Taunt contest (Works)

Not to be “that” guy but it seems they’ve updated the rules?


  • Only one taunt is accepted from each participant (means you should post  only one  taunt);


Time to update your posts fellas

Sir you have been hunted



“Let my face be the last thing you see”



“Ouch! that looks like it hurts!”



You are just as the stars, teem with life… and death.



  stop making fool of yourself


 NIck: Ruda007

S e e  y o u ,  s p a c e  c o w b o y          (Note: Cowboy Bebop reference)


- I…hit something?


  • Baby you’re a firework!


  • We hope you have a pleasant journey.


  • Did you remember to switch on airplane mode?


  • Better stick to PvE, aye?


  • That’ll be 5000 credits for the missile delivery fees, GST inclusive, thank you very much!


  • Thank you for flying with Crayfish airlines!


  • We hope to see you next time!




  • What is love?



Note: I’m not sure whether it’s one submission or one accepted. If it’s one submission, then the  bold  taunt is the one I wanna submit. If not, then everything’s ok :stuck_out_tongue:

  stop making fool of yourself


  Ingame nick: Ruda007


Im not a killer… Enjoy my beacon capture medals!



My all time favourite: 


"I’m very happy to disappoint you…"


Nick: Hemicrania

“Every action generates a reaction !”



Taunt: Don’t worry, I’ll put in my records you fought bravely!


Nick: BlackStorm

Taunt: You have been upgraded to the wreck 2.0

Nick: lordanpu

“Ooops…thought  it was my Ex”

" Heeeeere’s Johnny!!!"

“My insurance will cover it”

“Talk to the hand”

“Back to the end of the line for you”

“You better have lunch money next time”

“It must suck being you right now”

“Would it kill you to say thanks?”

“Plenty more where this came from”



“Do you think it works!?”

  • Entersprite

“Here, have some ammo!”

  • g4borg

What did you expect ?

“Mess with the best, die like the rest…”



ps. I’m not HELO :stuck_out_tongue:

“I have no idea what I’m doing.” :rudolf:


Nick: Theorax0815

“I am not a Mortician, but I know DEAD when I see one”


in game name: TUF