new version: “Invisible reCAPTCHA”  does not require the user to click on a checkbox.

46 minutes ago, ITalianBadBoy said:

The reCAPTCHA protect the site against spam and other types of automated abuse.

I can try to add a new version: “Invisible reCAPTCHA”  does not require the user to click on a checkbox.

I don*t have a problem with clicking a box, I have only the problem that the box always says I’m a robot and I have to solve a puzzle.

And do you really think that anyone would spam this site by making autonatic player stats requests?

12 hours ago, John161 said:

And do you really think that anyone would spam this site by making autonatic player stats requests?

I don’t think that there is anyone with this interest. And even if it happens, a request every 10 seconds, would not be a problem.

I must to implement in the client a system that prevents at a botnet to make a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) at the Star Conflict API.


12 hours ago, John161 said:

I don*t have a problem with clicking a box, I have only the problem that the box always says I’m a robot and I have to solve a puzzle.

However, several players have informed me that they have the same discomfort in solving this puzzle.

We are working on a system that demands solving the reCAPTCHA after 10 inputs or that requires only once at the beginning.


Changed the comportment of the reCAPTCHA.
Now after the first check it will hide.

Tool will be unavailable for a few hours.

The reason is because we are changing the content management system (CMS) …

Enabled the FTP, database with phpmyadmin, the protections of CloudFlare and

a personal site API for verifying the user’s response of the reCAPTCHA .

Performed a modification to the upper part of the layout, added a checkbox for to display the advanced information:


Several improvements to the code, in particular a filter was added at the nickname for to remove special characters:

(In order to prevent illegitimate requests: Cross-site Scripting attacks)

NickName = document.getElementById('NickName').value.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, '');

Then write “ItalianBadBoy” or “@It*a%lian(Bad)Boy!” is the same.

Implemented CryptoJS and improved the storage of the images index:

  • The data are saved to gether the checksum for to verify its integrity. (SHA3)
  • Before of saving the data are encrypted with a public key. (AES)

So the ID and URL of the corporations images will be kept in local memory for a week, when it’s possible.


/\* \<script src='http://it4ly.altervista.org/CryptoJS/core.js'\>\</script\> \<script src='http://it4ly.altervista.org/CryptoJS/x64-core.js'\>\</script\> \<script src='http://it4ly.altervista.org/CryptoJS/sha3.js'\>\</script\> \<script src='http://it4ly.altervista.org/CryptoJS/evpkdf.js'\>\</script\> \<script src='http://it4ly.altervista.org/CryptoJS/cipher-core.js'\>\</script\> \<script src='http://it4ly.altervista.org/CryptoJS/aes.js'\>\</script\> \<script src='http://it4ly.altervista.org/CryptoJS/enc-base64.js'\>\</script\> \<script src='http://it4ly.altervista.org/CryptoJS/ObjFormatter.js'\>\</script\> \*/function LoadIDImg() {var Now = {Time: new Date().getTime()}, Days = 7 \* 24 \* 60 \* 60 \* 1000, key = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse('xxxxx'), // 256 bit iv = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse('xxxxx');// 256 bitAdvText.value +='\n- Tool: ';try {if(typeof(Storage) === 'undefined') throw "Can't access to the memory.";if(typeof(localStorage.IDImgCorp) === 'undefined') throw 'IDImgCorp not found in memory.';var IDImgCorp = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('IDImgCorp'));if (IDImgCorp.Time + Days \< Now.Time) throw 'IDImgCorp not loaded, older than a week.';Now.Data = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(ObjFormatter.toCipher(IDImgCorp.Data), key, {iv : iv});Now.Data = Now.Data.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);Now.Checksum = CryptoJS.SHA3(Now.Data).toString();if (IDImgCorp.Checksum !== Now.Checksum) throw 'IDImgCorp not loaded, damaged.';} catch(err) {AdvText.value += err;return(false);}ImgCorp = JSON.parse(Now.Data);AdvText.value +='IDImgCorp loaded from memory.';return(true);}function UpLoadIDImg(JSONData) {var key = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse('xxxxx'), // 256 bit iv = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse('xxxxx');// 256 bitAdvText.value +='\n- Tool: ';try {if (typeof(Storage) === 'undefined') throw "Can't access to the memory.";var IDImgCorp = {Time: new Date().getTime(),Checksum: CryptoJS.SHA3(JSONData).toString(),Data: ObjFormatter.toObj(CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(JSONData, key, {iv: iv}))}; localStorage.setItem('IDImgCorp', JSON.stringify(IDImgCorp));} catch(err) {AdvText.value += err;return;}AdvText.value +='IDImgCorp uploaded in memory.';return;}



 Made several improvements:

  • Changed the layout with a two-column  for adaptation to the next update…
  • The corporation logo has been slightly enlarged.
  • Enlarge the graphics and add their titles.
  • The graphics have been brought closer to the source data.
  • Improved data loading for charts.
  • The calculation weight of the binomial distribution has been reduced by 2/3.
  • Enabled HTTPS protocol for secure access to CMS.

To increase the speed and lighten the page loading we remove the link that led to the iFrame in the Italian forum.

  • Now the link goes directly to the tool.
  • Added an anti-brute force plugin.
  • Fixed some HTML writing errors.