Videos by millanbel

OMG i am SOOO sorry i tought u wrote millanfail… LOLOLO


I need to sleep…

Does it mean you are supporting _ #OmegaFail _ movement too :)?

Does it mean you are supporting _ #OmegaFail _ movement too :)?

I am :smiley:

:frowning: Okay, I’ll make it happen… somewhen

Does it mean you are supporting _ #OmegaFail _ movement too :)?


Does it mean you are supporting _ #OmegaFail _ movement too :)?




This duel was a consequence of ArcTic bragging in English chat about his corp member’s Octopus. The outcome was hard to judge…


My build for this duel was developped with 1v1 in mind. In PvP I use eclipse launcher and EM torps, as well as a shared cooler in one of the engine slots. I also replace the energy emitter with hull station The rest stays the same, and I can post a full build with implants if you ask for it!


I leave it to Kakashi to comment on his build.


How not to fly bubble gunship:



Does it mean you are supporting _ #OmegaFail _ movement too :)?

btw kosty i think we won no more Omega to fail anymore lets celebrate it with kicking Arctic in t2 XD

btw kosty i think we won no more Omega to fail anymore lets celebrate it with kicking Arctic in t2 XD

Why would I wanna do t2?

because u can find Arctic there ?

Sorry, I still don’t see a connection :slight_smile:



No music, I couldn’t decide on something fitting. Just put your favourite music on in the background!

By the way, the aiming reticule for projectile weapons still seems bugged. Looking back at this video, so many of my shots missed that were clearly “on target”

Your sound is 2 seconds behind the image, very painful to watch ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

Your sound is 2 seconds behind the image, very painful to watch ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

Hum, so it is. Thanks for the heads up. Any idea why this could have happened? I checked the original footage and thats fine so it’s either during the cutting or during uploading to youtube.