Something Something

10 Years Til 'lowaty

stuff for later



18656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649459
20576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690472
21053 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674493
16257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726514
22013 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837574
22494 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833588
19617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799564
21535 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839593
19137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846613
17212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850585
22979 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850601
18180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851600
20096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853604
16739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851600
17698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831586
18657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831586
20577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.911643
21054 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.168824
16258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.138805
15773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.829290
22014 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.092772
22495 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.089771
19618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.097775
21536 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035731
17213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.026742
20097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.047740
19138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.082748
18181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.060748
22980 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.075759
16740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.072759
18658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.088768
17699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.088768
20578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.263891
21055 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793545
16259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915646
15774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.007711
22015 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.920667
22496 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919648
19619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914650
21537 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949671
17214 kurwa nie działa
17214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002690
18182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.100795
19139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.107784
20098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.152816
22981 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.166826
16741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.157817
18659 kurwa nie działa
18659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.140806
17700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.140806
20579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971688
21056 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974686
16260 kurwa nie działa
16260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909642
15775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821580
22016 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.823564
22497 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876620
19620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884619
21538 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900635
17215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000707
19140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861607
18183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868596
20099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843595
22982 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877617
16742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878621
18660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884642
17701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.893632
20580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850600
21057 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856605
16261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866611
15776 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868614
22017 kurwa nie działa
22017 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862609
22498 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834587
19621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.865611
21539 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845596
17216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758535
19141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767542
18184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818595
20100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.828583
22983 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.962698
18661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949670
16743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968682
17702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953672
20581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.989699
21058 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.994702
16262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.980692
22499 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.980693
19622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.976689
21540 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971686
17217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997722
19142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992700
18185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.941647
20101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914647
15777 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.264893
22984 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803550
18662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803551
22018 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.312927
16744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825583
17703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820579
20582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809571
21059 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795563
16263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756535
22500 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766541
19623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793560
21541 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812573
17218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793544
19143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795562
18186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790558
20102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802567
15778 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850602
22985 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.874618
18663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.874618
16745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.872616
17704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878620
20583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778549
21060 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781551
16264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804567
22501 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844596
19624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785556
21542 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741525
19144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875618
20103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857604
17219 kurwa nie działa
17219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.888626
18187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885642
15779 kurwa nie działa
15779 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771559
22986 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733516
18664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745524
16746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716505
17705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819580
20584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696491
21061 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.816576
16265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762539
21543 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676476
22019 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.014422
19625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697491
22502 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704497
20104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629446
19145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639468
17220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725512
18188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720493
15780 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729499
22987 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725514
18665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728532
16747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740524
17706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640451
20585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683483
21062 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728523
16266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725514
21544 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729514
22020 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801566
22503 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851601
19626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.847581
20105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695489
19146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691473
18189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697483
17221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703504
15781 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925655
22988 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.922667
18666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909627
16748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898634
17707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900636
20586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.938662
16267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.893629
21063 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.912635
21545 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884626
22021 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.936662
22504 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.962680
19627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.963698
19147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.955690
20106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973688
18190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.023717
17222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.032728
15782 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863608
22989 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864607
18667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861625
16749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862610
17708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870614
20587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758535
16268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682481
21064 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678479
21546 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689485
22022 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649457
22505 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655462
19628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660450
19148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671474
20107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679480
18191 kurwa nie działa
18191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.530390
17223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608431
15783 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571404
22990 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571390
17709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580411
18668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618435
16750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621421
20588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.546387
16269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620440
21065 kurwa nie działa
21065 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615453
21547 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609431
22023 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580410
22506 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640453
19629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649459
20108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629443
19149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660450
18192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636434
17224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639450
22991 kurwa nie działa
22991 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
15784 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645454
17710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628443
18669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629444
16751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652463
20589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642454
16270 kurwa nie działa
16270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574404
21066 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575398
21548 kurwa nie działa
21548 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574422
22024 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578409
19150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.555391
20109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566400
22507 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608432
19630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593420
18193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.592417
17225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594420
22992 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610431
15785 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617452
17711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621438
18670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.605427
16752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.586412
20590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699493
21067 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726502
21549 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728498
16271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739522
22025 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670473
19151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671474
22508 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758533
20110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763536
19631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761537
18194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786555
17226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795562
22993 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744525
15786 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745510
17712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860608
18671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860608
16753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853602
20591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896633
21068 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807570
16272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804570
21550 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813574
22026 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839594
19152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841576
22509 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796562
20111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801567
19632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795563
18195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.881622
22994 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795563
15787 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794562
17227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809571
18672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813601
17713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.847624
16754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.847626
16273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656489
20592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673501
21069 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675504
21551 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718534
22027 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871640
19153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731543
22510 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742551
20112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766568
19633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830612
22995 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718533
18196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739548
15788 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733544
17228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743550
18673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724511
17714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720509
16755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
20593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717506
16274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757535
21070 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777549
21552 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730516
22028 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617436
19154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593420
22511 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569401
20113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648457
19634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590416
22996 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627443
18197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633447
15789 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612432
17229 kurwa nie działa
17229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612434
18674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726513
17715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.962680
16756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965681
20594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952672
16275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.922651
21071 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901636
21553 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892630
22029 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947669
19155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952673
22512 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949670
20114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875617
19635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876619
22997 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875618
18198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879621
15790 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879622
17230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.881621
18675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737538
17716 kurwa nie działa
16757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.531392
17716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.541383
20595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.541383
21072 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579409
16276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593420
21554 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594403
22030 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685484
19156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692490
22513 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689488
20115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671476
19636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692490
22998 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678479
17231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665471
18199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683481
15791 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698492
18676 kurwa nie działa
18676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684465
17717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632430
16758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670458
20596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659467
16277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616434
21073 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621439
21555 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621438
22031 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.508382
19157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.546409
22514 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.518389
20116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588436
19637 kurwa nie działa
19637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596444
22999 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571428
17232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571426
18200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604451
15792 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595460
18677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587440
17718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588438
16759 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577430
21074 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.559402
20597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.583434
16278 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575429
21556 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619461
22032 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.559396
19158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.614434
22515 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622440
20117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.541383
19638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612431
23000 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.586412
17233 kurwa nie działa
17233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639452
15793 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601408
18201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615433
18678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574404
17719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615435
16760 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606426
16279 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613433
21075 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624441
20598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634447
21557 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615434
22033 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.592416
19159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601424
22516 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.602425
20118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673478
19639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618438
23001 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651460
17234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659466
18202 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656464
15794 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664469
18679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732519
17720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684484
16761 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806591
16280 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784576
21076 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794580
20599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808626
21558 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933720
22034 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.913707
19160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849662
22517 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868673
20119 kurwa nie działa
20119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878682
19640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849658
23002 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.935722
17235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.928731
18203 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919711
15795 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925713
18680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900714
17721 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.920709
16762 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795617
21077 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794602
16281 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811615
20600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792565
21559 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704498
22035 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736519
22518 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688486
19161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726511
20120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627443
19641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624443
23003 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618436
17236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591401
18204 kurwa nie działa
18204 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625440
15796 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621441
18681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609413
17722 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.584413
16763 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580393
21078 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608430
16282 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598421
20601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598423
21560 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.602426
22036 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574415
22519 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620438
20121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597420
19642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591416
19162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636465
23004 kurwa nie działa
23004 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.583413
17237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579409
15797 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581411
18205 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610432
18682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600440
17723 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615434
16764 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621455
21079 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582412
16283 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591417
20602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589416
22037 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613424
21561 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630445
22520 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.544384
20122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594437
19163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582396
19643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657464
23005 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650476
17238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722510
18206 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767541
15798 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819579
18683 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782536
17724 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842595
21080 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829585
16765 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846581
16284 kurwa nie działa
16284 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844596
20603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841594
21562 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735517
22038 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742523
22521 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808571
20123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830569
19164 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826582
19644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764541
23006 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760519
17239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844596
18207 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787557
15799 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774546
18684 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824581
21081 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756534
17725 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776547
16766 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770543
16285 kurwa nie działa
16285 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764541
20604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787555
22039 kurwa nie działa
22039 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777551
21563 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787556
22522 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735519
19165 kurwa nie działa
19165 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759536
20124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776564
19645 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774545
23007 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734519
17240 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648459
18208 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597420
15800 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697493
18685 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624441
21082 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612432
17726 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641453
16767 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635456
16286 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636449
20605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685485
22040 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672473
21564 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748530
22523 kurwa nie działa
22523 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728514
19166 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689487
20125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812559
19646 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815576
23008 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743525
17241 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685499
18209 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685501
15801 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679480
18686 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666470
21083 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673477
17727 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697494
16287 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695490
16768 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701495
20606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635448
22041 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660483
21565 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603424
22524 kurwa nie działa
22524 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595420
19167 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619454
20126 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547385
19647 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622439
23009 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634447
17242 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609415
18210 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623423
15802 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.565399
18687 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601425
21084 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604425
16288 kurwa nie działa
16288 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.545388
17728 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558394
16769 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571403
20607 kurwa nie działa
20607 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612433
22042 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.584396
21566 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577408
22525 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.586414
19168 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585400
20127 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617436
19648 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591418
17243 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604427
23010 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629461
18211 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639452
15803 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617435
18688 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645456
21085 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641454
16289 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.631444
17729 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629444
16770 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640469
20608 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596421
21567 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590416
22043 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617435
22526 kurwa nie działa
22526 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595420
19169 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663466
20128 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690488
17244 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795577
19649 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.840610
23011 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799548
18212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761545
15804 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846597
18689 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.016716
21086 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018718
17730 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.014732
16290 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.021737
16771 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018702
20609 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015716
21568 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.103780
22044 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.102779
22527 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.100777
19170 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.977689
20129 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937661
19650 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757518
17245 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811574
23012 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809572
18213 kurwa nie działa
18213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802558
15805 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857605
18690 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691495
21087 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698493
17731 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699478
16291 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705483
16772 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700495
21569 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598422
20610 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707499
22528 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596421
22045 kurwa nie działa
22045 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606427
19171 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600424
20130 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.602425
19651 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582410
17246 kurwa nie działa
17246 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594419
23013 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596420
18214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627443
15806 kurwa nie działa
15806 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647458
18691 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892622
21088 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884625
16292 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873616
17732 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885626
16773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846612
22529 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835592
20611 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849599
21570 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850600
22046 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845598
19172 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849600
20131 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.907642
19652 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.902638
17247 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837608
23014 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839592
18215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943667
15807 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.920650
18692 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.926655
21089 kurwa nie działa
21089 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.921656
16293 kurwa nie działa
16293 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.922650
17733 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.016716
16774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.016719
22530 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.043736
21571 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.038735
20612 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.102780
22047 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.099793
19653 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.916647
17248 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915630
23015 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915647
18216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901636
20132 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.108786
15808 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843600
18693 kurwa nie działa
18693 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601446
21090 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644453
16294 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636454
19173 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.499064
17734 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597427
16775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600429
22531 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686489
21572 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696496
22048 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738512
20613 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763542
17249 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760559
19654 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762545
23016 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780556
18217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837597
20133 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883625
15809 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.927655
18694 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073741
21091 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.090772
16295 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.117790
19174 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.171827
17735 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.125795
16776 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.123793
22532 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.008712
21573 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.037734
22049 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.989698
20614 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000708
17250 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.006696
19655 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018719
23017 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.999706
18218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885625
20134 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.939664
15810 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841611
18695 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813574
21092 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753531
16296 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776548
19175 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757535
17736 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787557
16777 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790574
22533 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.874618
21574 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854603
22050 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791574
20615 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790557
17251 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.828583
19656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826583
23018 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.903653
18219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870614
20135 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.913643
15811 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914647
18696 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960679
21093 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.995705
21575 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.086766
16297 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.455027
20616 kurwa nie działa
20616 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.234889
19657 kurwa nie działa
19657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.683188
17737 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.013421
18697 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.187854
22051 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.913335
16298 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655464
16778 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.030434
19176 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.138508
17252 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.901342
21094 kurwa nie działa
20617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733501
21094 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.245878
23019 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.818269
22534 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.021442
15812 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.583116
18220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.796269
20136 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.614144
21576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.271898
19658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002708
18698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.104764
22052 kurwa nie działa
22052 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.097774
16299 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.098774
17738 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.135802
16779 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.133784
17253 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.088753
19177 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.098792
20618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.086782
23020 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.109782
22535 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.122777
21095 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.134800
18221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.125811
15813 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.138805
20137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.122805
21577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985700
19659 kurwa nie działa
19659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712517
18699 kurwa nie działa
18699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737521
16300 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752531
22053 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761537
17739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743523
16780 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728514
17254 kurwa nie działa
17254 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822580
19178 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821581
20619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827569
23021 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803568
22536 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857606
21096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857622
20138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849582
15814 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.911627
18222 kurwa nie działa
18222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917632
21578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.894628
19660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919645
18700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.031728
16301 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.020722
22054 kurwa nie działa
22054 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011716
17740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.020737
16781 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011729
17255 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917647
19179 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943666
20620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943665
23022 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.942665
22537 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968689
21097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986681
20139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.984712
15815 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954673
18223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960678
21579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909642
19661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.981683
18701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.094773
16302 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.088770
22055 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.135802
17741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.134802
16782 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.138804
17256 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.120808
19180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.159802
23023 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.162822
20621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.179842
22538 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.098771
21098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.117788
20140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.119774
15816 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.101784
18224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.095789
21580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.139803
19662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.963687
18702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813573
16303 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817574
22056 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.930657
17742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.930641
16783 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.932659
19181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861608
17257 kurwa nie działa
17257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.932641
23024 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863608
22539 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834589
20622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848590
20141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880622
21099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.893630
15817 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897627
18225 kurwa nie działa
18225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.922636
21581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.963680
19663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998698
18703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956690
16304 kurwa nie działa
16304 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.948684
22057 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967683
17743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.963696
19182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.976690
16784 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986680
17258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985698
20623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.980692
22540 kurwa nie działa
22540 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991700
23025 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.044754
21100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.941682
15818 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.934661
20142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956676
18226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.904636
21582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706500
19664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819579
18704 kurwa nie działa
18704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768545
16305 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797549
22058 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645454
17744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649443
19183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632447
16785 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863609
17259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863610
20624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863609
22541 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880623
21101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831571
23026 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844579
15819 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848598
18227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897651
20143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.926655
21583 kurwa nie działa
21583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.950672
19665 kurwa nie działa
19665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860607
18705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949654
16306 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.950671
22059 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997707
17745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997704
19184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018719
17260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.852599
16786 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877636
20625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871616
22542 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851616
21102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886626
23027 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883625
15820 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870618
18228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.890613
20144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870614
21584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838590
19666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947669
18706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.994718
16307 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988698
17746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.056745
19185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.053744
17261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.054745
21103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011714
23028 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009710
15821 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010727
18229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967683
20145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.026725
21585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.039735
19667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.907641
16787 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.351938
20626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.376972
22543 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.381961
18707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726497
16308 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707500
17747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722511
19186 kurwa nie działa
19186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728513
17262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691488
21104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686484
22060 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.909345
23029 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789557
15822 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803550
18230 kurwa nie działa
18230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777565
20146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718507
21586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712503
19668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670473
16788 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805569
22544 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802565
20627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825582
16309 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806569
18708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817593
17748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.858621
19187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.828584
17263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825584
21105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841595
22061 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842595
15823 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772528
23030 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789559
20147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773547
18231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787539
21587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769559
19669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759535
22545 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.923651
16789 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.969701
20628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.924656
16310 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837591
18709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.840576
19188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846598
17749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863594
17264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914644
21106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.921650
22062 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.906657
15824 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873634
23031 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891612
20148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885624
21588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974674
18232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.014716
19670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.983694
22546 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696494
20629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691485
16790 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702480
16311 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743525
18710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739524
19189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832604
17750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821581
17265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765556
21107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771545
22063 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769527
15825 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770536
23032 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759536
20149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864612
21589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.930655
18233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919649
19671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.931659
22547 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004709
20630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.003725
16791 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.003709
16312 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986696
18711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.089767
17751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992700
19190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.036716
17266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.042722
22064 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.983710
21108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997720
15826 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.987681
23033 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986698
20150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891628
21590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886626
18234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886628
19672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849598
22548 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750528
20631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853587
16792 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.858606
16313 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836591
18712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805570
17752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877620
19191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967699
17267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.989697
22065 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.984678
21109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988682
15827 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991700
23034 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010712
20151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.001706
21591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933659
19673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.969685
18235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.046739
22549 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027727
20632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027725
16793 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.026733
16314 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.043736
18713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.108783
17753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.157816
19192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.248866
17268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.200850
21110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.192858
15828 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.193842
22066 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.211873
20152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.178834
23035 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.180840
21592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.094772
19674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.270898
18236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.216859
22550 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.151813
20633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.052743
16794 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.360952
16315 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.339946
18714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.203848
17754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.136802
19193 kurwa nie działa
19193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.938663
21111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952656
17269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991699
15829 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998689
22067 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998689
20153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.081757
21593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.080762
23036 kurwa nie działa
23036 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.094768
19675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859607
18237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866611
22551 kurwa nie działa
20634 kurwa nie działa
22551 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873615
20634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864610
16795 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798564
16316 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.030728
18715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.029728
17755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.017720
19194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004725
21112 kurwa nie działa
21112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.977706
17270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.945667
22068 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.931658
15830 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933666
20154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.077761
21594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073757
23037 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073757
19676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.149812
18238 kurwa nie działa
18238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.128796
22552 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.127796
20635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.208868
16796 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.141806
16317 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.189839
18716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.229869
17756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.117789
19195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.116773
21113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.117774
17271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.116804
22069 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.116781
15831 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.128788
21595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.036734
20155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.056746
23038 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.055761
19677 kurwa nie działa
19677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000706
18239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.024723
22553 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.060750
20636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985681
16797 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.050741
16318 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.924653
18717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898633
17757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753547
19196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.951671
21114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952687
17272 kurwa nie działa
17272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974673
22070 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990713
15832 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986697
21596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915646
23039 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.902620
20156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.912644
19678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956676
18240 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954676
22554 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929656
20637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929674
16798 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713504
16319 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666471
18718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658464
17758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717491
19197 kurwa nie działa
19197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637449
21115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636433
17273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618437
22071 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643441
15833 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640452
21597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579408
23040 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606429
20157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616433
19679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594417
18241 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595419
22555 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587414
20638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597406
16799 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618437
16320 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615434
18719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610433
17759 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648458
19198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709502
21116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709502
17274 kurwa nie działa
17274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701510
22072 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744524
15834 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749529
21598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747529
23041 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817578
20158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809589
19680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862611
18242 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.865627
22556 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.865611
20639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.888626
16800 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.941664
16321 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.908641
18720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915644
17760 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.939663
19199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896632
21117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.895648
17275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900620
22073 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817578
15835 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820580
21599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853601
23042 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754533
20159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753532
19681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674475
22557 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761538
18243 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780535
20640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737537
16801 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815574
16322 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868615
18721 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864629
17761 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900637
19200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943666
21118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943650
17276 kurwa nie działa
17276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946669
22074 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973688
15836 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965681
21600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968683
23043 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973685
20160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968666
19682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.945669
22558 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883624
18244 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880621
20641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898617
16802 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734520
16323 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693488
18722 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698475
17762 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722509
19201 kurwa nie działa
19201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723512
21119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734518
17277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734534
22075 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700510
15837 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704497
21601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699496
23044 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.912660
20161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.921651
19683 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.939663
22559 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933659
20642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.012715
16803 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002708
16324 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.921651
18723 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.935662
17763 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876617
19202 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.030727
18245 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.554097
21120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.052743
17278 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.076760
22076 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.091755
15838 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.092773
23045 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.888612
20162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.936661
19684 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986696
22560 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961679
20643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.894631
16804 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.905639
16325 kurwa nie działa
16325 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.920651
18724 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917648
17764 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892631
18246 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697492
19203 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702496
21121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685500
22077 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643472
17279 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659450
15839 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655462
23046 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603427
20163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581411
19685 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.552390
22561 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547402
20644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.506375
16805 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.500353
16326 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.490347
18725 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.513363
17765 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.509360
18247 kurwa nie działa
18247 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577408
19204 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582411
21122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580394
22078 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637448
17280 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642469
15840 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628443
23047 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610430
20164 kurwa nie działa
20164 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587414
19686 kurwa nie działa
19686 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563413
22562 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547371
20645 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.559378
16806 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700495
16327 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761535
18726 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731527
17766 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741522
18248 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666471
19205 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753532
21123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836589
22079 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781553
17281 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780551
15841 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779550
23048 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795563
20165 kurwa nie działa
20165 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794562
19687 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773531
22563 kurwa nie działa
20646 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758536
22563 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770543
16807 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669473
16328 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667488
18727 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659454
17767 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726514
18249 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832586
19206 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743523
21602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.738639
21124 kurwa nie działa
21124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676478
22080 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689487
17282 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690474
15842 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693489
20166 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730515
23049 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739521
19688 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735519
22564 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803567
20647 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809573
16808 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746525
16329 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690472
18728 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726517
17768 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802567
19207 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990701
18250 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996721
21603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.019720
21125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010715
22081 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.008711
17283 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.007694
15843 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000707
20167 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.955674
23050 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009714
22565 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.977692
20648 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972685
16809 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985713
16330 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971685
18729 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.980692
17769 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937662
19689 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.532082
19208 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704498
18251 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767526
21604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742524
21126 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743540
22082 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727530
15844 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729532
17284 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729532
20168 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720509
23051 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671474
22566 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623439
20649 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623456
16810 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659449
16331 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696491
18730 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652477
17770 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732516
19690 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819577
19209 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818577
18252 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.903638
21605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.899633
21127 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.912629
22083 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917632
17285 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914630
23052 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901634
15845 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.922651
20169 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.916663
22567 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910641
16811 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861625
20650 kurwa nie działa
20650 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915633
16332 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.908642
18731 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.935644
17771 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860608
19691 kurwa nie działa
19691 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.924654
19210 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915646
18253 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775548
21606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789559
22084 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763555
21128 kurwa nie działa
21128 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776563
17286 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767557
23053 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765540
20170 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762555
15846 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771528
22568 kurwa nie działa
22568 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768551
16812 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788556
20651 kurwa nie działa
20651 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784567
16333 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721509
18732 kurwa nie działa
18732 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724512
17772 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771545
19692 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681479
19211 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678483
18254 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680481
21607 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690486
22085 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684467
17287 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675460
21129 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690471
23054 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686502
20171 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680480
15847 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710502
22569 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712512
20652 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690488
16813 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695475
16334 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682483
18733 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687485
17773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.568417
19693 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593420
19212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597432
18255 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588429
21608 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675478
17288 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686484
21130 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697494
23055 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697477
20172 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702479
15848 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672474
22086 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724528
22570 kurwa nie działa
22570 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674460
20653 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782535
16814 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793559
16335 kurwa nie działa
16335 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794560
18734 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770543
17774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729499
19694 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792560
19213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786540
18256 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815561
17289 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752533
21609 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781552
21131 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739522
23056 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743525
20173 kurwa nie działa
20173 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762540
15849 kurwa nie działa
15849 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766541
22087 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775531
22571 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772544
20654 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666471
16815 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660467
16336 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674475
18735 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699495
17775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669473
19695 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664469
19214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674460
18257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692487
17290 kurwa nie działa
17290 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675490
21610 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681480
21132 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687501
23057 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678479
20174 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663467
15850 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670492
22088 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660484
20655 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659465
16816 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660483
22572 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677480
16337 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667472
18736 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641451
17776 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705497
19215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.932659
19696 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.955675
18258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909660
17291 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953660
21611 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949671
21133 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960662
23058 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.005711
20175 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009716
15851 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013698
22089 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.047723
20656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.043754
16817 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.040717
22573 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.044755
16338 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027726
18737 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.107782
17777 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.012715
19216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.980692
19697 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982692
18259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971668
17292 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879620
21612 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.931658
21134 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.923652
23059 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.881621
15852 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869614
20176 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891626
16818 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.920650
20657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954656
22090 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972687
22574 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.950656
18738 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854604
16339 kurwa nie działa
16339 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956675
17778 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862609
19217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972686
19698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.237875
20658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.007729
17779 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.936677
21135 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.173828
20177 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.153814
18739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.005709
16819 kurwa nie działa
16819 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.086767
22091 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.054746
18260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.297920
15853 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.200848
22575 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.064740
17293 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.307941
21613 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.247879
23060 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.239893
16340 kurwa nie działa
16340 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073767
19218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648458
20659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728497
19699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738523
17780 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753516
21136 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766542
20178 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767542
16820 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746544
18740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777566
18261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749527
22092 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754529
15854 kurwa nie działa
15854 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811573
22576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817579
21614 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812575
17294 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818578
23061 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813566
16341 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818568
19219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760553
20660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.072757
19700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.120789
17781 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.110784
20179 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.080763
21137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.088773
16821 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.072757
18741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.096758
18262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.092788
22093 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.109801
15855 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.046738
22577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.046737
21615 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.121792
19220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013699
20661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671474
19701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627445
17295 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.584120
23062 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.692194
16342 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.693195
17782 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779553
20180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778551
21138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789553
16822 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793544
18742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797566
18263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792545
22094 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779533
15856 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779551
22578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798565
21616 kurwa nie działa
21616 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729515
19221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765540
20662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702496
19702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708498
17296 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717506
23063 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720509
17783 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724508
16343 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771545
20181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736520
21139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724512
18743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766539
16823 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801567
18264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773544
22095 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774547
15857 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774547
22579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869614
21617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868612
19222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971687
20663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.056746
19703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.047741
17297 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.068753
23064 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.034729
17784 kurwa nie działa
17784 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988699
16344 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.989699
20182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988702
21140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993701
18744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.932671
18265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960680
16824 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.969685
22096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.966683
15858 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982693
22580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.994702
19223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724511
21618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996720
20664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886626
17298 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855603
19704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887627
23065 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925655
16345 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917648
17785 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.930656
21141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909641
20183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.923648
18745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.905625
18266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875616
16825 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871614
22097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873616
15859 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857623
22581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.934660
21619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.931643
19224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.141806
20665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878620
19705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.001707
17299 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011716
23066 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.940664
16346 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949670
17786 kurwa nie działa
17786 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.948686
21142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952672
20184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.977690
18746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.983711
18267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.987715
16826 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986713
22098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.987697
15860 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992684
22582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832586
21620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832585
19225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859607
20666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765540
19706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711502
17300 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717507
23067 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755548
16347 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787558
17787 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800550
21143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.828586
20185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815574
18747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822566
16827 kurwa nie działa
16827 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820563
18268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841579
22099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837594
15861 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.872617
22583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830588
21621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839594
19226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801566
20667 kurwa nie działa
20667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892630
19707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028727
17301 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.070756
16348 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993700
17788 kurwa nie działa
17788 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.983694
21144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.080763
20186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.064769
18748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.056744
16828 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.051758
18269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.056758
22100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.051739
15862 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015716
22584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018719
21622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.033730
19227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.119790
20668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.165824
19708 kurwa nie działa
19708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.959676
17302 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.908658
16349 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.071757
17789 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.070754
21145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.940663
20187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002690
18749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002725
16829 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073742
18270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.057734
22101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.057763
15863 kurwa nie działa
15863 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.056745
22585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.067754
21623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.045741
23068 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.438705
19228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010713
20669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833588
17303 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.828568
19709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834590
16350 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956675
17790 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.955676
21146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.963697
20188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896650
18750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.905623
16830 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.922652
22102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.983677
18271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.003706
15864 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.030745
22586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.014714
21624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.012728
23069 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898635
19229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826584
20670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803565
19710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802566
17304 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807570
16351 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738519
17791 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741523
20189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758527
21147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767525
18751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753531
16831 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709500
22103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639469
18272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677480
15865 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740506
22587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740524
21625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737505
19230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807570
23070 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866613
19711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718523
20671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732514
17305 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734518
16352 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818577
17792 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815576
20190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825575
21148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.054746
18752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.059749
16832 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015716
22104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015702
18273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.994719
15866 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.029726
22588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.037733
21626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.044737
19231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.003724
23071 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998720
19712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002691
17306 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002709
20672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028728
16353 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.191841
17793 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.192858
20191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.163821
21149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954684
18753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954673
16833 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953673
22105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961676
22589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988704
18274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.135791
15867 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013716
21627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988697
19232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.125778
23072 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.126779
17307 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.106780
19713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.128814
20673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.093788
20192 kurwa nie działa
20192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834590
23088 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.847600
17794 kurwa nie działa
17794 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844578
22106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810574
16834 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896634
21150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.928645
18754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.942666
22590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879615
18275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887620
15868 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949671
21628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949685
20674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795561
19714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826567
23073 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832572
17308 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836591
19233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848600
20193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726512
23089 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729530
17795 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731520
22107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713502
23569 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640451
21151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632447
18755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622456
22591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689485
18276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717507
21629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793545
15869 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803567
20675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769526
23074 kurwa nie działa
23074 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781552
17309 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781567
19715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795562
19234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838592
20194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837591
23090 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839578
17796 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.840593
23570 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833591
22108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855605
21152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849614
18756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844578
22592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803569
18277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.906640
21630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.048740
15870 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.048756
23075 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961694
20676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004726
17310 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961662
19716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998705
19235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.959676
20195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.071756
23571 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.069770
23091 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.075775
24050 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.074757
22109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.061750
21153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.061751
18757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.058765
22593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990699
24531 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937660
21631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773546
15871 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781537
23076 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788540
20677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789541
17311 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790559
19717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787555
19236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792560
20196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728515
23572 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728505
23092 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738504
24051 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740523
22110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745526
18758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758520
21154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777531
22594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665490
24532 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682482
21632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774547
15872 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766539
23077 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768543
20678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835575
17312 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833604
19718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799564
19237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785554
23573 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698491
20197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710501
23093 kurwa nie działa
23093 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699494
24052 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693497
22111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690486
25012 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827584
21155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829600
22595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837571
24533 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786557
25493 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.959678
21633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982694
23078 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.121791
20679 kurwa nie działa
20679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.072757
17313 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.075744
19719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.081765
19238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.138789
23574 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.100779
20198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.104780
23094 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.101777
24053 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.097781
22112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.099777
25013 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990698
21156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971690
22596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.963680
24534 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.930657
25494 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774548
21634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762538
23079 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603442
20680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591416
17314 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595420
19239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.556392
19720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619437
23575 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710502
20199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725514
23095 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729515
24054 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774547
22113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770544
25014 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.823583
21157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831568
22597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838592
24535 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831586
25495 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875617
23080 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877620
21635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885625
20681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876618
17315 kurwa nie działa
17315 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947685
26455 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.019719
25974 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.026724
23576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.958676
23096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.103780
20200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.119788
22114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.064753
24055 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.074758
22598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961679
24536 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968684
25496 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827583
23081 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836575
20682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850601
21636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860610
25015 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.206852
21158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.206854
26936 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797547
26456 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748529
25975 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762555
23577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
23097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601424
20201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.605428
24056 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599407
22115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615433
22599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590416
24537 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593426
25497 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619438
23082 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
27417 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622456
21637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
25016 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647455
21159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669472
26937 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659466
26457 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.920650
25976 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.906625
23578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801576
23098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.252884
27898 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.247882
24057 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.248882
22600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.389980
22116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.402991
24538 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.385972
25498 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.260892
23083 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.294914
27418 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.294899
21638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.269896
25017 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.269898
21160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.243877
26938 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.250883
26458 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960679
23579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954665
25977 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.963669
23099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668472
24058 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667472
27899 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673476
22601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.524372
22117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.524370
24539 kurwa nie działa
24539 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547385
25499 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607427
23084 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.557393
27419 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.562412
21639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.562413
25018 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603426
21161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608430
26939 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600423
26459 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578407
23580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587414
25978 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588417
23100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719508
24059 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713487
27900 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714502
22602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.872615
22118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868613
24540 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846598
25500 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751536
23085 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910644
27420 kurwa nie działa
27420 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985679
21640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.989682
25019 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946668
21162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968683
26460 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.959677
26940 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968683
25979 kurwa nie działa
23581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965680
25979 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954673
23101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691490
24060 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693506
27901 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688503
22603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603425
22119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604427
24541 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723511
25501 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710510
23086 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570403
25020 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596420
27421 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609430
21641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624442
26461 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615435
21163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620438
26941 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630445
25980 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616435
23582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680491
23102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581409
24061 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.586398
27902 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615417
22604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595421
22120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589415
25502 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607420
24542 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617435
23087 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692504
27422 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811572
25021 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821597
21642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814573
28379 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.783554
26462 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796578
26942 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780553
25981 kurwa nie działa
25981 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787573
23583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991691
23103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972687
24062 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.966681
27903 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933659
22605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.097775
22121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.102796
24543 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.216859
28860 kurwa nie działa
28860 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.103778
25503 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.227883
25022 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859590
27423 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866612
21643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855605
28380 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855611
25982 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850601
26943 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857621
26463 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867597
23584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745525
23104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720508
24063 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722511
27904 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723512
22606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633448
22122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634449
24544 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566400
28861 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569387
25504 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579393
25023 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579426
27424 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.583411
21644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749530
28381 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750515
26944 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742524
26464 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741539
25983 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755516
23585 kurwa nie działa
23585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598439
23105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687485
24064 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715506
27905 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731516
29341 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600423
22123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603409
24545 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764540
28862 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765540
25024 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746511
25505 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765540
27425 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755534
29822 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754532
28382 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756533
26945 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756534
23586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747511
26465 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787541
25984 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821581
24065 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678478
23106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714505
27906 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886625
29342 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892631
22124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883639
24546 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831588
27426 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812573
28863 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832586
25506 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.828585
25025 kurwa nie działa
25025 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988700
29823 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.050743
28383 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.047738
26946 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.064736
26466 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.031743
23587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.060765
25985 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.001723
24066 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018718
23107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018718
27907 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885627
22125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886609
29343 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.894631
24547 kurwa nie działa
24547 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645455
27427 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659466
28864 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656464
25507 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662468
25026 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669488
29824 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766541
28384 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767543
26947 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755533
26467 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749514
23588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769527
25986 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789541
24067 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775548
23108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780551
27908 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696507
30303 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698494
29344 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710501
24548 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730516
27428 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757517
28865 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768544
25508 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786555
25027 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673460
29825 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694491
28385 kurwa nie działa
28385 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694490
26948 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696507
26468 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696507
23589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826585
25987 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807587
24068 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798581
23109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804568
27909 kurwa nie działa
27909 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796545
30304 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799574
29345 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919651
24549 kurwa nie działa
24549 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937661
27429 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898635
28866 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910642
25509 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910643
25028 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871615
29826 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.924653
28386 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.942664
26469 kurwa nie działa
26469 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.935644
26949 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.945653
23590 kurwa nie działa
23590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800581
25988 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857589
24069 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862593
23110 kurwa nie działa
23110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866612
27910 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873617
30305 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901626
29346 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767543
24550 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738522
27430 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735519
28867 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749530
25029 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773545
25510 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788556
29827 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655461
28387 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660467
26470 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669471
26950 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672468
23591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698484
25989 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636447
24070 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653462
23111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664469
27911 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666471
29347 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674478
30306 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695492
24551 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721518
27431 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728514
28868 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737521
25030 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697492
25511 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721509
29828 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718509
28388 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721514
26471 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738522
26951 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739537
23592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712502
25990 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727513
24071 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.828583
23112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812574
27912 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844595
30307 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813590
24552 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741517
27432 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805569
28869 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815574
25031 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796564
25512 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772546
29829 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748526
29348 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.353956
28389 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826584
26472 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805569
23593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797564
26952 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806552
25991 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810574
24072 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
23113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707498
27913 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676495
30308 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755550
24553 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751528
27433 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682481
28870 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643455
25032 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717506
25513 kurwa nie działa
25513 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751530
29830 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627454
26473 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
29349 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677477
28390 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658464
23594 kurwa nie działa
23594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651460
25992 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688501
26953 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745527
24073 kurwa nie działa
24073 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714506
23114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720510
27914 kurwa nie działa
27914 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711502
30309 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660449
24554 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643457
27434 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672475
28871 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723512
25033 kurwa nie działa
25033 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650459
25514 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621440
24555 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.485046
29831 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.847295
30310 kurwa nie działa
25034 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.385978
30310 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.504062
25515 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.386979
29350 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.728203
26474 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.736225
28872 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.413997
27435 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.483048
23595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.829292
28391 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.842301
26954 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.756241
25993 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.837280
23115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.780257
27915 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.785249
24074 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.799285
24556 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739521
25035 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805585
25516 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814574
26475 kurwa nie działa
26475 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838592
29351 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853603
30311 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879622
27436 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855619
28873 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.865612
23596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771539
28392 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788557
26955 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772545
23116 kurwa nie działa
25994 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726514
23116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721493
27916 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813569
24075 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817562
24557 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.889627
25036 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836590
25517 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.989699
26476 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991707
29352 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.007711
30312 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997705
27437 kurwa nie działa
27437 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.023706
23597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.026725
28874 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.038732
28393 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.017718
23117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027725
25995 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.029726
26956 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.045738
29832 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.980397
27917 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.087767
24076 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.160819
24558 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.928657
25037 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933643
25518 kurwa nie działa
25518 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781561
26477 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761531
29353 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737520
30313 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738520
27438 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735519
23598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730530
28875 kurwa nie działa
28875 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760538
28394 kurwa nie działa
28394 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762538
23118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754535
25996 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758536
29833 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832587
26957 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842610
27918 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707500
24077 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640452
24559 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775549
25038 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750529
25519 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827575
26478 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.872618
30314 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867629
29354 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876621
27439 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864611
23599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861593
28876 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836590
28395 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.828585
23119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825581
29834 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743526
25997 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831588
27919 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737521
26958 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748513
24078 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723511
25039 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821597
24560 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831587
25520 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746526
26479 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710501
30315 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723495
29355 kurwa nie działa
29355 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719509
27440 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708499
23600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710503
28396 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699494
28877 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709501
23120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699493
25998 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728514
29835 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747527
26959 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766540
24079 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770559
27920 kurwa nie działa
27920 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777548
25040 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786540
24561 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787556
25521 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.921652
26480 kurwa nie działa
30316 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.890627
26480 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909658
29356 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898632
28397 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.881612
27441 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896633
23601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.893619
23121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.889628
28878 kurwa nie działa
28878 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891631
25999 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871615
29836 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.852602
26960 kurwa nie działa
26960 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830572
24080 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.935645
27921 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937663
25041 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777548
24562 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777549
25522 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686483
30317 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691488
26481 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696493
29357 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688487
28398 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695507
27442 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696511
23122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741541
28879 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745525
26000 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730516
26961 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726511
23602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764540
29837 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745526
24081 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632462
27922 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662467
25042 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670474
24563 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672473
25523 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664470
30318 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658466
26482 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658446
28399 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654443
29358 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664451
27443 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659446
23123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625426
28880 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684498
26001 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682498
23603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682481
26962 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684484
29838 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683482
24082 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679463
27923 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651459
25043 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.816575
24564 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813574
25524 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766541
30319 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835605
27444 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819578
26483 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836592
28400 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837591
29359 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884626
23124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864608
28881 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805569
26002 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806553
23604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805585
26963 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809572
24083 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807572
29839 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891631
27924 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897634
25044 kurwa nie działa
25044 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807571
24565 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.816578
25525 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811572
30320 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777534
27445 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777567
26484 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780551
29360 kurwa nie działa
29360 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731532
28401 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779551
23125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731518
28882 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726497
23605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726498
26964 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722525
26003 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741524
24084 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724510
29840 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677493
27925 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666470
24566 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.005723
25045 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.020720
30321 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978690
25526 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018720
28402 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971702
27446 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.983679
26485 kurwa nie działa
26485 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986696
29361 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982677
23126 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.977689
26965 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.987697
28883 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998720
23606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998703
26004 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.078762
24085 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.114787
29841 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.112786
27926 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.113787
24567 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754520
30322 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746528
25046 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760553
28403 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747528
25527 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762537
29362 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746543
27447 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776563
23127 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759536
26966 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749514
26486 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780551
28884 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758519
23607 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755534
26005 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671473
24086 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635448
29842 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616419
27927 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639451
24568 kurwa nie działa
24568 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612432
28404 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604411
30323 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615418
25047 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624426
29363 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606414
25528 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620455
27448 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600407
23128 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611431
26967 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608430
26487 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613433
28885 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611433
23608 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615435
24087 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616437
29843 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610431
27928 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585414
26006 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637462
24569 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640451
28405 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637450
30324 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641452
25048 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638465
29364 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638465
25529 kurwa nie działa
25529 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636434
27449 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634449
23129 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623445
26968 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626457
26488 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626458
28886 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624440
23609 kurwa nie działa
23609 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637450
24088 kurwa nie działa
24088 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632444
29844 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629450
27929 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635448
26007 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638439
24570 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722511
28406 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734535
30325 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739539
25049 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733502
29365 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742507
25530 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832588
28887 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809572
26489 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815575
23130 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839596
24089 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799565
26969 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838576
27450 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850600
23610 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809571
29845 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804562
27930 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810573
26008 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804570
24571 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616435
28407 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736503
25050 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730516
30326 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737505
29366 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732517
23611 kurwa nie działa
23611 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611445
23131 kurwa nie działa
23131 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634440
26970 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619436
29846 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635447
28888 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674476
24090 kurwa nie działa
24090 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657481
26490 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684484
27451 kurwa nie działa
27451 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676477
25531 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
27931 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672473
26009 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678476
24572 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651459
28408 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627456
25051 kurwa nie działa
25051 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626455
29367 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626442
30327 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633446
23612 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634450
23132 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.631446
26971 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666473
29847 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659466
24091 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652460
28889 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661483
26491 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651444
27452 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641454
25532 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635464
27932 kurwa nie działa
27932 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640460
26010 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629452
24573 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658463
28409 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831590
25052 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832588
29368 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824583
30328 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.903639
23613 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900620
26972 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861606
23133 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901637
29848 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.865611
28890 kurwa nie działa
28890 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.858588
24092 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871598
26492 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863609
27453 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855603
26011 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.858617
27933 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859616
25533 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869598
24574 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867613
28410 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741507
25053 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745512
29369 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746527
23614 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667471
30329 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673475
23134 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669473
26973 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678495
29849 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665486
28891 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699496
26493 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726513
24093 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752532
27454 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756551
26012 kurwa nie działa
26012 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770527
25534 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774546
27934 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796546
24575 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594419
28411 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658464
25054 kurwa nie działa
25054 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710502
29370 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717506
23615 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718508
30330 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725512
23135 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718510
29850 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721493
26974 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721493
26494 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666470
28892 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709500
27455 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646440
24094 kurwa nie działa
25535 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624441
26013 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633446
24094 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666469
27935 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642454
24576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636449
28412 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672476
25055 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659465
29371 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657463
23616 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650457
23136 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647456
30331 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663469
26495 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640468
29851 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658466
26975 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659481
28893 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644469
27456 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653462
25536 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648472
24095 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654463
26014 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655462
27936 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650458
24577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653461
28413 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749530
25056 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806570
23617 kurwa nie działa
23617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801583
29372 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806571
23137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801567
30332 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800565
29852 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794560
26496 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806554
26976 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804553
28894 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791545
25537 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787541
27457 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793561
26015 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782552
24096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791558
27937 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768560
24578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745525
28414 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717505
25057 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735520
23618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735520
29373 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731516
23138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736519
30333 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728513
29853 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730515
26977 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729515
26497 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730515
25538 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725514
28895 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740523
26016 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734519
27938 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750530
27458 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773544
24097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769543
24579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636452
28415 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757534
29374 kurwa nie działa
29374 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790557
25058 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797562
23619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869613
30334 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862610
23139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869613
29854 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866611
26498 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864610
26978 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873634
28896 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910642
25539 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.911642
26017 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.928656
27939 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900618
24098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900637
24580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812573
27459 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.906656
28416 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761550
25059 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637451
29375 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648459
23620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683484
23140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677479
26499 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673492
30335 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690486
29855 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692489
26979 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675476
28897 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636450
26018 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630459
25540 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658479
27940 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640453
24099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.631444
27460 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632462
24581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639452
28417 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574393
25060 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741523
29376 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745527
23621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638466
23141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638449
26500 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645440
30336 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667454
29856 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659465
26980 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674461
28898 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670472
25541 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659451
26019 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667472
27941 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658464
24100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665472
27461 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667455
24582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673476
28418 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669474
25061 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885626
29377 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.907639
23142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.904639
23622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909625
26501 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.904638
30337 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917648
29857 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.918649
26981 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.918649
27942 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900637
26020 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901638
24101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.890628
28899 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.928657
27462 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900636
24583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898625
28419 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784552
25062 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585412
29378 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563399
23143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.560397
23623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.568403
26502 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576408
30338 kurwa nie działa
30338 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540382
29858 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.545384
26982 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540380
27943 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.542382
24102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561400
24584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.542400
26021 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563413
28900 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571405
27463 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576400
28420 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574407
25542 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.905345
25063 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603441
29379 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600424
23144 kurwa nie działa
23144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598421
23624 kurwa nie działa
23624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595420
26503 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588415
30339 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.584413
29859 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591420
26983 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585415
27944 kurwa nie działa
27944 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578417
26022 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569387
24585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576390
24103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575390
28901 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585428
27464 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571419
28421 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620437
25543 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870615
25064 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845583
29380 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848597
23145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850600
23625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846597
26504 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.865609
30340 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.008713
29860 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.006726
26984 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015715
27945 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009703
26023 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002723
24586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.001724
24104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.006711
28902 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.030711
27465 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.055745
28422 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.895632
25544 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831586
25065 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.899635
29381 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896633
23146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.894632
23626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.906640
26505 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883624
30341 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755534
29861 kurwa nie działa
29861 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750512
26985 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747529
27946 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748529
26024 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745510
24587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741514
24105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766542
28903 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738523
28904 kurwa nie działa
28904 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.004002
27466 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728514
28423 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670474
25545 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765541
25066 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849616
29382 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848601
23147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849598
26506 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867614
29862 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849617
23627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880622
26986 kurwa nie działa
26986 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856605
30342 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866613
27947 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867616
26025 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897634
24588 kurwa nie działa
24588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896626
24106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879621
28905 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855605
27467 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.902637
28424 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862608
25546 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968684
25067 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996688
29383 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996719
23148 kurwa nie działa
23148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998707
26507 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004709
29863 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004694
23628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.012731
30343 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.006711
26987 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.023739
27948 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011728
26026 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.024722
24589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.024722
24107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.020719
28906 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.025722
27468 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968684
28425 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010715
25547 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.902637
25068 kurwa nie działa
25068 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859606
29384 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859590
23149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857621
26508 kurwa nie działa
26508 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815575
29864 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815575
23629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814575
30344 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826583
26988 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820580
27949 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831570
24590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798564
26027 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798564
24108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.038750
28907 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.034732
28426 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990699
27469 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.040736
25548 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947669
25069 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011766
29385 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.029781
23150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.033767
26509 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028780
29865 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.036783
23630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.033783
30345 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.016771
27950 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009766
26989 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028761
24591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.008768
26028 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.019772
24109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.989735
28908 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990751
28427 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.980744
27470 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991769
25549 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896691
25070 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867618
23151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849604
29866 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853609
23631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855591
26510 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869617
27951 kurwa nie działa
27951 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845603
30346 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860613
26990 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.902642
24592 kurwa nie działa
24592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.895636
26029 kurwa nie działa
26029 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910649
28428 kurwa nie działa
28428 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848604
28909 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855611
27471 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850589
24110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864616
25550 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743525
29386 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.434016
25071 kurwa nie działa
25071 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709510
23152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702495
29867 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695508
26511 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689487
23632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702498
30347 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689487
27952 kurwa nie działa
27952 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694489
26991 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642455
24593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692490
26030 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764540
28429 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776550
28910 kurwa nie działa
28910 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775563
27472 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774546
24111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780535
25551 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754550
29387 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692489
25072 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673466
23153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671491
26512 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705515
29868 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705515
23633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712504
27953 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717523
30348 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722510
26992 kurwa nie działa
26992 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
24594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660466
26031 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646456
28430 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603425
28911 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645440
27473 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639453
24112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
25552 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595404
29388 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598424
25073 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.544384
23154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604411
26513 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572387
29869 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625445
23634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613431
27954 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613417
24595 kurwa nie działa
24595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610447
26993 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611431
30349 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617436
26032 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636449
28431 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.557394
27474 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.852600
25553 kurwa nie działa
25553 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722510
24113 kurwa nie działa
24113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862609
23635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558396
28912 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901636
29389 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748526
27955 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.899634
25074 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.047741
29870 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.078759
26514 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.224865
23155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.240876
26994 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.155815
26033 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.047739
28432 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009712
30350 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.169827
24596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.174830
25554 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856620
28913 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822582
23636 kurwa nie działa
24114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863617
29390 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829587
23636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839592
27475 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887643
25075 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651460
27956 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665471
29871 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650459
26515 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582411
26034 kurwa nie działa
26034 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579427
26995 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.584413
23156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649457
28433 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645457
30351 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641453
24597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663451
25555 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727497
28914 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735520
29391 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724512
24115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737514
23637 kurwa nie działa
27476 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729498
23637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736518
27957 kurwa nie działa
27957 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601425
25076 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615434
29872 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.592420
26516 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618437
26035 kurwa nie działa
26035 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613416
26996 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618454
28434 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587413
23157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594420
30352 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597438
24598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603426
25556 kurwa nie działa
25556 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.526373
28915 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613431
24116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612432
29392 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624440
27477 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616435
25077 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.584413
27958 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619436
23638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654462
29873 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.517365
26517 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637450
26036 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644456
28435 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.602428
26997 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642439
23158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629444
30353 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619419
24599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598433
25557 kurwa nie działa
25557 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686484
28916 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734520
24117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746542
29393 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752546
25078 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738522
27478 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745528
27959 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808572
23639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818578
29874 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819578
26518 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699493
26037 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692487
26998 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696489
28436 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696489
23159 kurwa nie działa
23159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679481
30354 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700505
24600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699484
25558 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.583412
28917 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612432
24118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598408
25079 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591418
29394 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600424
27479 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612433
27960 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637448
23640 kurwa nie działa
23640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636467
29875 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620437
26038 kurwa nie działa
26038 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.583429
26519 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633447
28437 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634449
26999 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640452
23160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635464
30355 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647439
24601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651460
25559 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611432
28918 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632446
24119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628444
25080 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646454
29395 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643437
27480 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637450
27961 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573405
23641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573388
29876 kurwa nie działa
29876 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618436
26039 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620424
26520 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601425
28438 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618435
27000 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617437
23161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616419
30356 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593419
24602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588414
25560 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587415
24120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625439
28919 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638451
25081 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644455
29396 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648459
27481 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641452
27962 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782554
23642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781552
26040 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788554
29877 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801567
28439 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739524
26521 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769545
27001 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744541
23162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786571
30357 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782553
24603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799564
25561 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771544
27482 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846596
25082 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861609
24121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900653
28920 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.893645
29397 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867612
27963 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711500
23643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714503
26041 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681480
29878 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686484
28440 kurwa nie działa
28440 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684481
26522 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709499
27002 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700478
30358 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648474
23163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655463
24604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689487
25562 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651460
27483 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663469
24122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673458
28921 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701480
25083 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706499
29398 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722512
27964 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700496
23644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697492
26042 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659466
29879 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669472
28441 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674476
26523 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657464
27003 kurwa nie działa
27003 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665487
30359 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678462
23164 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672457
24605 kurwa nie działa
24605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680480
25563 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640453
27484 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701496
28922 kurwa nie działa
28922 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689487
24123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724512
25084 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713504
27965 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699493
29399 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732516
23645 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700496
26043 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690504
28442 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662485
29880 kurwa nie działa
29880 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681481
26524 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762538
27004 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759521
30360 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744527
23165 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753549
25564 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722510
24606 kurwa nie działa
24606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733519
28923 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676477
27485 kurwa nie działa
27485 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715521
24124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681481
25085 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662468
27966 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688486
29400 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711500
23646 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751529
28443 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748511
29881 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739522
26044 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757535
26525 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662477
27005 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661467
23166 kurwa nie działa
23166 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663454
30361 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679497
25565 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667485
24607 kurwa nie działa
24607 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670487
28924 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673476
27486 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701478
24125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722510
25086 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732517
27967 kurwa nie działa
27967 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685486
23647 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622440
29401 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664469
29882 kurwa nie działa
29882 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639452
28444 kurwa nie działa
28444 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650460
26045 kurwa nie działa
26045 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650442
26526 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636443
27006 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640454
23167 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650457
30362 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639434
24608 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607415
25566 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622424
28925 kurwa nie działa
28925 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622439
27487 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598424
24126 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638451
25087 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637449
27968 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636448
23648 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642454
29883 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646456
29402 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670473
28445 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648457
27007 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634446
26527 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667472
26046 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672492
23168 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669473
30363 kurwa nie działa
30363 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679482
24609 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670474
25567 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668474
28926 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668489
27488 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672473
24127 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.783553
25088 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781554
27969 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788555
29403 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743525
23649 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781552
29884 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755548
28446 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752531
27008 kurwa nie działa
27008 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753533
26528 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736520
26047 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737521
23169 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720525
24610 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711502
25568 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746525
30364 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761536
27489 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839622
28927 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885637
24128 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745573
29404 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744555
25089 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771572
27970 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752560
23650 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749557
29885 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764555
27009 kurwa nie działa
27009 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754561
28447 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766571
26529 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752561
26048 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757563
23170 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751542
24611 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756565
30365 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715535
25569 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744554
27490 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571404
28928 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624442
24129 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587398
29405 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581410
25090 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579410
27971 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585414
23651 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578409
29886 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571404
27010 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587415
28448 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.584412
26530 kurwa nie działa
26530 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591418
26049 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597422
23171 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607429
24612 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609430
30366 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604426
25570 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591434
27491 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653467
28929 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718511
24130 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736524
29406 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729521
25091 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724516
23652 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722516
27972 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733524
29887 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725519
27011 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715509
28449 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727518
26531 kurwa nie działa
26531 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723516
26050 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721515
23172 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711508
24613 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709505
30367 kurwa nie działa
30367 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706522
25571 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737511
27492 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651459
28930 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695491
24131 kurwa nie działa
24131 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673475
25092 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665471
29407 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665471
23653 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665469
27973 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663482
29888 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668469
27012 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694492
28450 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678481
26532 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686485
26051 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671476
23173 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672491
24614 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674477
30368 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690471
25572 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738522
27493 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732517
28931 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685484
24132 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685484
29408 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703495
25093 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714503
27974 kurwa nie działa
27974 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702481
23654 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718508
29889 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708502
27013 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682497
28451 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683481
26052 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676476
26533 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682479
23174 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685467
24615 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682481
30369 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679479
25573 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613435
27494 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647458
28932 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682482
24133 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677479
25094 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642467
29409 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652474
27975 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648474
29890 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644454
23655 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644454
27014 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676461
26053 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695488
23175 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697493
28452 kurwa nie działa
28452 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714506
26534 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713504
24616 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705500
30370 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693507
25574 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681481
27495 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694495
28933 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697500
24134 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698500
29410 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697485
25095 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697498
27976 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701500
23656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694492
29891 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696497
27015 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667479
26054 kurwa nie działa
26054 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642461
23176 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640458
28453 kurwa nie działa
28453 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638454
26535 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637456
30371 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636437
25575 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637455
24617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673463
27496 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635449
28934 kurwa nie działa
28934 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596421
24135 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656463
29411 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655477
25096 kurwa nie działa
29892 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646456
25096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661467
27977 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657465
23657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658466
27016 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645453
26055 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644455
23177 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655480
28454 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650467
26536 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647458
30372 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655464
25576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669474
24618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691510
27497 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.562418
28935 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745546
24136 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685520
29412 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698500
25097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773568
29893 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782574
27978 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790578
23658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785575
26056 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798584
27017 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800585
23178 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793565
30373 kurwa nie działa
30373 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782574
28455 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887648
26537 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892653
25577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854625
24619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817577
27498 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751531
28936 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726512
24137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726497
29413 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714504
25098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690487
29894 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687485
27979 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674476
23659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670472
26057 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669489
27018 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682483
23179 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678479
30374 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679478
28456 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613431
25578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626440
24620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618454
26538 kurwa nie działa
26538 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632430
27499 kurwa nie działa
27499 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621440
28937 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673476
29414 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672475
24138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679479
27980 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611449
29895 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625443
25099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.631446
23660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658465
26058 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653461
27019 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671472
23180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671474
30375 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689487
28457 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677480
25579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698494
26539 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708499
24621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714487
27500 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599421
29415 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649458
28938 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665470
24139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688486
27981 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775531
29896 kurwa nie działa
29896 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776548
25100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.783554
23661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753532
26059 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748512
23181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722511
27020 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728515
30376 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711504
25580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660467
28458 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695488
24622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
26540 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729515
27501 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766541
28939 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978692
29416 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011715
24140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993701
27982 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956676
29897 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973690
25101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971684
23662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970686
27021 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956673
26060 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.984696
23182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974687
25581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973689
30377 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974687
28459 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.984694
24623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998706
27502 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.963680
26541 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.448022
28940 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774545
29417 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757534
27983 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681497
24141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741541
29898 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684497
25102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683499
23663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690489
27022 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735518
26061 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731515
23183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761536
28460 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734519
25582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758536
30378 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755532
24624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665469
27503 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633448
26542 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.899635
28941 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870614
29418 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.865612
27984 kurwa nie działa
27984 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982677
29899 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.964664
24142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991701
23664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954672
25103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970669
27023 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.934675
26062 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.926655
28461 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.904640
23184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.906641
30379 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.964698
25583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973687
24625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968685
27504 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.955675
26543 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844597
28942 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842612
29419 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.847597
27985 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739521
29900 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781552
24143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802566
23665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793561
25104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831587
27024 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812572
26063 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849614
23185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878621
28462 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883640
30380 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834572
24626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826600
25584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841594
27505 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.840593
26544 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.926654
29420 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.920650
28943 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.930640
27986 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978692
29901 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.958677
24144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946668
23666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.950671
25105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.913646
27025 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.916648
26064 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.888612
23186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860606
28463 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866595
30381 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851602
25585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842610
24627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854603
27506 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843594
26545 kurwa nie działa
26545 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.935661
29421 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937662
28944 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949671
27987 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.890629
29902 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877619
24145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873615
23667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869630
27026 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880623
25106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885627
26065 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884625
28464 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863609
23187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884626
30382 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884623
24628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885608
25586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885608
27507 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886626
26546 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713503
29422 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707500
28945 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701495
27988 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687485
29903 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686501
24146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681498
25107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670472
23668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691472
27027 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671472
23188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662467
26066 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672476
28465 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672476
30383 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659466
25587 kurwa nie działa
24629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680480
25587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681481
27508 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708501
26547 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687485
29423 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687484
27989 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682498
28946 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691504
24147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700478
25108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740522
29904 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753515
23669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753548
27028 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748545
26067 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747526
23189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747526
28466 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748528
30384 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749529
25588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719508
24630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720508
27509 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696490
26548 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764541
29424 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791542
27990 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798547
28947 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789541
24148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771562
25109 kurwa nie działa
29905 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723511
25109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728514
23670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724496
23190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726513
27029 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732500
28467 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728518
26068 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738526
25589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733519
24631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740523
27510 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727514
30385 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752533
26549 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681480
29425 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654463
27991 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647458
24149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646455
28948 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658465
29906 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705499
23671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702503
25110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708516
23191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692490
28468 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695488
27030 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706500
26069 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692491
25590 kurwa nie działa
25590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697491
24632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792560
27511 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798572
30386 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792558
26550 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.200847
29426 kurwa nie działa
29426 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.202851
27992 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.220861
24150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.210854
29907 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.155815
28949 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.220860
23672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.182827
25111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.208837
23192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.213856
26070 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.205850
28469 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.202851
27031 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.208847
25591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.199847
27512 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.165821
24633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.263892
30387 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.251884
26551 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742524
29427 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748525
24151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761520
27993 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771545
29908 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766541
28950 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763539
23673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776548
25112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750530
23193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754531
26071 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742522
28470 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756549
25592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748528
27032 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761554
27513 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690482
30388 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856605
24634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880622
26552 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761538
29428 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817577
24152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790561
27994 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785556
29909 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792560
28951 kurwa nie działa
28951 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788557
23674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757536
25113 kurwa nie działa
25113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768542
23194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767542
26072 kurwa nie działa
26072 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771545
28471 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769530
25593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770544
27033 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761521
27514 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770543
24635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988698
30389 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018719
26553 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.006711
24153 kurwa nie działa
24153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.172826
29429 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.192859
28952 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.171828
29910 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.180835
27995 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.190824
23195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.162837
26073 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.158818
25114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.177832
23675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.192840
25594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.163839
28472 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.175831
27515 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.166841
27034 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.176848
24636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.113786
30390 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.113786
24154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.054744
26554 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.303919
29430 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.052727
28953 kurwa nie działa
28953 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.057763
27996 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.060749
29911 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.071755
26074 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.329940
23196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.339931
23676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.336950
25115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.341947
28473 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.331941
27516 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.326919
25595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.340930
27035 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.323934
24637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.204850
30391 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.199846
24155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.129798
26555 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.131801
29431 kurwa nie działa
29431 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.131800
27997 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.114787
28954 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.132783
26075 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850615
29912 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.122792
23197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860606
25116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853602
23677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854597
28474 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856605
25596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862607
27517 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871613
27036 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.191839
24638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877620
30392 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.881623
24156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000706
26556 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.201847
29432 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.380973
28955 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.381977
27998 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.381977
26076 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.379960
29913 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.379974
23198 kurwa nie działa
23198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.370969
25117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.377973
23678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.381975
28475 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.372970
25597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.366964
27518 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.374971
27037 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.060749
24639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.249882
30393 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.249899
24157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.041737
26557 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961679
29433 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.922651
28956 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.923650
26077 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919649
27999 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929656
23199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917647
25118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.911644
29914 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.927656
23679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.924652
28476 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.020720
25598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.022724
27519 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.016717
27038 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010713
30394 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821564
24640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826584
24158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.350997
25599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.966725
28477 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.155844
29434 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.610184
24159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736502
27520 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.655196
26558 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.970419
28957 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.819312
26078 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.818312
23200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.809307
29915 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.806299
23680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.800299
28000 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.820329
25119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.811305
27039 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.688220
30395 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.695224
25600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755517
28478 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700496
29435 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644440
24641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.299668
24160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773546
27521 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775547
26559 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769543
26079 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769552
28958 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817575
23201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821592
23681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.936662
28001 kurwa nie działa
28001 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.926653
25120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.936678
30396 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.931658
29916 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.969667
27040 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946667
25601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.942665
28479 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848616
29436 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818593
24642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604410
24161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679497
26560 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674477
27522 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684499
26080 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675482
28959 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638467
23202 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637437
23682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657465
28002 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662468
25121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657446
30397 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664473
29917 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668494
27041 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701497
28480 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757518
29437 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690471
24162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624441
24643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820580
26561 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.631463
27523 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679463
26081 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698478
28960 kurwa nie działa
28960 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708483
23203 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712518
23683 kurwa nie działa
23683 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594421
28003 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695505
25122 kurwa nie działa
25122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709503
30398 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688483
29918 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811551
27042 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769542
28481 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694490
29438 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712502
26562 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680480
24163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697475
24644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697509
27524 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644455
26082 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653460
25602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.044461
28961 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871617
23204 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867596
23684 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848596
28004 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804556
25123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790558
30399 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815575
27043 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982695
28482 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.977704
29919 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.989716
29439 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811587
26563 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.955676
24164 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967700
27525 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960679
26083 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.938679
24645 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978675
25603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770544
28962 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833604
23205 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835606
23685 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831587
25124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773545
28005 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822596
30400 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863609
27044 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782553
28483 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789558
29920 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793560
29440 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792545
26564 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780535
27526 kurwa nie działa
27526 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.783552
24165 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808553
24646 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792557
26084 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806564
25604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755516
28963 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735501
23206 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805570
23686 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805568
25125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849606
30401 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741522
28006 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807552
27045 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712501
29921 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799547
28484 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819564
29441 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812576
26565 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946666
27527 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996704
24166 kurwa nie działa
24166 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.977692
28964 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919650
26085 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.981682
25605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.975702
24647 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997704
23207 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862592
23687 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.927654
25126 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998699
30402 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.098777
28007 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.099794
27046 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915647
29922 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.951672
29442 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.941663
28485 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947667
26566 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694491
27528 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693487
24167 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701493
28965 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689487
26086 kurwa nie działa
26086 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693472
25606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699482
24648 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704499
23208 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700510
23688 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635449
25127 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806585
30403 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704497
28008 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704497
27047 kurwa nie działa
27047 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714503
29923 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763556
28486 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761552
29443 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773546
26567 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705514
27529 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696493
24168 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693506
28966 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698493
26087 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698511
24649 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731515
25607 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736502
23209 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752515
23689 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841611
25128 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617420
30404 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617436
28009 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674493
27048 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710519
29924 kurwa nie działa
29924 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.529356
28487 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600409
29444 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615435
26568 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618420
27530 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561397
24169 kurwa nie działa
24169 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.555376
28967 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626443
26088 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626425
25608 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.602426
24650 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658465
23210 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637449
23690 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603409
25129 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590415
30405 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590434
28010 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598407
27049 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623427
29925 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623441
28488 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.548389
29445 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611432
26569 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587415
24170 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632447
27531 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632447
28968 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566400
26089 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567418
25609 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643454
24651 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799565
23691 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736519
23211 kurwa nie działa
23211 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801566
25130 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692507
30406 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.882607
28011 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829584
27050 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754528
29926 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762553
28489 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758535
26570 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909684
29446 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949716
24171 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901684
27532 kurwa nie działa
27532 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919682
28969 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.918697
26090 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909673
25610 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871665
24652 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664501
23692 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705548
25131 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767558
23212 kurwa nie działa
23212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772579
28012 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635482
30407 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658496
27051 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641502
28490 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789605
29927 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800597
26571 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796559
24172 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757519
29447 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804554
27533 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897653
28970 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.899651
25611 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886642
24653 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887644
26091 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952674
23693 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850600
25132 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.014731
23213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027740
27052 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.935660
28013 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953705
30408 kurwa nie działa
30408 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960710
28491 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919650
29928 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914661
26572 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644482
29448 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640487
24173 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649476
27534 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673472
28971 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673459
25612 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733500
24654 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727512
26092 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765539
23694 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814592
25133 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734521
27053 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727515
23214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732517
28014 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725494
30409 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775532
29929 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652460
28492 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663485
26573 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802563
29449 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809569
24174 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810570
27535 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779550
25613 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667472
28972 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780552
24655 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680498
26093 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673476
23695 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620420
25134 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593417
27054 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679479
23215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680481
28015 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692490
30410 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643472
29930 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649476
28493 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648457
26574 kurwa nie działa
26574 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642440
29450 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747528
24175 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746545
27536 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656464
25614 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708499
28973 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708497
24656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708483
26094 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728530
23696 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757536
25135 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692490
27055 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641454
23216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636451
28016 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628463
30411 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628425
29931 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630429
28494 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673458
26575 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740539
29451 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641452
24176 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637433
27537 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708516
25615 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655480
28974 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659468
24657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659465
26095 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771546
23697 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815575
25136 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756533
27056 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722510
23217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726513
28017 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723493
30412 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762539
29932 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777565
28495 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813576
26576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673475
29452 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700478
24177 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695490
27538 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637434
28975 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674479
25616 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690470
24658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722527
26096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660448
23698 kurwa nie działa
23698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609432
25137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670475
27057 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668472
23218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671489
28018 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666468
30413 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
29933 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696474
28496 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619436
26577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597422
29453 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611432
24178 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652463
27539 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655463
28976 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612417
25617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612433
24659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607412
26097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637450
23699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678492
25138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615432
27058 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616434
23219 kurwa nie działa
23219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650473
28019 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657482
30414 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644454
29934 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576425
28497 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632431
26578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.614417
29454 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594437
24179 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588430
27540 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.592437
28977 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646455
25618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650459
24660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606428
26098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688489
23700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641455
25139 kurwa nie działa
25139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668473
23220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626436
27059 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669479
29935 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747511
28020 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773533
30415 kurwa nie działa
30415 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777551
28498 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723510
26579 kurwa nie działa
26579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706513
29455 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970684
24180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.944649
27541 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867592
28978 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809570
25619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.110800
24661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.111786
26099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.044752
23701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.033730
25140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002724
23221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004719
27060 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010707
28021 kurwa nie działa
28021 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015716
28499 kurwa nie działa
28499 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.989715
26580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982681
30416 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.038749
29456 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699478
29936 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.057762
24181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835591
27542 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836590
28979 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.904622
24662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598434
25620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606427
26100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596404
23702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677478
25141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678462
23222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707500
27061 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702514
28022 kurwa nie działa
28022 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793561
28500 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797545
26581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796560
29457 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776547
29937 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782537
30417 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796562
24182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665484
27543 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664452
24663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727511
25621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727522
28980 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739516
26101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715523
23703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661485
25142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664453
23223 kurwa nie działa
23223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636432
27062 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700493
28023 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594435
28501 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634448
26582 kurwa nie działa
26582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632446
29938 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656463
29458 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666470
30418 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710486
27544 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692489
24183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702482
24664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.614419
25622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649450
28981 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650451
26102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623421
23704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667454
25143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883640
23224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887626
27063 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827566
28024 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949666
28502 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900635
29459 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868614
26583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.903639
29939 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877637
30419 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993701
24184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988697
24665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929656
27545 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997705
28982 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.899651
25623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.905640
26103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.044739
23705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.968683
25144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791542
23225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.942666
27064 kurwa nie działa
27064 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937663
28503 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674497
28025 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683481
26584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674495
29940 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748511
29460 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763539
24185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626443
30420 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640452
27546 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635449
28983 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737521
24666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943665
25624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933675
26104 kurwa nie działa
26104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849599
23706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851601
25145 kurwa nie działa
25145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805569
23226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826584
27065 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845597
28504 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855586
28026 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861608
29941 kurwa nie działa
29941 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782569
26585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861625
29461 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786554
24186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804567
30421 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803566
27547 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801564
28984 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762522
24667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569418
25625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571403
26105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563398
23707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639469
25146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640469
23227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804584
27066 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807571
28505 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792575
28027 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787556
29942 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786539
29462 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785555
26586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794544
24187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796580
30422 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796562
27548 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797564
25626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776549
28985 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789557
24668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795547
26106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780552
23708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.969681
25147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973669
23228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657464
27067 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641468
28506 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637432
28028 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770559
29943 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811590
29463 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809575
26587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814575
24188 kurwa nie działa
24188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745510
30423 kurwa nie działa
30423 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743542
27549 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744524
25627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692489
24669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691505
28986 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701513
26107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766554
23709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719510
25148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714522
23229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815576
27068 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871600
28507 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.908642
28029 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778535
29944 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761520
29464 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759532
24189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767542
26588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780552
27550 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767543
30424 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815560
25628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806585
24670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838574
28987 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838574
26108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722513
23710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660464
25149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666454
23230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650442
27069 kurwa nie działa
27069 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594418
28508 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590434
28030 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639468
29945 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699513
29465 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700506
24190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675494
26589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685483
27551 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681480
30425 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654463
28988 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609447
25629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655463
24671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634463
26109 kurwa nie działa
26109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857605
23711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784558
25150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798564
23231 kurwa nie działa
23231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871632
27070 kurwa nie działa
27070 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870632
28509 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.987696
28031 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.934644
24191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.084764
29946 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.096755
29466 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.139809
26590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.204868
27552 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.209871
28989 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.194828
30426 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.204866
25630 kurwa nie działa
25630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.210855
26110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878605
24672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.196831
23712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035730
25151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.038748
27071 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850584
23232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856603
28510 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.906641
28032 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909658
24192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794561
29947 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829586
29467 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805554
26591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741523
27553 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885609
30427 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.881605
28990 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886624
25631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875602
26111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870613
24673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897649
23713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763521
25152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805571
27072 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811560
23233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820564
28511 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615428
28033 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616435
24193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662451
29948 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729533
26592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697492
29468 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
27554 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550388
30428 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.554392
28991 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652444
26112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656463
25632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657465
24674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751514
23714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660484
27073 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674475
25153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687467
28512 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708505
23234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708505
28034 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709500
24194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.533377
26593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604410
29949 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615416
29469 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673492
27555 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678481
30429 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673475
28992 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601425
26113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600425
25633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687486
24675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622439
23715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749512
27074 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699495
25154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703514
28513 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741508
23235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757519
28035 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747527
24195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779551
26594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657479
29950 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672489
29470 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663466
27556 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996702
30430 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996713
28993 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971703
26114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967682
25634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887625
24676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910643
23716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886625
27075 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954673
25155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.017718
23236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.926655
28514 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949669
28036 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933661
24196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.906644
26595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011699
29951 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996690
29471 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978677
27557 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645455
30431 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645449
28994 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699477
26115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739539
25635 kurwa nie działa
25635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732519
24677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731534
23717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.614449
27076 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659482
25156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599424
28037 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722508
28515 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734519
23237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740522
24197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793556
26596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703514
29952 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703497
29472 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721509
27558 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721510
30432 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722507
28995 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676477
26116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671457
25636 kurwa nie działa
25636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678478
23718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666455
24678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675458
27077 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725495
25157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723510
28038 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.583412
23238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582413
28516 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594438
24198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638452
26597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741524
29953 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744524
29473 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757552
27559 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757540
28996 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744543
30433 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757552
26117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713504
25637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778549
24679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887628
23719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.893631
27078 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695492
28039 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685485
28517 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824564
23239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.840592
24199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720507
26598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836573
29954 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832588
27560 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755528
29474 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768524
30434 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759535
28997 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764539
26118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763540
25638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792578
24680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706514
23720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878621
27079 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867619
28040 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873634
28518 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806571
23240 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971703
24200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974690
25158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.829292
26599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695491
29955 kurwa nie działa
29955 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832588
29475 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830587
27561 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843597
28998 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877634
30435 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892614
26119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883624
25639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782534
24681 kurwa nie działa
24681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767540
23721 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654462
27080 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654473
28041 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819578
28519 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742537
23241 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727497
25159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725511
24201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735536
26600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732517
29956 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763553
27562 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755546
29476 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761553
28999 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752516
26120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746543
30436 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757534
25640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761553
24682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787543
23722 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723512
27081 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726522
28042 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613433
28520 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620440
23242 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998705
25160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998707
26601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.257888
24202 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.278885
27563 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.108768
29477 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.113772
29957 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.156802
29000 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.312943
26121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.316914
25641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.296902
30437 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.320933
24683 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.354972
23723 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.362961
28043 kurwa nie działa
28043 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.302904
27082 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.364956
28521 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.297900
23243 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915646
25161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929672
26602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707516
24203 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763556
27564 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844596
29478 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845597
29958 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814593
29001 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604413
26122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668479
25642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673475
30438 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669472
24684 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574406
23724 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566400
28044 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573404
27083 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619436
28522 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748543
23244 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.602440
25162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714501
26603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679477
24204 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652461
27565 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578425
29479 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636466
29959 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639451
29002 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644471
26123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627452
25643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627442
30439 kurwa nie działa
30439 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630459
24685 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724511
23725 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723529
28045 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725529
27084 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680481
28523 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745513
23245 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760522
25163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761524
26604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811576
24205 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834589
27566 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820564
29480 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839592
29960 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835573
29003 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.523057
25164 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.465034
29004 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547403
30440 kurwa nie działa
30440 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.005402
26124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.023420
28046 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.844301
29481 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.257870
23726 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.866298
24206 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.400979
24686 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.910356
25644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.201553
26605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.602112
29961 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.446020
23246 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.811287
27567 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.535074
27085 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.034420
28524 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.836310
29005 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028711
25165 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.039751
28047 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.029710
29482 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035732
30441 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.052744
23727 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035748
24687 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004718
26125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.062750
24207 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.014710
25645 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985707
26606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.007710
29962 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009713
23247 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013707
28525 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.057749
27568 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.069762
27086 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.074758
29006 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582428
25166 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.583394
28048 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577408
29483 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659481
30442 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685500
24688 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752516
23728 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767541
26126 kurwa nie działa
26126 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761521
24208 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762554
25646 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677468
26607 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661468
29963 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672492
23248 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743525
28526 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704479
27569 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699496
27087 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695492
29007 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668455
28049 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661468
25167 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672475
29484 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705483
24689 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633461
30443 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719506
23729 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679479
26127 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675477
25647 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665469
26608 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654461
24209 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681481
29964 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648440
23249 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670488
28527 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736522
27088 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730532
27570 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732499
29008 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777548
28050 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784570
25168 kurwa nie działa
25168 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779551
29485 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677478
24690 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692476
30444 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773550
23730 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730533
26128 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738523
26609 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733501
25648 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786556
24210 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791542
29965 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.895650
23250 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806571
27571 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741523
27089 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960661
28528 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971684
29009 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910642
25169 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.906640
28051 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.916629
24691 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839590
29486 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897650
30445 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996699
26129 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.987697
23731 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002708
26610 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993702
29966 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825582
25649 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.948669
24211 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943666
23251 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.017718
27572 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.014717
27090 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.938664
28529 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.934659
29010 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651461
25170 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648457
28052 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909643
24692 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915648
29487 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.918632
30446 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781537
26130 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822597
23732 kurwa nie działa
23732 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885625
26611 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887643
24212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884624
25650 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.890630
29967 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892614
23252 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804552
27573 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815576
27091 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824597
28530 kurwa nie działa
28530 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822581
29011 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822580
25171 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824582
28053 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772562
24693 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.823582
29488 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824582
30447 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772545
26131 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735503
23733 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666453
26612 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689470
29968 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778566
25651 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788557
24213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799568
23253 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711502
27574 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700494
27092 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848583
29012 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846583
28531 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851604
25172 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845599
28054 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640437
24694 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810587
29489 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810573
30448 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760537
23734 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756535
26132 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757536
26613 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736537
29969 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650457
25652 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786568
24214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831585
23254 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803567
27575 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802583
27093 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655463
29013 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691487
28532 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696488
25173 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699492
28055 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696499
24695 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776549
29490 kurwa nie działa
29490 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775550
30449 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777565
23735 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771560
26133 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780551
26614 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772545
29970 kurwa nie działa
29970 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765542
25653 kurwa nie działa
25653 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752533
23255 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.240875
27576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.248864
27094 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.385979
29014 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.342948
25174 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.338945
28533 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.420003
28056 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.415991
29491 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.099774
24696 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.105763
26134 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.102780
30450 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.116787
23736 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.121777
29971 kurwa nie działa
26615 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.110768
29971 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.103762
25654 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.137788
23256 kurwa nie działa
23256 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744528
27577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876621
27095 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737519
29015 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744524
25175 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746527
28534 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673475
24215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.443729
28057 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833592
24697 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842597
29492 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.852605
26616 kurwa nie działa
23737 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.840593
26135 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849598
26616 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836591
29972 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.852601
30451 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857604
25655 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827601
23257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.101793
27578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.966680
27096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.070770
29016 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.082766
28535 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.075759
25176 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.086767
24216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949665
24698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914648
28058 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925650
29493 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914644
26617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901636
23738 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.911643
26136 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.912643
30452 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.904638
29973 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.908642
25656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884624
23258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719508
27579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
27097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658452
29017 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664469
25177 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658482
28536 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679498
24217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674478
24699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665469
28059 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672475
29494 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686487
26618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720508
30453 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702496
26137 kurwa nie działa
26137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735519
23739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745543
25657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632429
29974 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741523
23259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725496
27580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724512
27098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.532375
29018 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756534
25178 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751518
24218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741522
28537 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747510
24700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746517
28060 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747527
29495 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723511
26619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689490
26138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681482
30454 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707501
23740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684468
25658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673475
29975 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686484
23260 kurwa nie działa
23260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670472
27581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679480
27099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.082780
29019 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974689
25179 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998702
28538 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.999705
28061 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990697
24219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.008713
24701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000705
26620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000705
26139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.994701
29496 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009712
30455 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991700
23741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.318932
29976 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.321937
25659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.336945
23261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.025742
27582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.180852
27100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880622
29020 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.905638
25180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.882638
28062 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.872631
28539 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.882623
24220 kurwa nie działa
24220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876617
24702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876617
26140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861609
29497 kurwa nie działa
29497 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876619
30456 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876618
26621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.882622
29977 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863606
23742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.881622
25660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859606
23262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842578
27583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.019718
27101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013699
29021 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.089768
25181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.174814
28540 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.201848
24221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.225868
26141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.230869
29498 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.215859
24703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.232854
30457 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.226865
28063 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.255870
26622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.238877
29978 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.083778
23743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.215846
23263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.204853
27584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991683
27102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952683
29022 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917649
25182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833588
28541 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805569
29499 kurwa nie działa
29499 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770543
24222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785553
26142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780552
28064 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779550
30458 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797563
24704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804568
26623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801564
29979 kurwa nie działa
29979 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701478
23744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683479
23264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678476
27103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577397
27585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648457
29023 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569416
25183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.586430
28542 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585431
29500 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639453
26143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647458
30459 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626442
28065 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646456
24223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657462
24705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637449
26624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.631446
29980 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748529
23265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819581
23745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824583
27104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791559
27586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784554
29024 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970689
25184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.062734
28543 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.062732
29501 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.014715
24224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990699
26144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.006710
30460 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997706
28066 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.007713
29981 kurwa nie działa
24706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996705
26625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990701
29981 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795562
23266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811588
23746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812591
27105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762540
27587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771559
25661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.712618
29025 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716504
25185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608446
28544 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688503
29502 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688486
24225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698497
30461 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696490
26145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701495
28067 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808587
24707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.816577
26626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820595
29982 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869614
23747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684465
23267 kurwa nie działa
23267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717494
27106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753547
27588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750515
25662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683486
29026 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763526
25186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774547
28545 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971687
24226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.955689
29503 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974693
30462 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961696
26146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961679
28068 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.852602
24708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.122792
23748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.044740
26627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.124779
29983 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.072742
23268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.030734
27107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.037727
27589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.037732
25663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.031727
29027 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856600
25187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845579
28546 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629427
24227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642436
29504 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660477
30463 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707484
26147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708500
28069 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715504
24709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655479
23749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649457
29984 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657480
23269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658453
26628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683481
27108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615423
27590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618437
25664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.541382
29028 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628462
25188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626442
28547 kurwa nie działa
28547 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597425
24228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660475
29505 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642439
30464 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638451
26148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641452
28070 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645440
24710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634445
29985 kurwa nie działa
29985 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630429
23750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644454
23270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754551
26629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746544
27109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751547
27591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751548
25665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748516
29029 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.905638
25189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.908642
24229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789548
28548 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880618
29506 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949669
30465 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.021720
26149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.017718
28071 kurwa nie działa
28071 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.003708
24711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.104765
23751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.100794
29986 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.110784
23271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.091755
26630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.092756
27110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.093773
25666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.090765
27592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.095756
29030 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.816560
25190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837592
24230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833590
29507 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769545
28549 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929656
30466 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658464
26150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661466
28072 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677478
24712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786556
23752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785538
29987 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785554
23272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691486
26631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710501
27111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709500
25667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752549
27593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753550
29031 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.893630
25191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869613
24231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875617
28550 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779551
29508 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785554
30467 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779550
26151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772549
28073 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765541
24713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721510
23753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721509
29988 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897634
26632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856604
23273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883624
27112 kurwa nie działa
27112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879638
27594 kurwa nie działa
27594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841577
25668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851602
29032 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675477
25192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674475
24232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797563
28551 kurwa nie działa
28551 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797562
29509 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925655
26152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.923655
30468 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933659
28074 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.931658
24714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759550
23754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758535
29989 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788556
23274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.783556
26633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789558
27113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767527
27595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748536
25669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753516
29033 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752533
25193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765541
24233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717507
28552 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712503
26153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659466
29510 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669488
30469 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669473
28075 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657462
24715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.584397
23755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.584421
29990 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696506
23275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696489
26634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695490
27596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721502
27114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723507
29034 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716503
25670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739537
25194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800566
24234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719508
28553 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728532
26154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719510
29511 kurwa nie działa
29511 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929656
30470 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.924654
24716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796580
28076 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.931659
23756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800557
29991 kurwa nie działa
29991 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.852587
26635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.847600
23276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901653
27597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004709
27115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013717
29035 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.003703
25671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.995686
25195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.939681
28554 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937644
24235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946668
26155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884609
29512 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771545
30471 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842611
28077 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842594
24717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843578
23757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843596
29992 kurwa nie działa
29992 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735522
26636 kurwa nie działa
26636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738521
23277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725512
27598 kurwa nie działa
27598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609447
29036 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689503
27116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694493
25196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698489
25672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726526
26156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669473
24236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725529
28555 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747530
29513 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627443
30472 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697477
28078 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697494
24718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697494
23758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689488
29993 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818576
26637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820596
27599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778548
23278 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802549
29037 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771544
27117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770542
25197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736506
25673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788544
24237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761538
26157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786571
28556 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749544
29514 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742523
30473 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740521
24719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738521
23759 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800564
28079 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805569
29994 kurwa nie działa
29994 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587415
26638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626441
23279 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677494
27600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692503
29038 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685467
27118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685483
25198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685501
25674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663484
26158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664469
24238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712521
28557 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709501
29515 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709501
24720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653463
30474 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681499
23760 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678489
28080 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772561
29995 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748542
26639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.858589
23280 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817563
27601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808557
29039 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739522
27119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736519
25199 kurwa nie działa
25199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992702
25675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985696
26159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.983694
24239 kurwa nie działa
24239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.938661
28558 kurwa nie działa
28558 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.938646
29516 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946669
24721 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.924649
30475 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943648
28081 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785539
23761 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.889635
29996 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745513
26640 kurwa nie działa
26640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732534
23281 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708499
27602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710520
29040 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836597
27120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841595
25200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596402
25676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611432
26160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647457
24240 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669485
29517 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680463
28559 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717506
30476 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624441
24722 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665470
28082 kurwa nie działa
28082 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627458
23762 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627443
29997 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719521
26641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.894632
23282 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898648
27603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891628
29041 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797556
27121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805582
25201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877620
25677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.161820
26161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.124779
24241 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.102761
28560 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.055746
29518 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.083766
30477 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035733
24723 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.040735
23763 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.171810
28083 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.186838
29998 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.033730
26642 kurwa nie działa
26642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917632
23283 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914646
27604 kurwa nie działa
27604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.921667
29042 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.106799
27122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.102782
25202 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013734
25678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706500
26162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714520
24242 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714506
28561 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723510
29519 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728512
30478 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743540
24724 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759536
28084 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653461
23764 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663466
29999 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671474
26643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675490
23284 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688483
27605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799547
29043 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697476
25203 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693488
27123 kurwa nie działa
27123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714487
25679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710500
26163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729512
29520 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714506
24243 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734518
28562 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728514
30479 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762538
24725 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747529
28085 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760538
23765 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782569
30000 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744511
26644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736507
23285 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749532
27606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738538
29044 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711503
25204 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714487
27124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700510
25680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752514
26164 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780552
29521 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804585
30480 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748512
28563 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811573
24244 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821579
24726 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773545
28086 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740505
23766 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737505
30001 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792576
26645 kurwa nie działa
26645 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866627
23286 kurwa nie działa
23286 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859599
27607 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880606
29045 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.872614
25205 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884625
27125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884624
25681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826567
26165 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810557
29522 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785551
28564 kurwa nie działa
28564 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778567
30481 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789572
24245 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781534
24727 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768543
28087 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739523
23767 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747511
30002 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683483
26646 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611432
23287 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595411
27608 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579408
29046 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594435
25206 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640453
25682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635449
27126 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640437
26166 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601440
29523 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598408
28565 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588398
24246 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.586431
24728 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588416
30482 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608446
28088 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609428
23768 kurwa nie działa
23768 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580392
30003 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569385
26647 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.506355
23288 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.515365
27609 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.541396
29047 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606413
25207 kurwa nie działa
25207 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595437
27127 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597422
25683 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598421
29524 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593421
26167 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599409
28566 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722511
24247 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722510
24729 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
27610 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954660
30483 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.278885
23769 kurwa nie działa
23769 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.740230
26648 kurwa nie działa
30004 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.737226
26648 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.597113
23289 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.588119
28089 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.760243
29525 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.208851
24730 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.067753
27128 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.226882
28567 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.090769
29048 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.300919
26168 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.225865
25208 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.250866
25684 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.256888
24248 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.117773
27611 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686499
30484 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690495
23770 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.899652
26649 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.913662
23290 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.924652
30005 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.940680
27129 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.921634
28090 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937679
29526 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.942666
26169 kurwa nie działa
28568 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.938679
24731 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947684
26169 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.932673
25209 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933677
25685 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925652
29049 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956675
24249 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929655
30485 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804575
27612 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812573
23771 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856587
26650 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842577
23291 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822581
30006 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824581
27130 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836575
28091 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835590
29527 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838592
24732 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832586
26170 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842595
28569 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842595
25686 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829603
29050 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833589
25210 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849583
24250 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836607
30486 kurwa nie działa
30486 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826599
27613 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856608
23772 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769544
30007 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760536
26651 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769543
28092 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759519
23292 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787556
27131 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772545
29528 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764540
24733 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768527
26171 kurwa nie działa
26171 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788542
28570 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.823582
25687 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839593
29051 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842610
25211 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846614
24251 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846583
30487 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857607
27614 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.828584
23773 kurwa nie działa
23773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699507
30008 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698508
27132 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757550
26652 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794561
28093 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780568
24734 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767542
23293 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788556
29529 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780551
25688 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694483
28571 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724498
29052 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697477
26172 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765540
25212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698493
24252 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693507
27615 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670457
30488 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671474
23774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.096777
30009 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.095759
27133 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015722
26653 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027726
28094 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.022705
24735 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.081763
23294 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.079764
25689 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.084773
28572 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.083778
29530 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.101793
29053 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.085768
26173 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.094789
27616 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.083781
25213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.093772
24253 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.094756
30489 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.101761
23775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772545
30010 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772546
27134 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775526
26654 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754533
28095 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773546
23295 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708499
28573 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695491
24736 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719508
25690 kurwa nie działa
25690 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712485
29531 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702479
29054 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705499
27617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703480
26174 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711502
24254 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700512
30490 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701497
25214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711487
23776 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703494
30011 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703496
27135 kurwa nie działa
27135 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698494
26655 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704498
28096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690505
23296 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695491
28574 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690472
24737 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700510
25691 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697495
29532 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698478
29055 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695478
27618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695493
26175 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708484
24255 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709497
30491 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727512
25215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727520
23777 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609430
30012 kurwa nie działa
30012 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609430
27136 kurwa nie działa
27136 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669472
26656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672473
28097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671456
23297 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672474
28575 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673473
25692 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661464
24738 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672459
29533 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662467
29056 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668468
27619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663468
24256 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652449
26176 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652449
30492 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648459
25216 kurwa nie działa
25216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677489
30013 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775565
23778 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790561
26657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765556
27137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780566
28098 kurwa nie działa
28098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772561
23298 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786555
28576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780551
25693 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789540
29534 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793574
24739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793574
29057 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794559
27620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795564
24257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794576
26177 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807569
30493 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.783553
25217 kurwa nie działa
25217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800549
30014 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.114771
27138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.050725
26658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.058734
23779 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.112770
28577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.042737
28099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.062735
23299 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.042732
25694 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.041734
27621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.026738
29535 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.039719
29058 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027721
24740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.052730
26178 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.023723
24258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.037716
30494 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.077777
25218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.039750
30015 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635464
27139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642455
23780 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669471
23300 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658482
26659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689485
28100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679479
29536 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660467
27622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667454
29059 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675494
25695 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691507
28578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699510
24741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715521
26179 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
24259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719509
30495 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671456
25219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897618
30016 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.984693
27140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970683
23781 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961693
23301 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965663
26660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.006726
28101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.006711
29537 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.022722
27623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.030745
29060 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.026710
25696 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028725
28579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.029726
24742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.995687
26180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990699
24260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986711
30496 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993716
25220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758534
27141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018719
30017 kurwa nie działa
30017 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.024709
23782 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009698
23302 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.017736
26661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972677
28102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972687
29538 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.955676
27624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.950671
29061 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.950670
28580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.005708
25697 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015717
26181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004709
24743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009711
24261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009697
30497 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.005693
25221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013716
23783 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632446
27142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643457
30018 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686501
23303 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698476
29539 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686500
26662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712514
28103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708516
29062 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701496
27625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712485
28581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646459
25698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666456
26182 kurwa nie działa
26182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666469
24262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666469
24744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667487
30498 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668489
25222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670471
23784 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769562
27143 kurwa nie działa
27143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773530
30019 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740507
23304 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707500
29540 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712485
26663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692490
28104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696475
27626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711520
29063 kurwa nie działa
29063 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717504
28582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729499
26183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705516
24263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720510
25699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731515
24745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728515
30499 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723494
25223 kurwa nie działa
25223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719493
23785 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.976689
27144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992700
30020 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992717
23305 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010726
26664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.006708
29541 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.007727
28105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011724
27627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.983677
29064 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992701
28583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974686
26184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.980691
25700 kurwa nie działa
25700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970701
24264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974686
24746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971686
30500 kurwa nie działa
30500 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967683
25224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970685
23786 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864593
27145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866613
30021 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859589
23306 kurwa nie działa
23306 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841580
29542 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843581
26665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844598
27628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845598
29065 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836608
28584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836608
28106 kurwa nie działa
28106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855621
26185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838577
24747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822580
25701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833572
25225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814580
30501 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832587
24265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.847606
23787 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711519
27146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698509
23307 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695491
30022 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700494
26666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695474
29543 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704498
29066 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691472
27629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700511
28107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693490
26186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693488
24748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688487
28585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708500
30502 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692506
25702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702512
25226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733513
24266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727525
23788 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684468
27147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690471
23308 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684485
26667 kurwa nie działa
26667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684483
30023 kurwa nie działa
30023 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693507
29544 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689502
29067 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689502
28108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697477
24749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726529
27630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774546
30503 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755517
25703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774545
26187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789572
25227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752548
28586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794561
24267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779534
23789 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723526
23309 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716504
27148 kurwa nie działa
27148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721524
30024 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739520
26668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752531
29545 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740520
29068 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763523
28109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778550
24750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745510
30504 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708516
27631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715487
26188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699481
25704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704513
25228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698493
28587 kurwa nie działa
28587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727515
24268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711519
23790 kurwa nie działa
23790 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756534
23310 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756552
27149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752516
30025 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747530
29546 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742527
26669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748515
28110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695490
24751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690503
29069 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735502
27632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693490
26189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694490
30505 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704483
25705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701496
25229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701496
28588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682467
24269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678478
23311 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666453
23791 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681465
27150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676477
30026 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679463
26670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679480
24752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674460
29547 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694474
29070 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677478
28111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688470
27633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678480
30506 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680478
26190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689485
28589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671453
25706 kurwa nie działa
25706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694473
24270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666453
25230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704480
23312 kurwa nie działa
23312 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875632
23792 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877620
27151 kurwa nie działa
30027 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848599
27151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877619
26671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846614
24753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869615
29548 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860616
29071 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867615
28112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859607
27634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856604
30507 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.858604
28590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848598
26191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862611
24271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.895636
25231 kurwa nie działa
25231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.890645
25707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.904639
23313 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637453
23793 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638466
30028 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637466
27152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642470
26672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647457
24754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628439
29072 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655477
29549 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665477
28113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665486
27635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659483
28591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663470
25232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609415
24272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616448
25708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607428
30508 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677480
26192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663468
23314 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648457
23794 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946651
30029 kurwa nie działa
30029 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953658
27153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960661
24755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972682
26673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978675
29550 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947654
28114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.934646
29073 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949655
27636 kurwa nie działa
27636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947652
28592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.939663
24273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.951654
30509 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946667
25233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961695
26193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961691
25709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967684
23315 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820580
23795 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679479
30030 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677471
27154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666472
24756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644472
26674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644472
28115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642451
29551 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644455
29074 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640454
27637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641451
28593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646472
30510 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635466
24274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671492
26194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663469
25234 kurwa nie działa
25710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653444
25234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670457
23316 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736520
23796 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712521
30031 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714520
27155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722510
24757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712486
26675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720490
29552 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711502
29075 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.987698
28116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.994701
27638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985696
28594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998703
30511 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.995687
26195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960662
24275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965681
25711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.058764
25235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.068755
23317 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861608
23797 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.963678
30032 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985696
27156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982692
24758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991716
26676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990716
29553 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.041749
29076 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946684
28117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961694
27639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000690
28595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004711
30512 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.008728
26196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027741
24276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.052758
25712 kurwa nie działa
25712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.987682
25236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991700
23318 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.980693
23798 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943666
30033 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.969684
27157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973705
24759 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.029715
26677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.050742
29554 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013715
29077 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978675
28118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.984695
27640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.987695
28596 kurwa nie działa
28596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011715
30513 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015716
26197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998706
24277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.994701
25713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.981692
25237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.001708
23319 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956674
23799 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961681
30034 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954659
27158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.958676
24760 kurwa nie działa
24760 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.959693
26678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949655
29555 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956679
29078 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.935676
28119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.962682
27641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.945685
28597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929638
30514 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953672
26198 kurwa nie działa
26198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.959660
24278 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947670
25714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.938662
25238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.916647
23320 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851585
23800 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785539
30035 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786553
27159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813560
24761 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754548
26679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738519
29556 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726494
29079 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754517
28120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718508
28598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668472
27642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698478
30515 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640438
26199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633448
24279 kurwa nie działa
24279 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625443
25715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617435
25239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659465
23321 kurwa nie działa
23321 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723527
23801 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650474
30036 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732518
27160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738534
24762 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768527
29557 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762539
26680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777566
29080 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796569
28121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796545
28599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791557
27643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829598
30516 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829585
26200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827582
24280 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833586
25716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832588
25240 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810571
23322 kurwa nie działa
23322 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827568
23802 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850584
30037 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819579
27161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802551
24763 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795560
29558 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800564
26681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808554
29081 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720501
28122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704496
28600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717506
27644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730502
30517 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753533
26201 kurwa nie działa
26201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749531
25717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746527
24281 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752515
25241 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720508
23323 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608428
23803 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573405
30038 kurwa nie działa
30038 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683483
27162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667472
24764 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646457
29559 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648476
26682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641455
29082 kurwa nie działa
29082 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722511
28123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729516
28601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722511
27645 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675475
26202 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648458
30518 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667470
25718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664487
24282 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676478
25242 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694491
23324 kurwa nie działa
23324 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661482
23804 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732517
30039 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719508
27163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712519
29560 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769543
24765 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784570
26683 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.918664
29083 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862623
28602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866611
28124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886625
27646 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883639
26203 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891628
30519 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.904656
25719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.912641
25243 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998719
24283 kurwa nie działa
24283 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.029740
23325 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961682
23805 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.889645
27164 kurwa nie działa
27164 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.928653
30040 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.939661
29561 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.918648
24766 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970690
26684 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856602
29084 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804568
28603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915664
28125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925672
27647 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.927642
26204 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925671
30520 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898618
25720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917633
24284 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.874621
25244 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887629
23326 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868613
23806 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887610
27165 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800566
30041 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803567
24767 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733497
29562 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790543
26685 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766541
29085 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822567
28604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789540
28126 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837591
23807 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909658
27648 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.191857
26205 kurwa nie działa
26205 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.228850
27166 kurwa nie działa
27166 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.114789
30521 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.505061
24285 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.387979
25245 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.381959
23327 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.369966
25721 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.483046
29563 kurwa nie działa
29563 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.079777
30042 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.130815
26686 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010712
24768 kurwa nie działa
24768 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.100778
28127 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798563
28605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914647
29086 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.021722
23808 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612416
27649 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603409
26206 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571404
27167 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790558
30522 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790558
29564 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794559
25246 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810572
25722 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810590
30043 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813557
23328 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.823564
26687 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821585
24286 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844596
24769 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822596
28128 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809555
29087 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765541
28606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772562
23809 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699480
27650 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.816576
26207 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809588
27168 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804551
30523 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820597
29565 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805555
25247 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812590
25723 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810571
30044 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822597
23329 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.872632
26688 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880604
24287 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883622
24770 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880620
29088 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.902636
28129 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.920649
28607 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.916646
23810 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.921667
27651 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.940665
26208 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.939663
27169 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762538
30524 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742506
29566 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752545
25248 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741506
25724 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746511
30045 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781551
26689 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720522
23330 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737519
24771 kurwa nie działa
24771 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712489
24288 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720495
29089 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754533
28130 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755551
28608 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751530
23811 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733500
27652 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763538
26209 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761522
30525 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734536
27170 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742542
25249 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.981709
29567 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986697
25725 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997719
30046 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992703
23331 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.018720
26690 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035732
24772 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.034730
24289 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.031735
29090 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.022721
28609 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.079763
28131 kurwa nie działa
28131 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.086751
23812 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.084766
27653 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.995701
26210 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.038749
30526 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.126795
27171 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.123777
25250 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.085768
29568 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.088769
25726 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073743
30047 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.039717
23332 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.019705
26691 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.030713
24773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.032730
24290 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.032723
29091 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.930642
28610 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.881622
23813 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876620
28132 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915645
27654 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831572
26211 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800548
30527 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729498
27172 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763555
25251 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766525
25727 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803585
29569 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822580
30048 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805569
23333 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835608
26692 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831587
29092 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.816574
24774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827582
24291 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835607
28611 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817595
23814 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825581
28133 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803567
27655 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806569
26212 kurwa nie działa
26212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841611
30528 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800567
27173 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770527
25252 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675491
25728 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634430
29570 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639452
30049 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634447
29093 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571405
26693 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580418
23334 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606410
24775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585415
24292 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582393
28612 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572386
23815 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576409
28134 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599423
27656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581410
26213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540364
30529 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622439
27174 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619439
25253 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688472
25729 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690488
29571 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691490
30050 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698510
26694 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688494
29094 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689479
24776 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689485
23335 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702496
24293 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699495
23816 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690486
28613 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717508
28135 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678478
27657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688504
26214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718509
27175 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669472
30530 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683482
25254 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615434
25730 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609430
29572 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595435
30051 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601410
26695 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629428
29095 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656481
23336 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642472
24294 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
23817 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630463
24777 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661467
28614 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633465
28136 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627425
27658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651443
26215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611429
27176 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623456
30531 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679479
25255 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646474
25731 kurwa nie działa
25731 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694509
29573 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699495
30052 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690485
26696 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664486
29096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640433
23337 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654444
24295 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643455
24778 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645472
23818 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653445
28137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645436
28615 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651458
27659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630444
26216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658483
27177 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747510
30532 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701495
25256 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780550
25732 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733500
26697 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732517
29574 kurwa nie działa
29574 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746509
30053 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740523
29097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752532
23338 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748528
28138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738522
24296 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759535
24779 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759521
23819 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764540
28616 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757517
27660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739523
26217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749512
27178 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672475
30533 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660466
25257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649441
25733 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661466
29575 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
30054 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648459
29098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.631447
26698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650461
23339 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634432
28139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623440
24297 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639469
24780 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636458
23820 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668484
28617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663480
26218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671475
27661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711502
27179 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647458
30534 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646474
25258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716506
25734 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723529
29576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746542
30055 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737519
29099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760552
26699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784553
23340 kurwa nie działa
23340 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776548
28140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782552
24298 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772529
24781 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766532
23821 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734524
27662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689486
28618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751518
26219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726513
27180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693491
30535 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698491
25259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701495
25735 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685466
29577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668458
30056 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673493
29100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654446
26700 kurwa nie działa
26700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635449
23341 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643455
28141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661468
24299 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786556
24782 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805571
23822 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802550
27663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785556
28619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794563
26220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771543
27181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649456
30536 kurwa nie działa
30536 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646442
25260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807587
25736 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805569
30057 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802566
29578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808587
29101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810588
26701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829593
23342 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819578
28142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801565
23823 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645455
24300 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670472
24783 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664466
27664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661470
28620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658465
26221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648459
27182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625441
30537 kurwa nie działa
30537 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619436
25261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607416
25737 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635431
29579 kurwa nie działa
29579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645447
30058 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653459
29102 kurwa nie działa
29102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646441
26702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627451
23343 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.631447
23824 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639451
28143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639451
24784 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664488
24301 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694490
26222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677494
27665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684481
28621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687486
30538 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603426
27183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679480
25262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813570
25738 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854604
29580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850593
30059 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.852591
29103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849599
23344 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838592
23825 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837591
26703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861591
28144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839594
24785 kurwa nie działa
24785 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815558
24302 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830587
26223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.889626
27666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.890631
28622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.889645
30539 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.882623
27184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818579
25263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676479
25739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625446
29581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643458
30060 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644454
29104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644455
24786 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626448
23345 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648464
28145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633453
26704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657465
24303 kurwa nie działa
24303 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611415
26224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553376
23826 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672475
30540 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.524370
27667 kurwa nie działa
27667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563396
28623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573388
27185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.551388
25740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854597
25264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885624
29582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834589
30061 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822579
29105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832589
28146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818574
23346 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850611
24787 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850599
26705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973704
24304 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973688
26225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982692
30541 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.975705
23827 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990716
27668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988700
28624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970687
27186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.959679
25741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.562415
25265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.562396
29583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590417
30062 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590417
29106 kurwa nie działa
29106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589431
28147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.592434
23347 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615418
24788 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619436
26706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645441
24305 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641452
30542 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634431
26226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643454
23828 kurwa nie działa
23828 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640450
27669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679477
28625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679477
27187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680497
25742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670473
25266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674493
29584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856605
30063 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.865629
29107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863593
28148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868597
24789 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.902638
23348 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919650
26707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910657
24306 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.951670
30543 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.016735
26227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.016719
23829 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015712
28626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.980692
27670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.981693
27188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988681
25743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.969685
25267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000690
29585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947670
30064 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947651
29108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.945668
28149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986696
24790 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909641
23349 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993701
26708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.912629
24307 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.908641
30544 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878605
26228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883622
23830 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878620
28627 kurwa nie działa
27671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914646
28627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.918649
27189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901636
25744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.889612
25268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.948669
29586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853602
30065 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.872617
29109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.881623
28150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875619
24791 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965682
23350 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.882626
26709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.945671
24308 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929656
30545 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947667
26229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947669
23831 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.964682
27190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.945668
27672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960678
28628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978695
25745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873615
25269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.903657
29587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.894648
30066 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873633
29110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866610
28151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861607
24792 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855621
23351 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856616
26710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901632
24309 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883641
30546 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897634
26230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.927655
23832 kurwa nie działa
23832 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.932657
27191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.948670
27673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.959679
28629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947664
25746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.966700
25270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896614
29588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027726
30067 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.050725
29111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.053760
28152 kurwa nie działa
28152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.087785
24793 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.037715
23352 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.038718
26711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.059762
24310 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073755
30547 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.080765
23833 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.064768
26231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.086783
27192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.079781
27674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073758
28630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.072760
25747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.062750
25271 kurwa nie działa
25271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.069770
29589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967665
30068 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993702
29112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990701
28153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.948652
24794 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943681
23353 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965699
26712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972672
24311 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978676
30548 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.897631
26232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878607
23834 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879606
27193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.928636
27675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915645
28631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.031744
25748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.021721
25272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.019722
29590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.019721
30069 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973704
29113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972670
28154 kurwa nie działa
28154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.029728
24795 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.019723
23354 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.063748
26713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.948669
24312 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.003709
30549 kurwa nie działa
30549 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.012715
26233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.144805
23835 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.148810
27194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.058750
27676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.059765
28632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.020720
25749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.950671
25273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.940662
29591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974702
30070 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974685
29114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.034729
28155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.066753
24796 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.085750
23355 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.057732
26714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.147811
24313 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.176830
30550 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.176831
26234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.119792
23836 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.127796
27195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.133798
27677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.221845
28633 kurwa nie działa
28633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.193825
25750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.240859
25274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.258873
29592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.210840
30071 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.211841
29115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.162822
28156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.110789
24797 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.140804
23356 kurwa nie działa
23356 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.141806
26715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.107783
24314 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.104780
30551 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.129803
26235 kurwa nie działa
26235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.107781
23837 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.110785
27196 kurwa nie działa
27196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.137805
27678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.057746
28634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.060766
25751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.083764
25275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.055765
29593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.092772
30072 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.098776
29116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.125794
28157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.080757
24798 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.093772
23357 kurwa nie działa
23357 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.097775
26716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.024722
24315 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.092772
30552 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.064745
26236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.031729
23838 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.020721
27197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.998703
27679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.042751
28635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.053748
25752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.975706
25276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.034712
30073 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988700
29594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010713
29117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992700
28158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.995704
24799 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.209869
23358 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.202850
26717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.193827
24316 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.092772
30553 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.160821
26237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.136815
23839 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.143807
27198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.192842
27680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.144808
28636 kurwa nie działa
28636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.123787
25753 kurwa nie działa
25753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.278886
30074 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.286892
29595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.288911
29118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.266912
28159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.247897
24800 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027710
23359 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.064751
26718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.091785
24317 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.125795
30554 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.084766
26238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.097762
23840 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.101777
27199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.108783
27681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.133803
28637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.143793
25754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035732
30075 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.056762
29596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.069754
29119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.066735
28160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.091753
24801 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.119807
23360 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.136821
26719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.146811
24318 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.158818
30555 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.152813
26239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.170841
23841 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.177831
27200 kurwa nie działa
27200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.120791
27682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.092771
28638 kurwa nie działa
28638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.078762
25755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.242891
30076 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.213856
29597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.209872
29120 kurwa nie działa
29120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.260908
28161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.236878
24802 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.115776
23361 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.101776
26720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.033730
24319 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943683
30556 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925655
25277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.930791
26240 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.943651
23842 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937663
27201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967683
27683 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982688
28639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.948689
25756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844582
30077 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702481
29598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692471
29121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708482
24803 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737516
28162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741523
23362 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676461
26721 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791559
24320 kurwa nie działa
24320 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789557
30557 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785536
25278 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809554
26241 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785555
23843 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839597
27202 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.001725
27684 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988704
28640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992681
25757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.108799
30078 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.170843
29599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.179833
29122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.107798
24804 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.146811
23363 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.138805
26722 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.050739
30558 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.043737
24321 kurwa nie działa
24321 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.052725
25279 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.011730
26242 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.001708
23844 kurwa nie działa
23844 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965678
27203 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.852585
28641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839592
27685 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.858592
28163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.491053
25758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659449
30079 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.586395
29600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577407
29123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571389
24805 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.510360
23364 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587413
26723 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563385
30559 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540381
25280 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.535363
24322 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.549394
26243 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582409
23845 kurwa nie działa
23845 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547384
27204 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615433
28642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627443
27686 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627440
28164 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657464
25759 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792559
29601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846610
30080 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868616
29124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986712
24806 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.999721
23365 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.944684
26724 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933674
30560 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.070757
25281 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.082764
24323 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.156812
26244 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.181835
23846 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.203852
27205 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.136820
28643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.143825
27687 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.149812
28165 kurwa nie działa
28165 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.161822
25760 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.188853
29602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.181837
30081 kurwa nie działa
30081 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.200863
29125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.260873
24807 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.258889
23366 kurwa nie działa
23366 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.284904
26725 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.284891
30561 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.149812
25282 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.139804
24324 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.105779
26245 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.051742
23847 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.044736
27206 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953656
28644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.959660
27688 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953674
28166 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.899635
25761 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780536
29603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782551
30082 kurwa nie działa
30082 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765541
29126 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624439
24808 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617435
23367 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.562398
26726 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571404
30562 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575405
25283 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574406
24325 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618438
25762 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658466
29604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582395
26246 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.915646
27207 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880622
28645 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857605
23848 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919666
27689 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853602
30083 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750513
29127 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707501
28167 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004708
24326 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860606
24809 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.033714
25763 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734534
23368 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.209855
26727 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.162819
25284 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.152814
30563 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.165822
26247 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742541
27690 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733516
28646 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739522
23849 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735502
29605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765540
27208 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759534
30084 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682480
28168 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678478
29128 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689491
24810 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680479
25764 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.029716
24327 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.239877
26728 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.238893
23369 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.244881
25285 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.260907
28647 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.280906
27691 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.300928
29606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.320950
27209 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.336944
28169 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.261890
30085 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.277904
29129 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.265888
30564 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.763247
26248 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.768233
23850 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.966405
25765 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.252881
24328 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.266895
23370 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.208835
26729 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.228849
25286 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.218844
28648 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.193841
27692 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.189830
29607 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.173812
27210 kurwa nie działa
27210 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.184837
28170 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.187838
30086 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.185834
29130 kurwa nie działa
29130 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.185834
30565 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974689
26249 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974687
23851 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842579
25766 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706497
24329 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713501
23371 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638451
26730 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637451
25287 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632445
28649 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618436
27693 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613435
29608 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.605426
27211 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577406
30087 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547387
28171 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.554393
29131 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.551388
30566 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638448
26250 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
23852 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594420
25767 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660467
24330 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718509
23372 kurwa nie działa
23372 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669472
26731 kurwa nie działa
26731 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682481
28650 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685484
25288 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692490
27694 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689486
27212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810571
29609 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812574
30088 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835589
28172 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870614
29132 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867614
30567 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819578
26251 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.888627
23853 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.882621
24811 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.884744
25768 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869614
24331 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.823581
23373 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827584
26732 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851602
28651 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862613
25289 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.886626
27695 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880620
27213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757537
29610 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761539
30089 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744525
29133 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766542
28173 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778567
30568 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690505
26252 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674492
23854 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667487
24812 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661466
25769 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663484
24332 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782552
23374 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.912644
26733 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875617
28652 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848598
25290 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824581
27696 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826585
27214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821580
29611 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947668
30090 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.964697
28174 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.918631
29134 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.932656
30569 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.055746
26253 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.022708
23855 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.010698
24813 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.982694
25770 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974672
24333 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885640
26734 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793561
23375 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808570
28653 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806568
25291 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806569
27215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801568
27697 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806568
29612 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678481
30091 kurwa nie działa
30091 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673460
29135 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647458
28175 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689488
30570 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.524370
26254 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.507359
23856 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575406
24814 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550388
25771 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729533
24334 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856589
23376 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891631
26735 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900638
28654 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.888644
25292 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925655
27216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953672
27698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.959662
29613 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.973687
30092 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.042736
29136 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.053743
28176 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.079779
30571 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028709
26255 kurwa nie działa
26255 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.030726
24815 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.178820
23857 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.195845
25772 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.198845
24335 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.279923
23377 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.293930
26736 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.314927
28655 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.320932
25293 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.310925
27217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.282906
27699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.276901
29614 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.264908
30093 kurwa nie działa
30093 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.196844
28177 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.150794
29137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.220863
26256 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.139822
24816 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.039736
23858 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028727
25773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.840577
24336 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626437
23378 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570387
26737 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587431
28656 kurwa nie działa
28656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.583430
25294 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.562414
27700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582428
27218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597421
29615 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585396
30094 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569420
28178 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.551390
29138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.542383
30572 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.704202
26257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642453
24817 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.529373
23859 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.548387
25774 kurwa nie działa
25774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581410
24337 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642441
23379 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757534
26738 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717493
28657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715493
25295 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711485
27701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682466
27219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683482
30095 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744508
29616 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759537
28179 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744524
29139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756531
30573 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739522
26258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725494
23860 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694506
24818 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714504
25775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678479
24338 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676478
23380 kurwa nie działa
23380 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735520
26739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736517
28658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796559
27702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797563
25296 kurwa nie działa
25296 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797563
30096 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727517
27220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799568
29617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729515
28180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730516
29140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719495
30574 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732521
26259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663469
24819 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742541
23861 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748511
25776 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711507
24339 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791557
23381 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755531
26740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803567
28659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818576
27221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835588
27703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864627
30097 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856602
25297 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.920649
29618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.907658
28181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.904639
29141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.916647
26260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.902638
30575 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.908639
23862 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825599
24820 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830585
25777 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859602
24340 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814575
23382 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663469
26741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615434
28660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655463
27222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622455
30098 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613449
27704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618435
28182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571404
25298 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.592420
29619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585413
29142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589417
26261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596421
30576 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608430
23863 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669456
24821 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665453
25778 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571420
24341 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648458
23383 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603427
26742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645456
28661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763538
27223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777532
30099 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780536
27705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786541
25299 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845611
28183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868613
29143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844596
29620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870615
26262 kurwa nie działa
30577 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833586
26262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846598
23864 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771546
24822 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773526
25779 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.745514
24342 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691489
23384 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702495
26743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771546
28662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.149826
27224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.129798
30100 kurwa nie działa
30100 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.127812
28184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.025723
25300 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.041721
29621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.016719
27706 kurwa nie działa
27706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.132799
29144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.033731
26263 kurwa nie działa
26263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027725
30578 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.032727
23865 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.039750
24823 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.132801
25780 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.123788
24343 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.301918
23385 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.558100
26744 kurwa nie działa
26744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.443018
28663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.274886
27225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.328937
30101 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.328920
29622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.317928
25301 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.329939
27707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.335942
28185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.336945
29145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.328936
30579 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.363962
26264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.368964
25781 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.248881
24344 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.021721
23386 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770542
26745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766539
28664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627443
27226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577409
25302 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.559396
30102 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581412
29623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673476
28186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666470
27708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701496
29146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698493
26265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739521
30580 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750531
25782 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862609
24345 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722511
26746 kurwa nie działa
26746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869615
23387 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877621
24824 kurwa nie działa
24824 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.679893
28665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013714
27227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.008711
25303 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013715
30103 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073757
23866 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.933053
29624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.995703
28187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.984696
27709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961678
29147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009715
30581 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.919649
26266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.932659
25783 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.874619
24346 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879621
26747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798565
23388 kurwa nie działa
23388 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796562
24825 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677477
28666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793560
27228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797563
25304 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798563
30104 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778549
23867 kurwa nie działa
23867 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778549
29625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777549
28188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778549
27710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775547
29148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727512
30582 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833588
24347 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761536
26267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.847598
25784 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782552
23389 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993701
26748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.004707
24826 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869614
28667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.893633
27229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892630
25305 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.894631
30105 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844596
23868 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870615
28189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866614
29626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871616
29149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.865611
27711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870615
30583 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802568
24348 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793561
26268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788557
25785 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791558
23390 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.586415
26749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587432
24827 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785554
28668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795575
27230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834590
25306 kurwa nie działa
25306 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832588
30106 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832588
23869 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.979709
29627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.975689
29150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970702
30584 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925654
28190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991699
27712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.981692
24349 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.932675
26269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933661
25786 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.932658
23391 kurwa nie działa
23391 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073759
26750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.112769
24828 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.857326
28669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.379665
30107 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.338668
27231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.349669
25307 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.348657
23870 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.346657
29628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.347672
29151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.347641
30585 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.347656
28191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.346656
27713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.283335
26270 kurwa nie działa
26270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.281316
25787 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.283320
24350 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.293325
23392 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.828699
26751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.784686
24829 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.168236
30108 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.419692
28670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.441723
27232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.424700
25308 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.427732
23871 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.744626
29629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.744626
29152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.740641
30586 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.745643
28192 kurwa nie działa
28192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.744642
27714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.458441
26271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.459440
25788 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.458455
24351 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.460454
23393 out of 30776 which took 0:00:04.547212
26752 kurwa nie działa
26752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:04.553199
24830 out of 30776 which took 0:00:04.466152
28671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:04.461159
30109 out of 30776 which took 0:00:04.476160
27233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:04.468155
25309 out of 30776 which took 0:00:04.467135
23872 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.917765
30587 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.907759
29630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.919767
29153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.930774
28193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.916767
27715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.584513
25789 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.579518
26272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.585533
24352 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.577514
26753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.248605
23394 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.260578
24831 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.456749
28672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.456724
30110 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.455732
27234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.459736
25310 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.456751
23873 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.789270
30588 kurwa nie działa
30588 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.786261
29631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.787264
28194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.785260
29154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.786261
25790 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.729230
26273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.729222
27716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.745248
24353 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.777272
26754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.815265
23395 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.815282
24832 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.636157
28673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.638156
30111 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.638173
27235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.637172
25311 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.635138
23874 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.001406
30589 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.004415
29632 kurwa nie działa
29632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.008432
29155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.000429
28195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.008433
25791 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.603836
26274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.604839
27717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.600837
24354 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.565794
26755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.068182
23396 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.548521
24833 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.170222
30112 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.165234
28674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.308336
24355 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.755222
26275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.766248
25312 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.306337
27236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.318342
27718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.783257
23875 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.895042
29156 kurwa nie działa
30590 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.903049
29633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.899031
29156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.893027
28196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.898045
25792 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.030428
26756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.173828
23397 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.530081
28675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.374953
30113 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.515052
24834 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.523075
25313 kurwa nie działa
25313 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.381973
26276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.386992
24356 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.388996
27237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.384977
27719 kurwa nie działa
27719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.383967
23876 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.400991
29157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.389982
28197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.385962
29634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.399987
30591 kurwa nie działa
30591 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.405992
25793 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.400979
26757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.661189
23398 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.374971
30114 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.370974
24835 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.370968
28676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.382993
25314 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.367965
24357 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.367965
26277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.369952
27238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.402993
27720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.408989
28198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.401990
30592 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.391982
25794 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.395986
29158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.418000
29635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.417000
23877 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.432994
26758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.084765
30115 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.090779
23399 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.107781
24836 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.096774
24358 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.094757
26278 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.094789
28677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.102779
25315 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.108785
27721 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.105796
27239 kurwa nie działa
27239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.105796
30593 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997719
28199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.003709
25795 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.041752
29636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.041735
29159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.052742
23878 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.050742
26759 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863593
30116 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677464
23400 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720493
24837 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726497
24359 kurwa nie działa
24359 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717522
28678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724497
26279 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742508
25316 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731518
27722 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686483
27240 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688472
28200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754549
30594 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759538
25796 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716489
29637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710501
23879 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704513
29160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712519
26760 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708516
30117 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613447
23401 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625442
24360 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617421
28679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619434
26280 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606418
24838 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635434
25317 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616425
27241 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607444
27723 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617454
30595 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672489
28201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691472
25797 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686482
23880 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687487
29638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694490
29161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718508
26761 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.907642
30118 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797565
23402 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749527
24361 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755533
28680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838593
26281 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842612
24839 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.858622
27242 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854604
25318 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862627
27724 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859607
30596 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793563
28202 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.895631
25798 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.894631
23881 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892612
29639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.888645
29162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875620
26762 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684465
30119 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669457
23403 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731531
24362 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742537
28681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663470
26282 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658449
24840 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649452
27243 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815559
25319 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879621
27725 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878603
30597 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718492
28203 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762556
25799 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790559
23882 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784554
29640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799564
29163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791542
26763 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788576
30120 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787539
23404 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.147813
24363 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.135804
28682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.130797
26283 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.151829
27244 kurwa nie działa
27244 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.194857
24841 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.371958
25320 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.319930
27726 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.334942
30598 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.329954
28204 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.332941
23883 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.367983
25800 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.372969
29641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.362962
29164 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.376988
26764 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.391965
30121 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.240894
23405 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.986696
24364 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991685
28683 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.981677
26284 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965666
27245 kurwa nie działa
27245 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757535
24842 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763553
25321 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788557
27727 kurwa nie działa
27727 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.783568
30599 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769543
28205 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668471
23884 kurwa nie działa
23884 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649459
25801 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650476
29642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693493
29165 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679465
26765 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.889641
23406 kurwa nie działa
23406 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701480
30122 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885608
24365 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692487
28684 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706499
26285 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.975705
27246 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965685
24843 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.977675
25322 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817561
27728 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837576
30600 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835575
28206 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862594
25802 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.922653
23885 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.934643
29643 kurwa nie działa
29643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883602
29166 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960676
26766 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.941652
30123 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.934660
23407 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.944665
24366 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.944666
28685 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028739
27247 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751513
26286 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771527
24844 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839591
25323 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824599
27729 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806584
30601 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804565
28207 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712519
25803 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832569
23886 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837605
29644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838594
29167 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761537
26767 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696507
23408 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693490
30124 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703495
24367 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701496
28686 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667457
27248 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667472
26287 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660468
24845 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739509
25324 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708483
30602 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692489
28208 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709501
27730 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812560
25804 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799582
23887 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868614
29168 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859607
29645 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.133814
26768 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000704
30125 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.000706
24368 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992701
23409 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.001707
28687 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.244897
27249 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.267895
26288 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.274900
24846 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.103777
25325 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.534100
28209 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.516070
30603 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.539087
27731 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.430026
25805 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.399972
23888 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.422003
29169 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.563102
26769 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.355958
23410 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.363978
24369 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.392998
30126 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.394987
28688 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.125794
27250 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.101775
26289 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.111784
24847 kurwa nie działa
24847 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.111802
25326 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.950671
28210 kurwa nie działa
28210 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946650
30604 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952673
27732 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952657
25806 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.840592
23889 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756551
29170 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.062752
26770 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.137803
23411 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.127781
24370 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.140805
28689 kurwa nie działa
28689 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.099773
30127 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.143820
27251 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.106799
29646 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.582825
24848 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.078762
26290 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.083781
25327 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952656
28211 kurwa nie działa
28211 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953691
25807 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.057747
27733 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.152827
23890 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.051725
30605 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.193842
29171 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636465
23412 kurwa nie działa
23412 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609445
24371 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572389
26771 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625428
28690 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573390
24849 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687469
29647 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689487
30128 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701483
27252 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695491
26291 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701479
28212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656460
25328 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667488
25808 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668490
30606 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638469
27734 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683468
23891 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679480
29172 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687468
23413 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678464
24372 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678481
26772 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692504
28691 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696509
29648 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648457
24850 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648457
27253 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652461
30129 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668490
26292 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661467
28213 kurwa nie działa
28213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603430
25329 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638440
25809 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607425
30607 kurwa nie działa
30607 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.602406
27735 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666471
23892 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698511
29173 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673475
23414 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737538
24373 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737518
26773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777533
29649 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693474
28692 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775531
24851 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703497
27254 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703497
30130 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697475
26293 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736536
28214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687485
25330 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891641
25810 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850587
30608 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842595
27736 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.088785
23893 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.129795
29174 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.124796
23415 kurwa nie działa
23415 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.941665
24374 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.941683
29650 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.233887
26774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.249898
28693 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.249899
24852 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.278903
27255 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.285891
30131 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.330956
28215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.287891
26294 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.292895
25331 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.126777
25811 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.256886
30609 kurwa nie działa
30609 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.256871
27737 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.280887
23894 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.390983
29175 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.385978
23416 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.383961
24375 kurwa nie działa
24375 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.388980
29651 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.184819
26775 kurwa nie działa
26775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.179817
28694 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.173812
24853 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.145792
27256 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.135818
30132 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.103762
28216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.103779
26295 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.108785
25332 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.154818
25812 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892648
30610 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.893632
27738 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679479
23895 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.509344
29176 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582411
23417 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697508
24376 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754515
29652 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780568
26776 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781550
28695 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809570
24854 kurwa nie działa
24854 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808587
27257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808555
28217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789559
25333 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655476
26296 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786554
30133 kurwa nie działa
30133 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813574
25813 kurwa nie działa
25813 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721493
30611 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724512
23896 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679494
27739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694490
29177 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754533
23418 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650459
24377 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768558
28696 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800580
24855 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806568
26297 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798563
29653 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855586
25334 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811558
30134 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793562
28218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818578
25814 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743524
26777 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876637
30612 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751545
27258 kurwa nie działa
27258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843594
23897 kurwa nie działa
23897 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827584
27740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835592
29178 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804582
23419 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827583
24378 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875604
28697 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634435
24856 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629447
26298 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628463
29654 kurwa nie działa
29654 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717509
30135 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713520
28219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707516
25335 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717506
26778 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709483
25815 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726495
27259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710506
30613 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720492
27741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.556399
23898 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.564407
29179 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572403
23420 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692473
24379 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694504
24857 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778549
26299 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789555
28698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842593
29655 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760552
30136 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762537
28220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839590
25336 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863626
26779 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869631
25816 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863610
27260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.889641
30614 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985711
23899 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.095782
27742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.107790
29180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991704
23421 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.278903
24380 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.432013
29656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.603132
28221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.543091
25337 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.521058
26780 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.542089
25817 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.543089
30615 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.430996
27261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.541072
23900 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.336929
29181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.605132
23422 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.165823
24858 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.119494
24381 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992701
28699 kurwa nie działa
28699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.299642
30137 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.353662
29657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765522
26300 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.429697
28222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748511
25338 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.020719
26781 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009697
25818 kurwa nie działa
25818 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.012731
30616 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997720
27262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993701
23901 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978688
23423 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672474
29182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686466
24859 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729499
24382 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580408
28700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678475
30138 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624441
29658 kurwa nie działa
29658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688504
27743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.679892
28223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702513
26301 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722528
25339 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589418
26782 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593431
30617 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588399
25819 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601408
27263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596421
23902 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594437
23424 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623441
29183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628446
24860 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580428
24383 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621432
28701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590417
30139 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575404
29659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.513350
28224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659465
26302 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700479
27744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715488
25340 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668485
26783 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755519
30618 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753531
27264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749545
25820 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755550
23903 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746527
23425 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775547
29184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770543
24861 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765524
24384 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789565
28702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695494
30140 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690473
29660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.686470
28225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769544
26303 kurwa nie działa
26303 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909657
27745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910642
25341 kurwa nie działa
25341 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844584
26784 kurwa nie działa
26784 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808588
30619 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820597
27265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822565
25821 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822565
23426 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764522
23904 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833571
29185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766540
24862 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804568
24385 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690488
28703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717488
30141 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711503
29661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803584
28226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.899637
26304 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.042737
27746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.046757
25342 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.311941
26785 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.246863
30620 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.285890
27266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.360976
25822 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.366963
23427 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.361961
23905 kurwa nie działa
23905 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.422021
24863 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.416984
24386 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.421003
28704 kurwa nie działa
28704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.393000
30142 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.405991
28227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.351935
26305 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.211838
29186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.082472
27747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.227867
25343 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.022719
26786 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.044740
27267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914630
30621 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.997704
25823 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.945684
23428 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953689
23906 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891614
29662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.135508
24864 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978691
28705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967667
24387 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.976673
30143 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965698
28228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693506
26306 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612435
29187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613449
27748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690484
25344 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.816579
26787 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798578
27268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811589
30622 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815576
25824 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779552
29663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767525
23429 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778534
23907 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778564
24865 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778565
28706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779550
24388 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780567
30144 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773546
28229 kurwa nie działa
28229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801567
29188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.894616
26307 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.909641
27749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806556
26788 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596423
25345 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629427
27269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662468
30623 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671491
25825 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778549
23430 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780554
29664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786555
23908 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789558
24866 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701495
24389 kurwa nie działa
24389 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695474
28707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702512
30145 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720492
28230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843577
29189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910641
26308 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002723
27750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.014715
26789 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.046737
25346 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.039749
27270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.036729
30624 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.034731
25826 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.928673
23431 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.925656
29665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956676
23909 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.158800
24390 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.121794
24867 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.133800
28708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.131782
30146 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.113786
28231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845597
29190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898633
26309 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.259881
27751 kurwa nie działa
27751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.252902
26790 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.452026
25347 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.446008
27271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.388984
30625 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.470021
25827 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.473040
23432 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.473035
29666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.502077
23910 kurwa nie działa
23910 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.389981
30147 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.647180
24391 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.979412
24868 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.978381
28232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.975410
28709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.988404
26310 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.221872
27752 kurwa nie działa
27752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.223864
26791 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028722
25348 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.030726
27272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.062749
30626 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.975671
25828 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993683
23433 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.988697
29667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.942649
29191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.875326
30148 kurwa nie działa
30148 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634448
24392 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658448
24869 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863626
28710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853602
29668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.086784
28233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.323919
24393 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685500
29192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.098775
30149 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035713
25349 kurwa nie działa
25349 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.206868
27753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.299900
26792 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.219847
26311 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.318914
24870 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597421
28711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612451
27273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.299901
30627 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.400990
23434 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.378991
25829 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.385993
29669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730513
28234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731516
24394 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725511
29193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729514
30150 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727513
27754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741541
25350 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956692
26793 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965682
26312 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.958694
24871 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.880605
28712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860590
30628 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755531
27274 kurwa nie działa
27274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863608
25830 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753531
23435 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760533
29670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710488
28235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712503
24395 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716506
30151 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777566
29194 kurwa nie działa
29194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787557
27755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898633
25351 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798548
26313 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789556
26794 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799566
24872 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842602
28713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843612
30629 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873634
25831 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864598
27275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884642
23436 kurwa nie działa
23436 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875621
23911 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.840728
29671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732516
28236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805584
24396 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833606
29195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811591
30152 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.823581
27756 kurwa nie działa
27756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736505
25352 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782566
26314 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.783538
26795 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782535
24873 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796557
28714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800547
30630 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766541
23437 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755517
25832 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766540
27276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757519
23912 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771529
29672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.987697
28237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.228853
24397 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.243861
30153 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.178815
29196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.198827
27757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.136801
24874 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.377970
28715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.423007
30631 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.482029
27277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.496062
23438 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.504062
25833 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.620161
23913 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.607134
26315 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.036436
28238 kurwa nie działa
28238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.206851
30154 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.171827
24398 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.208855
27758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.202851
29197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.203850
24875 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978692
28716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.941663
30632 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.882623
27278 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910636
23439 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.913645
25834 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808554
23914 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801566
29673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.071463
26316 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643456
28239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721510
24399 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691486
30155 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734518
27759 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709501
29198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718507
24876 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.521367
30633 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.531377
28717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.537381
27279 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.510362
23440 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.516366
23915 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.510360
25835 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.527372
26796 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.074170
25353 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.085164
29674 kurwa nie działa
29674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.498350
26317 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567399
28240 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.556392
24400 kurwa nie działa
24400 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580410
30156 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582403
27760 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.564398
29199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577407
24877 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574406
27280 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620436
28718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639434
30634 kurwa nie działa
30634 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644453
23441 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621437
23916 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625442
25836 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651459
25354 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619436
26797 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632445
29675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581411
26318 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.541382
28241 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.504356
24401 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664468
30157 kurwa nie działa
27761 kurwa nie działa
30157 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668471
27761 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662466
24878 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851616
27281 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.057764
28719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.067772
30635 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.087785
23442 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.084772
23917 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.111784
25355 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.149829
25837 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.180851
26798 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.202867
29676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.209871
28242 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.238875
29200 kurwa nie działa
29200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.811296
24402 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.257891
27762 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.267912
30158 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.275901
24879 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.080765
27282 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.976687
28720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970667
30636 kurwa nie działa
30636 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.990700
23443 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.993712
23918 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961678
25356 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929656
26799 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.863609
25838 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.908626
29677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841577
29201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751531
28243 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900636
24403 kurwa nie działa
24403 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683480
27763 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663469
30159 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685499
26319 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.336649
24880 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709485
27283 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682483
28721 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687502
30637 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685468
23444 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714488
23919 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710503
25357 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670474
26800 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676460
25839 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679496
29678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697493
29202 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730515
28244 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752548
27764 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747510
24404 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757535
30160 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729518
26320 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772563
24881 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760552
27284 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790559
28722 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857606
30638 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836590
23445 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901636
25358 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.913637
23920 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.947655
26801 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.945693
25840 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.955671
29679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.964697
29203 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896646
28245 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.883622
27765 kurwa nie działa
27765 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891645
24405 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.895650
30161 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.905624
26321 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.890628
24882 kurwa nie działa
24882 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.882606
27285 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782552
28723 kurwa nie działa
28723 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715506
30639 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707515
23446 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759537
25359 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742531
23921 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719506
26802 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715498
25841 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714506
29680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687469
28246 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660450
29204 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675480
27766 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688503
24406 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714486
30162 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703494
26322 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730516
24883 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729517
27286 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693490
28724 kurwa nie działa
28724 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738521
30640 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756518
23447 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608445
23922 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641454
25360 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652443
26803 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646456
25842 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647457
29681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658466
29205 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608429
27767 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609412
24407 kurwa nie działa
24407 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617454
30163 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617453
26323 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626443
24884 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654477
27287 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689484
28725 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708498
30641 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738538
23448 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754533
23923 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830585
25361 kurwa nie działa
25361 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877638
26804 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879621
25843 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929673
29682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.928672
29206 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035730
26324 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.316929
27768 kurwa nie działa
27768 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.786278
24408 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.788262
28247 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.507771
30164 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.818285
28726 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.539073
23924 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.466050
25362 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.439015
25844 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.449021
29683 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.466031
24885 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.023426
29207 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.302903
27288 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.063443
30642 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.967370
23449 kurwa nie działa
23449 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.949376
26325 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.045722
26805 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.918352
24409 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786537
27769 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830568
28248 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772563
30165 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772542
28727 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715502
23925 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581394
25363 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621440
25845 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625427
29684 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604413
24886 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578393
29208 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553407
30643 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.539384
27289 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589415
23450 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609430
26326 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.549401
26806 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591418
24410 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553391
27770 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558412
28728 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782571
28249 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811573
23926 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808571
30166 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814559
25364 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834572
25846 kurwa nie działa
25846 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782552
24887 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776550
29685 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791575
29209 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.086767
30644 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.976687
27290 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.978691
23451 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.918649
26327 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035717
24411 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960696
28250 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691470
26807 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.976673
28729 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720492
27771 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.976672
30167 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730534
23927 kurwa nie działa
23927 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781571
25365 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718492
25847 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714521
29686 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709493
24888 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720508
30645 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620439
29210 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701496
27291 kurwa nie działa
27291 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699494
23452 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698475
26328 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550387
28251 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561411
24412 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569386
26808 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.559396
28730 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563403
27772 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609431
30168 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.586396
23928 kurwa nie działa
23928 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619418
25366 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597437
25848 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589414
29687 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588421
24889 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598423
30646 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576423
29211 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648442
27292 kurwa nie działa
27292 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654478
23453 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653460
26329 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654464
28252 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624443
24413 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802580
28731 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801559
26809 kurwa nie działa
26809 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815577
27773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760536
30169 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772560
23929 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688501
25367 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768539
25849 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.850602
29688 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868613
24890 kurwa nie działa
24890 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870630
30647 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878620
29212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797563
23454 kurwa nie działa
23454 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784553
27293 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887624
28253 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877603
26330 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884624
24414 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713506
28732 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710501
26810 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723508
27774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719510
30170 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755534
23930 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795565
25368 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732503
25850 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629429
24891 kurwa nie działa
24891 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619438
29689 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642438
30648 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732500
29213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676477
27294 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744512
28254 kurwa nie działa
28254 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743526
26331 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754533
24415 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744525
28733 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747546
26811 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766558
27775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771562
30171 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744527
25369 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685484
23931 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710483
25851 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740523
24892 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729514
29690 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759537
30649 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634463
29214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669486
23455 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.344950
27295 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639466
28255 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710518
26332 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707487
24416 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699478
28734 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699493
27776 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684481
26812 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713488
30172 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678463
23932 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680474
25370 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682484
25852 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659481
24893 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687469
29691 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652460
30650 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567400
29215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650445
23456 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662484
27296 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703498
28256 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632446
28735 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640453
26333 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650476
24417 kurwa nie działa
24417 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658464
27777 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663465
30173 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649473
25371 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640450
26813 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660467
23933 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651460
25853 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639434
29692 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648473
24894 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659467
30651 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641455
29216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610430
23457 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700495
27297 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741523
28257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749526
28736 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721506
24418 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722526
26334 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726513
27778 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726499
25372 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720509
30174 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742542
26814 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732533
23934 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767558
25854 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743527
24895 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732517
29693 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743528
30652 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752516
29217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685501
23458 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773544
27298 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.783554
28737 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792545
28258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812574
24419 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811574
26335 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842593
27779 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800583
25373 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844597
30175 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827566
26815 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836577
23935 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802548
25855 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821578
24896 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818577
29694 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819561
30653 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.940662
29218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972689
23459 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.081748
27299 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.267878
28738 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.274917
28259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.296918
24420 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.311926
26336 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.326927
27780 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.334942
30176 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.364981
26816 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.412994
23936 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.428009
25856 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.413014
24897 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.467052
29695 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.499058
29219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.322916
25374 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.843300
28739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842577
28260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810571
24421 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803566
26337 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767538
27781 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756517
30177 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682482
26817 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
25857 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642451
23937 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661466
24898 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.565383
29696 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.546403
29220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.484355
30654 kurwa nie działa
30654 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.014439
25375 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.517382
28740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650461
28261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654463
24422 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644438
26338 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639467
26818 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641453
27782 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660465
25858 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623425
30178 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665452
23938 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622441
23460 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.017424
24899 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620454
29697 kurwa nie działa
29697 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.631428
29221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634450
30655 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.523370
25376 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.535376
28741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567401
28262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567383
24423 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.565400
26339 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566384
26819 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.541383
27783 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558394
30179 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553392
25859 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567419
23939 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.568411
23461 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569419
24900 kurwa nie działa
24900 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570387
29698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.551407
29222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.529374
30656 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550371
25377 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578409
28742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.562414
28263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.557395
24424 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.559413
26340 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558395
26820 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566416
27784 kurwa nie działa
27784 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.549407
25860 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579391
23940 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615425
30180 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645454
24901 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609444
23462 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619436
29223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.560380
29699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619421
30657 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.520385
25378 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.510345
28743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625424
24425 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615436
26341 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615434
28264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627443
27785 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765539
26821 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833587
25861 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789558
23463 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732516
23941 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750513
30181 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753532
24902 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762524
29700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741523
30658 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751530
29224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764554
25379 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761537
27300 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.740640
24426 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668469
28744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751546
26342 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.785554
28265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795575
27786 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.923650
26822 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869614
25862 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869615
23942 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.911644
23464 kurwa nie działa
23464 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.921652
30182 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.923652
24903 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.910642
29701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917664
30659 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917637
29225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.141790
25380 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.118791
27301 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.134819
23465 kurwa nie działa
23465 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.509082
24427 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.044443
30183 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.546109
29702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.548094
30660 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.560112
29226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.483063
25381 kurwa nie działa
25381 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.478043
27302 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.406992
26343 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.218566
28266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.212547
28745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.274589
27787 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.109491
26823 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.115475
25863 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.115491
23943 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.070462
24904 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.075466
23466 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674459
24428 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663466
30184 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660467
29703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664468
30661 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655463
29227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.530359
25382 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.546403
27303 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.534378
26344 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.529374
28267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.530375
28746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.549390
27788 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.507357
26824 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.512377
25864 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.537380
23944 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.537395
24905 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.554391
23467 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.498368
24429 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.501340
30185 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.507357
29704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.538377
29228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.524371
30662 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.555376
25383 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.526353
27304 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.504339
26345 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.519382
28268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.515363
28747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.497336
27789 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.516349
26825 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.522372
25865 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.605410
23945 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606412
24906 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594421
23468 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.592418
24430 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567400
29705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.512364
30186 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.562397
29229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.554391
30663 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561413
25384 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.548406
27305 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.548401
26346 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.537380
28269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547402
28748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.539379
27790 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.562413
26826 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604426
25866 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665478
23946 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674493
24907 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654477
24431 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748545
23469 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754516
29706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751519
30187 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755517
29230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772544
30664 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764538
25385 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787539
27306 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760537
26347 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.757519
28749 kurwa nie działa
28749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.759537
28270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770561
27791 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765525
26827 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.697493
23947 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654461
25867 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668454
24908 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648445
23470 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.598424
24432 kurwa nie działa
24432 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.605412
29707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603439
30188 kurwa nie działa
30188 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627460
29231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723512
30665 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737521
25386 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712516
26348 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780550
27307 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791547
28750 kurwa nie działa
28750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862626
28271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856589
26828 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744510
27792 kurwa nie działa
27792 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754531
23948 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764540
25868 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.981696
24909 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.977690
23471 kurwa nie działa
23471 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.898632
24433 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.903636
29708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900617
30189 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876618
29232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771561
25387 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.765546
30666 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784554
26349 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813590
27308 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812583
28751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837577
28272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837607
26829 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779566
27793 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793578
23949 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937660
25869 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743542
24910 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754534
23472 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754534
29709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846616
30190 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.851585
24434 kurwa nie działa
24434 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.861609
29233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.823564
25388 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.810559
30667 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821563
26350 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711487
27309 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707490
28752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739520
28273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744525
26830 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743524
27794 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736502
23950 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636451
25870 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645454
24911 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693490
23473 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737521
29710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644437
24435 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641470
30191 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654478
25389 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599433
30668 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581427
29234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610447
26351 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599436
27310 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639450
28753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580426
26831 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626426
27795 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623442
28274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640437
23951 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648455
25871 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691490
24912 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656465
23474 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618436
29711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656480
24436 kurwa nie działa
24436 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654444
30192 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667472
25390 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672460
30669 kurwa nie działa
30669 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670457
29235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689470
26352 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668459
27311 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657464
28754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630442
26832 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660480
27796 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664469
28275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690487
23952 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820566
25872 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892630
23475 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.282905
29712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.239858
23953 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587413
26833 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.996688
24913 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.308923
30670 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.237890
27312 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.184834
27797 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027741
28276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002708
26353 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.226864
29236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.240892
30193 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.276884
24437 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.312926
25391 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.277899
25873 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579392
28755 kurwa nie działa
28755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.229870
23476 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.962678
23954 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.043737
29713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.043737
26834 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.043755
24914 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.042753
27313 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.016720
27798 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.110786
28277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.122792
29237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.162806
26354 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.225866
30194 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.231887
24438 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.236892
28756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.243878
25874 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.256887
30671 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.717213
25392 kurwa nie działa
25392 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.962387
23955 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.299932
26835 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.297916
24915 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.303904
27799 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.233869
26355 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.122810
24439 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.106780
25875 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.031746
28757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.046722
30672 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802549
25393 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739536
26836 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547370
23956 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561382
24916 kurwa nie działa
24916 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553407
23477 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.959368
27800 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.522353
24440 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.511344
26356 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.525353
29714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.987420
25876 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677477
28758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679494
27314 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.064457
28278 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.949377
29238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.911348
30195 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.968389
30673 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711519
25394 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.501356
26837 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613450
23957 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613433
24917 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618419
23478 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618437
27801 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635464
26357 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797580
24441 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.806571
29715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730516
25877 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692472
28759 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690472
27315 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687485
28279 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694491
29239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.708515
30196 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613433
30674 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613415
25395 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651443
23958 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.873619
26838 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.889627
24918 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.879622
23479 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878626
27802 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.073758
26358 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.970683
24442 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.972700
29716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956672
25878 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949671
28760 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.950689
27316 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.951674
28280 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.950670
29240 kurwa nie działa
29240 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.991687
30197 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.979691
30675 kurwa nie działa
30675 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.985698
25396 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.977709
23959 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750529
26839 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.763522
24919 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788557
23480 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799560
27803 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703481
26359 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642439
24443 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641437
29717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675480
25879 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661466
28761 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661466
27317 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656478
28281 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667472
29241 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677476
30198 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694474
30676 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689487
25397 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660449
23960 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691486
26840 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693507
24920 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743523
23481 kurwa nie działa
23481 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733518
27804 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652476
26360 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642470
24444 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668490
29718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670474
25880 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701512
28762 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699495
28282 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694489
27318 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710502
29242 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628443
30199 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627451
30677 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650457
25398 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645457
23961 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651462
26841 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711502
24921 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678480
23482 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682497
27805 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692489
26361 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702502
24445 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716506
29719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712485
25881 kurwa nie działa
25881 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678480
28763 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685469
28283 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679481
27319 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680464
29243 kurwa nie działa
29243 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680481
30200 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650468
25399 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665483
30678 kurwa nie działa
30678 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673492
23962 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.838608
26842 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764523
24922 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.926671
23483 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.942666
27806 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.065752
26362 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.061735
24446 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.241876
29720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.254904
25882 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.251884
28764 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.275900
28284 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.280888
27320 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.284924
29244 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.280904
30201 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.299917
25400 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.294914
30679 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.303904
23963 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.300900
26843 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.294913
24923 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.197830
23484 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.179834
27807 kurwa nie działa
27807 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.071757
26363 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.071749
24447 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877619
29721 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848596
25883 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855603
28765 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832588
29245 kurwa nie działa
29245 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818595
28285 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827599
27321 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842595
30202 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814558
25401 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775532
30680 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767541
23964 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570403
26844 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571404
23485 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.534358
24924 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547385
26364 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633447
27808 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647457
24448 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606413
29722 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595405
25884 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581393
29246 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.565382
28766 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577406
28286 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587398
27322 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.568384
30203 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574406
25402 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570402
30681 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576410
23965 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.568419
26845 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661468
23486 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582429
24925 kurwa nie działa
24925 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580411
26365 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613447
27809 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.614434
24449 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619435
29723 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.614434
25885 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638467
29247 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.650477
28767 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654478
28287 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661467
27323 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682483
25403 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665471
30204 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680498
30682 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678480
23966 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574406
23487 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601407
26846 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612432
24926 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607429
26366 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665456
27810 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664451
24450 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664469
29724 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.665471
25886 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639435
28768 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612415
29248 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622421
28288 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658466
25404 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658463
27324 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659474
30205 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660467
30683 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.676494
23967 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635447
26847 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618452
23488 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633464
24927 kurwa nie działa
24927 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741522
26367 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703509
27811 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773563
24451 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776565
29725 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799564
28769 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825601
29249 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830588
25887 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837592
28289 kurwa nie działa
28289 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772543
25405 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790559
27325 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.798554
30206 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797544
30684 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776534
23968 kurwa nie działa
23968 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814579
26848 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746528
23489 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.826584
24928 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746544
26368 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.933656
27812 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.040734
24452 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.045739
29726 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.042737
29250 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.096790
28770 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.111773
25888 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.138821
28290 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.143825
25406 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.129814
27326 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.141824
26849 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.332938
23490 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.460030
24929 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.454027
30685 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.868330
30207 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.882347
23969 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.930359
26369 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.471045
27813 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.380976
24453 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.402990
29727 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.392967
29251 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.301903
28771 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.302914
25889 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.272884
25407 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.248864
28291 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.275884
27327 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.247880
26850 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.070742
23491 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862591
24930 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856586
30686 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788543
30208 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794543
23970 kurwa nie działa
23970 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661467
24454 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.544368
26370 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677462
27814 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588398
29252 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547387
29728 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.552406
28772 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550389
25890 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561412
25408 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558396
28292 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570420
27328 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563398
26851 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.518379
23492 kurwa nie działa
23492 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558410
30687 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786571
24931 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845598
30209 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795578
23971 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753531
26371 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746527
24455 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748528
27815 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751548
29253 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.874616
29729 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.874600
28773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.865596
25891 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859589
25409 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.862607
28293 kurwa nie działa
28293 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854585
27329 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848589
26852 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825583
23493 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824581
30688 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.530358
24932 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.520351
23972 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.516348
30210 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.557377
26372 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744542
27816 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737504
24456 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747543
29254 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961685
29730 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.957676
28774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974688
25892 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961681
27330 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.949679
28294 kurwa nie działa
28294 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.955674
25410 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.960677
26853 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946671
30689 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.951689
23494 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.967669
24933 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.958693
23973 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961678
26373 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809554
27817 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844613
24457 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.891647
29255 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616450
29731 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622455
28775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619452
25893 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623455
28295 kurwa nie działa
28295 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618454
27331 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718498
25411 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732533
26854 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618436
30690 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655459
23495 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679497
24934 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698491
23974 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706501
30211 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.832308
27818 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672458
26374 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713505
29256 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570389
24458 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651457
29732 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604429
28776 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629429
25894 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664452
28296 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666471
27332 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571396
25412 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595405
26855 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585396
30691 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640454
23496 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615432
24935 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595405
23975 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653461
30212 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615434
27819 kurwa nie działa
27819 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610429
26375 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656479
29257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.735519
24459 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743512
29733 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709483
28777 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679495
25895 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669492
27333 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667456
28297 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678479
26856 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689502
25413 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706516
30692 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674460
23497 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695509
24936 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.701496
23976 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.705498
30213 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801552
27820 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819596
26376 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782553
29258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792576
24460 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793576
29734 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.788574
28778 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789555
25896 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777530
27334 kurwa nie działa
27334 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811573
28298 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844596
26857 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793545
25414 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.824582
30693 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.819579
23498 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825582
24937 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831604
23977 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786571
30214 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756551
27821 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742508
26377 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738505
29259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679464
29735 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693472
24461 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722495
28779 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717492
25897 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709518
27335 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677494
28299 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.698476
26858 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695492
25415 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726511
30694 kurwa nie działa
30694 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637463
23499 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619435
24938 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640452
23978 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612415
30215 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695491
27822 kurwa nie działa
27822 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731517
26378 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.734518
29260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762554
29736 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750547
24462 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725495
28780 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.733536
25898 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749530
27336 kurwa nie działa
27336 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.746511
28300 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748545
26859 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749548
25416 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737520
30695 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732503
23500 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748531
24939 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720493
23979 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776566
30216 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.048738
27823 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.110783
26379 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.122793
29261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.200847
29737 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.197829
24463 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.218877
28781 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.232853
25899 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.212838
27337 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.209853
28301 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.413998
26860 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.426005
25417 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.432011
30696 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.430008
23501 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.429992
24940 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.436030
23980 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.483046
30217 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.305908
29262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.109768
24464 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.084765
28782 kurwa nie działa
28782 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.072773
27338 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.065752
28302 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839593
26861 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830585
25418 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805554
30697 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.791577
24941 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813573
23981 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726514
30218 kurwa nie działa
30218 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.482357
29263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.479354
24465 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.499336
28783 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.499353
27339 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.501371
28303 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.469315
26380 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.848319
26862 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.495334
27824 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.884349
25419 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.496367
30698 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.497350
24942 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.527373
23982 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.518365
29738 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.902359
30219 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579410
29264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.564382
25900 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.090477
24466 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.545386
28784 kurwa nie działa
28784 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571401
27340 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569384
28304 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567417
26381 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.537380
26863 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.544400
27825 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.541380
25420 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.556390
30699 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579407
24943 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.583410
23983 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580408
29739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603411
30220 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.534359
29265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619454
25901 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635449
24467 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641452
27341 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618454
28785 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627444
28305 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630428
26382 kurwa nie działa
26382 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634464
26864 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639434
27826 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656464
25421 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622440
30700 kurwa nie działa
30700 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641439
24944 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663454
23984 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659467
29740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649458
30221 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781551
29266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703497
25902 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.712501
24468 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761552
27342 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.749530
28786 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751532
28306 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760553
26383 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.756519
26865 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760555
27827 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780551
25422 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801566
30701 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869614
24945 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796562
23985 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.811573
29741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.804584
30222 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954692
29267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.022721
25903 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.002708
23502 out of 30776 which took 0:00:04.025842
24469 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.009715
27343 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.017701
28787 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.016702
28307 kurwa nie działa
28307 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.027709
26384 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.046736
26866 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.035730
25423 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.961680
27828 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992699
30702 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.878620
24946 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.893630
23986 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.926639
29742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914630
30223 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623439
29268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.536363
25904 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547402
23503 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571419
24470 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577405
27344 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588429
28788 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608427
28308 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578408
26385 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585430
26867 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611432
25424 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610414
27829 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626427
30703 kurwa nie działa
30703 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596437
24947 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594419
23987 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553403
29743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590430
30224 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588415
29269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768558
25905 kurwa nie działa
25905 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853587
23504 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870612
24471 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.913631
27345 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.019705
28789 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.037750
28309 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.045755
26386 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.113769
26868 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.097775
27830 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.143806
25425 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.164822
30704 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.161810
24948 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.318932
23988 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.357985
29744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.386981
30225 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.371969
29270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.223848
25906 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.145826
23505 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.139791
24472 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.058745
27346 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.965697
28790 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.938645
28310 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.930657
26387 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.876620
26869 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866596
27831 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809588
25426 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808588
30705 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793570
24949 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651443
23989 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608389
29745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.528373
30226 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553374
29271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588415
25907 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589415
23506 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.560395
24473 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.549373
27347 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603412
28791 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593419
28311 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611428
26388 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572405
26870 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608447
27832 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599421
25427 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603415
30706 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603425
24950 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590433
23990 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623440
29746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.583411
30227 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615433
29272 kurwa nie działa
29272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625441
25908 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636433
23507 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637468
24474 kurwa nie działa
24474 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683500
28792 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732535
27348 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747544
28312 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725515
26389 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741541
26871 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709499
27833 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713490
30707 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706484
25428 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715516
24951 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691472
29747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777533
23991 kurwa nie działa
23991 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797580
30228 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775564
29273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834587
25909 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855603
23508 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.907641
24475 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901637
28793 kurwa nie działa
28793 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818578
27349 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829584
28313 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842592
26390 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830584
26872 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821580
27834 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.870631
30708 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884640
25429 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885627
24952 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839593
29748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.815593
23992 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831569
30229 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.937660
29274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.874619
25910 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.859607
23509 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805551
24476 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.840576
28794 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802550
27350 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787557
28314 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.797548
26391 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.839592
26873 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853602
27835 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869612
25430 kurwa nie działa
25430 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853618
30709 kurwa nie działa
30709 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860607
24953 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884634
29749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.979688
23993 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.953674
30230 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.013718
29275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.224848
25911 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.281906
24477 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.245881
28315 kurwa nie działa
28315 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.411014
26392 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.458014
25431 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.488051
24954 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.496063
29750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.412001
23994 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.415000
30231 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.326933
27351 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.065455
23510 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.215578
28795 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.130520
25912 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.023737
30710 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.995409
24478 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.992715
26874 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.108488
27836 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.047430
26393 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761538
28316 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.869615
25432 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726496
24955 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772528
29751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.927654
23995 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.929672
30232 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750531
27352 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854606
23511 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846584
28796 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.801549
25913 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771529
30711 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.006694
26875 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.321951
28317 kurwa nie działa
28317 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.232852
27353 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.254871
26876 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651459
24479 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.978380
27837 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.970390
26394 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.891333
24956 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.724234
28318 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657473
28797 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.270880
30233 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.436999
29752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.457027
23996 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.451007
25914 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.273901
25433 kurwa nie działa
25433 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.838297
23512 kurwa nie działa
23512 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.306939
30712 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.173844
29276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:03.691607
27354 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.750527
26877 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753535
24480 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.758535
29753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736503
27838 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766559
30234 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777548
28319 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780541
25915 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.808569
23997 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809571
24957 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825585
26395 kurwa nie działa
26395 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.846615
25434 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822583
28798 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849602
23513 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.827586
30713 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718507
29277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875618
27355 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.841610
29754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.054762
26878 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.065732
24481 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.080763
28320 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.048740
27839 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.081746
30235 kurwa nie działa
30235 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.058748
25916 kurwa nie działa
25916 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.022722
23998 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.026743
28799 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.999703
24958 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.028724
26396 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.025707
25435 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.020736
23514 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.015715
30714 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.050744
29278 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692504
27356 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.704484
26879 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.565415
29755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588398
24482 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567410
27840 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567418
30236 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561397
28321 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575407
25917 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576424
23999 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578407
24959 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567417
26397 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569403
28800 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582413
25436 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578407
23515 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574405
30715 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.548387
29279 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.500354
27357 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647457
26880 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558396
24483 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651466
29756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663483
27841 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659483
30237 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663485
28322 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.672475
25918 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670474
24000 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666470
26398 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.664469
28801 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669488
24960 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688486
25437 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.662467
23516 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.671458
30716 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652443
29280 kurwa nie działa
29280 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.614433
27358 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580423
26881 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582393
24484 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590419
29757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589419
27842 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599405
28323 kurwa nie działa
28323 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590434
24001 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579393
30238 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.601424
26399 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572419
25919 kurwa nie działa
25919 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597421
28802 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.584412
24961 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576407
25438 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597408
23517 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597439
30717 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607447
29281 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.565400
27359 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.502357
26882 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579424
24485 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580408
29758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585396
27843 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563398
24002 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561397
30239 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569387
26400 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570389
28803 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.592401
28324 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612414
25920 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626427
24962 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637453
25439 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621453
23518 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612431
30718 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610417
27360 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.748513
26883 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.890634
24486 kurwa nie działa
24486 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.217859
27844 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.211855
30240 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.199846
24003 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.209853
29759 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.224864
26401 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.213856
28804 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.178850
28325 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.188857
25921 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.194842
24963 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.322931
23519 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.328922
25440 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.348953
30719 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.347965
27361 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.109799
26884 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.952671
29282 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.247569
24487 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709486
27845 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
30241 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703497
24004 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717507
29760 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717506
28805 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709485
26402 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726511
28326 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740507
25922 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.702495
24964 kurwa nie działa
24964 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567385
23520 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563397
25441 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579392
30720 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622439
27362 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658447
26885 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599405
29283 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576408
24488 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595420
27846 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652478
30242 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660468
24005 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654477
29761 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685502
28806 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685482
26403 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.679497
25923 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688488
28327 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690487
24965 kurwa nie działa
24965 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693492
23521 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690505
25442 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659465
30721 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617436
27363 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644457
26886 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668487
29284 kurwa nie działa
29284 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645455
24489 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639466
27847 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576389
30243 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573404
29762 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540364
24006 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574388
28807 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.546386
26404 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540364
28328 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.527371
25924 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.533375
24966 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540379
23522 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540364
25443 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540398
30722 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.536378
27364 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.548402
26887 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.520369
29285 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633463
27848 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611450
24490 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624443
30244 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622455
29763 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617437
24007 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626442
28808 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640469
26405 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640469
28329 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621439
24967 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.619436
25925 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642454
25444 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617436
23523 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628445
30723 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629429
27365 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633444
26888 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628441
29286 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.546370
27849 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571400
24491 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577390
30245 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573388
29764 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574388
24008 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569402
28809 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.557378
26406 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561399
28330 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561396
24968 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.559412
25445 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561397
25926 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573411
23524 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572402
30724 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566399
26889 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668472
27366 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715491
29287 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637466
27850 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.775550
24492 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767542
29765 kurwa nie działa
29765 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774565
30246 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784553
24009 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784554
28810 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772560
26407 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782545
28331 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789559
24969 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.771529
25927 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760548
25446 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772530
23525 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.767542
30725 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.768560
26890 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633451
27367 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653479
29288 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.724511
27851 kurwa nie działa
27851 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642451
24493 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657482
29766 kurwa nie działa
29766 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653461
30247 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663486
24010 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663469
28811 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668456
26408 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.652452
24970 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649458
23526 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.657465
28332 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680479
25928 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681495
25447 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.682479
30726 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680464
26891 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600405
27368 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585413
29289 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582394
27852 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585430
24494 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576405
30248 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.552372
29767 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573405
28812 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553401
24011 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.560395
24971 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572420
26409 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.581427
23527 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550389
28333 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558412
25448 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.556411
25929 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.565401
30727 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629461
26892 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629445
27369 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825567
29290 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884642
27853 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.274899
30249 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.267896
24495 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.291914
29768 kurwa nie działa
29768 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.289910
28813 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.321940
24012 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.372987
24972 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.364964
26410 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.378974
23528 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.416017
28334 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.428007
25449 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.441017
30728 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.415999
26893 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.391983
27370 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.154815
29291 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.141806
27854 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761539
30250 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.761540
24496 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764522
29769 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.760519
28814 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728515
24013 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715488
23529 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642453
26411 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689486
24973 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703496
25930 out of 30776 which took 0:00:02.045428
25450 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613416
30729 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.555374
28335 kurwa nie działa
28335 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.643454
26894 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.545383
27371 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.549404
29292 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.501353
30251 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779547
27855 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.793542
24497 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769544
28815 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764521
29770 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.770544
24014 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738537
26412 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739506
23530 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.807554
28336 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787539
25931 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.800579
25451 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799549
24974 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818577
30730 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.799565
27372 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.762522
26895 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.781554
29293 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696492
24498 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570416
28816 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570403
30252 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.592401
27856 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.592418
24015 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572387
26413 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.568417
29771 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610448
25932 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.522369
23531 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.533392
28337 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580418
24975 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570394
30731 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579409
25452 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579409
27373 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.545384
26896 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593403
29294 kurwa nie działa
29294 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594402
24499 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597422
28817 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597422
27857 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591434
30253 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607446
29772 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577408
24016 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608447
26414 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604411
25933 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599408
23532 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.605428
28338 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579401
30732 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574405
25453 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576406
24976 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590409
27374 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633447
26897 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580425
29295 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588418
24500 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726513
28818 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730530
27858 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956673
29773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946666
30254 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.958674
26415 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.954687
24017 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.956659
25934 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.935658
23533 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.935643
28339 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.914645
30733 kurwa nie działa
30733 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.917647
25454 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.920667
24977 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.927672
26898 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885608
29296 kurwa nie działa
29296 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.885622
27375 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.899620
24501 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627427
28819 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700500
27859 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635435
29774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638436
30255 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635451
26416 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632439
24018 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638450
25935 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630446
28340 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636467
23534 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637467
25455 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629427
30734 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642455
24978 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641437
26899 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.597435
29297 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604445
27376 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599439
24502 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580412
28820 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.508355
27860 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620438
29775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621438
30256 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621438
24019 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639453
26417 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645456
25936 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649475
23535 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637434
25456 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636467
28341 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647440
30735 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646455
24979 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636447
26900 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623442
27377 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629444
29298 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.633446
24503 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695504
28821 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.693473
27861 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857622
30257 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848599
29776 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.854620
24020 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820594
25937 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821582
23536 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821597
26418 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.831604
28342 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829586
24980 kurwa nie działa
24980 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.812574
30736 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.822581
25457 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845579
26901 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.825565
27378 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.060746
29299 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.069753
24504 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.772545
28822 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.849599
27862 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784554
29777 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.782553
30258 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.789560
24021 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802565
23537 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.814572
25938 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.828583
26419 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.820590
28343 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.853619
25458 kurwa nie działa
25458 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845597
24981 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.860608
26902 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842596
30737 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.857622
27379 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.644458
29300 kurwa nie działa
29300 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638438
24505 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634435
28823 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608430
27863 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596417
29778 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599421
30259 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638448
24022 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623458
23538 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609433
25939 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624439
26420 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653460
28344 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627444
26903 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629459
25459 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638465
30738 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640452
24982 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648475
27380 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593402
24506 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637454
28824 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582396
29301 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639449
27864 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609418
29779 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607414
30260 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566417
24023 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.573404
23539 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630445
25940 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.603429
26421 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575392
28345 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.635448
26904 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630431
25460 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627429
24983 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622422
30739 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646443
27381 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645456
29302 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625459
28825 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.754547
24507 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755534
27865 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739538
29780 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.738521
30261 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739523
23540 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.774546
24024 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837574
25941 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.780551
26422 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.776548
26905 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740522
28346 kurwa nie działa
28346 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747510
25461 kurwa nie działa
24984 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742540
25461 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747544
30740 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842591
29303 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.832572
27382 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866628
28826 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716509
24508 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716506
27866 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641453
29781 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.663468
30262 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.658447
23541 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.614434
24025 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.614434
26423 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.639456
25942 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.645455
26906 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670491
28347 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694490
24985 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.688470
25462 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.877603
30741 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.809589
27383 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787555
29304 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792542
24509 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790572
28827 kurwa nie działa
28827 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.034730
27867 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.143806
29782 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.125813
30263 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.240894
23542 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.280888
26424 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.261901
24026 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.304938
25943 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.306924
26907 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.271897
24986 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.346968
28348 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.378975
25463 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.260908
30742 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.244861
29305 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.236875
27384 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.246864
24510 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.232873
28828 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.043737
29783 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821579
27868 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837574
30264 kurwa nie działa
30264 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.714489
23543 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723511
26425 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.753545
24027 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744523
25944 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.751529
26908 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.741521
24987 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.681465
28349 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659449
25464 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.647441
30743 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624459
29306 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624439
27385 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625443
24511 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627427
28829 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620422
29784 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593416
30265 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.605425
27869 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606429
23544 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651478
24028 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615435
26426 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661469
25945 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.614434
26909 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599425
24988 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642454
28350 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.637450
25465 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.675476
30744 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673457
29307 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673477
27386 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689485
24512 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691487
28830 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.940680
29785 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.964684
30266 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.948671
27870 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.958678
23545 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844593
24029 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.871600
26910 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.892630
26427 kurwa nie działa
26427 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.902622
25946 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.902637
28351 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.843596
24989 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.855619
25466 kurwa nie działa
25466 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.777548
29308 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.840592
27387 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818578
24513 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.817586
30745 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.867631
28831 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578391
29786 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595403
30267 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.591417
27871 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611447
23546 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687468
24030 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.680482
26911 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683467
26428 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684499
25947 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684483
28352 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713503
24990 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722508
25467 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725528
29309 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721510
27388 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726514
24514 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.752537
30746 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.755530
28832 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.731531
29787 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.594418
30268 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.636466
27872 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627428
23547 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.560397
24031 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.536394
26912 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.796578
25948 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.795562
26429 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.805553
28353 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.946686
24991 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.962682
25468 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.944651
29310 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.033746
27389 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.109799
24515 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.088755
28833 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.068739
30747 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.084751
29788 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.072740
30269 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.078761
27873 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.066768
23548 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.063751
24032 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.055728
26913 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.794543
25949 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784536
26430 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818595
28354 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.721505
24992 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717491
25469 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713521
29311 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585398
27390 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571403
24516 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.567416
30748 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618437
28834 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624441
29789 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547386
30270 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.510342
27874 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.503356
24033 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.729515
23549 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.740525
26914 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711520
25950 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.727514
26431 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.709482
28355 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739512
25470 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710486
24993 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.720507
29312 kurwa nie działa
29312 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.696507
27391 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722507
24517 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.728498
30749 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.719507
28835 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.736537
27875 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732499
29790 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.743525
30271 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.742525
24034 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.548405
23550 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.543364
26915 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.502354
25951 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.602425
26432 kurwa nie działa
26432 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627444
28356 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.527385
25471 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553390
24994 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.549389
29313 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.543373
27392 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.549391
24518 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.555409
30750 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574423
28836 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579406
29791 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.571418
27876 kurwa nie działa
27876 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580427
30272 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582411
24035 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572404
23551 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588417
26916 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.588399
25952 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.524386
26433 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.621455
28357 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585413
25472 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600424
24995 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607428
29314 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604421
27393 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.634444
24519 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632430
30751 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575404
28837 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648461
29792 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.687486
27877 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689469
30273 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683499
24036 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.612414
23552 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730532
26917 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.779567
25953 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.835590
26434 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.887609
28358 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.884616
25473 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.848604
24996 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856609
29315 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.962680
27394 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.834592
24520 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829585
30752 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.818578
28838 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787553
29793 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.905625
27878 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.900636
24037 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.896636
30274 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.901622
23553 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.766523
26918 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.717490
25954 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.773548
25474 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585425
26435 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613446
28359 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618430
24997 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.596417
29316 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553406
27395 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570403
24521 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558411
30753 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563383
28839 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.713507
29794 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.560400
27879 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646459
24038 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.764555
30275 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.769541
23554 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.784553
26919 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.786553
25955 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623423
25475 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615416
26436 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640457
28360 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642470
24998 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.677495
29317 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.668471
24522 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655463
27396 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699493
30754 kurwa nie działa
30754 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.690503
28840 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.654444
29795 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.656475
27880 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.609445
24039 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.576404
30276 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.579409
23555 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566387
25956 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.563415
26920 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.568401
25476 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580428
26437 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.557377
28361 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561379
24999 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.542367
29318 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.570401
24523 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.564414
27397 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.527373
30755 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.577393
28841 kurwa nie działa
28841 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.551408
29796 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.568399
27881 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.556390
24040 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.541384
30277 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.541400
23556 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.539394
25957 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.535360
26921 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.539399
25477 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558391
26438 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.544383
28362 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550405
25000 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550387
29319 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540385
24524 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.536378
27398 kurwa nie działa
27398 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.539366
30756 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.511376
28842 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.506339
29797 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.521370
27882 kurwa nie działa
27882 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.554377
24041 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.539382
30278 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.537361
25958 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.532376
23557 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.532376
26922 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.533359
28363 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.517363
25478 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550374
26439 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550405
25001 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.517382
29320 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.489328
27399 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.491346
24525 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.520351
30757 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.495333
28843 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.521383
29798 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.536361
27883 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.478352
24042 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.561397
30279 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566418
23558 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.565400
25959 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566418
26923 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608429
28364 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566386
25479 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.582425
26440 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.587407
25002 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.653461
29321 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640450
27400 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.640452
24526 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624457
30758 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.625459
28844 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630446
29799 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.615450
27884 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.613428
24043 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.670469
23559 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.659482
30280 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669455
25960 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.695491
26924 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.648458
28365 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649457
25480 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629431
26441 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624433
25003 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.595403
29322 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608443
27401 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610431
24527 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606426
30759 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608414
28845 kurwa nie działa
28845 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580411
29800 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575409
27885 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610439
24044 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575411
30281 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.600442
23560 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.605429
25961 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623439
26925 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646440
28366 kurwa nie działa
28366 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646474
25481 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646457
26442 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646454
25004 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608430
29323 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.580396
27402 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.599422
24528 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.607431
30760 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608428
28846 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.568400
29801 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.646456
27886 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629429
24045 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608428
30282 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.655446
23561 kurwa nie działa
23561 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.660465
25962 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627443
26926 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711501
27403 kurwa nie działa
27403 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642468
28367 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.711499
29324 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691489
25482 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.725527
25005 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.723524
26443 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.284925
24046 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.906623
24529 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.312910
28847 kurwa nie działa
28847 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.198830
25006 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.787543
23562 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.957661
30761 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.451024
30283 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.974686
27404 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.829587
29325 kurwa nie działa
29325 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.813574
29802 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.230853
25963 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.971686
28368 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.856604
26927 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.866612
25483 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.845597
27887 out of 30776 which took 0:00:01.243892
26444 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.667455
24530 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.700509
28848 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.710507
24047 kurwa nie działa
24047 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.737537
25007 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617452
23563 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.622454
30284 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.649475
29803 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.678495
29326 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.685469
30762 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.689472
27405 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.739507
26928 kurwa nie działa
26928 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707501
25964 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726496
28369 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.730516
25484 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.722493
27888 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.718491
26445 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.564399
28849 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.528368
24048 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.537377
25008 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.533377
23564 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.539381
30285 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.550389
29804 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.528373
29327 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.528372
30763 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.529373
26929 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.623456
25965 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.624443
27406 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630448
27889 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626442
25485 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628444
28370 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.628444
26446 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578407
28850 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661466
24049 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642439
25009 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632429
23565 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.683465
30286 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.691471
29805 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.844578
29328 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.842594
30764 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.864629
26930 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.732501
25966 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.803566
27407 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.830599
28371 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.821582
27890 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.823582
25486 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.833589
26447 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.674490
28851 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.641470
25010 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.642470
23566 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.692490
30287 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699506
29806 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.549390
29329 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.575406
30765 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.617434
26931 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620438
25967 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.610447
27408 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589418
27891 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.673492
25487 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669489
28372 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.684500
28852 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540364
26448 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.703482
25011 kurwa nie działa
25011 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.553373
23567 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.578393
30288 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.547391
29807 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.618450
29330 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.593419
30766 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.631449
26932 kurwa nie działa
26932 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626441
25968 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.638452
27409 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.632448
27892 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.574406
28373 kurwa nie działa
28373 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.616435
25488 kurwa nie działa
25488 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.627425
28853 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.602443
26449 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.608434
23568 kurwa nie działa
23568 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.566413
30289 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.604411
29331 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.572406
29808 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.606445
30767 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.540380
26933 kurwa nie działa
26933 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.539380
27410 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.744508
25969 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.778532
27893 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.747509
25489 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.699494
28374 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.706481
28854 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.790542
26450 kurwa nie działa
26450 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.792555
30290 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.802566
29332 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.868628
29809 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.875615
30768 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.836587
26934 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.837592
27411 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.558410
25970 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.605445
27894 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.605445
28375 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.651477
25490 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.707517
28855 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.589415
26451 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590418
30291 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.620456
29333 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.564383
29810 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569405
30769 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.564384
26935 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569419
27412 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.560380
25971 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.666471
28376 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.611425
27895 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.669456
25491 kurwa nie działa
25491 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569386
28856 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.569405
26452 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.590417
30292 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.585412
29334 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.661467
29811 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.630445
30770 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.629462
27413 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.626442
25972 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715505
28377 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716495
27896 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.716522
28857 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.715503
26453 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.694490
25492 kurwa nie działa
25492 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.726513
30293 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.552389
29335 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.469330
29812 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.491329
30771 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.491329
27414 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.498369
25973 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.516364
28378 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.515381
27897 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.520368
28858 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.537362
26454 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.534378
30294 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.496351
29336 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.521385
30772 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.522369
29813 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.528373
27415 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.513344
28859 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.466346
30295 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.546369
29337 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.509344
30773 kurwa nie działa
30773 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.482341
29814 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.507376
27416 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.516382
30296 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.420313
29338 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.441327
30774 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.444330
29815 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.429303
30297 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.435292
29339 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.414290
30775 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.457308
29816 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.448316
30298 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.451335
29340 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.412293
29817 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.430304
30299 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.424297
29818 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.426283
30300 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.416294
29819 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.408304
30301 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.429304
29820 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.443314
30302 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.446299
29821 out of 30776 which took 0:00:00.460323

Got all data in 0:27:38.753583
Players in logs: 127638
Unique players in logs: 30776
Players which didn’t change nick: 28821

Done in 0:27:40.505836


Hey, can you do one for stats for corp? IOW for each member in var CORP average stats out = corp stats.


