[Video] New Game Mode Testing

This Winter!

New product


Apple presents:






We should make our sec con logo Apple’s apple logo XD

because the damned tag is “IGoDI”, people are ALWAYS gonna read the I’s, it’s ridiculious. It’s like those xxxxxxx who have xXxbustaxXx on their names. It’s freaking ridiculous and makes no damned sense to people other than 15yo kids… People who don’t know the corp’s name will read the I’s out of principle.


I godi. Tehe… It’s funny if you read it like that.


xXxP*ssySlayer777xXx takes no prisoners.

The experience was fun, but other than that, it is obvious that the 3rd in discord will be always the winner, so in case of a “competitive” match, the one who joins the fray later will win.


Except if you play with some other rules like flags, EMP bombs or king of the hill style.

The experience was fun, but other than that, it is obvious that the 3rd in discord will be always the winner, so in case of a “competitive” match, the one who joins the fray later will win.


Except if you play with some other rules like flags, EMP bombs or king of the hill style.


Or maybe have 4 corps… OWL told me they would be interested for next weekend!  Then there would be 2x 1v1, and then the winners of those would fight to the victory!  Unless… at the start four corps all rush into massive brawl, which would be epic anyway!

The experience was fun, but other than that, it is obvious that the 3rd in discord will be always the winner, so in case of a “competitive” match, the one who joins the fray later will win.


Except if you play with some other rules like flags, EMP bombs or king of the hill style.

You must have seen a different match. We did kill a bunch of GoD ships, even in our weakened state. Maybe we weren’t victorious, but by god, we gave them what for. Face-torping people isn’t exactly skill, anyway… <.<

Apple presents:




i prefer the iGoD, the iGod| screen is too big

i prefer the iGoD, the iGod| screen is too big

Now with less bending.

we will adapt the rules for next games to its not 1vs1 and 1vs1


By choosing the corp with most kills as the winner this will be more entertaining.

we will adapt the rules for next games to its not 1vs1 and 1vs1

By choosing the corp with most kills as the winner this will be more entertaining.

How will we count?

by having a referee and a video of it

the referee could monitor the kill feed and make a tally for the kills for each corp

the referee could monitor the kill feed and make a tally for the kills for each corp

The referee already has a difficult job giving a proper start… Will he be capable of counting kills as well?

you can have more than one referee


at the moment this setup is under discussion at the Devs

at the moment this setup is under discussion at the Devs


Interesting :slight_smile:


Well if this is going to be an official tournament, a lot needs to be sorted out, for example:


  • all teams equal distance to police/turrets spawns

  • map is “fair” (as in no corp get’s more cover than another)

  • prevent non participants from joining the sector

  • make sure aliens do not spawn in (or spawn in equi-distant from all particiapants)

  • server designation, made more difficult by the fact that there is no way we can choose a server in Invasion…

  • reimburse sector-to-sector travel costs (not all participants can travel easily from Jericho to Fed to meet up for example) or remove them from the game entirely *ahem* *ahem*


All this except the last point could be solved if the devs introduce a custom made, easily modifiable Arena sector, where such epic battles could take place.  Maybe a modified version of Fort Muerto.

What the… Racing Game Mode doesnt get a custom map but Corp Wars might? Definitely not fair!

For checkpoints you could use mechanics similar to the movement tutorial gates. You could have yellow bonuses like in TDM that boost your own speed. You could add warpgates like the “Abandoned Outpost” map.

The mechanics are already there. Just put them together around any map for a fun racing map.

come on…please read more carefully


I did neither say it is the final setup nor its the only possible tournament mode!!!

What the… Racing Game Mode doesnt get a custom map but Corp Wars might? Definitely not fair!

For checkpoints you could use mechanics similar to the movement tutorial gates. You could have yellow bonuses like in TDM that boost your own speed. You could add warpgates like the “Abandoned Outpost” map.

The mechanics are already there. Just put them together around any map for a fun racing map.

Well i defently understand what u mean … but try to understand this… we have squads … and we use them in anyway its posible … pvp, pve, open space … same thing with wings … u dont have them in pvp nor pve … but in sector conquest and openspace u can form a wing … and becoz this still is a *Space Shooter* game i’m more of supporting Teamplay … and the bigger the team the more fun … and becoz i like massive war’s … this is perfect … now to come back to a race mod in the game … i wud dislike it to see it among the pvp battles :s srry … but if they wud make somthing like that … i think its fine if they place it in a custom battle so they can use it when ever its needed … *But* thats not up to me to deside … this is just my opinion…

I can make a software that will count the kills. Just ask politely :) 

Make a software that counts the amount of times we have died. Make it so you can see it ingame.

Make a software that allows us to see the amount of players in hangar and the amoun of players queuing for each PVP and PVE tier.


Make a software to bring world peace please.