Why does the T3 tackler have to suck so bad?

Hadn’t seen that updated version of the chart, thx. Do you know what the bold rank numbers on the left are about?


Queue 36 happens with R9 squads of 4 sometimes (probably dependant on pop?), while usually it’s still 35; Seems to be that mystical buffer queue?


I dont know, i’ll try to get this info thought and update


On my tackler shout i be a long range pew pew (gauss cannon) or close range (gravi scanner+high frequency oscillator ammo)

On my tackler shout i be a long range pew pew (gauss cannon) or close range (gravi scanner+high frequency oscillator ammo)

which tackler?

I use graviscanner with range ammo on all tacklers

I use graviscanner with range ammo on all tacklers

i have trouble lockin on i have a shaky hand

which tackler?


Depends on your playstyle for Jeri tacklers. Before the Christmas weapons came along, I actually used ions on my Katana AE and went around burning frigates from far far away. 


Gauss requires a decent aim to get those charged shots to land, and IIRC gravis have bad damage so you need someone to help you gang up on whoever you’re zapping. 

i have trouble lockin on i have a shaky hand


If you want to tackle in T3 buy the Bear. 

If you want to tackle in T3 buy the Bear. 


Bear is good for crit focused builds. Since Armadillo is nerfed, it’s an indirect buff for crit builds. Not sure how J1 implant fares against the new Armadillo in light of the nerf.


Parallax does have a rather sweet bonus as well. Uberlow afterburning energy cost, and weapons that cool faster. 


Katana AE isn’t too shabby if you’re careful, and IIRC it has a nice damage bonus.

I played alot with the Desert Eagle, and with a license and everything i usually get 250-300k credits. With the Bear, that’s on the same rank, same tier, the credits reward seems to be alot smaller, 175-200k, with 10-15 kills and everything. I don’t get it. 

Since Armadillo is nerfed, it’s an indirect buff for crit builds.

Only explosion damage reduction was nerfed. Crit dmg reduction stays where it is

I played alot with the Desert Eagle, and with a license and everything i usually get 250-300k credits. With the Bear, that’s on the same rank, same tier, the credits reward seems to be alot smaller, 175-200k, with 10-15 kills and everything. I don’t get it. 

With DE you usually get full death score, or at least a great portion of it. With a gauss bear, you can get a lot of kills, but not that much damage, so your eff score will be less.

With DE you usually get full death score, or at least a great portion of it. With a gauss bear, you can get a lot of kills, but not that much damage, so your eff score will be less.


Thanks for the answer but i don’t think that’s it, i was playing Gauss on both, pretty much the same build. 


With Bear i was a bit less efficient since i’m new on it, but 100-150k difference on roughly the same score is wierd. 

Only explosion damage reduction was nerfed. Crit dmg reduction stays where it is


Oops, my bad then. Nonetheless, if the nerf convinces enough people to adopt J1 instead of F1 Armadillo, crit builds will fare better.

Oops, my bad then. Nonetheless, if the nerf convinces enough people to adopt J1 instead of F1 Armadillo, crit builds will fare better.

Pretty much. I did implant out of Armadillo, for example. With guided torps getting nerfed as well there is a lot of incentive to leave Armadillo behind, but each use case differs of course. Armadillo still has its uses even in its nerfed state.

Thanks for the answer but i don’t think that’s it, i was playing Gauss on both, pretty much the same build. 


With Bear i was a bit less efficient since i’m new on it, but 100-150k difference on roughly the same score is wierd. 

The Deagle has 10% more crit chance and 15% more base weapon damage.

The Bear has 20% more crit damage.


Which means the deagle has a higher chance to crit, and since it’s base damage is higher, overall does more damage. Not to speak about overdrive or active modules that enhance this even further. So the deagle deals more damage than a bear, especially in the same fit.


Also, hard to compare same score, given it could be bomb-carrier or beacon-near kills.

The Deagle has 10% more crit chance and 15% more base weapon damage.

The Bear has 20% more crit damage.


Which means the deagle has a higher chance to crit, and since it’s base damage is higher, overall does more damage. Not to speak about overdrive or active modules that enhance this even further. So the deagle deals more damage than a bear, especially in the same fit.


Also, hard to compare same stats, given it could be bomb-carrier or beacon-near kills.


If you put it like that, i see how you could be right. 

Conclusion, Tacklers can’t jump. Errr…farm credits. 

With DE you usually get full death score, or at least a great portion of it. With a gauss bear, you can get a lot of kills, but not that much damage, so your eff score will be less.


With the Bear/Parallax I can pass the 25 kill score and I was never able to do that with a Gunship (Either DE or Wolf-M) even tho they DPS is higher.

My build for silent fox, works fine despite having 2x pulse discharger, dont remember having energy problems.