It would be interesting to see which corps come out on top. Also more players in a corp doesn’t mean better stats because its the AVERAGE of all the players in the corp.


Also, Hi! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)



2 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Hey, can you do one for stats for corp? IOW for each member in var CORP average stats out = corp stats.


It would be interesting to see which corps come out on top. Also more players in a corp doesn’t mean better stats because its the AVERAGE of all the players in the corp.


Also, Hi! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)



you have data. do it urself ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

Just now, Tillowaty said:

you have data. do it urself ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 


Well, I mean, I could but that would require me to learn Python. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Just thought (by the way, don’t do that here; think) that you guys might see it interesting as well.

3 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:


Well, I mean, I could but that would require me to learn Python. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Just thought (by the way, don’t do that here; think) that you guys might see it interesting as well.

but data is in jsdump.js I bet there is some thingie to read it with that C thingie of yours

Just now, Tillowaty said:

but data is in jsdump.js I bet there is some thingie to read it with that C thingie of yours

okay okay, lol I will do my part then. sheesh a man cant take easy way out anymore these days. Cant I just bark orders and eat French fries and smoke cigars? ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


2 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

okay okay, lol I will do my part then. sheesh a man cant take easy way out anymore these days. Cant I just bark orders and eat French fries and smoke cigars? ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


well it’s like few loops

stats = {}corps = {}averages = {}for player in dump: corp = player['corp']try:for key in player: corps[corp][key].append(player[key])except KeyError: corps[corp] = {}for key in player:try: corps[corp][key].append(player[key])except KeyError: corps[corp][key] = [player[key]]continuecontinuefor corp in corps: average[corp] = {}for stats in corp: averages[corp][stats] = avg(corps[corp][stats])

or something like this

Well that was fast. Seems this Python language you guys are using is pretty optimal.


Also didn’t you just learn Python? If so, you are catching on super fast.

22 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Well that was fast. Seems this Python language you guys are using is pretty optimal.


Also didn’t you just learn Python? If so, you are catching on super fast.

Didn’t test it so probably is buggy + have to load data.


I started few months ago on spare time.

Damn… I’ve wasted time on it ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

