Questions to the developers Summer 2017

Will most of the old ships go through a visual upgrade? Like they did with the empire t2 fighters?

Will the three original factions get some unique new capabilities in order to keep up with ellydium?

Will we be able to “solve” craftes ship parts like “Destroyer internal structures” back  to the required materials sometime?


Or will we be able to disassemble crafted Ships back to their ship parts?

can we get more info for your “secret plan” involving xenochips?

Before i construct any new dessy i want to know if we’ll be able to trade other dessy activator soon (next patch this month for exemple) i’ll feel pretty bad having to wait 3 month just to get my only 1 missing activator screenshot-170616-163728.jpg.36953700e1d4d3b4c2ef0d1adb864838.jpg

i really want the sirius but i’m realy close to get the vigi (even closer to the sirius i can do it today) i don’t want to do any mistake ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

On 6/12/2017 at 10:17 PM, Ebonystar said:

should make one of the Devs a Moderator that way we know all our questions will be read by a Dev :slight_smile: lol  but to my question…today noticed that in PvP its just me vs another human player ok not that bad but the AIs on my team EVERY match are dumber then road kill capture the beacon’s they all head for B where as the enemy AIs 2 head for A and C rest for B and i lose and when its kill 10 enemy’s the moment 1 enemy shows up they all go for it enemy AI has 2-3 that out flank and hit us from behind my teams AI never try to out flank why is this?

its not the player’s its the AI please read what i wrote before closer its the AI programming the AIs on my team seem to be WAY less effective then the AI of the enemy team capture the beacons enemy AI send 1-2 ships to A and C rest to B and the 1 Human player does what he does now my AI team mates all pile B or in kill 10 enemy PvP my team AIs all head after the 1st enemy they see while the enemy AI has 1-3 ships out flank and attack from the side or rear why is this?

just did a PvP match was kill 10 was winning 3 to 1 when for some reason it switches to 3 to 6 why did the numbers switch and when the match was over looked at the team listing it was me and 1 other and bots vs 5 Human players and bots what gives with this?


[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/) (Posted Friday at 08:44 AM)

Unfortunately, we can’t influence players decisions on the battlefield. That’s why it’s a nice way to make some friends and fly with them in squad

Do you intend to encourage squads?


Atm best you can hope for are 2man squads.

With 3 or 4 man you’ll end up in infinite queue.

Will there ever be a way to get Destroyer modules without hoping that the right caches are available and then hoping that we find said cache, and then praying that RnGjesus is on our side and gives us the part we need, our trading for them.

  1. Next patch date and content?

  2. Would Waz’got require new resources for creating/upgrading?

  3. For what would be used xenochips besides buying premium ships ?

  4. What else we would see this summer besides t5 destroyers and ellydiym engineer? 

  5. Who’s next in ellydiym line? 


Squad pilots have special contracts and rewards. It’s more rewarding on many levels.

I’m aware of that. But I’m asking about 3 and 4 man squads. It’s just impossible to play in such atm that’s why I asked about encouragement  for 3/4 man…


It use to be best feature of his game, 4man squads. You could get proper tactics in random que and stuff



We have no plans to extend this feature. Infact some corporations already extended it and made a good software for viewing stats.

*worth asking anyway* I was hoping for access to pilot profile (same as one you can view in game) via api

I can just use mine for that basic stats. *Just hoped for something more*

Those “extended” software are just doing simple math with current api and require daily “database” downloads  ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) 


I have a question.



As is, assuming 1 raw electrum a match and doing nothing but grinding out 5/6 minute pve matches, it would take [7 minutes X 720 electrum] 84 hours to get the parts needed. 84 hours people, EIGHTY-FOUR HOURS.

Please devs, you are killing us here.

Maybe add/increase a/the chance to get enriched electrum in post-battle trophy search?

Alternatively, now that lucky containers are no longer a 5 day login reward maybe we can rework them to be a little more useful.
A) Cut out the xenopanels

B) Toss the raw ore rolls out the window

C) Add 2 enriched electrum roll

D) Leave price the same


What have we acheived here? A method to efficiently drain excess credits while also creating a saner method to get electrum. There are a rather large number of people I have seen say the following: “I would buy lucky containers if half the rolls weren’t worthless to me”. I have also seen a few say “I would buy lucky containers if they didn’t have a chance to roll something I am at full storage on” but we can leave that for another day.


Summary, give me electrum please.

On 06/16/2017 at 0:17 PM, Scar6 said:

Will the three original factions get some unique new capabilities in order to keep up with ellydium?

"CinnamonFake (Posted yesterday at 12:26 PM)
Ellydium was introduced as a equal part of SC factions. So there’s not so much to keep up "


See, ellydium ships are vastly faster and more manouverable than for example federation ships, while also having superior weapons and durability.

It seems obvious that ellydium is superior to the federation, so how can you speak of them as an equally strong faction?

You could balance that out with, for example, more bonuses for the original factions (more shield regen for Jerico, more damage for the Empire, more manouverability for the Federation).


Since ellydium doesn’t receive the nerfs it derserves to even out the battelfield, it only seemed logical to increase the power of the original factions while also making them more unique.

Do you plan to add those bundles again?


How to calculate the mass shield generator module end-healing points with the extra energy points? Whats the ratio between the module and energy cap, or better yet, the formula behind it? 

Why do you guys need a 512x512 version of a logo to add it to the game?

  1. Could we see in the near future Electrum or Beryllium as rewards from Broker Missions? 

  2. What trading items could we see been added in the next patches?

  3. What class of ship for the Ellydium faction is next in the production line?

Hi, i want to have my avatar, is it possible? I dont know where write this. and which format for uppload? 

I saw today the box you get from Ellydium contracts to build the Tai’kin now costs iridium instead of 50.000 credits.




Is this change going to be permanent?


Have it been published in any of the patch notes? (i don’t remember reading nothing about this)


Can we expect the same for Waz’Got and the next ships when new Ellydium ships are being realeased?



Why is Survival so common?


Do you plan to reduce repair costs for Survival, since repair cancels out any income? (Or does Survival simply exist to sell more premium ships and licenses?)


Are you aware of the imbalance it creates? (Vigilants, Taikins with Tailal are absurdly powerful there, even more than in regular pvp)


Is this ‘experimental’ gamemode ever going to disappear?