Something needs to be done about this

So i’ve had a lot of failed stfs, and since i’m a Ace, I know I don’t know everything, and I know i’m not supposed towin arrow-10x10.png all the time, or even half the time, but there is a point where I can see some issues with teamplay. There have been some bad ones, but this I think is one of my worst. 


*link to image since for some reason it won’t let me insert it*  5QDUQr4.jpg


As a lrf, one of the slowest ships, I should not have the highest efficiency. The entire game me and the guard frigate (name censored for privacy) were the only ones actually doing anything, while wave 1, the other 2 guys ran around trying to not get killed and one STILL died, while me and the guard frigate wiped the freighters. Second wave, I had to snipe ALL the missile turrets, only 1 was not killed by me *that one behind the bulk that I couldn’t reach* and yet again the two small ships ran around while the guard tried to pulsar them and succeeded some, but ultimately they had to run to me, and the ships following them were destroyed by my minefields. Last wave we barely lasted, as both of the small ships died, and me and the guardsoon arrow-10x10.png followed. I’m 99% sure if we had a full team of competent players we would’ve been fine, but we didn’t. Either ban all but gunships or make smaller ships take a competence test solo (some sort of campaign) before they can be used in group pve, since for Aces like me it’s costing us time and money and synergy, while they get practicallyfree arrow-10x10.png dibs. They lack the hull, shield, and damage to do anything decent. The only reason they work in pvp is their potentdisables arrow-10x10.png, or stuff, but those are useless in pve as there are too many smalltargets arrow-10x10.png to shoot before that stuff is useful. I’m sure there are competent fighters out there who can fly them well, but the majority of Aces… well are Aces, and can’t. The fact that a long range frigate, supposedly the worst ship got 3x more efficiency than the best in a pve, and almost 5x more than the worst should be something to you all. And you cansuggest arrow-10x10.png that I do a premade pve, but I don’t have enough friends to do that yet, as again i’m a Ace, and the other thing is players I randomly invite bring their small ships too. So, what are other’s opinions on this? I don’t like bashing people, but there’s a point where… yeah. 

Generally Frigates do better in pve. That said your team mates are in low rank ships.

You’ll get used to this in pve and unless they make single tier pve this will happen. You can carry a team with experience :stuck_out_tongue:

Easily solved : run with friends you trust!


Each ship can do good (or enough to pass the mission), it’s just easier on frigates. On some stage (like pirate-1 and 2), burst damage and speed of cov ops / gunship will make your frigate a useless sitting duck.

Easily solved : run with friends you trust!


Each ship can do good (or enough to pass the mission), it’s just easier on frigates. On some stage (like pirate-1 and 2), burst damage and speed of cov ops / gunship will make your frigate a useless sitting duck.

My Black Dragon disagrees with you. It can solo the first stage easily. As for the second - I would go for covops only if I’m with the team that knows how to defend the transport. Otherwise T5 guard is much more useful (can take down turrets AND enemy mobs the same time - speed is not so much important in this phase). But for the third phase - you have to take something that’s maneuverable enough to dodge big green balls (and have EB installed if you fail on one). 

It can solo it, but can it do it in under 2 min? Each ship can be good. That was my point. It’s a player issue, not a game one.

No, it can’t. Three EM scattering fields -  around 3 minutes for 1st stage. You cannot accelerate the second one thought, and I will to trade that extra minute for successful PvE. I’m scared a little, cause I had to solo this mission 2 times this week already.

One thing to keep in mind is that scoring is effectiveness.  The score is not based only on kills and caps.


In the LR, it is likely that you are taking out laser turrets, as well as the missile launchers, etc.  They have a significant impact on the effectiveness.


And, as mentioned, it is likely you are flying higher ranked ships.


Don’t sell yourself short.  You have a bigger impact on the PvE game than you think.

Nothing needs to be done. Who cares if you’re good? You choose your ship and you do well in it. I have solo’d pretty much most of these missions in a gunship with Singularity Cannons and still come out with sometimes even 6,000 points.

I dont agree with u Sho.


Nothing needs to be done. Who cares if you’re good? You choose your ship and you do well in it. I have solo’d pretty much most of these missions in a gunship with Singularity Cannons and still come out with sometimes even 6,000 points.


Point system needs to be reworked in pve. If u kill the boss u get 20 pts and if you kill small turret u get hundred. Or in Crimson Haze - kill door switch and u get 400 pts. So if u flying alone (not in the squad) and there are newbies or pts hungry players who think that are good because they kill door swithes and small turrets u often endup with 50 + kills - 1000 pts and they have 3000 or more (while u guard their asses). Or in the worst case they die because they dont kill enemy ships in time, so eventually u endup alone and mission fails. Other scenario - veteran players dont kill enemy fighters (only “ground” targets) because their ships can  withstand damage so newbies with low rank ships have to fight with whole enemy “air” force and in most cases they die fast - frustrating for new players. Maybe more points for killing enemy ships, certainly 500+ points for killing the boss.

The problem is nobody cares about efficiency in PvE. 90% or so of the reward is given just by finishing the mission. It won’t matter in the end if you have 0 eff or 6000.