[@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/) enjoy



{‘0 3 0 [030]’: {‘effRating’: 2032.3399999999999,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1124.5,
                 ‘gameWin’: 537.5,
                 ‘karma’: 6945.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 8460.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 495036472.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 2975.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 126845006.62,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 27006993.190000001,
                 ‘totalKill’: 2458.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 648.74000000000001,
                 ‘uid’: 2611345.5},
 ‘115th Squadron [115th]’: {‘effRating’: 1905.8199999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 306.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 146.5,
                            ‘karma’: 592.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 1936.5,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 110967429.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 859.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 20637833.190000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 3351174.8700000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 528.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 1013784.0},
 ‘187 HUNGARIAN Gods [187]’: {‘effRating’: 3363.9699999999998,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 427.44,
                              ‘gameWin’: 191.11000000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 7576.4399999999996,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 2591.3299999999999,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 170812184.22,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 982.77999999999997,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 60316621.07,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 8075619.2000000002,
                              ‘totalKill’: 695.66999999999996,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 104.17,
                              ‘uid’: 2600689.0},
 ‘1up [1up]’: {‘effRating’: 1742.1600000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 76.75,
               ‘gameWin’: 39.0,
               ‘karma’: 8740.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
               ‘totalAssists’: 292.5,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 29416604.5,
               ‘totalDeath’: 197.25,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 5400702.7800000003,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 372246.75,
               ‘totalKill’: 148.75,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
               ‘uid’: 1933089.25},
 ‘2x2 [2x2]’: {‘effRating’: 3871.6399999999999,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 733.62,
               ‘gameWin’: 347.76999999999998,
               ‘karma’: 8989.5400000000009,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
               ‘totalAssists’: 4568.3800000000001,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 290580072.95999998,
               ‘totalDeath’: 1900.5799999999999,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 87370993.260000005,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 11954216.27,
               ‘totalKill’: 1417.0799999999999,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1112.9000000000001,
               ‘uid’: 2014591.0},
 ‘32nd Black Eagles [32nd]’: {‘effRating’: 3741.46,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 661.33000000000004,
                              ‘gameWin’: 307.77999999999997,
                              ‘karma’: 7016.2200000000003,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3600.8899999999999,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 260589189.88999999,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1335.5599999999999,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 90023058.930000007,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 13560209.42,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1193.78,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 337.56999999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 1689311.5600000001},
 ‘333 [333]’: {‘effRating’: 4901.0100000000002,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 2045.5799999999999,
               ‘gameWin’: 933.25,
               ‘karma’: 23369.5,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
               ‘totalAssists’: 13308.17,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 866684291.41999996,
               ‘totalDeath’: 5013.1700000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 246728565.37,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 29263274.48,
               ‘totalKill’: 3310.25,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4787.5799999999999,
               ‘uid’: 1259310.0800000001},
 ‘41 First EliteCorps [MSk]’: {‘effRating’: 5197.7600000000002,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 2926.3299999999999,
                               ‘gameWin’: 1349.6700000000001,
                               ‘karma’: 110209.67,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34999999999999998,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 16407.330000000002,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1276992320.6700001,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 7501.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 381365115.20999998,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 79201274.650000006,
                               ‘totalKill’: 3634.6700000000001,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7437.25,
                               ‘uid’: 1224355.6699999999},
 ‘412th Flotte [412th]’: {‘effRating’: 4363.25,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 285.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 148.0,
                          ‘karma’: 4128.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.75,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1362.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 114411028.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 705.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 36802645.600000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 1998845.0900000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1103.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 881311.0},
 ‘420 [420]’: {‘effRating’: 2190.9200000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 316.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 146.0,
               ‘karma’: 33.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
               ‘totalAssists’: 974.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 119069468.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 703.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 16942931.469999999,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 529759.17000000004,
               ‘totalKill’: 788.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 374.47000000000003,
               ‘uid’: 462626.0},
 ‘4EchoSquad [4ES]’: {‘effRating’: 3652.5,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 7697.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 3308.0,
                      ‘karma’: 632.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.85999999999999999,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 35225.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 3178604596.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 17762.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 442093773.11000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 21078625.489999998,
                      ‘totalKill’: 9113.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2415.6799999999998,
                      ‘uid’: 206514.0},
 ‘8th Corsair Guard [8th]’: {‘effRating’: 7347.29,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 2293.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1261.5,
                             ‘karma’: 7248.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 10528.5,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 979807714.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 4620.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 374087739.56,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 16796719.43,
                             ‘totalKill’: 8112.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25300.790000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 843681.0},
 ‘A2D []’: {‘effRating’: 1352.1500000000001,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 21.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 13.0,
            ‘karma’: 91.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
            ‘totalAssists’: 127.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 8053798.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 70.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 1672408.8899999999,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 548319.32999999996,
            ‘totalKill’: 48.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
            ‘uid’: 2690386.0},
 ‘ACAB [ACAB]’: {‘effRating’: 4609.1499999999996,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1600.75,
                 ‘gameWin’: 701.0,
                 ‘karma’: 14804.25,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34999999999999998,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 10528.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 667976706.5,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 4269.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 297216465.88999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 36220493.479999997,
                 ‘totalKill’: 3038.75,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7867.5500000000002,
                 ‘uid’: 2268085.0},
 ‘ACC A WAR [ACC]’: {‘effRating’: 5136.7299999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2844.77,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1386.23,
                     ‘karma’: 21612.939999999999,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.70999999999999996,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 19055.299999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1207775464.71,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 6863.6700000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 419764187.79000002,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 60180119.32,
                     ‘totalKill’: 5481.1599999999999,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15757.49,
                     ‘uid’: 1501139.8700000001},
 ‘AEVUM [AEVUM]’: {‘effRating’: 5032.6700000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1433.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 688.0,
                   ‘karma’: 41.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 7757.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 550592850.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 2745.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 100179509.42,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 8877330.4900000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 2314.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2142.7800000000002,
                   ‘uid’: 310441.0},
 ‘AGNI [AGNI]’: {‘effRating’: 3878.7399999999998,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 931.5,
                 ‘gameWin’: 447.0,
                 ‘karma’: 1182.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 4426.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 320712267.5,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 1790.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 76820638.939999998,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 4211518.0,
                 ‘totalKill’: 2312.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1592.0899999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 1905721.5},
 ‘ALPHA STAR [AS]’: {‘effRating’: 5026.6499999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2482.6100000000001,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1198.0899999999999,
                     ‘karma’: 22734.610000000001,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 17878.59,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1070688815.91,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 5696.2399999999998,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 392575618.07999998,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 57397868.049999997,
                     ‘totalKill’: 5771.0500000000002,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8387.5900000000001,
                     ‘uid’: 1688740.46},
 ‘ALPHA [ALPHA]’: {‘effRating’: 5404.7399999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 5304.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 2951.5,
                   ‘karma’: 20614.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 34615.5,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 2220892122.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 10881.5,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 806990170.75,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 129513430.06999999,
                   ‘totalKill’: 20312.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 40283.949999999997,
                   ‘uid’: 1429584.5},
 ‘ALTAIR STAR [ALT]’: {‘effRating’: 3296.5300000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 833.33000000000004,
                       ‘gameWin’: 357.67000000000002,
                       ‘karma’: 14670.67,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 5016.6700000000001,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 319760312.32999998,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 2188.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 78491294.090000004,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 9904797.8000000007,
                       ‘totalKill’: 887.33000000000004,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 568.24000000000001,
                       ‘uid’: 1769401.0},
 ‘AMQRUSH SQUAD [Ru5H]’: {‘effRating’: 7106.1400000000003,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 165.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 72.0,
                          ‘karma’: 3988.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 993.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 75372349.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 348.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 40469056.469999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 4711170.3399999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 443.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 126.05,
                          ‘uid’: 1239134.0},
 ‘ANTARES [ATS]’: {‘effRating’: 4363.8299999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 693.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 313.0,
                   ‘karma’: 18034.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 3206.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 301225625.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 1660.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 79339334.299999997,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 11818771.48,
                   ‘totalKill’: 932.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 301.98000000000002,
                   ‘uid’: 584355.0},
 ‘APPLE []’: {‘effRating’: 3414.0,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 289.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 100.0,
              ‘karma’: 2625.0,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
              ‘totalAssists’: 970.0,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 132651140.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 620.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 38130366.210000001,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 2542853.1000000001,
              ‘totalKill’: 206.0,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
              ‘uid’: 2648785.0},
 ‘ARES AREY [ARES]’: {‘effRating’: 4032.0100000000002,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1773.23,
                      ‘gameWin’: 834.23000000000002,
                      ‘karma’: 17047.59,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 11655.450000000001,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 730701788.36000001,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 4029.0500000000002,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 279936104.60000002,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 38089763.649999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 3344.5,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5428.1700000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 2018877.8200000001},
 ‘ASM Expansion Fleet [ASMEF]’: {‘effRating’: 2649.9899999999998,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 523.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 268.0,
                                 ‘karma’: 1222.75,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 2303.75,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 179413255.25,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 1034.75,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 49048452.130000003,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 5627124.0300000003,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 1346.0,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 65.900000000000006,
                                 ‘uid’: 2087873.75},
 ‘ASTRON [ASTR]’: {‘effRating’: 8407.7700000000004,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 3963.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 2061.0,
                   ‘karma’: 79711.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.25,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 26981.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1691145616.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 5033.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 885420630.94000006,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 96724840.329999998,
                   ‘totalKill’: 11808.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 24822.110000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 1891380.0},
 ‘AUSEZ Gaming [AUSEZ]’: {‘effRating’: 2646.5900000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 156.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 81.0,
                          ‘karma’: 688.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1048.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 63905677.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 538.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 11983570.529999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 2629139.5099999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 503.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 929295.0},
 ‘AUSTRIAN PIRATES [AUTP]’: {‘effRating’: 3161.04,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 540.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 258.0,
                             ‘karma’: 7172.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 3018.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 203114382.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 1798.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 41389807.810000002,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 5705306.8200000003,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1044.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15.0,
                             ‘uid’: 1157980.0},
 ‘AUT [AUT]’: {‘effRating’: 5697.9200000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 6076.5799999999999,
               ‘gameWin’: 3000.6799999999998,
               ‘karma’: 18304.32,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.93999999999999995,
               ‘totalAssists’: 40714.419999999998,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 2647690623.3200002,
               ‘totalDeath’: 12298.950000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 893676680.38,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 153865145.59999999,
               ‘totalKill’: 15856.68,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 29088.990000000002,
               ‘uid’: 839467.31999999995},
 ‘AVCI [AVCI]’: {‘effRating’: 6906.1099999999997,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 12954.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 6421.0,
                 ‘karma’: 15147.5,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1899999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 86630.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 5745047160.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 26672.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 1860425667.95,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 291968724.38999999,
                 ‘totalKill’: 31396.5,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 37220.910000000003,
                 ‘uid’: 1081788.0},
 ‘AWTCE [AWTCE]’: {‘effRating’: 3014.2399999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 132.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 77.0,
                   ‘karma’: 2105.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 1028.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 55172196.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 229.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 15049996.85,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 3034306.25,
                   ‘totalKill’: 350.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 23.800000000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 705526.0},
 ‘Absolute Hell [HELL]’: {‘effRating’: 1275.21,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 13.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 6.0,
                          ‘karma’: 259.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 69.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 5958162.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 41.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 1505435.73,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 54293.0,
                          ‘totalKill’: 84.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 1611628.0},
 ‘Addicted2Kill [A2K]’: {‘effRating’: 4292.2299999999996,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 612.5,
                         ‘gameWin’: 282.32999999999998,
                         ‘karma’: 10455.17,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 3689.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 240643318.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 1321.8299999999999,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 72885465.120000005,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 7048123.4400000004,
                         ‘totalKill’: 821.5,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 286.27999999999997,
                         ‘uid’: 1931263.8300000001},
 ‘Adeptus Astartes [ADS]’: {‘effRating’: 5654.0699999999997,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 3434.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 1600.3,
                            ‘karma’: 44143.599999999999,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.95999999999999996,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 21199.200000000001,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 1458269066.8,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 8841.5,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 454211275.81,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 59376513.210000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 6365.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7414.8400000000001,
                            ‘uid’: 1291750.7},
 ‘Admirals Club [AdCl]’: {‘effRating’: 2573.4299999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1358.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 540.0,
                          ‘karma’: 4774.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.28,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 4557.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 552638573.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 3636.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 99424196.609999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 3657913.0,
                          ‘totalKill’: 987.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 329.31999999999999,
                          ‘uid’: 1666882.0},
 ‘Advent Empire [TheAE]’: {‘effRating’: 3325.29,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 470.69999999999999,
                           ‘gameWin’: 224.44999999999999,
                           ‘karma’: 4346.7299999999996,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 2831.02,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 175982464.31999999,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1024.8800000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 47924654.689999998,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 6175494.0700000003,
                           ‘totalKill’: 888.67999999999995,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 281.94999999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 2230194.8300000001},
 ‘Advent [Adv]’: {‘effRating’: 3880.25,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 1080.71,
                  ‘gameWin’: 485.88,
                  ‘karma’: 15010.879999999999,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 7451.1199999999999,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 416753316.24000001,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 2549.4099999999999,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 140423802.55000001,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 29441696.280000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 1715.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1023.5,
                  ‘uid’: 2355478.2400000002},
 ‘Aigles de Nemesis [AdN]’: {‘effRating’: 5124.1800000000003,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1522.3699999999999,
                             ‘gameWin’: 689.0,
                             ‘karma’: 38197.470000000001,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.88,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 9849.7399999999998,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 638523584.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 3025.0500000000002,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 312335561.57999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 40191234.439999998,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3466.5799999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8818.0599999999995,
                             ‘uid’: 2128815.3700000001},
 ‘Alien Liquidators [ALQ]’: {‘effRating’: 5509.5100000000002,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1548.3099999999999,
                             ‘gameWin’: 756.38,
                             ‘karma’: 83831.880000000005,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.89000000000000001,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 11299.5,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 629248460.19000006,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 3215.6900000000001,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 225977954.37,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 38017670.289999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3181.3800000000001,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3100.21,
                             ‘uid’: 1695903.0600000001},
 ‘Alien Sympathizers [PEACE]’: {‘effRating’: 3228.8800000000001,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 714.13999999999999,
                                ‘gameWin’: 326.26999999999998,
                                ‘karma’: 3730.0900000000001,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 4231.9099999999999,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 290862965.94999999,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 2183.4499999999998,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 97551279.890000001,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 4448879.5700000003,
                                ‘totalKill’: 1444.5899999999999,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 449.41000000000003,
                                ‘uid’: 1849353.5900000001},
 ‘Alpha Connection [ITACI]’: {‘effRating’: 2515.3699999999999,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 180.5,
                              ‘gameWin’: 96.5,
                              ‘karma’: 1104.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 1031.5,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 72215955.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 415.5,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 16012415.91,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 1221200.3700000001,
                              ‘totalKill’: 560.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 36.369999999999997,
                              ‘uid’: 625214.0},
 ‘Alpha Generation [MS13]’: {‘effRating’: 3195.6199999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 76.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 40.5,
                             ‘karma’: 3104.5,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23000000000000001,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 378.5,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 25840738.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 143.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 7127028.2599999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 0.0,
                             ‘totalKill’: 178.5,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                             ‘uid’: 2451739.5},
 ‘Amur Tigers [Tiger]’: {‘effRating’: 6528.1199999999999,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 7813.2700000000004,
                         ‘gameWin’: 3845.5999999999999,
                         ‘karma’: 52180.129999999997,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.23,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 51646.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 3363450763.9299998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 14748.93,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 1411624346.48,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 191344940.08000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 21594.330000000002,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 46866.18,
                         ‘uid’: 1268449.27},
 ‘Anime No Sekai [Anime]’: {‘effRating’: 1881.49,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 45.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 29.5,
                            ‘karma’: 260.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 171.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 12305435.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 38.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 2728361.8599999999,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 648069.16000000003,
                            ‘totalKill’: 121.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2219039.0},
 ‘Anonymous [ANON]’: {‘effRating’: 4445.9799999999996,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1088.2,
                      ‘gameWin’: 510.39999999999998,
                      ‘karma’: 19154.150000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 7691.8999999999996,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 444191275.35000002,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 2566.75,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 146380172.52000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 28911652.640000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1696.3499999999999,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1245.8,
                      ‘uid’: 2234322.4500000002},
 ‘Another Lost Fleet [ALF]’: {‘effRating’: 3129.25,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 556.89999999999998,
                              ‘gameWin’: 275.63,
                              ‘karma’: 13036.379999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3627.2399999999998,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 237894294.38,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1454.28,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 84052280.140000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 14572655.789999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 956.89999999999998,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1738.6199999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 1865132.0700000001},
 ‘AntsInThePants [ANTS]’: {‘effRating’: 2936.1900000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 98.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 44.0,
                           ‘karma’: 1268.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 733.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 44995094.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 316.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 17239361.5,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 1918391.3100000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 255.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 107.34999999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 2590781.5},
 ‘ApertureScienceLAB [ASL]’: {‘effRating’: 4844.1800000000003,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 1856.77,
                              ‘gameWin’: 874.55999999999995,
                              ‘karma’: 10711.799999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 11959.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 780568366.09000003,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 4094.1999999999998,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 258539784.36000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 46144076.619999997,
                              ‘totalKill’: 3568.4099999999999,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6735.9799999999996,
                              ‘uid’: 1771216.55},
 ‘Apollon 18 [A18]’: {‘effRating’: 4822.0900000000001,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 2544.4499999999998,
                      ‘gameWin’: 1177.5999999999999,
                      ‘karma’: 33498.150000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.75,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 17779.950000000001,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1065620958.35,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 5560.3000000000002,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 447311381.54000002,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 64827084.609999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 5272.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9291.1000000000004,
                      ‘uid’: 1957291.1499999999},
 ‘Apple 1nc [Applo]’: {‘effRating’: 4135.29,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 962.74000000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 449.75999999999999,
                       ‘karma’: 8187.6400000000003,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 6293.8599999999997,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 386138608.79000002,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 2206.7600000000002,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 113267968.83,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 19953188.640000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1867.8900000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1269.6600000000001,
                       ‘uid’: 1952840.73},
 ‘Apple inc [Apple]’: {‘effRating’: 4361.1599999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 506.13999999999999,
                       ‘gameWin’: 247.56999999999999,
                       ‘karma’: 3608.9299999999998,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 3461.8600000000001,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 193378318.06999999,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1068.6400000000001,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 62436995.960000001,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 10501357.25,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1138.9300000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 207.02000000000001,
                       ‘uid’: 2187716.21},
 ‘Arc [Arc]’: {‘effRating’: 2566.25,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 590.20000000000005,
               ‘gameWin’: 260.19999999999999,
               ‘karma’: 2979.5999999999999,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
               ‘totalAssists’: 3223.1999999999998,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 229831650.59999999,
               ‘totalDeath’: 1596.4000000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 39880211.909999996,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 5242969.4100000001,
               ‘totalKill’: 796.39999999999998,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 62.909999999999997,
               ‘uid’: 2157157.7999999998},
 ‘Arcane Bond []’: {‘effRating’: 2551.4400000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 193.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 86.0,
                    ‘karma’: 548.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 809.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 74746521.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 342.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 11702918.07,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 879951.23999999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 378.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 71.019999999999996,
                    ‘uid’: 586587.0},
 ‘Argentum Encarmine []’: {‘effRating’: 2387.2199999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 257.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 127.0,
                           ‘karma’: 796.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 1521.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 98121598.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 745.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 23647201.690000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 852814.81999999995,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1072.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 1719713.0},
 ‘Armata Star [Armat]’: {‘effRating’: 5281.5,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1793.1900000000001,
                         ‘gameWin’: 816.24000000000001,
                         ‘karma’: 11611.709999999999,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 10109.33,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 757972726.86000001,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 4536.9499999999998,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 215680415.88,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 25091965.329999998,
                         ‘totalKill’: 2764.8099999999999,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5601.5900000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 1761906.48},
 ‘Art of WAR [AoWAR]’: {‘effRating’: 3942.6199999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 853.64999999999998,
                        ‘gameWin’: 403.30000000000001,
                        ‘karma’: 7114.4300000000003,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 5152.6999999999998,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 347743335.77999997,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1768.3900000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 114604636.58,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 16425766.5,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1885.7,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2199.1199999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 2001135.3899999999},
 ‘Ases Indomaveis [ASES]’: {‘effRating’: 1309.46,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 11.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 4.0,
                            ‘karma’: 610.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.029999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 41.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 4598516.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 24.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 1810698.0700000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘totalKill’: 24.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2417674.0},
 ‘Aseveljet [Aseet]’: {‘effRating’: 1458.02,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 19.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 12.0,
                       ‘karma’: 15.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 161.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 7776965.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 53.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 2045574.5800000001,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 310647.17999999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 88.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1334565.0},
 ‘Asgard Erie [ASE]’: {‘effRating’: 4100.2799999999997,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1477.9400000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 667.47000000000003,
                       ‘karma’: 13366.120000000001,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 8733.1800000000003,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 614106228.82000005,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 4495.8800000000001,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 138218476.03,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 18265102.390000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 2184.3499999999999,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1742.6800000000001,
                       ‘uid’: 1453704.8799999999},
 ‘AsteroidDust []’: {‘effRating’: 3101.4400000000001,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 204.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 100.5,
                     ‘karma’: 1499.5,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 1103.5,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 83426087.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 459.5,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 23609402.52,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 1458697.8,
                     ‘totalKill’: 681.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 129.47,
                     ‘uid’: 1497789.5},
 ‘AtlantiS [AtiS]’: {‘effRating’: 5026.2299999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1112.5,
                     ‘gameWin’: 575.0,
                     ‘karma’: 12740.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 7296.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 419248202.5,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2232.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 133581803.34,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 13686294.99,
                     ‘totalKill’: 3193.5,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 548.75,
                     ‘uid’: 1004899.5},
 ‘Avalon []’: {‘effRating’: 3334.6100000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 1390.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 663.0,
               ‘karma’: 29981.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.67000000000000004,
               ‘totalAssists’: 8296.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 558105945.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 2607.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 94782663.060000002,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 39848210.509999998,
               ‘totalKill’: 2385.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 560.13,
               ‘uid’: 399928.0},
 ‘Avenging Angels []’: {‘effRating’: 5434.5,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 109.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 38.0,
                        ‘karma’: 2341.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.91000000000000003,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 596.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 46151404.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 182.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 18801307.52,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 3342254.1400000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 164.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 1291915.0},
 ‘AwesomeSpaceFerrets [ASF]’: {‘effRating’: 4264.21,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 856.24000000000001,
                               ‘gameWin’: 402.44999999999999,
                               ‘karma’: 22002.93,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 5652.9300000000003,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 360545518.17000002,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 1843.76,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 139737097.59999999,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 23098433.02,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1530.0999999999999,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1685.7,
                               ‘uid’: 1976639.3799999999},
 ‘Ayakashi [YOKAI]’: {‘effRating’: 4347.4300000000003,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1347.4000000000001,
                      ‘gameWin’: 764.39999999999998,
                      ‘karma’: -1515.2,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 9942.3999999999996,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 482666891.80000001,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 2764.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 165318939.18000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 13163192.51,
                      ‘totalKill’: 4877.8000000000002,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1053.52,
                      ‘uid’: 2398698.7999999998},
 ‘B4sterds [B4]’: {‘effRating’: 5149.8800000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 785.20000000000005,
                   ‘gameWin’: 334.19999999999999,
                   ‘karma’: 8861.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 5479.6000000000004,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 348321487.39999998,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 2038.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 218102143.83000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 40817545.219999999,
                   ‘totalKill’: 1419.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3304.7199999999998,
                   ‘uid’: 2604243.7999999998},
 ‘BATTLESTAR [STAR]’: {‘effRating’: 5123.0500000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1893.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1111.0,
                       ‘karma’: 27712.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.45,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 17775.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1049896532.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 4233.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 193696317.09,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 119215493.2,
                       ‘totalKill’: 3726.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6533.1899999999996,
                       ‘uid’: 1950573.0},
 ‘BEASTS OF JERICHO [BEAST]’: {‘effRating’: 4798.4099999999999,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1786.5599999999999,
                               ‘gameWin’: 863.35000000000002,
                               ‘karma’: 12227.120000000001,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 11220.9,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 753210664.24000001,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3870.9400000000001,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 273361001.68000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 40102247.729999997,
                               ‘totalKill’: 4181.1599999999999,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3799.79,
                               ‘uid’: 1494465.3400000001},
 ‘BELLATRIX [BAX]’: {‘effRating’: 3810.0300000000002,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1330.3299999999999,
                     ‘gameWin’: 701.16999999999996,
                     ‘karma’: 14691.75,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 9445.6700000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 547329609.33000004,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2555.9200000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 212791157.69999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 34824829.799999997,
                     ‘totalKill’: 4282.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6275.6899999999996,
                     ‘uid’: 1536286.5},
 ‘BKC BC [Pycb]’: {‘effRating’: 4888.9799999999996,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1905.6600000000001,
                   ‘gameWin’: 899.44000000000005,
                   ‘karma’: 23336.720000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 12802.530000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 791048375.44000006,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 4264.7200000000003,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 289510846.69999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 48470828.18,
                   ‘totalKill’: 4114.5900000000001,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7282.1400000000003,
                   ‘uid’: 1721248.4399999999},
 ‘BLACK SCORPIONS [SCORP]’: {‘effRating’: 5920.29,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 7973.3199999999997,
                             ‘gameWin’: 4366.1599999999999,
                             ‘karma’: 29768.740000000002,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.05,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 57892.68,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 3520925579.5300002,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 15720.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 1433205163.29,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 270509285.44,
                             ‘totalKill’: 24855.16,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 77295.860000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 986833.53000000003},
 ‘BORG [BORG]’: {‘effRating’: 4102.46,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 699.95000000000005,
                 ‘gameWin’: 332.72000000000003,
                 ‘karma’: 19692.169999999998,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 4576.5600000000004,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 293177225.18000001,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 1624.8299999999999,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 103246792.95999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 15231492.15,
                 ‘totalKill’: 1350.5799999999999,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1078.3399999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 1949514.29},
 ‘BTR [BTR2]’: {‘effRating’: 3934.0599999999999,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 605.11000000000001,
                ‘gameWin’: 286.22000000000003,
                ‘karma’: 4880.2200000000003,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                ‘totalAssists’: 3857.2199999999998,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 239140605.44,
                ‘totalDeath’: 1407.6700000000001,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 65109440.840000004,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 9751994.0,
                ‘totalKill’: 944.88999999999999,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 250.40000000000001,
                ‘uid’: 2138730.7799999998},
 ‘Bad Company [BCOM]’: {‘effRating’: 2226.8600000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 204.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 88.0,
                        ‘karma’: 461.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 975.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 80143895.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 477.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 10238690.119999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 740294.85999999999,
                        ‘totalKill’: 319.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 217366.0},
 ‘BarbariansFR [BBR]’: {‘effRating’: 3862.8800000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 401.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 185.66999999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 2084.3299999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 2096.3299999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 153814400.66999999,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 885.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 55963223.799999997,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 7437861.0599999996,
                        ‘totalKill’: 658.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 53.32,
                        ‘uid’: 2036169.0},
 ‘Barbatos Corps [BARC]’: {‘effRating’: 3410.9699999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 47.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 19.0,
                           ‘karma’: 1738.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 207.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 18093358.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 55.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 5905449.4900000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 1497983.9299999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 55.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2260000.0},
 ‘BattleStars [BAST]’: {‘effRating’: 3093.9299999999998,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 160.25,
                        ‘gameWin’: 71.25,
                        ‘karma’: 16693.5,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.2,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 997.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 67467332.75,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 325.75,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 30076526.739999998,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 4987662.5099999998,
                        ‘totalKill’: 296.25,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 91.620000000000005,
                        ‘uid’: 1912353.25},
 ‘Baum Corporation []’: {‘effRating’: 5494.4700000000003,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 424.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 206.0,
                         ‘karma’: 5378.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 2650.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 144810695.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 904.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 41268966.759999998,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 11713932.24,
                         ‘totalKill’: 730.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 165.63999999999999,
                         ‘uid’: 2393776.0},
 ‘Behemoth [Behem]’: {‘effRating’: 4219.9899999999998,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1528.5899999999999,
                      ‘gameWin’: 751.82000000000005,
                      ‘karma’: 9206.3400000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 9210.8799999999992,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 642812177.53999996,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 3343.6599999999999,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 218754541.37,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 31637530.829999998,
                      ‘totalKill’: 3374.0300000000002,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5816.5600000000004,
                      ‘uid’: 1588159.5700000001},
 ‘Belt of Osiris [Osirz]’: {‘effRating’: 3831.8600000000001,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 910.12,
                            ‘gameWin’: 436.62,
                            ‘karma’: 23415.119999999999,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 6142.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 379860966.75,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2005.6199999999999,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 138764322.24000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 20645366.120000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1888.3800000000001,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 907.91999999999996,
                            ‘uid’: 1663205.6200000001},
 ‘Best Military Wing [BMW]’: {‘effRating’: 5842.3000000000002,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 764.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 333.0,
                              ‘karma’: 15881.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 4221.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 297216262.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1990.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 87358318.090000004,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 17102245.510000002,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1086.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 436.77999999999997,
                              ‘uid’: 1326494.5},
 ‘Best of the best [PRO]’: {‘effRating’: 5408.5600000000004,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 713.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 354.32999999999998,
                            ‘karma’: 8943.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 5102.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 283535887.32999998,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1756.3299999999999,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 114958157.67,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 17135003.670000002,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1869.6700000000001,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 141.94999999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 1482151.3300000001},
 ‘Beta Syndicate [BSYN]’: {‘effRating’: 4432.6400000000003,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 708.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 322.32999999999998,
                           ‘karma’: 26260.330000000002,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0900000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 3921.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 280546297.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1335.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 105758268.41,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 12368465.470000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1545.3299999999999,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 489.92000000000002,
                           ‘uid’: 342242.33000000002},
 ‘Black Cat [Cat]’: {‘effRating’: 2854.8099999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 736.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 300.0,
                     ‘karma’: 2076.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 2896.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 225756412.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 1672.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 43403383.539999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 3374780.3300000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 1339.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                     ‘uid’: 2069961.0},
 ‘Black Hawks [HawK]’: {‘effRating’: 7087.79,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 4398.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 2543.0,
                        ‘karma’: 14560.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3600000000000001,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 35952.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 2152906425.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 8490.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 601075374.73000002,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 79287354.069999993,
                        ‘totalKill’: 17888.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 49024.849999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 76914.0},
 ‘Black Hole Empire []’: {‘effRating’: 2659.4400000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 115.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 59.0,
                          ‘karma’: 1008.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 609.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 41881691.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 230.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 7482167.6200000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 3041442.6699999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 179.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2746581.0},
 ‘Black Joker [JOKER]’: {‘effRating’: 5265.8199999999997,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1712.6700000000001,
                         ‘gameWin’: 854.51999999999998,
                         ‘karma’: 25687.040000000001,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 13024.41,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 720009299.96000004,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 3791.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 261391131.0,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 46565355.700000003,
                         ‘totalKill’: 3439.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3306.8200000000002,
                         ‘uid’: 1598058.0700000001},
 ‘Black Legion Inc [BLInc]’: {‘effRating’: 2555.3499999999999,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 468.32999999999998,
                              ‘gameWin’: 232.0,
                              ‘karma’: 3318.3299999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 2379.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 154979256.33000001,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 831.66999999999996,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 44761102.990000002,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 5953638.2400000002,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1177.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 188.78,
                              ‘uid’: 2524473.0},
 ‘Black Saints [Saint]’: {‘effRating’: 3986.1799999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 238.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 102.0,
                          ‘karma’: 2810.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1355.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 93478582.5,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 740.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 24789040.629999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 6296426.3300000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 284.5,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 29.780000000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 2272069.5},
 ‘Black Shadow [Devil]’: {‘effRating’: 4026.3000000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2650.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1177.0,
                          ‘karma’: 18950.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 6307.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 1133724289.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 5722.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 180063891.43000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 6762701.7300000004,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3711.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6360.5200000000004,
                          ‘uid’: 180566.0},
 ‘Black Star [Black]’: {‘effRating’: 6018.5600000000004,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 3547.6900000000001,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1739.3399999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 29906.599999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 24300.490000000002,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1546017332.46,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 7917.1099999999997,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 619249276.15999997,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 83897856.769999996,
                        ‘totalKill’: 8463.3999999999996,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17718.689999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 1523525.51},
 ‘BlackHandZocker [BHZ]’: {‘effRating’: 4595.5799999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 563.79999999999995,
                           ‘gameWin’: 274.19999999999999,
                           ‘karma’: 27397.599999999999,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 3656.8000000000002,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 216356350.19999999,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1147.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 62047885.840000004,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 8521955.4700000007,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1403.4000000000001,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 197.63999999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1802958.6000000001},
 ‘Blackspirits [i9C4i]’: {‘effRating’: 2538.1500000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 127.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 66.0,
                          ‘karma’: 3750.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 850.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 54136240.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 290.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 17464864.210000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 2427658.5600000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 276.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 13.470000000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1617525.0},
 ‘Blackstars [BLST]’: {‘effRating’: 3380.0900000000001,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 445.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 236.0,
                       ‘karma’: 4143.75,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2862.75,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 185722866.25,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1185.5,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 60406250.68,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 9760428.3000000007,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1368.75,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 39.969999999999999,
                       ‘uid’: 1288846.0},
 ‘Blades [BLAD]’: {‘effRating’: 5848.0600000000004,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2969.27,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1527.25,
                   ‘karma’: 15397.92,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.70999999999999996,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 22397.459999999999,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1301129615.47,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 6430.4099999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 578176028.89999998,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 88066963.730000004,
                   ‘totalKill’: 8284.2000000000007,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14162.34,
                   ‘uid’: 1623734.0},
 ‘Blazed [BZD]’: {‘effRating’: 1865.0999999999999,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 37.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 18.0,
                  ‘karma’: 72.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 157.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 11954215.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 93.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 1568038.9099999999,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 141351.54000000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 62.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                  ‘uid’: 2314901.0},
 ‘Blazing Phoenix [BL4ZE]’: {‘effRating’: 3422.21,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 741.98000000000002,
                             ‘gameWin’: 357.26999999999998,
                             ‘karma’: 7789.6400000000003,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23000000000000001,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 4509.8800000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 294691397.51999998,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 1680.4100000000001,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 98011539.579999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 13965758.65,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1668.1600000000001,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2011.46,
                             ‘uid’: 2181735.6600000001},
 ‘Bleu Blanc Rouge []’: {‘effRating’: 1288.8,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 30.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 9.0,
                         ‘karma’: -26.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 178.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 14428596.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 125.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 1613186.4399999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 289260.37,
                         ‘totalKill’: 44.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 2671356.0},
 ‘BlobCo []’: {‘effRating’: 4714.4399999999996,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 2880.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 1269.0,
               ‘karma’: 1204.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.85999999999999999,
               ‘totalAssists’: 15478.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1141124954.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 7660.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 269877774.72000003,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 66046644.549999997,
               ‘totalKill’: 4754.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1595.7,
               ‘uid’: 277833.0},
 ‘Blood Dragon Mercs [xBDMx]’: {‘effRating’: 3792.6700000000001,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 750.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 334.5,
                                ‘karma’: 1563.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 3135.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 268342836.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 1245.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 63934118.700000003,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 7461856.9000000004,
                                ‘totalKill’: 1132.5,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 32.329999999999998,
                                ‘uid’: 1329016.0},
 ‘Blood Raven [Raven]’: {‘effRating’: 6280.1899999999996,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 5096.8000000000002,
                         ‘gameWin’: 2714.1999999999998,
                         ‘karma’: 84584.199999999997,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.29,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 41791.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 2344808488.1999998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 11788.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 893039006.77999997,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 226716029.5,
                         ‘totalKill’: 13901.200000000001,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 41861.419999999998,
                         ‘uid’: 1210725.2},
 ‘Bogatyri Of Galaxy [xBOGx]’: {‘effRating’: 6877.3900000000003,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 5837.5,
                                ‘gameWin’: 2898.5,
                                ‘karma’: 21635.25,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3400000000000001,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 42926.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 2518721741.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 12315.5,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 1037230154.01,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 120274594.72,
                                ‘totalKill’: 16369.25,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14475.120000000001,
                                ‘uid’: 1342654.25},
 ‘Bombers []’: {‘effRating’: 6074.7600000000002,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 64.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 35.0,
                ‘karma’: 10761.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
                ‘totalAssists’: 296.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 25996399.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 123.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 19303194.02,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 1431803.3700000001,
                ‘totalKill’: 116.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                ‘uid’: 2183073.0},
 ‘BotN []’: {‘effRating’: 4355.7200000000003,
             ‘gamePlayed’: 306.0,
             ‘gameWin’: 153.5,
             ‘karma’: 926.0,
             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
             ‘totalAssists’: 2040.5,
             ‘totalBattleTime’: 117136389.5,
             ‘totalDeath’: 589.0,
             ‘totalDmgDone’: 31515176.199999999,
             ‘totalHealingDone’: 9276328.6199999992,
             ‘totalKill’: 411.5,
             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 268.54000000000002,
             ‘uid’: 1135372.0},
 ‘Bravo Corp [BRAVO]’: {‘effRating’: 4789.6000000000004,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 185.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 104.0,
                        ‘karma’: 13433.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 1085.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 76368897.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 471.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 27520821.16,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 5246480.0099999998,
                        ‘totalKill’: 581.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 2115278.0},
 ‘Brazucas [BRAS]’: {‘effRating’: 3029.75,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 279.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 120.0,
                     ‘karma’: 9065.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 1458.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 121875329.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 718.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 48519474.619999997,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 7694423.1799999997,
                     ‘totalKill’: 454.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                     ‘uid’: 1743397.0},
 ‘Bregan Daerthe [BD]’: {‘effRating’: 7068.8800000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1821.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 918.0,
                         ‘karma’: 3117.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 10988.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 758567756.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 4126.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 252360468.28,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 35507719.159999996,
                         ‘totalKill’: 6999.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5753.2700000000004,
                         ‘uid’: 511268.0},
 ‘Bringers of Death [BoD]’: {‘effRating’: 3614.9099999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1050.6700000000001,
                             ‘gameWin’: 522.66999999999996,
                             ‘karma’: 1790.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 6426.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 448209016.32999998,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 2399.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 89807880.0,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 24184726.719999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 2300.3299999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1946.6900000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 776739.32999999996},
 ‘Brotherhood of Symf []’: {‘effRating’: 2393.0,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 118.67,
                            ‘gameWin’: 71.0,
                            ‘karma’: 319.67000000000002,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 629.66999999999996,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 40517921.329999998,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 244.66999999999999,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 12493409.130000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 1439200.3600000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 469.32999999999998,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2297381.0},
 ‘BrotherhoodOfSteel [BoS]’: {‘effRating’: 6329.21,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 3465.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 2362.0,
                              ‘karma’: 533.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 30735.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 1556545644.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 3895.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 145772576.47999999,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 69441996.489999995,
                              ‘totalKill’: 16322.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1238.75,
                              ‘uid’: 184.0},
 ‘BrotherhoodRulez []’: {‘effRating’: 3768.5900000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 279.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 134.0,
                         ‘karma’: 1094.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1706.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 107071600.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 704.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 27479945.43,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 3430932.8100000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 826.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 1043693.0},
 ‘Brothers [Bros]’: {‘effRating’: 4827.1199999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1918.6099999999999,
                     ‘gameWin’: 908.5,
                     ‘karma’: 11958.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 12322.940000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 810410978.55999994,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4331.7200000000003,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 285140231.58999997,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 40316876.950000003,
                     ‘totalKill’: 3858.6700000000001,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3787.3200000000002,
                     ‘uid’: 1430050.1699999999},
 ‘Bucaneros [BUCAN]’: {‘effRating’: 5114.1199999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 680.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 281.0,
                       ‘karma’: 7981.6700000000001,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2616.6700000000001,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 271383825.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1594.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 45611270.25,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 4974336.2999999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 724.33000000000004,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 546.63,
                       ‘uid’: 1621037.6699999999},
 ‘Bulgarian Alliance [BG]’: {‘effRating’: 4498.9799999999996,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1935.1700000000001,
                             ‘gameWin’: 964.83000000000004,
                             ‘karma’: 16458.040000000001,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 12533.610000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 815337296.16999996,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 4812.3000000000002,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 297113574.61000001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 38779534.609999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 5121.6099999999997,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11929.610000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 1625612.78},
 ‘Burning Phoenix Ind [BPHXI]’: {‘effRating’: 2466.0599999999999,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 240.66999999999999,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 109.0,
                                 ‘karma’: 2548.6700000000001,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 1302.6700000000001,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 94725537.670000002,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 543.66999999999996,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 28903680.66,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 7463623.4900000002,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 383.0,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 149.62,
                                 ‘uid’: 2420468.3300000001},
 ‘CCCP [CCCP]’: {‘effRating’: 6514.2399999999998,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 4873.6099999999997,
                 ‘gameWin’: 2546.8899999999999,
                 ‘karma’: 50945.110000000001,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.02,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 36527.889999999999,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 2071485254.25,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 10259.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 926625620.61000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 145063518.06999999,
                 ‘totalKill’: 13214.07,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25181.200000000001,
                 ‘uid’: 1345689.21},
 ‘CERBERE [CBR]’: {‘effRating’: 4349.2399999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2426.6700000000001,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1243.6700000000001,
                   ‘karma’: 4189.3299999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.71999999999999997,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 15675.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1086612542.3299999,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 5561.3299999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 409164473.10000002,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 59675881.030000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 8362.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11854.99,
                   ‘uid’: 575663.32999999996},
 ‘CILGIN TURKLER [KURT]’: {‘effRating’: 2898.6900000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 475.67000000000002,
                           ‘gameWin’: 222.33000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 910.33000000000004,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 2903.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 202040752.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1379.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 45512716.439999998,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 8153818.71,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1053.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 112.59,
                           ‘uid’: 1958704.6699999999},
 ‘CORT [CORT]’: {‘effRating’: 4232.8400000000001,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1532.8,
                 ‘gameWin’: 723.95000000000005,
                 ‘karma’: 6190.8999999999996,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 9785.3500000000004,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 619355101.70000005,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 3618.8499999999999,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 214249740.00999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 37641177.329999998,
                 ‘totalKill’: 2867.8000000000002,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3445.9499999999998,
                 ‘uid’: 2106272.4500000002},
 ‘COSMIC STORM []’: {‘effRating’: 4280.3999999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 529.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 230.0,
                     ‘karma’: -7113.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 1727.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 195629813.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 1460.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 25068367.84,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 2304132.2000000002,
                     ‘totalKill’: 669.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 511.06999999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 668749.0},
 ‘CZech Ravagers [CzR]’: {‘effRating’: 3948.0500000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 858.88999999999999,
                          ‘gameWin’: 413.76999999999998,
                          ‘karma’: 7751.6199999999999,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 5573.5699999999997,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 364312491.23000002,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2067.71,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 133862785.05,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 19122750.68,
                          ‘totalKill’: 2068.02,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2614.5700000000002,
                          ‘uid’: 2162405.4900000002},
 ‘Cannon Fodder [MEAT]’: {‘effRating’: 5453.6899999999996,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1511.2,
                          ‘gameWin’: 727.60000000000002,
                          ‘karma’: 28325.400000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 11875.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 631323334.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2634.8000000000002,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 212193781.50999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 35700114.93,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4061.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1511.23,
                          ‘uid’: 1168667.0},
 ‘Carbon Core [CORE]’: {‘effRating’: 2885.8600000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 943.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 402.0,
                        ‘karma’: 1399.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 4577.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 382261943.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1861.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 55814826.619999997,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 4565143.0700000003,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1641.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 87.930000000000007,
                        ‘uid’: 313909.0},
 ‘Carebears [CBA]’: {‘effRating’: 5595.9099999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1384.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 787.0,
                     ‘karma’: 1174.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 8042.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 523877937.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 1930.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 192834494.97999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 32304471.68,
                     ‘totalKill’: 4786.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 313.88999999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 398739.0},
 ‘Cerberus [CSA]’: {‘effRating’: 5691.3699999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 5750.6700000000001,
                    ‘gameWin’: 2818.1999999999998,
                    ‘karma’: 19980.529999999999,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.85999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 34136.669999999998,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 2519191291.1999998,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 12119.07,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 949090627.64999998,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 133678149.87,
                    ‘totalKill’: 13300.200000000001,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 80575.429999999993,
                    ‘uid’: 1285249.3999999999},
 ‘Champs of Caos [CPU]’: {‘effRating’: 3699.1799999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 391.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 189.5,
                          ‘karma’: 45392.5,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2169.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 164520300.66999999,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 855.5,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 70833302.629999995,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 8526620.0199999996,
                          ‘totalKill’: 993.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10.01,
                          ‘uid’: 1250684.8300000001},
 ‘Chaotic Legion [CH4OS]’: {‘effRating’: 4976.54,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 2612.3699999999999,
                            ‘gameWin’: 1290.1800000000001,
                            ‘karma’: 19741.810000000001,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 18314.400000000001,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 1116909869.3099999,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 5481.1899999999996,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 480659949.11000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 66252502.090000004,
                            ‘totalKill’: 6065.0900000000001,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6324.3800000000001,
                            ‘uid’: 1778111.51},
 ‘Chirno []’: {‘effRating’: 3219.73,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 904.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 471.0,
               ‘karma’: 2108.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
               ‘totalAssists’: 5983.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 330457960.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 1474.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 97589487.379999995,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 37279828.240000002,
               ‘totalKill’: 2176.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 44.049999999999997,
               ‘uid’: 747212.0},
 ‘Circle Of Five []’: {‘effRating’: 3301.0300000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 585.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 259.5,
                       ‘karma’: 1507.5,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 3298.5,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 236700313.5,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1818.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 51338807.100000001,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 3671302.7799999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1106.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1503321.0},
 ‘Clan Assassins [CASS]’: {‘effRating’: 5442.7399999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1487.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 743.0,
                           ‘karma’: 70260.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.2,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 11934.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 618936445.5,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 3626.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 263711603.78,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 46802068.549999997,
                           ‘totalKill’: 3742.5,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3717.9000000000001,
                           ‘uid’: 1228227.5},
 ‘Clan Jade Falcon [CJF]’: {‘effRating’: 4634.0799999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 595.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 277.0,
                            ‘karma’: 3280.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 3256.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 213306616.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1338.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 77918328.269999996,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 3415759.2799999998,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1175.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2039256.0},
 ‘Clan Reckoning [RECK]’: {‘effRating’: 3301.4899999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 2139.3299999999999,
                           ‘gameWin’: 989.66999999999996,
                           ‘karma’: 4173.3299999999999,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 12653.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 864146747.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 5880.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 211749250.22,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 15730371.890000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 5064.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4090.1599999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1368286.6699999999},
 ‘Clear sky [SKY]’: {‘effRating’: 5689.5299999999997,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 5126.9399999999996,
                     ‘gameWin’: 2609.29,
                     ‘karma’: 20080.060000000001,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 36785.709999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2251769241.4699998,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 10473.940000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 807851277.59000003,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 133886922.78,
                     ‘totalKill’: 14631.469999999999,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 28361.779999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1217396.1799999999},
 ‘Cloaked Republic [NRNS]’: {‘effRating’: 488.51999999999998,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1.0,
                             ‘karma’: 684.5,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 1.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 281143.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 1.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 10983.57,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 0.0,
                             ‘totalKill’: 0.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                             ‘uid’: 2438245.0},
 ‘Cold Steel [CS]’: {‘effRating’: 972.77999999999997,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 11.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 6.0,
                     ‘karma’: 1619.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 55.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 3621689.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 20.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 1004657.3199999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 52196.889999999999,
                     ‘totalKill’: 21.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                     ‘uid’: 2267800.0},
 ‘Cold Storage []’: {‘effRating’: 3763.71,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 155.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 76.0,
                     ‘karma’: 1870.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.5700000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 732.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 54852693.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 302.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 10490559.09,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 1651150.4099999999,
                     ‘totalKill’: 285.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 54.840000000000003,
                     ‘uid’: 177460.0},
 ‘ComanDo EsTeLar [CE]’: {‘effRating’: 4225.5,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2501.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1135.0,
                          ‘karma’: 6055.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 11904.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 997023557.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 6084.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 151441455.94999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 17829758.199999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3220.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 723.21000000000004,
                          ‘uid’: 1102749.5},
 ‘Comando Brazil [CBRA]’: {‘effRating’: 4288.9200000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1791.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 794.0,
                           ‘karma’: 4657.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 11363.75,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 721673738.75,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 5034.75,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 175988361.28999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 30005169.989999998,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2065.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2102.0599999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1894525.25},
 ‘Companions []’: {‘effRating’: 2098.6900000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 247.33000000000001,
                   ‘gameWin’: 109.67,
                   ‘karma’: 183.33000000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 1131.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 88636290.670000002,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 544.66999999999996,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 18167443.190000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 2450445.4300000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 368.32999999999998,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 204.87,
                   ‘uid’: 2143735.3300000001},
 ‘Conquerors []’: {‘effRating’: 714.09000000000003,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 28.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 14.0,
                   ‘karma’: 0.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 90.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 9959121.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 95.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 1578549.8300000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 221229.04000000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 74.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                   ‘uid’: 905115.0},
 ‘Cookie Collective []’: {‘effRating’: 1862.29,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 77.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 34.0,
                          ‘karma’: 54.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 301.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 19303612.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 105.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 4155250.1899999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 169192.89999999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 137.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2961564.0},
 ‘Cookie Jar [CJar]’: {‘effRating’: 2959.8699999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 383.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 188.0,
                       ‘karma’: 319.5,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.60999999999999999,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2750.3299999999999,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 163393156.66999999,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 909.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 47944857.659999996,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 5428511.0199999996,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1061.6700000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 169.62,
                       ‘uid’: 2337221.0},
 ‘Corporacion Hispana [CH]’: {‘effRating’: 3618.8000000000002,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 517.36000000000001,
                              ‘gameWin’: 253.71000000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 8519.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3019.5,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 216487150.13999999,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1075.21,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 67050852.719999999,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 9202777.6199999992,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1239.4300000000001,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 461.11000000000001,
                              ‘uid’: 1914077.3600000001},
 ‘Cosmica [CSMC]’: {‘effRating’: 3037.7800000000002,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 402.67000000000002,
                    ‘gameWin’: 216.0,
                    ‘karma’: 8405.6700000000001,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 2870.6700000000001,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 158054103.33000001,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 760.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 53713274.75,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 9312565.4600000009,
                    ‘totalKill’: 989.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 132.66999999999999,
                    ‘uid’: 1964857.0},
 ‘Couch Moose Inc [CMI]’: {‘effRating’: 1381.28,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 22.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 15.0,
                           ‘karma’: 101.33,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 139.33000000000001,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 7270831.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 49.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 1807834.02,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘totalKill’: 61.329999999999998,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2448101.6699999999},
 ‘Coza Nostra [CoNo]’: {‘effRating’: 5209.1800000000003,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 3271.1999999999998,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1517.2,
                        ‘karma’: 16630.200000000001,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 25584.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1364106087.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 8191.6000000000004,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 361033679.20999998,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 25941643.629999999,
                        ‘totalKill’: 5391.6000000000004,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7351.6499999999996,
                        ‘uid’: 1281836.8},
 ‘Crazy Dwarfs [Crazy]’: {‘effRating’: 3154.02,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 437.67000000000002,
                          ‘gameWin’: 201.66999999999999,
                          ‘karma’: 504.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2640.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 182139869.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 778.66999999999996,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 35359726.039999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 3942321.1099999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1060.6700000000001,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1112.9200000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1163921.3300000001},
 ‘Crazy Insane Asylum []’: {‘effRating’: 3240.6500000000001,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 112.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 51.0,
                            ‘karma’: 2817.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 572.5,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 42316686.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 175.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 22478981.039999999,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 3225337.1699999999,
                            ‘totalKill’: 185.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 1462410.5},
 ‘Crispy Frozen Lotus []’: {‘effRating’: 3065.1399999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 390.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 201.0,
                            ‘karma’: 2788.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 2386.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 167783855.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 696.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 29063498.239999998,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 8768275.4700000007,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1031.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 257818.0},
 ‘Critical []’: {‘effRating’: 5503.6300000000001,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1905.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 889.0,
                 ‘karma’: 5743.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 11910.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 867408763.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 4451.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 295389304.16000003,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 43075484.670000002,
                 ‘totalKill’: 4041.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12401.209999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 2130296.0},
 ‘Crusaders Eternal []’: {‘effRating’: 1229.5,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 13.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 5.0,
                          ‘karma’: 9.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 74.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 5520362.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 51.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 1343326.0700000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 29236.48,
                          ‘totalKill’: 30.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 1978179.0},
 ‘CyberDong [D1k]’: {‘effRating’: 5160.9700000000003,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 89.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 45.0,
                     ‘karma’: 11103.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 887.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 41923352.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 193.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 12348691.42,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 4800305.2699999996,
                     ‘totalKill’: 92.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 190.69,
                     ‘uid’: 2729776.0},
 ‘Cyborgs [Cybrg]’: {‘effRating’: 5439.8900000000003,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2895.46,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1414.8800000000001,
                     ‘karma’: 26069.310000000001,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 20513.189999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1230854079.4300001,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 6401.6899999999996,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 460153355.81,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 77830779.640000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 6267.46,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11287.73,
                     ‘uid’: 1380811.4299999999},
 ‘Czech Rebels [DnB]’: {‘effRating’: 3977.46,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 515.71000000000004,
                        ‘gameWin’: 250.28999999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 11029.860000000001,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 3495.29,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 206533698.43000001,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1163.4300000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 71021763.590000004,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 14401153.18,
                        ‘totalKill’: 968.13999999999999,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 614.15999999999997,
                        ‘uid’: 1810320.29},
 ‘Czech destroyers [CzSk]’: {‘effRating’: 4699.6199999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1461.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 717.36000000000001,
                             ‘karma’: 7507.6400000000003,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 9787.4500000000007,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 617615397.54999995,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 3192.8200000000002,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 195475570.77000001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 23864797.219999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3188.4499999999998,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3055.3200000000002,
                             ‘uid’: 1581072.9099999999},
 ‘DANDELIONS [DONS]’: {‘effRating’: 4939.79,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 2390.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1331.0,
                       ‘karma’: 35417.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.84999999999999998,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 20237.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1076887246.6700001,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 3866.3299999999999,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 394460983.80000001,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 63397471.350000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 8697.6700000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1822.4200000000001,
                       ‘uid’: 1097696.3300000001},
 ‘DAREDEVILS []’: {‘effRating’: 4640.3000000000002,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1966.8,
                   ‘gameWin’: 959.60000000000002,
                   ‘karma’: 23332.599999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 11899.6,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 848306771.20000005,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 4883.3999999999996,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 242754909.59,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 38129868.07,
                   ‘totalKill’: 3385.8000000000002,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9380.9799999999996,
                   ‘uid’: 1031031.4},
 ‘DAS RUDEL []’: {‘effRating’: 4163.0,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 882.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 425.0,
                  ‘karma’: 791.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.25,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 5140.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 366092851.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 1976.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 106460862.36,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 9094003.9299999997,
                  ‘totalKill’: 2477.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 177.21000000000001,
                  ‘uid’: 994073.0},
 ‘DDT [DDT]’: {‘effRating’: 4640.0100000000002,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 276.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 132.0,
               ‘karma’: 484.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
               ‘totalAssists’: 1284.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 111480634.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 726.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 24122364.27,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 2908922.77,
               ‘totalKill’: 262.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 62.520000000000003,
               ‘uid’: 1928386.0},
 ‘DEEP SPACE X [DSX]’: {‘effRating’: 5666.0500000000002,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 2643.02,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1279.71,
                        ‘karma’: 24999.549999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 16607.869999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1126243357.1700001,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 5616.3900000000003,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 482300155.89999998,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 62259394.270000003,
                        ‘totalKill’: 6288.1099999999997,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11993.6,
                        ‘uid’: 1586022.3400000001},
 ‘DEMONESS LILITH [LILIT]’: {‘effRating’: 4827.8100000000004,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1875.77,
                             ‘gameWin’: 878.76999999999998,
                             ‘karma’: 17613.849999999999,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 11796.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 774593441.53999996,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 4392.6899999999996,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 212407197.41999999,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 25408701.109999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3275.6900000000001,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2467.6399999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 1238559.6200000001},
 ‘DENFER [Bo0M]’: {‘effRating’: 3351.5,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 699.66999999999996,
                   ‘gameWin’: 314.56,
                   ‘karma’: 2717.5599999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 3173.2199999999998,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 266396505.78,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 1759.3299999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 55537703.780000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 6826364.9900000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 1265.8900000000001,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 695.02999999999997,
                   ‘uid’: 2028093.1100000001},
 ‘DEVIL BG [BUL]’: {‘effRating’: 4302.9499999999998,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 633.57000000000005,
                    ‘gameWin’: 302.70999999999998,
                    ‘karma’: 11244.709999999999,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 4439.8599999999997,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 265344549.86000001,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1275.71,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 125544418.89,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 14068248.93,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1315.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 320.66000000000003,
                    ‘uid’: 1486785.4299999999},
 ‘DFM [DFM]’: {‘effRating’: 5123.8699999999999,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 592.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 235.0,
               ‘karma’: 2017.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
               ‘totalAssists’: 3548.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 248545667.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 1873.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 38780071.600000001,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 9205744.5600000005,
               ‘totalKill’: 517.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 155.87,
               ‘uid’: 2496511.0},
 ‘DNS [DNS]’: {‘effRating’: 4446.2299999999996,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 1177.2,
               ‘gameWin’: 546.38999999999999,
               ‘karma’: 16262.52,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
               ‘totalAssists’: 7887.5100000000002,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 484614646.44999999,
               ‘totalDeath’: 2712.5900000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 194426406.80000001,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 29178415.149999999,
               ‘totalKill’: 2222.4899999999998,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4335.1800000000003,
               ‘uid’: 2096933.72},
 ‘DRAGO [DRAG]’: {‘effRating’: 4615.71,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 2992.77,
                  ‘gameWin’: 1330.54,
                  ‘karma’: 26976.619999999999,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 18937.689999999999,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 1265262858.6900001,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 6311.2299999999996,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 384461417.27999997,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 97907797.829999998,
                  ‘totalKill’: 3930.0799999999999,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14365.219999999999,
                  ‘uid’: 1916688.54},
 ‘DRAGONASEN [DragN]’: {‘effRating’: 4507.8900000000003,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 724.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 324.67000000000002,
                        ‘karma’: 1666.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 4816.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 304531481.67000002,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1909.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 70512821.849999994,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 14466546.43,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1241.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1433.9100000000001,
                        ‘uid’: 1397691.6699999999},
 ‘DRAKON [DRAKO]’: {‘effRating’: 4447.4799999999996,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1353.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 646.38,
                    ‘karma’: 32126.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 10444.120000000001,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 567435022.25,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 2746.8800000000001,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 211269303.38,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 43831574.759999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 2706.25,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3861.8400000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 1908915.8799999999},
 ‘DROIDS AND Co [Droid]’: {‘effRating’: 4167.3299999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 2076.0700000000002,
                           ‘gameWin’: 986.36000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 33922.43,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 14751.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 886047290.36000001,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 4681.0699999999997,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 324856809.04000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 55857875.780000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 4092.1399999999999,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14084.219999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1919128.1399999999},
 ‘DSC []’: {‘effRating’: 1784.4000000000001,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 44.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 18.0,
            ‘karma’: 4177.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
            ‘totalAssists’: 164.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 11102700.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 51.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 2269046.21,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 219133.62,
            ‘totalKill’: 66.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
            ‘uid’: 2809997.0},
 ‘Damnation [Damne]’: {‘effRating’: 5109.4399999999996,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 212.5,
                       ‘gameWin’: 112.5,
                       ‘karma’: 6983.5,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 1308.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 81516314.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 481.5,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 23839227.780000001,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 1897609.8999999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 789.5,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1135936.0},
 ‘Dark Brotherhood [DJB]’: {‘effRating’: 2196.4699999999998,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 163.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 82.0,
                            ‘karma’: 197.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 1025.75,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 58711285.75,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 412.75,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 11592688.68,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 788187.16000000003,
                            ‘totalKill’: 375.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 1286494.0},
 ‘Dark Dead Space [DDS]’: {‘effRating’: 5249.2399999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 2241.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 1055.1800000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 15484.6,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 15554.4,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 983758925.70000005,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 5467.7399999999998,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 322357386.04000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 47847705.390000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 4405.1800000000003,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7543.1199999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 2053685.46},
 ‘Dark Wolf Corp [DWC]’: {‘effRating’: 4002.9000000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 587.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 293.0,
                          ‘karma’: 10332.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 3118.3299999999999,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 218501555.33000001,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 1189.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 61406392.240000002,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 8639730.7300000004,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1128.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 178.41999999999999,
                          ‘uid’: 1966880.3300000001},
 ‘Dawn of Legends [DAWN]’: {‘effRating’: 1789.26,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 46.600000000000001,
                            ‘gameWin’: 30.5,
                            ‘karma’: 996.39999999999998,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 315.60000000000002,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 16506728.199999999,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 87.799999999999997,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 4068958.77,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 70264.580000000002,
                            ‘totalKill’: 96.400000000000006,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2196885.2000000002},
 ‘DeMoniC HellFire [DHF]’: {‘effRating’: 2521.1500000000001,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 837.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 403.5,
                            ‘karma’: 1757.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 4915.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 343818020.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1672.5,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 58813863.990000002,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 9440143.0299999993,
                            ‘totalKill’: 2371.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 410.31999999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 1362708.0},
 ‘Dead Space [DS]’: {‘effRating’: 4806.2799999999997,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2129.2399999999998,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1012.36,
                     ‘karma’: 16953.889999999999,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 14484.290000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 913298204.45000005,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4797.8500000000004,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 317653411.27999997,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 47328541.079999998,
                     ‘totalKill’: 4626.71,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5708.8299999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1712616.3},
 ‘Deaths Respect []’: {‘effRating’: 4386.6400000000003,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 130.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 64.0,
                       ‘karma’: 140.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 689.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 55114814.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 422.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 16638930.16,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 304400.53999999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 185.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 249.62,
                       ‘uid’: 2888919.0},
 ‘Delta Squadron [DESQ]’: {‘effRating’: 3815.7800000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1317.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 656.0,
                           ‘karma’: 5295.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 8305.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 502556971.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 2726.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 142011985.88999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 16253743.789999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 3315.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1852.23,
                           ‘uid’: 2224705.0},
 ‘Delta Star [DWARF]’: {‘effRating’: 5945.0699999999997,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 3719.2199999999998,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1961.73,
                        ‘karma’: 21350.549999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.94999999999999996,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 29010.099999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1644916097.27,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 7114.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 747719415.50999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 120584530.03,
                        ‘totalKill’: 10450.120000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11606.469999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 1475666.0},
 ‘Dementia and Valour []’: {‘effRating’: 5001.3000000000002,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1316.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 647.79999999999995,
                            ‘karma’: 8161.3999999999996,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 9813.6000000000004,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 517606313.39999998,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2582.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 149254266.81,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 32499433.48,
                            ‘totalKill’: 2656.8000000000002,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 963.19000000000005,
                            ‘uid’: 1434715.3999999999},
 ‘DerelictDeathDealer [DG1]’: {‘effRating’: 1592.77,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 67.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 32.5,
                               ‘karma’: 911.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 249.5,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 25362197.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 150.5,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 2517823.3300000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 107540.44,
                               ‘totalKill’: 38.5,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                               ‘uid’: 2366501.0},
 ‘Destiny Multigaming [Dsty]’: {‘effRating’: 2685.7800000000002,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 111.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 55.0,
                                ‘karma’: -29.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 843.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 44352940.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 304.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 9523483.7300000004,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 15409.620000000001,
                                ‘totalKill’: 416.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                ‘uid’: 2719665.0},
 ‘Deus Motus [Motus]’: {‘effRating’: 2369.21,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 239.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 91.0,
                        ‘karma’: -10.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 780.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 85040626.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 608.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 9611092.3800000008,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 427884.95000000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 421.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 313332.0},
 ‘Deutscher Stahl [HATE]’: {‘effRating’: 3015.1399999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 137.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 64.0,
                            ‘karma’: 79.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 571.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 45837466.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 292.5,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 8940777.8900000006,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 7750.7200000000003,
                            ‘totalKill’: 280.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2216473.0},
 ‘DiRoNi []’: {‘effRating’: 5128.9399999999996,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 328.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 164.33000000000001,
               ‘karma’: 11691.33,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
               ‘totalAssists’: 2251.6700000000001,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 137146600.33000001,
               ‘totalDeath’: 707.66999999999996,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 58465086.649999999,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 12955352.369999999,
               ‘totalKill’: 526.33000000000004,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 130.80000000000001,
               ‘uid’: 2092360.3300000001},
 ‘Die Blaue Armada [BLU3]’: {‘effRating’: 3588.3000000000002,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 3255.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1283.0,
                             ‘karma’: 12042.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 13040.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 1223936125.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 6716.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 219750955.56,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 4519289.6399999997,
                             ‘totalKill’: 4141.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 163.53,
                             ‘uid’: 595596.0},
 ‘Die Freien [DF]’: {‘effRating’: 3321.3099999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 77.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 32.0,
                     ‘karma’: 12302.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34999999999999998,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 566.5,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 36233923.5,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 177.5,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 12494772.539999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 1941875.3500000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 149.5,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                     ‘uid’: 2754257.0},
 ‘Die Gummibaeren [DEU]’: {‘effRating’: 4662.7600000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1407.45,
                           ‘gameWin’: 651.73000000000002,
                           ‘karma’: 8306.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 8512.2700000000004,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 589745760.90999997,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 3794.3600000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 214480391.97999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 33878711.609999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2751.0900000000001,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2769.6799999999998,
                           ‘uid’: 2046041.3600000001},
 ‘Die Hanse [Hanse]’: {‘effRating’: 6591.0699999999997,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 3524.5,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1932.25,
                       ‘karma’: 5684.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.97999999999999998,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 27307.75,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1528889698.25,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 6615.25,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 614497262.67999995,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 76727548.459999993,
                       ‘totalKill’: 13450.75,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 21425.259999999998,
                       ‘uid’: 1409969.25},
 ‘Die Krassen [krass]’: {‘effRating’: 3340.27,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 129.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 53.5,
                         ‘karma’: 1666.5,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 633.5,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 51580006.5,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 324.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 8448090.7899999991,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 970513.32999999996,
                         ‘totalKill’: 259.5,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 1556317.0},
 ‘Die Loser []’: {‘effRating’: 4019.9699999999998,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 580.5,
                  ‘gameWin’: 273.0,
                  ‘karma’: 18594.5,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 3958.5,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 249135442.5,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 1146.5,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 95224497.299999997,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 15875901.380000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 1093.5,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 34.030000000000001,
                  ‘uid’: 2133040.5},
 ‘Die Ravagers [REACH]’: {‘effRating’: 3361.2800000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 67.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 29.0,
                          ‘karma’: 1430.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 375.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 23894923.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 175.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 7690278.0099999998,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 874939.28000000003,
                          ‘totalKill’: 134.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2277321.0},
 ‘Die Strategen []’: {‘effRating’: 3491.0799999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 319.5,
                      ‘gameWin’: 123.0,
                      ‘karma’: 7085.5,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 1941.5,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 134397764.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1136.5,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 40726834.299999997,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 2184659.7000000002,
                      ‘totalKill’: 880.5,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 24.100000000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 1482674.0},
 ‘Die Vagabunden [dVb]’: {‘effRating’: 3467.29,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 182.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 91.5,
                          ‘karma’: 1290.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1356.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 74435299.5,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 527.5,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 14525368.66,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 1382171.3300000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 327.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 363.62,
                          ‘uid’: 1447924.0},
 ‘Die eiserne Faust [KRAFT]’: {‘effRating’: 5414.1099999999997,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1669.77,
                               ‘gameWin’: 648.14999999999998,
                               ‘karma’: 21349.77,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 9855.7700000000004,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 638615181.14999998,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3925.0799999999999,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 254464814.16999999,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 33685795.939999998,
                               ‘totalKill’: 2566.23,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8198.3400000000001,
                               ‘uid’: 1851176.46},
 ‘Dinastija [DIN]’: {‘effRating’: 4833.1499999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1618.1099999999999,
                     ‘gameWin’: 727.83000000000004,
                     ‘karma’: 16380.67,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 10427.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 678909531.22000003,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4299.5600000000004,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 226987062.65000001,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 38646630.159999996,
                     ‘totalKill’: 2722.4400000000001,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2338.5999999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1617519.9399999999},
 ‘Divergent [DvR]’: {‘effRating’: 5460.4499999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2375.7199999999998,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1117.53,
                     ‘karma’: 28519.470000000001,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 16396.48,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1020000944.48,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 5447.7700000000004,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 415771041.12,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 63453592.439999998,
                     ‘totalKill’: 4415.4799999999996,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7303.6899999999996,
                     ‘uid’: 1719799.5800000001},
 ‘Division Star Storm [STR]’: {‘effRating’: 3979.3400000000001,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1363.9300000000001,
                               ‘gameWin’: 608.30999999999995,
                               ‘karma’: 9873.7900000000009,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 7564.8299999999999,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 566403348.16999996,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3528.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 149896445.27000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 23047289.149999999,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1893.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2341.04,
                               ‘uid’: 1878743.8600000001},
 ‘Doerfania []’: {‘effRating’: 2772.0,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 122.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 51.0,
                  ‘karma’: 1040.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 517.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 46150232.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 398.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 6421338.9000000004,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 948855.83999999997,
                  ‘totalKill’: 171.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                  ‘uid’: 1896360.0},
 ‘Dojo [Ninja]’: {‘effRating’: 7586.1499999999996,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 10199.74,
                  ‘gameWin’: 6065.2700000000004,
                  ‘karma’: 26452.59,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.49,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 76050.139999999999,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 4432945974.8500004,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 17420.330000000002,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 2447725267.3499999,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 356167118.05000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 36815.849999999999,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 101434.78,
                  ‘uid’: 1038860.63},
 ‘Dom Surii [DaVos]’: {‘effRating’: 4058.1100000000001,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1080.3900000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 487.61000000000001,
                       ‘karma’: 8889.3500000000004,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 6941.0900000000001,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 440298470.25999999,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 2603.8699999999999,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 155252813.50999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 18597164.789999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1913.6099999999999,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2871.4699999999998,
                       ‘uid’: 1945649.4299999999},
 ‘Dominators of War [GRAVE]’: {‘effRating’: 2432.5100000000002,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 529.53999999999996,
                               ‘gameWin’: 239.91999999999999,
                               ‘karma’: 2055.29,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 2932.54,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 215745536.46000001,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 1349.9200000000001,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 38947290.640000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 3957484.0899999999,
                               ‘totalKill’: 909.76999999999998,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 257.62,
                               ‘uid’: 1652290.21},
 ‘Dragon Masters [DMS]’: {‘effRating’: 2601.2199999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 186.66999999999999,
                          ‘gameWin’: 87.329999999999998,
                          ‘karma’: 1598.6700000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1053.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 82301150.329999998,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 354.5,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 24988180.960000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 7550591.3499999996,
                          ‘totalKill’: 346.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 119.31,
                          ‘uid’: 2158012.3300000001},
 ‘Dragon and Heads [GiG]’: {‘effRating’: 4891.6599999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1137.1800000000001,
                            ‘gameWin’: 481.24000000000001,
                            ‘karma’: 16663.650000000001,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 7116.9399999999996,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 459367845.12,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2551.2399999999998,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 149108273.22,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 27240212.809999999,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1951.0599999999999,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2544.3600000000001,
                            ‘uid’: 2007457.4099999999},
 ‘Dragon of FIRE [xDoFx]’: {‘effRating’: 4626.75,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1470.6199999999999,
                            ‘gameWin’: 710.0,
                            ‘karma’: 7658.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 9502.8799999999992,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 599006958.62,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 3758.3800000000001,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 189690079.47,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 37731977.740000002,
                            ‘totalKill’: 2841.3800000000001,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2116.1900000000001,
                            ‘uid’: 1506645.8799999999},
 ‘Dragons []’: {‘effRating’: 6513.1899999999996,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 656.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 296.0,
                ‘karma’: 5240.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                ‘totalAssists’: 3884.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 284237932.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 2141.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 73318249.510000005,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 14719799.619999999,
                ‘totalKill’: 1366.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2647.2399999999998,
                ‘uid’: 79813.0},
 ‘Droid [R2D2]’: {‘effRating’: 4727.9799999999996,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 837.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 420.0,
                  ‘karma’: 8969.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.77000000000000002,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 6938.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 341116368.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 1835.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 101029064.65000001,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 12833953.48,
                  ‘totalKill’: 3013.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 360.76999999999998,
                  ‘uid’: 1134233.0},
 ‘Dutch Space Cobra [DSC]’: {‘effRating’: 2929.1399999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 132.81999999999999,
                             ‘gameWin’: 60.18,
                             ‘karma’: 9411.5499999999993,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 721.36000000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 55872023.18,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 302.26999999999998,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 17466355.02,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 2169512.5499999998,
                             ‘totalKill’: 213.72999999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 29.129999999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 2442504.3599999999},
 ‘Dywizjon 303 [303]’: {‘effRating’: 3072.3299999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 822.33000000000004,
                        ‘gameWin’: 382.82999999999998,
                        ‘karma’: 4764.3299999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 3804.3299999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 335145955.67000002,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1946.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 59240340.920000002,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 7650732.0899999999,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1392.5,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 676.20000000000005,
                        ‘uid’: 1201508.0},
 ‘EPECb CO [EPECb]’: {‘effRating’: 6644.21,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 3806.5999999999999,
                      ‘gameWin’: 2264.4000000000001,
                      ‘karma’: -216113.60000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3700000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 30071.599999999999,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1581990368.5999999,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 6639.6000000000004,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 628901511.89999998,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 98903838.859999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 15081.799999999999,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12599.85,
                      ‘uid’: 1405250.0},
 ‘EUREKA [ERK]’: {‘effRating’: 5223.3100000000004,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 1711.76,
                  ‘gameWin’: 819.05999999999995,
                  ‘karma’: 21884.349999999999,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.03,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 11556.59,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 727201990.88,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 3935.2399999999998,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 285956305.64999998,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 36781441.979999997,
                  ‘totalKill’: 3627.5300000000002,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4337.0200000000004,
                  ‘uid’: 1502273.24},
 ‘EXPLOSIONS [BOOM]’: {‘effRating’: 4761.0500000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 3066.1999999999998,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1534.25,
                       ‘karma’: 3396.8000000000002,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 18935.400000000001,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1307585190.1500001,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 6124.5500000000002,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 517281289.77999997,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 56958312.07,
                       ‘totalKill’: 9909.2999999999993,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 20167.529999999999,
                       ‘uid’: 1576345.3},
 ‘Ebon Flame [Ebon]’: {‘effRating’: 1843.8900000000001,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 52.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 24.0,
                       ‘karma’: 153.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 247.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 21765019.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 138.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 5912815.8399999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 121057.60000000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 278.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1807090.0},
 ‘Element [oS]’: {‘effRating’: 5815.3299999999999,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 9263.5,
                  ‘gameWin’: 4758.5,
                  ‘karma’: 13431.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 56680.5,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 4355676297.5,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 12981.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 1442584574.5999999,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 172261483.09,
                  ‘totalKill’: 37609.5,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 119467.53999999999,
                  ‘uid’: 667538.0},
 ‘Elite Wolfes [Gamma]’: {‘effRating’: 6494.2799999999997,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 775.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 369.0,
                          ‘karma’: 1145.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 5079.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 350340794.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2176.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 129025205.91,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 8135765.8399999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1242.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1839.0999999999999,
                          ‘uid’: 2691712.0},
 ‘Emperors Hammer [EH]’: {‘effRating’: 3233.46,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1481.4400000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 789.11000000000001,
                          ‘karma’: 15924.719999999999,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 8841.1700000000001,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 542288295.77999997,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 3459.9400000000001,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 162709896.36000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 20886592.41,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4377.6700000000001,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 941.33000000000004,
                          ‘uid’: 1572653.9399999999},
 ‘Enclave Frontier []’: {‘effRating’: 3496.8200000000002,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 458.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 230.0,
                         ‘karma’: 847.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1768.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 190625206.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 1366.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 35309258.18,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 4440334.8499999996,
                         ‘totalKill’: 790.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 565.79999999999995,
                         ‘uid’: 289784.0},
 ‘Enigma [ENGMA]’: {‘effRating’: 4999.7799999999997,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 156.5,
                    ‘gameWin’: 77.0,
                    ‘karma’: 1795.5,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 1064.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 62700927.5,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 313.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 18993347.640000001,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 4335603.4199999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 340.5,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10.289999999999999,
                    ‘uid’: 2262365.0},
 ‘EsadHUN [EHUN]’: {‘effRating’: 4776.1499999999996,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1961.5599999999999,
                    ‘gameWin’: 928.59000000000003,
                    ‘karma’: 16044.48,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 12229.629999999999,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 847673969.77999997,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 4491.1499999999996,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 299795519.11000001,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 35636793.469999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 4260.3699999999999,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10529.1,
                    ‘uid’: 1695321.8899999999},
 ‘Escadron Skull fr []’: {‘effRating’: 2768.2800000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 126.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 72.670000000000002,
                          ‘karma’: 4297.75,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 653.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 55730875.75,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 232.25,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 27489330.52,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 2090567.5600000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 202.5,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15.73,
                          ‘uid’: 2534010.5},
 ‘Estoc [ESTOC]’: {‘effRating’: 2581.9400000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 72.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 38.0,
                   ‘karma’: 14062.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 551.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 29269553.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 110.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 20963694.399999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 2981267.52,
                   ‘totalKill’: 272.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 59.460000000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 1630638.0},
 ‘Estonian Community [ESTF]’: {‘effRating’: 2797.23,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 456.5,
                               ‘gameWin’: 249.0,
                               ‘karma’: 118.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 2491.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 179373455.5,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 901.5,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 28127827.890000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 3994224.0699999998,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1093.5,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 50.990000000000002,
                               ‘uid’: 1084539.5},
 ‘EuroUnion []’: {‘effRating’: 1768.3699999999999,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 49.5,
                  ‘gameWin’: 19.5,
                  ‘karma’: 45.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 266.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 15912968.5,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 116.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 2762846.9500000002,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 29504.279999999999,
                  ‘totalKill’: 104.5,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                  ‘uid’: 2231236.0},
 ‘Evil Space Bears [ESB]’: {‘effRating’: 6952.5,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 8505.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 5536.8299999999999,
                            ‘karma’: -18026.669999999998,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.6200000000000001,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 64124.169999999998,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 3670480285.1700001,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 10087.5,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 1562688982.74,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 259523569.59999999,
                            ‘totalKill’: 45234.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 77967.419999999998,
                            ‘uid’: 582981.17000000004},
 ‘Evil Space Nyashka [NYASH]’: {‘effRating’: 7068.7799999999997,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 9906.3999999999996,
                                ‘gameWin’: 5652.3000000000002,
                                ‘karma’: 2906.9000000000001,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.23,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 75205.199999999997,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 4312225643.3999996,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 15948.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 1977420738.2,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 291078016.42000002,
                                ‘totalKill’: 37947.199999999997,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 85060.820000000007,
                                ‘uid’: 1350714.3},
 ‘EvilEvolutionSquad [Evill]’: {‘effRating’: 2232.0500000000002,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 96.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 39.0,
                                ‘karma’: 1406.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 167.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 28516106.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 176.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 1949887.97,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 192919.39000000001,
                                ‘totalKill’: 63.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                ‘uid’: 510682.0},
 ‘Evolution [EVO]’: {‘effRating’: 4097.4499999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 956.98000000000002,
                     ‘gameWin’: 467.98000000000002,
                     ‘karma’: 14335.25,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 5877.3299999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 382326871.81,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2057.8600000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 121359137.86,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 21594216.59,
                     ‘totalKill’: 2045.74,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1098.8399999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1532993.73},
 ‘Ex Machina [EM]’: {‘effRating’: 5966.7399999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 6139.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 2936.0,
                     ‘karma’: 70948.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 2.1400000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 38566.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2818344562.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 11239.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 275479066.45999998,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 62707128.289999999,
                     ‘totalKill’: 15961.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 20044.290000000001,
                     ‘uid’: 281.0},
 ‘Exile Phoenix [Exile]’: {‘effRating’: 3694.6599999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 489.67000000000002,
                           ‘gameWin’: 235.66999999999999,
                           ‘karma’: 18349.419999999998,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 3482.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 206605868.08000001,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1112.5799999999999,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 89524408.920000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 12796831.9,
                           ‘totalKill’: 995.33000000000004,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1129.53,
                           ‘uid’: 1956509.75},
 ‘Expectation [ReaI]’: {‘effRating’: 6639.9899999999998,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 10514.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 6407.0,
                        ‘karma’: -213086.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.73,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 92147.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 4345233409.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 12269.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 2006276938.6099999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 401599985.67000002,
                        ‘totalKill’: 55143.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 21207.939999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 1072764.0},
 ‘Exsilium Continuum []’: {‘effRating’: 2967.6700000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 203.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 95.0,
                           ‘karma’: 14113.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 1304.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 87729198.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 543.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 19719048.920000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 1244684.5600000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 678.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 1363720.0},
 ‘FEAR Incorporated [F3AR]’: {‘effRating’: 940.08000000000004,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 100.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 42.0,
                              ‘karma’: 153.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 263.32999999999998,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 36647008.329999998,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 212.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 4454493.5199999996,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 142420.95999999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 151.66999999999999,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 35.399999999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 2023145.25},
 ‘FOX Live []’: {‘effRating’: 5729.96,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 637.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 294.0,
                 ‘karma’: 30411.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 3986.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 259124564.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 1335.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 146819891.86000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 16436735.0,
                 ‘totalKill’: 1079.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 385.0,
                 ‘uid’: 1540706.0},
 ‘FREE [iFree]’: {‘effRating’: 7909.46,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 2326.3299999999999,
                  ‘gameWin’: 1006.33,
                  ‘karma’: 27432.669999999998,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 16921.330000000002,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 960760847.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 6266.3299999999999,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 449518039.45999998,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 44004943.109999999,
                  ‘totalKill’: 3540.6700000000001,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25875.849999999999,
                  ‘uid’: 2583508.3300000001},
 ‘FRENCHPIRATE II [FP2]’: {‘effRating’: 4738.8500000000004,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 273.32999999999998,
                           ‘gameWin’: 137.33000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 8588.6700000000001,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 1463.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 110053571.67,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 424.32999999999998,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 53532126.659999996,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 3429285.1400000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 665.66999999999996,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 46.890000000000001,
                           ‘uid’: 1088798.3300000001},
 ‘FSB []’: {‘effRating’: 7424.9200000000001,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 15242.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 8058.0,
            ‘karma’: 134878.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.8400000000000001,
            ‘totalAssists’: 98740.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 6756417342.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 34915.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 3271990878.48,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 303435409.13,
            ‘totalKill’: 40299.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 215772.32000000001,
            ‘uid’: 1133399.0},
 ‘FURIA [FURIA]’: {‘effRating’: 5516.3599999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 4260.5600000000004,
                   ‘gameWin’: 2117.9400000000001,
                   ‘karma’: 31887.16,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 30667.880000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1826678452.47,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 9324.25,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 790980851.72000003,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 129367020.17,
                   ‘totalKill’: 9949.5599999999995,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 22876.73,
                   ‘uid’: 1752865.97},
 ‘Failheap Challenge [FHC]’: {‘effRating’: 3057.9499999999998,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 174.5,
                              ‘gameWin’: 80.5,
                              ‘karma’: 376.5,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 981.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 67628541.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 485.5,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 17116966.719999999,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 2813584.8700000001,
                              ‘totalKill’: 375.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                              ‘uid’: 2406078.5},
 ‘Fallout []’: {‘effRating’: 6724.0699999999997,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 2890.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 1329.0,
                ‘karma’: 11639.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
                ‘totalAssists’: 21484.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 1215070552.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 8968.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 451402192.06,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 61336678.420000002,
                ‘totalKill’: 3912.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6890.2399999999998,
                ‘uid’: 1868849.0},
 ‘Faton []’: {‘effRating’: 6791.8000000000002,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 687.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 325.0,
              ‘karma’: 1375.0,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
              ‘totalAssists’: 4148.0,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 268104632.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 1738.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 78724023.299999997,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 4574113.8399999999,
              ‘totalKill’: 1261.0,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
              ‘uid’: 1958821.0},
 ‘Federal Netherlands []’: {‘effRating’: 2905.0300000000002,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 62.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 30.0,
                            ‘karma’: 407.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 314.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 22743274.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 116.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 7259438.6600000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 426396.40000000002,
                            ‘totalKill’: 107.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2813160.0},
 ‘Federal Star Forces [FSF]’: {‘effRating’: 3037.6999999999998,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 364.44,
                               ‘gameWin’: 167.65000000000001,
                               ‘karma’: 8271.1100000000006,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 1959.9000000000001,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 139675710.28999999,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 854.39999999999998,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 36320210.100000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 5622230.0300000003,
                               ‘totalKill’: 586.32000000000005,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 352.63,
                               ‘uid’: 2259023.9300000002},
 ‘Federation of Night [FoN]’: {‘effRating’: 3114.9000000000001,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 172.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 66.0,
                               ‘karma’: 6641.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.02,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 951.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 77267965.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 414.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 12233640.880000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 2488220.5499999998,
                               ‘totalKill’: 324.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 65.019999999999996,
                               ‘uid’: 241993.0},
 ‘Fevered Imagenings []’: {‘effRating’: 2629.5500000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 32.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 21.0,
                           ‘karma’: 725.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 141.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 11848862.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 54.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 3191114.9300000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 86879.75,
                           ‘totalKill’: 125.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 125199.0},
 ‘Final Fantasy [FF777]’: {‘effRating’: 4483.6000000000004,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 751.45000000000005,
                           ‘gameWin’: 354.36000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 12412.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 5006.3599999999997,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 299088709.55000001,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1606.9100000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 114604894.86,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 16989924.079999998,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1137.73,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 566.55999999999995,
                           ‘uid’: 1868064.1799999999},
 ‘Finniric Inc [FINN]’: {‘effRating’: 2825.04,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 363.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 146.0,
                         ‘karma’: 2736.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1728.5,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 146186501.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 969.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 30726143.440000001,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 4199386.9299999997,
                         ‘totalKill’: 825.5,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 21.690000000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 1428262.5},
 ‘Fire Blood [FIRE]’: {‘effRating’: 4721.25,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1458.8399999999999,
                       ‘gameWin’: 691.87,
                       ‘karma’: 16537.93,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 9943.8999999999996,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 608520134.62,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 3362.75,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 208182718.5,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 33497537.66,
                       ‘totalKill’: 2666.8800000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4263.8500000000004,
                       ‘uid’: 1826628.05},
 ‘Firepower Unlimited [xxxx]’: {‘effRating’: 2045.53,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 584.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 295.0,
                              ‘karma’: 2120.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 1857.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 226856224.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1354.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 28147742.5,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 1301519.46,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1237.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 837.39999999999998,
                              ‘uid’: 657854.0},
 ‘First alliance [1st]’: {‘effRating’: 4563.9899999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1337.6600000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 649.03999999999996,
                          ‘karma’: 16635.970000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 8883.8799999999992,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 560555880.38,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 3076.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 191456918.78,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 28032006.829999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3103.75,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3697.79,
                          ‘uid’: 1797714.1499999999},
 ‘Fleet of prosperaty [Wing1]’: {‘effRating’: 2241.1199999999999,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 181.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 128.0,
                                 ‘karma’: 125.0,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 1443.0,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 74373806.329999998,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 462.67000000000002,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 19488214.260000002,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 3511534.3300000001,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 440.32999999999998,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.13,
                                 ‘uid’: 2078810.6699999999},
 ‘Flying Dragons [xFLYx]’: {‘effRating’: 4573.3599999999997,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1271.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 625.0,
                            ‘karma’: 5499.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 8350.5,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 490838629.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2826.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 153413038.94,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 22459698.25,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1935.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 319.67000000000002,
                            ‘uid’: 2328838.0},
 ‘Force Crusaders [FC]’: {‘effRating’: 4179.5699999999997,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 99.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 49.670000000000002,
                          ‘karma’: 1676.1700000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 848.33000000000004,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 45020254.5,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 252.66999999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 12420680.050000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 3249969.5499999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 249.5,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2412692.5},
 ‘Fowler Defence [FDEF]’: {‘effRating’: 5429.3199999999997,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 3072.3699999999999,
                           ‘gameWin’: 1601.8199999999999,
                           ‘karma’: 26808.200000000001,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.92000000000000004,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 19529.259999999998,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 1301797273.1199999,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 6270.0799999999999,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 513057937.10000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 77049801.870000005,
                           ‘totalKill’: 8168.4899999999998,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9490.2999999999993,
                           ‘uid’: 1295809.97},
 ‘Fragile Allegiance [FA]’: {‘effRating’: 4203.3199999999997,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 2493.5,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1193.5,
                             ‘karma’: 16487.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.92000000000000004,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 22541.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 1134750495.5,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 4277.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 230422336.05000001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 38605685.369999997,
                             ‘totalKill’: 7833.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1061.3599999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 74774.0},
 ‘Free Wings [FW]’: {‘effRating’: 4544.8699999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1431.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 722.0,
                     ‘karma’: 8023.25,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 8608.25,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 528610131.25,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2614.75,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 169157958.19,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 22578763.09,
                     ‘totalKill’: 3163.25,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 677.20000000000005,
                     ‘uid’: 1835190.5},
 ‘Free Wolves []’: {‘effRating’: 5245.8599999999997,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1186.1400000000001,
                    ‘gameWin’: 536.57000000000005,
                    ‘karma’: 23786.860000000001,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 7243.29,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 499506038.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 3042.8600000000001,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 184373608.93000001,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 23267351.850000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 2277.5700000000002,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6889.9799999999996,
                    ‘uid’: 1711718.1399999999},
 ‘Freedom and Unity [FaU]’: {‘effRating’: 2926.2399999999998,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1599.25,
                             ‘gameWin’: 719.0,
                             ‘karma’: 1027.75,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 8660.75,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 675637771.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 3987.75,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 123841235.16,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 13906776.470000001,
                             ‘totalKill’: 2176.5,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2962.7399999999998,
                             ‘uid’: 1874339.25},
 ‘French Kiss []’: {‘effRating’: 4259.6800000000003,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 616.38,
                    ‘gameWin’: 292.88,
                    ‘karma’: 6703.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 3705.6199999999999,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 249114625.62,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1481.3800000000001,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 65390395.490000002,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 8451404.7599999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1312.75,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 283.55000000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 1364874.6200000001},
 ‘FriedensGildeOester [FGAUT]’: {‘effRating’: 2335.7199999999998,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 20.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 8.0,
                                 ‘karma’: 54203.0,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 46.0,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 7432446.0,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 52.0,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 737603.58999999997,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 143934.5,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 29.0,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                 ‘uid’: 905171.0},
 ‘Frilancer []’: {‘effRating’: 4214.1700000000001,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 1070.6700000000001,
                  ‘gameWin’: 491.67000000000002,
                  ‘karma’: 47033.669999999998,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 6322.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 433215965.32999998,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 2143.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 121721275.75,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 16917463.030000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 1498.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 771.08000000000004,
                  ‘uid’: 1532695.0},
 ‘FrogSwarm [FROG]’: {‘effRating’: 5319.6300000000001,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1452.6199999999999,
                      ‘gameWin’: 737.5,
                      ‘karma’: 6138.5799999999999,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 10543.33,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 602472594.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 3184.8299999999999,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 227458242.16,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 36485109.560000002,
                      ‘totalKill’: 3987.46,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2799.6300000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 1269291.79},
 ‘Fugitive Wolf Pack []’: {‘effRating’: 1440.3199999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 20.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 8.0,
                           ‘karma’: 708.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 76.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 6690221.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 47.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 974374.90000000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 215072.26999999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 27.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 3002570.0},
 ‘Fugworld [FuG]’: {‘effRating’: 5554.5799999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 363.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 163.0,
                    ‘karma’: 4657.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 1715.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 154914259.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 947.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 36570150.200000003,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 11476069.109999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 379.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 415.94,
                    ‘uid’: 1646142.0},
 ‘Fully Xposed Gaming [FXG]’: {‘effRating’: 2668.04,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 104.56999999999999,
                               ‘gameWin’: 51.859999999999999,
                               ‘karma’: 1728.1400000000001,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 550.13999999999999,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 39514528.710000001,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 223.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 9387917.0399999991,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 1268465.71,
                               ‘totalKill’: 291.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14.41,
                               ‘uid’: 1683506.5700000001},
 ‘Fun AND Fight [FF]’: {‘effRating’: 6958.2600000000002,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 5719.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 3243.0,
                        ‘karma’: 9180.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1699999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 48975.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 2362375797.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 9387.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 842919580.92999995,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 144544306.61000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 17059.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5676.6599999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 286964.0},
 ‘Fyrefly Corporation [FYRE]’: {‘effRating’: 2339.2600000000002,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 80.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 42.5,
                                ‘karma’: 563.5,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 489.5,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 33088463.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 223.5,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 9690530.9199999999,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 1743688.4199999999,
                                ‘totalKill’: 246.5,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 26.25,
                                ‘uid’: 1990019.0},
 ‘GALAXY EMPIRE [GALEM]’: {‘effRating’: 2247.6399999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 129.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 52.0,
                           ‘karma’: 685.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 777.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 51170567.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 339.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 11845688.119999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 868028.73999999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 299.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 1244886.0},
 ‘GOW []’: {‘effRating’: 5715.7299999999996,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 386.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 166.0,
            ‘karma’: 5146.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
            ‘totalAssists’: 1997.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 155086941.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 1095.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 29025978.739999998,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 5536822.7699999996,
            ‘totalKill’: 690.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 632.35000000000002,
            ‘uid’: 1482312.0},
 ‘GR aegean [GReek]’: {‘effRating’: 5344.0100000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 2655.5,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1305.75,
                       ‘karma’: 13464.5,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.83999999999999997,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 18854.25,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1161483096.5,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 5191.5,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 527080268.42000002,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 49654165.079999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 5671.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8338.7000000000007,
                       ‘uid’: 1765409.0},
 ‘GRA Republic Fleet []’: {‘effRating’: 784.39999999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 17.5,
                           ‘gameWin’: 7.3300000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 77.329999999999998,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 66.75,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 5910127.5,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 52.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 700323.34999999998,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 12534.92,
                           ‘totalKill’: 20.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2347910.5},
 ‘GRAND [GRAND]’: {‘effRating’: 3823.6399999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1585.6199999999999,
                   ‘gameWin’: 855.01999999999998,
                   ‘karma’: 8249.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 11424.58,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 621657861.72000003,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3391.6799999999998,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 212959244.66999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 39180939.93,
                   ‘totalKill’: 5244.9099999999999,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1011.1900000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 2103375.6800000002},
 ‘GREED [GREED]’: {‘effRating’: 4204.5699999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2669.23,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1494.5,
                   ‘karma’: 14900.309999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 18294.459999999999,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1107038388.0799999,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 5288.1499999999996,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 432840615.95999998,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 54906102.509999998,
                   ‘totalKill’: 7240.3800000000001,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11386.84,
                   ‘uid’: 1576672.1499999999},
 ‘Galactic Alliance [GA]’: {‘effRating’: 3428.0599999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 531.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 242.0,
                            ‘karma’: 175.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 2391.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 213998750.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1687.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 25818005.469999999,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 1876222.6000000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 796.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 304.75,
                            ‘uid’: 1020966.0},
 ‘Galactic Congress [gCONg]’: {‘effRating’: 4893.6499999999996,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 29.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 11.0,
                               ‘karma’: 13910.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 251.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 13446132.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 42.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 5621109.8499999996,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 2797468.6600000001,
                               ‘totalKill’: 59.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                               ‘uid’: 788810.0},
 ‘Galactic Pirates [GaLaK]’: {‘effRating’: 3395.79,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 619.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 297.80000000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 675.79999999999995,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3919.8000000000002,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 220251692.80000001,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1415.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 54870334.909999996,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 10750458.73,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1153.2,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 407.13,
                              ‘uid’: 2053102.0},
 ‘Galactic Rebels [REBEL]’: {‘effRating’: 4044.7600000000002,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 595.5,
                             ‘gameWin’: 291.82999999999998,
                             ‘karma’: 8127.25,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 4093.1700000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 254147688.16999999,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 1356.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 101246003.86,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 14450499.710000001,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1236.5,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 493.44999999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 1894317.0800000001},
 ‘Galactic Spaning [GalSp]’: {‘effRating’: 4541.9200000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 1603.8299999999999,
                              ‘gameWin’: 749.83000000000004,
                              ‘karma’: 15791.67,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 10883.959999999999,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 651323248.71000004,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 3610.4200000000001,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 261568482.97,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 39810307.039999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 3496.04,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9800.6700000000001,
                              ‘uid’: 2132955.6200000001},
 ‘GalacticArc [GArc]’: {‘effRating’: 4321.8100000000004,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1879.72,
                        ‘gameWin’: 904.38999999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 16085.33,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 10170.719999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 764424359.61000001,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 4777.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 224026195.47,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 22948953.649999999,
                        ‘totalKill’: 4221.0600000000004,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7803.3699999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 1396089.8899999999},
 ‘GalacticPeaceKeeper [GPK]’: {‘effRating’: 595.47000000000003,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 7.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 2.0,
                               ‘karma’: 108.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 24.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 2126065.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 21.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 183453.69,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 25332.73,
                               ‘totalKill’: 4.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                               ‘uid’: 2307585.0},
 ‘Galaxy Strike Force [oGSFo]’: {‘effRating’: 2734.3899999999999,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 38.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 19.0,
                                 ‘karma’: 2219.0,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 223.0,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 12908901.0,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 53.0,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 3287543.27,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 787836.28000000003,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 106.0,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                 ‘uid’: 1702539.0},
 ‘Galaxy fighters [GalF]’: {‘effRating’: 5394.0500000000002,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1285.22,
                            ‘gameWin’: 601.95000000000005,
                            ‘karma’: 16417.98,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 8827.2999999999993,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 540318951.89999998,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2986.3000000000002,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 189183251.47,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 28275059.989999998,
                            ‘totalKill’: 2417.75,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3431.3099999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 1630218.73},
 ‘Galspan Corporation [GEF]’: {‘effRating’: 4779.9499999999998,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1302.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 579.28999999999996,
                               ‘karma’: 40251.290000000001,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 7715.71,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 532527945.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3227.4299999999998,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 162466011.0,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 21733283.800000001,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1914.5699999999999,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1422.03,
                               ‘uid’: 2005144.1399999999},
 ‘Gamer Junkies []’: {‘effRating’: 614.41999999999996,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 2.0,
                      ‘karma’: 0.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 6.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 260706.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 2.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 25537.450000000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 4018.0999999999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                      ‘uid’: 2948317.0},
 ‘Gamma Ray Burst [GRB]’: {‘effRating’: 2619.5700000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 296.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 139.0,
                           ‘karma’: 62.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 1789.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 112458569.5,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 662.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 22779316.050000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 2101415.52,
                           ‘totalKill’: 715.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 55.460000000000001,
                           ‘uid’: 1470190.0},
 ‘Garda [ace]’: {‘effRating’: 3439.98,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2009.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1008.0,
                 ‘karma’: 2371.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 10401.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 835803046.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 3766.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 145966375.09,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 21120699.530000001,
                 ‘totalKill’: 4451.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2817.8499999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 192993.0},
 ‘Gates of Darkness [xGoDx]’: {‘effRating’: 3658.9400000000001,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1300.47,
                               ‘gameWin’: 621.16999999999996,
                               ‘karma’: 7732.5699999999997,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 8329.6299999999992,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 553489979.47000003,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3286.5,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 139291963.13,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 25252069.66,
                               ‘totalKill’: 2658.5300000000002,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4975.21,
                               ‘uid’: 1521767.6699999999},
 ‘GenLA []’: {‘effRating’: 5579.3299999999999,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 1037.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 457.5,
              ‘karma’: 6920.5,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
              ‘totalAssists’: 5448.5,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 463572015.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 2753.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 119055940.0,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 12260921.49,
              ‘totalKill’: 1265.5,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4838.8999999999996,
              ‘uid’: 1413766.5},
 ‘Genesis [GEN]’: {‘effRating’: 5478.8199999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 3467.25,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1663.25,
                   ‘karma’: 19651.119999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.88,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 22336.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1499766440.5,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 7884.6199999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 512615640.77999997,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 86700658.129999995,
                   ‘totalKill’: 7901.3800000000001,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 22946.16,
                   ‘uid’: 1131193.1200000001},
 ‘Gens D holding inc [GESU2]’: {‘effRating’: 4882.7299999999996,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 1060.5,
                                ‘gameWin’: 480.5,
                                ‘karma’: 3386.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 5816.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 438779712.5,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 2638.5,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 74306398.640000001,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 11063390.76,
                                ‘totalKill’: 803.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 210.72999999999999,
                                ‘uid’: 1579397.5},
 ‘Gens D holding inc3 [GESU3]’: {‘effRating’: 3736.27,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 941.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 428.88,
                                 ‘karma’: 6101.8800000000001,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 5122.3800000000001,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 383506854.75,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 2573.1199999999999,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 77986176.909999996,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 16711497.34,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 948.75,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 816.34000000000003,
                                 ‘uid’: 1660025.25},
 ‘Gens Dracos [GESU]’: {‘effRating’: 4026.1900000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1051.3599999999999,
                        ‘gameWin’: 496.60000000000002,
                        ‘karma’: 11630.32,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 6513.0799999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 432972318.75999999,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 2420.8800000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 144971775.18000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 30003706.960000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1825.5999999999999,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1679.8,
                        ‘uid’: 1642343.0},
 ‘German Space Ops []’: {‘effRating’: 2159.0300000000002,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 187.25,
                         ‘gameWin’: 93.0,
                         ‘karma’: 550.5,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1083.75,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 66668858.75,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 494.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 16041380.039999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 1462293.76,
                         ‘totalKill’: 434.5,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 1584052.25},
 ‘German Veterans [VET]’: {‘effRating’: 779.40999999999997,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 6.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 4.0,
                           ‘karma’: 23.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 55.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 3062943.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 16.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 574392.16000000003,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 4280.0,
                           ‘totalKill’: 21.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2712744.0},
 ‘German Wings [GEWI]’: {‘effRating’: 4786.9499999999998,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 928.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 460.0,
                         ‘karma’: 38528.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 6648.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 406411334.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 2281.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 211669381.00999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 29114752.140000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 2481.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1586.5,
                         ‘uid’: 2379941.0},
 ‘Ghost Recon []’: {‘effRating’: 4885.8599999999997,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 92.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 50.0,
                    ‘karma’: 2931.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 553.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 30546112.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 159.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 7095028.4800000004,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 2327838.3199999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 216.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 54.240000000000002,
