Payed GFX on ships, but easier to access items - can it work?

Payed GFX on ships, but easier to access items - can it work?

1 kill or one GS gives one “Kred”.


In Dota2 you can only buy skins not skills or heroes - do they not get their money too?

We could grind for GFX like a custom ship thrust trail or icons we could place on beacons when you were first/closest/farthest when capture started or last when it ended or when you contributed the most.


We can already grind for Avatars and kill-speak - we could have a cosmetic-credits resource which allows to rent ship colours for three battles (and perhaps add 25% bonus cr to these battles). “Kred” could be capped to not gain above 3k on a free account.


Have you ever thought about spraying your paint onto asteroids? 10 “Kred” each spray.

Thats what premium currency is supposed to be for, but nooooooooo. Devs took it way too far with “buy power” ships.