…or you are probably way too focused on what happens to you, blaming every entity is attacking you, while other teammates are also being attacked. Record a vid, lets see if you have the gift of being the only ship focused all the time.

There is a fundamental problem with the co-op mode AI opponents that renders the game unplayable with level 10 ships: they AI ships are level 15, have perfect aim, perfect coordination of fire and can move in impossible to duplicate ways. These total up to a total waste of time since any ship from interceptor to destroyer is blown up before you can even locate who’s shooting at you. This also applies to the other PVE missions.


First, the fact that a level 15 ship has vastly superior fire power, shields, modules and specials mean that it takes 3-4 human players all shooting at it at the same time to begin to bring down their shields, let alone actually destroy one. Level 10 ships do not have enough fire power to do the job, even with level 4 upgraded weapons. Missiles usually only serve to mark where the target ship is, and do next to no damage to the shields or hull.


Second, the AI never misses. We have to continually adjust our aim and move, while the AI’s corrections are nearly instantaneous, so any maneuvering you do to try and escape their shots is a waste of time. Once they start hitting your ship, they only stop after you blow up, and that happens very quickly.


Third, I consistently see 4 to 6 enemy ships on my ‘Death Recap’ list, all of whom have contributed both missiles and direct fire damage. Basically if my ship is there, any AI controlled ships will shoot at it, and often all at the same time. Four level 15 ships make a level 10 ship dead 100% of the time, ever time.


And last but not least, the AI can throw their ships around, impossibly close to your ship so you are left with no chance the shoot back. I have never seen an AI ship die in the blast of their own missile, despite being 0-100m away, and they can execute turns as part of their ‘evade the player’s mouse pointer’ type evasive manoeuvers. I’ve taken to using guard frigates with the pulsar and auto fire modules to make up for the fact I can’t turn a ship fast enough to actually hit them at point blank range. Even when I am using my Tai’Kin or Waz’Got, I cannot come close to peeling off and moving around in the “cork stuck under the bathtub spout” manner the AI can do with similar ships.


So with those sorts of advantages, the human players can still take on the lower level ships, where the ships have been ‘normalized’ but at 10th, you’d need to spend a small fortune ($2-300) to put together ships that will survive for more than a few seconds in action.


It’s too bad that the game designers are told to make it that way so the publisher Gaijin can make more money selling the upgrades. It just turns the game into a casino… and I don’t much feel like playing Texas Hold’em on a rigged table.

9 hours ago, Dragolen said:

There is a fundamental problem with the co-op mode AI opponents that renders the game unplayable with level 10 ships: they AI ships are level 15, have perfect aim, perfect coordination of fire and can move in impossible to duplicate ways. These total up to a total waste of time since any ship from interceptor to destroyer is blown up before you can even locate who’s shooting at you. This also applies to the other PVE missions.

You kidding, right?

Let’s take PvE first on the table - R10 is the highest rank that will put you in mid tier PvE. You can solo practically all available maps in that tier. 


Coop is gotten easy and boring. Even in R10. Just out of curiosity checked that for you. So there are 3 modes now -

  1. vs elly ships
  2. vs R11 destroyers
  3. vs standard ships

You need at least 3 ships for this to work:

  1. LRF for the R11 dessies - EM/kinetic resists, as high level gun as possible. Just stay above the map and snipe. 
  2. Guard with full EM shields, positrons and octopus missiles to tank and push bots in those 2 other modes
  3. something fast (if someone else is sniping dessies or engaging enemies and no one is planting/capping) I prefer tackler with cruise engine.
  4. Dessie is helpful, but fully optional

Those ships are working for me the best. Results?





Team deathmatch:





I will upload a video of that last battle here, so you can see that we practically pushed bots to their spawn and then just finished them off. Maybe your builds are wrong, drop me a line if you need a help with setups.


Edit: video link