                    ‘uid’: 2934735.0},
 ‘Ghost of Communism [GoC]’: {‘effRating’: 2953.1100000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 1488.5,
                              ‘gameWin’: 741.33000000000004,
                              ‘karma’: 37203.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 8257.6700000000001,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 659556254.66999996,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 4086.1700000000001,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 145677035.34999999,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 14742020.99,
                              ‘totalKill’: 3370.6700000000001,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6817.8400000000001,
                              ‘uid’: 1702256.8300000001},
 ‘Ghosts Bears [BEARS]’: {‘effRating’: 4372.3599999999997,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2055.8299999999999,
                          ‘gameWin’: 963.16999999999996,
                          ‘karma’: 11081.5,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 13667.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 862945121.5,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 5071.3299999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 275930368.20999998,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 32576760.510000002,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3315.5,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3631.6700000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1658027.1699999999},
 ‘Girthoks Space Lads []’: {‘effRating’: 4296.3299999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 155.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 78.5,
                            ‘karma’: 1070.75,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 886.75,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 57277107.5,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 381.75,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 12655600.289999999,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 135659.97,
                            ‘totalKill’: 299.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 1554438.25},
 ‘Global Tactics [GTE]’: {‘effRating’: 2510.75,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 40.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 21.0,
                          ‘karma’: 785.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 170.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 13314831.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 110.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 2865433.8900000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 67298.759999999995,
                          ‘totalKill’: 102.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2351871.0},
 ‘Global Trust [GTS]’: {‘effRating’: 3954.8400000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 636.88999999999999,
                        ‘gameWin’: 298.0,
                        ‘karma’: 10604.67,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 4640.1099999999997,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 265196795.56,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1350.0599999999999,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 90233471.719999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 16652855.130000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1032.6099999999999,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 286.64999999999998,
                        ‘uid’: 1790727.22},
 ‘Gods Guns [GG]’: {‘effRating’: 3720.5100000000002,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 517.88,
                    ‘gameWin’: 244.75,
                    ‘karma’: 1695.75,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 2960.5,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 196452098.88,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1170.75,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 53781045.079999998,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 5538080.4800000004,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1186.25,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 144.28999999999999,
                    ‘uid’: 1326684.3799999999},
 ‘Gold Dragons [GolD]’: {‘effRating’: 4501.5699999999997,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1158.22,
                         ‘gameWin’: 535.49000000000001,
                         ‘karma’: 13830.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 7635.4700000000003,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 479546272.70999998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 2539.3899999999999,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 158668846.81999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 24141788.329999998,
                         ‘totalKill’: 2144.73,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1465.6300000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 1765981.8200000001},
 ‘Gr33dy B4st4rds [MINE]’: {‘effRating’: 5763.1999999999998,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 3638.71,
                            ‘gameWin’: 1942.9300000000001,
                            ‘karma’: 6028.79,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.98999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 28315.07,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 1590251316.1400001,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 7109.4300000000003,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 598417500.49000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 119490294.73,
                            ‘totalKill’: 12247.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15782.139999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 1165458.29},
 ‘GreySky [GREY]’: {‘effRating’: 6062.3400000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 3965.4000000000001,
                    ‘gameWin’: 1940.2,
                    ‘karma’: 12728.4,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.67000000000000004,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 26055.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 1731105264.5999999,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 7019.6000000000004,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 734003869.13,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 103452778.51000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 9370.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 23997.84,
                    ‘uid’: 917549.19999999995},
 ‘Gruthar [RRT]’: {‘effRating’: 3531.6700000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 555.25,
                   ‘gameWin’: 253.75,
                   ‘karma’: 364.25,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 2304.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 214113516.25,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 1577.5,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 39715612.939999998,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 4005499.2599999998,
                   ‘totalKill’: 786.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1053.25,
                   ‘uid’: 1716914.25},
 ‘Gryphon Squadron []’: {‘effRating’: 2712.1700000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 234.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 115.0,
                         ‘karma’: 158.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 872.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 90360275.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 365.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 14329566.4,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 1455771.1899999999,
                         ‘totalKill’: 709.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 772.76999999999998,
                         ‘uid’: 249842.0},
 ‘Guard of the Galaxy [GotG]’: {‘effRating’: 7043.8000000000002,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 8012.5,
                                ‘gameWin’: 4342.0,
                                ‘karma’: 25595.5,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1699999999999999,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 63524.5,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 3537135117.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 14880.5,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 1508896920.3900001,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 163211784.05000001,
                                ‘totalKill’: 32054.5,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 28856.330000000002,
                                ‘uid’: 1731964.5},
 ‘Guardians of Order [MARS]’: {‘effRating’: 4258.4799999999996,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 8187.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 4279.0,
                               ‘karma’: 14513.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.27,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 62253.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 3710351179.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 14223.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 1099602990.01,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 409699583.94,
                               ‘totalKill’: 18135.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 70607.490000000005,
                               ‘uid’: 1039508.0},
 ‘Guild Star Wolves [GSW]’: {‘effRating’: 5200.71,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 2334.8299999999999,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1120.8299999999999,
                             ‘karma’: 24715.169999999998,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.75,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 16879.5,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 975915153.5,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 5290.5,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 350117396.64999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 29286936.59,
                             ‘totalKill’: 4082.3299999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3815.4499999999998,
                             ‘uid’: 1557336.8300000001},
 ‘Guns and donuts []’: {‘effRating’: 500.0,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 32.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 13.0,
                        ‘karma’: 3782.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 164.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 14333925.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 70.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 3548211.1600000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 1561125.1200000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 67.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 58.590000000000003,
                        ‘uid’: 807538.0},
 ‘Guradian HolyHammer [GHH]’: {‘effRating’: 3576.29,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 492.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 220.0,
                               ‘karma’: 2143.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 3540.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 207889597.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 1009.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 51589559.719999999,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 16928270.199999999,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1044.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 97.969999999999999,
                               ‘uid’: 1774545.0},
 ‘Gwiezdna Eskadra [PL]’: {‘effRating’: 3930.77,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1182.8699999999999,
                           ‘gameWin’: 572.61000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 6351.8699999999999,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 7615.3100000000004,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 496614235.23000002,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 2595.4400000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 217141278.31999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 25750161.25,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2551.8499999999999,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3558.1799999999998,
                           ‘uid’: 2032747.77},
 ‘GwiezdnaEskadra Zet [ZetPL]’: {‘effRating’: 5184.1300000000001,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2682.54,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 1318.9100000000001,
                                 ‘karma’: 19611.959999999999,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 16635.310000000001,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1151244565.77,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 5957.1599999999999,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 484578359.30000001,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 50979490.109999999,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 7623.9899999999998,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12918.99,
                                 ‘uid’: 1777848.46},
 ‘H E L I C O N [HEL]’: {‘effRating’: 2422.73,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 151.5,
                         ‘gameWin’: 71.0,
                         ‘karma’: 732.25,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 954.75,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 59361181.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 393.5,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 14214433.75,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 3467097.1400000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 302.5,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 2131142.0},
 ‘HAC PATb [PATb]’: {‘effRating’: 5450.2399999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 4914.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 2378.0,
                     ‘karma’: 3838.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.84999999999999998,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 35531.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2095685418.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 11663.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 408241386.43000001,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 54652113.850000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 10716.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2908.4499999999998,
                     ‘uid’: 800587.0},
 ‘HC GAMERS [HCG]’: {‘effRating’: 5231.9899999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 993.66999999999996,
                     ‘gameWin’: 489.0,
                     ‘karma’: 15166.67,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.89000000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 6726.6700000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 436117325.67000002,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2213.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 127458415.34,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 17951688.780000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 1906.6700000000001,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3664.8299999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1302201.6699999999},
 ‘HEROES [HER]’: {‘effRating’: 6396.46,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 5692.0500000000002,
                  ‘gameWin’: 2906.5999999999999,
                  ‘karma’: 35336.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1100000000000001,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 41070.550000000003,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 2444971340.3499999,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 12070.9,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 1161467270.51,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 179021441.84999999,
                  ‘totalKill’: 15291.85,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 37944.410000000003,
                  ‘uid’: 1330631.0},
 ‘HORNETS [HSSF]’: {‘effRating’: 2916.8699999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 445.39999999999998,
                    ‘gameWin’: 207.59999999999999,
                    ‘karma’: 4391.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 3336.1999999999998,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 182456523.40000001,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1185.8,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 52222139.740000002,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 8773605.7300000004,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1164.8,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 605.25,
                    ‘uid’: 1613320.0},
 ‘Haggis Corp [HAGGI]’: {‘effRating’: 4414.2700000000004,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 719.42999999999995,
                         ‘gameWin’: 340.13999999999999,
                         ‘karma’: 4073.4299999999998,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 4237.8599999999997,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 282089387.70999998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 1690.5699999999999,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 74541344.609999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 14371588.65,
                         ‘totalKill’: 1249.8599999999999,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 255.24000000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 2380494.1400000001},
 ‘Hante [Hante]’: {‘effRating’: 4289.1599999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1390.5699999999999,
                   ‘gameWin’: 633.0,
                   ‘karma’: 10871.709999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 7439.4300000000003,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 582973731.86000001,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3856.1399999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 115876105.31999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 14507367.060000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 1864.71,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 911.77999999999997,
                   ‘uid’: 1255216.29},
 ‘HassassiN []’: {‘effRating’: 4983.4399999999996,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 2412.7600000000002,
                  ‘gameWin’: 1192.0999999999999,
                  ‘karma’: 12097.48,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 14670.379999999999,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 1021652419.4299999,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 5214.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 317446722.14999998,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 50021359.259999998,
                  ‘totalKill’: 5870.3800000000001,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17126.610000000001,
                  ‘uid’: 1692490.4299999999},
 ‘Havocs [Havoc]’: {‘effRating’: 5071.6700000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1660.1600000000001,
                    ‘gameWin’: 805.80999999999995,
                    ‘karma’: 23643.580000000002,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.90000000000000002,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 11551.610000000001,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 707654614.61000001,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 3176.6500000000001,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 321854168.13999999,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 48676413.810000002,
                    ‘totalKill’: 3467.71,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6224.04,
                    ‘uid’: 1820601.0600000001},
 ‘HeadHunters [HH]’: {‘effRating’: 5218.04,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 4542.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 1993.0,
                      ‘karma’: 46006.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.85999999999999999,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 25335.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1847219411.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 11699.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 286504934.25999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 44493332.43,
                      ‘totalKill’: 2819.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5405.0100000000002,
                      ‘uid’: 1213230.0},
 ‘Heavens Horrors []’: {‘effRating’: 500.0,
                        ‘karma’: 8.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                        ‘uid’: 2369639.0},
 ‘Heavens Wing [WINGS]’: {‘effRating’: 3115.1500000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 430.62,
                          ‘gameWin’: 208.46000000000001,
                          ‘karma’: 6951.1499999999996,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2401.46,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 171809108.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 962.30999999999995,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 43128302.729999997,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 6746987.0099999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 841.91999999999996,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 599.76999999999998,
                          ‘uid’: 1842891.9199999999},
 ‘Helion []’: {‘effRating’: 5335.6999999999998,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 1284.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 609.0,
               ‘karma’: 6397.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.04,
               ‘totalAssists’: 7396.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 518342570.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 3363.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 118174041.43000001,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 16916856.210000001,
               ‘totalKill’: 2275.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 907.49000000000001,
               ‘uid’: 620159.0},
 ‘Helios Legion [HLLG]’: {‘effRating’: 2888.3000000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 268.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 133.38,
                          ‘karma’: 10501.120000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1489.3800000000001,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 107748880.88,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 559.38,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 25533837.719999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 7951118.8600000003,
                          ‘totalKill’: 504.25,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 35.469999999999999,
                          ‘uid’: 2024947.75},
 ‘Hellcorporation [Hellc]’: {‘effRating’: 4031.9899999999998,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1039.52,
                             ‘gameWin’: 508.22000000000003,
                             ‘karma’: 7094.7799999999997,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 6293.6499999999996,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 433917405.81,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 2386.46,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 111457798.97,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 13928492.68,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1965.3499999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1980.1700000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 1725449.8300000001},
 ‘Hentai Love 666 [SeXy]’: {‘effRating’: 5494.1499999999996,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 998.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 536.0,
                            ‘karma’: 4039.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 8113.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 401856137.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1209.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 100797031.84999999,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 19844531.77,
                            ‘totalKill’: 2651.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1580.4200000000001,
                            ‘uid’: 352121.0},
 ‘Heros of the Void [V0ID]’: {‘effRating’: 4750.4899999999998,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 735.5,
                              ‘gameWin’: 350.57999999999998,
                              ‘karma’: 7606.3299999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 5272.3299999999999,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 314733382.75,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1594.25,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 119540560.09,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 21573784.719999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1725.6700000000001,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 722.78999999999996,
                              ‘uid’: 1208691.8300000001},
 ‘Hetlanci [Het]’: {‘effRating’: 3768.3400000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1103.7,
                    ‘gameWin’: 513.20000000000005,
                    ‘karma’: 9578.6499999999996,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 7699.4499999999998,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 442762252.5,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 2527.5,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 196491751.62,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 27082838.379999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 2502.5500000000002,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2489.8600000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 2135321.9500000002},
 ‘Hg Mercury [Hg]’: {‘effRating’: 704.42999999999995,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 18.75,
                     ‘gameWin’: 10.0,
                     ‘karma’: 116.75,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.029999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 65.75,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 6201441.75,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 40.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 576302.64000000001,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 83400.25,
                     ‘totalKill’: 22.25,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                     ‘uid’: 1908505.0},
 ‘High School Techno [DxD]’: {‘effRating’: 2792.3600000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 269.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 136.0,
                              ‘karma’: 907.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 1690.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 110237399.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 848.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 41147252.799999997,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 4928692.1799999997,
                              ‘totalKill’: 273.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9.2699999999999996,
                              ‘uid’: 2867429.0},
 ‘Homeless Jedi [Yoda]’: {‘effRating’: 4172.8599999999997,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2839.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1706.0,
                          ‘karma’: 2924.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 21899.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 1125493695.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 5236.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 778216753.44000006,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 60701550.109999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 25606.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3141.4899999999998,
                          ‘uid’: 639162.0},
 ‘Houblon Company [HC]’: {‘effRating’: 5928.2399999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1305.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 658.5,
                          ‘karma’: 15216.5,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 7439.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 502698678.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2673.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 169194522.81,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 21754866.390000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 2644.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1092.1900000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1771782.5},
 ‘HunSiege [Siege]’: {‘effRating’: 3740.5900000000001,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 306.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 144.13999999999999,
                      ‘karma’: 8712.8600000000006,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 1700.4300000000001,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 118248437.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 640.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 40597077.219999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 4239184.3700000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 551.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 23.960000000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 1917062.8600000001},
 ‘Hungarian Alliance [HGA]’: {‘effRating’: 3961.9000000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 774.04999999999995,
                              ‘gameWin’: 378.77999999999997,
                              ‘karma’: 17420.919999999998,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 5122.8400000000001,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 318477109.22000003,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1613.3800000000001,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 114562393.53,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 19916977.539999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1691.1400000000001,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1061.0599999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 1946792.22},
 ‘Hungarian OWLS [HOWL]’: {‘effRating’: 2584.2199999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1414.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 718.0,
                           ‘karma’: 5103.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 9962.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 549719210.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 3093.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 143179221.63999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 30127569.66,
                           ‘totalKill’: 3432.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2339889.0},
 ‘Hunters night [71777]’: {‘effRating’: 6185.3599999999997,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1046.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 477.0,
                           ‘karma’: 28219.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 6282.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 448811405.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 3008.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 125880029.8,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 10621971.43,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1330.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 752.91999999999996,
                           ‘uid’: 2567547.0},
 ‘I F I [IFI]’: {‘effRating’: 5474.6199999999999,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 4211.8400000000001,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1904.8399999999999,
                 ‘karma’: 28925.790000000001,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.87,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 24777.32,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1798773678.21,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 9753.5300000000007,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 516684966.24000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 82992106.879999995,
                 ‘totalKill’: 7286.8400000000001,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 20791.380000000001,
                 ‘uid’: 1021137.84},
 ‘IMMORTALS [xMEN]’: {‘effRating’: 4268.8199999999997,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 742.33000000000004,
                      ‘gameWin’: 333.94,
                      ‘karma’: 2945.2800000000002,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 3794.4400000000001,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 301814065.61000001,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1957.3900000000001,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 79043738.340000004,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 6850373.6100000003,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1235.72,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 869.03999999999996,
                      ‘uid’: 1259354.78},
 ‘INFINITE SPACE [IS]’: {‘effRating’: 5071.8000000000002,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1647.0799999999999,
                         ‘gameWin’: 718.53999999999996,
                         ‘karma’: 30366.619999999999,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.57999999999999996,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 8990.3799999999992,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 679878734.38,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 2821.1500000000001,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 248447667.62,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 30456277.949999999,
                         ‘totalKill’: 2755.23,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1503.99,
                         ‘uid’: 1309821.3799999999},
 ‘INFINITE [IE]’: {‘effRating’: 2359.5100000000002,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 141.38,
                   ‘gameWin’: 84.5,
                   ‘karma’: 52191.879999999997,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 1213.6199999999999,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 56893935.25,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 134.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 33794855.079999998,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 3898114.1200000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 630.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12.529999999999999,
                   ‘uid’: 1656873.1200000001},
 ‘INTENSIFIES [ALIVE]’: {‘effRating’: 2017.8,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 281.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 152.0,
                         ‘karma’: 102.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1904.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 112583016.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 831.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 26882115.920000002,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 1154051.8200000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 1193.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 268045.0},
 ‘INTERNOS [IN]’: {‘effRating’: 4896.2399999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 64.329999999999998,
                   ‘gameWin’: 31.670000000000002,
                   ‘karma’: 1242.3299999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 405.32999999999998,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 30225000.670000002,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 148.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 9569694.3699999992,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 686281.15000000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 123.67,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 104.36,
                   ‘uid’: 2300988.6699999999},
 ‘INTOXZONE [ITZ]’: {‘effRating’: 5853.7200000000003,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 5276.6400000000003,
                     ‘gameWin’: 2613.5700000000002,
                     ‘karma’: 29501.5,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1499999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 36888.139999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2270916980.1399999,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 10723.93,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 809031257.89999998,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 103048486.58,
                     ‘totalKill’: 14515.93,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25068.029999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1194074.8600000001},
 ‘IOx [iO]’: {‘effRating’: 5407.6000000000004,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 2398.5599999999999,
              ‘gameWin’: 1190.4300000000001,
              ‘karma’: 29736.080000000002,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
              ‘totalAssists’: 17347.450000000001,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 1012242063.59,
              ‘totalDeath’: 5138.46,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 404782753.97000003,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 66379770.25,
              ‘totalKill’: 5493.7600000000002,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8818.3700000000008,
              ‘uid’: 1574887.3300000001},
 ‘IXLEG []’: {‘effRating’: 5042.4700000000003,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 261.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 103.0,
              ‘karma’: 1513.0,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
              ‘totalAssists’: 1820.0,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 113970118.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 413.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 73793741.359999999,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 2586326.1499999999,
              ‘totalKill’: 550.0,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
              ‘uid’: 2346083.0},
 ‘IaniteSpaceFed []’: {‘effRating’: 1292.74,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 39.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 24.0,
                       ‘karma’: 41.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 192.66999999999999,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 14149416.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 135.66999999999999,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 2307222.4199999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 227484.54000000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 58.329999999999998,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 2153019.3300000001},
 ‘Ice Dragons [IceDS]’: {‘effRating’: 4962.7200000000003,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 2077.46,
                         ‘gameWin’: 964.57000000000005,
                         ‘karma’: 20090.959999999999,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 15007.790000000001,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 886809011.88999999,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 4643.6800000000003,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 344766067.55000001,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 66384507.649999999,
                         ‘totalKill’: 3918.96,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8186.1599999999999,
                         ‘uid’: 1983887.04},
 ‘Immortal Red Dragon []’: {‘effRating’: 3970.6199999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 449.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 196.0,
                            ‘karma’: 7937.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 2022.5,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 166835863.5,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1077.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 34506321.0,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 9332230.1799999997,
                            ‘totalKill’: 584.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 182.88999999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 1160426.0},
 ‘Imperials [Imper]’: {‘effRating’: 4114.5699999999997,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 301.5,
                       ‘gameWin’: 145.0,
                       ‘karma’: 5630.5,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2331.5,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 111983043.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 648.5,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 43133651.880000003,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 3511582.73,
                       ‘totalKill’: 754.5,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10.6,
                       ‘uid’: 1636764.0},
 ‘Incredible Aim [Inc]’: {‘effRating’: 4163.3500000000004,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 484.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 234.0,
                          ‘karma’: 1419.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2781.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 209766706.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 1045.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 37371795.630000003,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 3361577.27,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1717.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 93.400000000000006,
                          ‘uid’: 5967.0},
 ‘Independance Corp []’: {‘effRating’: 3505.48,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 469.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 193.0,
                          ‘karma’: 7537.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2623.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 203310403.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 923.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 36185280.109999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 11625737.52,
                          ‘totalKill’: 325.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 434.52999999999997,
                          ‘uid’: 2800335.0},
 ‘Independent Earth [MuP]’: {‘effRating’: 5789.3999999999996,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 3355.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1546.5,
                             ‘karma’: 3947.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 22236.5,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 1440231051.5,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 7399.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 477880800.76999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 95842496.189999998,
                             ‘totalKill’: 6507.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6623.54,
                             ‘uid’: 747129.0},
 ‘Insanity Pirates [IPW]’: {‘effRating’: 2964.3600000000001,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 78.329999999999998,
                            ‘gameWin’: 34.670000000000002,
                            ‘karma’: 35.670000000000002,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 505.32999999999998,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 29842785.329999998,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 220.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 8754937.4499999993,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 198514.12,
                            ‘totalKill’: 186.66999999999999,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2451502.3300000001},
 ‘Inspired Aggression [AGGRO]’: {‘effRating’: 2493.5100000000002,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 51.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 24.5,
                                 ‘karma’: 389.5,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 371.5,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 19916295.5,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 127.5,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 6896954.1799999997,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 1555754.5,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 80.0,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                 ‘uid’: 2379703.0},
 ‘InterGalacticUnion [IGU]’: {‘effRating’: 6543.1300000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 7169.6700000000001,
                              ‘gameWin’: 3571.5900000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 38079.150000000001,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1399999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 50153.260000000002,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 3106526852.5900002,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 15568.809999999999,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 1257532391.27,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 201078267.03,
                              ‘totalKill’: 17110.959999999999,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 50164.220000000001,
                              ‘uid’: 1448236.8100000001},
 ‘Invisibilis Nebula [INNEB]’: {‘effRating’: 3729.3600000000001,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 1018.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 475.0,
                                ‘karma’: 19504.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 7588.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 421611468.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 2426.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 84320060.810000002,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 8833424.5099999998,
                                ‘totalKill’: 1945.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 271.89999999999998,
                                ‘uid’: 1285989.0},
 ‘Iron Phoenix [IPHNX]’: {‘effRating’: 2340.6799999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 44.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 17.0,
                          ‘karma’: 390.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 235.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 17265066.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 114.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 3751835.27,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 288365.85999999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 167.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 1296111.0},
 ‘Islo []’: {‘effRating’: 1729.0799999999999,
             ‘gamePlayed’: 168.0,
             ‘gameWin’: 78.0,
             ‘karma’: 12841.0,
             ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.03,
             ‘totalAssists’: 914.0,
             ‘totalBattleTime’: 66468553.0,
             ‘totalDeath’: 396.0,
             ‘totalDmgDone’: 16364826.970000001,
             ‘totalHealingDone’: 7495113.1600000001,
             ‘totalKill’: 316.0,
             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
             ‘uid’: 388188.0},
 ‘Italian Space Force [I5F]’: {‘effRating’: 1329.02,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 27.5,
                               ‘gameWin’: 13.0,
                               ‘karma’: 0.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 66.5,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 5406574.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 28.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 829896.96999999997,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 9182.7399999999998,
                               ‘totalKill’: 56.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                               ‘uid’: 2926409.5},
 ‘Izgoi [IZG]’: {‘effRating’: 5193.3100000000004,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 3078.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1412.0,
                 ‘karma’: 12105.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 19823.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1359453786.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 9665.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 256022392.88999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 26563447.23,
                 ‘totalKill’: 2752.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6415.6199999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 857156.0},
 ‘JAPAN AIRLINES [JAL]’: {‘effRating’: 1757.05,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1318.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 612.0,
                          ‘karma’: 1113.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 8992.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 546354493.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2108.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 103245827.54000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 13552142.27,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3783.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 1374987.0},
 ‘JEDI [JD]’: {‘effRating’: 5385.3199999999997,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 2512.4299999999998,
               ‘gameWin’: 1153.0,
               ‘karma’: 19264.290000000001,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
               ‘totalAssists’: 15734.209999999999,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1019208807.5700001,
               ‘totalDeath’: 5570.3599999999997,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 359918435.20999998,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 48977098.079999998,
               ‘totalKill’: 4405.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4421.5799999999999,
               ‘uid’: 1485073.5},
 ‘JESUS STAR CONFLICT [JESUS]’: {‘effRating’: 5537.8999999999996,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1122.5,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 547.25,
                                 ‘karma’: 9027.5,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 8119.75,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 448170266.75,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 2737.5,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 117225119.44,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 40454983.649999999,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 1790.25,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 842.04999999999995,
                                 ‘uid’: 2541514.5},
 ‘Jericho Knights [NighT]’: {‘effRating’: 4816.5900000000001,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1852.53,
                             ‘gameWin’: 853.39999999999998,
                             ‘karma’: 27870.330000000002,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 10928.73,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 760408158.52999997,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 4748.8000000000002,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 228128064.09,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 18938953.460000001,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3307.8699999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1651.3299999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 1475797.47},
 ‘Jesters of war []’: {‘effRating’: 2755.3899999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 46.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 18.0,
                       ‘karma’: 826.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 257.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 20991878.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 122.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 7242236.9699999997,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 1055033.53,
                       ‘totalKill’: 130.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 2772519.0},
 ‘Jolly Roger [ROGER]’: {‘effRating’: 5643.5799999999999,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 2027.9100000000001,
                         ‘gameWin’: 963.54999999999995,
                         ‘karma’: 10494.549999999999,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.70999999999999996,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 12584.450000000001,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 823182882.26999998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 4729.1800000000003,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 281469010.48000002,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 38027537.390000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 4343.1800000000003,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3821.5300000000002,
                         ‘uid’: 1353802.3600000001},
 ‘JungfahaCorp [JungC]’: {‘effRating’: 3501.5900000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 867.85000000000002,
                          ‘gameWin’: 419.63,
                          ‘karma’: 3862.3400000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 5154.3900000000003,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 362739527.45999998,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2054.54,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 112682024.15000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 18031624.079999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1786.1099999999999,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2371.25,
                          ‘uid’: 1788215.8899999999},
 ‘KJIUHUKA []’: {‘effRating’: 4178.8299999999999,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2452.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1400.0,
                 ‘karma’: 22124.5,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.01,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 22793.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 991492513.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 3694.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 275054041.69999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 93993869.870000005,
                 ‘totalKill’: 9993.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2902.5300000000002,
                 ‘uid’: 1173028.5},
 ‘KOSMOFLYER [KPN]’: {‘effRating’: 5748.1700000000001,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 6647.8800000000001,
                      ‘gameWin’: 3174.5,
                      ‘karma’: 27360.119999999999,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0600000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 44195.879999999997,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 2865318497.1199999,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 12139.379999999999,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 853120688.80999994,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 191387793.53,
                      ‘totalKill’: 15583.5,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25077.27,
                      ‘uid’: 798089.62},
 ‘KSENOMORPHS [KSEN]’: {‘effRating’: 4727.6400000000003,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1105.6700000000001,
                        ‘gameWin’: 532.33000000000004,
                        ‘karma’: 4105.6700000000001,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 8109.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 461169761.67000002,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 2780.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 146797776.38999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 17782447.43,
                        ‘totalKill’: 2359.3299999999999,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2142.4200000000001,
                        ‘uid’: 1466757.6699999999},
 ‘KSK GERMANY [KSK]’: {‘effRating’: 1827.3699999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 470.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 226.0,
                       ‘karma’: 776.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2219.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 190282644.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1098.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 24798319.010000002,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 1612377.6799999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 599.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 133.22,
                       ‘uid’: 291578.0},
 ‘Kamikaze [Fubar]’: {‘effRating’: 2037.9300000000001,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 47.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 24.5,
                      ‘karma’: 198.5,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 164.5,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 13304141.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 64.5,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 3486972.6499999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 543657.55000000005,
                      ‘totalKill’: 104.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                      ‘uid’: 2898365.0},
 ‘Kernel panic []’: {‘effRating’: 8127.2299999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 5600.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 3178.0,
                     ‘karma’: -9500.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 35162.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2291252367.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 8251.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 1393062585.9300001,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 119476710.95,
                     ‘totalKill’: 30374.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8912.0,
                     ‘uid’: 1684544.0},
 ‘KillBro InkSis [KBIS]’: {‘effRating’: 500.0,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 2868.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 1260.0,
                           ‘karma’: 17326.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.90000000000000002,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 11143.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 1252341620.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 6982.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 264095646.40000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 26143162.239999998,
                           ‘totalKill’: 5219.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 65585.380000000005,
                           ‘uid’: 816405.0},
 ‘KillZone [KillZ]’: {‘effRating’: 4020.6399999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 307.75,
                      ‘gameWin’: 138.25,
                      ‘karma’: 11037.75,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 1953.5,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 128429077.75,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 727.75,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 36512532.469999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 4508819.8899999997,
                      ‘totalKill’: 347.75,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 73.689999999999998,
                      ‘uid’: 2390364.25},
 ‘Kiryaku [Ky]’: {‘effRating’: 4933.1099999999997,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 324.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 171.0,
                  ‘karma’: 5563.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 1529.5,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 123008646.5,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 730.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 42878050.810000002,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 2797530.8799999999,
                  ‘totalKill’: 631.5,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 293.79000000000002,
                  ‘uid’: 1267613.0},
 ‘Kitti [Kat]’: {‘effRating’: 4480.1899999999996,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2840.5,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1526.5,
                 ‘karma’: -1240.5,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 22628.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1206290545.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 4830.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 508543153.86000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 58699200.409999996,
                 ‘totalKill’: 11131.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9771.5699999999997,
                 ‘uid’: 1369242.5},
 ‘Knights Forsaken [KF]’: {‘effRating’: 3335.4899999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 714.66999999999996,
                           ‘gameWin’: 366.67000000000002,
                           ‘karma’: 1069.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 4279.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 302766083.67000002,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1595.3299999999999,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 116226124.3,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 30358934.800000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1774.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4230.4399999999996,
                           ‘uid’: 2053553.3300000001},
 ‘Knights of BORG [KBORG]’: {‘karma’: 0.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                             ‘uid’: 2335022.0},
 ‘KoA [KoA]’: {‘effRating’: 1296.8800000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 15.5,
               ‘gameWin’: 7.0,
               ‘karma’: 332.5,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
               ‘totalAssists’: 50.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 4700007.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 39.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 955838.37,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 35330.57,
               ‘totalKill’: 46.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
               ‘uid’: 2274273.5},
 ‘Kopcap [CRSR]’: {‘effRating’: 2139.5999999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 379.5,
                   ‘gameWin’: 185.0,
                   ‘karma’: 1593.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 1702.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 123551398.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 771.5,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 20362434.32,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 2187836.8100000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 717.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9.1500000000000004,
                   ‘uid’: 2153268.0},
 ‘Kopfgeldjeager [KGJ]’: {‘effRating’: 3907.6199999999999,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 110.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 40.0,
                          ‘karma’: 2240.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 541.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 50278061.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 254.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 19799022.789999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 1523957.4399999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 196.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2637372.0},
 ‘Korea player [KP]’: {‘effRating’: 3449.3699999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 172.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 83.75,
                       ‘karma’: 1003.25,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 970.25,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 69029147.25,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 350.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 21889100.789999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 4150780.02,
                       ‘totalKill’: 337.75,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 180.13999999999999,
                       ‘uid’: 1168145.0},
 ‘KpakeH [Kpppp]’: {‘effRating’: 6574.79,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 5096.5,
                    ‘gameWin’: 2999.5,
                    ‘karma’: 4544.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 40256.5,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 2100259747.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 11523.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 1033045888.24,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 219636823.74000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 20347.5,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2474.27,
                    ‘uid’: 2550866.5},
 ‘KrankeGamer [Krank]’: {‘effRating’: 5026.8199999999997,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 699.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 352.0,
                         ‘karma’: 9805.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.73999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 5217.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 276046008.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 1842.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 57369286.82,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 4717124.4500000002,
                         ‘totalKill’: 1945.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 1841108.0},
 ‘Krecha Wysypana []’: {‘effRating’: 3835.7199999999998,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 680.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 319.32999999999998,
                        ‘karma’: 3658.3299999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 3224.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 261159750.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1589.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 55548510.710000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 12345398.380000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1230.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 561.86000000000001,
                        ‘uid’: 2372905.0},
 ‘KristallTower [KT]’: {‘effRating’: 3785.7800000000002,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 238.5,
                        ‘gameWin’: 117.75,
                        ‘karma’: 2555.25,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 1343.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 97487189.75,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 550.75,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 29919946.43,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 4159341.4300000002,
                        ‘totalKill’: 599.25,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5.2400000000000002,
                        ‘uid’: 1795163.0},
 ‘Ksenotech Ink [KSENO]’: {‘effRating’: 4094.2600000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 720.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 352.92000000000002,
                           ‘karma’: 3796.1500000000001,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 5052.3800000000001,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 276100536.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1676.54,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 96536022.739999995,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 10516720.960000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1769.8499999999999,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 170.81999999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1915590.9199999999},
 ‘KueBcKa9 Pycb [KRIP]’: {‘effRating’: 6916.1499999999996,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 9451.6700000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 4743.0,
                          ‘karma’: 60157.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.24,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 68728.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 3996649011.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 21473.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 1444861410.45,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 171902009.69999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 26642.669999999998,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 22698.630000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1362294.0},
 ‘KvAzAr [KVZR]’: {‘effRating’: 4668.4899999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1678.6900000000001,
                   ‘gameWin’: 789.30999999999995,
                   ‘karma’: 13351.15,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 9977.2299999999996,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 667324173.46000004,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3689.77,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 216252763.78,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 27691906.920000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 2843.6199999999999,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1670.48,
                   ‘uid’: 1612381.23},
 ‘L N I B [LNIB]’: {‘effRating’: 943.25,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 9.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 4.0,
                    ‘karma’: 533.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 51.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 4046116.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 27.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 803815.05000000005,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 90280.580000000002,
                    ‘totalKill’: 23.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                    ‘uid’: 1786407.0},
 ‘LAMPSHADIC ACADEMY [LAMPA]’: {‘effRating’: 3744.9000000000001,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 742.79999999999995,
                                ‘gameWin’: 357.63999999999999,
                                ‘karma’: 10807.889999999999,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 4441.4099999999999,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 312870477.91000003,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 1582.1800000000001,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 96303525.0,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 16203955.93,
                                ‘totalKill’: 1705.98,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5403.3699999999999,
                                ‘uid’: 1614128.5},
 ‘LEGION [ODIS]’: {‘effRating’: 4801.6700000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 3555.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1575.25,
                   ‘karma’: 34059.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 19812.25,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1492810773.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 8309.5,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 468587076.41000003,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 91921355.840000004,
                   ‘totalKill’: 5683.75,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 41487.82,
                   ‘uid’: 1068153.0},
 ‘LIBERTY [LIB]’: {‘effRating’: 2768.4499999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 290.88999999999999,
                   ‘gameWin’: 146.78,
                   ‘karma’: 3448.4400000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 1883.6700000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 123741155.44,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 541.44000000000005,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 26083946.07,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 6575527.6200000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 837.22000000000003,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 604.14999999999998,
                   ‘uid’: 1238336.1100000001},
 ‘LORDSofDESTRUCTION [LoD]’: {‘effRating’: 3651.1799999999998,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 481.67000000000002,
                              ‘gameWin’: 212.33000000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 10193.67,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 2827.6700000000001,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 198250448.33000001,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1122.3299999999999,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 58418831.939999998,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 9904488.9800000004,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1055.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7.0599999999999996,
                              ‘uid’: 2084557.0},
 ‘LUNA [NLR]’: {‘effRating’: 4158.21,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 1290.4400000000001,
                ‘gameWin’: 640.0,
                ‘karma’: 13513.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
                ‘totalAssists’: 9446.8899999999994,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 535327136.22000003,
                ‘totalDeath’: 2952.4400000000001,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 201661170.94999999,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 46272185.789999999,
                ‘totalKill’: 3051.7800000000002,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4831.0900000000001,
                ‘uid’: 1963665.0},
 ‘LUSITANIA [TUGAS]’: {‘effRating’: 4513.5500000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 505.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 228.0,
                       ‘karma’: 18193.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 3587.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 211156305.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 939.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 53790603.07,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 16863893.34,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1501.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1886494.0},
 ‘La Legion de LimDul []’: {‘effRating’: 4433.8000000000002,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 456.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 217.0,
                            ‘karma’: 234.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 3072.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 161104656.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1013.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 67120979.379999995,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 2483709.8100000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1153.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2807179.0},
 ‘La Triade [LTR]’: {‘effRating’: 6313.1000000000004,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 3259.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1514.0,
                     ‘karma’: 42382.5,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1599999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 19809.5,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1419209148.5,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 6432.5,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 345058925.25,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 76255077.599999994,
                     ‘totalKill’: 7319.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8689.4500000000007,
                     ‘uid’: 381272.5},
 ‘Lanthearis [LANTH]’: {‘effRating’: 2780.77,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1374.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 617.0,
                        ‘karma’: 15738.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 8197.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 549334201.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 3312.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 117851530.44,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 22149819.079999998,
                        ‘totalKill’: 2723.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 1458290.0},
 ‘Last Man Standing [FAITH]’: {‘effRating’: 4149.1400000000003,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1640.3800000000001,
                               ‘gameWin’: 776.25999999999999,
                               ‘karma’: 12504.23,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 10026.030000000001,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 678801614.23000002,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3840.0799999999999,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 231947919.53999999,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 33914252.170000002,
                               ‘totalKill’: 3433.4200000000001,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3548.71,
                               ‘uid’: 1901404.78},
 ‘Last Request [Heart]’: {‘effRating’: 6074.3699999999999,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 7033.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 4217.0,
                          ‘karma’: -58639.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 54365.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 3168458706.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 11872.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 1392116853.1800001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 239678392.03,
                          ‘totalKill’: 32317.5,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 49397.010000000002,
                          ‘uid’: 564969.5},
 ‘Latin Hope [LH]’: {‘effRating’: 4593.6999999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1314.28,
                     ‘gameWin’: 627.0,
                     ‘karma’: 9782.8099999999995,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 7255.5600000000004,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 522814499.62,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2628.3800000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 178673267.94999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 18749995.280000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 2758.6599999999999,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1097.99,
                     ‘uid’: 1807169.9099999999},
 ‘Le PacTe [PacTe]’: {‘effRating’: 5502.5600000000004,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1593.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 638.0,
                      ‘karma’: 374.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 6723.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 639834314.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 4088.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 126176272.37,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 4255800.3300000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 3481.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5029.6199999999999,
                      ‘uid’: 1519652.0},
 ‘Leading Fear [FEAR]’: {‘effRating’: 5629.1300000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 3084.73,
                         ‘gameWin’: 1602.55,
                         ‘karma’: 48822.18,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.83999999999999997,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 22476.18,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 1330655705.6400001,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 6413.6400000000003,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 459697684.51999998,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 66525830.619999997,
                         ‘totalKill’: 9238.2700000000004,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 19543.040000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 942958.81999999995},
 ‘League Of Assassins [Ghoul]’: {‘effRating’: 3574.4200000000001,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 884.5,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 416.5,
                                 ‘karma’: 127783.0,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 5263.5,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 333988193.0,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 1512.0,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 120885308.61,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 12191616.310000001,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 2559.5,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 451.41000000000003,
                                 ‘uid’: 1807391.5},
 ‘League of Guardians []’: {‘effRating’: 1943.7,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 155.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 71.0,
                            ‘karma’: 5916.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 682.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 65631475.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 388.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 8047853.1500000004,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 1124258.1200000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 221.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 274.42000000000002,
                            ‘uid’: 639093.0},
 ‘League of Shadows [TeHb]’: {‘effRating’: 5797.4099999999999,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 10928.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 6347.5,
                              ‘karma’: -21823.5,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3600000000000001,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 103815.5,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 4513440209.5,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 11809.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 1541920905.55,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 292407254.82999998,
                              ‘totalKill’: 48426.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 38232.290000000001,
                              ‘uid’: 763617.5},
 ‘Legends Never Die [Lgs]’: {‘effRating’: 8127.0,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 7204.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 3482.0,
                             ‘karma’: 13095.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1699999999999999,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 58921.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 3216615945.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 14171.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 1955967274.9400001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 164800605.44,
                             ‘totalKill’: 18308.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17430.849999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 1757102.0},
 ‘Legion of blood []’: {‘effRating’: 4083.5999999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 330.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 177.0,
                        ‘karma’: 3459.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 2161.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 110243669.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 508.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 40149944.670000002,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 5017327.9900000002,
                        ‘totalKill’: 855.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 2015067.0},
 ‘Legionarios Corp [LGNRS]’: {‘effRating’: 4771.6300000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 1770.8199999999999,
                              ‘gameWin’: 804.75,
                              ‘karma’: 22039.889999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 10170.23,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 753112771.48000002,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 3848.8600000000001,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 259464878.40000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 35342734.359999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 3141.7199999999998,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3830.5599999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 1702946.02},
 ‘Les Ailes Celestes [AC]’: {‘effRating’: 5492.1499999999996,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 2373.75,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1008.25,
                             ‘karma’: 16147.379999999999,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 15611.25,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 1009563998.5,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 6844.75,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 403982500.24000001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 54521075.57,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3724.6199999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9528.5100000000002,
                             ‘uid’: 2427527.3799999999},
 ‘Limitless [LMLS]’: {‘effRating’: 6653.1400000000003,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1948.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 879.0,
                      ‘karma’: 8634.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 8822.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 830634992.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 4891.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 167058627.94,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 51288187.18,
                      ‘totalKill’: 3396.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6976.9300000000003,
                      ‘uid’: 488041.0},
 ‘Little Toy Soldiers [x1L]’: {‘effRating’: 1747.54,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 176.5,
                               ‘gameWin’: 84.0,
                               ‘karma’: 445.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 855.5,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 59157840.5,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 366.5,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 14395691.199999999,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 7507.2299999999996,
                               ‘totalKill’: 444.5,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                               ‘uid’: 1427344.0},
 ‘Loki Corp [L0KI]’: {‘effRating’: 4714.4399999999996,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1403.95,
                      ‘gameWin’: 624.95000000000005,
                      ‘karma’: 78665.320000000007,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 8234.1100000000006,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 590151661.11000001,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 2688.1599999999999,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 256467046.05000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 22327576.800000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 2228.79,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 692.69000000000005,
                      ‘uid’: 1979398.6799999999},
 ‘Loliforce [LOLI]’: {‘effRating’: 5615.2799999999997,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 644.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 315.0,
                      ‘karma’: 8723.5,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 3932.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 273879404.5,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1678.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 62585504.340000004,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 16687081.699999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1181.5,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4563.1400000000003,
                      ‘uid’: 158138.5},
 ‘Lone Wolf []’: {‘effRating’: 4890.1800000000003,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 143.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 75.0,
                  ‘karma’: 1405.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 739.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 66838629.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 363.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 12528117.029999999,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 1233852.72,
                  ‘totalKill’: 309.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                  ‘uid’: 170127.0},
 ‘Lordowie Kosmosu [Lordy]’: {‘effRating’: 2696.98,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 65.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 29.0,
                              ‘karma’: 12304.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 344.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 23520604.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 141.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 4620563.46,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 297208.53000000003,
                              ‘totalKill’: 130.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 33.090000000000003,
                              ‘uid’: 1960766.0},
 ‘Los Porcos [LPC]’: {‘effRating’: 4293.3599999999997,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1477.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 805.0,
                      ‘karma’: 2838.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.97999999999999998,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 9459.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 624040632.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 3174.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 126866042.12,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 23445775.649999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 5154.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1776.74,
                      ‘uid’: 366453.0},
 ‘MARODER [MAR]’: {‘effRating’: 4272.1099999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1489.29,
                   ‘gameWin’: 732.66999999999996,
                   ‘karma’: 11810.059999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 10879.65,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 614886301.33000004,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3213.3899999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 243661228.40000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 40396877.380000003,
                   ‘totalKill’: 3664.8400000000001,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3808.2600000000002,
                   ‘uid’: 1837251.8799999999},
 ‘MARODYOR [Mar2]’: {‘effRating’: 3286.1399999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1003.37,
                     ‘gameWin’: 423.05000000000001,
                     ‘karma’: 9173.2600000000002,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 5464.8400000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 372381620.94999999,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2355.1100000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 136724341.13,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 11791988.5,
                     ‘totalKill’: 2009.8399999999999,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1441.1900000000001,
                     ‘uid’: 2091100.3200000001},
 ‘MAXHO UA [ACbI]’: {‘effRating’: 4340.9799999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1879.46,
                     ‘gameWin’: 895.78999999999996,
                     ‘karma’: 17531.599999999999,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 12876.129999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 791931274.55999994,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4198.7299999999996,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 286342650.58999997,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 46024342.170000002,
                     ‘totalKill’: 3745.96,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7637.6199999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1681629.51},
 ‘MEGA GURREN DAN [TTGL]’: {‘effRating’: 4709.8400000000001,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1032.29,
                            ‘gameWin’: 475.56999999999999,
                            ‘karma’: 30242.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 6173.1400000000003,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 425206372.13999999,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2107.29,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 142514606.88,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 17404437.09,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1457.71,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 851.54999999999995,
                            ‘uid’: 1693885.4299999999},
 ‘MERCENARIES [mis]’: {‘effRating’: 3366.77,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1067.4300000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 511.29000000000002,
                       ‘karma’: 17281.860000000001,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 8099.8599999999997,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 447374852.56999999,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 2899.71,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 137061243.72999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 13955211.24,
                       ‘totalKill’: 2350.29,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 344.41000000000003,
                       ‘uid’: 1550764.0},
 ‘MERCY [MERCY]’: {‘effRating’: 6159.1999999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2136.5,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1014.5,
                   ‘karma’: 56151.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 13247.5,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 881170796.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 4624.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 250731222.53999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 52082555.43,
                   ‘totalKill’: 3599.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3540.7600000000002,
                   ‘uid’: 1426862.5},
 ‘MOB []’: {‘effRating’: 3322.3000000000002,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 123.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 58.0,
            ‘karma’: 1127.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
            ‘totalAssists’: 732.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 54604291.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 380.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 12396048.98,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 7367668.0700000003,
            ‘totalKill’: 310.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
            ‘uid’: 2574449.0},
 ‘MOLOX []’: {‘effRating’: 5389.0799999999999,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 1074.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 483.0,
              ‘karma’: 2755.0,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
              ‘totalAssists’: 3345.0,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 501255207.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 3649.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 47037285.200000003,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 4499463.6200000001,
              ‘totalKill’: 1045.0,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3312.8200000000002,
              ‘uid’: 43535.0},
 ‘MYCOP [MYCOP]’: {‘effRating’: 6638.7600000000002,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 5354.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 2946.0,
                   ‘karma’: -21448.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.92000000000000004,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 41584.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 2360254356.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 7600.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 1040946687.5599999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 89943853.280000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 19951.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14294.469999999999,
                   ‘uid’: 2148061.0},
 ‘Man of Korea [MOK]’: {‘effRating’: 2237.52,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 296.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 294.0,
                        ‘karma’: 11571.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 1572.5,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 107776204.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 535.5,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 36617104.899999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 507113.34000000003,
                        ‘totalKill’: 581.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 2337649.0},
 ‘Mandalorians [Fett]’: {‘effRating’: 5979.4200000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 152.5,
                         ‘gameWin’: 94.5,
                         ‘karma’: 191.5,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1386.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 59307277.5,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 284.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 33545460.600000001,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 1061409.23,
                         ‘totalKill’: 940.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 167.21000000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 1578958.5},
 ‘MasSacRe [MsR]’: {‘effRating’: 6622.9799999999996,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1816.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 990.0,
                    ‘karma’: 48373.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 14295.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 761084078.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 3263.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 509586764.56,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 81374321.700000003,
                    ‘totalKill’: 5941.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3632.7600000000002,
                    ‘uid’: 1466410.0},
 ‘Matreshki Inc []’: {‘effRating’: 2508.9299999999998,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 522.5,
                      ‘gameWin’: 224.5,
                      ‘karma’: 4570.5,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 2536.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 196384507.5,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1396.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 55885563.109999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 2160662.48,
                      ‘totalKill’: 659.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 81.140000000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 2203173.0},
 ‘Meditative Lich [ML]’: {‘effRating’: 5664.5200000000004,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1976.5699999999999,
                          ‘gameWin’: 913.42999999999995,
                          ‘karma’: 55176.43,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.91000000000000003,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 12445.43,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 820859608.42999995,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 5082.8599999999997,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 315983127.89999998,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 37341599.240000002,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4082.1399999999999,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14180.200000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 887972.29000000004},
 ‘Metal Marauders [UMM]’: {‘effRating’: 2365.0700000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 183.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 92.0,
                           ‘karma’: 805.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 805.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 74463229.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 401.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 17011062.710000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 814252.91000000003,
                           ‘totalKill’: 688.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 921843.0},
 ‘Midgard Earth [MiE]’: {‘effRating’: 4395.4799999999996,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 814.38,
                         ‘gameWin’: 398.54000000000002,
                         ‘karma’: 8583.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 5263.1499999999996,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 332637615.62,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 1845.6900000000001,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 118554374.48999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 15098414.75,
                         ‘totalKill’: 1978.6199999999999,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 459.73000000000002,
                         ‘uid’: 1209049.46},
 ‘Midgard [MID]’: {‘effRating’: 4616.9799999999996,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 303.89999999999998,
                   ‘gameWin’: 146.40000000000001,
                   ‘karma’: 9450.2000000000007,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 2003.8,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 135581137.19999999,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 808.10000000000002,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 44976570.600000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 6201656.2000000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 582.20000000000005,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 173.44999999999999,
                   ‘uid’: 1918626.8999999999},
 ‘Mis Fits [MFs]’: {‘effRating’: 3118.0300000000002,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 792.42999999999995,
                    ‘gameWin’: 424.0,
                    ‘karma’: 3747.4299999999998,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 3892.8600000000001,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 311006708.29000002,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1794.29,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 85916011.0,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 7715015.0499999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1191.1400000000001,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1980.97,
                    ‘uid’: 1698983.29},
 ‘Misericord [Pekc]’: {‘effRating’: 5199.6199999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 4612.6899999999996,
                       ‘gameWin’: 2194.6199999999999,
                       ‘karma’: 37712.459999999999,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.02,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 31494.919999999998,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1932657078.9200001,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 11120.77,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 618641729.30999994,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 130082643.93000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 8144.54,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 18530.18,
                       ‘uid’: 1452918.23},
 ‘Mixed Martial Arts [MMA]’: {‘effRating’: 5555.5100000000002,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 3118.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 1475.8900000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 57806.779999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.95999999999999996,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 23091.669999999998,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 1344199541.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 6857.5600000000004,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 447157934.94,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 85798398.079999998,
                              ‘totalKill’: 5382.3299999999999,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5111.9099999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 1335934.0},
 ‘Monolith [MON]’: {‘effRating’: 6093.2799999999997,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 9202.5300000000007,
                    ‘gameWin’: 4632.4700000000003,
                    ‘karma’: 24352.330000000002,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.93999999999999995,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 61049.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 4106626555.1999998,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 16524.599999999999,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 1455101628.3399999,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 188948426.13999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 26871.869999999999,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 43507.860000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 647282.46999999997},
 ‘Morgenstern []’: {‘effRating’: 2543.25,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 208.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 82.0,
                    ‘karma’: 443.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 1051.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 72213387.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 464.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 17272975.620000001,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 723856.09999999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 618.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                    ‘uid’: 1498124.0},
 ‘Moskitos [MOS]’: {‘effRating’: 1598.6199999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 13.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 3.0,
                    ‘karma’: 7301.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 45.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 4564640.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 44.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 1150411.6599999999,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 48190.440000000002,
                    ‘totalKill’: 12.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                    ‘uid’: 2346364.0},
 ‘Mostly Harmless []’: {‘effRating’: 5661.5699999999997,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1731.5,
                        ‘gameWin’: 892.5,
                        ‘karma’: 36773.5,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 13033.5,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 735462895.5,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 4028.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 232633584.88,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 48455758.729999997,
                        ‘totalKill’: 5877.5,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8155.8000000000002,
                        ‘uid’: 886357.0},
 ‘Mulisha Munitions [CSEQ]’: {‘effRating’: 1289.71,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 51.5,
                              ‘gameWin’: 19.0,
                              ‘karma’: 212.5,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 103.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 17182750.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 144.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 1927132.5900000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 105025.22,
                              ‘totalKill’: 25.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                              ‘uid’: 287453.5},
 ‘My Little Pony FIM [Pony]’: {‘effRating’: 3878.0300000000002,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 585.44000000000005,
                               ‘gameWin’: 289.22000000000003,
                               ‘karma’: 4466.7799999999997,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 4112.4399999999996,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 220029246.66999999,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 1160.4400000000001,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 80096092.680000007,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 15431636.16,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1391.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 208.78999999999999,
                               ‘uid’: 2043325.6699999999},
 ‘N0RTH WIND []’: {‘effRating’: 6675.1999999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1767.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 894.79999999999995,
                   ‘karma’: 27196.400000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.83999999999999997,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 12784.799999999999,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 762322162.79999995,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3516.4000000000001,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 257261780.0,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 35995819.469999999,
                   ‘totalKill’: 5506.8000000000002,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2005.8699999999999,
                   ‘uid’: 1391087.3999999999},
 ‘N211 [N211]’: {‘effRating’: 531.50999999999999,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1.0,
                 ‘karma’: 0.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 13.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 382401.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 7.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 48429.459999999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 805.45000000000005,
                 ‘totalKill’: 0.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                 ‘uid’: 2459048.0},
 ‘NEXT [NEXT]’: {‘effRating’: 4184.5600000000004,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1071.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 469.0,
                 ‘karma’: 34726.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 5240.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 428750774.5,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 2501.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 73716006.290000007,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 7866954.2199999997,
                 ‘totalKill’: 1694.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5523.0100000000002,
                 ‘uid’: 1102604.0},
 ‘NIKA junior [NIKA2]’: {‘effRating’: 4347.2299999999996,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 956.89999999999998,
                         ‘gameWin’: 463.80000000000001,
                         ‘karma’: 1785.8,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 6671.1000000000004,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 409244516.89999998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 2389.6999999999998,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 142639313.40000001,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 28417156.449999999,
                         ‘totalKill’: 1827.0999999999999,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 459.64999999999998,
                         ‘uid’: 2116327.8999999999},
 ‘NLO [NLO]’: {‘effRating’: 5738.1199999999999,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 3849.1100000000001,
               ‘gameWin’: 1909.1400000000001,
               ‘karma’: 23701.369999999999,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.71999999999999997,
               ‘totalAssists’: 28400.830000000002,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1623664064.6900001,
               ‘totalDeath’: 8060.6300000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 654173303.21000004,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 118727203.66,
               ‘totalKill’: 9176.3400000000001,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11775.209999999999,
               ‘uid’: 1488535.4299999999},
 ‘NME [NME]’: {‘effRating’: 2991.5799999999999,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 530.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 264.0,
               ‘karma’: 8551.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
               ‘totalAssists’: 3650.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 221264985.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 1289.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 40509895.200000003,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 4917639.54,
               ‘totalKill’: 1359.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 80.530000000000001,
               ‘uid’: 774925.0},
 ‘Natural Born Killer [NBK]’: {‘effRating’: 667.13,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1684.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 911.0,
                               ‘karma’: 4.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 8880.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 739681826.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3668.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 167667814.88,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 23886694.800000001,
                               ‘totalKill’: 5415.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9073.1499999999996,
                               ‘uid’: 463561.0},
 ‘Nemesis [NMS]’: {‘effRating’: 7547.4099999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 9933.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 6375.0,
                   ‘karma’: 23857.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1499999999999999,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 88968.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 4391741730.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 12476.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 2563566195.6900001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 470581960.16000003,
                   ‘totalKill’: 55100.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 58486.550000000003,
                   ‘uid’: 797736.0},
 ‘Nemezida []’: {‘effRating’: 2111.4299999999998,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 69.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 33.0,
                 ‘karma’: 1653.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 245.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 20014540.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 132.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 5564863.8600000003,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 572283.28000000003,
                 ‘totalKill’: 185.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                 ‘uid’: 2474824.0},
 ‘Neon Lights [NL]’: {‘effRating’: 3986.5999999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 2015.3299999999999,
                      ‘gameWin’: 942.0,
                      ‘karma’: 9086.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 12895.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 855759111.83000004,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 6362.3299999999999,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 174905428.88,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 19609175.050000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 2810.3299999999999,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2721.9000000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 1141810.4299999999},
 ‘New Atlantis [NeAt]’: {‘effRating’: 5404.6400000000003,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 2107.1900000000001,
                         ‘gameWin’: 995.53999999999996,
                         ‘karma’: 27220.759999999998,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.66000000000000003,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 14866.35,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 875073818.11000001,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 4785.8599999999997,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 316311461.26999998,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 48998554.509999998,
                         ‘totalKill’: 4435.54,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5307.79,
                         ‘uid’: 1387140.1399999999},
 ‘New Balance [NewB]’: {‘effRating’: 4282.8299999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 929.09000000000003,
                        ‘gameWin’: 443.36000000000001,
                        ‘karma’: 18865.860000000001,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 5800.3699999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 384995479.42000002,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 2163.4200000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 139255294.16,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 17667551.800000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1366.1400000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1377.99,
                        ‘uid’: 2207553.0899999999},
 ‘New USSR [NUSSR]’: {‘effRating’: 3984.23,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1096.5,
                      ‘gameWin’: 521.25,
                      ‘karma’: 7425.25,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 7076.75,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 440494566.75,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 3235.75,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 109690849.51000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 8615686.7100000009,
                      ‘totalKill’: 2000.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 307.39999999999998,
                      ‘uid’: 1850127.25},
 ‘Nexus Staffel [NXS07]’: {‘effRating’: 5176.5100000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1089.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 551.0,
                           ‘karma’: 17815.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 7252.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 431458406.5,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 2396.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 123576623.20999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 17078843.129999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2724.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 242.97,
                           ‘uid’: 1042248.5},
 ‘Nezavisimye []’: {‘effRating’: 5515.7799999999997,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 269.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 130.0,
                    ‘karma’: 48523.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 1681.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 113777078.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 769.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 35157149.090000004,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 3362040.2999999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 540.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 368.19,
                    ‘uid’: 1385105.0},
 ‘Night Ghost [NiGh]’: {‘effRating’: 4180.2600000000002,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 695.20000000000005,
                        ‘gameWin’: 307.89999999999998,
                        ‘karma’: 39308.800000000003,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 4644.1999999999998,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 284139422.80000001,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1533.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 132188383.11,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 17531161.620000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1109.5999999999999,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 266.95999999999998,
                        ‘uid’: 1968348.7},
 ‘Night Hunters [7177]’: {‘effRating’: 4877.8699999999999,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2005.1199999999999,
                          ‘gameWin’: 938.0,
                          ‘karma’: 20315.5,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 12255.25,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 855403832.25,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 4085.5,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 324509084.12,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 30206255.370000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 5592.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8301.1399999999994,
                          ‘uid’: 2238842.8799999999},
 ‘Night Shadow []’: {‘effRating’: 6208.4300000000003,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 3270.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1437.0,
                     ‘karma’: 18743.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.4099999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 19485.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1376353662.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 9723.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 521993510.02999997,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 54503243.43,
                     ‘totalKill’: 5539.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11981.73,
                     ‘uid’: 1801088.0},
 ‘Nightcore [River]’: {‘effRating’: 1358.01,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 9.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 7.0,
                       ‘karma’: 0.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 67.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 3186778.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 9.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 1124017.98,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 105042.98,
                       ‘totalKill’: 64.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 2426559.0},
 ‘Nightmare Ascendant [NA]’: {‘effRating’: 1196.79,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 14.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 7.0,
                              ‘karma’: 355.5,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 47.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 5536399.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 38.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 1566044.4399999999,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 129242.32000000001,
                              ‘totalKill’: 21.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                              ‘uid’: 2199951.0},
 ‘Nika Sword [NlKA]’: {‘effRating’: 4785.6800000000003,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1634.8800000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 792.86000000000001,
                       ‘karma’: 14068.58,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 10946.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 690455609.80999994,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 3581.02,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 257213476.31,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 41480580.189999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 3367.6500000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6678.3900000000003,
                       ‘uid’: 1569832.74},
 ‘Nika [NIKA]’: {‘effRating’: 5434.8599999999997,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 3010.54,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1497.6199999999999,
                 ‘karma’: 23916.099999999999,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.71999999999999997,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 22113.720000000001,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1296472691.3599999,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 6210.3800000000001,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 517076056.45999998,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 80637471.329999998,
                 ‘totalKill’: 7726.5100000000002,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12161.530000000001,
                 ‘uid’: 1595559.04},
 ‘No Limits Team PL [NoTM]’: {‘effRating’: 3381.4400000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 592.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 278.0,
                              ‘karma’: 11709.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3695.5,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 243620730.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1680.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 72941676.780000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 3802860.4199999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1151.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 403.22000000000003,
                              ‘uid’: 1805689.0},
 ‘NoQuestions [NQ]’: {‘effRating’: 5635.6199999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 3745.0900000000001,
                      ‘gameWin’: 1894.3599999999999,
                      ‘karma’: 23153.09,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.94999999999999996,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 28432.639999999999,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1623615576.73,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 8069.1800000000003,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 633422009.25,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 81374434.620000005,
                      ‘totalKill’: 8589.5499999999993,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8737.1900000000005,
                      ‘uid’: 1788404.0},
 ‘Nomad []’: {‘effRating’: 4710.6700000000001,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 1415.29,
              ‘gameWin’: 714.42999999999995,
              ‘karma’: 3277.1399999999999,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
              ‘totalAssists’: 10834.290000000001,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 605273407.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 2951.8600000000001,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 196200294.88,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 32409165.629999999,
              ‘totalKill’: 3554.8600000000001,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2666.48,
              ‘uid’: 1765166.71},
 ‘Nova Corporation [Nova]’: {‘effRating’: 6979.4099999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 6982.4799999999996,
                             ‘gameWin’: 4037.27,
                             ‘karma’: 23520.27,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1399999999999999,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 53236.400000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 2995302266.8400002,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 11540.9,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 1366247347.49,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 216610971.41999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 25388.259999999998,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 40350.610000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 1154790.1100000001},
 ‘NovaCorps [NVAC]’: {‘effRating’: 3369.6599999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 173.25,
                      ‘gameWin’: 76.25,
                      ‘karma’: 555.75,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 908.5,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 69026779.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 572.25,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 20203504.170000002,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 1144232.1499999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 355.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9.5299999999999994,
                      ‘uid’: 1985430.75},
 ‘OCTPOB [Isle]’: {‘effRating’: 2580.0599999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2067.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 938.0,
                   ‘karma’: 128011.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 13945.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 813716523.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 7768.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 239566444.74000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 30102048.600000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 5976.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 793.44000000000005,
                   ‘uid’: 1302008.0},
 ‘ONE SPACE ACADEMY [OSA]’: {‘effRating’: 2409.1100000000001,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 203.36000000000001,
                             ‘gameWin’: 97.640000000000001,
                             ‘karma’: 1299.0899999999999,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 1069.0899999999999,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 65682352.909999996,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 389.08999999999997,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 15363216.779999999,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 2756680.1899999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 440.26999999999998,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 71.120000000000005,
                             ‘uid’: 2682046.73},
 ‘OPDEH 4EPHbIu [nayk]’: {‘effRating’: 4608.9099999999999,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1418.9300000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 696.71000000000004,
                          ‘karma’: 7200.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 9368.9300000000003,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 576605928.63999999,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 3243.3600000000001,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 215749179.09,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 37067980.509999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3758.0700000000002,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4397.1499999999996,
                          ‘uid’: 2255560.9300000002},
 ‘OPTIMA [TIMA]’: {‘effRating’: 4816.7200000000003,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1238.3599999999999,
                   ‘gameWin’: 581.42999999999995,
                   ‘karma’: 16139.709999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 8883.0699999999997,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 515473467.43000001,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 2508.3600000000001,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 174885996.06,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 31434355.399999999,
                   ‘totalKill’: 2261.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1642.23,
                   ‘uid’: 1698715.21},
 ‘Odins Law [Odins]’: {‘effRating’: 4357.0500000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 727.11000000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 345.94,
                       ‘karma’: 8166.4200000000001,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 4489.54,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 297213433.24000001,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1644.1900000000001,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 97166753.969999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 16743153.539999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1541.9200000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 777.83000000000004,
                       ‘uid’: 2128560.8799999999},
 ‘Omega Strike Force [OSF]’: {‘effRating’: 4101.0100000000002,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 724.22000000000003,
                              ‘gameWin’: 343.72000000000003,
                              ‘karma’: 15590.83,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 4222.8299999999999,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 289480825.67000002,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1761.5599999999999,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 87482013.260000005,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 13104532.460000001,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1681.1700000000001,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 824.90999999999997,
                              ‘uid’: 1952699.8300000001},
 ‘One Person Army [OPA]’: {‘effRating’: 4347.3999999999996,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 845.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 389.0,
                           ‘karma’: 214.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0600000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 4007.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 340931312.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1681.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 69716044.329999998,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 2434384.2000000002,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1342.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 227.90000000000001,
                           ‘uid’: 417529.0},
 ‘OneShotEnDeuxCoups []’: {‘effRating’: 2571.1500000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 617.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 361.0,
                           ‘karma’: 2345.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 2862.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 269808007.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1402.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 69089183.280000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 5384314.2999999998,
                           ‘totalKill’: 3251.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2605640.0},
 ‘Only the Best [OTB]’: {‘effRating’: 5605.1300000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1768.47,
                         ‘gameWin’: 833.24000000000001,
                         ‘karma’: 21363.290000000001,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 11581.59,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 739964535.47000003,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 3844.1799999999998,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 351242460.44,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 41567129.509999998,
                         ‘totalKill’: 4458.29,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3542.2800000000002,
                         ‘uid’: 1421807.4099999999},
 ‘Oracles Bartle []’: {‘effRating’: 6708.6300000000001,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 2584.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1336.0,
                       ‘karma’: 11379.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.93999999999999995,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 17976.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1016004595.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 5530.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 502643150.82999998,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 28280368.07,
                       ‘totalKill’: 6277.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16780.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1921050.0},
 ‘Orden Tamplier OT [OTr]’: {‘effRating’: 3978.3000000000002,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 4380.6700000000001,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1978.3299999999999,
                             ‘karma’: 3127.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 34615.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 2000570288.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 8280.6700000000001,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 386900644.45999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 180236421.44,
                             ‘totalKill’: 6722.3299999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 31372.360000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 786564.0},
 ‘Osiris Inc [OSR]’: {‘effRating’: 2087.0,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 141.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 71.0,
                      ‘karma’: 262.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 961.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 47416616.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 304.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 8749391.0099999998,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 175978.79000000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 413.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                      ‘uid’: 1101379.0},
 ‘Other Side [uHbIE]’: {‘effRating’: 5448.1700000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 2890.3400000000001,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1431.5799999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 21913.619999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.71999999999999997,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 20315.66,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1234658721.5899999,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 6177.7399999999998,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 485307416.00999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 72841653.569999993,
                        ‘totalKill’: 6899.9200000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12248.67,
                        ‘uid’: 1495828.5800000001},
 ‘Overlord Coalition [Lords]’: {‘effRating’: 1232.3499999999999,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 11.5,
                                ‘gameWin’: 5.5,
                                ‘karma’: 130.5,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 50.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 3415066.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 23.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 940955.48999999999,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 90251.710000000006,
                                ‘totalKill’: 41.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                ‘uid’: 1845109.0},
 ‘Overlord Sanctum [LAIR]’: {‘effRating’: 3276.5300000000002,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 246.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 187.0,
                             ‘karma’: 92.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 1383.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 82169475.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 408.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 33820964.630000003,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 1277252.3700000001,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1986.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                             ‘uid’: 1669680.0},
 ‘Owl Initiative [OWL]’: {‘effRating’: 6244.1000000000004,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 4979.6999999999998,
                          ‘gameWin’: 2790.04,
                          ‘karma’: 30822.93,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.05,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 36752.800000000003,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 2175667900.6799998,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 9266.7700000000004,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 924221012.87,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 144568394.90000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 17851.139999999999,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25331.91,
                          ‘uid’: 995325.33999999997},
 ‘PAHAROS [PHS]’: {‘effRating’: 6128.5799999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 10919.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 5116.0,
                   ‘karma’: 42335.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.4299999999999999,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 67826.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 4747942587.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 20455.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 1532302242.8499999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 375396697.67000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 17753.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 46605.959999999999,
                   ‘uid’: 258250.0},
 ‘PIRAT []’: {‘effRating’: 3098.46,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 715.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 329.0,
              ‘karma’: 5756.0,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
              ‘totalAssists’: 5959.0,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 249158919.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 1254.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 82119042.349999994,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 16650888.060000001,
              ‘totalKill’: 1445.0,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
              ‘uid’: 2852400.0},
 ‘PIRATbI [PlRAT]’: {‘effRating’: 4283.5699999999997,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1899.6300000000001,
                     ‘gameWin’: 922.66999999999996,
                     ‘karma’: 14839.48,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 12520.67,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 789148666.44000006,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4799.3699999999999,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 244688875.55000001,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 42743923.939999998,
                     ‘totalKill’: 3772.1500000000001,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5101.4099999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1880590.52},
 ‘PL Space Academy [PLAS]’: {‘effRating’: 4251.8800000000001,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 200.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 93.0,
                             ‘karma’: 659.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 2193.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 101770681.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 521.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 20910753.66,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 2558208.8999999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 209.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 40.950000000000003,
                             ‘uid’: 2194774.0},
 ‘POLTERGEIST [Geist]’: {‘effRating’: 6119.9899999999998,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 4369.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 2033.0,
                         ‘karma’: 13071.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1200000000000001,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 28587.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 1916036023.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 9051.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 635595040.44000006,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 129705544.37,
                         ‘totalKill’: 6557.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16082.799999999999,
                         ‘uid’: 1418215.0},
 ‘ParadoX [PDX]’: {‘effRating’: 6457.3400000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2765.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1476.2,
                   ‘karma’: 15846.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.04,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 18735.599999999999,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1215856249.2,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 5365.1999999999998,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 363741622.87,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 50060622.0,
                   ‘totalKill’: 7576.6000000000004,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 21942.060000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 729892.0},
 ‘Pepper [Demon]’: {‘effRating’: 951.39999999999998,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 20.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 10.0,
                    ‘karma’: 21.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.029999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 104.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 7110277.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 51.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 1036311.79,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 156214.25,
                    ‘totalKill’: 59.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                    ‘uid’: 1724021.0},
 ‘Phantom []’: {‘effRating’: 4695.9399999999996,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 1303.78,
                ‘gameWin’: 606.0,
                ‘karma’: 27600.330000000002,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                ‘totalAssists’: 8672.4400000000005,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 527956437.11000001,
                ‘totalDeath’: 3142.2199999999998,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 152084522.81,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 23895067.129999999,
                ‘totalKill’: 2279.7800000000002,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1340.6600000000001,
                ‘uid’: 1464957.78},
 ‘Phoenix Corps []’: {‘effRating’: 2708.4699999999998,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 293.32999999999998,
                      ‘gameWin’: 144.0,
                      ‘karma’: -1032.6700000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 1759.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 101932646.33,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 690.33000000000004,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 26140014.379999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 6413223.7300000004,
                      ‘totalKill’: 580.66999999999996,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                      ‘uid’: 1952972.0},
 ‘Pilum murialis []’: {‘effRating’: 3108.3000000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 406.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 196.40000000000001,
                       ‘karma’: 34584.599999999999,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2762.5999999999999,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 164663088.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 959.79999999999995,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 65184574.649999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 6947679.0,
                       ‘totalKill’: 873.60000000000002,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 167.62,
                       ‘uid’: 2463752.2000000002},
 ‘Pirates [Pirat]’: {‘effRating’: 5554.6599999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 6722.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 3424.29,
                     ‘karma’: -66848.289999999994,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 41306.290000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2866033832.4299998,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 14769.290000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 1069968411.63,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 142842838.50999999,
                     ‘totalKill’: 22962.43,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 36543.839999999997,
                     ‘uid’: 1102655.4299999999},
 ‘Planet Earth [Earth]’: {‘effRating’: 5164.21,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1827.8,
                          ‘gameWin’: 823.0,
                          ‘karma’: 27416.470000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 10772.27,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 787772757.73000002,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 4971.9300000000003,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 249912341.53999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 29089261.440000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3083.73,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4195.3000000000002,
                          ‘uid’: 1688795.8700000001},
 ‘Planetary Dynamics [PlDyn]’: {‘effRating’: 4633.5500000000002,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 1930.6199999999999,
                                ‘gameWin’: 910.0,
                                ‘karma’: 34679.5,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 11561.879999999999,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 807782423.88,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 4970.5,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 200288982.06999999,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 24957980.539999999,
                                ‘totalKill’: 2929.3800000000001,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7256.7600000000002,
                                ‘uid’: 1384809.1200000001},
 ‘Plutarch [PLU]’: {‘effRating’: 6095.8800000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1548.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 662.0,
                    ‘karma’: 13630.5,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 6870.5,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 661168663.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 3679.5,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 109377064.05,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 14850574.140000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 2768.5,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2908.3600000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 461814.5},
 ‘Polish Hunters [POL]’: {‘effRating’: 4863.2600000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1727.25,
                          ‘gameWin’: 847.59000000000003,
                          ‘karma’: 20079.220000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 11502.49,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 725747405.64999998,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 3657.3299999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 275189540.38999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 46582855.32,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4162.4099999999999,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6351.3299999999999,
                          ‘uid’: 1831398.3899999999},
 ‘Polite People [PP]’: {‘effRating’: 6939.5799999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 6743.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 3474.0,
                        ‘karma’: 70995.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 61898.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 2958880369.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 10368.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 1237644795.3599999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 253247373.59999999,
                        ‘totalKill’: 17076.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10367.52,
                        ‘uid’: 1101387.0},
 ‘Praetorian Guard [11X]’: {‘effRating’: 2909.6199999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 345.80000000000001,
                            ‘gameWin’: 181.0,
                            ‘karma’: 11817.6,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 2088.5999999999999,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 147195701.40000001,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 670.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 61812493.270000003,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 6228210.21,
                            ‘totalKill’: 871.39999999999998,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 309.76999999999998,
                            ‘uid’: 2467557.3999999999},
 ‘Precision []’: {‘effRating’: 500.0,
                  ‘karma’: 701.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                  ‘uid’: 2223603.0},
 ‘Protect Ultim Dark [PUD]’: {‘effRating’: 1386.52,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 250.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 118.0,
                              ‘karma’: 16.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 1204.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 91893513.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 569.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 18508394.140000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 260278.75,
                              ‘totalKill’: 783.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                              ‘uid’: 1466652.0},
 ‘Proximus Corvus [PC]’: {‘effRating’: 1529.75,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 354.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 184.0,
                          ‘karma’: 576.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2364.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 130572878.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 666.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 30775677.27,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 1545775.3200000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1656.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 768752.0},
 ‘Pycckue [Pyc]’: {‘effRating’: 4573.5699999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2172.6700000000001,
                   ‘gameWin’: 999.20000000000005,
                   ‘karma’: 10873.129999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 13009.07,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 867837663.13,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 5363.8000000000002,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 277890476.44999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 34273907.409999996,
                   ‘totalKill’: 3663.5999999999999,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4681.2700000000004,
                   ‘uid’: 1954777.3999999999},
 ‘PyroCode []’: {‘effRating’: 527.89999999999998,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 3.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1.0,
                 ‘karma’: 104.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 10.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 836228.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 5.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 62638.230000000003,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 18627.049999999999,
                 ‘totalKill’: 1.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                 ‘uid’: 2352835.0},
 ‘RAKI [PAK]’: {‘effRating’: 5893.8199999999997,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 3200.75,
                ‘gameWin’: 1750.75,
                ‘karma’: 36126.5,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.72999999999999998,
                ‘totalAssists’: 25330.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 1378465606.75,
                ‘totalDeath’: 6138.25,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 527501732.20999998,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 90213104.840000004,
                ‘totalKill’: 8247.25,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8753.6200000000008,
                ‘uid’: 1568090.75},
 ‘RAZORS [RZ]’: {‘effRating’: 4686.0600000000004,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1897.1099999999999,
                 ‘gameWin’: 917.55999999999995,
                 ‘karma’: 22796.779999999999,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 12758.33,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 783377947.11000001,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 4164.1099999999997,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 373060332.36000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 66841894.469999999,
                 ‘totalKill’: 5630.5600000000004,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3147.6999999999998,
                 ‘uid’: 2029159.78},
 ‘RED SCORPIONS [Skorp]’: {‘effRating’: 5623.04,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 3657.5,
                           ‘gameWin’: 1747.0,
                           ‘karma’: 12216.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 26278.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 1683517347.25,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 8529.25,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 564076781.38999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 124694302.17,
                           ‘totalKill’: 7339.5,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12789.51,
                           ‘uid’: 1967719.25},
 ‘RED Star [RDS]’: {‘effRating’: 3793.2399999999998,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1351.77,
                    ‘gameWin’: 667.74000000000001,
                    ‘karma’: 8075.3599999999997,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 9782.9699999999993,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 559464353.74000001,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 2845.3800000000001,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 206073996.47,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 22687544.82,
                    ‘totalKill’: 3042.6199999999999,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1961.6199999999999,
                    ‘uid’: 2172494.0800000001},
 ‘RED Stars [xRDSx]’: {‘effRating’: 4890.9700000000003,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1754.8399999999999,
                       ‘gameWin’: 880.44000000000005,
                       ‘karma’: 17846.939999999999,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 12733.65,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 745572126.74000001,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 3610.9000000000001,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 298349461.67000002,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 40607127.759999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 4456.5,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6621.0699999999997,
                       ‘uid’: 1693375.6299999999},
 ‘RED WINGS [RW]’: {‘effRating’: 5065.1599999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 2420.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 1226.5,
                    ‘karma’: 32554.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.95999999999999996,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 17480.5,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 971314692.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 5606.5,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 300396725.69,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 58429897.689999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 4551.5,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 13031.65,
                    ‘uid’: 1853262.0},
 ‘REGION [REG]’: {‘effRating’: 4574.3800000000001,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 1322.76,
                  ‘gameWin’: 616.63999999999999,
                  ‘karma’: 13915.6,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 8407.4799999999996,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 548259409.86000001,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 3173.54,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 175684437.34999999,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 27880782.59,
                  ‘totalKill’: 2468.0599999999999,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3079.21,
                  ‘uid’: 1703352.4399999999},
 ‘RISE [RISE]’: {‘effRating’: 6611.5500000000002,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 7476.3299999999999,
                 ‘gameWin’: 3758.0,
                 ‘karma’: 4534.3299999999999,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.4099999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 51973.330000000002,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 3295753576.6700001,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 11852.33,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 1048547979.33,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 136455292.19999999,
                 ‘totalKill’: 20201.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 48908.010000000002,
                 ‘uid’: 38781.330000000002},
 ‘ROADHOUSE [BRUH]’: {‘effRating’: 3329.4499999999998,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 672.94000000000005,
                      ‘gameWin’: 356.10000000000002,
                      ‘karma’: 1359.9000000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 4593.3500000000004,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 277313030.23000002,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1453.45,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 105132778.47,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 20040094.719999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1536.3199999999999,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 815.20000000000005,
                      ‘uid’: 2180758.9399999999},
 ‘RT DFW []’: {‘effRating’: 1390.29,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 83.670000000000002,
               ‘gameWin’: 39.0,
               ‘karma’: 1193.3299999999999,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
               ‘totalAssists’: 302.32999999999998,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 22449189.670000002,
               ‘totalDeath’: 168.33000000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 4024060.1099999999,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 417287.96999999997,
               ‘totalKill’: 177.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
               ‘uid’: 2504988.6699999999},
 ‘RUSH [RUSH]’: {‘effRating’: 3680.5100000000002,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 894.62,
                 ‘gameWin’: 415.45999999999998,
                 ‘karma’: 6113.46,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 5885.6199999999999,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 348326371.23000002,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 2027.23,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 113697160.01000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 10742654.99,
                 ‘totalKill’: 1765.46,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1300.75,
                 ‘uid’: 2225475.9199999999},
 ‘RVKS []’: {‘effRating’: 3583.04,
             ‘gamePlayed’: 1135.0,
             ‘gameWin’: 552.0,
             ‘karma’: 2357.0,
             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.67000000000000004,
             ‘totalAssists’: 8134.0,
             ‘totalBattleTime’: 453570145.0,
             ‘totalDeath’: 3338.0,
             ‘totalDmgDone’: 83485421.620000005,
             ‘totalHealingDone’: 23123875.399999999,
             ‘totalKill’: 1087.0,
             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 122.31,
             ‘uid’: 2278110.0},
 ‘RadiX [RadiX]’: {‘effRating’: 6047.8199999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 5877.9399999999996,
                   ‘gameWin’: 3145.3899999999999,
                   ‘karma’: 18953.060000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 41866.610000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 2512899391.1700001,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 12908.719999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 894247483.45000005,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 120839730.37,
                   ‘totalKill’: 14931.059999999999,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14403.32,
                   ‘uid’: 1234647.3300000001},
 ‘Rage [R4ge]’: {‘effRating’: 5078.0100000000002,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2644.5,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1361.0,
                 ‘karma’: 45209.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1899999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 19788.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1185142193.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 7087.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 553791379.42999995,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 71883361.810000002,
                 ‘totalKill’: 8684.5,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16601.43,
                 ‘uid’: 1049344.0},
 ‘Rage and Terror [RAT]’: {‘effRating’: 5849.1499999999996,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1196.5,
                           ‘gameWin’: 581.0,
                           ‘karma’: 2675.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 6965.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 524005389.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 2547.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 115552594.11,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 16942428.050000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2617.5,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3625.27,
                           ‘uid’: 351501.5},
 ‘Rangers []’: {‘effRating’: 3409.54,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 332.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 181.0,
                ‘karma’: 2302.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                ‘totalAssists’: 2946.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 147222216.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 550.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 48832961.270000003,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 25808403.190000001,
                ‘totalKill’: 1010.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                ‘uid’: 208491.0},
 ‘Raptors []’: {‘effRating’: 1113.9000000000001,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 21.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 9.0,
                ‘karma’: -8.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                ‘totalAssists’: 95.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 9334871.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 54.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 2650110.0499999998,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 350827.09000000003,
                ‘totalKill’: 40.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                ‘uid’: 2739169.0},
 ‘Rattenfaenger [RvH]’: {‘effRating’: 4073.9299999999998,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 124.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 71.0,
                         ‘karma’: 401.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0700000000000001,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1056.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 52934958.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 395.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 24157040.579999998,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 4376959.6799999997,
                         ‘totalKill’: 339.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 1169123.0},
 ‘Ravens Shadow [RvSh]’: {‘effRating’: 3540.4000000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 578.58000000000004,
                          ‘gameWin’: 283.68000000000001,
                          ‘karma’: 2297.5799999999999,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 3645.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 220125658.78999999,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 1118.3699999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 61191046.689999998,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 8251379.5300000003,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1439.95,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 577.54999999999995,
                          ‘uid’: 1966155.21},
 ‘Ray of death [Ray]’: {‘effRating’: 6142.8500000000004,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 4655.46,
                        ‘gameWin’: 2284.3200000000002,
                        ‘karma’: 31414.299999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.92000000000000004,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 32980.68,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1977050407.95,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 9901.2700000000004,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 803253854.36000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 112217320.72,
                        ‘totalKill’: 12301.76,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17077.93,
                        ‘uid’: 1382559.1100000001},
 ‘Recios Apatridas []’: {‘effRating’: 4252.8999999999996,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 124.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 46.0,
                         ‘karma’: 480.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 410.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 49056709.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 306.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 7774380.5899999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 1874082.79,
                         ‘totalKill’: 175.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 404161.0},
 ‘Red Dragon [xReDx]’: {‘effRating’: 4638.0799999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1418.6700000000001,
                        ‘gameWin’: 676.48000000000002,
                        ‘karma’: 19575.779999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 9555.7099999999991,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 585019088.72000003,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 3296.5999999999999,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 210950966.53999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 32394527.940000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 2874.6100000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3616.3899999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 2018128.0},
 ‘Red Fives []’: {‘effRating’: 2783.8400000000001,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 118.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 41.0,
                  ‘karma’: 456.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 405.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 42529713.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 459.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 5440216.1600000001,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 257720.07000000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 52.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 26.32,
                  ‘uid’: 1697794.0},
 ‘Red Star Rising [RSR]’: {‘effRating’: 3414.0799999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 99.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 52.0,
                           ‘karma’: 706.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 972.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 36709718.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 252.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 11259128.300000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 3818281.8399999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 308.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12.51,
                           ‘uid’: 1262071.0},
 ‘Red Sun Empire [RSE]’: {‘effRating’: 2862.9400000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 882.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 385.0,
                          ‘karma’: 14842.120000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 5224.1199999999999,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 377261548.75,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2142.1199999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 133745083.69,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 22238687.75,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1640.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2468.2199999999998,
                          ‘uid’: 1232199.5},
 ‘Red Tails [RT]’: {‘effRating’: 5737.6700000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 455.32999999999998,
                    ‘gameWin’: 244.66999999999999,
                    ‘karma’: 60333.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.60999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 3364.3299999999999,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 203694432.66999999,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 939.33000000000004,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 128170143.77,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 15960579.109999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1137.6700000000001,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 282.87,
                    ‘uid’: 2491984.0},
 ‘RedAcidDemonAssualt [RADA]’: {‘effRating’: 3902.27,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 2667.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 1162.0,
                                ‘karma’: 1835.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 8907.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 1094643619.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 7061.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 114819815.54000001,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 8121267.5,
                                ‘totalKill’: 2609.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2556.6300000000001,
                                ‘uid’: 466133.0},
 ‘Requiem of eternity []’: {‘effRating’: 4630.0299999999997,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 691.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 312.25,
                            ‘karma’: 4052.75,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 4802.6199999999999,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 269585140.88,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1638.8800000000001,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 82994658.579999998,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 15509996.640000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1104.6199999999999,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 164.28999999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 2329198.75},
 ‘Revens Kronos [RvNs]’: {‘effRating’: 4532.6400000000003,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1897.9400000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 917.28999999999996,
                          ‘karma’: 19774.150000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 13683.469999999999,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 776398019.82000005,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 4172.8800000000001,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 274133796.06999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 45213600.450000003,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4168.8800000000001,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3534.3400000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1856548.6499999999},
 ‘Revolt of the VIRUS [VIRUS]’: {‘effRating’: 5200.9499999999998,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2450.73,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 1167.7,
                                 ‘karma’: 23727.619999999999,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 16548.970000000001,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1055335098.84,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 5758.6800000000003,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 336688188.38999999,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 50762838.009999998,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 4835.0799999999999,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8306.8500000000004,
                                 ‘uid’: 1593893.78},
 ‘Rider of Apocalypse [RoA]’: {‘effRating’: 4635.6400000000003,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 3834.54,
                               ‘gameWin’: 2084.0799999999999,
                               ‘karma’: 8656.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 27743.919999999998,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1637496437.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 5403.1499999999996,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 548016606.45000005,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 88553764.560000002,
                               ‘totalKill’: 14963.309999999999,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15243.76,
                               ‘uid’: 1593406.0800000001},
 ‘Rift [RIFT]’: {‘effRating’: 6390.0600000000004,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1552.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 734.0,
                 ‘karma’: 5822.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 6217.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 654029293.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 3708.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 219847813.0,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 21632731.870000001,
                 ‘totalKill’: 2841.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4831.6999999999998,
                 ‘uid’: 307758.0},
 ‘RightFighterGermany [RFG]’: {‘effRating’: 3001.2199999999998,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 51.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 24.5,
                               ‘karma’: 887.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 414.5,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 19998310.5,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 91.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 6629036.0499999998,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 251061.39000000001,
                               ‘totalKill’: 186.5,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 22.899999999999999,
                               ‘uid’: 2145120.0},
 ‘Rise Of Abyss [xROAx]’: {‘effRating’: 4828.1899999999996,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1705.77,
                           ‘gameWin’: 823.88,
                           ‘karma’: 31426.810000000001,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 14113.15,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 727537095.73000002,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 3161.96,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 288539829.62,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 42614117.310000002,
                           ‘totalKill’: 4810.96,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2251.9099999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 2208897.8799999999},
 ‘Rising Empire []’: {‘effRating’: 6109.0200000000004,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 2990.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 1416.0,
                      ‘karma’: 72603.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.21,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 19723.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1315572735.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 8640.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 423719535.19999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 77479071.049999997,
                      ‘totalKill’: 7735.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14043.74,
                      ‘uid’: 862456.0},
 ‘Road To Olympus []’: {‘effRating’: 2475.46,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 535.66999999999996,
                        ‘gameWin’: 245.66999999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 1668.3299999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 3200.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 193998106.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1290.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 53804558.909999996,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 5269478.4699999997,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1151.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14.0,
                        ‘uid’: 1860709.0},
 ‘Rofin Kofin [RK]’: {‘effRating’: 2190.1599999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 176.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 91.0,
                      ‘karma’: 167.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 1445.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 67226652.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 356.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 12440424.9,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 2150675.71,
                      ‘totalKill’: 313.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                      ‘uid’: 2321273.0},
 ‘Romania []’: {‘effRating’: 2052.0500000000002,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 105.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 55.0,
                ‘karma’: 14.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                ‘totalAssists’: 791.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 44259732.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 249.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 16348863.720000001,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 28334.139999999999,
                ‘totalKill’: 350.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                ‘uid’: 2790650.0},
 ‘Romanian Air Force []’: {‘effRating’: 3675.1700000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 159.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 75.0,
                           ‘karma’: 781.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 959.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 67453680.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 492.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 15445440.800000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 735934.03000000003,
                           ‘totalKill’: 429.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 129.34999999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1112398.0},
 ‘Romanian Legion [RO]’: {‘effRating’: 5444.6999999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2962.1700000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1487.3499999999999,
                          ‘karma’: 31637.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 22042.52,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 1265550780.3900001,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 5662.7799999999997,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 586165285.20000005,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 82305437.590000004,
                          ‘totalKill’: 7917.3900000000003,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12548.620000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1933896.0900000001},
 ‘Ronnin Star Empire []’: {‘effRating’: 3768.6900000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 97.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 53.0,
                           ‘karma’: 8921.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 348.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 36006640.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 198.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 8778355.9000000004,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 311609.34000000003,
                           ‘totalKill’: 162.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 1536598.0},
 ‘Rovers [Rover]’: {‘effRating’: 3957.77,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1051.2,
                    ‘gameWin’: 511.80000000000001,
                    ‘karma’: 30755.400000000001,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 6731.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 439988400.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 2259.8000000000002,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 158947284.06999999,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 33093982.460000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1871.4000000000001,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1828.0699999999999,
                    ‘uid’: 1373976.3999999999},
 ‘Royal Air Force []’: {‘effRating’: 2144.5500000000002,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 589.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 275.0,
                        ‘karma’: 145.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 2571.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 208277468.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1165.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 32342448.390000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 2054585.78,
                        ‘totalKill’: 938.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 1063045.0},
 ‘Rules under Motion [RUM]’: {‘effRating’: 3218.1199999999999,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 356.25,
                              ‘gameWin’: 141.5,
                              ‘karma’: 50892.25,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3400000000000001,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 1562.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 148442905.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 838.75,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 37676891.640000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 3723126.27,
                              ‘totalKill’: 368.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 65.989999999999995,
                              ‘uid’: 2210833.0},
 ‘RussiaCosmosWar [RCW]’: {‘effRating’: 3235.0799999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 219.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 118.0,
                           ‘karma’: 2156.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 1382.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 72623003.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 387.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 22296107.399999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 4217979.21,
                           ‘totalKill’: 499.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2830776.0},
 ‘Russian Federation [TheRF]’: {‘effRating’: 5709.4200000000001,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 3795.79,
                                ‘gameWin’: 1953.74,
                                ‘karma’: 21.629999999999999,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 27726.580000000002,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 1593469529.47,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 7789.21,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 575550018.16999996,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 53805065.689999998,
                                ‘totalKill’: 10019.68,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14898.0,
                                ‘uid’: 1739727.3200000001},
 ‘Russian imperium [xRIx]’: {‘effRating’: 4642.1599999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1011.22,
                             ‘gameWin’: 465.57999999999998,
                             ‘karma’: 15449.799999999999,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 6731.6400000000003,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 412857952.69,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 2468.4000000000001,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 151553240.22,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 19127749.190000001,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1761.4000000000001,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2770.6900000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 1907630.5600000001},
 ‘RussianBears [SOBR]’: {‘effRating’: 5538.7200000000003,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 2624.71,
                         ‘gameWin’: 1262.6199999999999,
                         ‘karma’: 38924.589999999997,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 17478.650000000001,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 1144324114.29,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 6205.4700000000003,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 442466608.87,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 66229919.640000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 6064.1800000000003,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16293.030000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 1565645.6499999999},
 ‘RustyDragons [RD1]’: {‘effRating’: 2960.6500000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1084.5999999999999,
                        ‘gameWin’: 516.39999999999998,
                        ‘karma’: 2152.8000000000002,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 6347.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 427570897.39999998,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 2693.5999999999999,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 116592810.14,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 11872712.050000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 2499.1999999999998,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1518.6800000000001,
                        ‘uid’: 971004.80000000005},
 ‘S E Asia Squad [SEA]’: {‘effRating’: 4111.1300000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1135.46,
                          ‘gameWin’: 540.62,
                          ‘karma’: 5166.3100000000004,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 7699.9200000000001,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 470213181.85000002,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2223.6199999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 183236583.97999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 34615394.109999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 2699.6900000000001,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1636.9100000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1886814.23},
 ‘SA smiters [SMC]’: {‘effRating’: 5083.9300000000003,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 826.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 398.0,
                      ‘karma’: 1554.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 3888.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 353084680.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 2215.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 67189084.599999994,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 6389406.71,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1988.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1729.49,
                      ‘uid’: 623332.0},
 ‘SALLE GOSSE [SG]’: {‘effRating’: 4205.0500000000002,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 501.67000000000002,
                      ‘gameWin’: 246.66999999999999,
                      ‘karma’: 54027.330000000002,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.04,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 3635.6700000000001,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 212123167.66999999,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1345.6700000000001,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 82599563.5,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 6643357.5800000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1811.6700000000001,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 449.82999999999998,
                      ‘uid’: 1322644.0},
 ‘SALT [SALT]’: {‘effRating’: 3967.8800000000001,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1755.3299999999999,
                 ‘gameWin’: 937.33000000000004,
                 ‘karma’: 15258.33,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 12968.67,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 762361638.33000004,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 3927.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 313132979.10000002,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 39986142.340000004,
                 ‘totalKill’: 5899.3299999999999,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16421.209999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 931155.67000000004},
 ‘SAMOURAI [SAM]’: {‘effRating’: 4613.3100000000004,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1277.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 764.0,
                    ‘karma’: 87988.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.24,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 10241.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 441955722.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1280.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 158770986.84,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 21883340.620000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 4796.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 211.30000000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 2151604.0},
 ‘SAMUR [SAMUR]’: {‘effRating’: 3439.5999999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 725.66999999999996,
                   ‘gameWin’: 359.26999999999998,
                   ‘karma’: 4331.1300000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.25,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 5000.7299999999996,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 283023280.39999998,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 1498.6700000000001,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 84069617.920000002,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 16031666.810000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 1253.2,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 477.85000000000002,
                   ‘uid’: 2196589.8700000001},
 ‘SARS [SARS]’: {‘effRating’: 3186.04,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 151.5,
                 ‘gameWin’: 83.5,
                 ‘karma’: 1133.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 1036.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 53782652.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 297.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 16085578.359999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 5718741.3600000003,
                 ‘totalKill’: 422.5,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 23.370000000000001,
                 ‘uid’: 2371305.0},
 ‘SC Fun Corporation [SCFC]’: {‘effRating’: 6889.4899999999998,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 3520.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 2021.0,
                               ‘karma’: 1964.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.9199999999999999,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 29127.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1624591665.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 5088.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 254441662.62,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 107351844.86,
                               ‘totalKill’: 12512.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15068.74,
                               ‘uid’: 362.0},
 ‘SCL []’: {‘karma’: -10.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
            ‘uid’: 2779257.0},
 ‘SCORPIONS [SC0RP]’: {‘effRating’: 5011.8500000000004,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 2145.9499999999998,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1034.8699999999999,
                       ‘karma’: 22024.82,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 14548.879999999999,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 899019549.03999996,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 4668.9099999999999,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 316197809.37,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 54478113.259999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 4497.0500000000002,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10275.82,
                       ‘uid’: 1654798.8500000001},
 ‘SDF Macross [SDF]’: {‘effRating’: 1768.4300000000001,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 619.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 290.0,
                       ‘karma’: 0.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 1942.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 247138965.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1185.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 36655277.119999997,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 4688211.6299999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1239.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 145.50999999999999,
                       ‘uid’: 732206.0},
 ‘SFERA [SFERA]’: {‘effRating’: 4984.8800000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1180.1199999999999,
                   ‘gameWin’: 565.25,
                   ‘karma’: 11529.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 7196.8800000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 485575287.5,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 2849.1199999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 103841764.84,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 19116940.07,
                   ‘totalKill’: 1875.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2534.4400000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 1417868.25},
 ‘SIGMA [SIGMA]’: {‘effRating’: 4718.0100000000002,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1371.25,
                   ‘gameWin’: 662.0,
                   ‘karma’: 15333.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 9068.6700000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 564008437.83000004,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3282.4200000000001,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 174915231.22,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 24143976.629999999,
                   ‘totalKill’: 3256.0799999999999,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3799.2399999999998,
                   ‘uid’: 1814241.5},
 ‘SIRIUS II [SR2]’: {‘effRating’: 5730.54,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2134.46,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1005.54,
                     ‘karma’: -16727.310000000001,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 13109.459999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 874459073.76999998,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4897.54,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 233758300.25,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 40411110.75,
                     ‘totalKill’: 5028.3100000000004,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3806.2800000000002,
                     ‘uid’: 1056048.23},
 ‘SIRIUS [SRS]’: {‘effRating’: 6860.3000000000002,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 8285.3700000000008,
                  ‘gameWin’: 4492.4799999999996,
                  ‘karma’: 14839.940000000001,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.24,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 58536.720000000001,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 3666891191.4299998,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 16686.07,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 1540054615.6700001,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 225175819.87,
                  ‘totalKill’: 26267.02,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 82597.139999999999,
                  ‘uid’: 1173828.6299999999},
 ‘SKY ETHEREAL [ETHER]’: {‘effRating’: 5198.5,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2296.77,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1122.99,
                          ‘karma’: 17829.360000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 16994.369999999999,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 964190612.74000001,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 4559.7299999999996,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 390737029.10000002,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 66668672.960000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4786.5699999999997,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14091.6,
                          ‘uid’: 1800039.6799999999},
 ‘SKY []’: {‘effRating’: 5925.5900000000001,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 1334.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 709.0,
            ‘karma’: 5519.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
            ‘totalAssists’: 9078.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 516090253.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 2477.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 149824702.37,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 13356998.119999999,
            ‘totalKill’: 3826.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 78.209999999999994,
            ‘uid’: 1110397.0},
 ‘SLOVAKIA [SVK]’: {‘effRating’: 1540.52,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 17.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 10.0,
                    ‘karma’: 0.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 114.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 7273752.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 34.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 2039859.25,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 53535.239999999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 73.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                    ‘uid’: 2162497.0},
 ‘SMILE [Smile]’: {‘effRating’: 5746.1899999999996,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2894.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1376.0,
                   ‘karma’: 0.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 15010.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1272879433.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 8679.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 254037604.47,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 80801375.650000006,
                   ‘totalKill’: 2341.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5234.0,
                   ‘uid’: 988836.0},
 ‘SNRG corporation [SNRG]’: {‘effRating’: 4344.6999999999998,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1242.1199999999999,
                             ‘gameWin’: 574.30999999999995,
                             ‘karma’: 10510.41,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 7754.0900000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 510349294.11000001,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 2923.4200000000001,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 140386120.96000001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 22481230.75,
                             ‘totalKill’: 2071.98,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2406.4899999999998,
                             ‘uid’: 1801195.05},
 ‘SOLACE [SLC]’: {‘effRating’: 5642.8900000000003,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 2344.1999999999998,
                  ‘gameWin’: 1072.4000000000001,
                  ‘karma’: 6801.1999999999998,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 11377.4,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 939301654.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 5545.3999999999996,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 285577151.06,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 23453911.879999999,
                  ‘totalKill’: 4128.8000000000002,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7853.9700000000003,
                  ‘uid’: 1885324.3999999999},
 ‘SOLO [UNO]’: {‘effRating’: 6866.6899999999996,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 3070.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 1363.0,
                ‘karma’: 138361.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.8600000000000001,
                ‘totalAssists’: 34354.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 1222986981.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 6709.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 508409624.33999997,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 34434659.890000001,
                ‘totalKill’: 4593.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 28091.07,
                ‘uid’: 2272362.0},
 ‘SOUTH FRONT []’: {‘effRating’: 4911.3299999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 606.33000000000004,
                    ‘gameWin’: 321.0,
                    ‘karma’: 7457.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 4178.3299999999999,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 225964935.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1193.3299999999999,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 89793109.620000005,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 17642133.629999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1288.3299999999999,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 438.22000000000003,
                    ‘uid’: 1723916.0},
 ‘SPACE INQUISITION [SINQ]’: {‘effRating’: 3253.5900000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 491.55000000000001,
                              ‘gameWin’: 237.44999999999999,
                              ‘karma’: 5945.3599999999997,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.25,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3205.27,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 186477168.44999999,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1151.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 59404020.210000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 8810603.7200000007,
                              ‘totalKill’: 938.82000000000005,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 234.03999999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 2284106.9100000001},
 ‘SPACE KILLERS [SKILL]’: {‘effRating’: 3923.4699999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 594.66999999999996,
                           ‘gameWin’: 267.17000000000002,
                           ‘karma’: 6945.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 3861.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 238059092.33000001,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1545.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 92107465.590000004,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 7003010.3600000003,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1086.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 98.260000000000005,
                           ‘uid’: 2453933.3300000001},
 ‘SPACE PIRATE [nupam]’: {‘effRating’: 5186.9399999999996,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 3678.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1771.71,
                          ‘karma’: 25071.139999999999,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.93000000000000005,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 25268.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 1567140439.29,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 8514.5699999999997,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 550801556.30999994,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 80997029.409999996,
                          ‘totalKill’: 8431.4300000000003,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 13147.17,
                          ‘uid’: 753279.56999999995},
 ‘SPB [SPB]’: {‘effRating’: 4623.1700000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 2698.4000000000001,
               ‘gameWin’: 1265.5999999999999,
               ‘karma’: 14021.4,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
               ‘totalAssists’: 18643.299999999999,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1151229443.0999999,
               ‘totalDeath’: 6165.8999999999996,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 472769433.16000003,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 46459530.890000001,
               ‘totalKill’: 5692.5,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6022.1499999999996,
               ‘uid’: 1793291.1000000001},
 ‘SPM CORPORATION [SPM]’: {‘effRating’: 4749.6999999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1855.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 811.33000000000004,
                           ‘karma’: 298.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 10409.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 771098764.33000004,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 6278.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 157554524.13999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 10389977.710000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2674.3299999999999,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6077.25,
                           ‘uid’: 1319378.6699999999},
 ‘STAR SNAKES [STSN]’: {‘effRating’: 5549.3699999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 2374.5999999999999,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1148.8,
                        ‘karma’: 24198.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 16095.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 984840505.79999995,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 4938.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 357949085.55000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 44039300.020000003,
                        ‘totalKill’: 6273.6000000000004,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5664.2700000000004,
                        ‘uid’: 1069473.8},
 ‘STINGER S [RUMB]’: {‘effRating’: 4564.5100000000002,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 2847.1399999999999,
                      ‘gameWin’: 1332.29,
                      ‘karma’: 10217.709999999999,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 17792.709999999999,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1175819613.5,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 6954.6400000000003,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 407488635.18000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 50215007.490000002,
                      ‘totalKill’: 5184.9300000000003,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9980.3999999999996,
                      ‘uid’: 2024054.3600000001},
 ‘STOB [STOB]’: {‘effRating’: 1000.0,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1.0,
                 ‘karma’: 185.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 0.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 631195.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 2.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 50191.300000000003,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 1125.0,
                 ‘totalKill’: 5.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                 ‘uid’: 144649.0},
 'SUH PAY ': {‘effRating’: 4996.2700000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 1950.0,

