Ace's Tai Kin

Since i recently got this fine ship thanks to the 50% deal, very much eager to fly it. I found myself struggling with this ship, really felt there was no information out there i could look up to help myself either. So here is my meager attempt to put some information out there. Despite how complex this game is, not a lot of information is out there for public use. 



Anyone not in possession of the ship might want to know a few things about it. Myself i am very much new to the game, i was unsure how alien ships worked and really didn’t know how much credits and xeno you need after the ship is first built. The upgrade tree has the nodes and to unlock them you need to spend credits, experience and Xenocrystal. The cost of the nodes goes up as you unlock more. Currently i can take the ship to unlock up to rank 9. The current cost of my next node is: 22 xeno, 2.3mil credits and 71.8k exp. You can deselect nodes to reduce you ships rank, so you can play rank 15 one day and rank 6 another.
Each node has different perks, either passive bonuses to the ship like +15% critical chance or adds module slots for engines or active modules. The Special module can also be changed, those are the 5 highlighted nodes in the tree.


As it stands my ship is not yet developed: missing engine modules and not fully upgraded modules etc… I still write this to show the point i thought this ship felt good, the turning point in the tide.


Looking at the ship:


Weapons i currently prefer the T’Har’OK’Beamer. A bit odd to use at first and took me a few games to figure out how to configure it and play it. Not as strong in dog fights as the Pulse Laser or the Shrapnel Cannon, but it can still hold its own in such fights. The main boon to the weapon is what is most fun about recon, killing whales. We’re harpoon-men not pilots, this weapons quick fire feature is built for that. Strafe running along side destroyers and letting the bubble gun do its work. 


Two ship modules i found most important for living are: Static Shield Generator and Combat Shield Generator. These modules give you the staying power you need in a fight and the ability to pause between strafe runs to make sure shields are 100%. 


The modules that broke the tide: Ok so, i was flying with the ship at this point with the equipment stated already, but i really didn’t have a ‘Big Play’. This changed with my active modules being improved. Mainly Crystal Destabilization, this improved my play with strafe runs and gave me zone control against dog fights. Hold down a beacon, just cover it with crystal clouds, EZ.  


To end this post, i want to say that this is not the best way to build, hell its not even finished as you can see in the screenshots. I was doing well in PVP with two empty engine module slots, i only got one 15min before writing this. Finally something dropped that i needed. But if you were like me trying to find a direction with the ship i hope this helps. What i really would like to see is an experienced pilot showing us how they build and play this ship. 








I swear, if this posts gets replaced with random links i will be very angry. Please confirm you’re a real person, also whalecome to the forum, don’t mind me, carry on ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

A: If you like the thar’ok beamer, especially if it’s mainly for the bubble mode, consider using supercooled, doing slow clicks to keep the heat constant allows you to pump out a lot more DPS than with Supernova. The fast projectile will do less damage but I feel its projectile is too slow with supernova.

B: Combat Shield Regenerator is basically must-install on every Alien Ship, Static is very good too but you are not allowed to do anything for 5 seconds. Making it sort of suboptimal on a Tai’Kin unless you are using Camouflage Shield Refractor. I prefer to stick with multiple Combat Shields (generally 2)

C: Yeah you can cover beacon with Crystals, it is very strong but also its exclusive purpose.


In a nutshell: Tai’Kin is OP, considered the best Interceptor in the entire game despite recent nerfs. It becomes even more so when you unlock higher end nodes.

I can share how I have mine set up.






Down the line you get access to Jump Drive, which combined with Emergency Stasis System allows you to oneshot any target with less than 10k HP instantly if you aim correctly. Basically you get to jump into them without taking damage while they do, only downside is you get stunned for a considerable amount of time but that can be offset with Hologram Crystal. 


I used to have Harvest Crystal before but since they nerfed the turn I need  to use Lightweight Hull to get my old turn rate back. So no more regenerative coating.

Mainly just used it to harass cloakers anyway.

Top speed with passive Satellite Crystal is around 750m/s

6 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

I swear, if this posts gets replaced with random links i will be very angry. Please confirm you’re a real person, also whalecome to the forum, don’t mind me, carry on ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Doesn’t look like any of these posts. Since they usually include just random text copied from somewhere else. This one seems to be unique.


For the actual post:


Nodes I would highly recommend at the lower ranks are the two in the first tree that increase the Beacon capture speed and the crit chance. Also the Jump Crystals are usually way stronger than Warp Vortex. These are probably the nodes I would go at a R9 build (I don’t recommend spending resources for the Thermal Hull resistances, the Shield one later are stronger).



I can’t really say much to how much viable a R9 Tai’Kin actually is, since the balancing at that rank highly favors the Premium Recons (Sai, Deimon, Nightingale). Tai’Kin only has it’s full potential at R15. At R15 I usually fly it like one of these two variants (the first one has more damage at the cost of less speed and roation). But these builds are everything but Ace friendly, the only thing they do is Survive and the only way to deal damage is by using the main weapon.




8 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

I swear, if this posts gets replaced with random links i will be very angry. Please confirm you’re a real person, also whalecome to the forum, don’t mind me, carry on ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

 Beep Boop I’m not a bot. 


OmegaFighter and John thanks you for this information, its going to help me a lot. Could you tell me what weapons those are in the screenshots?

17 minutes ago, ginro23232 said:

Beep Boop I’m not a bot. 

Finally lol skynet be cray-cray these days.


Shrapnel cannon, pulse laser and tharok, from bottom to up ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 hour ago, ginro23232 said:

 Beep Boop I’m not a bot. 


OmegaFighter and John thanks you for this information, its going to help me a lot. Could you tell me what weapons those are in the screenshots?

He is running Pulse Laser and I’m using the Pirate Shrapnel Cannon + Iridium Slugs, the normal Shrapnel Cannon also works fine, since the Pirate one isn’t available anymore.