‘gameWin’: 907.0,

‘karma’: 1022.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 8565.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 857537795.0,

‘totalDeath’: 6545.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 85456272.670000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 4855385.2400000002,

‘totalKill’: 1346.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2587.9200000000001,

‘uid’: 785066.0},

‘SUOMI PERKELE []’: {‘effRating’: 1503.8499999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 29.0,

‘gameWin’: 11.0,

‘karma’: 393.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 158.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 7829255.0,

‘totalDeath’: 70.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1597402.1599999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 39053.160000000003,

‘totalKill’: 53.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2431653.0},

‘SZERSZENIE PL [HORN]’: {‘effRating’: 5166.4399999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 2215.0,

‘gameWin’: 1116.0,

‘karma’: 13111.33,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,

‘totalAssists’: 15796.33,

‘totalBattleTime’: 921129027.33000004,

‘totalDeath’: 5382.6700000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 293900235.24000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 63456927.240000002,

‘totalKill’: 4785.6700000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7214.2700000000004,

‘uid’: 2157460.6699999999},

‘Sacrum Arius []’: {‘effRating’: 5988.1499999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 3579.0,

‘gameWin’: 1753.0,

‘karma’: 4104.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,

‘totalAssists’: 19769.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1494647413.0,

‘totalDeath’: 4477.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 522640160.81999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 35650363.219999999,

‘totalKill’: 12950.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2386.8600000000001,

‘uid’: 555427.0},

‘SahneSchnittenSnack []’: {‘effRating’: 3770.9099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 285.0,

‘gameWin’: 145.0,

‘karma’: -169.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,

‘totalAssists’: 2140.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 120959225.0,

‘totalDeath’: 939.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 31077475.649999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 3685814.6299999999,

‘totalKill’: 874.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1624643.0},

‘SappfireDiamant [SFD]’: {‘effRating’: 3882.3499999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 435.0,

‘gameWin’: 195.0,

‘karma’: 3332.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 2480.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 180822492.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1018.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 50970553.689999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 10082508.300000001,

‘totalKill’: 1205.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 129.0,

‘uid’: 694891.0},

‘Sapphire Division [SaDi]’: {‘effRating’: 5437.8999999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 2406.8899999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1134.55,

‘karma’: 33185.300000000003,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,

‘totalAssists’: 16503.810000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1010252738.29,

‘totalDeath’: 5669.9700000000003,

‘totalDmgDone’: 373329301.0,

‘totalHealingDone’: 51912522.07,

‘totalKill’: 4442.3999999999996,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5725.1899999999996,

‘uid’: 1706455.6799999999},

‘Scales Of Justice [SOJ]’: {‘effRating’: 3424.5700000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 555.75,

‘gameWin’: 248.25,

‘karma’: 4064.75,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 2262.25,

‘totalBattleTime’: 220989527.5,

‘totalDeath’: 1275.25,

‘totalDmgDone’: 43897525.25,

‘totalHealingDone’: 5883267.5999999996,

‘totalKill’: 697.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 206.08000000000001,

‘uid’: 1237415.0},

‘Scattered Eagles [SE]’: {‘effRating’: 4330.1099999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 1242.1900000000001,

‘gameWin’: 589.01999999999998,

‘karma’: 13894.02,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 8263.9599999999991,

‘totalBattleTime’: 517344463.19,

‘totalDeath’: 2991.96,

‘totalDmgDone’: 170338124.37,

‘totalHealingDone’: 23170939.879999999,

‘totalKill’: 2519.1700000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2554.2199999999998,

‘uid’: 1878840.4099999999},

‘SchattenderSchakale []’: {‘effRating’: 5161.5900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 1403.0,

‘gameWin’: 761.0,

‘karma’: 27586.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.53,

‘totalAssists’: 8249.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 557289634.0,

‘totalDeath’: 2651.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 200060985.78999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 29359617.010000002,

‘totalKill’: 5385.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 818.90999999999997,

‘uid’: 858956.0},

‘Schlachtschiffe []’: {‘effRating’: 2949.27,

‘gamePlayed’: 1182.0,

‘gameWin’: 551.0,

‘karma’: 1177.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,

‘totalAssists’: 6678.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 513552600.0,

‘totalDeath’: 2065.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 82133450.5,

‘totalHealingDone’: 7661201.5099999998,

‘totalKill’: 2969.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 980.45000000000005,

‘uid’: 749285.0},

‘Scorpion Knights [ScpKN]’: {‘effRating’: 3657.1500000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 458.22000000000003,

‘gameWin’: 213.02000000000001,

‘karma’: 12470.75,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 2696.8600000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 185574333.44999999,

‘totalDeath’: 1069.4300000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 58064783.200000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 8111531.1100000003,

‘totalKill’: 814.88,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 653.32000000000005,

‘uid’: 1940907.6899999999},

‘Self Med [SM420]’: {‘effRating’: 7014.6999999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 7632.0,

‘gameWin’: 3772.0,

‘karma’: 4.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.03,

‘totalAssists’: 37877.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 3243880461.0,

‘totalDeath’: 18010.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 996559837.14999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 143151481.66999999,

‘totalKill’: 14668.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 43087.110000000001,

‘uid’: 806124.0},

‘Sentinel [Sent]’: {‘effRating’: 5394.6999999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 3050.0,

‘gameWin’: 1332.71,

‘karma’: 14701.860000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 17305.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1324448836.29,

‘totalDeath’: 7795.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 317443918.58999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 37696733.869999997,

‘totalKill’: 3384.5700000000002,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2542.52,

‘uid’: 1459431.1399999999},

‘Shadow Strangers OD []’: {‘effRating’: 4061.52,

‘gamePlayed’: 1976.0,

‘gameWin’: 905.0,

‘karma’: 45956.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0700000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 13614.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 791738515.0,

‘totalDeath’: 5265.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 182666879.94,

‘totalHealingDone’: 13430713.84,

‘totalKill’: 4682.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 688.74000000000001,

‘uid’: 21426.0},

‘ShadowBroker []’: {‘effRating’: 1088.8299999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 20.0,

‘gameWin’: 12.0,

‘karma’: 16.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 98.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 7102782.0,

‘totalDeath’: 52.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1330048.3600000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 30446.98,

‘totalKill’: 50.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 887856.0},

‘ShadowHuntersAMK []’: {‘effRating’: 3395.3600000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 148.0,

‘gameWin’: 73.5,

‘karma’: 1523.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 590.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 60740500.5,

‘totalDeath’: 412.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 13178828.84,

‘totalHealingDone’: 375294.51000000001,

‘totalKill’: 394.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 519068.0},

‘Shadows Of War []’: {‘effRating’: 3439.8299999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 338.0,

‘gameWin’: 145.0,

‘karma’: 3456.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 1686.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 139563301.0,

‘totalDeath’: 611.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 29730724.530000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 3996068.8900000001,

‘totalKill’: 875.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1815.1099999999999,

‘uid’: 1895774.0},

‘Shapeshifter []’: {‘effRating’: 3685.1700000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 598.5,

‘gameWin’: 334.5,

‘karma’: 8375.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.88,

‘totalAssists’: 3312.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 208071597.5,

‘totalDeath’: 1304.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 48428175.689999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 3647232.7799999998,

‘totalKill’: 1291.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 41.0,

‘uid’: 1533176.0},

‘Shenanigans []’: {‘effRating’: 1045.97,

‘gamePlayed’: 435.75,

‘gameWin’: 213.5,

‘karma’: 401.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 2026.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 193219260.25,

‘totalDeath’: 936.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 26117400.510000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 4004466.7999999998,

‘totalKill’: 979.75,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 477.38999999999999,

‘uid’: 353159.75},

‘Shinigamis [RlP]’: {‘effRating’: 4561.2799999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 812.0,

‘gameWin’: 447.0,

‘karma’: 1320.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,

‘totalAssists’: 4361.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 325206460.5,

‘totalDeath’: 1462.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 114517339.91,

‘totalHealingDone’: 6388798.75,

‘totalKill’: 3437.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1029.3099999999999,

‘uid’: 823943.0},

‘Shining Fire [SHINE]’: {‘effRating’: 5292.6300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 2782.1900000000001,

‘gameWin’: 1323.1199999999999,

‘karma’: 29547.560000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.65000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 18446.119999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1164790212.8800001,

‘totalDeath’: 6161.6199999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 451818399.73000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 64591573.770000003,

‘totalKill’: 5874.9399999999996,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 13841.940000000001,

‘uid’: 1611279.6899999999},

‘ShotGun Senorita [SGS]’: {‘effRating’: 5667.6800000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 6216.0,

‘gameWin’: 4149.0,

‘karma’: 2063.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 54386.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2706919368.0,

‘totalDeath’: 6701.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 603554638.92999995,

‘totalHealingDone’: 270866577.35000002,

‘totalKill’: 17463.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 35287.510000000002,

‘uid’: 97783.0},

‘Shriketeam []’: {‘effRating’: 3210.3800000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 54.0,

‘gameWin’: 16.0,

‘karma’: 423.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.98,

‘totalAssists’: 381.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 21614023.0,

‘totalDeath’: 75.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 3270738.3500000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 3177965.8100000001,

‘totalKill’: 51.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1215560.0},

‘Siberia [sibir]’: {‘effRating’: 4258.5299999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 1567.7,

‘gameWin’: 740.89999999999998,

‘karma’: 20274.799999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 11715.4,

‘totalBattleTime’: 663870606.89999998,

‘totalDeath’: 3097.3000000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 209822626.99000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 50659703.359999999,

‘totalKill’: 2708.0999999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2992.8400000000001,

‘uid’: 1572131.2},

‘Sig []’: {‘effRating’: 2078.8099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 12.0,

‘gameWin’: 7.0,

‘karma’: 4390.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,

‘totalAssists’: 62.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 4503121.0,

‘totalDeath’: 18.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1728901.1499999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 272854.09000000003,

‘totalKill’: 35.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2960845.0},

‘Silitek []’: {‘effRating’: 4868.3800000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 128.0,

‘gameWin’: 53.0,

‘karma’: 7861.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 900.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 46160640.0,

‘totalDeath’: 258.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 14424759.24,

‘totalHealingDone’: 5436224.1900000004,

‘totalKill’: 144.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2002070.0},

‘Single []’: {‘effRating’: 8270.5799999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 8734.0,

‘gameWin’: 4741.0,

‘karma’: 128104.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 2.1099999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 74852.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 3803338957.0,

‘totalDeath’: 16289.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 2258008157.98,

‘totalHealingDone’: 670809362.90999997,

‘totalKill’: 25674.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 19227.59,

‘uid’: 1569380.0},

‘SinnerS [SINN]’: {‘effRating’: 5023.2600000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 1317.1700000000001,

‘gameWin’: 589.33000000000004,

‘karma’: 14405.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.60999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 9028.1700000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 552121349.66999996,

‘totalDeath’: 2435.1700000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 205979810.06,

‘totalHealingDone’: 25061578.280000001,

‘totalKill’: 2404.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1102.9000000000001,

‘uid’: 1771793.5},

‘Sinnlos im Weltraum []’: {‘effRating’: 3800.8200000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 761.0,

‘gameWin’: 378.0,

‘karma’: 4015.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 5066.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 288607532.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1270.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 64280090.369999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 8949773.75,

‘totalKill’: 2096.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 40.710000000000001,

‘uid’: 1788250.0},

‘Skill Not Found [4o4]’: {‘effRating’: 2854.96,

‘gamePlayed’: 712.0,

‘gameWin’: 415.5,

‘karma’: 313.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,

‘totalAssists’: 4144.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 299561581.5,

‘totalDeath’: 1347.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 86506798.060000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 11716884.880000001,

‘totalKill’: 6015.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 390.67000000000002,

‘uid’: 1605854.0},

‘Skill and Style [SKAS]’: {‘effRating’: 6003.1499999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 4805.5500000000002,

‘gameWin’: 2436.71,

‘karma’: 77558.649999999994,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1299999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 34303.610000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2016651068.1300001,

‘totalDeath’: 8939.9400000000005,

‘totalDmgDone’: 893279050.02999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 146444174.06999999,

‘totalKill’: 13672.26,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17316.779999999999,

‘uid’: 1710247.23},

‘Skull and Bones [SAB]’: {‘effRating’: 4759.4899999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 3134.5,

‘gameWin’: 1479.4400000000001,

‘karma’: 21590.060000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.66000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 21933.439999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1317911026.5599999,

‘totalDeath’: 7185.1899999999996,

‘totalDmgDone’: 357373135.56,

‘totalHealingDone’: 63587097.880000003,

‘totalKill’: 4838.75,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6384.1700000000001,

‘uid’: 1369274.6200000001},

‘Sky Alliance [SKYAL]’: {‘effRating’: 4512.5200000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 1333.0699999999999,

‘gameWin’: 603.86000000000001,

‘karma’: 7145.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 8237.9300000000003,

‘totalBattleTime’: 537454633.5,

‘totalDeath’: 3037.71,

‘totalDmgDone’: 135666459.0,

‘totalHealingDone’: 19226649.550000001,

‘totalKill’: 2360.71,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1963.24,

‘uid’: 2026141.1399999999},

‘SkyLyne Arc [SKLA]’: {‘effRating’: 4258.0,

‘gamePlayed’: 1256.0,

‘gameWin’: 561.5,

‘karma’: 11808.25,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 7106.8800000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 508216287.0,

‘totalDeath’: 2649.3800000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 141199170.33000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 28165085.140000001,

‘totalKill’: 2213.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1260.53,

‘uid’: 997454.38},

‘Skye Interstellar [SKYIS]’: {‘effRating’: 2488.4400000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 124.0,

‘gameWin’: 60.670000000000002,

‘karma’: 1684.6700000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 744.33000000000004,

‘totalBattleTime’: 47964166.0,

‘totalDeath’: 354.32999999999998,

‘totalDmgDone’: 10040927.76,

‘totalHealingDone’: 606737.59999999998,

‘totalKill’: 291.67000000000002,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2122724.0},

‘Skye Ranger Omega [SRO]’: {‘effRating’: 4125.1899999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 1916.0599999999999,

‘gameWin’: 910.11000000000001,

‘karma’: 38551.360000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.65000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 11370.719999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 808775366.88999999,

‘totalDeath’: 4213.1099999999997,

‘totalDmgDone’: 275870926.39999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 42300934.549999997,

‘totalKill’: 3267.1900000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3524.54,

‘uid’: 1738482.5},

‘Slavs []’: {‘effRating’: 4756.75,

‘gamePlayed’: 261.5,

‘gameWin’: 133.5,

‘karma’: 756.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 1726.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 95760296.5,

‘totalDeath’: 570.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 21038482.07,

‘totalHealingDone’: 829294.06999999995,

‘totalKill’: 643.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 190.36000000000001,

‘uid’: 2134361.0},

‘Slovak Ravagers [UFO]’: {‘effRating’: 4923.2700000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 1865.9400000000001,

‘gameWin’: 924.80999999999995,

‘karma’: 18909.84,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.66000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 12354.299999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 796364361.40999997,

‘totalDeath’: 4298.5500000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 334269864.75,

‘totalHealingDone’: 42663694.490000002,

‘totalKill’: 4881.7700000000004,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5466.4700000000003,

‘uid’: 1660392.53},

‘Sombres Presages []’: {‘effRating’: 4799.4499999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 1570.0,

‘gameWin’: 670.0,

‘karma’: 10977.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 9528.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 663143498.0,

‘totalDeath’: 4641.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 177944011.08000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 24874237.550000001,

‘totalKill’: 2220.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 176.65000000000001,

‘uid’: 1738301.0},

‘Sons of Anarchy [SONS]’: {‘effRating’: 5190.3000000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 2196.2800000000002,

‘gameWin’: 1001.08,

‘karma’: 23647.880000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,

‘totalAssists’: 14512.360000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 933832577.55999994,

‘totalDeath’: 4689.2399999999998,

‘totalDmgDone’: 317077299.69,

‘totalHealingDone’: 55939994.210000001,

‘totalKill’: 4165.1999999999998,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9468.2299999999996,

‘uid’: 1486026.3200000001},

‘Soul Side [Side]’: {‘effRating’: 4764.3500000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 1314.5999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 666.37,

‘karma’: 18444.07,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 9401.3500000000004,

‘totalBattleTime’: 540575869.88,

‘totalDeath’: 2808.0900000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 197707679.55000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 30282402.859999999,

‘totalKill’: 3604.21,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1680.26,

‘uid’: 1744984.79},

‘SoulFire [SFire]’: {‘effRating’: 4626.96,

‘gamePlayed’: 728.0,

‘gameWin’: 324.0,

‘karma’: 1491.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,

‘totalAssists’: 3492.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 296828955.0,

‘totalDeath’: 2001.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 74117280.370000005,

‘totalHealingDone’: 4606317.8300000001,

‘totalKill’: 1391.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 464.44,

‘uid’: 173723.0},

‘Southern Lights [SL]’: {‘effRating’: 5062.8900000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 3840.8400000000001,

‘gameWin’: 1914.78,

‘karma’: 18552.970000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,

‘totalAssists’: 25976.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1654880789.0,

‘totalDeath’: 8923.4500000000007,

‘totalDmgDone’: 581737136.74000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 83794901.569999993,

‘totalKill’: 8939.0799999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 19378.450000000001,

‘uid’: 1506523.29},

‘Space Explorers [SpEx]’: {‘effRating’: 4648.8900000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 4103.2700000000004,

‘gameWin’: 1877.0899999999999,

‘karma’: 15989.18,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,

‘totalAssists’: 25596.18,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1710660522.8199999,

‘totalDeath’: 11160.73,

‘totalDmgDone’: 619997787.25999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 86075897.120000005,

‘totalKill’: 8011.5500000000002,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10026.959999999999,

‘uid’: 1341432.8200000001},

‘Space Fighter [SPFT]’: {‘effRating’: 2833.1199999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 249.5,

‘gameWin’: 114.5,

‘karma’: 2082.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,

‘totalAssists’: 1273.75,

‘totalBattleTime’: 86685512.25,

‘totalDeath’: 547.75,

‘totalDmgDone’: 18440597.09,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1344850.5,

‘totalKill’: 579.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2080240.75},

‘Space Freelancer [Lance]’: {‘effRating’: 5654.4099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 1225.0,

‘gameWin’: 544.5,

‘karma’: 8066.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 5818.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 431332658.5,

‘totalDeath’: 2568.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 102372964.97,

‘totalHealingDone’: 10616561.85,

‘totalKill’: 1655.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 41.140000000000001,

‘uid’: 2124096.5},

‘Space Patrol [SPL]’: {‘effRating’: 4309.46,

‘gamePlayed’: 1294.5999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 610.13,

‘karma’: 8823.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 8434.3999999999996,

‘totalBattleTime’: 530628411.06999999,

‘totalDeath’: 3316.0700000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 157417249.40000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 26486402.43,

‘totalKill’: 2614.3299999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1235.1099999999999,

‘uid’: 1786367.0},

‘Space Pirates [SP]’: {‘effRating’: 5257.1300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 902.5,

‘gameWin’: 404.5,

‘karma’: 2195.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,

‘totalAssists’: 5511.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 339744906.0,

‘totalDeath’: 2558.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 70467166.799999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 3060631.1099999999,

‘totalKill’: 939.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 648.26999999999998,

‘uid’: 2007212.5},

‘Space Rangers [SpRg]’: {‘effRating’: 3861.7800000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 1721.71,

‘gameWin’: 775.13999999999999,

‘karma’: 21234.860000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,

‘totalAssists’: 10600.139999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 707982776.28999996,

‘totalDeath’: 4691.71,

‘totalDmgDone’: 172417700.78,

‘totalHealingDone’: 22976100.109999999,

‘totalKill’: 2814.5700000000002,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2077.8299999999999,

‘uid’: 1159346.29},

‘Space Stalkers [SpSt]’: {‘effRating’: 5193.5299999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 3479.4499999999998,

‘gameWin’: 1584.2,

‘karma’: 43662.400000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 23861.25,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1468715304.9000001,

‘totalDeath’: 8436.7000000000007,

‘totalDmgDone’: 518551416.10000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 67793181.370000005,

‘totalKill’: 5519.3500000000004,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6055.0,

‘uid’: 1530131.8},

‘Space Titans [SpTi]’: {‘effRating’: 5012.1800000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 2024.6700000000001,

‘gameWin’: 980.66999999999996,

‘karma’: 40350.669999999998,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1200000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 15528.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 860122167.0,

‘totalDeath’: 3840.6700000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 367755451.88999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 75611856.950000003,

‘totalKill’: 5241.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5250.5500000000002,

‘uid’: 963959.0},

‘SpaceMafia [M5]’: {‘effRating’: 4144.5900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 752.75999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 359.42000000000002,

‘karma’: 9199.3700000000008,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 4797.75,

‘totalBattleTime’: 310528479.33999997,

‘totalDeath’: 1700.4000000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 121052024.39,

‘totalHealingDone’: 16557548.470000001,

‘totalKill’: 1590.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 962.16999999999996,

‘uid’: 2128549.5099999998},

‘Spark [SPARK]’: {‘effRating’: 3272.6100000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 527.95000000000005,

‘gameWin’: 261.51999999999998,

‘karma’: 3249.9499999999998,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,

‘totalAssists’: 2919.48,

‘totalBattleTime’: 178053085.86000001,

‘totalDeath’: 962.33000000000004,

‘totalDmgDone’: 52676310.579999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 6823996.3499999996,

‘totalKill’: 1242.29,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 185.33000000000001,

‘uid’: 2232733.8999999999},

‘SpecTeR SeeKerS [HYDRA]’: {‘effRating’: 6173.1499999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 4393.4300000000003,

‘gameWin’: 2425.71,

‘karma’: 15121.290000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.84999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 32993.860000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1955908472.5699999,

‘totalDeath’: 7207.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 857312632.0,

‘totalHealingDone’: 88966295.620000005,

‘totalKill’: 16335.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 48393.110000000001,

‘uid’: 1578596.1399999999},

‘Specnas Russia []’: {‘effRating’: 2406.3099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 32.0,

‘gameWin’: 15.0,

‘karma’: 1063.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.029999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 174.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 11364810.0,

‘totalDeath’: 109.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 3815278.0600000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 4494.79,

‘totalKill’: 65.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2309146.0},

‘StRaDo [FAQ]’: {‘effRating’: 4737.0799999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 2254.0,

‘gameWin’: 1098.1800000000001,

‘karma’: 13068.09,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 14802.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 967787490.63999999,

‘totalDeath’: 4718.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 351351686.17000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 40536476.630000003,

‘totalKill’: 5379.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11461.66,

‘uid’: 1868860.9099999999},

‘StWanderersCorp [StWCo]’: {‘effRating’: 3882.98,

‘gamePlayed’: 873.25,

‘gameWin’: 388.0,

‘karma’: 5083.75,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 4225.25,

‘totalBattleTime’: 351555317.5,

‘totalDeath’: 2142.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 52813765.189999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 12696634.92,

‘totalKill’: 667.25,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 306.67000000000002,

‘uid’: 1460173.75},

‘Stab in the Dark [SiD]’: {‘effRating’: 5547.21,

‘gamePlayed’: 9120.0,

‘gameWin’: 4860.0,

‘karma’: 4859.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3899999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 54503.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 4051564842.0,

‘totalDeath’: 19071.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1118961970.96,

‘totalHealingDone’: 97623437.739999995,

‘totalKill’: 26397.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 67796.380000000005,

‘uid’: 742396.0},

‘Star BerkuT []’: {‘effRating’: 3174.6300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 435.0,

‘gameWin’: 180.0,

‘karma’: 70587.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 2040.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 143718404.0,

‘totalDeath’: 579.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 68982028.170000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 6358585.9500000002,

‘totalKill’: 854.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 104.44,

‘uid’: 2681392.0},

‘Star Citizen 2942 [2942]’: {‘effRating’: 3660.4200000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 87.0,

‘gameWin’: 45.0,

‘karma’: 2386.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,

‘totalAssists’: 389.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 27341228.0,

‘totalDeath’: 184.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 6522783.9000000004,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1926580.1200000001,

‘totalKill’: 149.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2980141.0},

‘Star Conflict Fr []’: {‘effRating’: 1359.0,

‘gamePlayed’: 8.0,

‘gameWin’: 3.0,

‘karma’: 5364.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,

‘totalAssists’: 40.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 3038167.0,

‘totalDeath’: 29.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 352510.42999999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 79403.520000000004,

‘totalKill’: 4.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2027708.0},

‘Star Gem [TG]’: {‘effRating’: 7069.21,

‘gamePlayed’: 1913.0,

‘gameWin’: 985.0,

‘karma’: 1661.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.92000000000000004,

‘totalAssists’: 16576.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 819417909.0,

‘totalDeath’: 3644.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 305666557.57999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 30663036.52,

‘totalKill’: 7359.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1701.24,

‘uid’: 534.0},

‘Star Storm [ST0RM]’: {‘effRating’: 6431.75,

‘gamePlayed’: 5783.9300000000003,

‘gameWin’: 3008.46,

‘karma’: 25230.939999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0900000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 41033.349999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2519226798.4099998,

‘totalDeath’: 12078.450000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1125888783.95,

‘totalHealingDone’: 153115979.22999999,

‘totalKill’: 16513.209999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 37156.669999999998,

‘uid’: 1346889.6499999999},

‘Star Wolves [SWolf]’: {‘effRating’: 4120.3100000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 554.0,

‘gameWin’: 238.0,

‘karma’: 2898.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 3206.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 250105292.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1262.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 51515484.869999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 12074095.460000001,

‘totalKill’: 1461.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 675.13999999999999,

‘uid’: 74484.0},

‘StarF0X [F0X]’: {‘effRating’: 4218.8800000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 2468.0,

‘gameWin’: 1073.0,

‘karma’: 4556.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 8839.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1098471943.0,

‘totalDeath’: 5151.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 108447578.05,

‘totalHealingDone’: 12456833.390000001,

‘totalKill’: 1943.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4454.8400000000001,

‘uid’: 470349.0},

‘StarFighter [LAST]’: {‘effRating’: 5365.21,

‘gamePlayed’: 3194.0,

‘gameWin’: 1535.5,

‘karma’: 4294.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 18304.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1430047172.0,

‘totalDeath’: 8257.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 383556543.89999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 40716495.490000002,

‘totalKill’: 8188.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11727.17,

‘uid’: 456603.5},

‘StarGate Revival [SGR]’: {‘effRating’: 5049.6099999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 1684.3399999999999,

‘gameWin’: 819.97000000000003,

‘karma’: 15157.879999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 11478.83,

‘totalBattleTime’: 705120438.07000005,

‘totalDeath’: 3689.7600000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 287420670.42000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 38104009.479999997,

‘totalKill’: 4142.6599999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5965.4700000000003,

‘uid’: 1856882.03},

‘Starfleet Dental [DENTL]’: {‘effRating’: 7549.7799999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 458.0,

‘gameWin’: 213.0,

‘karma’: 174226.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 2327.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 203382221.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1029.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 110565858.22,

‘totalHealingDone’: 8494521.4800000004,

‘totalKill’: 1162.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1468.3199999999999,

‘uid’: 897545.0},

‘Steel Brotherhood []’: {‘effRating’: 4049.4099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 409.67000000000002,

‘gameWin’: 205.0,

‘karma’: 25607.330000000002,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 2484.6700000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 175121079.66999999,

‘totalDeath’: 1096.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 57555926.560000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 7903343.71,

‘totalKill’: 747.66999999999996,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1.0900000000000001,

‘uid’: 2438926.6699999999},

‘Steel Guardians []’: {‘effRating’: 2326.8499999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 227.66999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 107.33,

‘karma’: 330.67000000000002,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,

‘totalAssists’: 1364.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 96936742.329999998,

‘totalDeath’: 571.33000000000004,

‘totalDmgDone’: 34473226.960000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 3394242.96,

‘totalKill’: 576.66999999999996,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 35.590000000000003,

‘uid’: 1893189.6699999999},

‘Stellar Marines [STEEL]’: {‘effRating’: 4406.6300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 1626.2,

‘gameWin’: 780.55999999999995,

‘karma’: 13572.389999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,

‘totalAssists’: 10134.129999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 680488606.25,

‘totalDeath’: 3698.5700000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 210016061.13,

‘totalHealingDone’: 29172967.870000001,

‘totalKill’: 3472.7199999999998,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5104.2600000000002,

‘uid’: 1756443.54},

‘Sturzkampf Bomber []’: {‘effRating’: 4642.3500000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 244.0,

‘gameWin’: 121.0,

‘karma’: 6595.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,

‘totalAssists’: 1499.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 92660430.0,

‘totalDeath’: 548.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 35116805.950000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 12178496.76,

‘totalKill’: 506.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5.3899999999999997,

‘uid’: 2287919.0},

‘SuperLamy []’: {‘effRating’: 5292.3900000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 1286.0,

‘gameWin’: 595.5,

‘karma’: 16555.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,

‘totalAssists’: 9394.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 574303858.5,

‘totalDeath’: 3632.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 205697910.38999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 15696946.93,

‘totalKill’: 2242.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2302.1799999999998,

‘uid’: 1306309.0},

‘Supreme League Kill [SLK]’: {‘effRating’: 5143.54,

‘gamePlayed’: 3782.4000000000001,

‘gameWin’: 1801.0,

‘karma’: 21995.099999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,

‘totalAssists’: 26647.099999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1605324683.5999999,

‘totalDeath’: 8545.3999999999996,

‘totalDmgDone’: 505337693.93000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 78915150.069999993,

‘totalKill’: 7409.1999999999998,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14198.700000000001,

‘uid’: 1382657.8999999999},

‘Svoboda Inc [SVBD]’: {‘effRating’: 5379.6400000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 1607.9200000000001,

‘gameWin’: 745.91999999999996,

‘karma’: 9638.75,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 10232.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 682694132.16999996,

‘totalDeath’: 4296.4200000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 181504655.00999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 27142532.07,

‘totalKill’: 2301.1700000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1585.71,

‘uid’: 1482441.3300000001},

‘Swedish Elite [SwE]’: {‘effRating’: 1379.8599999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 37.329999999999998,

‘gameWin’: 16.670000000000002,

‘karma’: 657.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 189.33000000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 12896587.33,

‘totalDeath’: 75.670000000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1429567.0700000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 71106.869999999995,

‘totalKill’: 47.670000000000002,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2009227.0},

‘Swedish Maffia []’: {‘effRating’: 500.0,

‘karma’: 223.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,

‘uid’: 1564093.5},

‘Swords of Glory [SWoG]’: {‘effRating’: 4778.4499999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 382.67000000000002,

‘gameWin’: 159.33000000000001,

‘karma’: 80182.330000000002,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81000000000000005,

‘totalAssists’: 1917.3299999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 163667331.0,

‘totalDeath’: 833.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 84629976.700000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 10984649.99,

‘totalKill’: 604.66999999999996,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1301.27,

‘uid’: 1586459.6699999999},

‘Syndicate [SYN]’: {‘effRating’: 6279.5,

‘gamePlayed’: 8288.6700000000001,

‘gameWin’: 4520.54,

‘karma’: 17101.119999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1899999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 59092.330000000002,

‘totalBattleTime’: 3724435394.3800001,

‘totalDeath’: 12259.17,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1367994785.8900001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 214052633.88,

‘totalKill’: 29248.540000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 73926.869999999995,

‘uid’: 632036.32999999996},

‘TAO []’: {‘effRating’: 431.88999999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 3.0,

‘karma’: 5640.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 0.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 23914.0,

‘totalDeath’: 0.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘totalHealingDone’: 0.0,

‘totalKill’: 0.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1590835.0},

‘TEHb [ShDW]’: {‘effRating’: 5113.0100000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 1742.0,

‘gameWin’: 862.0,

‘karma’: 70143.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.4399999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 15336.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 694602128.0,

‘totalDeath’: 2776.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 451017786.37,

‘totalHealingDone’: 56760597.539999999,

‘totalKill’: 4882.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3077.4499999999998,

‘uid’: 2286706.0},

‘TFS [TFS]’: {‘effRating’: 1515.27,

‘gamePlayed’: 173.0,

‘gameWin’: 70.0,

‘karma’: 438.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 1009.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 67316459.0,

‘totalDeath’: 490.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 13843273.82,

‘totalHealingDone’: 67515.960000000006,

‘totalKill’: 587.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1213553.0},

‘THE BLAST FORCE [BLAST]’: {‘effRating’: 4376.0600000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 1325.9000000000001,

‘gameWin’: 616.0,

‘karma’: 10581.799999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.57999999999999996,

‘totalAssists’: 8369.3999999999996,

‘totalBattleTime’: 546993701.29999995,

‘totalDeath’: 2734.8000000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 178657668.72,

‘totalHealingDone’: 18830558.190000001,

‘totalKill’: 2451.5999999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 954.15999999999997,

‘uid’: 1382784.8999999999},

‘THE ELITES []’: {‘effRating’: 4695.1300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 84.0,

‘gameWin’: 42.0,

‘karma’: 633.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,

‘totalAssists’: 592.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 38040864.0,

‘totalDeath’: 273.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 18846065.109999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1527478.3100000001,

‘totalKill’: 364.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2754236.0},

‘TO4KA G [LoL]’: {‘effRating’: 5268.9899999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 1435.0,

‘gameWin’: 727.75,

‘karma’: 27018.75,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,

‘totalAssists’: 10288.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 641062143.75,

‘totalDeath’: 2612.75,

‘totalDmgDone’: 292884750.38999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 24688796.800000001,

‘totalKill’: 3187.75,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9162.2000000000007,

‘uid’: 1704233.5},

‘TPOH [TPOH]’: {‘effRating’: 4861.5900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 965.44000000000005,

‘gameWin’: 459.25,

‘karma’: 12621.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,

‘totalAssists’: 5951.1199999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 414114484.5,

‘totalDeath’: 2100.4400000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 115257187.48,

‘totalHealingDone’: 19378791.079999998,

‘totalKill’: 1297.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1495.6199999999999,

‘uid’: 1741034.5},

‘TRIADA [TR]’: {‘effRating’: 4580.2299999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 1078.1199999999999,

‘gameWin’: 529.0,

‘karma’: 6218.3800000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 7900.1199999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 452676245.62,

‘totalDeath’: 2400.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 170959021.27000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 23995220.350000001,

‘totalKill’: 2587.8800000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1322.3199999999999,

‘uid’: 2139435.0},

‘TURKEY TR [1453]’: {‘effRating’: 2267.1500000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 77.0,

‘gameWin’: 33.0,

‘karma’: 77.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 317.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 31957693.0,

‘totalDeath’: 229.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 4124864.3999999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 191469.44,

‘totalKill’: 149.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 852912.0},

‘TYCOBKA tm [party]’: {‘effRating’: 7370.6300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 8990.0,

‘gameWin’: 4361.0,

‘karma’: 44730.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.90000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 63684.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 4058061723.0,

‘totalDeath’: 13578.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1658628646.5599999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 326999574.37,

‘totalKill’: 16724.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 32739.400000000001,

‘uid’: 499206.0},

‘Taiidan Raiders [TRaid]’: {‘effRating’: 6265.5,

‘gamePlayed’: 3479.5,

‘gameWin’: 1549.25,

‘karma’: 78015.25,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,

‘totalAssists’: 22528.75,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1467431111.0,

‘totalDeath’: 8820.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 877205167.55999994,

‘totalHealingDone’: 99631274.620000005,

‘totalKill’: 7269.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17303.189999999999,

‘uid’: 1900184.5},

‘TakaTari []’: {‘karma’: 0.0, ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0, ‘uid’: 2826715.0},

‘Tauri Cyberdyne [Tauri]’: {‘effRating’: 3305.5100000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 289.0,

‘gameWin’: 128.0,

‘karma’: 2676.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,

‘totalAssists’: 1640.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 119017994.0,

‘totalDeath’: 734.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 36102110.799999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 5530683.0199999996,

‘totalKill’: 559.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2486596.0},

‘TbMA [TbMA]’: {‘effRating’: 4387.9700000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 1936.3399999999999,

‘gameWin’: 935.80999999999995,

‘karma’: 18458.970000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 13398.120000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 835678023.59000003,

‘totalDeath’: 4658.5900000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 280103526.31,

‘totalHealingDone’: 41920025.520000003,

‘totalKill’: 4195.6899999999996,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5636.3800000000001,

‘uid’: 1821558.53},

‘Team Bloop [BLP]’: {‘effRating’: 2190.9499999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 75.0,

‘gameWin’: 34.289999999999999,

‘karma’: 565.86000000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,

‘totalAssists’: 299.29000000000002,

‘totalBattleTime’: 26517547.859999999,

‘totalDeath’: 174.71000000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 5082037.9699999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 764633.28000000003,

‘totalKill’: 149.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6.1699999999999999,

‘uid’: 2172677.1400000001},

‘Team Ramrod []’: {‘effRating’: 2651.1100000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 758.0,

‘gameWin’: 384.0,

‘karma’: 1865.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 4526.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 303925271.0,

‘totalDeath’: 2230.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 62647717.340000004,

‘totalHealingDone’: 7018961.8499999996,

‘totalKill’: 1923.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 207.90000000000001,

‘uid’: 1672234.0},

‘Team Toxic [Toxyk]’: {‘effRating’: 3372.96,

‘gamePlayed’: 375.88,

‘gameWin’: 180.5,

‘karma’: 5312.25,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,

‘totalAssists’: 2752.25,

‘totalBattleTime’: 152481421.25,

‘totalDeath’: 606.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 60589825.369999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 13576566.619999999,

‘totalKill’: 887.88,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 126.34,

‘uid’: 1974615.3799999999},

‘Team Triple Threat [TTT]’: {‘effRating’: 4174.5900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 1324.5,

‘gameWin’: 643.90999999999997,

‘karma’: 14187.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,

‘totalAssists’: 9711.3600000000006,

‘totalBattleTime’: 551619310.32000005,

‘totalDeath’: 3064.27,

‘totalDmgDone’: 157274375.12,

‘totalHealingDone’: 34285668.810000002,

‘totalKill’: 2715.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2875.5799999999999,

‘uid’: 1849516.02},

‘TerraLuX [LuX]’: {‘effRating’: 5267.1300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 2582.8699999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1340.73,

‘karma’: 13368.559999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,

‘totalAssists’: 18094.560000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1100310458.76,

‘totalDeath’: 5105.1499999999996,

‘totalDmgDone’: 416022993.25,

‘totalHealingDone’: 71476792.870000005,

‘totalKill’: 7288.54,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11440.4,

‘uid’: 1422049.96},

‘TerranConfederation [TTC]’: {‘effRating’: 2189.4099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 539.0,

‘gameWin’: 218.0,

‘karma’: 1366.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,

‘totalAssists’: 1515.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 193640374.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1101.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 12965595.050000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 924433.06999999995,

‘totalKill’: 521.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 384.35000000000002,

‘uid’: 533668.0},

‘Tesla [Tesla]’: {‘effRating’: 4623.29,

‘gamePlayed’: 1561.5999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 744.54999999999995,

‘karma’: 14203.15,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 10452.35,

‘totalBattleTime’: 647916605.70000005,

‘totalDeath’: 3438.9000000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 215256863.06999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 36646347.0,

‘totalKill’: 2890.3000000000002,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1677.3599999999999,

‘uid’: 1824266.75},

‘TestCorpPlzIgnore [TCPI]’: {‘effRating’: 832.91999999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 147.0,

‘gameWin’: 79.0,

‘karma’: 344.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,

‘totalAssists’: 1091.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 59122430.0,

‘totalDeath’: 249.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 12403371.609999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1648891.79,

‘totalKill’: 704.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1064341.0},

‘The Anime Front [TAF]’: {‘effRating’: 3470.6999999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 739.5,

‘gameWin’: 368.12,

‘karma’: 1470.75,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,

‘totalAssists’: 4526.3800000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 288157497.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1648.25,

‘totalDmgDone’: 82591358.650000006,

‘totalHealingDone’: 11708678.189999999,

‘totalKill’: 1826.8800000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 156.90000000000001,

‘uid’: 2037006.6200000001},

‘The Black Angels [TBA]’: {‘effRating’: 5118.4300000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 1200.5,

‘gameWin’: 498.5,

‘karma’: 6385.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,

‘totalAssists’: 5407.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 509074713.0,

‘totalDeath’: 2865.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 99893878.379999995,

‘totalHealingDone’: 16263047.1,

‘totalKill’: 1382.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2778.04,

‘uid’: 589654.0},

‘The Blood Armada [BL00D]’: {‘effRating’: 3176.52,

‘gamePlayed’: 461.67000000000002,

‘gameWin’: 229.66999999999999,

‘karma’: 2076.6700000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 2626.3299999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 182749582.66999999,

‘totalDeath’: 949.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 56354350.859999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 8581474.1199999992,

‘totalKill’: 1184.3299999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 269.62,

‘uid’: 1919584.0},

‘The Blood Brothers [BLUD]’: {‘effRating’: 4478.7299999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 2828.0,

‘gameWin’: 1312.5,

‘karma’: 22029.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,

‘totalAssists’: 15697.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1185001958.5,

‘totalDeath’: 4947.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 442329672.72000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 70128927.900000006,

‘totalKill’: 5364.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5851.5200000000004,

‘uid’: 625919.0},

‘The Blue Angels []’: {‘effRating’: 2655.27,

‘gamePlayed’: 96.5,

‘gameWin’: 55.5,

‘karma’: 24.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,

‘totalAssists’: 565.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 36236929.0,

‘totalDeath’: 211.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 7227645.6299999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 269868.34000000003,

‘totalKill’: 350.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1518065.0},

‘The CONQUERORS [TCors]’: {‘effRating’: 7093.1999999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 5873.25,

‘gameWin’: 3081.5500000000002,

‘karma’: 64575.75,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1799999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 45437.050000000003,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2578330142.8499999,

‘totalDeath’: 12063.1,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1329762008.21,

‘totalHealingDone’: 189225053.02000001,

‘totalKill’: 17406.450000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 44559.480000000003,

‘uid’: 1359170.75},

‘The Collectors []’: {‘effRating’: 1666.48,

‘gamePlayed’: 75.200000000000003,

‘gameWin’: 42.600000000000001,

‘karma’: 221.59999999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,

‘totalAssists’: 472.60000000000002,

‘totalBattleTime’: 26731197.0,

‘totalDeath’: 149.19999999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 4856204.1600000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 408615.12,

‘totalKill’: 133.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2391154.2000000002},

‘The DNO Inc [DNO]’: {‘effRating’: 6526.4300000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 13093.0,

‘gameWin’: 8893.0,

‘karma’: 11663.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.6000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 142276.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 5815791777.0,

‘totalDeath’: 17735.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 3216746569.5599999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 680080625.11000001,

‘totalKill’: 79705.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 24363.959999999999,

‘uid’: 751767.0},

‘The DeathStar [VADER]’: {‘effRating’: 2799.9699999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 1261.1400000000001,

‘gameWin’: 682.38,

‘karma’: -387.86000000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 8547.1399999999994,

‘totalBattleTime’: 528028701.05000001,

‘totalDeath’: 2624.0999999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 249410430.47999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 21292061.41,

‘totalKill’: 4246.29,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4853.8500000000004,

‘uid’: 2123048.8999999999},

‘The Eternal Fire []’: {‘effRating’: 3502.5,

‘gamePlayed’: 71.0,

‘gameWin’: 34.0,

‘karma’: 112.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 486.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 29516692.0,

‘totalDeath’: 141.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 8052970.71,

‘totalHealingDone’: 2430183.2200000002,

‘totalKill’: 316.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1981192.0},

‘The Evil Dragon [xTEDx]’: {‘effRating’: 5263.5200000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 1753.78,

‘gameWin’: 838.80999999999995,

‘karma’: 23396.209999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 12110.799999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 727921992.77999997,

‘totalDeath’: 3708.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 300321328.44999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 44804485.32,

‘totalKill’: 3805.96,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6172.1300000000001,

‘uid’: 1774164.72},

‘The Fighting Ducks []’: {‘effRating’: 2168.9299999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 41.0,

‘gameWin’: 17.5,

‘karma’: 4232.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,

‘totalAssists’: 160.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 18562699.5,

‘totalDeath’: 79.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 5144964.5899999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 243093.89000000001,

‘totalKill’: 81.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 172.66,

‘uid’: 288573.5},

‘The Galaxy Alliance []’: {‘effRating’: 4746.1899999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 517.75,

‘gameWin’: 232.62,

‘karma’: 15573.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 3000.6199999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 222395592.75,

‘totalDeath’: 1075.6199999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 79447831.989999995,

‘totalHealingDone’: 10461074.800000001,

‘totalKill’: 1089.25,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 744.13,

‘uid’: 1400315.75},

‘The Gold of Dragons [G0ld]’: {‘effRating’: 3555.5300000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 753.07000000000005,

‘gameWin’: 385.87,

‘karma’: 3080.4000000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 3865.73,

‘totalBattleTime’: 264773745.80000001,

‘totalDeath’: 1703.8,

‘totalDmgDone’: 68099517.640000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 6510365.5499999998,

‘totalKill’: 1495.4000000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 489.38,

‘uid’: 2254068.6699999999},

‘The Ilrowan Empire [IMPRL]’: {‘effRating’: 4905.6000000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 3607.5,

‘gameWin’: 1682.5,

‘karma’: -3217.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,

‘totalAssists’: 20654.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1446826059.5,

‘totalDeath’: 6882.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 515219774.66000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 51974745.539999999,

‘totalKill’: 8897.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7526.6499999999996,

‘uid’: 679625.0},

‘The Kamikaze inc [ANGER]’: {‘effRating’: 7024.4700000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 5907.5699999999997,

‘gameWin’: 3561.29,

‘karma’: 25256.43,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.27,

‘totalAssists’: 46579.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2543033782.29,

‘totalDeath’: 8405.1399999999994,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1118322798.28,

‘totalHealingDone’: 143561090.81999999,

‘totalKill’: 27972.57,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 33473.470000000001,

‘uid’: 1138423.29},

‘The Last Hope []’: {‘effRating’: 1956.6099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 249.80000000000001,

‘gameWin’: 100.59999999999999,

‘karma’: 767.60000000000002,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 1071.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 70889654.799999997,

‘totalDeath’: 591.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 13365880.109999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 810879.92000000004,

‘totalKill’: 481.60000000000002,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1994249.3999999999},

‘The Mothership []’: {‘effRating’: 4634.8199999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 355.5,

‘gameWin’: 184.5,

‘karma’: 1154.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 2306.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 139228294.5,

‘totalDeath’: 820.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 58329540.079999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 5235885.8600000003,

‘totalKill’: 743.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 305.64999999999998,

‘uid’: 1732538.5},

‘The NASA [NASA]’: {‘effRating’: 7539.8699999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 7790.29,

‘gameWin’: 4379.5699999999997,

‘karma’: 40584.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3700000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 58349.040000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 3426020306.4400001,

‘totalDeath’: 14617.43,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1773064344.47,

‘totalHealingDone’: 234129439.34999999,

‘totalKill’: 26360.889999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 66978.850000000006,

‘uid’: 1279320.6399999999},

‘The Aces [Ace]’: {‘effRating’: 4147.5900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 1103.9400000000001,

‘gameWin’: 500.20999999999998,

‘karma’: 8495.0400000000009,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 6562.04,

‘totalBattleTime’: 453745968.54000002,

‘totalDeath’: 2717.77,

‘totalDmgDone’: 136641487.5,

‘totalHealingDone’: 19257936.710000001,

‘totalKill’: 1907.98,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1451.55,

‘uid’: 1915343.96},

‘The Red Shirts []’: {‘effRating’: 4144.6499999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 1356.75,

‘gameWin’: 597.5,

‘karma’: 16220.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 8686.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 509311133.25,

‘totalDeath’: 3503.75,

‘totalDmgDone’: 139632503.77000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 19234776.530000001,

‘totalKill’: 2093.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 615.71000000000004,

‘uid’: 2266370.5},

‘The Rout [Rout]’: {‘effRating’: 1253.9300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 9.0,

‘gameWin’: 5.0,

‘karma’: 436.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 63.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 3398286.0,

‘totalDeath’: 28.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 621463.18000000005,

‘totalHealingDone’: 13286.389999999999,

‘totalKill’: 17.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2482074.0},

‘The Royal Remnants []’: {‘effRating’: 2456.4299999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 133.0,

‘gameWin’: 66.0,

‘karma’: -268.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,

‘totalAssists’: 534.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 56676033.0,

‘totalDeath’: 412.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 9237994.7799999993,

‘totalHealingDone’: 866950.71999999997,

‘totalKill’: 283.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 762035.0},

‘The Scourge [TSrge]’: {‘effRating’: 5521.4700000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 2924.77,

‘gameWin’: 1516.3699999999999,

‘karma’: 16804.110000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 21975.110000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1239377532.3099999,

‘totalDeath’: 5619.5100000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 559825181.13999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 94344310.5,

‘totalKill’: 7481.7700000000004,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10457.67,

‘uid’: 1496017.8},

‘The Sons Of Earth [TSOE]’: {‘effRating’: 4620.3699999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 991.91999999999996,

‘gameWin’: 469.92000000000002,

‘karma’: 15488.08,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,

‘totalAssists’: 7018.2299999999996,

‘totalBattleTime’: 407245824.69,

‘totalDeath’: 2544.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 124915078.19,

‘totalHealingDone’: 18479044.52,

‘totalKill’: 2365.54,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 921.48000000000002,

‘uid’: 1778578.9199999999},

‘The Tempelnights [Templ]’: {‘effRating’: 4402.3100000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 392.29000000000002,

‘gameWin’: 183.56999999999999,

‘karma’: 12973.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.73999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 2584.71,

‘totalBattleTime’: 161534833.13999999,

‘totalDeath’: 963.13999999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 67048405.18,

‘totalHealingDone’: 6550395.7999999998,

‘totalKill’: 1107.8599999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 188.72,

‘uid’: 1630829.4299999999},

‘The Vanguard [GU4RD]’: {‘effRating’: 2521.02,

‘gamePlayed’: 150.0,

‘gameWin’: 81.0,

‘karma’: 4601.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 618.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 51730002.0,

‘totalDeath’: 307.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 9936008.5,

‘totalHealingDone’: 748184.32999999996,

‘totalKill’: 335.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2117342.0},

‘The Viking Knights [Vking]’: {‘effRating’: 5618.3299999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 2311.5999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1151.2,

‘karma’: 19568.200000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,

‘totalAssists’: 14795.299999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 960060866.60000002,

‘totalDeath’: 4972.3000000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 379106651.89999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 57943779.590000004,

‘totalKill’: 6024.1999999999998,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7286.25,

‘uid’: 1428525.0},

‘The Wild Cards [WILD]’: {‘effRating’: 3087.6900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 321.24000000000001,

‘gameWin’: 159.91,

‘karma’: 3658.77,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.25,

‘totalAssists’: 1695.73,

‘totalBattleTime’: 121485512.55,

‘totalDeath’: 664.75999999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 31177239.329999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 3556317.4199999999,

‘totalKill’: 688.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 117.91,

‘uid’: 2093480.97},

‘The WolfPack [WPK]’: {‘effRating’: 6013.3500000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 6161.0799999999999,

‘gameWin’: 3787.3099999999999,

‘karma’: 5941.6899999999996,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.23,

‘totalAssists’: 46848.620000000003,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2721933565.0,

‘totalDeath’: 9817.3799999999992,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1068520284.9,

‘totalHealingDone’: 181450265.25999999,

‘totalKill’: 27332.919999999998,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 47144.779999999999,

‘uid’: 674603.77000000002},

‘The space Knights [TSK]’: {‘effRating’: 3991.1999999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 1886.0,

‘gameWin’: 943.0,

‘karma’: 7019.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 16120.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 793386737.5,

‘totalDeath’: 2980.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 246805767.69,

‘totalHealingDone’: 79880726.469999999,

‘totalKill’: 4639.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1549.1400000000001,

‘uid’: 1094410.5},

‘The united front [TUF]’: {‘effRating’: 4739.7299999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 3187.6199999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1539.0,

‘karma’: 23305.380000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.91000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 17925.619999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1371640871.1199999,

‘totalDeath’: 6549.3800000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 334282205.88,

‘totalHealingDone’: 92870481.200000003,

‘totalKill’: 6269.3800000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17446.84,

‘uid’: 760133.25},

‘TheFlock []’: {‘effRating’: 2786.48,

‘gamePlayed’: 90.0,

‘gameWin’: 44.0,

‘karma’: 795.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 556.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 34829742.0,

‘totalDeath’: 312.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 8094956.3300000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 247243.63,

‘totalKill’: 273.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1175536.0},

‘TheKillers []’: {‘effRating’: 2096.75,

‘gamePlayed’: 405.0,

‘gameWin’: 178.0,

‘karma’: 454.19999999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 2164.8000000000002,

‘totalBattleTime’: 150595433.40000001,

‘totalDeath’: 1014.2,

‘totalDmgDone’: 38129298.57,

‘totalHealingDone’: 4925328.8399999999,

‘totalKill’: 865.39999999999998,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14.32,

‘uid’: 1550952.3999999999},

‘Therian fleet []’: {‘effRating’: 3833.79,

‘gamePlayed’: 352.5,

‘gameWin’: 185.5,

‘karma’: 2311.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 2261.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 138216977.0,

‘totalDeath’: 747.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 48426599.07,

‘totalHealingDone’: 5740375.96,

‘totalKill’: 837.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 532.45000000000005,

‘uid’: 1958632.5},

‘Thizich [TZH]’: {‘effRating’: 607.00999999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 9.0,

‘gameWin’: 3.0,

‘karma’: 0.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,

‘totalAssists’: 27.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2507061.0,

‘totalDeath’: 29.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 361330.96000000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1387.3199999999999,

‘totalKill’: 2.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2739440.0},

‘Thralian Scouts []’: {‘effRating’: 3891.8699999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 1281.0,

‘gameWin’: 544.0,

‘karma’: 5917.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81000000000000005,

‘totalAssists’: 7089.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 576826942.0,

‘totalDeath’: 3169.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 202296472.31999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 34847325.649999999,

‘totalKill’: 1547.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 197.97,

‘uid’: 1244716.0},

‘Thunder Hawks []’: {‘effRating’: 3085.9000000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 1381.5,

‘gameWin’: 654.0,

‘karma’: 5870.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.66000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 8075.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 566352398.0,

‘totalDeath’: 3107.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 128434254.3,

‘totalHealingDone’: 22402095.010000002,

‘totalKill’: 3656.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1915.4400000000001,

‘uid’: 1017159.5},

‘ThunderBird [Bird]’: {‘effRating’: 5317.9700000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 2087.0799999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1086.8499999999999,

‘karma’: 21986.310000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.67000000000000004,

‘totalAssists’: 15206.540000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 896979076.91999996,

‘totalDeath’: 4381.1499999999996,

‘totalDmgDone’: 366883011.74000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 49119091.409999996,

‘totalKill’: 6762.8500000000004,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2597.8400000000001,

‘uid’: 1312113.0},

‘Total Eclipse [TZT]’: {‘effRating’: 7129.3100000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 4492.0,

‘gameWin’: 2448.0,

‘karma’: -28585.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.91000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 36129.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1926020711.0,

‘totalDeath’: 8089.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 708303580.75,

‘totalHealingDone’: 84837084.5,

‘totalKill’: 18373.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 18053.939999999999,

‘uid’: 538049.0},

‘Toxiiccaos []’: {‘effRating’: 5228.4399999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 218.0,

‘gameWin’: 105.0,

‘karma’: 4756.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 828.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 78794733.0,

‘totalDeath’: 449.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 26967140.620000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 2163729.0699999998,

‘totalKill’: 506.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 82.840000000000003,

‘uid’: 728737.0},

‘Traskon []’: {‘effRating’: 1217.97,

‘gamePlayed’: 13.0,

‘gameWin’: 4.0,

‘karma’: 168.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,

‘totalAssists’: 95.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 5212806.0,

‘totalDeath’: 49.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 888316.91000000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 108263.5,

‘totalKill’: 20.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2648553.0},

‘Tricolor Hawks [IT4LY]’: {‘effRating’: 4626.9899999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 2589.6199999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1348.9400000000001,

‘karma’: 16214.129999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 16326.51,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1107238759.0899999,

‘totalDeath’: 5454.5100000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 431398327.97000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 64787480.869999997,

‘totalKill’: 6198.3299999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 18046.779999999999,

‘uid’: 1719849.6100000001},

‘Tron []’: {‘effRating’: 5293.3800000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 668.0,

‘gameWin’: 266.0,

‘karma’: 5829.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,

‘totalAssists’: 4236.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 297808222.0,

‘totalDeath’: 797.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 117388071.25,

‘totalHealingDone’: 23374320.550000001,

‘totalKill’: 1836.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2222.3299999999999,

‘uid’: 1618583.0},

‘Trump []’: {‘effRating’: 2866.3600000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 291.0,

‘gameWin’: 159.0,

‘karma’: 2947.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 1454.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 131770248.0,

‘totalDeath’: 615.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 37506141.799999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 8155868.9900000002,

‘totalKill’: 894.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.95999999999999996,

‘uid’: 2772448.5},

‘Tryton Dynamics [TDN]’: {‘effRating’: 2210.5300000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 145.0,

‘gameWin’: 51.0,

‘karma’: 1177.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 613.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 55720291.0,

‘totalDeath’: 445.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 7522558.4800000004,

‘totalHealingDone’: 648393.10999999999,

‘totalKill’: 213.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3.4700000000000002,

‘uid’: 1187942.0},

‘UDR [UDR]’: {‘effRating’: 3926.9499999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 2143.0,

‘gameWin’: 1014.0,

‘karma’: 81.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,

‘totalAssists’: 9836.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 883394303.0,

‘totalDeath’: 4989.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 128266847.86,

‘totalHealingDone’: 23433804.510000002,

‘totalKill’: 3105.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 333.11000000000001,

‘uid’: 216034.0},

‘UKR [UKR]’: {‘effRating’: 5829.4099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 2203.75,

‘gameWin’: 1097.0,

‘karma’: 54757.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,

‘totalAssists’: 16806.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 940677107.75,

‘totalDeath’: 4825.75,

‘totalDmgDone’: 298778365.02999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 77127144.700000003,

‘totalKill’: 4780.25,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4692.7399999999998,

‘uid’: 1169617.75},

‘UNGDF []’: {‘effRating’: 3332.8600000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 41.0,

‘gameWin’: 19.0,

‘karma’: 3263.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 173.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 15012292.0,

‘totalDeath’: 84.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 5335176.46,

‘totalHealingDone’: 438682.92999999999,

‘totalKill’: 92.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2.3599999999999999,

‘uid’: 1900286.0},

‘URAL [URAL]’: {‘effRating’: 3620.77,

‘gamePlayed’: 603.5,

‘gameWin’: 269.25,

‘karma’: 7928.29,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 3528.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 239591646.21000001,

‘totalDeath’: 1258.5699999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 67192055.530000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 8487619.8599999994,

‘totalKill’: 909.57000000000005,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1296.27,

‘uid’: 2082601.25},

‘US Space Marines [USSMC]’: {‘effRating’: 2179.3699999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 323.70999999999998,

‘gameWin’: 153.56999999999999,

‘karma’: 293.43000000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,

‘totalAssists’: 1633.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 112723687.0,

‘totalDeath’: 789.57000000000005,

‘totalDmgDone’: 20185664.800000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1335996.1100000001,

‘totalKill’: 415.43000000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25.989999999999998,

‘uid’: 2186619.71},

‘USSR [USSR]’: {‘effRating’: 4736.3500000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 1236.5,

‘gameWin’: 637.0,

‘karma’: 36390.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.73999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 8947.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 530513418.5,

‘totalDeath’: 2642.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 131647047.17,

‘totalHealingDone’: 36434540.549999997,

‘totalKill’: 2463.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1671.9100000000001,

‘uid’: 1799048.0},

‘Ukraine Kiev [KIEV]’: {‘effRating’: 5243.5900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 3400.4200000000001,

‘gameWin’: 1637.8499999999999,

‘karma’: 31909.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 23306.959999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1446607158.6199999,

‘totalDeath’: 6776.96,

‘totalDmgDone’: 564769889.50999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 91675610.189999998,

‘totalKill’: 7894.1499999999996,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16609.610000000001,

‘uid’: 1561794.3500000001},

‘Ukraine cri []’: {‘effRating’: 4036.4099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 237.0,

‘gameWin’: 119.0,

‘karma’: 6793.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,

‘totalAssists’: 1232.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 90937775.0,

‘totalDeath’: 561.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 21829341.260000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 2902320.0699999998,

‘totalKill’: 639.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1839346.0},

‘Ultra [Ultra]’: {‘effRating’: 4940.6300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 1735.3900000000001,

‘gameWin’: 803.25999999999999,

‘karma’: 15121.780000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.57999999999999996,

‘totalAssists’: 9829.4300000000003,

‘totalBattleTime’: 738241064.38999999,

‘totalDeath’: 3813.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 204475488.28999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 27440806.940000001,

‘totalKill’: 3352.3499999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6982.8199999999997,

‘uid’: 1333042.5700000001},

‘Umbrella Corps [SOTA]’: {‘effRating’: 4979.1899999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 2326.0999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1156.1600000000001,

‘karma’: 16399.349999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 16299.02,

‘totalBattleTime’: 982001420.17999995,

‘totalDeath’: 5150.5500000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 375842911.10000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 54835620.850000001,

‘totalKill’: 5850.0200000000004,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7402.8199999999997,

‘uid’: 1609397.1699999999},

‘Umbrella [Umbra]’: {‘effRating’: 5672.46,

‘gamePlayed’: 3063.1700000000001,

‘gameWin’: 1558.3299999999999,

‘karma’: 5207.6700000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 21205.330000000002,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1311125998.5,

‘totalDeath’: 7434.3299999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 585508310.75,

‘totalHealingDone’: 76164608.409999996,

‘totalKill’: 6853.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 19646.459999999999,

‘uid’: 1191062.0},

‘United Nations [UN]’: {‘effRating’: 4706.0299999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 5407.25,

‘gameWin’: 2688.0,

‘karma’: 5891.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,

‘totalAssists’: 31852.25,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2304364205.25,

‘totalDeath’: 11359.25,

‘totalDmgDone’: 772836156.23000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 98599438.049999997,

‘totalKill’: 12728.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 33615.879999999997,

‘uid’: 1029088.5},

‘United Vets Militia [UVM]’: {‘effRating’: 4819.4099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 2928.6700000000001,

‘gameWin’: 1330.6700000000001,

‘karma’: 21261.669999999998,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 15025.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1326043495.6700001,

‘totalDeath’: 6526.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 547213895.20000005,

‘totalHealingDone’: 76845257.489999995,

‘totalKill’: 3975.3299999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14064.0,

‘uid’: 1796594.6699999999},

‘UnitedTerranDefense [UTDC]’: {‘effRating’: 2036.78,

‘gamePlayed’: 140.5,

‘gameWin’: 61.5,

‘karma’: 8783.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 727.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 58376036.5,

‘totalDeath’: 310.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 12996831.98,

‘totalHealingDone’: 2725945.2400000002,

‘totalKill’: 249.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2045400.0},

‘Universe [RU]’: {‘effRating’: 4046.5,

‘gamePlayed’: 2971.0,

‘gameWin’: 1434.0,

‘karma’: 9307.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3,

‘totalAssists’: 20197.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1248201887.5,

‘totalDeath’: 6431.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 426913313.52999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 44622489.780000001,

‘totalKill’: 8038.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5957.6300000000001,

‘uid’: 557017.5},

‘Unknown Department [XXX]’: {‘effRating’: 4661.0,

‘gamePlayed’: 4598.0,

‘gameWin’: 2208.0,

‘karma’: 9472.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.55,

‘totalAssists’: 34840.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1999161378.0,

‘totalDeath’: 9668.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 715875452.71000004,

‘totalHealingDone’: 132672297.01000001,

‘totalKill’: 12776.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 24162.369999999999,

‘uid’: 1234436.0},

‘VC91 [VC91]’: {‘effRating’: 5570.3299999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 1424.5,

‘gameWin’: 703.0,

‘karma’: -1178.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.21,

‘totalAssists’: 7525.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 592850326.5,

‘totalDeath’: 3281.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 167787178.77000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 26781848.300000001,

‘totalKill’: 3357.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4565.4899999999998,

‘uid’: 573022.5},

‘VEGA [VEGA]’: {‘effRating’: 4299.2700000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 489.0,

‘gameWin’: 227.59999999999999,

‘karma’: 10021.4,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,

‘totalAssists’: 3450.4000000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 202087802.59999999,

‘totalDeath’: 1306.4000000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 66694951.759999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 6815482.6200000001,

‘totalKill’: 1276.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 976.12,

‘uid’: 1197693.8},

‘VIII SAS Buran [VIII]’: {‘effRating’: 6311.1499999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 3843.25,

‘gameWin’: 1969.3800000000001,

‘karma’: 15821.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,

‘totalAssists’: 27037.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1712472240.3800001,

‘totalDeath’: 9431.3799999999992,

‘totalDmgDone’: 741378276.91999996,

‘totalHealingDone’: 83548310.980000004,

‘totalKill’: 10214.25,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 20175.48,

‘uid’: 777220.75},

‘VIP [VIP]’: {‘effRating’: 5019.1599999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 2243.0999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1055.1900000000001,

‘karma’: 25088.169999999998,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,

‘totalAssists’: 14544.57,

‘totalBattleTime’: 954574167.23000002,

‘totalDeath’: 5470.1199999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 293541075.33999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 52049996.460000001,

‘totalKill’: 4172.6000000000004,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7458.6999999999998,

‘uid’: 1548496.3400000001},

‘VIkingr []’: {‘effRating’: 4519.4300000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 309.0,

‘gameWin’: 155.0,

‘karma’: 1364.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,

‘totalAssists’: 1634.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 114534624.0,

‘totalDeath’: 717.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 26611114.449999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 5855095.5800000001,

‘totalKill’: 665.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 193.58000000000001,

‘uid’: 704752.0},

‘Vagabond of Limbo [limbo]’: {‘effRating’: 5023.8599999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 3199.5900000000001,

‘gameWin’: 1573.5899999999999,

‘karma’: 41890.18,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.65000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 19633.529999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1321789716.24,

‘totalDeath’: 7604.7600000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 571025374.41999996,

‘totalHealingDone’: 95622659.150000006,

‘totalKill’: 7350.29,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17192.369999999999,

‘uid’: 1627879.1799999999},

‘Valkyria [VLK]’: {‘effRating’: 3503.3800000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 576.75,

‘gameWin’: 264.25,

‘karma’: 11086.75,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,

‘totalAssists’: 3076.25,

‘totalBattleTime’: 236421810.25,

‘totalDeath’: 1506.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 64003302.799999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 4604472.6100000003,

‘totalKill’: 1047.75,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 213.72,

‘uid’: 2147955.0},

‘Valkyrie [misty]’: {‘effRating’: 6524.6499999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 3522.0,

‘gameWin’: 1667.0,

‘karma’: 1571.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 19791.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1577147115.0,

‘totalDeath’: 5446.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 305021410.73000002,

‘totalHealingDone’: 60848946.049999997,

‘totalKill’: 9566.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9254.6700000000001,

‘uid’: 21970.0},

‘Vanadium Razorbacks [VR]’: {‘effRating’: 3189.6399999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 296.13999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 138.13999999999999,

‘karma’: 3323.71,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 1558.29,

‘totalBattleTime’: 108313897.70999999,

‘totalDeath’: 724.86000000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 23822048.82,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1886155.46,

‘totalKill’: 480.86000000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 147.46000000000001,

‘uid’: 2206896.1400000001},

‘Vasiliev1980 []’: {‘effRating’: 5166.71,

‘gamePlayed’: 206.0,

‘gameWin’: 82.0,

‘karma’: 3308.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 597.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 84018021.0,

‘totalDeath’: 495.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 18982421.57,

‘totalHealingDone’: 708327.05000000005,

‘totalKill’: 286.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14.029999999999999,

‘uid’: 864274.0},

‘Velocity Gaming [VGS]’: {‘effRating’: 3036.9899999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 51.0,

‘gameWin’: 23.0,

‘karma’: 1595.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 197.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 22556504.0,

‘totalDeath’: 131.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 4560765.6699999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 460558.71000000002,

‘totalKill’: 139.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 72.849999999999994,

‘uid’: 204746.0},

‘VesmirnaFlotila CSK [CZaSK]’: {‘effRating’: 2781.0599999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 359.67000000000002,

‘gameWin’: 155.66999999999999,

‘karma’: 2100.6700000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 2077.3299999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 140128292.0,

‘totalDeath’: 500.32999999999998,

‘totalDmgDone’: 47421459.850000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 4876150.7199999997,

‘totalKill’: 905.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3.8700000000000001,

‘uid’: 1748901.3300000001},

‘ViP Alliance [VipAl]’: {‘effRating’: 4742.3699999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 1223.9200000000001,

‘gameWin’: 578.15999999999997,

‘karma’: 17525.639999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,

‘totalAssists’: 7941.6800000000003,

‘totalBattleTime’: 516043510.88,

‘totalDeath’: 2831.8400000000001,

‘totalDmgDone’: 191250349.88999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 36838026.18,

‘totalKill’: 2224.3200000000002,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4247.3800000000001,

‘uid’: 1968829.72},

‘Vikings Stars []’: {‘effRating’: 3869.79,

‘gamePlayed’: 320.25,

‘gameWin’: 150.75,

‘karma’: 6509.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,

‘totalAssists’: 1594.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 126687149.5,

‘totalDeath’: 774.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 21795004.489999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 2331489.5299999998,

‘totalKill’: 668.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7.9199999999999999,

‘uid’: 1635517.25},

‘Voie Du Mercenaire [VDM]’: {‘effRating’: 5779.04,

‘gamePlayed’: 497.0,

‘gameWin’: 278.0,

‘karma’: 14685.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 3511.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 195159098.0,

‘totalDeath’: 936.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 110310196.78,

‘totalHealingDone’: 21985006.75,

‘totalKill’: 1876.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 631.00999999999999,

‘uid’: 898144.0},

‘Voleurs de Kills [VdK]’: {‘effRating’: 5231.4700000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 1277.25,

‘gameWin’: 603.75,

‘karma’: 37268.75,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,

‘totalAssists’: 9203.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 537341139.25,

‘totalDeath’: 3308.25,

‘totalDmgDone’: 149555198.38999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 26450086.550000001,

‘totalKill’: 1887.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1335.0999999999999,

‘uid’: 1370136.0},

‘Volki Virgona [VV]’: {‘effRating’: 2145.4099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 1499.5,

‘gameWin’: 666.0,

‘karma’: 16515.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 7925.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 655519592.0,

‘totalDeath’: 3604.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 81174728.769999996,

‘totalHealingDone’: 17036121.09,

‘totalKill’: 1944.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1244.2,

‘uid’: 634796.0},

‘Vorlon Empire [VOR]’: {‘effRating’: 5705.8599999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 5319.0,

‘gameWin’: 2621.6700000000001,

‘karma’: 4196.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.67000000000000004,

‘totalAssists’: 43110.669999999998,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2329611280.6700001,

‘totalDeath’: 10409.33,

‘totalDmgDone’: 817622715.83000004,

‘totalHealingDone’: 95152627.599999994,

‘totalKill’: 14247.33,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12993.790000000001,

‘uid’: 1475210.6699999999},

‘WAAAGH [Mek]’: {‘effRating’: 7804.25,

‘gamePlayed’: 10715.0,

‘gameWin’: 6630.0,

‘karma’: 21883.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.77,

‘totalAssists’: 87238.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 4902618549.0,

‘totalDeath’: 14964.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1917128576.9400001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 305365791.23000002,

‘totalKill’: 48568.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 76463.660000000003,

‘uid’: 60389.0},

‘WARHOOM 5TH CARTEL [MAFlA]’: {‘effRating’: 7460.79,

‘gamePlayed’: 670.0,

‘gameWin’: 466.0,

‘karma’: -2026.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 2.2599999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 5329.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 290512780.0,

‘totalDeath’: 583.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 482669197.00999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 34843262.030000001,

‘totalKill’: 4668.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3029.8000000000002,

‘uid’: 1697001.0},

‘WARHOOM ONE HOLDING [W1]’: {‘effRating’: 6540.1199999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 4348.0,

‘gameWin’: 2249.0,

‘karma’: 21973.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.94999999999999996,

‘totalAssists’: 32722.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1820606516.0,

‘totalDeath’: 8428.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 647917465.25,

‘totalHealingDone’: 79245904.560000002,

‘totalKill’: 12214.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2921.8200000000002,

‘uid’: 1885600.0},

‘WARHOOM ONE INC [WI]’: {‘effRating’: 4603.5900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 1572.5699999999999,

‘gameWin’: 787.62,

‘karma’: 10813.860000000001,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,

‘totalAssists’: 12520.379999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 691589492.04999995,

‘totalDeath’: 3359.0500000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 271398121.20999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 57855078.979999997,

‘totalKill’: 3467.8600000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2969.96,

‘uid’: 2070727.0},

‘WARLON NATION [RIGEL]’: {‘effRating’: 4690.8400000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 2319.3299999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1170.04,

‘karma’: 22174.439999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 16440.130000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 975595651.16999996,

‘totalDeath’: 4859.2399999999998,

‘totalDmgDone’: 350991894.27999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 60787483.630000003,

‘totalKill’: 5316.4399999999996,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6463.3299999999999,

‘uid’: 1734587.3100000001},

‘WHAAAAAG [WAG]’: {‘effRating’: 1719.6400000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 545.0,

‘gameWin’: 278.0,

‘karma’: 0.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,

‘totalAssists’: 3036.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 230693472.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1112.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 30045442.07,

‘totalHealingDone’: 10262396.48,

‘totalKill’: 1092.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 751.12,

‘uid’: 712459.0},

‘WHITE SCORPIONS [WSP]’: {‘effRating’: 4759.2799999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 2030.4300000000001,

‘gameWin’: 1011.52,

‘karma’: 15441.889999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,

‘totalAssists’: 14202.799999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 848119839.95000005,

‘totalDeath’: 4488.54,

‘totalDmgDone’: 301984624.56,

‘totalHealingDone’: 49266935.07,

‘totalKill’: 4846.1599999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5887.3500000000004,

‘uid’: 1678402.77},

‘WOLF []’: {‘effRating’: 3688.0999999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 323.0,

‘gameWin’: 152.0,

‘karma’: 1592.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 2098.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 138991002.0,

‘totalDeath’: 821.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 15846250.24,

‘totalHealingDone’: 2915191.2000000002,

‘totalKill’: 423.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 620.23000000000002,

‘uid’: 956113.0},

‘WPMC []’: {‘effRating’: 2042.96,

‘gamePlayed’: 89.0,

‘gameWin’: 41.0,

‘karma’: 116.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,

‘totalAssists’: 524.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 31125986.5,

‘totalDeath’: 257.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 6810687.4800000004,

‘totalHealingDone’: 213567.32999999999,

‘totalKill’: 236.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 981345.5},

‘War Corporation []’: {‘effRating’: 2263.9499999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 301.0,

‘gameWin’: 124.0,

‘karma’: 48.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,

‘totalAssists’: 1576.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 102057675.0,

‘totalDeath’: 867.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 14943712.380000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 26776.48,

‘totalKill’: 267.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2404142.0},

‘WarKings [750th]’: {‘effRating’: 2946.6199999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 26.0,

‘gameWin’: 12.0,

‘karma’: 4551.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 190.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 12672097.0,

‘totalDeath’: 59.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 3025512.77,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1635632.6899999999,

‘totalKill’: 45.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17.920000000000002,

‘uid’: 280303.0},

‘Warp Gopnik [DESU]’: {‘effRating’: 6931.6800000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 9348.5499999999993,

‘gameWin’: 5836.2799999999997,

‘karma’: -34074.839999999997,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3799999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 72020.600000000006,

‘totalBattleTime’: 4091995955.5900002,

‘totalDeath’: 13491.17,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1821017355.1600001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 311904003.81,

‘totalKill’: 41005.529999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 76730.300000000003,

‘uid’: 628386.41000000003},

‘We Always Retaliate [W4R]’: {‘effRating’: 5330.8900000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 254.66999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 114.33,

‘karma’: 18978.330000000002,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.57999999999999996,

‘totalAssists’: 1671.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 104339919.33,

‘totalDeath’: 692.33000000000004,

‘totalDmgDone’: 27616272.120000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 3656986.7799999998,

‘totalKill’: 823.33000000000004,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 234.38999999999999,

‘uid’: 911700.32999999996},

‘WeskeriTribal [WTL]’: {‘effRating’: 3253.9000000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 970.0,

‘gameWin’: 426.0,

‘karma’: 32206.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 4944.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 420058253.0,

‘totalDeath’: 2817.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 121666890.98999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 22257547.609999999,

‘totalKill’: 777.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 510.13999999999999,

‘uid’: 1540933.0},

‘West Range [FAF]’: {‘effRating’: 4577.1800000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 823.5,

‘gameWin’: 387.60000000000002,

‘karma’: 11899.23,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 5245.8100000000004,

‘totalBattleTime’: 339059286.31,

‘totalDeath’: 1970.6199999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 130471947.31999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 15788640.1,

‘totalKill’: 1590.1500000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1079.01,

‘uid’: 1870025.3100000001},

‘Weyland Corporation [Weyne]’: {‘effRating’: 5543.0,

‘gamePlayed’: 971.0,

‘gameWin’: 456.0,

‘karma’: 174.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,

‘totalAssists’: 4689.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 341473841.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1784.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 105691562.98,

‘totalHealingDone’: 8993092.7599999998,

‘totalKill’: 2543.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 69.439999999999998,

‘uid’: 2240450.0},

‘White Crows [WhCrS]’: {‘effRating’: 5108.5600000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 1702.6700000000001,

‘gameWin’: 827.95000000000005,

‘karma’: 42166.239999999998,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 12116.049999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 698864040.10000002,

‘totalDeath’: 3328.4299999999998,

‘totalDmgDone’: 288450431.18000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 53555374.600000001,

‘totalKill’: 3685.6700000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1983.99,

‘uid’: 1724886.1899999999},

‘White Rhinoceros [WR]’: {‘effRating’: 3239.27,

‘gamePlayed’: 967.0,

‘gameWin’: 493.17000000000002,

‘karma’: 4650.3299999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,

‘totalAssists’: 7933.6700000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 404289016.67000002,

‘totalDeath’: 1858.3299999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 157821818.94999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 21861195.350000001,

‘totalKill’: 3314.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 768.45000000000005,

‘uid’: 1896500.1699999999},

‘Wild Ace Revolution [xWARx]’: {‘effRating’: 5043.6899999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 841.17999999999995,

‘gameWin’: 397.36000000000001,

‘karma’: 23704.27,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 5416.5500000000002,

‘totalBattleTime’: 336396749.44999999,

‘totalDeath’: 1906.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 130556993.81,

‘totalHealingDone’: 17711079.210000001,

‘totalKill’: 1432.27,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2370.3099999999999,

‘uid’: 2080286.27},

‘Wild Ravens []’: {‘effRating’: 2660.4200000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 793.0,

‘gameWin’: 357.0,

‘karma’: 467.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 4268.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 312029828.67000002,

‘totalDeath’: 2272.3299999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 54073274.840000004,

‘totalHealingDone’: 5040381.0099999998,

‘totalKill’: 1677.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 114.90000000000001,

‘uid’: 1354002.6699999999},

‘Wildlings [FR33]’: {‘effRating’: 4159.3800000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 646.0,

‘gameWin’: 296.0,

‘karma’: 6569.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.88,

‘totalAssists’: 3612.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 241355485.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1431.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 92656577.599999994,

‘totalHealingDone’: 5926591.0300000003,

‘totalKill’: 1252.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 44.979999999999997,

‘uid’: 1921858.0},

‘Wings of Equestria [WoE]’: {‘effRating’: 2771.3499999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 103.0,

‘gameWin’: 44.329999999999998,

‘karma’: 9878.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.25,

‘totalAssists’: 404.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 37335117.0,

‘totalDeath’: 224.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 7529986.5700000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 873004.56000000006,

‘totalKill’: 203.33000000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1849837.3300000001},

‘WinterStrike [SNOW]’: {‘effRating’: 5346.4099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 1036.0,

‘gameWin’: 500.0,

‘karma’: 1365.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,

‘totalAssists’: 5799.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 461378920.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1921.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 89311775.75,

‘totalHealingDone’: 22515098.690000001,

‘totalKill’: 1221.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2909.3699999999999,

‘uid’: 257428.0},

‘Wo Zhi Dao []’: {‘effRating’: 1204.47,

‘gamePlayed’: 8.0,

‘gameWin’: 3.0,

‘karma’: 642.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,

‘totalAssists’: 32.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2980166.0,

‘totalDeath’: 19.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 732126.16000000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 142484.06,

‘totalKill’: 9.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2828038.0},

‘WoD []’: {‘effRating’: 6159.0,

‘gamePlayed’: 4413.0,

‘gameWin’: 1726.0,

‘karma’: 2458.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 19960.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1832136506.0,

‘totalDeath’: 9577.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 326267809.26999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 49259863.100000001,

‘totalKill’: 9418.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12595.92,

‘uid’: 43851.0},

‘Wolf Squad [Wolfe]’: {‘effRating’: 3544.3699999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 368.75999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 173.63999999999999,

‘karma’: 7626.8000000000002,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 2164.71,

‘totalBattleTime’: 148194880.27000001,

‘totalDeath’: 846.41999999999996,

‘totalDmgDone’: 58061014.049999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 9254832.9499999993,

‘totalKill’: 756.69000000000005,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 539.33000000000004,

‘uid’: 1970969.0},

‘Wolf howl [WH]’: {‘effRating’: 4462.1199999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 2847.75,

‘gameWin’: 1256.5,

‘karma’: 23873.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,

‘totalAssists’: 20120.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1261366599.5,

‘totalDeath’: 6161.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 528299945.45999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 114374484.26000001,

‘totalKill’: 4041.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 36433.970000000001,

‘uid’: 2748553.25},

‘Wolfe Logistics []’: {‘effRating’: 894.74000000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 2.5,

‘gameWin’: 3.0,

‘karma’: 412.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.71999999999999997,

‘totalAssists’: 15.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1093208.5,

‘totalDeath’: 2.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 467147.70000000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 37701.610000000001,

‘totalKill’: 8.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1899761.0},

‘Wonderbolts [MLPxW]’: {‘effRating’: 4309.8699999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 1720.4000000000001,

‘gameWin’: 875.0,

‘karma’: 18290.599999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 11981.200000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 759074287.79999995,

‘totalDeath’: 3485.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 239552727.36000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 39278184.890000001,

‘totalKill’: 4900.1999999999998,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7651.1300000000001,

‘uid’: 1103866.8},

‘World Positive [WP]’: {‘effRating’: 3944.52,

‘gamePlayed’: 589.85000000000002,

‘gameWin’: 288.19,

‘karma’: 19408.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 4014.48,

‘totalBattleTime’: 243340355.56,

‘totalDeath’: 1307.74,

‘totalDmgDone’: 94084931.849999994,

‘totalHealingDone’: 14963318.25,

‘totalKill’: 1240.4400000000001,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 785.83000000000004,

‘uid’: 2182306.52},

‘World United Gamers [WUG]’: {‘effRating’: 3616.1999999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 1183.5,

‘gameWin’: 519.5,

‘karma’: 13775.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,

‘totalAssists’: 5440.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 431681988.0,

‘totalDeath’: 2783.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 91012237.900000006,

‘totalHealingDone’: 8282396.5700000003,

‘totalKill’: 965.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 274.94,

‘uid’: 2132967.5},

‘Wyverns [WYV]’: {‘effRating’: 6356.5299999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 690.0,

‘gameWin’: 297.0,

‘karma’: 51597.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 3369.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 270202857.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1555.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 139772092.00999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 8749770.3800000008,

‘totalKill’: 1164.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1089.4200000000001,

‘uid’: 1963398.0},

‘XIII Legion [13th]’: {‘effRating’: 3132.8800000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 153.0,

‘gameWin’: 73.0,

‘karma’: 1095.3299999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 866.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 53269410.670000002,

‘totalDeath’: 387.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 12212165.51,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1450379.05,

‘totalKill’: 289.67000000000002,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2080007.0},

‘XIII [XIII]’: {‘effRating’: 6286.3000000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 2729.3299999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1505.6700000000001,

‘karma’: 29668.330000000002,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,

‘totalAssists’: 19341.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1115635829.0,

‘totalDeath’: 5663.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 369630637.06999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 66616449.479999997,

‘totalKill’: 11259.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3337.2199999999998,

‘uid’: 1421014.0},

‘XXI Century [XXI]’: {‘effRating’: 3588.0,

‘gamePlayed’: 651.0,

‘gameWin’: 287.0,

‘karma’: 9032.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 5388.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 253454646.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1283.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 83655154.969999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 43785649.689999998,

‘totalKill’: 865.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3073.54,

‘uid’: 2451103.0},

‘Xeno Alliance [XEN]’: {‘effRating’: 4017.4699999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 697.42999999999995,

‘gameWin’: 321.70999999999998,

‘karma’: 4651.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,

‘totalAssists’: 5065.29,

‘totalBattleTime’: 282533028.43000001,

‘totalDeath’: 1399.71,

‘totalDmgDone’: 85456318.239999995,

‘totalHealingDone’: 13108686.42,

‘totalKill’: 1580.71,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 411.61000000000001,

‘uid’: 2236054.8599999999},

‘XenoCorp Inc [XC]’: {‘effRating’: 3273.1999999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 23.0,

‘gameWin’: 7.0,

‘karma’: 210.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,

‘totalAssists’: 107.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 9653277.0,

‘totalDeath’: 50.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 3456603.04,

‘totalHealingDone’: 406758.21000000002,

‘totalKill’: 53.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 575209.0},

‘Xplosive Kill Squad [EKS]’: {‘effRating’: 3676.8299999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 210.5,

‘gameWin’: 58.5,

‘karma’: 6791.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 1009.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 88973415.5,

‘totalDeath’: 612.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 16125279.939999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1705359.9399999999,

‘totalKill’: 290.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2470809.5},

‘YAKI [YAKI]’: {‘effRating’: 5133.4899999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 2789.1100000000001,

‘gameWin’: 1398.6800000000001,

‘karma’: 17714.639999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.85999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 18126.889999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1213287743.25,

‘totalDeath’: 5791.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 411112393.94999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 68832479.760000005,

‘totalKill’: 5873.9300000000003,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 20629.759999999998,

‘uid’: 1296536.1799999999},

‘ZION [ZION]’: {‘effRating’: 6310.7399999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 4277.6999999999998,

‘gameWin’: 2082.1999999999998,

‘karma’: 130220.7,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.25,

‘totalAssists’: 29786.299999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1813298461.0999999,

‘totalDeath’: 9301.2999999999993,

‘totalDmgDone’: 705317416.65999997,

‘totalHealingDone’: 116364413.13,

‘totalKill’: 9730.2999999999993,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16583.59,

‘uid’: 1373588.8999999999},

‘ZOO [Z00]’: {‘effRating’: 4160.6400000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 820.0,

‘gameWin’: 402.0,

‘karma’: 5976.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,

‘totalAssists’: 4921.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 312335172.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1435.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 97190306.650000006,

‘totalHealingDone’: 15398286.73,

‘totalKill’: 1194.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 123.72,

‘uid’: 2077855.0},

‘ZombieSpacePigs [ZSP]’: {‘effRating’: 4795.5600000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 2761.0,

‘gameWin’: 1349.0,

‘karma’: 16392.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.03,

‘totalAssists’: 18563.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1122118984.0,

‘totalDeath’: 8199.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 239279588.22,

‘totalHealingDone’: 42143368.009999998,

‘totalKill’: 6349.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2695.3699999999999,

‘uid’: 1108956.0},

‘Zona K45 [ZONA]’: {‘effRating’: 4187.3800000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 2805.0,

‘gameWin’: 1306.0,

‘karma’: 4447.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.73999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 16344.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1151783132.0,

‘totalDeath’: 8208.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 220156503.08000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 24414487.170000002,

‘totalKill’: 2777.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 738.82000000000005,

‘uid’: 57926.0},

‘bIG bANG tHEORY []’: {‘effRating’: 3601.6700000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 1730.5,

‘gameWin’: 708.66999999999996,

‘karma’: 7949.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 6562.6700000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 718158794.66999996,

‘totalDeath’: 6112.3299999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 97336190.319999993,

‘totalHealingDone’: 9416951.9299999997,

‘totalKill’: 892.83000000000004,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 996.52999999999997,

‘uid’: 1734301.8300000001},

‘black angels [ARX]’: {‘effRating’: 5205.9099999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 1124.0,

‘gameWin’: 500.5,

‘karma’: 112356.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.78000000000000003,

‘totalAssists’: 8012.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 457781368.5,

‘totalDeath’: 2893.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 201292256.94999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 9077641.9600000009,

‘totalKill’: 2288.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1611.77,

‘uid’: 1623190.5},

‘cristalguardians []’: {‘effRating’: 4398.3999999999996,

‘gamePlayed’: 435.0,

‘gameWin’: 171.0,

‘karma’: 3701.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 2527.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 192628345.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1113.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 42431747.280000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 8926773.6600000001,

‘totalKill’: 504.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1095.72,

‘uid’: 1110509.0},

‘dfaf []’: {‘effRating’: 3230.6300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 62.0,

‘gameWin’: 20.0,

‘karma’: 775.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,

‘totalAssists’: 325.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 24844334.0,

‘totalDeath’: 133.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 8353643.8499999996,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1054690.74,

‘totalKill’: 100.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1651672.0},

‘eXe []’: {‘effRating’: 8552.0100000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 9737.5,

‘gameWin’: 6860.5,

‘karma’: -72151.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 2.02,

‘totalAssists’: 72384.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 4247117741.0,

‘totalDeath’: 10470.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 2798133277.1700001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 154971694.11000001,

‘totalKill’: 63807.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 115411.16,

‘uid’: 537844.5},

‘edda []’: {‘effRating’: 5436.0900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 174.0,

‘gameWin’: 79.0,

‘karma’: 38420.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,

‘totalAssists’: 983.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 80198684.0,

‘totalDeath’: 613.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 25348798.289999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1626919.8300000001,

‘totalKill’: 215.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 282.08999999999997,

‘uid’: 2766960.0},

‘evo unchained [EVOuc]’: {‘effRating’: 3385.27,

‘gamePlayed’: 2506.29,

‘gameWin’: 1410.4300000000001,

‘karma’: 9224.5699999999997,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,

‘totalAssists’: 19430.290000000001,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1101912761.5699999,

‘totalDeath’: 4592.1400000000003,

‘totalDmgDone’: 345945073.64999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 64762488.899999999,

‘totalKill’: 9119.8600000000006,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 19185.279999999999,

‘uid’: 1525367.29},

‘free sector [free5]’: {‘effRating’: 3178.29,

‘gamePlayed’: 509.25,

‘gameWin’: 255.5,

‘karma’: 562.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,

‘totalAssists’: 3169.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 195976098.75,

‘totalDeath’: 1156.75,

‘totalDmgDone’: 41964403.100000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 3768633.9700000002,

‘totalKill’: 998.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 33.399999999999999,

‘uid’: 1754157.25},

‘gods of war []’: {‘effRating’: 4144.5299999999997,

‘gamePlayed’: 402.32999999999998,

‘gameWin’: 186.0,

‘karma’: 198.66999999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 2657.3299999999999,

‘totalBattleTime’: 163980960.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1150.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 40084734.880000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1881008.22,

‘totalKill’: 665.66999999999996,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 124.14,

‘uid’: 1671771.6699999999},

‘heliosesport []’: {‘effRating’: 1623.8599999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 42.0,

‘gameWin’: 18.0,

‘karma’: 659.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,

‘totalAssists’: 265.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 17259775.0,

‘totalDeath’: 132.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 2568229.0600000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 431665.06,

‘totalKill’: 51.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1839419.0},

‘i0x [i0]’: {‘effRating’: 4531.8000000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 1264.1800000000001,

‘gameWin’: 644.73000000000002,

‘karma’: 6648.7299999999996,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 9310.2999999999993,

‘totalBattleTime’: 512560464.26999998,

‘totalDeath’: 2555.8499999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 194354411.81,

‘totalHealingDone’: 30673142.550000001,

‘totalKill’: 2928.0599999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2360.3400000000001,

‘uid’: 1953731.3},

‘jarovit []’: {‘effRating’: 4982.9899999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 924.5,

‘gameWin’: 455.5,

‘karma’: 5141.5,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 7555.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 405601428.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1832.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 189054208.41,

‘totalHealingDone’: 29840893.289999999,

‘totalKill’: 2576.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 321.45999999999998,

‘uid’: 1367450.5},

‘join in the army []’: {‘effRating’: 3414.5700000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 723.75,

‘gameWin’: 325.75,

‘karma’: 9995.25,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 3556.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 297646425.75,

‘totalDeath’: 1671.75,

‘totalDmgDone’: 64712717.079999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 9742476.4100000001,

‘totalKill’: 1200.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 630.47000000000003,

‘uid’: 1340781.75},

‘kosmanavt [kos]’: {‘effRating’: 5089.5799999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 1998.48,

‘gameWin’: 950.40999999999997,

‘karma’: 21119.98,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 13353.67,

‘totalBattleTime’: 843546072.07000005,

‘totalDeath’: 5020.8000000000002,

‘totalDmgDone’: 311503785.76999998,

‘totalHealingDone’: 44050869.280000001,

‘totalKill’: 4356.3699999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11273.17,

‘uid’: 1730280.6100000001},

‘los de siempre []’: {‘effRating’: 5254.8900000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 1228.0,

‘gameWin’: 601.5,

‘karma’: 7600.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,

‘totalAssists’: 6653.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 467896261.5,

‘totalDeath’: 2664.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 161525242.75999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 15388728.82,

‘totalKill’: 2733.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1415.8699999999999,

‘uid’: 1895407.5},

‘mandal [mndal]’: {‘gamePlayed’: 18.0,

‘gameWin’: 6.0,

‘karma’: 0.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,

‘totalAssists’: 77.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 6341970.0,

‘totalDeath’: 47.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1093376.8100000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 153866.31,

‘totalKill’: 64.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1132657.0},

‘monsters industries []’: {‘effRating’: 6010.9300000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 1345.0,

‘gameWin’: 586.0,

‘karma’: 42969.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 8073.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 507319541.0,

‘totalDeath’: 3109.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 144228109.36000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 12111900.59,

‘totalKill’: 1956.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 335.95999999999998,

‘uid’: 1774756.0},

‘niji no ressha [Deft]’: {‘effRating’: 6780.5900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 6671.1599999999999,

‘gameWin’: 3926.9499999999998,

‘karma’: -8754.3799999999992,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1599999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 52318.620000000003,

‘totalBattleTime’: 2904510146.54,

‘totalDeath’: 10602.73,

‘totalDmgDone’: 1269665319.8900001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 182467724.16999999,

‘totalKill’: 25510.68,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 48188.669999999998,

‘uid’: 914296.85999999999},

‘player [play]’: {‘effRating’: 4388.3100000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 733.80999999999995,

‘gameWin’: 334.44,

‘karma’: 24185.189999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,

‘totalAssists’: 4558.5600000000004,

‘totalBattleTime’: 310786578.69,

‘totalDeath’: 1518.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 100142856.72,

‘totalHealingDone’: 13895615.779999999,

‘totalKill’: 1099.0599999999999,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 840.10000000000002,

‘uid’: 1710819.6899999999},

‘red bull [reb]’: {‘effRating’: 3081.6300000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 109.0,

‘gameWin’: 56.0,

‘karma’: 1448.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 624.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 37719163.0,

‘totalDeath’: 271.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 8605538.4000000004,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1498698.8,

‘totalKill’: 236.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1878360.0},

‘rurganec [wolfs]’: {‘effRating’: 3730.02,

‘gamePlayed’: 507.62,

‘gameWin’: 232.75,

‘karma’: 6455.75,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,

‘totalAssists’: 3176.25,

‘totalBattleTime’: 206339062.5,

‘totalDeath’: 1057.1199999999999,

‘totalDmgDone’: 51961044.950000003,

‘totalHealingDone’: 11154876.15,

‘totalKill’: 751.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 243.08000000000001,

‘uid’: 1944671.0},

‘savage crew [SAVED]’: {‘effRating’: 5017.6800000000003,

‘gamePlayed’: 2491.5999999999999,

‘gameWin’: 1178.0,

‘karma’: 26035.599999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.83999999999999997,

‘totalAssists’: 14501.4,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1073180779.6,

‘totalDeath’: 5534.8999999999996,

‘totalDmgDone’: 289550607.25999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 50733585.670000002,

‘totalKill’: 4912.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9037.5699999999997,

‘uid’: 1047524.0},

‘space Spartans []’: {‘effRating’: 3604.79,

‘gamePlayed’: 200.0,

‘gameWin’: 101.0,

‘karma’: 636.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,

‘totalAssists’: 749.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 74809809.0,

‘totalDeath’: 512.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 15148960.130000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1112783.8100000001,

‘totalKill’: 469.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 779136.0},

‘space monkeys []’: {‘effRating’: 3781.9000000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 2990.0,

‘gameWin’: 1713.5,

‘karma’: 51578.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3500000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 20728.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 1275333865.0,

‘totalDeath’: 6814.5,

‘totalDmgDone’: 534472831.55000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 95251311.310000002,

‘totalKill’: 11887.5,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6100.4899999999998,

‘uid’: 360800.0},

‘star Atlantis [SETI]’: {‘effRating’: 5703.7600000000002,

‘gamePlayed’: 1005.0,

‘gameWin’: 448.0,

‘karma’: 22770.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,

‘totalAssists’: 5772.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 414550005.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1463.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 306614546.49000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 33134308.940000001,

‘totalKill’: 1831.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1922.3499999999999,

‘uid’: 2115480.0},

‘star fox reload []’: {‘effRating’: 4443.0900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 392.0,

‘gameWin’: 185.0,

‘karma’: 588.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,

‘totalAssists’: 2220.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 149517018.0,

‘totalDeath’: 782.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 28468838.379999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 1191341.8700000001,

‘totalKill’: 525.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 74.599999999999994,

‘uid’: 2121610.0},

‘testov []’: {‘effRating’: 6062.1000000000004,

‘gamePlayed’: 1208.0,

‘gameWin’: 667.0,

‘karma’: 946.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 2.29,

‘totalAssists’: 9748.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 505498276.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1420.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 274088731.80000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 70508515.790000007,

‘totalKill’: 3270.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3085.9000000000001,

‘uid’: 1696870.0},

‘testov3 []’: {‘effRating’: 6693.9899999999998,

‘gamePlayed’: 668.0,

‘gameWin’: 355.0,

‘karma’: 1070.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.77,

‘totalAssists’: 5333.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 299958912.0,

‘totalDeath’: 1126.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 104783357.45999999,

‘totalHealingDone’: 28555306.239999998,

‘totalKill’: 1505.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1743.02,

‘uid’: 2353403.0},

‘the engi []’: {‘effRating’: 3756.8899999999999,

‘gamePlayed’: 1208.0,

‘gameWin’: 643.0,

‘karma’: 323.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 1.04,

‘totalAssists’: 8712.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 501440001.0,

‘totalDeath’: 3188.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 154952388.22,

‘totalHealingDone’: 22973263.149999999,

‘totalKill’: 4345.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2954.27,

‘uid’: 910424.0},

‘thefruitsClan [TFC]’: {‘effRating’: 4113.46,

‘gamePlayed’: 118.0,

‘gameWin’: 55.0,

‘karma’: 568.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,

‘totalAssists’: 735.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 45748072.0,

‘totalDeath’: 279.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 14456936.02,

‘totalHealingDone’: 514291.22999999998,

‘totalKill’: 215.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 2384981.0},

‘velloop inc [vllp]’: {‘effRating’: 3107.48,

‘gamePlayed’: 333.11000000000001,

‘gameWin’: 152.83000000000001,

‘karma’: 3376.3899999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,

‘totalAssists’: 1957.22,

‘totalBattleTime’: 122693157.0,

‘totalDeath’: 723.55999999999995,

‘totalDmgDone’: 36299196.140000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 6478600.6200000001,

‘totalKill’: 511.22000000000003,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 508.56999999999999,

‘uid’: 2381254.4399999999},

‘w/o corp [>.<]’: {‘effRating’: 3281.3400000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 803.5,

‘gameWin’: 406.69999999999999,

‘karma’: 6584.5799999999999,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 5364.5,

‘totalBattleTime’: 331652552.63,

‘totalDeath’: 1693.04,

‘totalDmgDone’: 112871380.01000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 16838757.030000001,

‘totalKill’: 1961.28,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2116.73,

‘uid’: 1895009.0700000001},

‘weekend []’: {‘effRating’: 1770.1900000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 46.0,

‘gameWin’: 20.0,

‘karma’: 280.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,

‘totalAssists’: 207.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 16150080.0,

‘totalDeath’: 150.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 2806917.1400000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 31369.049999999999,

‘totalKill’: 120.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 1231753.0},

‘wolfshowl [whl]’: {‘effRating’: 1206.05,

‘gamePlayed’: 200.0,

‘gameWin’: 85.0,

‘karma’: 118.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,

‘totalAssists’: 681.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 73177035.0,

‘totalDeath’: 587.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 6794711.2300000004,

‘totalHealingDone’: 259165.82000000001,

‘totalKill’: 262.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,

‘uid’: 418469.0},

‘zoolandia []’: {‘effRating’: 2833.6500000000001,

‘gamePlayed’: 477.0,

‘gameWin’: 227.0,

‘karma’: 2868.0,

‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,

‘totalAssists’: 2061.0,

‘totalBattleTime’: 197958546.0,

‘totalDeath’: 850.0,

‘totalDmgDone’: 27467361.710000001,

‘totalHealingDone’: 2735626.8300000001,

‘totalKill’: 1040.0,

‘totalVpDmgDone’: 272.52999999999997,

‘uid’: 269655.0}}




from json import loadfrom numpy import averagefrom pprint import pprint dumpy = load(open('raw.txt', 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1'))stats = {}corps = {}averages = {}for player in dumpy: player = dumpy[player] corp = '{} [{}]'.format(player['name'], player['tag'])try:for key in player:try: corps[corp][key].append(player[key])except KeyError: corps[corp][key] = [player[key]]continueexcept KeyError: corps[corp] = {}for key in player:try: corps[corp][key].append(player[key])except KeyError: corps[corp][key] = [player[key]]continuecontinuefor corp in corps: averages[corp] = {}for stats in corps[corp]:try: averages[corp][stats] = round(average(corps[corp][stats]), 2)except:continue pprint(averages)


Ahahah thx Tillo


28 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:

Damn… I’ve wasted time on it ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

[@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/) enjoy


  Hide contents

{‘0 3 0 [030]’: {‘effRating’: 2032.3399999999999,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1124.5,
                 ‘gameWin’: 537.5,
                 ‘karma’: 6945.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 8460.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 495036472.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 2975.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 126845006.62,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 27006993.190000001,
                 ‘totalKill’: 2458.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 648.74000000000001,
                 ‘uid’: 2611345.5},
 ‘115th Squadron [115th]’: {‘effRating’: 1905.8199999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 306.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 146.5,
                            ‘karma’: 592.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 1936.5,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 110967429.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 859.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 20637833.190000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 3351174.8700000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 528.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 1013784.0},
 ‘187 HUNGARIAN Gods [187]’: {‘effRating’: 3363.9699999999998,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 427.44,
                              ‘gameWin’: 191.11000000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 7576.4399999999996,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 2591.3299999999999,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 170812184.22,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 982.77999999999997,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 60316621.07,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 8075619.2000000002,
                              ‘totalKill’: 695.66999999999996,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 104.17,
                              ‘uid’: 2600689.0},
 ‘1up [1up]’: {‘effRating’: 1742.1600000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 76.75,
               ‘gameWin’: 39.0,
               ‘karma’: 8740.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
               ‘totalAssists’: 292.5,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 29416604.5,
               ‘totalDeath’: 197.25,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 5400702.7800000003,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 372246.75,
               ‘totalKill’: 148.75,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
               ‘uid’: 1933089.25},
 ‘2x2 [2x2]’: {‘effRating’: 3871.6399999999999,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 733.62,
               ‘gameWin’: 347.76999999999998,
               ‘karma’: 8989.5400000000009,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
               ‘totalAssists’: 4568.3800000000001,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 290580072.95999998,
               ‘totalDeath’: 1900.5799999999999,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 87370993.260000005,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 11954216.27,
               ‘totalKill’: 1417.0799999999999,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1112.9000000000001,
               ‘uid’: 2014591.0},
 ‘32nd Black Eagles [32nd]’: {‘effRating’: 3741.46,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 661.33000000000004,
                              ‘gameWin’: 307.77999999999997,
                              ‘karma’: 7016.2200000000003,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3600.8899999999999,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 260589189.88999999,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1335.5599999999999,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 90023058.930000007,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 13560209.42,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1193.78,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 337.56999999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 1689311.5600000001},
 ‘333 [333]’: {‘effRating’: 4901.0100000000002,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 2045.5799999999999,
               ‘gameWin’: 933.25,
               ‘karma’: 23369.5,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
               ‘totalAssists’: 13308.17,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 866684291.41999996,
               ‘totalDeath’: 5013.1700000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 246728565.37,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 29263274.48,
               ‘totalKill’: 3310.25,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4787.5799999999999,
               ‘uid’: 1259310.0800000001},
 ‘41 First EliteCorps [MSk]’: {‘effRating’: 5197.7600000000002,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 2926.3299999999999,
                               ‘gameWin’: 1349.6700000000001,
                               ‘karma’: 110209.67,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34999999999999998,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 16407.330000000002,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1276992320.6700001,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 7501.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 381365115.20999998,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 79201274.650000006,
                               ‘totalKill’: 3634.6700000000001,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7437.25,
                               ‘uid’: 1224355.6699999999},
 ‘412th Flotte [412th]’: {‘effRating’: 4363.25,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 285.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 148.0,
                          ‘karma’: 4128.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.75,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1362.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 114411028.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 705.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 36802645.600000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 1998845.0900000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1103.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 881311.0},
 ‘420 [420]’: {‘effRating’: 2190.9200000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 316.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 146.0,
               ‘karma’: 33.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
               ‘totalAssists’: 974.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 119069468.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 703.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 16942931.469999999,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 529759.17000000004,
               ‘totalKill’: 788.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 374.47000000000003,
               ‘uid’: 462626.0},
 ‘4EchoSquad [4ES]’: {‘effRating’: 3652.5,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 7697.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 3308.0,
                      ‘karma’: 632.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.85999999999999999,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 35225.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 3178604596.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 17762.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 442093773.11000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 21078625.489999998,
                      ‘totalKill’: 9113.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2415.6799999999998,
                      ‘uid’: 206514.0},
 ‘8th Corsair Guard [8th]’: {‘effRating’: 7347.29,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 2293.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1261.5,
                             ‘karma’: 7248.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 10528.5,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 979807714.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 4620.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 374087739.56,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 16796719.43,
                             ‘totalKill’: 8112.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25300.790000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 843681.0},
 ‘A2D []’: {‘effRating’: 1352.1500000000001,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 21.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 13.0,
            ‘karma’: 91.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
            ‘totalAssists’: 127.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 8053798.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 70.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 1672408.8899999999,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 548319.32999999996,
            ‘totalKill’: 48.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
            ‘uid’: 2690386.0},
 ‘ACAB [ACAB]’: {‘effRating’: 4609.1499999999996,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1600.75,
                 ‘gameWin’: 701.0,
                 ‘karma’: 14804.25,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34999999999999998,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 10528.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 667976706.5,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 4269.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 297216465.88999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 36220493.479999997,
                 ‘totalKill’: 3038.75,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7867.5500000000002,
                 ‘uid’: 2268085.0},
 ‘ACC A WAR [ACC]’: {‘effRating’: 5136.7299999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2844.77,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1386.23,
                     ‘karma’: 21612.939999999999,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.70999999999999996,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 19055.299999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1207775464.71,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 6863.6700000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 419764187.79000002,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 60180119.32,
                     ‘totalKill’: 5481.1599999999999,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15757.49,
                     ‘uid’: 1501139.8700000001},
 ‘AEVUM [AEVUM]’: {‘effRating’: 5032.6700000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1433.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 688.0,
                   ‘karma’: 41.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 7757.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 550592850.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 2745.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 100179509.42,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 8877330.4900000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 2314.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2142.7800000000002,
                   ‘uid’: 310441.0},
 ‘AGNI [AGNI]’: {‘effRating’: 3878.7399999999998,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 931.5,
                 ‘gameWin’: 447.0,
                 ‘karma’: 1182.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 4426.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 320712267.5,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 1790.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 76820638.939999998,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 4211518.0,
                 ‘totalKill’: 2312.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1592.0899999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 1905721.5},
 ‘ALPHA STAR [AS]’: {‘effRating’: 5026.6499999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2482.6100000000001,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1198.0899999999999,
                     ‘karma’: 22734.610000000001,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 17878.59,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1070688815.91,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 5696.2399999999998,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 392575618.07999998,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 57397868.049999997,
                     ‘totalKill’: 5771.0500000000002,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8387.5900000000001,
                     ‘uid’: 1688740.46},
 ‘ALPHA [ALPHA]’: {‘effRating’: 5404.7399999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 5304.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 2951.5,
                   ‘karma’: 20614.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 34615.5,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 2220892122.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 10881.5,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 806990170.75,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 129513430.06999999,
                   ‘totalKill’: 20312.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 40283.949999999997,
                   ‘uid’: 1429584.5},
 ‘ALTAIR STAR [ALT]’: {‘effRating’: 3296.5300000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 833.33000000000004,
                       ‘gameWin’: 357.67000000000002,
                       ‘karma’: 14670.67,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 5016.6700000000001,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 319760312.32999998,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 2188.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 78491294.090000004,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 9904797.8000000007,
                       ‘totalKill’: 887.33000000000004,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 568.24000000000001,
                       ‘uid’: 1769401.0},
 ‘AMQRUSH SQUAD [Ru5H]’: {‘effRating’: 7106.1400000000003,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 165.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 72.0,
                          ‘karma’: 3988.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 993.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 75372349.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 348.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 40469056.469999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 4711170.3399999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 443.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 126.05,
                          ‘uid’: 1239134.0},
 ‘ANTARES [ATS]’: {‘effRating’: 4363.8299999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 693.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 313.0,
                   ‘karma’: 18034.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 3206.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 301225625.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 1660.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 79339334.299999997,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 11818771.48,
                   ‘totalKill’: 932.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 301.98000000000002,
                   ‘uid’: 584355.0},
 ‘APPLE []’: {‘effRating’: 3414.0,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 289.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 100.0,
              ‘karma’: 2625.0,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
              ‘totalAssists’: 970.0,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 132651140.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 620.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 38130366.210000001,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 2542853.1000000001,
              ‘totalKill’: 206.0,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
              ‘uid’: 2648785.0},
 ‘ARES AREY [ARES]’: {‘effRating’: 4032.0100000000002,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1773.23,
                      ‘gameWin’: 834.23000000000002,
                      ‘karma’: 17047.59,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 11655.450000000001,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 730701788.36000001,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 4029.0500000000002,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 279936104.60000002,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 38089763.649999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 3344.5,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5428.1700000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 2018877.8200000001},
 ‘ASM Expansion Fleet [ASMEF]’: {‘effRating’: 2649.9899999999998,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 523.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 268.0,
                                 ‘karma’: 1222.75,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 2303.75,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 179413255.25,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 1034.75,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 49048452.130000003,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 5627124.0300000003,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 1346.0,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 65.900000000000006,
                                 ‘uid’: 2087873.75},
 ‘ASTRON [ASTR]’: {‘effRating’: 8407.7700000000004,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 3963.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 2061.0,
                   ‘karma’: 79711.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.25,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 26981.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1691145616.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 5033.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 885420630.94000006,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 96724840.329999998,
                   ‘totalKill’: 11808.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 24822.110000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 1891380.0},
 ‘AUSEZ Gaming [AUSEZ]’: {‘effRating’: 2646.5900000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 156.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 81.0,
                          ‘karma’: 688.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1048.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 63905677.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 538.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 11983570.529999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 2629139.5099999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 503.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 929295.0},
 ‘AUSTRIAN PIRATES [AUTP]’: {‘effRating’: 3161.04,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 540.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 258.0,
                             ‘karma’: 7172.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 3018.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 203114382.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 1798.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 41389807.810000002,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 5705306.8200000003,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1044.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15.0,
                             ‘uid’: 1157980.0},
 ‘AUT [AUT]’: {‘effRating’: 5697.9200000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 6076.5799999999999,
               ‘gameWin’: 3000.6799999999998,
               ‘karma’: 18304.32,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.93999999999999995,
               ‘totalAssists’: 40714.419999999998,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 2647690623.3200002,
               ‘totalDeath’: 12298.950000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 893676680.38,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 153865145.59999999,
               ‘totalKill’: 15856.68,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 29088.990000000002,
               ‘uid’: 839467.31999999995},
 ‘AVCI [AVCI]’: {‘effRating’: 6906.1099999999997,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 12954.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 6421.0,
                 ‘karma’: 15147.5,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1899999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 86630.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 5745047160.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 26672.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 1860425667.95,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 291968724.38999999,
                 ‘totalKill’: 31396.5,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 37220.910000000003,
                 ‘uid’: 1081788.0},
 ‘AWTCE [AWTCE]’: {‘effRating’: 3014.2399999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 132.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 77.0,
                   ‘karma’: 2105.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 1028.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 55172196.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 229.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 15049996.85,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 3034306.25,
                   ‘totalKill’: 350.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 23.800000000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 705526.0},
 ‘Absolute Hell [HELL]’: {‘effRating’: 1275.21,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 13.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 6.0,
                          ‘karma’: 259.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 69.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 5958162.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 41.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 1505435.73,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 54293.0,
                          ‘totalKill’: 84.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 1611628.0},
 ‘Addicted2Kill [A2K]’: {‘effRating’: 4292.2299999999996,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 612.5,
                         ‘gameWin’: 282.32999999999998,
                         ‘karma’: 10455.17,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 3689.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 240643318.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 1321.8299999999999,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 72885465.120000005,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 7048123.4400000004,
                         ‘totalKill’: 821.5,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 286.27999999999997,
                         ‘uid’: 1931263.8300000001},
 ‘Adeptus Astartes [ADS]’: {‘effRating’: 5654.0699999999997,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 3434.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 1600.3,
                            ‘karma’: 44143.599999999999,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.95999999999999996,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 21199.200000000001,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 1458269066.8,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 8841.5,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 454211275.81,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 59376513.210000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 6365.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7414.8400000000001,
                            ‘uid’: 1291750.7},
 ‘Admirals Club [AdCl]’: {‘effRating’: 2573.4299999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1358.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 540.0,
                          ‘karma’: 4774.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.28,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 4557.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 552638573.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 3636.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 99424196.609999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 3657913.0,
                          ‘totalKill’: 987.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 329.31999999999999,
                          ‘uid’: 1666882.0},
 ‘Advent Empire [TheAE]’: {‘effRating’: 3325.29,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 470.69999999999999,
                           ‘gameWin’: 224.44999999999999,
                           ‘karma’: 4346.7299999999996,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 2831.02,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 175982464.31999999,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1024.8800000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 47924654.689999998,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 6175494.0700000003,
                           ‘totalKill’: 888.67999999999995,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 281.94999999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 2230194.8300000001},
 ‘Advent [Adv]’: {‘effRating’: 3880.25,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 1080.71,
                  ‘gameWin’: 485.88,
                  ‘karma’: 15010.879999999999,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 7451.1199999999999,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 416753316.24000001,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 2549.4099999999999,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 140423802.55000001,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 29441696.280000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 1715.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1023.5,
                  ‘uid’: 2355478.2400000002},
 ‘Aigles de Nemesis [AdN]’: {‘effRating’: 5124.1800000000003,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1522.3699999999999,
                             ‘gameWin’: 689.0,
                             ‘karma’: 38197.470000000001,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.88,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 9849.7399999999998,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 638523584.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 3025.0500000000002,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 312335561.57999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 40191234.439999998,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3466.5799999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8818.0599999999995,
                             ‘uid’: 2128815.3700000001},
 ‘Alien Liquidators [ALQ]’: {‘effRating’: 5509.5100000000002,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1548.3099999999999,
                             ‘gameWin’: 756.38,
                             ‘karma’: 83831.880000000005,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.89000000000000001,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 11299.5,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 629248460.19000006,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 3215.6900000000001,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 225977954.37,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 38017670.289999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3181.3800000000001,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3100.21,
                             ‘uid’: 1695903.0600000001},
 ‘Alien Sympathizers [PEACE]’: {‘effRating’: 3228.8800000000001,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 714.13999999999999,
                                ‘gameWin’: 326.26999999999998,
                                ‘karma’: 3730.0900000000001,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 4231.9099999999999,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 290862965.94999999,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 2183.4499999999998,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 97551279.890000001,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 4448879.5700000003,
                                ‘totalKill’: 1444.5899999999999,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 449.41000000000003,
                                ‘uid’: 1849353.5900000001},
 ‘Alpha Connection [ITACI]’: {‘effRating’: 2515.3699999999999,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 180.5,
                              ‘gameWin’: 96.5,
                              ‘karma’: 1104.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 1031.5,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 72215955.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 415.5,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 16012415.91,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 1221200.3700000001,
                              ‘totalKill’: 560.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 36.369999999999997,
                              ‘uid’: 625214.0},
 ‘Alpha Generation [MS13]’: {‘effRating’: 3195.6199999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 76.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 40.5,
                             ‘karma’: 3104.5,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23000000000000001,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 378.5,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 25840738.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 143.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 7127028.2599999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 0.0,
                             ‘totalKill’: 178.5,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                             ‘uid’: 2451739.5},
 ‘Amur Tigers [Tiger]’: {‘effRating’: 6528.1199999999999,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 7813.2700000000004,
                         ‘gameWin’: 3845.5999999999999,
                         ‘karma’: 52180.129999999997,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.23,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 51646.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 3363450763.9299998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 14748.93,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 1411624346.48,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 191344940.08000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 21594.330000000002,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 46866.18,
                         ‘uid’: 1268449.27},
 ‘Anime No Sekai [Anime]’: {‘effRating’: 1881.49,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 45.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 29.5,
                            ‘karma’: 260.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 171.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 12305435.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 38.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 2728361.8599999999,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 648069.16000000003,
                            ‘totalKill’: 121.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2219039.0},
 ‘Anonymous [ANON]’: {‘effRating’: 4445.9799999999996,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1088.2,
                      ‘gameWin’: 510.39999999999998,
                      ‘karma’: 19154.150000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 7691.8999999999996,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 444191275.35000002,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 2566.75,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 146380172.52000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 28911652.640000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1696.3499999999999,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1245.8,
                      ‘uid’: 2234322.4500000002},
 ‘Another Lost Fleet [ALF]’: {‘effRating’: 3129.25,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 556.89999999999998,
                              ‘gameWin’: 275.63,
                              ‘karma’: 13036.379999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3627.2399999999998,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 237894294.38,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1454.28,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 84052280.140000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 14572655.789999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 956.89999999999998,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1738.6199999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 1865132.0700000001},
 ‘AntsInThePants [ANTS]’: {‘effRating’: 2936.1900000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 98.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 44.0,
                           ‘karma’: 1268.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 733.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 44995094.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 316.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 17239361.5,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 1918391.3100000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 255.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 107.34999999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 2590781.5},
 ‘ApertureScienceLAB [ASL]’: {‘effRating’: 4844.1800000000003,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 1856.77,
                              ‘gameWin’: 874.55999999999995,
                              ‘karma’: 10711.799999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 11959.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 780568366.09000003,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 4094.1999999999998,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 258539784.36000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 46144076.619999997,
                              ‘totalKill’: 3568.4099999999999,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6735.9799999999996,
                              ‘uid’: 1771216.55},
 ‘Apollon 18 [A18]’: {‘effRating’: 4822.0900000000001,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 2544.4499999999998,
                      ‘gameWin’: 1177.5999999999999,
                      ‘karma’: 33498.150000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.75,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 17779.950000000001,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1065620958.35,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 5560.3000000000002,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 447311381.54000002,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 64827084.609999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 5272.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9291.1000000000004,
                      ‘uid’: 1957291.1499999999},
 ‘Apple 1nc [Applo]’: {‘effRating’: 4135.29,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 962.74000000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 449.75999999999999,
                       ‘karma’: 8187.6400000000003,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 6293.8599999999997,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 386138608.79000002,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 2206.7600000000002,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 113267968.83,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 19953188.640000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1867.8900000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1269.6600000000001,
                       ‘uid’: 1952840.73},
 ‘Apple inc [Apple]’: {‘effRating’: 4361.1599999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 506.13999999999999,
                       ‘gameWin’: 247.56999999999999,
                       ‘karma’: 3608.9299999999998,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 3461.8600000000001,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 193378318.06999999,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1068.6400000000001,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 62436995.960000001,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 10501357.25,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1138.9300000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 207.02000000000001,
                       ‘uid’: 2187716.21},
 ‘Arc [Arc]’: {‘effRating’: 2566.25,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 590.20000000000005,
               ‘gameWin’: 260.19999999999999,
               ‘karma’: 2979.5999999999999,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
               ‘totalAssists’: 3223.1999999999998,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 229831650.59999999,
               ‘totalDeath’: 1596.4000000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 39880211.909999996,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 5242969.4100000001,
               ‘totalKill’: 796.39999999999998,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 62.909999999999997,
               ‘uid’: 2157157.7999999998},
 ‘Arcane Bond []’: {‘effRating’: 2551.4400000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 193.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 86.0,
                    ‘karma’: 548.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 809.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 74746521.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 342.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 11702918.07,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 879951.23999999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 378.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 71.019999999999996,
                    ‘uid’: 586587.0},
 ‘Argentum Encarmine []’: {‘effRating’: 2387.2199999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 257.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 127.0,
                           ‘karma’: 796.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 1521.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 98121598.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 745.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 23647201.690000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 852814.81999999995,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1072.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 1719713.0},
 ‘Armata Star [Armat]’: {‘effRating’: 5281.5,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1793.1900000000001,
                         ‘gameWin’: 816.24000000000001,
                         ‘karma’: 11611.709999999999,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 10109.33,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 757972726.86000001,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 4536.9499999999998,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 215680415.88,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 25091965.329999998,
                         ‘totalKill’: 2764.8099999999999,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5601.5900000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 1761906.48},
 ‘Art of WAR [AoWAR]’: {‘effRating’: 3942.6199999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 853.64999999999998,
                        ‘gameWin’: 403.30000000000001,
                        ‘karma’: 7114.4300000000003,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 5152.6999999999998,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 347743335.77999997,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1768.3900000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 114604636.58,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 16425766.5,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1885.7,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2199.1199999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 2001135.3899999999},
 ‘Ases Indomaveis [ASES]’: {‘effRating’: 1309.46,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 11.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 4.0,
                            ‘karma’: 610.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.029999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 41.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 4598516.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 24.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 1810698.0700000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘totalKill’: 24.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2417674.0},
 ‘Aseveljet [Aseet]’: {‘effRating’: 1458.02,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 19.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 12.0,
                       ‘karma’: 15.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 161.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 7776965.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 53.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 2045574.5800000001,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 310647.17999999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 88.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1334565.0},
 ‘Asgard Erie [ASE]’: {‘effRating’: 4100.2799999999997,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1477.9400000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 667.47000000000003,
                       ‘karma’: 13366.120000000001,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 8733.1800000000003,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 614106228.82000005,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 4495.8800000000001,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 138218476.03,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 18265102.390000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 2184.3499999999999,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1742.6800000000001,
                       ‘uid’: 1453704.8799999999},
 ‘AsteroidDust []’: {‘effRating’: 3101.4400000000001,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 204.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 100.5,
                     ‘karma’: 1499.5,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 1103.5,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 83426087.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 459.5,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 23609402.52,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 1458697.8,
                     ‘totalKill’: 681.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 129.47,
                     ‘uid’: 1497789.5},
 ‘AtlantiS [AtiS]’: {‘effRating’: 5026.2299999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1112.5,
                     ‘gameWin’: 575.0,
                     ‘karma’: 12740.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 7296.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 419248202.5,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2232.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 133581803.34,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 13686294.99,
                     ‘totalKill’: 3193.5,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 548.75,
                     ‘uid’: 1004899.5},
 ‘Avalon []’: {‘effRating’: 3334.6100000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 1390.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 663.0,
               ‘karma’: 29981.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.67000000000000004,
               ‘totalAssists’: 8296.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 558105945.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 2607.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 94782663.060000002,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 39848210.509999998,
               ‘totalKill’: 2385.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 560.13,
               ‘uid’: 399928.0},
 ‘Avenging Angels []’: {‘effRating’: 5434.5,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 109.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 38.0,
                        ‘karma’: 2341.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.91000000000000003,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 596.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 46151404.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 182.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 18801307.52,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 3342254.1400000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 164.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 1291915.0},
 ‘AwesomeSpaceFerrets [ASF]’: {‘effRating’: 4264.21,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 856.24000000000001,
                               ‘gameWin’: 402.44999999999999,
                               ‘karma’: 22002.93,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 5652.9300000000003,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 360545518.17000002,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 1843.76,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 139737097.59999999,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 23098433.02,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1530.0999999999999,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1685.7,
                               ‘uid’: 1976639.3799999999},
 ‘Ayakashi [YOKAI]’: {‘effRating’: 4347.4300000000003,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1347.4000000000001,
                      ‘gameWin’: 764.39999999999998,
                      ‘karma’: -1515.2,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 9942.3999999999996,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 482666891.80000001,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 2764.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 165318939.18000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 13163192.51,
                      ‘totalKill’: 4877.8000000000002,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1053.52,
                      ‘uid’: 2398698.7999999998},
 ‘B4sterds [B4]’: {‘effRating’: 5149.8800000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 785.20000000000005,
                   ‘gameWin’: 334.19999999999999,
                   ‘karma’: 8861.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 5479.6000000000004,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 348321487.39999998,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 2038.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 218102143.83000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 40817545.219999999,
                   ‘totalKill’: 1419.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3304.7199999999998,
                   ‘uid’: 2604243.7999999998},
 ‘BATTLESTAR [STAR]’: {‘effRating’: 5123.0500000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1893.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1111.0,
                       ‘karma’: 27712.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.45,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 17775.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1049896532.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 4233.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 193696317.09,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 119215493.2,
                       ‘totalKill’: 3726.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6533.1899999999996,
                       ‘uid’: 1950573.0},
 ‘BEASTS OF JERICHO [BEAST]’: {‘effRating’: 4798.4099999999999,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1786.5599999999999,
                               ‘gameWin’: 863.35000000000002,
                               ‘karma’: 12227.120000000001,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 11220.9,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 753210664.24000001,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3870.9400000000001,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 273361001.68000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 40102247.729999997,
                               ‘totalKill’: 4181.1599999999999,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3799.79,
                               ‘uid’: 1494465.3400000001},
 ‘BELLATRIX [BAX]’: {‘effRating’: 3810.0300000000002,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1330.3299999999999,
                     ‘gameWin’: 701.16999999999996,
                     ‘karma’: 14691.75,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 9445.6700000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 547329609.33000004,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2555.9200000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 212791157.69999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 34824829.799999997,
                     ‘totalKill’: 4282.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6275.6899999999996,
                     ‘uid’: 1536286.5},
 ‘BKC BC [Pycb]’: {‘effRating’: 4888.9799999999996,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1905.6600000000001,
                   ‘gameWin’: 899.44000000000005,
                   ‘karma’: 23336.720000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 12802.530000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 791048375.44000006,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 4264.7200000000003,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 289510846.69999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 48470828.18,
                   ‘totalKill’: 4114.5900000000001,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7282.1400000000003,
                   ‘uid’: 1721248.4399999999},
 ‘BLACK SCORPIONS [SCORP]’: {‘effRating’: 5920.29,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 7973.3199999999997,
                             ‘gameWin’: 4366.1599999999999,
                             ‘karma’: 29768.740000000002,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.05,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 57892.68,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 3520925579.5300002,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 15720.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 1433205163.29,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 270509285.44,
                             ‘totalKill’: 24855.16,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 77295.860000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 986833.53000000003},
 ‘BORG [BORG]’: {‘effRating’: 4102.46,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 699.95000000000005,
                 ‘gameWin’: 332.72000000000003,
                 ‘karma’: 19692.169999999998,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 4576.5600000000004,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 293177225.18000001,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 1624.8299999999999,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 103246792.95999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 15231492.15,
                 ‘totalKill’: 1350.5799999999999,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1078.3399999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 1949514.29},
 ‘BTR [BTR2]’: {‘effRating’: 3934.0599999999999,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 605.11000000000001,
                ‘gameWin’: 286.22000000000003,
                ‘karma’: 4880.2200000000003,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                ‘totalAssists’: 3857.2199999999998,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 239140605.44,
                ‘totalDeath’: 1407.6700000000001,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 65109440.840000004,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 9751994.0,
                ‘totalKill’: 944.88999999999999,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 250.40000000000001,
                ‘uid’: 2138730.7799999998},
 ‘Bad Company [BCOM]’: {‘effRating’: 2226.8600000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 204.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 88.0,
                        ‘karma’: 461.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 975.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 80143895.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 477.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 10238690.119999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 740294.85999999999,
                        ‘totalKill’: 319.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 217366.0},
 ‘BarbariansFR [BBR]’: {‘effRating’: 3862.8800000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 401.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 185.66999999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 2084.3299999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 2096.3299999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 153814400.66999999,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 885.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 55963223.799999997,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 7437861.0599999996,
                        ‘totalKill’: 658.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 53.32,
                        ‘uid’: 2036169.0},
 ‘Barbatos Corps [BARC]’: {‘effRating’: 3410.9699999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 47.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 19.0,
                           ‘karma’: 1738.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 207.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 18093358.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 55.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 5905449.4900000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 1497983.9299999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 55.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2260000.0},
 ‘BattleStars [BAST]’: {‘effRating’: 3093.9299999999998,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 160.25,
                        ‘gameWin’: 71.25,
                        ‘karma’: 16693.5,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.2,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 997.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 67467332.75,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 325.75,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 30076526.739999998,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 4987662.5099999998,
                        ‘totalKill’: 296.25,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 91.620000000000005,
                        ‘uid’: 1912353.25},
 ‘Baum Corporation []’: {‘effRating’: 5494.4700000000003,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 424.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 206.0,
                         ‘karma’: 5378.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 2650.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 144810695.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 904.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 41268966.759999998,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 11713932.24,
                         ‘totalKill’: 730.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 165.63999999999999,
                         ‘uid’: 2393776.0},
 ‘Behemoth [Behem]’: {‘effRating’: 4219.9899999999998,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1528.5899999999999,
                      ‘gameWin’: 751.82000000000005,
                      ‘karma’: 9206.3400000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 9210.8799999999992,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 642812177.53999996,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 3343.6599999999999,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 218754541.37,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 31637530.829999998,
                      ‘totalKill’: 3374.0300000000002,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5816.5600000000004,
                      ‘uid’: 1588159.5700000001},
 ‘Belt of Osiris [Osirz]’: {‘effRating’: 3831.8600000000001,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 910.12,
                            ‘gameWin’: 436.62,
                            ‘karma’: 23415.119999999999,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 6142.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 379860966.75,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2005.6199999999999,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 138764322.24000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 20645366.120000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1888.3800000000001,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 907.91999999999996,
                            ‘uid’: 1663205.6200000001},
 ‘Best Military Wing [BMW]’: {‘effRating’: 5842.3000000000002,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 764.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 333.0,
                              ‘karma’: 15881.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 4221.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 297216262.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1990.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 87358318.090000004,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 17102245.510000002,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1086.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 436.77999999999997,
                              ‘uid’: 1326494.5},
 ‘Best of the best [PRO]’: {‘effRating’: 5408.5600000000004,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 713.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 354.32999999999998,
                            ‘karma’: 8943.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 5102.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 283535887.32999998,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1756.3299999999999,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 114958157.67,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 17135003.670000002,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1869.6700000000001,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 141.94999999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 1482151.3300000001},
 ‘Beta Syndicate [BSYN]’: {‘effRating’: 4432.6400000000003,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 708.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 322.32999999999998,
                           ‘karma’: 26260.330000000002,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0900000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 3921.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 280546297.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1335.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 105758268.41,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 12368465.470000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1545.3299999999999,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 489.92000000000002,
                           ‘uid’: 342242.33000000002},
 ‘Black Cat [Cat]’: {‘effRating’: 2854.8099999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 736.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 300.0,
                     ‘karma’: 2076.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 2896.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 225756412.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 1672.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 43403383.539999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 3374780.3300000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 1339.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                     ‘uid’: 2069961.0},
 ‘Black Hawks [HawK]’: {‘effRating’: 7087.79,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 4398.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 2543.0,
                        ‘karma’: 14560.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3600000000000001,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 35952.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 2152906425.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 8490.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 601075374.73000002,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 79287354.069999993,
                        ‘totalKill’: 17888.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 49024.849999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 76914.0},
 ‘Black Hole Empire []’: {‘effRating’: 2659.4400000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 115.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 59.0,
                          ‘karma’: 1008.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 609.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 41881691.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 230.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 7482167.6200000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 3041442.6699999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 179.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2746581.0},
 ‘Black Joker [JOKER]’: {‘effRating’: 5265.8199999999997,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1712.6700000000001,
                         ‘gameWin’: 854.51999999999998,
                         ‘karma’: 25687.040000000001,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 13024.41,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 720009299.96000004,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 3791.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 261391131.0,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 46565355.700000003,
                         ‘totalKill’: 3439.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3306.8200000000002,
                         ‘uid’: 1598058.0700000001},
 ‘Black Legion Inc [BLInc]’: {‘effRating’: 2555.3499999999999,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 468.32999999999998,
                              ‘gameWin’: 232.0,
                              ‘karma’: 3318.3299999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 2379.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 154979256.33000001,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 831.66999999999996,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 44761102.990000002,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 5953638.2400000002,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1177.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 188.78,
                              ‘uid’: 2524473.0},
 ‘Black Saints [Saint]’: {‘effRating’: 3986.1799999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 238.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 102.0,
                          ‘karma’: 2810.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1355.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 93478582.5,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 740.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 24789040.629999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 6296426.3300000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 284.5,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 29.780000000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 2272069.5},
 ‘Black Shadow [Devil]’: {‘effRating’: 4026.3000000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2650.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1177.0,
                          ‘karma’: 18950.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 6307.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 1133724289.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 5722.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 180063891.43000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 6762701.7300000004,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3711.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6360.5200000000004,
                          ‘uid’: 180566.0},
 ‘Black Star [Black]’: {‘effRating’: 6018.5600000000004,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 3547.6900000000001,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1739.3399999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 29906.599999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 24300.490000000002,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1546017332.46,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 7917.1099999999997,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 619249276.15999997,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 83897856.769999996,
                        ‘totalKill’: 8463.3999999999996,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17718.689999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 1523525.51},
 ‘BlackHandZocker [BHZ]’: {‘effRating’: 4595.5799999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 563.79999999999995,
                           ‘gameWin’: 274.19999999999999,
                           ‘karma’: 27397.599999999999,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 3656.8000000000002,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 216356350.19999999,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1147.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 62047885.840000004,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 8521955.4700000007,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1403.4000000000001,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 197.63999999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1802958.6000000001},
 ‘Blackspirits [i9C4i]’: {‘effRating’: 2538.1500000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 127.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 66.0,
                          ‘karma’: 3750.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 850.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 54136240.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 290.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 17464864.210000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 2427658.5600000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 276.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 13.470000000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1617525.0},
 ‘Blackstars [BLST]’: {‘effRating’: 3380.0900000000001,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 445.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 236.0,
                       ‘karma’: 4143.75,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2862.75,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 185722866.25,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1185.5,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 60406250.68,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 9760428.3000000007,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1368.75,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 39.969999999999999,
                       ‘uid’: 1288846.0},
 ‘Blades [BLAD]’: {‘effRating’: 5848.0600000000004,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2969.27,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1527.25,
                   ‘karma’: 15397.92,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.70999999999999996,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 22397.459999999999,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1301129615.47,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 6430.4099999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 578176028.89999998,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 88066963.730000004,
                   ‘totalKill’: 8284.2000000000007,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14162.34,
                   ‘uid’: 1623734.0},
 ‘Blazed [BZD]’: {‘effRating’: 1865.0999999999999,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 37.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 18.0,
                  ‘karma’: 72.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 157.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 11954215.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 93.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 1568038.9099999999,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 141351.54000000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 62.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                  ‘uid’: 2314901.0},
 ‘Blazing Phoenix [BL4ZE]’: {‘effRating’: 3422.21,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 741.98000000000002,
                             ‘gameWin’: 357.26999999999998,
                             ‘karma’: 7789.6400000000003,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23000000000000001,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 4509.8800000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 294691397.51999998,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 1680.4100000000001,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 98011539.579999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 13965758.65,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1668.1600000000001,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2011.46,
                             ‘uid’: 2181735.6600000001},
 ‘Bleu Blanc Rouge []’: {‘effRating’: 1288.8,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 30.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 9.0,
                         ‘karma’: -26.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 178.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 14428596.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 125.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 1613186.4399999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 289260.37,
                         ‘totalKill’: 44.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 2671356.0},
 ‘BlobCo []’: {‘effRating’: 4714.4399999999996,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 2880.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 1269.0,
               ‘karma’: 1204.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.85999999999999999,
               ‘totalAssists’: 15478.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1141124954.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 7660.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 269877774.72000003,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 66046644.549999997,
               ‘totalKill’: 4754.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1595.7,
               ‘uid’: 277833.0},
 ‘Blood Dragon Mercs [xBDMx]’: {‘effRating’: 3792.6700000000001,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 750.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 334.5,
                                ‘karma’: 1563.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 3135.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 268342836.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 1245.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 63934118.700000003,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 7461856.9000000004,
                                ‘totalKill’: 1132.5,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 32.329999999999998,
                                ‘uid’: 1329016.0},
 ‘Blood Raven [Raven]’: {‘effRating’: 6280.1899999999996,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 5096.8000000000002,
                         ‘gameWin’: 2714.1999999999998,
                         ‘karma’: 84584.199999999997,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.29,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 41791.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 2344808488.1999998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 11788.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 893039006.77999997,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 226716029.5,
                         ‘totalKill’: 13901.200000000001,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 41861.419999999998,
                         ‘uid’: 1210725.2},
 ‘Bogatyri Of Galaxy [xBOGx]’: {‘effRating’: 6877.3900000000003,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 5837.5,
                                ‘gameWin’: 2898.5,
                                ‘karma’: 21635.25,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3400000000000001,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 42926.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 2518721741.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 12315.5,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 1037230154.01,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 120274594.72,
                                ‘totalKill’: 16369.25,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14475.120000000001,
                                ‘uid’: 1342654.25},
 ‘Bombers []’: {‘effRating’: 6074.7600000000002,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 64.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 35.0,
                ‘karma’: 10761.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
                ‘totalAssists’: 296.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 25996399.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 123.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 19303194.02,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 1431803.3700000001,
                ‘totalKill’: 116.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                ‘uid’: 2183073.0},
 ‘BotN []’: {‘effRating’: 4355.7200000000003,
             ‘gamePlayed’: 306.0,
             ‘gameWin’: 153.5,
             ‘karma’: 926.0,
             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
             ‘totalAssists’: 2040.5,
             ‘totalBattleTime’: 117136389.5,
             ‘totalDeath’: 589.0,
             ‘totalDmgDone’: 31515176.199999999,
             ‘totalHealingDone’: 9276328.6199999992,
             ‘totalKill’: 411.5,
             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 268.54000000000002,
             ‘uid’: 1135372.0},
 ‘Bravo Corp [BRAVO]’: {‘effRating’: 4789.6000000000004,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 185.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 104.0,
                        ‘karma’: 13433.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 1085.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 76368897.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 471.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 27520821.16,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 5246480.0099999998,
                        ‘totalKill’: 581.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 2115278.0},
 ‘Brazucas [BRAS]’: {‘effRating’: 3029.75,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 279.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 120.0,
                     ‘karma’: 9065.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 1458.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 121875329.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 718.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 48519474.619999997,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 7694423.1799999997,
                     ‘totalKill’: 454.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                     ‘uid’: 1743397.0},
 ‘Bregan Daerthe [BD]’: {‘effRating’: 7068.8800000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1821.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 918.0,
                         ‘karma’: 3117.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 10988.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 758567756.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 4126.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 252360468.28,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 35507719.159999996,
                         ‘totalKill’: 6999.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5753.2700000000004,
                         ‘uid’: 511268.0},
 ‘Bringers of Death [BoD]’: {‘effRating’: 3614.9099999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1050.6700000000001,
                             ‘gameWin’: 522.66999999999996,
                             ‘karma’: 1790.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 6426.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 448209016.32999998,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 2399.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 89807880.0,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 24184726.719999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 2300.3299999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1946.6900000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 776739.32999999996},
 ‘Brotherhood of Symf []’: {‘effRating’: 2393.0,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 118.67,
                            ‘gameWin’: 71.0,
                            ‘karma’: 319.67000000000002,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 629.66999999999996,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 40517921.329999998,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 244.66999999999999,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 12493409.130000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 1439200.3600000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 469.32999999999998,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2297381.0},
 ‘BrotherhoodOfSteel [BoS]’: {‘effRating’: 6329.21,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 3465.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 2362.0,
                              ‘karma’: 533.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 30735.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 1556545644.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 3895.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 145772576.47999999,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 69441996.489999995,
                              ‘totalKill’: 16322.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1238.75,
                              ‘uid’: 184.0},
 ‘BrotherhoodRulez []’: {‘effRating’: 3768.5900000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 279.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 134.0,
                         ‘karma’: 1094.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1706.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 107071600.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 704.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 27479945.43,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 3430932.8100000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 826.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 1043693.0},
 ‘Brothers [Bros]’: {‘effRating’: 4827.1199999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1918.6099999999999,
                     ‘gameWin’: 908.5,
                     ‘karma’: 11958.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 12322.940000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 810410978.55999994,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4331.7200000000003,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 285140231.58999997,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 40316876.950000003,
                     ‘totalKill’: 3858.6700000000001,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3787.3200000000002,
                     ‘uid’: 1430050.1699999999},
 ‘Bucaneros [BUCAN]’: {‘effRating’: 5114.1199999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 680.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 281.0,
                       ‘karma’: 7981.6700000000001,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2616.6700000000001,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 271383825.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1594.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 45611270.25,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 4974336.2999999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 724.33000000000004,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 546.63,
                       ‘uid’: 1621037.6699999999},
 ‘Bulgarian Alliance [BG]’: {‘effRating’: 4498.9799999999996,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1935.1700000000001,
                             ‘gameWin’: 964.83000000000004,
                             ‘karma’: 16458.040000000001,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 12533.610000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 815337296.16999996,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 4812.3000000000002,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 297113574.61000001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 38779534.609999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 5121.6099999999997,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11929.610000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 1625612.78},
 ‘Burning Phoenix Ind [BPHXI]’: {‘effRating’: 2466.0599999999999,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 240.66999999999999,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 109.0,
                                 ‘karma’: 2548.6700000000001,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 1302.6700000000001,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 94725537.670000002,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 543.66999999999996,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 28903680.66,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 7463623.4900000002,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 383.0,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 149.62,
                                 ‘uid’: 2420468.3300000001},
 ‘CCCP [CCCP]’: {‘effRating’: 6514.2399999999998,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 4873.6099999999997,
                 ‘gameWin’: 2546.8899999999999,
                 ‘karma’: 50945.110000000001,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.02,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 36527.889999999999,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 2071485254.25,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 10259.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 926625620.61000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 145063518.06999999,
                 ‘totalKill’: 13214.07,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25181.200000000001,
                 ‘uid’: 1345689.21},
 ‘CERBERE [CBR]’: {‘effRating’: 4349.2399999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2426.6700000000001,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1243.6700000000001,
                   ‘karma’: 4189.3299999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.71999999999999997,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 15675.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1086612542.3299999,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 5561.3299999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 409164473.10000002,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 59675881.030000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 8362.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11854.99,
                   ‘uid’: 575663.32999999996},
 ‘CILGIN TURKLER [KURT]’: {‘effRating’: 2898.6900000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 475.67000000000002,
                           ‘gameWin’: 222.33000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 910.33000000000004,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 2903.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 202040752.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1379.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 45512716.439999998,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 8153818.71,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1053.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 112.59,
                           ‘uid’: 1958704.6699999999},
 ‘CORT [CORT]’: {‘effRating’: 4232.8400000000001,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1532.8,
                 ‘gameWin’: 723.95000000000005,
                 ‘karma’: 6190.8999999999996,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 9785.3500000000004,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 619355101.70000005,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 3618.8499999999999,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 214249740.00999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 37641177.329999998,
                 ‘totalKill’: 2867.8000000000002,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3445.9499999999998,
                 ‘uid’: 2106272.4500000002},
 ‘COSMIC STORM []’: {‘effRating’: 4280.3999999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 529.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 230.0,
                     ‘karma’: -7113.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 1727.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 195629813.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 1460.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 25068367.84,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 2304132.2000000002,
                     ‘totalKill’: 669.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 511.06999999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 668749.0},
 ‘CZech Ravagers [CzR]’: {‘effRating’: 3948.0500000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 858.88999999999999,
                          ‘gameWin’: 413.76999999999998,
                          ‘karma’: 7751.6199999999999,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 5573.5699999999997,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 364312491.23000002,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2067.71,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 133862785.05,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 19122750.68,
                          ‘totalKill’: 2068.02,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2614.5700000000002,
                          ‘uid’: 2162405.4900000002},
 ‘Cannon Fodder [MEAT]’: {‘effRating’: 5453.6899999999996,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1511.2,
                          ‘gameWin’: 727.60000000000002,
                          ‘karma’: 28325.400000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 11875.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 631323334.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2634.8000000000002,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 212193781.50999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 35700114.93,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4061.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1511.23,
                          ‘uid’: 1168667.0},
 ‘Carbon Core [CORE]’: {‘effRating’: 2885.8600000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 943.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 402.0,
                        ‘karma’: 1399.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 4577.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 382261943.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1861.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 55814826.619999997,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 4565143.0700000003,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1641.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 87.930000000000007,
                        ‘uid’: 313909.0},
 ‘Carebears [CBA]’: {‘effRating’: 5595.9099999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1384.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 787.0,
                     ‘karma’: 1174.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 8042.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 523877937.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 1930.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 192834494.97999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 32304471.68,
                     ‘totalKill’: 4786.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 313.88999999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 398739.0},
 ‘Cerberus [CSA]’: {‘effRating’: 5691.3699999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 5750.6700000000001,
                    ‘gameWin’: 2818.1999999999998,
                    ‘karma’: 19980.529999999999,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.85999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 34136.669999999998,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 2519191291.1999998,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 12119.07,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 949090627.64999998,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 133678149.87,
                    ‘totalKill’: 13300.200000000001,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 80575.429999999993,
                    ‘uid’: 1285249.3999999999},
 ‘Champs of Caos [CPU]’: {‘effRating’: 3699.1799999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 391.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 189.5,
                          ‘karma’: 45392.5,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2169.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 164520300.66999999,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 855.5,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 70833302.629999995,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 8526620.0199999996,
                          ‘totalKill’: 993.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10.01,
                          ‘uid’: 1250684.8300000001},
 ‘Chaotic Legion [CH4OS]’: {‘effRating’: 4976.54,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 2612.3699999999999,
                            ‘gameWin’: 1290.1800000000001,
                            ‘karma’: 19741.810000000001,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 18314.400000000001,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 1116909869.3099999,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 5481.1899999999996,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 480659949.11000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 66252502.090000004,
                            ‘totalKill’: 6065.0900000000001,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6324.3800000000001,
                            ‘uid’: 1778111.51},
 ‘Chirno []’: {‘effRating’: 3219.73,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 904.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 471.0,
               ‘karma’: 2108.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
               ‘totalAssists’: 5983.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 330457960.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 1474.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 97589487.379999995,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 37279828.240000002,
               ‘totalKill’: 2176.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 44.049999999999997,
               ‘uid’: 747212.0},
 ‘Circle Of Five []’: {‘effRating’: 3301.0300000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 585.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 259.5,
                       ‘karma’: 1507.5,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 3298.5,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 236700313.5,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1818.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 51338807.100000001,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 3671302.7799999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1106.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1503321.0},
 ‘Clan Assassins [CASS]’: {‘effRating’: 5442.7399999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1487.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 743.0,
                           ‘karma’: 70260.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.2,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 11934.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 618936445.5,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 3626.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 263711603.78,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 46802068.549999997,
                           ‘totalKill’: 3742.5,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3717.9000000000001,
                           ‘uid’: 1228227.5},
 ‘Clan Jade Falcon [CJF]’: {‘effRating’: 4634.0799999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 595.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 277.0,
                            ‘karma’: 3280.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 3256.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 213306616.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1338.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 77918328.269999996,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 3415759.2799999998,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1175.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2039256.0},
 ‘Clan Reckoning [RECK]’: {‘effRating’: 3301.4899999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 2139.3299999999999,
                           ‘gameWin’: 989.66999999999996,
                           ‘karma’: 4173.3299999999999,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 12653.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 864146747.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 5880.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 211749250.22,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 15730371.890000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 5064.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4090.1599999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1368286.6699999999},
 ‘Clear sky [SKY]’: {‘effRating’: 5689.5299999999997,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 5126.9399999999996,
                     ‘gameWin’: 2609.29,
                     ‘karma’: 20080.060000000001,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 36785.709999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2251769241.4699998,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 10473.940000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 807851277.59000003,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 133886922.78,
                     ‘totalKill’: 14631.469999999999,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 28361.779999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1217396.1799999999},
 ‘Cloaked Republic [NRNS]’: {‘effRating’: 488.51999999999998,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1.0,
                             ‘karma’: 684.5,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 1.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 281143.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 1.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 10983.57,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 0.0,
                             ‘totalKill’: 0.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                             ‘uid’: 2438245.0},
 ‘Cold Steel [CS]’: {‘effRating’: 972.77999999999997,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 11.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 6.0,
                     ‘karma’: 1619.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 55.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 3621689.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 20.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 1004657.3199999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 52196.889999999999,
                     ‘totalKill’: 21.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                     ‘uid’: 2267800.0},
 ‘Cold Storage []’: {‘effRating’: 3763.71,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 155.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 76.0,
                     ‘karma’: 1870.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.5700000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 732.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 54852693.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 302.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 10490559.09,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 1651150.4099999999,
                     ‘totalKill’: 285.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 54.840000000000003,
                     ‘uid’: 177460.0},
 ‘ComanDo EsTeLar [CE]’: {‘effRating’: 4225.5,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2501.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1135.0,
                          ‘karma’: 6055.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 11904.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 997023557.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 6084.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 151441455.94999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 17829758.199999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3220.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 723.21000000000004,
                          ‘uid’: 1102749.5},
 ‘Comando Brazil [CBRA]’: {‘effRating’: 4288.9200000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1791.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 794.0,
                           ‘karma’: 4657.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 11363.75,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 721673738.75,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 5034.75,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 175988361.28999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 30005169.989999998,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2065.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2102.0599999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1894525.25},
 ‘Companions []’: {‘effRating’: 2098.6900000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 247.33000000000001,
                   ‘gameWin’: 109.67,
                   ‘karma’: 183.33000000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 1131.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 88636290.670000002,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 544.66999999999996,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 18167443.190000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 2450445.4300000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 368.32999999999998,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 204.87,
                   ‘uid’: 2143735.3300000001},
 ‘Conquerors []’: {‘effRating’: 714.09000000000003,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 28.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 14.0,
                   ‘karma’: 0.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 90.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 9959121.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 95.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 1578549.8300000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 221229.04000000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 74.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                   ‘uid’: 905115.0},
 ‘Cookie Collective []’: {‘effRating’: 1862.29,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 77.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 34.0,
                          ‘karma’: 54.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 301.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 19303612.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 105.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 4155250.1899999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 169192.89999999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 137.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2961564.0},
 ‘Cookie Jar [CJar]’: {‘effRating’: 2959.8699999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 383.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 188.0,
                       ‘karma’: 319.5,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.60999999999999999,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2750.3299999999999,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 163393156.66999999,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 909.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 47944857.659999996,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 5428511.0199999996,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1061.6700000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 169.62,
                       ‘uid’: 2337221.0},
 ‘Corporacion Hispana [CH]’: {‘effRating’: 3618.8000000000002,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 517.36000000000001,
                              ‘gameWin’: 253.71000000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 8519.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3019.5,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 216487150.13999999,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1075.21,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 67050852.719999999,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 9202777.6199999992,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1239.4300000000001,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 461.11000000000001,
                              ‘uid’: 1914077.3600000001},
 ‘Cosmica [CSMC]’: {‘effRating’: 3037.7800000000002,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 402.67000000000002,
                    ‘gameWin’: 216.0,
                    ‘karma’: 8405.6700000000001,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 2870.6700000000001,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 158054103.33000001,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 760.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 53713274.75,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 9312565.4600000009,
                    ‘totalKill’: 989.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 132.66999999999999,
                    ‘uid’: 1964857.0},
 ‘Couch Moose Inc [CMI]’: {‘effRating’: 1381.28,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 22.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 15.0,
                           ‘karma’: 101.33,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 139.33000000000001,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 7270831.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 49.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 1807834.02,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘totalKill’: 61.329999999999998,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2448101.6699999999},
 ‘Coza Nostra [CoNo]’: {‘effRating’: 5209.1800000000003,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 3271.1999999999998,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1517.2,
                        ‘karma’: 16630.200000000001,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 25584.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1364106087.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 8191.6000000000004,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 361033679.20999998,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 25941643.629999999,
                        ‘totalKill’: 5391.6000000000004,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7351.6499999999996,
                        ‘uid’: 1281836.8},
 ‘Crazy Dwarfs [Crazy]’: {‘effRating’: 3154.02,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 437.67000000000002,
                          ‘gameWin’: 201.66999999999999,
                          ‘karma’: 504.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2640.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 182139869.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 778.66999999999996,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 35359726.039999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 3942321.1099999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1060.6700000000001,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1112.9200000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1163921.3300000001},
 ‘Crazy Insane Asylum []’: {‘effRating’: 3240.6500000000001,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 112.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 51.0,
                            ‘karma’: 2817.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 572.5,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 42316686.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 175.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 22478981.039999999,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 3225337.1699999999,
                            ‘totalKill’: 185.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 1462410.5},
 ‘Crispy Frozen Lotus []’: {‘effRating’: 3065.1399999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 390.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 201.0,
                            ‘karma’: 2788.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 2386.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 167783855.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 696.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 29063498.239999998,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 8768275.4700000007,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1031.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 257818.0},
 ‘Critical []’: {‘effRating’: 5503.6300000000001,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1905.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 889.0,
                 ‘karma’: 5743.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 11910.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 867408763.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 4451.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 295389304.16000003,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 43075484.670000002,
                 ‘totalKill’: 4041.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12401.209999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 2130296.0},
 ‘Crusaders Eternal []’: {‘effRating’: 1229.5,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 13.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 5.0,
                          ‘karma’: 9.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 74.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 5520362.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 51.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 1343326.0700000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 29236.48,
                          ‘totalKill’: 30.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 1978179.0},
 ‘CyberDong [D1k]’: {‘effRating’: 5160.9700000000003,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 89.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 45.0,
                     ‘karma’: 11103.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 887.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 41923352.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 193.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 12348691.42,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 4800305.2699999996,
                     ‘totalKill’: 92.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 190.69,
                     ‘uid’: 2729776.0},
 ‘Cyborgs [Cybrg]’: {‘effRating’: 5439.8900000000003,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2895.46,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1414.8800000000001,
                     ‘karma’: 26069.310000000001,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 20513.189999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1230854079.4300001,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 6401.6899999999996,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 460153355.81,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 77830779.640000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 6267.46,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11287.73,
                     ‘uid’: 1380811.4299999999},
 ‘Czech Rebels [DnB]’: {‘effRating’: 3977.46,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 515.71000000000004,
                        ‘gameWin’: 250.28999999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 11029.860000000001,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 3495.29,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 206533698.43000001,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1163.4300000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 71021763.590000004,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 14401153.18,
                        ‘totalKill’: 968.13999999999999,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 614.15999999999997,
                        ‘uid’: 1810320.29},
 ‘Czech destroyers [CzSk]’: {‘effRating’: 4699.6199999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1461.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 717.36000000000001,
                             ‘karma’: 7507.6400000000003,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 9787.4500000000007,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 617615397.54999995,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 3192.8200000000002,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 195475570.77000001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 23864797.219999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3188.4499999999998,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3055.3200000000002,
                             ‘uid’: 1581072.9099999999},
 ‘DANDELIONS [DONS]’: {‘effRating’: 4939.79,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 2390.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1331.0,
                       ‘karma’: 35417.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.84999999999999998,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 20237.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1076887246.6700001,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 3866.3299999999999,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 394460983.80000001,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 63397471.350000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 8697.6700000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1822.4200000000001,
                       ‘uid’: 1097696.3300000001},
 ‘DAREDEVILS []’: {‘effRating’: 4640.3000000000002,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1966.8,
                   ‘gameWin’: 959.60000000000002,
                   ‘karma’: 23332.599999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 11899.6,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 848306771.20000005,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 4883.3999999999996,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 242754909.59,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 38129868.07,
                   ‘totalKill’: 3385.8000000000002,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9380.9799999999996,
                   ‘uid’: 1031031.4},
 ‘DAS RUDEL []’: {‘effRating’: 4163.0,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 882.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 425.0,
                  ‘karma’: 791.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.25,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 5140.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 366092851.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 1976.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 106460862.36,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 9094003.9299999997,
                  ‘totalKill’: 2477.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 177.21000000000001,
                  ‘uid’: 994073.0},
 ‘DDT [DDT]’: {‘effRating’: 4640.0100000000002,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 276.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 132.0,
               ‘karma’: 484.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
               ‘totalAssists’: 1284.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 111480634.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 726.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 24122364.27,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 2908922.77,
               ‘totalKill’: 262.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 62.520000000000003,
               ‘uid’: 1928386.0},
 ‘DEEP SPACE X [DSX]’: {‘effRating’: 5666.0500000000002,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 2643.02,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1279.71,
                        ‘karma’: 24999.549999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 16607.869999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1126243357.1700001,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 5616.3900000000003,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 482300155.89999998,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 62259394.270000003,
                        ‘totalKill’: 6288.1099999999997,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11993.6,
                        ‘uid’: 1586022.3400000001},
 ‘DEMONESS LILITH [LILIT]’: {‘effRating’: 4827.8100000000004,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1875.77,
                             ‘gameWin’: 878.76999999999998,
                             ‘karma’: 17613.849999999999,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 11796.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 774593441.53999996,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 4392.6899999999996,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 212407197.41999999,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 25408701.109999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3275.6900000000001,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2467.6399999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 1238559.6200000001},
 ‘DENFER [Bo0M]’: {‘effRating’: 3351.5,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 699.66999999999996,
                   ‘gameWin’: 314.56,
                   ‘karma’: 2717.5599999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 3173.2199999999998,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 266396505.78,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 1759.3299999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 55537703.780000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 6826364.9900000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 1265.8900000000001,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 695.02999999999997,
                   ‘uid’: 2028093.1100000001},
 ‘DEVIL BG [BUL]’: {‘effRating’: 4302.9499999999998,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 633.57000000000005,
                    ‘gameWin’: 302.70999999999998,
                    ‘karma’: 11244.709999999999,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 4439.8599999999997,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 265344549.86000001,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1275.71,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 125544418.89,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 14068248.93,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1315.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 320.66000000000003,
                    ‘uid’: 1486785.4299999999},
 ‘DFM [DFM]’: {‘effRating’: 5123.8699999999999,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 592.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 235.0,
               ‘karma’: 2017.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
               ‘totalAssists’: 3548.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 248545667.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 1873.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 38780071.600000001,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 9205744.5600000005,
               ‘totalKill’: 517.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 155.87,
               ‘uid’: 2496511.0},
 ‘DNS [DNS]’: {‘effRating’: 4446.2299999999996,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 1177.2,
               ‘gameWin’: 546.38999999999999,
               ‘karma’: 16262.52,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
               ‘totalAssists’: 7887.5100000000002,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 484614646.44999999,
               ‘totalDeath’: 2712.5900000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 194426406.80000001,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 29178415.149999999,
               ‘totalKill’: 2222.4899999999998,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4335.1800000000003,
               ‘uid’: 2096933.72},
 ‘DRAGO [DRAG]’: {‘effRating’: 4615.71,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 2992.77,
                  ‘gameWin’: 1330.54,
                  ‘karma’: 26976.619999999999,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 18937.689999999999,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 1265262858.6900001,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 6311.2299999999996,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 384461417.27999997,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 97907797.829999998,
                  ‘totalKill’: 3930.0799999999999,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14365.219999999999,
                  ‘uid’: 1916688.54},
 ‘DRAGONASEN [DragN]’: {‘effRating’: 4507.8900000000003,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 724.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 324.67000000000002,
                        ‘karma’: 1666.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 4816.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 304531481.67000002,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1909.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 70512821.849999994,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 14466546.43,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1241.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1433.9100000000001,
                        ‘uid’: 1397691.6699999999},
 ‘DRAKON [DRAKO]’: {‘effRating’: 4447.4799999999996,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1353.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 646.38,
                    ‘karma’: 32126.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 10444.120000000001,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 567435022.25,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 2746.8800000000001,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 211269303.38,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 43831574.759999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 2706.25,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3861.8400000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 1908915.8799999999},
 ‘DROIDS AND Co [Droid]’: {‘effRating’: 4167.3299999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 2076.0700000000002,
                           ‘gameWin’: 986.36000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 33922.43,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 14751.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 886047290.36000001,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 4681.0699999999997,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 324856809.04000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 55857875.780000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 4092.1399999999999,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14084.219999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1919128.1399999999},
 ‘DSC []’: {‘effRating’: 1784.4000000000001,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 44.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 18.0,
            ‘karma’: 4177.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
            ‘totalAssists’: 164.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 11102700.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 51.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 2269046.21,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 219133.62,
            ‘totalKill’: 66.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
            ‘uid’: 2809997.0},
 ‘Damnation [Damne]’: {‘effRating’: 5109.4399999999996,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 212.5,
                       ‘gameWin’: 112.5,
                       ‘karma’: 6983.5,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 1308.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 81516314.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 481.5,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 23839227.780000001,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 1897609.8999999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 789.5,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1135936.0},
 ‘Dark Brotherhood [DJB]’: {‘effRating’: 2196.4699999999998,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 163.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 82.0,
                            ‘karma’: 197.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 1025.75,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 58711285.75,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 412.75,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 11592688.68,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 788187.16000000003,
                            ‘totalKill’: 375.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 1286494.0},
 ‘Dark Dead Space [DDS]’: {‘effRating’: 5249.2399999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 2241.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 1055.1800000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 15484.6,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 15554.4,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 983758925.70000005,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 5467.7399999999998,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 322357386.04000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 47847705.390000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 4405.1800000000003,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7543.1199999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 2053685.46},
 ‘Dark Wolf Corp [DWC]’: {‘effRating’: 4002.9000000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 587.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 293.0,
                          ‘karma’: 10332.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 3118.3299999999999,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 218501555.33000001,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 1189.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 61406392.240000002,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 8639730.7300000004,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1128.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 178.41999999999999,
                          ‘uid’: 1966880.3300000001},
 ‘Dawn of Legends [DAWN]’: {‘effRating’: 1789.26,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 46.600000000000001,
                            ‘gameWin’: 30.5,
                            ‘karma’: 996.39999999999998,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 315.60000000000002,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 16506728.199999999,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 87.799999999999997,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 4068958.77,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 70264.580000000002,
                            ‘totalKill’: 96.400000000000006,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2196885.2000000002},
 ‘DeMoniC HellFire [DHF]’: {‘effRating’: 2521.1500000000001,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 837.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 403.5,
                            ‘karma’: 1757.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 4915.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 343818020.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1672.5,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 58813863.990000002,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 9440143.0299999993,
                            ‘totalKill’: 2371.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 410.31999999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 1362708.0},
 ‘Dead Space [DS]’: {‘effRating’: 4806.2799999999997,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2129.2399999999998,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1012.36,
                     ‘karma’: 16953.889999999999,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 14484.290000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 913298204.45000005,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4797.8500000000004,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 317653411.27999997,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 47328541.079999998,
                     ‘totalKill’: 4626.71,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5708.8299999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1712616.3},
 ‘Deaths Respect []’: {‘effRating’: 4386.6400000000003,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 130.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 64.0,
                       ‘karma’: 140.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 689.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 55114814.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 422.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 16638930.16,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 304400.53999999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 185.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 249.62,
                       ‘uid’: 2888919.0},
 ‘Delta Squadron [DESQ]’: {‘effRating’: 3815.7800000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1317.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 656.0,
                           ‘karma’: 5295.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 8305.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 502556971.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 2726.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 142011985.88999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 16253743.789999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 3315.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1852.23,
                           ‘uid’: 2224705.0},
 ‘Delta Star [DWARF]’: {‘effRating’: 5945.0699999999997,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 3719.2199999999998,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1961.73,
                        ‘karma’: 21350.549999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.94999999999999996,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 29010.099999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1644916097.27,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 7114.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 747719415.50999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 120584530.03,
                        ‘totalKill’: 10450.120000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11606.469999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 1475666.0},
 ‘Dementia and Valour []’: {‘effRating’: 5001.3000000000002,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1316.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 647.79999999999995,
                            ‘karma’: 8161.3999999999996,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 9813.6000000000004,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 517606313.39999998,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2582.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 149254266.81,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 32499433.48,
                            ‘totalKill’: 2656.8000000000002,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 963.19000000000005,
                            ‘uid’: 1434715.3999999999},
 ‘DerelictDeathDealer [DG1]’: {‘effRating’: 1592.77,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 67.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 32.5,
                               ‘karma’: 911.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 249.5,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 25362197.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 150.5,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 2517823.3300000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 107540.44,
                               ‘totalKill’: 38.5,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                               ‘uid’: 2366501.0},
 ‘Destiny Multigaming [Dsty]’: {‘effRating’: 2685.7800000000002,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 111.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 55.0,
                                ‘karma’: -29.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 843.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 44352940.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 304.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 9523483.7300000004,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 15409.620000000001,
                                ‘totalKill’: 416.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                ‘uid’: 2719665.0},
 ‘Deus Motus [Motus]’: {‘effRating’: 2369.21,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 239.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 91.0,
                        ‘karma’: -10.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 780.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 85040626.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 608.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 9611092.3800000008,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 427884.95000000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 421.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 313332.0},
 ‘Deutscher Stahl [HATE]’: {‘effRating’: 3015.1399999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 137.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 64.0,
                            ‘karma’: 79.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 571.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 45837466.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 292.5,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 8940777.8900000006,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 7750.7200000000003,
                            ‘totalKill’: 280.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2216473.0},
 ‘DiRoNi []’: {‘effRating’: 5128.9399999999996,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 328.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 164.33000000000001,
               ‘karma’: 11691.33,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
               ‘totalAssists’: 2251.6700000000001,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 137146600.33000001,
               ‘totalDeath’: 707.66999999999996,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 58465086.649999999,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 12955352.369999999,
               ‘totalKill’: 526.33000000000004,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 130.80000000000001,
               ‘uid’: 2092360.3300000001},
 ‘Die Blaue Armada [BLU3]’: {‘effRating’: 3588.3000000000002,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 3255.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1283.0,
                             ‘karma’: 12042.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 13040.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 1223936125.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 6716.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 219750955.56,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 4519289.6399999997,
                             ‘totalKill’: 4141.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 163.53,
                             ‘uid’: 595596.0},
 ‘Die Freien [DF]’: {‘effRating’: 3321.3099999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 77.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 32.0,
                     ‘karma’: 12302.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34999999999999998,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 566.5,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 36233923.5,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 177.5,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 12494772.539999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 1941875.3500000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 149.5,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                     ‘uid’: 2754257.0},
 ‘Die Gummibaeren [DEU]’: {‘effRating’: 4662.7600000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1407.45,
                           ‘gameWin’: 651.73000000000002,
                           ‘karma’: 8306.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 8512.2700000000004,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 589745760.90999997,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 3794.3600000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 214480391.97999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 33878711.609999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2751.0900000000001,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2769.6799999999998,
                           ‘uid’: 2046041.3600000001},
 ‘Die Hanse [Hanse]’: {‘effRating’: 6591.0699999999997,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 3524.5,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1932.25,
                       ‘karma’: 5684.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.97999999999999998,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 27307.75,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1528889698.25,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 6615.25,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 614497262.67999995,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 76727548.459999993,
                       ‘totalKill’: 13450.75,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 21425.259999999998,
                       ‘uid’: 1409969.25},
 ‘Die Krassen [krass]’: {‘effRating’: 3340.27,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 129.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 53.5,
                         ‘karma’: 1666.5,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 633.5,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 51580006.5,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 324.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 8448090.7899999991,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 970513.32999999996,
                         ‘totalKill’: 259.5,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 1556317.0},
 ‘Die Loser []’: {‘effRating’: 4019.9699999999998,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 580.5,
                  ‘gameWin’: 273.0,
                  ‘karma’: 18594.5,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 3958.5,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 249135442.5,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 1146.5,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 95224497.299999997,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 15875901.380000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 1093.5,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 34.030000000000001,
                  ‘uid’: 2133040.5},
 ‘Die Ravagers [REACH]’: {‘effRating’: 3361.2800000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 67.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 29.0,
                          ‘karma’: 1430.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 375.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 23894923.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 175.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 7690278.0099999998,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 874939.28000000003,
                          ‘totalKill’: 134.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2277321.0},
 ‘Die Strategen []’: {‘effRating’: 3491.0799999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 319.5,
                      ‘gameWin’: 123.0,
                      ‘karma’: 7085.5,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 1941.5,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 134397764.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1136.5,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 40726834.299999997,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 2184659.7000000002,
                      ‘totalKill’: 880.5,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 24.100000000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 1482674.0},
 ‘Die Vagabunden [dVb]’: {‘effRating’: 3467.29,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 182.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 91.5,
                          ‘karma’: 1290.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1356.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 74435299.5,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 527.5,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 14525368.66,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 1382171.3300000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 327.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 363.62,
                          ‘uid’: 1447924.0},
 ‘Die eiserne Faust [KRAFT]’: {‘effRating’: 5414.1099999999997,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1669.77,
                               ‘gameWin’: 648.14999999999998,
                               ‘karma’: 21349.77,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 9855.7700000000004,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 638615181.14999998,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3925.0799999999999,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 254464814.16999999,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 33685795.939999998,
                               ‘totalKill’: 2566.23,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8198.3400000000001,
                               ‘uid’: 1851176.46},
 ‘Dinastija [DIN]’: {‘effRating’: 4833.1499999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1618.1099999999999,
                     ‘gameWin’: 727.83000000000004,
                     ‘karma’: 16380.67,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 10427.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 678909531.22000003,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4299.5600000000004,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 226987062.65000001,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 38646630.159999996,
                     ‘totalKill’: 2722.4400000000001,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2338.5999999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1617519.9399999999},
 ‘Divergent [DvR]’: {‘effRating’: 5460.4499999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2375.7199999999998,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1117.53,
                     ‘karma’: 28519.470000000001,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 16396.48,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1020000944.48,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 5447.7700000000004,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 415771041.12,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 63453592.439999998,
                     ‘totalKill’: 4415.4799999999996,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7303.6899999999996,
                     ‘uid’: 1719799.5800000001},
 ‘Division Star Storm [STR]’: {‘effRating’: 3979.3400000000001,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1363.9300000000001,
                               ‘gameWin’: 608.30999999999995,
                               ‘karma’: 9873.7900000000009,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 7564.8299999999999,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 566403348.16999996,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3528.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 149896445.27000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 23047289.149999999,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1893.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2341.04,
                               ‘uid’: 1878743.8600000001},
 ‘Doerfania []’: {‘effRating’: 2772.0,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 122.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 51.0,
                  ‘karma’: 1040.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 517.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 46150232.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 398.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 6421338.9000000004,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 948855.83999999997,
                  ‘totalKill’: 171.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                  ‘uid’: 1896360.0},
 ‘Dojo [Ninja]’: {‘effRating’: 7586.1499999999996,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 10199.74,
                  ‘gameWin’: 6065.2700000000004,
                  ‘karma’: 26452.59,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.49,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 76050.139999999999,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 4432945974.8500004,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 17420.330000000002,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 2447725267.3499999,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 356167118.05000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 36815.849999999999,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 101434.78,
                  ‘uid’: 1038860.63},
 ‘Dom Surii [DaVos]’: {‘effRating’: 4058.1100000000001,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1080.3900000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 487.61000000000001,
                       ‘karma’: 8889.3500000000004,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 6941.0900000000001,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 440298470.25999999,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 2603.8699999999999,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 155252813.50999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 18597164.789999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1913.6099999999999,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2871.4699999999998,
                       ‘uid’: 1945649.4299999999},
 ‘Dominators of War [GRAVE]’: {‘effRating’: 2432.5100000000002,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 529.53999999999996,
                               ‘gameWin’: 239.91999999999999,
                               ‘karma’: 2055.29,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 2932.54,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 215745536.46000001,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 1349.9200000000001,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 38947290.640000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 3957484.0899999999,
                               ‘totalKill’: 909.76999999999998,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 257.62,
                               ‘uid’: 1652290.21},
 ‘Dragon Masters [DMS]’: {‘effRating’: 2601.2199999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 186.66999999999999,
                          ‘gameWin’: 87.329999999999998,
                          ‘karma’: 1598.6700000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1053.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 82301150.329999998,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 354.5,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 24988180.960000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 7550591.3499999996,
                          ‘totalKill’: 346.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 119.31,
                          ‘uid’: 2158012.3300000001},
 ‘Dragon and Heads [GiG]’: {‘effRating’: 4891.6599999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1137.1800000000001,
                            ‘gameWin’: 481.24000000000001,
                            ‘karma’: 16663.650000000001,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 7116.9399999999996,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 459367845.12,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2551.2399999999998,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 149108273.22,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 27240212.809999999,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1951.0599999999999,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2544.3600000000001,
                            ‘uid’: 2007457.4099999999},
 ‘Dragon of FIRE [xDoFx]’: {‘effRating’: 4626.75,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1470.6199999999999,
                            ‘gameWin’: 710.0,
                            ‘karma’: 7658.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 9502.8799999999992,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 599006958.62,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 3758.3800000000001,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 189690079.47,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 37731977.740000002,
                            ‘totalKill’: 2841.3800000000001,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2116.1900000000001,
                            ‘uid’: 1506645.8799999999},
 ‘Dragons []’: {‘effRating’: 6513.1899999999996,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 656.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 296.0,
                ‘karma’: 5240.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                ‘totalAssists’: 3884.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 284237932.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 2141.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 73318249.510000005,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 14719799.619999999,
                ‘totalKill’: 1366.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2647.2399999999998,
                ‘uid’: 79813.0},
 ‘Droid [R2D2]’: {‘effRating’: 4727.9799999999996,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 837.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 420.0,
                  ‘karma’: 8969.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.77000000000000002,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 6938.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 341116368.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 1835.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 101029064.65000001,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 12833953.48,
                  ‘totalKill’: 3013.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 360.76999999999998,
                  ‘uid’: 1134233.0},
 ‘Dutch Space Cobra [DSC]’: {‘effRating’: 2929.1399999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 132.81999999999999,
                             ‘gameWin’: 60.18,
                             ‘karma’: 9411.5499999999993,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 721.36000000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 55872023.18,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 302.26999999999998,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 17466355.02,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 2169512.5499999998,
                             ‘totalKill’: 213.72999999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 29.129999999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 2442504.3599999999},
 ‘Dywizjon 303 [303]’: {‘effRating’: 3072.3299999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 822.33000000000004,
                        ‘gameWin’: 382.82999999999998,
                        ‘karma’: 4764.3299999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 3804.3299999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 335145955.67000002,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1946.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 59240340.920000002,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 7650732.0899999999,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1392.5,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 676.20000000000005,
                        ‘uid’: 1201508.0},
 ‘EPECb CO [EPECb]’: {‘effRating’: 6644.21,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 3806.5999999999999,
                      ‘gameWin’: 2264.4000000000001,
                      ‘karma’: -216113.60000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3700000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 30071.599999999999,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1581990368.5999999,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 6639.6000000000004,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 628901511.89999998,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 98903838.859999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 15081.799999999999,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12599.85,
                      ‘uid’: 1405250.0},
 ‘EUREKA [ERK]’: {‘effRating’: 5223.3100000000004,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 1711.76,
                  ‘gameWin’: 819.05999999999995,
                  ‘karma’: 21884.349999999999,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.03,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 11556.59,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 727201990.88,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 3935.2399999999998,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 285956305.64999998,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 36781441.979999997,
                  ‘totalKill’: 3627.5300000000002,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4337.0200000000004,
                  ‘uid’: 1502273.24},
 ‘EXPLOSIONS [BOOM]’: {‘effRating’: 4761.0500000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 3066.1999999999998,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1534.25,
                       ‘karma’: 3396.8000000000002,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 18935.400000000001,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1307585190.1500001,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 6124.5500000000002,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 517281289.77999997,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 56958312.07,
                       ‘totalKill’: 9909.2999999999993,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 20167.529999999999,
                       ‘uid’: 1576345.3},
 ‘Ebon Flame [Ebon]’: {‘effRating’: 1843.8900000000001,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 52.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 24.0,
                       ‘karma’: 153.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 247.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 21765019.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 138.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 5912815.8399999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 121057.60000000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 278.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1807090.0},
 ‘Element [oS]’: {‘effRating’: 5815.3299999999999,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 9263.5,
                  ‘gameWin’: 4758.5,
                  ‘karma’: 13431.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 56680.5,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 4355676297.5,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 12981.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 1442584574.5999999,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 172261483.09,
                  ‘totalKill’: 37609.5,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 119467.53999999999,
                  ‘uid’: 667538.0},
 ‘Elite Wolfes [Gamma]’: {‘effRating’: 6494.2799999999997,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 775.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 369.0,
                          ‘karma’: 1145.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 5079.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 350340794.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2176.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 129025205.91,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 8135765.8399999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1242.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1839.0999999999999,
                          ‘uid’: 2691712.0},
 ‘Emperors Hammer [EH]’: {‘effRating’: 3233.46,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1481.4400000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 789.11000000000001,
                          ‘karma’: 15924.719999999999,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 8841.1700000000001,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 542288295.77999997,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 3459.9400000000001,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 162709896.36000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 20886592.41,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4377.6700000000001,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 941.33000000000004,
                          ‘uid’: 1572653.9399999999},
 ‘Enclave Frontier []’: {‘effRating’: 3496.8200000000002,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 458.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 230.0,
                         ‘karma’: 847.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1768.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 190625206.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 1366.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 35309258.18,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 4440334.8499999996,
                         ‘totalKill’: 790.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 565.79999999999995,
                         ‘uid’: 289784.0},
 ‘Enigma [ENGMA]’: {‘effRating’: 4999.7799999999997,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 156.5,
                    ‘gameWin’: 77.0,
                    ‘karma’: 1795.5,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 1064.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 62700927.5,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 313.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 18993347.640000001,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 4335603.4199999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 340.5,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10.289999999999999,
                    ‘uid’: 2262365.0},
 ‘EsadHUN [EHUN]’: {‘effRating’: 4776.1499999999996,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1961.5599999999999,
                    ‘gameWin’: 928.59000000000003,
                    ‘karma’: 16044.48,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 12229.629999999999,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 847673969.77999997,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 4491.1499999999996,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 299795519.11000001,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 35636793.469999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 4260.3699999999999,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10529.1,
                    ‘uid’: 1695321.8899999999},
 ‘Escadron Skull fr []’: {‘effRating’: 2768.2800000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 126.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 72.670000000000002,
                          ‘karma’: 4297.75,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 653.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 55730875.75,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 232.25,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 27489330.52,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 2090567.5600000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 202.5,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15.73,
                          ‘uid’: 2534010.5},
 ‘Estoc [ESTOC]’: {‘effRating’: 2581.9400000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 72.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 38.0,
                   ‘karma’: 14062.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 551.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 29269553.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 110.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 20963694.399999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 2981267.52,
                   ‘totalKill’: 272.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 59.460000000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 1630638.0},
 ‘Estonian Community [ESTF]’: {‘effRating’: 2797.23,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 456.5,
                               ‘gameWin’: 249.0,
                               ‘karma’: 118.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 2491.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 179373455.5,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 901.5,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 28127827.890000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 3994224.0699999998,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1093.5,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 50.990000000000002,
                               ‘uid’: 1084539.5},
 ‘EuroUnion []’: {‘effRating’: 1768.3699999999999,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 49.5,
                  ‘gameWin’: 19.5,
                  ‘karma’: 45.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 266.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 15912968.5,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 116.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 2762846.9500000002,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 29504.279999999999,
                  ‘totalKill’: 104.5,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                  ‘uid’: 2231236.0},
 ‘Evil Space Bears [ESB]’: {‘effRating’: 6952.5,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 8505.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 5536.8299999999999,
                            ‘karma’: -18026.669999999998,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.6200000000000001,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 64124.169999999998,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 3670480285.1700001,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 10087.5,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 1562688982.74,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 259523569.59999999,
                            ‘totalKill’: 45234.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 77967.419999999998,
                            ‘uid’: 582981.17000000004},
 ‘Evil Space Nyashka [NYASH]’: {‘effRating’: 7068.7799999999997,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 9906.3999999999996,
                                ‘gameWin’: 5652.3000000000002,
                                ‘karma’: 2906.9000000000001,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.23,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 75205.199999999997,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 4312225643.3999996,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 15948.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 1977420738.2,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 291078016.42000002,
                                ‘totalKill’: 37947.199999999997,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 85060.820000000007,
                                ‘uid’: 1350714.3},
 ‘EvilEvolutionSquad [Evill]’: {‘effRating’: 2232.0500000000002,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 96.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 39.0,
                                ‘karma’: 1406.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 167.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 28516106.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 176.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 1949887.97,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 192919.39000000001,
                                ‘totalKill’: 63.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                ‘uid’: 510682.0},
 ‘Evolution [EVO]’: {‘effRating’: 4097.4499999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 956.98000000000002,
                     ‘gameWin’: 467.98000000000002,
                     ‘karma’: 14335.25,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 5877.3299999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 382326871.81,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2057.8600000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 121359137.86,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 21594216.59,
                     ‘totalKill’: 2045.74,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1098.8399999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1532993.73},
 ‘Ex Machina [EM]’: {‘effRating’: 5966.7399999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 6139.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 2936.0,
                     ‘karma’: 70948.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 2.1400000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 38566.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2818344562.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 11239.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 275479066.45999998,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 62707128.289999999,
                     ‘totalKill’: 15961.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 20044.290000000001,
                     ‘uid’: 281.0},
 ‘Exile Phoenix [Exile]’: {‘effRating’: 3694.6599999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 489.67000000000002,
                           ‘gameWin’: 235.66999999999999,
                           ‘karma’: 18349.419999999998,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 3482.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 206605868.08000001,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1112.5799999999999,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 89524408.920000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 12796831.9,
                           ‘totalKill’: 995.33000000000004,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1129.53,
                           ‘uid’: 1956509.75},
 ‘Expectation [ReaI]’: {‘effRating’: 6639.9899999999998,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 10514.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 6407.0,
                        ‘karma’: -213086.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.73,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 92147.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 4345233409.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 12269.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 2006276938.6099999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 401599985.67000002,
                        ‘totalKill’: 55143.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 21207.939999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 1072764.0},
 ‘Exsilium Continuum []’: {‘effRating’: 2967.6700000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 203.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 95.0,
                           ‘karma’: 14113.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 1304.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 87729198.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 543.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 19719048.920000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 1244684.5600000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 678.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 1363720.0},
 ‘FEAR Incorporated [F3AR]’: {‘effRating’: 940.08000000000004,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 100.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 42.0,
                              ‘karma’: 153.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 263.32999999999998,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 36647008.329999998,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 212.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 4454493.5199999996,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 142420.95999999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 151.66999999999999,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 35.399999999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 2023145.25},
 ‘FOX Live []’: {‘effRating’: 5729.96,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 637.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 294.0,
                 ‘karma’: 30411.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 3986.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 259124564.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 1335.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 146819891.86000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 16436735.0,
                 ‘totalKill’: 1079.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 385.0,
                 ‘uid’: 1540706.0},
 ‘FREE [iFree]’: {‘effRating’: 7909.46,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 2326.3299999999999,
                  ‘gameWin’: 1006.33,
                  ‘karma’: 27432.669999999998,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 16921.330000000002,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 960760847.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 6266.3299999999999,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 449518039.45999998,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 44004943.109999999,
                  ‘totalKill’: 3540.6700000000001,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25875.849999999999,
                  ‘uid’: 2583508.3300000001},
 ‘FRENCHPIRATE II [FP2]’: {‘effRating’: 4738.8500000000004,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 273.32999999999998,
                           ‘gameWin’: 137.33000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 8588.6700000000001,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 1463.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 110053571.67,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 424.32999999999998,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 53532126.659999996,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 3429285.1400000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 665.66999999999996,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 46.890000000000001,
                           ‘uid’: 1088798.3300000001},
 ‘FSB []’: {‘effRating’: 7424.9200000000001,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 15242.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 8058.0,
            ‘karma’: 134878.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.8400000000000001,
            ‘totalAssists’: 98740.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 6756417342.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 34915.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 3271990878.48,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 303435409.13,
            ‘totalKill’: 40299.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 215772.32000000001,
            ‘uid’: 1133399.0},
 ‘FURIA [FURIA]’: {‘effRating’: 5516.3599999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 4260.5600000000004,
                   ‘gameWin’: 2117.9400000000001,
                   ‘karma’: 31887.16,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 30667.880000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1826678452.47,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 9324.25,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 790980851.72000003,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 129367020.17,
                   ‘totalKill’: 9949.5599999999995,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 22876.73,
                   ‘uid’: 1752865.97},
 ‘Failheap Challenge [FHC]’: {‘effRating’: 3057.9499999999998,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 174.5,
                              ‘gameWin’: 80.5,
                              ‘karma’: 376.5,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 981.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 67628541.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 485.5,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 17116966.719999999,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 2813584.8700000001,
                              ‘totalKill’: 375.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                              ‘uid’: 2406078.5},
 ‘Fallout []’: {‘effRating’: 6724.0699999999997,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 2890.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 1329.0,
                ‘karma’: 11639.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
                ‘totalAssists’: 21484.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 1215070552.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 8968.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 451402192.06,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 61336678.420000002,
                ‘totalKill’: 3912.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6890.2399999999998,
                ‘uid’: 1868849.0},
 ‘Faton []’: {‘effRating’: 6791.8000000000002,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 687.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 325.0,
              ‘karma’: 1375.0,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
              ‘totalAssists’: 4148.0,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 268104632.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 1738.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 78724023.299999997,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 4574113.8399999999,
              ‘totalKill’: 1261.0,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
              ‘uid’: 1958821.0},
 ‘Federal Netherlands []’: {‘effRating’: 2905.0300000000002,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 62.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 30.0,
                            ‘karma’: 407.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 314.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 22743274.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 116.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 7259438.6600000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 426396.40000000002,
                            ‘totalKill’: 107.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2813160.0},
 ‘Federal Star Forces [FSF]’: {‘effRating’: 3037.6999999999998,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 364.44,
                               ‘gameWin’: 167.65000000000001,
                               ‘karma’: 8271.1100000000006,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 1959.9000000000001,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 139675710.28999999,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 854.39999999999998,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 36320210.100000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 5622230.0300000003,
                               ‘totalKill’: 586.32000000000005,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 352.63,
                               ‘uid’: 2259023.9300000002},
 ‘Federation of Night [FoN]’: {‘effRating’: 3114.9000000000001,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 172.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 66.0,
                               ‘karma’: 6641.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.02,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 951.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 77267965.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 414.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 12233640.880000001,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 2488220.5499999998,
                               ‘totalKill’: 324.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 65.019999999999996,
                               ‘uid’: 241993.0},
 ‘Fevered Imagenings []’: {‘effRating’: 2629.5500000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 32.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 21.0,
                           ‘karma’: 725.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 141.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 11848862.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 54.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 3191114.9300000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 86879.75,
                           ‘totalKill’: 125.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 125199.0},
 ‘Final Fantasy [FF777]’: {‘effRating’: 4483.6000000000004,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 751.45000000000005,
                           ‘gameWin’: 354.36000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 12412.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 5006.3599999999997,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 299088709.55000001,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1606.9100000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 114604894.86,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 16989924.079999998,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1137.73,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 566.55999999999995,
                           ‘uid’: 1868064.1799999999},
 ‘Finniric Inc [FINN]’: {‘effRating’: 2825.04,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 363.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 146.0,
                         ‘karma’: 2736.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1728.5,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 146186501.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 969.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 30726143.440000001,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 4199386.9299999997,
                         ‘totalKill’: 825.5,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 21.690000000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 1428262.5},
 ‘Fire Blood [FIRE]’: {‘effRating’: 4721.25,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1458.8399999999999,
                       ‘gameWin’: 691.87,
                       ‘karma’: 16537.93,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 9943.8999999999996,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 608520134.62,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 3362.75,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 208182718.5,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 33497537.66,
                       ‘totalKill’: 2666.8800000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4263.8500000000004,
                       ‘uid’: 1826628.05},
 ‘Firepower Unlimited [xxxx]’: {‘effRating’: 2045.53,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 584.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 295.0,
                              ‘karma’: 2120.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 1857.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 226856224.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1354.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 28147742.5,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 1301519.46,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1237.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 837.39999999999998,
                              ‘uid’: 657854.0},
 ‘First alliance [1st]’: {‘effRating’: 4563.9899999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1337.6600000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 649.03999999999996,
                          ‘karma’: 16635.970000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 8883.8799999999992,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 560555880.38,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 3076.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 191456918.78,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 28032006.829999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3103.75,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3697.79,
                          ‘uid’: 1797714.1499999999},
 ‘Fleet of prosperaty [Wing1]’: {‘effRating’: 2241.1199999999999,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 181.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 128.0,
                                 ‘karma’: 125.0,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 1443.0,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 74373806.329999998,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 462.67000000000002,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 19488214.260000002,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 3511534.3300000001,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 440.32999999999998,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.13,
                                 ‘uid’: 2078810.6699999999},
 ‘Flying Dragons [xFLYx]’: {‘effRating’: 4573.3599999999997,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1271.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 625.0,
                            ‘karma’: 5499.5,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 8350.5,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 490838629.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2826.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 153413038.94,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 22459698.25,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1935.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 319.67000000000002,
                            ‘uid’: 2328838.0},
 ‘Force Crusaders [FC]’: {‘effRating’: 4179.5699999999997,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 99.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 49.670000000000002,
                          ‘karma’: 1676.1700000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 848.33000000000004,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 45020254.5,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 252.66999999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 12420680.050000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 3249969.5499999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 249.5,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2412692.5},
 ‘Fowler Defence [FDEF]’: {‘effRating’: 5429.3199999999997,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 3072.3699999999999,
                           ‘gameWin’: 1601.8199999999999,
                           ‘karma’: 26808.200000000001,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.92000000000000004,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 19529.259999999998,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 1301797273.1199999,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 6270.0799999999999,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 513057937.10000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 77049801.870000005,
                           ‘totalKill’: 8168.4899999999998,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9490.2999999999993,
                           ‘uid’: 1295809.97},
 ‘Fragile Allegiance [FA]’: {‘effRating’: 4203.3199999999997,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 2493.5,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1193.5,
                             ‘karma’: 16487.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.92000000000000004,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 22541.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 1134750495.5,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 4277.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 230422336.05000001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 38605685.369999997,
                             ‘totalKill’: 7833.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1061.3599999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 74774.0},
 ‘Free Wings [FW]’: {‘effRating’: 4544.8699999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1431.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 722.0,
                     ‘karma’: 8023.25,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 8608.25,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 528610131.25,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2614.75,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 169157958.19,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 22578763.09,
                     ‘totalKill’: 3163.25,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 677.20000000000005,
                     ‘uid’: 1835190.5},
 ‘Free Wolves []’: {‘effRating’: 5245.8599999999997,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1186.1400000000001,
                    ‘gameWin’: 536.57000000000005,
                    ‘karma’: 23786.860000000001,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 7243.29,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 499506038.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 3042.8600000000001,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 184373608.93000001,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 23267351.850000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 2277.5700000000002,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6889.9799999999996,
                    ‘uid’: 1711718.1399999999},
 ‘Freedom and Unity [FaU]’: {‘effRating’: 2926.2399999999998,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1599.25,
                             ‘gameWin’: 719.0,
                             ‘karma’: 1027.75,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 8660.75,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 675637771.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 3987.75,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 123841235.16,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 13906776.470000001,
                             ‘totalKill’: 2176.5,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2962.7399999999998,
                             ‘uid’: 1874339.25},
 ‘French Kiss []’: {‘effRating’: 4259.6800000000003,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 616.38,
                    ‘gameWin’: 292.88,
                    ‘karma’: 6703.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 3705.6199999999999,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 249114625.62,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1481.3800000000001,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 65390395.490000002,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 8451404.7599999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1312.75,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 283.55000000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 1364874.6200000001},
 ‘FriedensGildeOester [FGAUT]’: {‘effRating’: 2335.7199999999998,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 20.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 8.0,
                                 ‘karma’: 54203.0,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 46.0,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 7432446.0,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 52.0,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 737603.58999999997,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 143934.5,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 29.0,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                 ‘uid’: 905171.0},
 ‘Frilancer []’: {‘effRating’: 4214.1700000000001,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 1070.6700000000001,
                  ‘gameWin’: 491.67000000000002,
                  ‘karma’: 47033.669999999998,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 6322.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 433215965.32999998,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 2143.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 121721275.75,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 16917463.030000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 1498.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 771.08000000000004,
                  ‘uid’: 1532695.0},
 ‘FrogSwarm [FROG]’: {‘effRating’: 5319.6300000000001,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1452.6199999999999,
                      ‘gameWin’: 737.5,
                      ‘karma’: 6138.5799999999999,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 10543.33,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 602472594.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 3184.8299999999999,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 227458242.16,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 36485109.560000002,
                      ‘totalKill’: 3987.46,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2799.6300000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 1269291.79},
 ‘Fugitive Wolf Pack []’: {‘effRating’: 1440.3199999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 20.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 8.0,
                           ‘karma’: 708.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 76.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 6690221.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 47.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 974374.90000000002,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 215072.26999999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 27.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 3002570.0},
 ‘Fugworld [FuG]’: {‘effRating’: 5554.5799999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 363.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 163.0,
                    ‘karma’: 4657.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 1715.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 154914259.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 947.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 36570150.200000003,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 11476069.109999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 379.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 415.94,
                    ‘uid’: 1646142.0},
 ‘Fully Xposed Gaming [FXG]’: {‘effRating’: 2668.04,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 104.56999999999999,
                               ‘gameWin’: 51.859999999999999,
                               ‘karma’: 1728.1400000000001,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 550.13999999999999,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 39514528.710000001,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 223.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 9387917.0399999991,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 1268465.71,
                               ‘totalKill’: 291.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14.41,
                               ‘uid’: 1683506.5700000001},
 ‘Fun AND Fight [FF]’: {‘effRating’: 6958.2600000000002,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 5719.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 3243.0,
                        ‘karma’: 9180.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1699999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 48975.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 2362375797.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 9387.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 842919580.92999995,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 144544306.61000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 17059.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5676.6599999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 286964.0},
 ‘Fyrefly Corporation [FYRE]’: {‘effRating’: 2339.2600000000002,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 80.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 42.5,
                                ‘karma’: 563.5,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 489.5,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 33088463.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 223.5,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 9690530.9199999999,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 1743688.4199999999,
                                ‘totalKill’: 246.5,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 26.25,
                                ‘uid’: 1990019.0},
 ‘GALAXY EMPIRE [GALEM]’: {‘effRating’: 2247.6399999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 129.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 52.0,
                           ‘karma’: 685.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 777.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 51170567.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 339.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 11845688.119999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 868028.73999999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 299.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 1244886.0},
 ‘GOW []’: {‘effRating’: 5715.7299999999996,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 386.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 166.0,
            ‘karma’: 5146.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
            ‘totalAssists’: 1997.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 155086941.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 1095.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 29025978.739999998,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 5536822.7699999996,
            ‘totalKill’: 690.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 632.35000000000002,
            ‘uid’: 1482312.0},
 ‘GR aegean [GReek]’: {‘effRating’: 5344.0100000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 2655.5,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1305.75,
                       ‘karma’: 13464.5,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.83999999999999997,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 18854.25,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1161483096.5,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 5191.5,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 527080268.42000002,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 49654165.079999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 5671.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8338.7000000000007,
                       ‘uid’: 1765409.0},
 ‘GRA Republic Fleet []’: {‘effRating’: 784.39999999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 17.5,
                           ‘gameWin’: 7.3300000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 77.329999999999998,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 66.75,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 5910127.5,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 52.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 700323.34999999998,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 12534.92,
                           ‘totalKill’: 20.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2347910.5},
 ‘GRAND [GRAND]’: {‘effRating’: 3823.6399999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1585.6199999999999,
                   ‘gameWin’: 855.01999999999998,
                   ‘karma’: 8249.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 11424.58,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 621657861.72000003,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3391.6799999999998,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 212959244.66999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 39180939.93,
                   ‘totalKill’: 5244.9099999999999,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1011.1900000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 2103375.6800000002},
 ‘GREED [GREED]’: {‘effRating’: 4204.5699999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2669.23,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1494.5,
                   ‘karma’: 14900.309999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 18294.459999999999,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1107038388.0799999,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 5288.1499999999996,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 432840615.95999998,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 54906102.509999998,
                   ‘totalKill’: 7240.3800000000001,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11386.84,
                   ‘uid’: 1576672.1499999999},
 ‘Galactic Alliance [GA]’: {‘effRating’: 3428.0599999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 531.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 242.0,
                            ‘karma’: 175.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 2391.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 213998750.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1687.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 25818005.469999999,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 1876222.6000000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 796.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 304.75,
                            ‘uid’: 1020966.0},
 ‘Galactic Congress [gCONg]’: {‘effRating’: 4893.6499999999996,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 29.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 11.0,
                               ‘karma’: 13910.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 251.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 13446132.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 42.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 5621109.8499999996,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 2797468.6600000001,
                               ‘totalKill’: 59.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                               ‘uid’: 788810.0},
 ‘Galactic Pirates [GaLaK]’: {‘effRating’: 3395.79,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 619.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 297.80000000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 675.79999999999995,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3919.8000000000002,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 220251692.80000001,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1415.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 54870334.909999996,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 10750458.73,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1153.2,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 407.13,
                              ‘uid’: 2053102.0},
 ‘Galactic Rebels [REBEL]’: {‘effRating’: 4044.7600000000002,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 595.5,
                             ‘gameWin’: 291.82999999999998,
                             ‘karma’: 8127.25,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 4093.1700000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 254147688.16999999,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 1356.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 101246003.86,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 14450499.710000001,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1236.5,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 493.44999999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 1894317.0800000001},
 ‘Galactic Spaning [GalSp]’: {‘effRating’: 4541.9200000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 1603.8299999999999,
                              ‘gameWin’: 749.83000000000004,
                              ‘karma’: 15791.67,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 10883.959999999999,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 651323248.71000004,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 3610.4200000000001,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 261568482.97,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 39810307.039999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 3496.04,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9800.6700000000001,
                              ‘uid’: 2132955.6200000001},
 ‘GalacticArc [GArc]’: {‘effRating’: 4321.8100000000004,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1879.72,
                        ‘gameWin’: 904.38999999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 16085.33,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 10170.719999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 764424359.61000001,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 4777.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 224026195.47,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 22948953.649999999,
                        ‘totalKill’: 4221.0600000000004,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7803.3699999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 1396089.8899999999},
 ‘GalacticPeaceKeeper [GPK]’: {‘effRating’: 595.47000000000003,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 7.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 2.0,
                               ‘karma’: 108.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 24.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 2126065.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 21.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 183453.69,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 25332.73,
                               ‘totalKill’: 4.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                               ‘uid’: 2307585.0},
 ‘Galaxy Strike Force [oGSFo]’: {‘effRating’: 2734.3899999999999,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 38.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 19.0,
                                 ‘karma’: 2219.0,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 223.0,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 12908901.0,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 53.0,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 3287543.27,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 787836.28000000003,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 106.0,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                 ‘uid’: 1702539.0},
 ‘Galaxy fighters [GalF]’: {‘effRating’: 5394.0500000000002,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1285.22,
                            ‘gameWin’: 601.95000000000005,
                            ‘karma’: 16417.98,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 8827.2999999999993,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 540318951.89999998,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2986.3000000000002,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 189183251.47,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 28275059.989999998,
                            ‘totalKill’: 2417.75,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3431.3099999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 1630218.73},
 ‘Galspan Corporation [GEF]’: {‘effRating’: 4779.9499999999998,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1302.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 579.28999999999996,
                               ‘karma’: 40251.290000000001,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 7715.71,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 532527945.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3227.4299999999998,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 162466011.0,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 21733283.800000001,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1914.5699999999999,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1422.03,
                               ‘uid’: 2005144.1399999999},
 ‘Gamer Junkies []’: {‘effRating’: 614.41999999999996,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 2.0,
                      ‘karma’: 0.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 6.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 260706.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 2.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 25537.450000000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 4018.0999999999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                      ‘uid’: 2948317.0},
 ‘Gamma Ray Burst [GRB]’: {‘effRating’: 2619.5700000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 296.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 139.0,
                           ‘karma’: 62.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 1789.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 112458569.5,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 662.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 22779316.050000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 2101415.52,
                           ‘totalKill’: 715.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 55.460000000000001,
                           ‘uid’: 1470190.0},
 ‘Garda [ace]’: {‘effRating’: 3439.98,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2009.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1008.0,
                 ‘karma’: 2371.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 10401.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 835803046.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 3766.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 145966375.09,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 21120699.530000001,
                 ‘totalKill’: 4451.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2817.8499999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 192993.0},
 ‘Gates of Darkness [xGoDx]’: {‘effRating’: 3658.9400000000001,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1300.47,
                               ‘gameWin’: 621.16999999999996,
                               ‘karma’: 7732.5699999999997,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 8329.6299999999992,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 553489979.47000003,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3286.5,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 139291963.13,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 25252069.66,
                               ‘totalKill’: 2658.5300000000002,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4975.21,
                               ‘uid’: 1521767.6699999999},
 ‘GenLA []’: {‘effRating’: 5579.3299999999999,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 1037.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 457.5,
              ‘karma’: 6920.5,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
              ‘totalAssists’: 5448.5,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 463572015.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 2753.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 119055940.0,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 12260921.49,
              ‘totalKill’: 1265.5,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4838.8999999999996,
              ‘uid’: 1413766.5},
 ‘Genesis [GEN]’: {‘effRating’: 5478.8199999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 3467.25,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1663.25,
                   ‘karma’: 19651.119999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.88,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 22336.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1499766440.5,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 7884.6199999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 512615640.77999997,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 86700658.129999995,
                   ‘totalKill’: 7901.3800000000001,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 22946.16,
                   ‘uid’: 1131193.1200000001},
 ‘Gens D holding inc [GESU2]’: {‘effRating’: 4882.7299999999996,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 1060.5,
                                ‘gameWin’: 480.5,
                                ‘karma’: 3386.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 5816.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 438779712.5,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 2638.5,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 74306398.640000001,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 11063390.76,
                                ‘totalKill’: 803.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 210.72999999999999,
                                ‘uid’: 1579397.5},
 ‘Gens D holding inc3 [GESU3]’: {‘effRating’: 3736.27,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 941.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 428.88,
                                 ‘karma’: 6101.8800000000001,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 5122.3800000000001,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 383506854.75,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 2573.1199999999999,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 77986176.909999996,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 16711497.34,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 948.75,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 816.34000000000003,
                                 ‘uid’: 1660025.25},
 ‘Gens Dracos [GESU]’: {‘effRating’: 4026.1900000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1051.3599999999999,
                        ‘gameWin’: 496.60000000000002,
                        ‘karma’: 11630.32,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 6513.0799999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 432972318.75999999,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 2420.8800000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 144971775.18000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 30003706.960000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1825.5999999999999,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1679.8,
                        ‘uid’: 1642343.0},
 ‘German Space Ops []’: {‘effRating’: 2159.0300000000002,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 187.25,
                         ‘gameWin’: 93.0,
                         ‘karma’: 550.5,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1083.75,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 66668858.75,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 494.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 16041380.039999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 1462293.76,
                         ‘totalKill’: 434.5,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 1584052.25},
 ‘German Veterans [VET]’: {‘effRating’: 779.40999999999997,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 6.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 4.0,
                           ‘karma’: 23.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 55.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 3062943.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 16.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 574392.16000000003,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 4280.0,
                           ‘totalKill’: 21.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2712744.0},
 ‘German Wings [GEWI]’: {‘effRating’: 4786.9499999999998,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 928.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 460.0,
                         ‘karma’: 38528.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 6648.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 406411334.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 2281.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 211669381.00999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 29114752.140000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 2481.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1586.5,
                         ‘uid’: 2379941.0},
 ‘Ghost Recon []’: {‘effRating’: 4885.8599999999997,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 92.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 50.0,
                    ‘karma’: 2931.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 553.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 30546112.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 159.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 7095028.4800000004,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 2327838.3199999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 216.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 54.240000000000002,
                    ‘uid’: 2934735.0},
 ‘Ghost of Communism [GoC]’: {‘effRating’: 2953.1100000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 1488.5,
                              ‘gameWin’: 741.33000000000004,
                              ‘karma’: 37203.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 8257.6700000000001,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 659556254.66999996,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 4086.1700000000001,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 145677035.34999999,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 14742020.99,
                              ‘totalKill’: 3370.6700000000001,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6817.8400000000001,
                              ‘uid’: 1702256.8300000001},
 ‘Ghosts Bears [BEARS]’: {‘effRating’: 4372.3599999999997,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2055.8299999999999,
                          ‘gameWin’: 963.16999999999996,
                          ‘karma’: 11081.5,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 13667.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 862945121.5,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 5071.3299999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 275930368.20999998,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 32576760.510000002,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3315.5,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3631.6700000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1658027.1699999999},
 ‘Girthoks Space Lads []’: {‘effRating’: 4296.3299999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 155.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 78.5,
                            ‘karma’: 1070.75,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 886.75,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 57277107.5,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 381.75,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 12655600.289999999,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 135659.97,
                            ‘totalKill’: 299.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 1554438.25},
 ‘Global Tactics [GTE]’: {‘effRating’: 2510.75,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 40.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 21.0,
                          ‘karma’: 785.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 170.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 13314831.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 110.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 2865433.8900000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 67298.759999999995,
                          ‘totalKill’: 102.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2351871.0},
 ‘Global Trust [GTS]’: {‘effRating’: 3954.8400000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 636.88999999999999,
                        ‘gameWin’: 298.0,
                        ‘karma’: 10604.67,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 4640.1099999999997,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 265196795.56,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1350.0599999999999,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 90233471.719999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 16652855.130000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1032.6099999999999,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 286.64999999999998,
                        ‘uid’: 1790727.22},
 ‘Gods Guns [GG]’: {‘effRating’: 3720.5100000000002,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 517.88,
                    ‘gameWin’: 244.75,
                    ‘karma’: 1695.75,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 2960.5,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 196452098.88,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1170.75,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 53781045.079999998,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 5538080.4800000004,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1186.25,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 144.28999999999999,
                    ‘uid’: 1326684.3799999999},
 ‘Gold Dragons [GolD]’: {‘effRating’: 4501.5699999999997,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1158.22,
                         ‘gameWin’: 535.49000000000001,
                         ‘karma’: 13830.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 7635.4700000000003,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 479546272.70999998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 2539.3899999999999,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 158668846.81999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 24141788.329999998,
                         ‘totalKill’: 2144.73,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1465.6300000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 1765981.8200000001},
 ‘Gr33dy B4st4rds [MINE]’: {‘effRating’: 5763.1999999999998,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 3638.71,
                            ‘gameWin’: 1942.9300000000001,
                            ‘karma’: 6028.79,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.98999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 28315.07,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 1590251316.1400001,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 7109.4300000000003,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 598417500.49000001,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 119490294.73,
                            ‘totalKill’: 12247.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15782.139999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 1165458.29},
 ‘GreySky [GREY]’: {‘effRating’: 6062.3400000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 3965.4000000000001,
                    ‘gameWin’: 1940.2,
                    ‘karma’: 12728.4,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.67000000000000004,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 26055.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 1731105264.5999999,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 7019.6000000000004,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 734003869.13,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 103452778.51000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 9370.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 23997.84,
                    ‘uid’: 917549.19999999995},
 ‘Gruthar [RRT]’: {‘effRating’: 3531.6700000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 555.25,
                   ‘gameWin’: 253.75,
                   ‘karma’: 364.25,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 2304.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 214113516.25,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 1577.5,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 39715612.939999998,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 4005499.2599999998,
                   ‘totalKill’: 786.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1053.25,
                   ‘uid’: 1716914.25},
 ‘Gryphon Squadron []’: {‘effRating’: 2712.1700000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 234.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 115.0,
                         ‘karma’: 158.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 872.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 90360275.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 365.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 14329566.4,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 1455771.1899999999,
                         ‘totalKill’: 709.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 772.76999999999998,
                         ‘uid’: 249842.0},
 ‘Guard of the Galaxy [GotG]’: {‘effRating’: 7043.8000000000002,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 8012.5,
                                ‘gameWin’: 4342.0,
                                ‘karma’: 25595.5,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1699999999999999,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 63524.5,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 3537135117.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 14880.5,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 1508896920.3900001,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 163211784.05000001,
                                ‘totalKill’: 32054.5,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 28856.330000000002,
                                ‘uid’: 1731964.5},
 ‘Guardians of Order [MARS]’: {‘effRating’: 4258.4799999999996,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 8187.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 4279.0,
                               ‘karma’: 14513.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.27,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 62253.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 3710351179.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 14223.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 1099602990.01,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 409699583.94,
                               ‘totalKill’: 18135.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 70607.490000000005,
                               ‘uid’: 1039508.0},
 ‘Guild Star Wolves [GSW]’: {‘effRating’: 5200.71,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 2334.8299999999999,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1120.8299999999999,
                             ‘karma’: 24715.169999999998,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.75,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 16879.5,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 975915153.5,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 5290.5,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 350117396.64999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 29286936.59,
                             ‘totalKill’: 4082.3299999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3815.4499999999998,
                             ‘uid’: 1557336.8300000001},
 ‘Guns and donuts []’: {‘effRating’: 500.0,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 32.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 13.0,
                        ‘karma’: 3782.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 164.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 14333925.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 70.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 3548211.1600000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 1561125.1200000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 67.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 58.590000000000003,
                        ‘uid’: 807538.0},
 ‘Guradian HolyHammer [GHH]’: {‘effRating’: 3576.29,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 492.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 220.0,
                               ‘karma’: 2143.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 3540.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 207889597.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 1009.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 51589559.719999999,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 16928270.199999999,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1044.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 97.969999999999999,
                               ‘uid’: 1774545.0},
 ‘Gwiezdna Eskadra [PL]’: {‘effRating’: 3930.77,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1182.8699999999999,
                           ‘gameWin’: 572.61000000000001,
                           ‘karma’: 6351.8699999999999,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 7615.3100000000004,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 496614235.23000002,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 2595.4400000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 217141278.31999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 25750161.25,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2551.8499999999999,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3558.1799999999998,
                           ‘uid’: 2032747.77},
 ‘GwiezdnaEskadra Zet [ZetPL]’: {‘effRating’: 5184.1300000000001,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2682.54,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 1318.9100000000001,
                                 ‘karma’: 19611.959999999999,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 16635.310000000001,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1151244565.77,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 5957.1599999999999,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 484578359.30000001,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 50979490.109999999,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 7623.9899999999998,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12918.99,
                                 ‘uid’: 1777848.46},
 ‘H E L I C O N [HEL]’: {‘effRating’: 2422.73,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 151.5,
                         ‘gameWin’: 71.0,
                         ‘karma’: 732.25,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 954.75,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 59361181.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 393.5,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 14214433.75,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 3467097.1400000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 302.5,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 2131142.0},
 ‘HAC PATb [PATb]’: {‘effRating’: 5450.2399999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 4914.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 2378.0,
                     ‘karma’: 3838.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.84999999999999998,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 35531.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2095685418.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 11663.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 408241386.43000001,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 54652113.850000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 10716.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2908.4499999999998,
                     ‘uid’: 800587.0},
 ‘HC GAMERS [HCG]’: {‘effRating’: 5231.9899999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 993.66999999999996,
                     ‘gameWin’: 489.0,
                     ‘karma’: 15166.67,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.89000000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 6726.6700000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 436117325.67000002,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2213.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 127458415.34,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 17951688.780000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 1906.6700000000001,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3664.8299999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1302201.6699999999},
 ‘HEROES [HER]’: {‘effRating’: 6396.46,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 5692.0500000000002,
                  ‘gameWin’: 2906.5999999999999,
                  ‘karma’: 35336.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1100000000000001,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 41070.550000000003,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 2444971340.3499999,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 12070.9,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 1161467270.51,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 179021441.84999999,
                  ‘totalKill’: 15291.85,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 37944.410000000003,
                  ‘uid’: 1330631.0},
 ‘HORNETS [HSSF]’: {‘effRating’: 2916.8699999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 445.39999999999998,
                    ‘gameWin’: 207.59999999999999,
                    ‘karma’: 4391.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 3336.1999999999998,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 182456523.40000001,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1185.8,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 52222139.740000002,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 8773605.7300000004,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1164.8,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 605.25,
                    ‘uid’: 1613320.0},
 ‘Haggis Corp [HAGGI]’: {‘effRating’: 4414.2700000000004,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 719.42999999999995,
                         ‘gameWin’: 340.13999999999999,
                         ‘karma’: 4073.4299999999998,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 4237.8599999999997,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 282089387.70999998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 1690.5699999999999,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 74541344.609999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 14371588.65,
                         ‘totalKill’: 1249.8599999999999,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 255.24000000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 2380494.1400000001},
 ‘Hante [Hante]’: {‘effRating’: 4289.1599999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1390.5699999999999,
                   ‘gameWin’: 633.0,
                   ‘karma’: 10871.709999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 7439.4300000000003,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 582973731.86000001,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3856.1399999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 115876105.31999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 14507367.060000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 1864.71,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 911.77999999999997,
                   ‘uid’: 1255216.29},
 ‘HassassiN []’: {‘effRating’: 4983.4399999999996,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 2412.7600000000002,
                  ‘gameWin’: 1192.0999999999999,
                  ‘karma’: 12097.48,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 14670.379999999999,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 1021652419.4299999,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 5214.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 317446722.14999998,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 50021359.259999998,
                  ‘totalKill’: 5870.3800000000001,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17126.610000000001,
                  ‘uid’: 1692490.4299999999},
 ‘Havocs [Havoc]’: {‘effRating’: 5071.6700000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1660.1600000000001,
                    ‘gameWin’: 805.80999999999995,
                    ‘karma’: 23643.580000000002,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.90000000000000002,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 11551.610000000001,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 707654614.61000001,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 3176.6500000000001,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 321854168.13999999,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 48676413.810000002,
                    ‘totalKill’: 3467.71,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6224.04,
                    ‘uid’: 1820601.0600000001},
 ‘HeadHunters [HH]’: {‘effRating’: 5218.04,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 4542.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 1993.0,
                      ‘karma’: 46006.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.85999999999999999,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 25335.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1847219411.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 11699.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 286504934.25999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 44493332.43,
                      ‘totalKill’: 2819.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5405.0100000000002,
                      ‘uid’: 1213230.0},
 ‘Heavens Horrors []’: {‘effRating’: 500.0,
                        ‘karma’: 8.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                        ‘uid’: 2369639.0},
 ‘Heavens Wing [WINGS]’: {‘effRating’: 3115.1500000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 430.62,
                          ‘gameWin’: 208.46000000000001,
                          ‘karma’: 6951.1499999999996,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2401.46,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 171809108.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 962.30999999999995,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 43128302.729999997,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 6746987.0099999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 841.91999999999996,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 599.76999999999998,
                          ‘uid’: 1842891.9199999999},
 ‘Helion []’: {‘effRating’: 5335.6999999999998,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 1284.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 609.0,
               ‘karma’: 6397.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.04,
               ‘totalAssists’: 7396.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 518342570.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 3363.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 118174041.43000001,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 16916856.210000001,
               ‘totalKill’: 2275.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 907.49000000000001,
               ‘uid’: 620159.0},
 ‘Helios Legion [HLLG]’: {‘effRating’: 2888.3000000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 268.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 133.38,
                          ‘karma’: 10501.120000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 1489.3800000000001,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 107748880.88,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 559.38,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 25533837.719999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 7951118.8600000003,
                          ‘totalKill’: 504.25,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 35.469999999999999,
                          ‘uid’: 2024947.75},
 ‘Hellcorporation [Hellc]’: {‘effRating’: 4031.9899999999998,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1039.52,
                             ‘gameWin’: 508.22000000000003,
                             ‘karma’: 7094.7799999999997,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 6293.6499999999996,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 433917405.81,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 2386.46,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 111457798.97,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 13928492.68,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1965.3499999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1980.1700000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 1725449.8300000001},
 ‘Hentai Love 666 [SeXy]’: {‘effRating’: 5494.1499999999996,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 998.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 536.0,
                            ‘karma’: 4039.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 8113.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 401856137.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1209.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 100797031.84999999,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 19844531.77,
                            ‘totalKill’: 2651.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1580.4200000000001,
                            ‘uid’: 352121.0},
 ‘Heros of the Void [V0ID]’: {‘effRating’: 4750.4899999999998,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 735.5,
                              ‘gameWin’: 350.57999999999998,
                              ‘karma’: 7606.3299999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 5272.3299999999999,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 314733382.75,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1594.25,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 119540560.09,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 21573784.719999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1725.6700000000001,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 722.78999999999996,
                              ‘uid’: 1208691.8300000001},
 ‘Hetlanci [Het]’: {‘effRating’: 3768.3400000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1103.7,
                    ‘gameWin’: 513.20000000000005,
                    ‘karma’: 9578.6499999999996,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 7699.4499999999998,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 442762252.5,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 2527.5,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 196491751.62,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 27082838.379999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 2502.5500000000002,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2489.8600000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 2135321.9500000002},
 ‘Hg Mercury [Hg]’: {‘effRating’: 704.42999999999995,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 18.75,
                     ‘gameWin’: 10.0,
                     ‘karma’: 116.75,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.029999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 65.75,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 6201441.75,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 40.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 576302.64000000001,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 83400.25,
                     ‘totalKill’: 22.25,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                     ‘uid’: 1908505.0},
 ‘High School Techno [DxD]’: {‘effRating’: 2792.3600000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 269.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 136.0,
                              ‘karma’: 907.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 1690.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 110237399.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 848.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 41147252.799999997,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 4928692.1799999997,
                              ‘totalKill’: 273.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9.2699999999999996,
                              ‘uid’: 2867429.0},
 ‘Homeless Jedi [Yoda]’: {‘effRating’: 4172.8599999999997,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2839.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1706.0,
                          ‘karma’: 2924.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 21899.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 1125493695.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 5236.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 778216753.44000006,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 60701550.109999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 25606.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3141.4899999999998,
                          ‘uid’: 639162.0},
 ‘Houblon Company [HC]’: {‘effRating’: 5928.2399999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1305.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 658.5,
                          ‘karma’: 15216.5,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 7439.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 502698678.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2673.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 169194522.81,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 21754866.390000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 2644.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1092.1900000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1771782.5},
 ‘HunSiege [Siege]’: {‘effRating’: 3740.5900000000001,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 306.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 144.13999999999999,
                      ‘karma’: 8712.8600000000006,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 1700.4300000000001,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 118248437.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 640.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 40597077.219999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 4239184.3700000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 551.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 23.960000000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 1917062.8600000001},
 ‘Hungarian Alliance [HGA]’: {‘effRating’: 3961.9000000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 774.04999999999995,
                              ‘gameWin’: 378.77999999999997,
                              ‘karma’: 17420.919999999998,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 5122.8400000000001,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 318477109.22000003,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1613.3800000000001,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 114562393.53,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 19916977.539999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1691.1400000000001,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1061.0599999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 1946792.22},
 ‘Hungarian OWLS [HOWL]’: {‘effRating’: 2584.2199999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1414.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 718.0,
                           ‘karma’: 5103.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 9962.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 549719210.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 3093.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 143179221.63999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 30127569.66,
                           ‘totalKill’: 3432.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2339889.0},
 ‘Hunters night [71777]’: {‘effRating’: 6185.3599999999997,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1046.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 477.0,
                           ‘karma’: 28219.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 6282.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 448811405.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 3008.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 125880029.8,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 10621971.43,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1330.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 752.91999999999996,
                           ‘uid’: 2567547.0},
 ‘I F I [IFI]’: {‘effRating’: 5474.6199999999999,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 4211.8400000000001,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1904.8399999999999,
                 ‘karma’: 28925.790000000001,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.87,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 24777.32,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1798773678.21,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 9753.5300000000007,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 516684966.24000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 82992106.879999995,
                 ‘totalKill’: 7286.8400000000001,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 20791.380000000001,
                 ‘uid’: 1021137.84},
 ‘IMMORTALS [xMEN]’: {‘effRating’: 4268.8199999999997,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 742.33000000000004,
                      ‘gameWin’: 333.94,
                      ‘karma’: 2945.2800000000002,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 3794.4400000000001,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 301814065.61000001,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1957.3900000000001,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 79043738.340000004,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 6850373.6100000003,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1235.72,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 869.03999999999996,
                      ‘uid’: 1259354.78},
 ‘INFINITE SPACE [IS]’: {‘effRating’: 5071.8000000000002,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1647.0799999999999,
                         ‘gameWin’: 718.53999999999996,
                         ‘karma’: 30366.619999999999,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.57999999999999996,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 8990.3799999999992,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 679878734.38,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 2821.1500000000001,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 248447667.62,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 30456277.949999999,
                         ‘totalKill’: 2755.23,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1503.99,
                         ‘uid’: 1309821.3799999999},
 ‘INFINITE [IE]’: {‘effRating’: 2359.5100000000002,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 141.38,
                   ‘gameWin’: 84.5,
                   ‘karma’: 52191.879999999997,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 1213.6199999999999,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 56893935.25,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 134.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 33794855.079999998,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 3898114.1200000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 630.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12.529999999999999,
                   ‘uid’: 1656873.1200000001},
 ‘INTENSIFIES [ALIVE]’: {‘effRating’: 2017.8,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 281.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 152.0,
                         ‘karma’: 102.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1904.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 112583016.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 831.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 26882115.920000002,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 1154051.8200000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 1193.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 268045.0},
 ‘INTERNOS [IN]’: {‘effRating’: 4896.2399999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 64.329999999999998,
                   ‘gameWin’: 31.670000000000002,
                   ‘karma’: 1242.3299999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 405.32999999999998,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 30225000.670000002,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 148.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 9569694.3699999992,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 686281.15000000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 123.67,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 104.36,
                   ‘uid’: 2300988.6699999999},
 ‘INTOXZONE [ITZ]’: {‘effRating’: 5853.7200000000003,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 5276.6400000000003,
                     ‘gameWin’: 2613.5700000000002,
                     ‘karma’: 29501.5,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1499999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 36888.139999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2270916980.1399999,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 10723.93,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 809031257.89999998,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 103048486.58,
                     ‘totalKill’: 14515.93,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25068.029999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1194074.8600000001},
 ‘IOx [iO]’: {‘effRating’: 5407.6000000000004,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 2398.5599999999999,
              ‘gameWin’: 1190.4300000000001,
              ‘karma’: 29736.080000000002,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
              ‘totalAssists’: 17347.450000000001,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 1012242063.59,
              ‘totalDeath’: 5138.46,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 404782753.97000003,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 66379770.25,
              ‘totalKill’: 5493.7600000000002,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8818.3700000000008,
              ‘uid’: 1574887.3300000001},
 ‘IXLEG []’: {‘effRating’: 5042.4700000000003,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 261.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 103.0,
              ‘karma’: 1513.0,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
              ‘totalAssists’: 1820.0,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 113970118.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 413.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 73793741.359999999,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 2586326.1499999999,
              ‘totalKill’: 550.0,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
              ‘uid’: 2346083.0},
 ‘IaniteSpaceFed []’: {‘effRating’: 1292.74,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 39.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 24.0,
                       ‘karma’: 41.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 192.66999999999999,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 14149416.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 135.66999999999999,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 2307222.4199999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 227484.54000000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 58.329999999999998,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 2153019.3300000001},
 ‘Ice Dragons [IceDS]’: {‘effRating’: 4962.7200000000003,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 2077.46,
                         ‘gameWin’: 964.57000000000005,
                         ‘karma’: 20090.959999999999,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 15007.790000000001,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 886809011.88999999,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 4643.6800000000003,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 344766067.55000001,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 66384507.649999999,
                         ‘totalKill’: 3918.96,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8186.1599999999999,
                         ‘uid’: 1983887.04},
 ‘Immortal Red Dragon []’: {‘effRating’: 3970.6199999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 449.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 196.0,
                            ‘karma’: 7937.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 2022.5,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 166835863.5,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1077.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 34506321.0,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 9332230.1799999997,
                            ‘totalKill’: 584.5,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 182.88999999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 1160426.0},
 ‘Imperials [Imper]’: {‘effRating’: 4114.5699999999997,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 301.5,
                       ‘gameWin’: 145.0,
                       ‘karma’: 5630.5,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2331.5,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 111983043.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 648.5,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 43133651.880000003,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 3511582.73,
                       ‘totalKill’: 754.5,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10.6,
                       ‘uid’: 1636764.0},
 ‘Incredible Aim [Inc]’: {‘effRating’: 4163.3500000000004,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 484.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 234.0,
                          ‘karma’: 1419.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2781.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 209766706.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 1045.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 37371795.630000003,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 3361577.27,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1717.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 93.400000000000006,
                          ‘uid’: 5967.0},
 ‘Independance Corp []’: {‘effRating’: 3505.48,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 469.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 193.0,
                          ‘karma’: 7537.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2623.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 203310403.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 923.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 36185280.109999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 11625737.52,
                          ‘totalKill’: 325.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 434.52999999999997,
                          ‘uid’: 2800335.0},
 ‘Independent Earth [MuP]’: {‘effRating’: 5789.3999999999996,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 3355.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1546.5,
                             ‘karma’: 3947.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 22236.5,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 1440231051.5,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 7399.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 477880800.76999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 95842496.189999998,
                             ‘totalKill’: 6507.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6623.54,
                             ‘uid’: 747129.0},
 ‘Insanity Pirates [IPW]’: {‘effRating’: 2964.3600000000001,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 78.329999999999998,
                            ‘gameWin’: 34.670000000000002,
                            ‘karma’: 35.670000000000002,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 505.32999999999998,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 29842785.329999998,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 220.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 8754937.4499999993,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 198514.12,
                            ‘totalKill’: 186.66999999999999,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2451502.3300000001},
 ‘Inspired Aggression [AGGRO]’: {‘effRating’: 2493.5100000000002,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 51.0,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 24.5,
                                 ‘karma’: 389.5,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 371.5,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 19916295.5,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 127.5,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 6896954.1799999997,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 1555754.5,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 80.0,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                 ‘uid’: 2379703.0},
 ‘InterGalacticUnion [IGU]’: {‘effRating’: 6543.1300000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 7169.6700000000001,
                              ‘gameWin’: 3571.5900000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 38079.150000000001,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1399999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 50153.260000000002,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 3106526852.5900002,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 15568.809999999999,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 1257532391.27,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 201078267.03,
                              ‘totalKill’: 17110.959999999999,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 50164.220000000001,
                              ‘uid’: 1448236.8100000001},
 ‘Invisibilis Nebula [INNEB]’: {‘effRating’: 3729.3600000000001,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 1018.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 475.0,
                                ‘karma’: 19504.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 7588.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 421611468.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 2426.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 84320060.810000002,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 8833424.5099999998,
                                ‘totalKill’: 1945.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 271.89999999999998,
                                ‘uid’: 1285989.0},
 ‘Iron Phoenix [IPHNX]’: {‘effRating’: 2340.6799999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 44.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 17.0,
                          ‘karma’: 390.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 235.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 17265066.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 114.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 3751835.27,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 288365.85999999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 167.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 1296111.0},
 ‘Islo []’: {‘effRating’: 1729.0799999999999,
             ‘gamePlayed’: 168.0,
             ‘gameWin’: 78.0,
             ‘karma’: 12841.0,
             ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.03,
             ‘totalAssists’: 914.0,
             ‘totalBattleTime’: 66468553.0,
             ‘totalDeath’: 396.0,
             ‘totalDmgDone’: 16364826.970000001,
             ‘totalHealingDone’: 7495113.1600000001,
             ‘totalKill’: 316.0,
             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
             ‘uid’: 388188.0},
 ‘Italian Space Force [I5F]’: {‘effRating’: 1329.02,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 27.5,
                               ‘gameWin’: 13.0,
                               ‘karma’: 0.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 66.5,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 5406574.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 28.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 829896.96999999997,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 9182.7399999999998,
                               ‘totalKill’: 56.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                               ‘uid’: 2926409.5},
 ‘Izgoi [IZG]’: {‘effRating’: 5193.3100000000004,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 3078.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1412.0,
                 ‘karma’: 12105.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 19823.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1359453786.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 9665.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 256022392.88999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 26563447.23,
                 ‘totalKill’: 2752.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6415.6199999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 857156.0},
 ‘JAPAN AIRLINES [JAL]’: {‘effRating’: 1757.05,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1318.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 612.0,
                          ‘karma’: 1113.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 8992.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 546354493.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2108.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 103245827.54000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 13552142.27,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3783.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 1374987.0},
 ‘JEDI [JD]’: {‘effRating’: 5385.3199999999997,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 2512.4299999999998,
               ‘gameWin’: 1153.0,
               ‘karma’: 19264.290000000001,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
               ‘totalAssists’: 15734.209999999999,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1019208807.5700001,
               ‘totalDeath’: 5570.3599999999997,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 359918435.20999998,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 48977098.079999998,
               ‘totalKill’: 4405.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4421.5799999999999,
               ‘uid’: 1485073.5},
 ‘JESUS STAR CONFLICT [JESUS]’: {‘effRating’: 5537.8999999999996,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1122.5,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 547.25,
                                 ‘karma’: 9027.5,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 8119.75,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 448170266.75,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 2737.5,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 117225119.44,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 40454983.649999999,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 1790.25,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 842.04999999999995,
                                 ‘uid’: 2541514.5},
 ‘Jericho Knights [NighT]’: {‘effRating’: 4816.5900000000001,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1852.53,
                             ‘gameWin’: 853.39999999999998,
                             ‘karma’: 27870.330000000002,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 10928.73,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 760408158.52999997,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 4748.8000000000002,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 228128064.09,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 18938953.460000001,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3307.8699999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1651.3299999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 1475797.47},
 ‘Jesters of war []’: {‘effRating’: 2755.3899999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 46.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 18.0,
                       ‘karma’: 826.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 257.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 20991878.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 122.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 7242236.9699999997,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 1055033.53,
                       ‘totalKill’: 130.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 2772519.0},
 ‘Jolly Roger [ROGER]’: {‘effRating’: 5643.5799999999999,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 2027.9100000000001,
                         ‘gameWin’: 963.54999999999995,
                         ‘karma’: 10494.549999999999,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.70999999999999996,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 12584.450000000001,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 823182882.26999998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 4729.1800000000003,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 281469010.48000002,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 38027537.390000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 4343.1800000000003,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3821.5300000000002,
                         ‘uid’: 1353802.3600000001},
 ‘JungfahaCorp [JungC]’: {‘effRating’: 3501.5900000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 867.85000000000002,
                          ‘gameWin’: 419.63,
                          ‘karma’: 3862.3400000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 5154.3900000000003,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 362739527.45999998,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2054.54,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 112682024.15000001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 18031624.079999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1786.1099999999999,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2371.25,
                          ‘uid’: 1788215.8899999999},
 ‘KJIUHUKA []’: {‘effRating’: 4178.8299999999999,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2452.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1400.0,
                 ‘karma’: 22124.5,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.01,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 22793.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 991492513.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 3694.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 275054041.69999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 93993869.870000005,
                 ‘totalKill’: 9993.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2902.5300000000002,
                 ‘uid’: 1173028.5},
 ‘KOSMOFLYER [KPN]’: {‘effRating’: 5748.1700000000001,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 6647.8800000000001,
                      ‘gameWin’: 3174.5,
                      ‘karma’: 27360.119999999999,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0600000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 44195.879999999997,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 2865318497.1199999,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 12139.379999999999,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 853120688.80999994,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 191387793.53,
                      ‘totalKill’: 15583.5,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25077.27,
                      ‘uid’: 798089.62},
 ‘KSENOMORPHS [KSEN]’: {‘effRating’: 4727.6400000000003,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1105.6700000000001,
                        ‘gameWin’: 532.33000000000004,
                        ‘karma’: 4105.6700000000001,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 8109.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 461169761.67000002,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 2780.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 146797776.38999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 17782447.43,
                        ‘totalKill’: 2359.3299999999999,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2142.4200000000001,
                        ‘uid’: 1466757.6699999999},
 ‘KSK GERMANY [KSK]’: {‘effRating’: 1827.3699999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 470.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 226.0,
                       ‘karma’: 776.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2219.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 190282644.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1098.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 24798319.010000002,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 1612377.6799999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 599.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 133.22,
                       ‘uid’: 291578.0},
 ‘Kamikaze [Fubar]’: {‘effRating’: 2037.9300000000001,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 47.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 24.5,
                      ‘karma’: 198.5,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 164.5,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 13304141.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 64.5,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 3486972.6499999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 543657.55000000005,
                      ‘totalKill’: 104.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                      ‘uid’: 2898365.0},
 ‘Kernel panic []’: {‘effRating’: 8127.2299999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 5600.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 3178.0,
                     ‘karma’: -9500.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 35162.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2291252367.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 8251.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 1393062585.9300001,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 119476710.95,
                     ‘totalKill’: 30374.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8912.0,
                     ‘uid’: 1684544.0},
 ‘KillBro InkSis [KBIS]’: {‘effRating’: 500.0,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 2868.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 1260.0,
                           ‘karma’: 17326.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.90000000000000002,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 11143.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 1252341620.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 6982.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 264095646.40000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 26143162.239999998,
                           ‘totalKill’: 5219.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 65585.380000000005,
                           ‘uid’: 816405.0},
 ‘KillZone [KillZ]’: {‘effRating’: 4020.6399999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 307.75,
                      ‘gameWin’: 138.25,
                      ‘karma’: 11037.75,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 1953.5,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 128429077.75,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 727.75,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 36512532.469999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 4508819.8899999997,
                      ‘totalKill’: 347.75,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 73.689999999999998,
                      ‘uid’: 2390364.25},
 ‘Kiryaku [Ky]’: {‘effRating’: 4933.1099999999997,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 324.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 171.0,
                  ‘karma’: 5563.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 1529.5,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 123008646.5,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 730.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 42878050.810000002,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 2797530.8799999999,
                  ‘totalKill’: 631.5,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 293.79000000000002,
                  ‘uid’: 1267613.0},
 ‘Kitti [Kat]’: {‘effRating’: 4480.1899999999996,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2840.5,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1526.5,
                 ‘karma’: -1240.5,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 22628.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1206290545.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 4830.5,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 508543153.86000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 58699200.409999996,
                 ‘totalKill’: 11131.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9771.5699999999997,
                 ‘uid’: 1369242.5},
 ‘Knights Forsaken [KF]’: {‘effRating’: 3335.4899999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 714.66999999999996,
                           ‘gameWin’: 366.67000000000002,
                           ‘karma’: 1069.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 4279.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 302766083.67000002,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1595.3299999999999,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 116226124.3,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 30358934.800000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1774.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4230.4399999999996,
                           ‘uid’: 2053553.3300000001},
 ‘Knights of BORG [KBORG]’: {‘karma’: 0.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                             ‘uid’: 2335022.0},
 ‘KoA [KoA]’: {‘effRating’: 1296.8800000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 15.5,
               ‘gameWin’: 7.0,
               ‘karma’: 332.5,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
               ‘totalAssists’: 50.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 4700007.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 39.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 955838.37,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 35330.57,
               ‘totalKill’: 46.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
               ‘uid’: 2274273.5},
 ‘Kopcap [CRSR]’: {‘effRating’: 2139.5999999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 379.5,
                   ‘gameWin’: 185.0,
                   ‘karma’: 1593.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 1702.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 123551398.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 771.5,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 20362434.32,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 2187836.8100000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 717.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9.1500000000000004,
                   ‘uid’: 2153268.0},
 ‘Kopfgeldjeager [KGJ]’: {‘effRating’: 3907.6199999999999,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 110.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 40.0,
                          ‘karma’: 2240.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 541.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 50278061.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 254.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 19799022.789999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 1523957.4399999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 196.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 2637372.0},
 ‘Korea player [KP]’: {‘effRating’: 3449.3699999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 172.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 83.75,
                       ‘karma’: 1003.25,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 970.25,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 69029147.25,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 350.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 21889100.789999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 4150780.02,
                       ‘totalKill’: 337.75,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 180.13999999999999,
                       ‘uid’: 1168145.0},
 ‘KpakeH [Kpppp]’: {‘effRating’: 6574.79,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 5096.5,
                    ‘gameWin’: 2999.5,
                    ‘karma’: 4544.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 40256.5,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 2100259747.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 11523.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 1033045888.24,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 219636823.74000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 20347.5,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2474.27,
                    ‘uid’: 2550866.5},
 ‘KrankeGamer [Krank]’: {‘effRating’: 5026.8199999999997,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 699.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 352.0,
                         ‘karma’: 9805.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.73999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 5217.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 276046008.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 1842.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 57369286.82,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 4717124.4500000002,
                         ‘totalKill’: 1945.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 1841108.0},
 ‘Krecha Wysypana []’: {‘effRating’: 3835.7199999999998,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 680.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 319.32999999999998,
                        ‘karma’: 3658.3299999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 3224.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 261159750.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1589.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 55548510.710000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 12345398.380000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1230.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 561.86000000000001,
                        ‘uid’: 2372905.0},
 ‘KristallTower [KT]’: {‘effRating’: 3785.7800000000002,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 238.5,
                        ‘gameWin’: 117.75,
                        ‘karma’: 2555.25,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 1343.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 97487189.75,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 550.75,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 29919946.43,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 4159341.4300000002,
                        ‘totalKill’: 599.25,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5.2400000000000002,
                        ‘uid’: 1795163.0},
 ‘Ksenotech Ink [KSENO]’: {‘effRating’: 4094.2600000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 720.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 352.92000000000002,
                           ‘karma’: 3796.1500000000001,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 5052.3800000000001,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 276100536.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1676.54,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 96536022.739999995,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 10516720.960000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1769.8499999999999,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 170.81999999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1915590.9199999999},
 ‘KueBcKa9 Pycb [KRIP]’: {‘effRating’: 6916.1499999999996,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 9451.6700000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 4743.0,
                          ‘karma’: 60157.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.24,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 68728.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 3996649011.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 21473.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 1444861410.45,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 171902009.69999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 26642.669999999998,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 22698.630000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1362294.0},
 ‘KvAzAr [KVZR]’: {‘effRating’: 4668.4899999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1678.6900000000001,
                   ‘gameWin’: 789.30999999999995,
                   ‘karma’: 13351.15,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 9977.2299999999996,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 667324173.46000004,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3689.77,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 216252763.78,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 27691906.920000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 2843.6199999999999,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1670.48,
                   ‘uid’: 1612381.23},
 ‘L N I B [LNIB]’: {‘effRating’: 943.25,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 9.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 4.0,
                    ‘karma’: 533.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 51.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 4046116.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 27.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 803815.05000000005,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 90280.580000000002,
                    ‘totalKill’: 23.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                    ‘uid’: 1786407.0},
 ‘LAMPSHADIC ACADEMY [LAMPA]’: {‘effRating’: 3744.9000000000001,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 742.79999999999995,
                                ‘gameWin’: 357.63999999999999,
                                ‘karma’: 10807.889999999999,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 4441.4099999999999,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 312870477.91000003,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 1582.1800000000001,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 96303525.0,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 16203955.93,
                                ‘totalKill’: 1705.98,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5403.3699999999999,
                                ‘uid’: 1614128.5},
 ‘LEGION [ODIS]’: {‘effRating’: 4801.6700000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 3555.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1575.25,
                   ‘karma’: 34059.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 19812.25,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1492810773.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 8309.5,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 468587076.41000003,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 91921355.840000004,
                   ‘totalKill’: 5683.75,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 41487.82,
                   ‘uid’: 1068153.0},
 ‘LIBERTY [LIB]’: {‘effRating’: 2768.4499999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 290.88999999999999,
                   ‘gameWin’: 146.78,
                   ‘karma’: 3448.4400000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 1883.6700000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 123741155.44,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 541.44000000000005,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 26083946.07,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 6575527.6200000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 837.22000000000003,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 604.14999999999998,
                   ‘uid’: 1238336.1100000001},
 ‘LORDSofDESTRUCTION [LoD]’: {‘effRating’: 3651.1799999999998,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 481.67000000000002,
                              ‘gameWin’: 212.33000000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 10193.67,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 2827.6700000000001,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 198250448.33000001,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1122.3299999999999,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 58418831.939999998,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 9904488.9800000004,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1055.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7.0599999999999996,
                              ‘uid’: 2084557.0},
 ‘LUNA [NLR]’: {‘effRating’: 4158.21,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 1290.4400000000001,
                ‘gameWin’: 640.0,
                ‘karma’: 13513.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
                ‘totalAssists’: 9446.8899999999994,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 535327136.22000003,
                ‘totalDeath’: 2952.4400000000001,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 201661170.94999999,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 46272185.789999999,
                ‘totalKill’: 3051.7800000000002,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4831.0900000000001,
                ‘uid’: 1963665.0},
 ‘LUSITANIA [TUGAS]’: {‘effRating’: 4513.5500000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 505.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 228.0,
                       ‘karma’: 18193.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 3587.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 211156305.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 939.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 53790603.07,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 16863893.34,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1501.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1886494.0},
 ‘La Legion de LimDul []’: {‘effRating’: 4433.8000000000002,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 456.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 217.0,
                            ‘karma’: 234.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 3072.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 161104656.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1013.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 67120979.379999995,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 2483709.8100000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1153.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                            ‘uid’: 2807179.0},
 ‘La Triade [LTR]’: {‘effRating’: 6313.1000000000004,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 3259.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1514.0,
                     ‘karma’: 42382.5,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1599999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 19809.5,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1419209148.5,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 6432.5,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 345058925.25,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 76255077.599999994,
                     ‘totalKill’: 7319.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8689.4500000000007,
                     ‘uid’: 381272.5},
 ‘Lanthearis [LANTH]’: {‘effRating’: 2780.77,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1374.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 617.0,
                        ‘karma’: 15738.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 8197.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 549334201.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 3312.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 117851530.44,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 22149819.079999998,
                        ‘totalKill’: 2723.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 1458290.0},
 ‘Last Man Standing [FAITH]’: {‘effRating’: 4149.1400000000003,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1640.3800000000001,
                               ‘gameWin’: 776.25999999999999,
                               ‘karma’: 12504.23,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 10026.030000000001,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 678801614.23000002,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3840.0799999999999,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 231947919.53999999,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 33914252.170000002,
                               ‘totalKill’: 3433.4200000000001,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3548.71,
                               ‘uid’: 1901404.78},
 ‘Last Request [Heart]’: {‘effRating’: 6074.3699999999999,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 7033.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 4217.0,
                          ‘karma’: -58639.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 54365.5,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 3168458706.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 11872.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 1392116853.1800001,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 239678392.03,
                          ‘totalKill’: 32317.5,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 49397.010000000002,
                          ‘uid’: 564969.5},
 ‘Latin Hope [LH]’: {‘effRating’: 4593.6999999999998,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1314.28,
                     ‘gameWin’: 627.0,
                     ‘karma’: 9782.8099999999995,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 7255.5600000000004,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 522814499.62,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2628.3800000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 178673267.94999999,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 18749995.280000001,
                     ‘totalKill’: 2758.6599999999999,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1097.99,
                     ‘uid’: 1807169.9099999999},
 ‘Le PacTe [PacTe]’: {‘effRating’: 5502.5600000000004,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1593.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 638.0,
                      ‘karma’: 374.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 6723.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 639834314.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 4088.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 126176272.37,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 4255800.3300000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 3481.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5029.6199999999999,
                      ‘uid’: 1519652.0},
 ‘Leading Fear [FEAR]’: {‘effRating’: 5629.1300000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 3084.73,
                         ‘gameWin’: 1602.55,
                         ‘karma’: 48822.18,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.83999999999999997,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 22476.18,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 1330655705.6400001,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 6413.6400000000003,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 459697684.51999998,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 66525830.619999997,
                         ‘totalKill’: 9238.2700000000004,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 19543.040000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 942958.81999999995},
 ‘League Of Assassins [Ghoul]’: {‘effRating’: 3574.4200000000001,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 884.5,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 416.5,
                                 ‘karma’: 127783.0,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 5263.5,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 333988193.0,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 1512.0,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 120885308.61,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 12191616.310000001,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 2559.5,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 451.41000000000003,
                                 ‘uid’: 1807391.5},
 ‘League of Guardians []’: {‘effRating’: 1943.7,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 155.0,
                            ‘gameWin’: 71.0,
                            ‘karma’: 5916.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 682.0,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 65631475.0,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 388.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 8047853.1500000004,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 1124258.1200000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 221.0,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 274.42000000000002,
                            ‘uid’: 639093.0},
 ‘League of Shadows [TeHb]’: {‘effRating’: 5797.4099999999999,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 10928.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 6347.5,
                              ‘karma’: -21823.5,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3600000000000001,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 103815.5,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 4513440209.5,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 11809.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 1541920905.55,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 292407254.82999998,
                              ‘totalKill’: 48426.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 38232.290000000001,
                              ‘uid’: 763617.5},
 ‘Legends Never Die [Lgs]’: {‘effRating’: 8127.0,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 7204.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 3482.0,
                             ‘karma’: 13095.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1699999999999999,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 58921.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 3216615945.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 14171.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 1955967274.9400001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 164800605.44,
                             ‘totalKill’: 18308.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17430.849999999999,
                             ‘uid’: 1757102.0},
 ‘Legion of blood []’: {‘effRating’: 4083.5999999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 330.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 177.0,
                        ‘karma’: 3459.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 2161.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 110243669.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 508.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 40149944.670000002,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 5017327.9900000002,
                        ‘totalKill’: 855.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 2015067.0},
 ‘Legionarios Corp [LGNRS]’: {‘effRating’: 4771.6300000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 1770.8199999999999,
                              ‘gameWin’: 804.75,
                              ‘karma’: 22039.889999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 10170.23,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 753112771.48000002,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 3848.8600000000001,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 259464878.40000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 35342734.359999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 3141.7199999999998,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3830.5599999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 1702946.02},
 ‘Les Ailes Celestes [AC]’: {‘effRating’: 5492.1499999999996,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 2373.75,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1008.25,
                             ‘karma’: 16147.379999999999,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 15611.25,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 1009563998.5,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 6844.75,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 403982500.24000001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 54521075.57,
                             ‘totalKill’: 3724.6199999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9528.5100000000002,
                             ‘uid’: 2427527.3799999999},
 ‘Limitless [LMLS]’: {‘effRating’: 6653.1400000000003,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1948.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 879.0,
                      ‘karma’: 8634.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 8822.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 830634992.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 4891.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 167058627.94,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 51288187.18,
                      ‘totalKill’: 3396.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6976.9300000000003,
                      ‘uid’: 488041.0},
 ‘Little Toy Soldiers [x1L]’: {‘effRating’: 1747.54,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 176.5,
                               ‘gameWin’: 84.0,
                               ‘karma’: 445.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 855.5,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 59157840.5,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 366.5,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 14395691.199999999,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 7507.2299999999996,
                               ‘totalKill’: 444.5,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                               ‘uid’: 1427344.0},
 ‘Loki Corp [L0KI]’: {‘effRating’: 4714.4399999999996,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1403.95,
                      ‘gameWin’: 624.95000000000005,
                      ‘karma’: 78665.320000000007,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 8234.1100000000006,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 590151661.11000001,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 2688.1599999999999,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 256467046.05000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 22327576.800000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 2228.79,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 692.69000000000005,
                      ‘uid’: 1979398.6799999999},
 ‘Loliforce [LOLI]’: {‘effRating’: 5615.2799999999997,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 644.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 315.0,
                      ‘karma’: 8723.5,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 3932.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 273879404.5,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1678.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 62585504.340000004,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 16687081.699999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1181.5,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4563.1400000000003,
                      ‘uid’: 158138.5},
 ‘Lone Wolf []’: {‘effRating’: 4890.1800000000003,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 143.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 75.0,
                  ‘karma’: 1405.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 739.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 66838629.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 363.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 12528117.029999999,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 1233852.72,
                  ‘totalKill’: 309.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                  ‘uid’: 170127.0},
 ‘Lordowie Kosmosu [Lordy]’: {‘effRating’: 2696.98,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 65.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 29.0,
                              ‘karma’: 12304.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 344.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 23520604.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 141.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 4620563.46,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 297208.53000000003,
                              ‘totalKill’: 130.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 33.090000000000003,
                              ‘uid’: 1960766.0},
 ‘Los Porcos [LPC]’: {‘effRating’: 4293.3599999999997,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1477.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 805.0,
                      ‘karma’: 2838.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.97999999999999998,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 9459.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 624040632.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 3174.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 126866042.12,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 23445775.649999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 5154.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1776.74,
                      ‘uid’: 366453.0},
 ‘MARODER [MAR]’: {‘effRating’: 4272.1099999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1489.29,
                   ‘gameWin’: 732.66999999999996,
                   ‘karma’: 11810.059999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 10879.65,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 614886301.33000004,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3213.3899999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 243661228.40000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 40396877.380000003,
                   ‘totalKill’: 3664.8400000000001,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3808.2600000000002,
                   ‘uid’: 1837251.8799999999},
 ‘MARODYOR [Mar2]’: {‘effRating’: 3286.1399999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1003.37,
                     ‘gameWin’: 423.05000000000001,
                     ‘karma’: 9173.2600000000002,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 5464.8400000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 372381620.94999999,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 2355.1100000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 136724341.13,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 11791988.5,
                     ‘totalKill’: 2009.8399999999999,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1441.1900000000001,
                     ‘uid’: 2091100.3200000001},
 ‘MAXHO UA [ACbI]’: {‘effRating’: 4340.9799999999996,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1879.46,
                     ‘gameWin’: 895.78999999999996,
                     ‘karma’: 17531.599999999999,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 12876.129999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 791931274.55999994,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4198.7299999999996,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 286342650.58999997,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 46024342.170000002,
                     ‘totalKill’: 3745.96,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7637.6199999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1681629.51},
 ‘MEGA GURREN DAN [TTGL]’: {‘effRating’: 4709.8400000000001,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 1032.29,
                            ‘gameWin’: 475.56999999999999,
                            ‘karma’: 30242.0,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 6173.1400000000003,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 425206372.13999999,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 2107.29,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 142514606.88,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 17404437.09,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1457.71,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 851.54999999999995,
                            ‘uid’: 1693885.4299999999},
 ‘MERCENARIES [mis]’: {‘effRating’: 3366.77,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1067.4300000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 511.29000000000002,
                       ‘karma’: 17281.860000000001,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 8099.8599999999997,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 447374852.56999999,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 2899.71,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 137061243.72999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 13955211.24,
                       ‘totalKill’: 2350.29,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 344.41000000000003,
                       ‘uid’: 1550764.0},
 ‘MERCY [MERCY]’: {‘effRating’: 6159.1999999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2136.5,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1014.5,
                   ‘karma’: 56151.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 13247.5,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 881170796.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 4624.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 250731222.53999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 52082555.43,
                   ‘totalKill’: 3599.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3540.7600000000002,
                   ‘uid’: 1426862.5},
 ‘MOB []’: {‘effRating’: 3322.3000000000002,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 123.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 58.0,
            ‘karma’: 1127.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
            ‘totalAssists’: 732.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 54604291.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 380.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 12396048.98,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 7367668.0700000003,
            ‘totalKill’: 310.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
            ‘uid’: 2574449.0},
 ‘MOLOX []’: {‘effRating’: 5389.0799999999999,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 1074.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 483.0,
              ‘karma’: 2755.0,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
              ‘totalAssists’: 3345.0,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 501255207.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 3649.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 47037285.200000003,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 4499463.6200000001,
              ‘totalKill’: 1045.0,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3312.8200000000002,
              ‘uid’: 43535.0},
 ‘MYCOP [MYCOP]’: {‘effRating’: 6638.7600000000002,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 5354.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 2946.0,
                   ‘karma’: -21448.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.92000000000000004,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 41584.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 2360254356.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 7600.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 1040946687.5599999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 89943853.280000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 19951.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14294.469999999999,
                   ‘uid’: 2148061.0},
 ‘Man of Korea [MOK]’: {‘effRating’: 2237.52,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 296.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 294.0,
                        ‘karma’: 11571.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 1572.5,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 107776204.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 535.5,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 36617104.899999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 507113.34000000003,
                        ‘totalKill’: 581.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 2337649.0},
 ‘Mandalorians [Fett]’: {‘effRating’: 5979.4200000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 152.5,
                         ‘gameWin’: 94.5,
                         ‘karma’: 191.5,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1386.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 59307277.5,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 284.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 33545460.600000001,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 1061409.23,
                         ‘totalKill’: 940.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 167.21000000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 1578958.5},
 ‘MasSacRe [MsR]’: {‘effRating’: 6622.9799999999996,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1816.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 990.0,
                    ‘karma’: 48373.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 14295.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 761084078.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 3263.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 509586764.56,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 81374321.700000003,
                    ‘totalKill’: 5941.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3632.7600000000002,
                    ‘uid’: 1466410.0},
 ‘Matreshki Inc []’: {‘effRating’: 2508.9299999999998,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 522.5,
                      ‘gameWin’: 224.5,
                      ‘karma’: 4570.5,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 2536.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 196384507.5,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1396.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 55885563.109999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 2160662.48,
                      ‘totalKill’: 659.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 81.140000000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 2203173.0},
 ‘Meditative Lich [ML]’: {‘effRating’: 5664.5200000000004,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1976.5699999999999,
                          ‘gameWin’: 913.42999999999995,
                          ‘karma’: 55176.43,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.91000000000000003,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 12445.43,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 820859608.42999995,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 5082.8599999999997,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 315983127.89999998,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 37341599.240000002,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4082.1399999999999,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14180.200000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 887972.29000000004},
 ‘Metal Marauders [UMM]’: {‘effRating’: 2365.0700000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 183.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 92.0,
                           ‘karma’: 805.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 805.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 74463229.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 401.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 17011062.710000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 814252.91000000003,
                           ‘totalKill’: 688.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 921843.0},
 ‘Midgard Earth [MiE]’: {‘effRating’: 4395.4799999999996,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 814.38,
                         ‘gameWin’: 398.54000000000002,
                         ‘karma’: 8583.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 5263.1499999999996,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 332637615.62,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 1845.6900000000001,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 118554374.48999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 15098414.75,
                         ‘totalKill’: 1978.6199999999999,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 459.73000000000002,
                         ‘uid’: 1209049.46},
 ‘Midgard [MID]’: {‘effRating’: 4616.9799999999996,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 303.89999999999998,
                   ‘gameWin’: 146.40000000000001,
                   ‘karma’: 9450.2000000000007,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 2003.8,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 135581137.19999999,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 808.10000000000002,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 44976570.600000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 6201656.2000000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 582.20000000000005,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 173.44999999999999,
                   ‘uid’: 1918626.8999999999},
 ‘Mis Fits [MFs]’: {‘effRating’: 3118.0300000000002,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 792.42999999999995,
                    ‘gameWin’: 424.0,
                    ‘karma’: 3747.4299999999998,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 3892.8600000000001,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 311006708.29000002,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1794.29,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 85916011.0,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 7715015.0499999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1191.1400000000001,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1980.97,
                    ‘uid’: 1698983.29},
 ‘Misericord [Pekc]’: {‘effRating’: 5199.6199999999999,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 4612.6899999999996,
                       ‘gameWin’: 2194.6199999999999,
                       ‘karma’: 37712.459999999999,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.02,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 31494.919999999998,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1932657078.9200001,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 11120.77,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 618641729.30999994,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 130082643.93000001,
                       ‘totalKill’: 8144.54,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 18530.18,
                       ‘uid’: 1452918.23},
 ‘Mixed Martial Arts [MMA]’: {‘effRating’: 5555.5100000000002,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 3118.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 1475.8900000000001,
                              ‘karma’: 57806.779999999999,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.95999999999999996,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 23091.669999999998,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 1344199541.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 6857.5600000000004,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 447157934.94,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 85798398.079999998,
                              ‘totalKill’: 5382.3299999999999,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5111.9099999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 1335934.0},
 ‘Monolith [MON]’: {‘effRating’: 6093.2799999999997,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 9202.5300000000007,
                    ‘gameWin’: 4632.4700000000003,
                    ‘karma’: 24352.330000000002,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.93999999999999995,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 61049.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 4106626555.1999998,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 16524.599999999999,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 1455101628.3399999,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 188948426.13999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 26871.869999999999,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 43507.860000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 647282.46999999997},
 ‘Morgenstern []’: {‘effRating’: 2543.25,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 208.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 82.0,
                    ‘karma’: 443.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 1051.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 72213387.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 464.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 17272975.620000001,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 723856.09999999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 618.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                    ‘uid’: 1498124.0},
 ‘Moskitos [MOS]’: {‘effRating’: 1598.6199999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 13.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 3.0,
                    ‘karma’: 7301.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 45.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 4564640.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 44.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 1150411.6599999999,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 48190.440000000002,
                    ‘totalKill’: 12.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                    ‘uid’: 2346364.0},
 ‘Mostly Harmless []’: {‘effRating’: 5661.5699999999997,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1731.5,
                        ‘gameWin’: 892.5,
                        ‘karma’: 36773.5,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 13033.5,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 735462895.5,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 4028.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 232633584.88,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 48455758.729999997,
                        ‘totalKill’: 5877.5,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8155.8000000000002,
                        ‘uid’: 886357.0},
 ‘Mulisha Munitions [CSEQ]’: {‘effRating’: 1289.71,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 51.5,
                              ‘gameWin’: 19.0,
                              ‘karma’: 212.5,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 103.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 17182750.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 144.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 1927132.5900000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 105025.22,
                              ‘totalKill’: 25.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                              ‘uid’: 287453.5},
 ‘My Little Pony FIM [Pony]’: {‘effRating’: 3878.0300000000002,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 585.44000000000005,
                               ‘gameWin’: 289.22000000000003,
                               ‘karma’: 4466.7799999999997,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 4112.4399999999996,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 220029246.66999999,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 1160.4400000000001,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 80096092.680000007,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 15431636.16,
                               ‘totalKill’: 1391.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 208.78999999999999,
                               ‘uid’: 2043325.6699999999},
 ‘N0RTH WIND []’: {‘effRating’: 6675.1999999999998,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1767.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 894.79999999999995,
                   ‘karma’: 27196.400000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.83999999999999997,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 12784.799999999999,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 762322162.79999995,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3516.4000000000001,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 257261780.0,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 35995819.469999999,
                   ‘totalKill’: 5506.8000000000002,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2005.8699999999999,
                   ‘uid’: 1391087.3999999999},
 ‘N211 [N211]’: {‘effRating’: 531.50999999999999,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1.0,
                 ‘karma’: 0.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 13.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 382401.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 7.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 48429.459999999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 805.45000000000005,
                 ‘totalKill’: 0.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                 ‘uid’: 2459048.0},
 ‘NEXT [NEXT]’: {‘effRating’: 4184.5600000000004,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1071.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 469.0,
                 ‘karma’: 34726.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 5240.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 428750774.5,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 2501.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 73716006.290000007,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 7866954.2199999997,
                 ‘totalKill’: 1694.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5523.0100000000002,
                 ‘uid’: 1102604.0},
 ‘NIKA junior [NIKA2]’: {‘effRating’: 4347.2299999999996,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 956.89999999999998,
                         ‘gameWin’: 463.80000000000001,
                         ‘karma’: 1785.8,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 6671.1000000000004,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 409244516.89999998,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 2389.6999999999998,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 142639313.40000001,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 28417156.449999999,
                         ‘totalKill’: 1827.0999999999999,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 459.64999999999998,
                         ‘uid’: 2116327.8999999999},
 ‘NLO [NLO]’: {‘effRating’: 5738.1199999999999,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 3849.1100000000001,
               ‘gameWin’: 1909.1400000000001,
               ‘karma’: 23701.369999999999,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.71999999999999997,
               ‘totalAssists’: 28400.830000000002,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1623664064.6900001,
               ‘totalDeath’: 8060.6300000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 654173303.21000004,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 118727203.66,
               ‘totalKill’: 9176.3400000000001,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11775.209999999999,
               ‘uid’: 1488535.4299999999},
 ‘NME [NME]’: {‘effRating’: 2991.5799999999999,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 530.0,
               ‘gameWin’: 264.0,
               ‘karma’: 8551.0,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
               ‘totalAssists’: 3650.0,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 221264985.0,
               ‘totalDeath’: 1289.0,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 40509895.200000003,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 4917639.54,
               ‘totalKill’: 1359.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 80.530000000000001,
               ‘uid’: 774925.0},
 ‘Natural Born Killer [NBK]’: {‘effRating’: 667.13,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 1684.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 911.0,
                               ‘karma’: 4.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 8880.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 739681826.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 3668.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 167667814.88,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 23886694.800000001,
                               ‘totalKill’: 5415.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9073.1499999999996,
                               ‘uid’: 463561.0},
 ‘Nemesis [NMS]’: {‘effRating’: 7547.4099999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 9933.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 6375.0,
                   ‘karma’: 23857.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1499999999999999,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 88968.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 4391741730.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 12476.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 2563566195.6900001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 470581960.16000003,
                   ‘totalKill’: 55100.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 58486.550000000003,
                   ‘uid’: 797736.0},
 ‘Nemezida []’: {‘effRating’: 2111.4299999999998,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 69.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 33.0,
                 ‘karma’: 1653.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 245.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 20014540.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 132.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 5564863.8600000003,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 572283.28000000003,
                 ‘totalKill’: 185.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                 ‘uid’: 2474824.0},
 ‘Neon Lights [NL]’: {‘effRating’: 3986.5999999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 2015.3299999999999,
                      ‘gameWin’: 942.0,
                      ‘karma’: 9086.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 12895.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 855759111.83000004,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 6362.3299999999999,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 174905428.88,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 19609175.050000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 2810.3299999999999,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2721.9000000000001,
                      ‘uid’: 1141810.4299999999},
 ‘New Atlantis [NeAt]’: {‘effRating’: 5404.6400000000003,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 2107.1900000000001,
                         ‘gameWin’: 995.53999999999996,
                         ‘karma’: 27220.759999999998,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.66000000000000003,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 14866.35,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 875073818.11000001,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 4785.8599999999997,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 316311461.26999998,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 48998554.509999998,
                         ‘totalKill’: 4435.54,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5307.79,
                         ‘uid’: 1387140.1399999999},
 ‘New Balance [NewB]’: {‘effRating’: 4282.8299999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 929.09000000000003,
                        ‘gameWin’: 443.36000000000001,
                        ‘karma’: 18865.860000000001,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 5800.3699999999999,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 384995479.42000002,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 2163.4200000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 139255294.16,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 17667551.800000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1366.1400000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1377.99,
                        ‘uid’: 2207553.0899999999},
 ‘New USSR [NUSSR]’: {‘effRating’: 3984.23,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 1096.5,
                      ‘gameWin’: 521.25,
                      ‘karma’: 7425.25,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 7076.75,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 440494566.75,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 3235.75,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 109690849.51000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 8615686.7100000009,
                      ‘totalKill’: 2000.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 307.39999999999998,
                      ‘uid’: 1850127.25},
 ‘Nexus Staffel [NXS07]’: {‘effRating’: 5176.5100000000002,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1089.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 551.0,
                           ‘karma’: 17815.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 7252.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 431458406.5,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 2396.5,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 123576623.20999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 17078843.129999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2724.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 242.97,
                           ‘uid’: 1042248.5},
 ‘Nezavisimye []’: {‘effRating’: 5515.7799999999997,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 269.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 130.0,
                    ‘karma’: 48523.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 1681.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 113777078.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 769.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 35157149.090000004,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 3362040.2999999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 540.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 368.19,
                    ‘uid’: 1385105.0},
 ‘Night Ghost [NiGh]’: {‘effRating’: 4180.2600000000002,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 695.20000000000005,
                        ‘gameWin’: 307.89999999999998,
                        ‘karma’: 39308.800000000003,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 4644.1999999999998,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 284139422.80000001,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1533.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 132188383.11,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 17531161.620000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1109.5999999999999,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 266.95999999999998,
                        ‘uid’: 1968348.7},
 ‘Night Hunters [7177]’: {‘effRating’: 4877.8699999999999,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2005.1199999999999,
                          ‘gameWin’: 938.0,
                          ‘karma’: 20315.5,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 12255.25,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 855403832.25,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 4085.5,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 324509084.12,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 30206255.370000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 5592.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8301.1399999999994,
                          ‘uid’: 2238842.8799999999},
 ‘Night Shadow []’: {‘effRating’: 6208.4300000000003,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 3270.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1437.0,
                     ‘karma’: 18743.0,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.4099999999999999,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 19485.0,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 1376353662.0,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 9723.0,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 521993510.02999997,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 54503243.43,
                     ‘totalKill’: 5539.0,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11981.73,
                     ‘uid’: 1801088.0},
 ‘Nightcore [River]’: {‘effRating’: 1358.01,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 9.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 7.0,
                       ‘karma’: 0.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 67.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 3186778.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 9.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 1124017.98,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 105042.98,
                       ‘totalKill’: 64.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                       ‘uid’: 2426559.0},
 ‘Nightmare Ascendant [NA]’: {‘effRating’: 1196.79,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 14.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 7.0,
                              ‘karma’: 355.5,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 47.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 5536399.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 38.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 1566044.4399999999,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 129242.32000000001,
                              ‘totalKill’: 21.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                              ‘uid’: 2199951.0},
 ‘Nika Sword [NlKA]’: {‘effRating’: 4785.6800000000003,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1634.8800000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 792.86000000000001,
                       ‘karma’: 14068.58,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 10946.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 690455609.80999994,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 3581.02,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 257213476.31,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 41480580.189999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 3367.6500000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6678.3900000000003,
                       ‘uid’: 1569832.74},
 ‘Nika [NIKA]’: {‘effRating’: 5434.8599999999997,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 3010.54,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1497.6199999999999,
                 ‘karma’: 23916.099999999999,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.71999999999999997,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 22113.720000000001,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1296472691.3599999,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 6210.3800000000001,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 517076056.45999998,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 80637471.329999998,
                 ‘totalKill’: 7726.5100000000002,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12161.530000000001,
                 ‘uid’: 1595559.04},
 ‘No Limits Team PL [NoTM]’: {‘effRating’: 3381.4400000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 592.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 278.0,
                              ‘karma’: 11709.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3695.5,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 243620730.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1680.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 72941676.780000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 3802860.4199999999,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1151.5,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 403.22000000000003,
                              ‘uid’: 1805689.0},
 ‘NoQuestions [NQ]’: {‘effRating’: 5635.6199999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 3745.0900000000001,
                      ‘gameWin’: 1894.3599999999999,
                      ‘karma’: 23153.09,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.94999999999999996,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 28432.639999999999,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1623615576.73,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 8069.1800000000003,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 633422009.25,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 81374434.620000005,
                      ‘totalKill’: 8589.5499999999993,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8737.1900000000005,
                      ‘uid’: 1788404.0},
 ‘Nomad []’: {‘effRating’: 4710.6700000000001,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 1415.29,
              ‘gameWin’: 714.42999999999995,
              ‘karma’: 3277.1399999999999,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
              ‘totalAssists’: 10834.290000000001,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 605273407.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 2951.8600000000001,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 196200294.88,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 32409165.629999999,
              ‘totalKill’: 3554.8600000000001,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2666.48,
              ‘uid’: 1765166.71},
 ‘Nova Corporation [Nova]’: {‘effRating’: 6979.4099999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 6982.4799999999996,
                             ‘gameWin’: 4037.27,
                             ‘karma’: 23520.27,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1399999999999999,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 53236.400000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 2995302266.8400002,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 11540.9,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 1366247347.49,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 216610971.41999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 25388.259999999998,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 40350.610000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 1154790.1100000001},
 ‘NovaCorps [NVAC]’: {‘effRating’: 3369.6599999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 173.25,
                      ‘gameWin’: 76.25,
                      ‘karma’: 555.75,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 908.5,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 69026779.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 572.25,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 20203504.170000002,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 1144232.1499999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 355.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9.5299999999999994,
                      ‘uid’: 1985430.75},
 ‘OCTPOB [Isle]’: {‘effRating’: 2580.0599999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2067.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 938.0,
                   ‘karma’: 128011.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 13945.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 813716523.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 7768.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 239566444.74000001,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 30102048.600000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 5976.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 793.44000000000005,
                   ‘uid’: 1302008.0},
 ‘ONE SPACE ACADEMY [OSA]’: {‘effRating’: 2409.1100000000001,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 203.36000000000001,
                             ‘gameWin’: 97.640000000000001,
                             ‘karma’: 1299.0899999999999,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 1069.0899999999999,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 65682352.909999996,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 389.08999999999997,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 15363216.779999999,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 2756680.1899999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 440.26999999999998,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 71.120000000000005,
                             ‘uid’: 2682046.73},
 ‘OPDEH 4EPHbIu [nayk]’: {‘effRating’: 4608.9099999999999,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1418.9300000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 696.71000000000004,
                          ‘karma’: 7200.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 9368.9300000000003,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 576605928.63999999,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 3243.3600000000001,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 215749179.09,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 37067980.509999998,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3758.0700000000002,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4397.1499999999996,
                          ‘uid’: 2255560.9300000002},
 ‘OPTIMA [TIMA]’: {‘effRating’: 4816.7200000000003,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1238.3599999999999,
                   ‘gameWin’: 581.42999999999995,
                   ‘karma’: 16139.709999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 8883.0699999999997,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 515473467.43000001,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 2508.3600000000001,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 174885996.06,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 31434355.399999999,
                   ‘totalKill’: 2261.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1642.23,
                   ‘uid’: 1698715.21},
 ‘Odins Law [Odins]’: {‘effRating’: 4357.0500000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 727.11000000000001,
                       ‘gameWin’: 345.94,
                       ‘karma’: 8166.4200000000001,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 4489.54,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 297213433.24000001,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1644.1900000000001,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 97166753.969999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 16743153.539999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1541.9200000000001,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 777.83000000000004,
                       ‘uid’: 2128560.8799999999},
 ‘Omega Strike Force [OSF]’: {‘effRating’: 4101.0100000000002,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 724.22000000000003,
                              ‘gameWin’: 343.72000000000003,
                              ‘karma’: 15590.83,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 4222.8299999999999,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 289480825.67000002,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1761.5599999999999,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 87482013.260000005,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 13104532.460000001,
                              ‘totalKill’: 1681.1700000000001,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 824.90999999999997,
                              ‘uid’: 1952699.8300000001},
 ‘One Person Army [OPA]’: {‘effRating’: 4347.3999999999996,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 845.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 389.0,
                           ‘karma’: 214.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0600000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 4007.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 340931312.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1681.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 69716044.329999998,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 2434384.2000000002,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1342.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 227.90000000000001,
                           ‘uid’: 417529.0},
 ‘OneShotEnDeuxCoups []’: {‘effRating’: 2571.1500000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 617.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 361.0,
                           ‘karma’: 2345.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 2862.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 269808007.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1402.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 69089183.280000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 5384314.2999999998,
                           ‘totalKill’: 3251.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2605640.0},
 ‘Only the Best [OTB]’: {‘effRating’: 5605.1300000000001,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 1768.47,
                         ‘gameWin’: 833.24000000000001,
                         ‘karma’: 21363.290000000001,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 11581.59,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 739964535.47000003,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 3844.1799999999998,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 351242460.44,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 41567129.509999998,
                         ‘totalKill’: 4458.29,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3542.2800000000002,
                         ‘uid’: 1421807.4099999999},
 ‘Oracles Bartle []’: {‘effRating’: 6708.6300000000001,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 2584.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1336.0,
                       ‘karma’: 11379.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.93999999999999995,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 17976.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 1016004595.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 5530.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 502643150.82999998,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 28280368.07,
                       ‘totalKill’: 6277.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16780.0,
                       ‘uid’: 1921050.0},
 ‘Orden Tamplier OT [OTr]’: {‘effRating’: 3978.3000000000002,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 4380.6700000000001,
                             ‘gameWin’: 1978.3299999999999,
                             ‘karma’: 3127.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 34615.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 2000570288.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 8280.6700000000001,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 386900644.45999998,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 180236421.44,
                             ‘totalKill’: 6722.3299999999999,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 31372.360000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 786564.0},
 ‘Osiris Inc [OSR]’: {‘effRating’: 2087.0,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 141.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 71.0,
                      ‘karma’: 262.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 961.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 47416616.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 304.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 8749391.0099999998,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 175978.79000000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 413.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                      ‘uid’: 1101379.0},
 ‘Other Side [uHbIE]’: {‘effRating’: 5448.1700000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 2890.3400000000001,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1431.5799999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 21913.619999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.71999999999999997,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 20315.66,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1234658721.5899999,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 6177.7399999999998,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 485307416.00999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 72841653.569999993,
                        ‘totalKill’: 6899.9200000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12248.67,
                        ‘uid’: 1495828.5800000001},
 ‘Overlord Coalition [Lords]’: {‘effRating’: 1232.3499999999999,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 11.5,
                                ‘gameWin’: 5.5,
                                ‘karma’: 130.5,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 50.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 3415066.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 23.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 940955.48999999999,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 90251.710000000006,
                                ‘totalKill’: 41.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                                ‘uid’: 1845109.0},
 ‘Overlord Sanctum [LAIR]’: {‘effRating’: 3276.5300000000002,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 246.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 187.0,
                             ‘karma’: 92.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 1383.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 82169475.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 408.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 33820964.630000003,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 1277252.3700000001,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1986.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                             ‘uid’: 1669680.0},
 ‘Owl Initiative [OWL]’: {‘effRating’: 6244.1000000000004,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 4979.6999999999998,
                          ‘gameWin’: 2790.04,
                          ‘karma’: 30822.93,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.05,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 36752.800000000003,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 2175667900.6799998,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 9266.7700000000004,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 924221012.87,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 144568394.90000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 17851.139999999999,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25331.91,
                          ‘uid’: 995325.33999999997},
 ‘PAHAROS [PHS]’: {‘effRating’: 6128.5799999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 10919.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 5116.0,
                   ‘karma’: 42335.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.4299999999999999,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 67826.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 4747942587.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 20455.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 1532302242.8499999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 375396697.67000002,
                   ‘totalKill’: 17753.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 46605.959999999999,
                   ‘uid’: 258250.0},
 ‘PIRAT []’: {‘effRating’: 3098.46,
              ‘gamePlayed’: 715.0,
              ‘gameWin’: 329.0,
              ‘karma’: 5756.0,
              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
              ‘totalAssists’: 5959.0,
              ‘totalBattleTime’: 249158919.0,
              ‘totalDeath’: 1254.0,
              ‘totalDmgDone’: 82119042.349999994,
              ‘totalHealingDone’: 16650888.060000001,
              ‘totalKill’: 1445.0,
              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
              ‘uid’: 2852400.0},
 ‘PIRATbI [PlRAT]’: {‘effRating’: 4283.5699999999997,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 1899.6300000000001,
                     ‘gameWin’: 922.66999999999996,
                     ‘karma’: 14839.48,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 12520.67,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 789148666.44000006,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4799.3699999999999,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 244688875.55000001,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 42743923.939999998,
                     ‘totalKill’: 3772.1500000000001,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5101.4099999999999,
                     ‘uid’: 1880590.52},
 ‘PL Space Academy [PLAS]’: {‘effRating’: 4251.8800000000001,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 200.0,
                             ‘gameWin’: 93.0,
                             ‘karma’: 659.0,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 2193.0,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 101770681.0,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 521.0,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 20910753.66,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 2558208.8999999999,
                             ‘totalKill’: 209.0,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 40.950000000000003,
                             ‘uid’: 2194774.0},
 ‘POLTERGEIST [Geist]’: {‘effRating’: 6119.9899999999998,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 4369.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 2033.0,
                         ‘karma’: 13071.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1200000000000001,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 28587.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 1916036023.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 9051.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 635595040.44000006,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 129705544.37,
                         ‘totalKill’: 6557.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16082.799999999999,
                         ‘uid’: 1418215.0},
 ‘ParadoX [PDX]’: {‘effRating’: 6457.3400000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2765.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1476.2,
                   ‘karma’: 15846.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.04,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 18735.599999999999,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1215856249.2,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 5365.1999999999998,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 363741622.87,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 50060622.0,
                   ‘totalKill’: 7576.6000000000004,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 21942.060000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 729892.0},
 ‘Pepper [Demon]’: {‘effRating’: 951.39999999999998,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 20.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 10.0,
                    ‘karma’: 21.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.029999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 104.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 7110277.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 51.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 1036311.79,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 156214.25,
                    ‘totalKill’: 59.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                    ‘uid’: 1724021.0},
 ‘Phantom []’: {‘effRating’: 4695.9399999999996,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 1303.78,
                ‘gameWin’: 606.0,
                ‘karma’: 27600.330000000002,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
                ‘totalAssists’: 8672.4400000000005,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 527956437.11000001,
                ‘totalDeath’: 3142.2199999999998,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 152084522.81,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 23895067.129999999,
                ‘totalKill’: 2279.7800000000002,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1340.6600000000001,
                ‘uid’: 1464957.78},
 ‘Phoenix Corps []’: {‘effRating’: 2708.4699999999998,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 293.32999999999998,
                      ‘gameWin’: 144.0,
                      ‘karma’: -1032.6700000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 1759.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 101932646.33,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 690.33000000000004,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 26140014.379999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 6413223.7300000004,
                      ‘totalKill’: 580.66999999999996,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                      ‘uid’: 1952972.0},
 ‘Pilum murialis []’: {‘effRating’: 3108.3000000000002,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 406.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 196.40000000000001,
                       ‘karma’: 34584.599999999999,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 2762.5999999999999,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 164663088.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 959.79999999999995,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 65184574.649999999,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 6947679.0,
                       ‘totalKill’: 873.60000000000002,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 167.62,
                       ‘uid’: 2463752.2000000002},
 ‘Pirates [Pirat]’: {‘effRating’: 5554.6599999999999,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 6722.0,
                     ‘gameWin’: 3424.29,
                     ‘karma’: -66848.289999999994,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 41306.290000000001,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 2866033832.4299998,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 14769.290000000001,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 1069968411.63,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 142842838.50999999,
                     ‘totalKill’: 22962.43,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 36543.839999999997,
                     ‘uid’: 1102655.4299999999},
 ‘Planet Earth [Earth]’: {‘effRating’: 5164.21,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1827.8,
                          ‘gameWin’: 823.0,
                          ‘karma’: 27416.470000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 10772.27,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 787772757.73000002,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 4971.9300000000003,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 249912341.53999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 29089261.440000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 3083.73,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4195.3000000000002,
                          ‘uid’: 1688795.8700000001},
 ‘Planetary Dynamics [PlDyn]’: {‘effRating’: 4633.5500000000002,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 1930.6199999999999,
                                ‘gameWin’: 910.0,
                                ‘karma’: 34679.5,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 11561.879999999999,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 807782423.88,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 4970.5,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 200288982.06999999,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 24957980.539999999,
                                ‘totalKill’: 2929.3800000000001,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7256.7600000000002,
                                ‘uid’: 1384809.1200000001},
 ‘Plutarch [PLU]’: {‘effRating’: 6095.8800000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1548.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 662.0,
                    ‘karma’: 13630.5,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 6870.5,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 661168663.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 3679.5,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 109377064.05,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 14850574.140000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 2768.5,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2908.3600000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 461814.5},
 ‘Polish Hunters [POL]’: {‘effRating’: 4863.2600000000002,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1727.25,
                          ‘gameWin’: 847.59000000000003,
                          ‘karma’: 20079.220000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 11502.49,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 725747405.64999998,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 3657.3299999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 275189540.38999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 46582855.32,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4162.4099999999999,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6351.3299999999999,
                          ‘uid’: 1831398.3899999999},
 ‘Polite People [PP]’: {‘effRating’: 6939.5799999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 6743.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 3474.0,
                        ‘karma’: 70995.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3999999999999999,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 61898.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 2958880369.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 10368.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 1237644795.3599999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 253247373.59999999,
                        ‘totalKill’: 17076.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10367.52,
                        ‘uid’: 1101387.0},
 ‘Praetorian Guard [11X]’: {‘effRating’: 2909.6199999999999,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 345.80000000000001,
                            ‘gameWin’: 181.0,
                            ‘karma’: 11817.6,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 2088.5999999999999,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 147195701.40000001,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 670.0,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 61812493.270000003,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 6228210.21,
                            ‘totalKill’: 871.39999999999998,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 309.76999999999998,
                            ‘uid’: 2467557.3999999999},
 ‘Precision []’: {‘effRating’: 500.0,
                  ‘karma’: 701.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
                  ‘uid’: 2223603.0},
 ‘Protect Ultim Dark [PUD]’: {‘effRating’: 1386.52,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 250.0,
                              ‘gameWin’: 118.0,
                              ‘karma’: 16.0,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 1204.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 91893513.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 569.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 18508394.140000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 260278.75,
                              ‘totalKill’: 783.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                              ‘uid’: 1466652.0},
 ‘Proximus Corvus [PC]’: {‘effRating’: 1529.75,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 354.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 184.0,
                          ‘karma’: 576.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 2364.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 130572878.0,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 666.0,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 30775677.27,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 1545775.3200000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1656.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                          ‘uid’: 768752.0},
 ‘Pycckue [Pyc]’: {‘effRating’: 4573.5699999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2172.6700000000001,
                   ‘gameWin’: 999.20000000000005,
                   ‘karma’: 10873.129999999999,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 13009.07,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 867837663.13,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 5363.8000000000002,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 277890476.44999999,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 34273907.409999996,
                   ‘totalKill’: 3663.5999999999999,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4681.2700000000004,
                   ‘uid’: 1954777.3999999999},
 ‘PyroCode []’: {‘effRating’: 527.89999999999998,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 3.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1.0,
                 ‘karma’: 104.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 10.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 836228.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 5.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 62638.230000000003,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 18627.049999999999,
                 ‘totalKill’: 1.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                 ‘uid’: 2352835.0},
 ‘RAKI [PAK]’: {‘effRating’: 5893.8199999999997,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 3200.75,
                ‘gameWin’: 1750.75,
                ‘karma’: 36126.5,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.72999999999999998,
                ‘totalAssists’: 25330.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 1378465606.75,
                ‘totalDeath’: 6138.25,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 527501732.20999998,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 90213104.840000004,
                ‘totalKill’: 8247.25,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8753.6200000000008,
                ‘uid’: 1568090.75},
 ‘RAZORS [RZ]’: {‘effRating’: 4686.0600000000004,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1897.1099999999999,
                 ‘gameWin’: 917.55999999999995,
                 ‘karma’: 22796.779999999999,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 12758.33,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 783377947.11000001,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 4164.1099999999997,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 373060332.36000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 66841894.469999999,
                 ‘totalKill’: 5630.5600000000004,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3147.6999999999998,
                 ‘uid’: 2029159.78},
 ‘RED SCORPIONS [Skorp]’: {‘effRating’: 5623.04,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 3657.5,
                           ‘gameWin’: 1747.0,
                           ‘karma’: 12216.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 26278.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 1683517347.25,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 8529.25,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 564076781.38999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 124694302.17,
                           ‘totalKill’: 7339.5,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12789.51,
                           ‘uid’: 1967719.25},
 ‘RED Star [RDS]’: {‘effRating’: 3793.2399999999998,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1351.77,
                    ‘gameWin’: 667.74000000000001,
                    ‘karma’: 8075.3599999999997,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 9782.9699999999993,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 559464353.74000001,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 2845.3800000000001,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 206073996.47,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 22687544.82,
                    ‘totalKill’: 3042.6199999999999,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1961.6199999999999,
                    ‘uid’: 2172494.0800000001},
 ‘RED Stars [xRDSx]’: {‘effRating’: 4890.9700000000003,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 1754.8399999999999,
                       ‘gameWin’: 880.44000000000005,
                       ‘karma’: 17846.939999999999,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 12733.65,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 745572126.74000001,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 3610.9000000000001,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 298349461.67000002,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 40607127.759999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 4456.5,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6621.0699999999997,
                       ‘uid’: 1693375.6299999999},
 ‘RED WINGS [RW]’: {‘effRating’: 5065.1599999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 2420.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 1226.5,
                    ‘karma’: 32554.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.95999999999999996,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 17480.5,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 971314692.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 5606.5,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 300396725.69,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 58429897.689999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 4551.5,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 13031.65,
                    ‘uid’: 1853262.0},
 ‘REGION [REG]’: {‘effRating’: 4574.3800000000001,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 1322.76,
                  ‘gameWin’: 616.63999999999999,
                  ‘karma’: 13915.6,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 8407.4799999999996,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 548259409.86000001,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 3173.54,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 175684437.34999999,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 27880782.59,
                  ‘totalKill’: 2468.0599999999999,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3079.21,
                  ‘uid’: 1703352.4399999999},
 ‘RISE [RISE]’: {‘effRating’: 6611.5500000000002,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 7476.3299999999999,
                 ‘gameWin’: 3758.0,
                 ‘karma’: 4534.3299999999999,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.4099999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 51973.330000000002,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 3295753576.6700001,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 11852.33,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 1048547979.33,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 136455292.19999999,
                 ‘totalKill’: 20201.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 48908.010000000002,
                 ‘uid’: 38781.330000000002},
 ‘ROADHOUSE [BRUH]’: {‘effRating’: 3329.4499999999998,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 672.94000000000005,
                      ‘gameWin’: 356.10000000000002,
                      ‘karma’: 1359.9000000000001,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 4593.3500000000004,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 277313030.23000002,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1453.45,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 105132778.47,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 20040094.719999999,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1536.3199999999999,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 815.20000000000005,
                      ‘uid’: 2180758.9399999999},
 ‘RT DFW []’: {‘effRating’: 1390.29,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 83.670000000000002,
               ‘gameWin’: 39.0,
               ‘karma’: 1193.3299999999999,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
               ‘totalAssists’: 302.32999999999998,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 22449189.670000002,
               ‘totalDeath’: 168.33000000000001,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 4024060.1099999999,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 417287.96999999997,
               ‘totalKill’: 177.0,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
               ‘uid’: 2504988.6699999999},
 ‘RUSH [RUSH]’: {‘effRating’: 3680.5100000000002,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 894.62,
                 ‘gameWin’: 415.45999999999998,
                 ‘karma’: 6113.46,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 5885.6199999999999,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 348326371.23000002,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 2027.23,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 113697160.01000001,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 10742654.99,
                 ‘totalKill’: 1765.46,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1300.75,
                 ‘uid’: 2225475.9199999999},
 ‘RVKS []’: {‘effRating’: 3583.04,
             ‘gamePlayed’: 1135.0,
             ‘gameWin’: 552.0,
             ‘karma’: 2357.0,
             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.67000000000000004,
             ‘totalAssists’: 8134.0,
             ‘totalBattleTime’: 453570145.0,
             ‘totalDeath’: 3338.0,
             ‘totalDmgDone’: 83485421.620000005,
             ‘totalHealingDone’: 23123875.399999999,
             ‘totalKill’: 1087.0,
             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 122.31,
             ‘uid’: 2278110.0},
 ‘RadiX [RadiX]’: {‘effRating’: 6047.8199999999997,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 5877.9399999999996,
                   ‘gameWin’: 3145.3899999999999,
                   ‘karma’: 18953.060000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 41866.610000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 2512899391.1700001,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 12908.719999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 894247483.45000005,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 120839730.37,
                   ‘totalKill’: 14931.059999999999,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14403.32,
                   ‘uid’: 1234647.3300000001},
 ‘Rage [R4ge]’: {‘effRating’: 5078.0100000000002,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2644.5,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1361.0,
                 ‘karma’: 45209.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1899999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 19788.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1185142193.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 7087.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 553791379.42999995,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 71883361.810000002,
                 ‘totalKill’: 8684.5,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16601.43,
                 ‘uid’: 1049344.0},
 ‘Rage and Terror [RAT]’: {‘effRating’: 5849.1499999999996,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1196.5,
                           ‘gameWin’: 581.0,
                           ‘karma’: 2675.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 6965.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 524005389.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 2547.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 115552594.11,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 16942428.050000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2617.5,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3625.27,
                           ‘uid’: 351501.5},
 ‘Rangers []’: {‘effRating’: 3409.54,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 332.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 181.0,
                ‘karma’: 2302.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
                ‘totalAssists’: 2946.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 147222216.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 550.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 48832961.270000003,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 25808403.190000001,
                ‘totalKill’: 1010.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                ‘uid’: 208491.0},
 ‘Raptors []’: {‘effRating’: 1113.9000000000001,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 21.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 9.0,
                ‘karma’: -8.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                ‘totalAssists’: 95.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 9334871.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 54.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 2650110.0499999998,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 350827.09000000003,
                ‘totalKill’: 40.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                ‘uid’: 2739169.0},
 ‘Rattenfaenger [RvH]’: {‘effRating’: 4073.9299999999998,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 124.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 71.0,
                         ‘karma’: 401.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0700000000000001,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 1056.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 52934958.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 395.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 24157040.579999998,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 4376959.6799999997,
                         ‘totalKill’: 339.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 1169123.0},
 ‘Ravens Shadow [RvSh]’: {‘effRating’: 3540.4000000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 578.58000000000004,
                          ‘gameWin’: 283.68000000000001,
                          ‘karma’: 2297.5799999999999,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 3645.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 220125658.78999999,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 1118.3699999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 61191046.689999998,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 8251379.5300000003,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1439.95,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 577.54999999999995,
                          ‘uid’: 1966155.21},
 ‘Ray of death [Ray]’: {‘effRating’: 6142.8500000000004,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 4655.46,
                        ‘gameWin’: 2284.3200000000002,
                        ‘karma’: 31414.299999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.92000000000000004,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 32980.68,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 1977050407.95,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 9901.2700000000004,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 803253854.36000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 112217320.72,
                        ‘totalKill’: 12301.76,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17077.93,
                        ‘uid’: 1382559.1100000001},
 ‘Recios Apatridas []’: {‘effRating’: 4252.8999999999996,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 124.0,
                         ‘gameWin’: 46.0,
                         ‘karma’: 480.0,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 410.0,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 49056709.0,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 306.0,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 7774380.5899999999,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 1874082.79,
                         ‘totalKill’: 175.0,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                         ‘uid’: 404161.0},
 ‘Red Dragon [xReDx]’: {‘effRating’: 4638.0799999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1418.6700000000001,
                        ‘gameWin’: 676.48000000000002,
                        ‘karma’: 19575.779999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 9555.7099999999991,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 585019088.72000003,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 3296.5999999999999,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 210950966.53999999,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 32394527.940000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 2874.6100000000001,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3616.3899999999999,
                        ‘uid’: 2018128.0},
 ‘Red Fives []’: {‘effRating’: 2783.8400000000001,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 118.0,
                  ‘gameWin’: 41.0,
                  ‘karma’: 456.0,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 405.0,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 42529713.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 459.0,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 5440216.1600000001,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 257720.07000000001,
                  ‘totalKill’: 52.0,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 26.32,
                  ‘uid’: 1697794.0},
 ‘Red Star Rising [RSR]’: {‘effRating’: 3414.0799999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 99.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 52.0,
                           ‘karma’: 706.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 972.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 36709718.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 252.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 11259128.300000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 3818281.8399999999,
                           ‘totalKill’: 308.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12.51,
                           ‘uid’: 1262071.0},
 ‘Red Sun Empire [RSE]’: {‘effRating’: 2862.9400000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 882.5,
                          ‘gameWin’: 385.0,
                          ‘karma’: 14842.120000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 5224.1199999999999,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 377261548.75,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2142.1199999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 133745083.69,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 22238687.75,
                          ‘totalKill’: 1640.0,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2468.2199999999998,
                          ‘uid’: 1232199.5},
 ‘Red Tails [RT]’: {‘effRating’: 5737.6700000000001,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 455.32999999999998,
                    ‘gameWin’: 244.66999999999999,
                    ‘karma’: 60333.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.60999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 3364.3299999999999,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 203694432.66999999,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 939.33000000000004,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 128170143.77,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 15960579.109999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1137.6700000000001,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 282.87,
                    ‘uid’: 2491984.0},
 ‘RedAcidDemonAssualt [RADA]’: {‘effRating’: 3902.27,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 2667.0,
                                ‘gameWin’: 1162.0,
                                ‘karma’: 1835.0,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 8907.0,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 1094643619.0,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 7061.0,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 114819815.54000001,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 8121267.5,
                                ‘totalKill’: 2609.0,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2556.6300000000001,
                                ‘uid’: 466133.0},
 ‘Requiem of eternity []’: {‘effRating’: 4630.0299999999997,
                            ‘gamePlayed’: 691.5,
                            ‘gameWin’: 312.25,
                            ‘karma’: 4052.75,
                            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
                            ‘totalAssists’: 4802.6199999999999,
                            ‘totalBattleTime’: 269585140.88,
                            ‘totalDeath’: 1638.8800000000001,
                            ‘totalDmgDone’: 82994658.579999998,
                            ‘totalHealingDone’: 15509996.640000001,
                            ‘totalKill’: 1104.6199999999999,
                            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 164.28999999999999,
                            ‘uid’: 2329198.75},
 ‘Revens Kronos [RvNs]’: {‘effRating’: 4532.6400000000003,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1897.9400000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 917.28999999999996,
                          ‘karma’: 19774.150000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 13683.469999999999,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 776398019.82000005,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 4172.8800000000001,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 274133796.06999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 45213600.450000003,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4168.8800000000001,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3534.3400000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1856548.6499999999},
 ‘Revolt of the VIRUS [VIRUS]’: {‘effRating’: 5200.9499999999998,
                                 ‘gamePlayed’: 2450.73,
                                 ‘gameWin’: 1167.7,
                                 ‘karma’: 23727.619999999999,
                                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
                                 ‘totalAssists’: 16548.970000000001,
                                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 1055335098.84,
                                 ‘totalDeath’: 5758.6800000000003,
                                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 336688188.38999999,
                                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 50762838.009999998,
                                 ‘totalKill’: 4835.0799999999999,
                                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 8306.8500000000004,
                                 ‘uid’: 1593893.78},
 ‘Rider of Apocalypse [RoA]’: {‘effRating’: 4635.6400000000003,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 3834.54,
                               ‘gameWin’: 2084.0799999999999,
                               ‘karma’: 8656.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 27743.919999999998,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1637496437.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 5403.1499999999996,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 548016606.45000005,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 88553764.560000002,
                               ‘totalKill’: 14963.309999999999,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15243.76,
                               ‘uid’: 1593406.0800000001},
 ‘Rift [RIFT]’: {‘effRating’: 6390.0600000000004,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1552.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 734.0,
                 ‘karma’: 5822.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 6217.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 654029293.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 3708.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 219847813.0,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 21632731.870000001,
                 ‘totalKill’: 2841.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4831.6999999999998,
                 ‘uid’: 307758.0},
 ‘RightFighterGermany [RFG]’: {‘effRating’: 3001.2199999999998,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 51.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 24.5,
                               ‘karma’: 887.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 414.5,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 19998310.5,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 91.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 6629036.0499999998,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 251061.39000000001,
                               ‘totalKill’: 186.5,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 22.899999999999999,
                               ‘uid’: 2145120.0},
 ‘Rise Of Abyss [xROAx]’: {‘effRating’: 4828.1899999999996,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1705.77,
                           ‘gameWin’: 823.88,
                           ‘karma’: 31426.810000000001,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 14113.15,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 727537095.73000002,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 3161.96,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 288539829.62,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 42614117.310000002,
                           ‘totalKill’: 4810.96,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2251.9099999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 2208897.8799999999},
 ‘Rising Empire []’: {‘effRating’: 6109.0200000000004,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 2990.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 1416.0,
                      ‘karma’: 72603.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.21,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 19723.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1315572735.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 8640.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 423719535.19999999,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 77479071.049999997,
                      ‘totalKill’: 7735.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14043.74,
                      ‘uid’: 862456.0},
 ‘Road To Olympus []’: {‘effRating’: 2475.46,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 535.66999999999996,
                        ‘gameWin’: 245.66999999999999,
                        ‘karma’: 1668.3299999999999,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 3200.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 193998106.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1290.6700000000001,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 53804558.909999996,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 5269478.4699999997,
                        ‘totalKill’: 1151.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14.0,
                        ‘uid’: 1860709.0},
 ‘Rofin Kofin [RK]’: {‘effRating’: 2190.1599999999999,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 176.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 91.0,
                      ‘karma’: 167.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 1445.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 67226652.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 356.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 12440424.9,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 2150675.71,
                      ‘totalKill’: 313.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                      ‘uid’: 2321273.0},
 ‘Romania []’: {‘effRating’: 2052.0500000000002,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 105.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 55.0,
                ‘karma’: 14.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
                ‘totalAssists’: 791.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 44259732.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 249.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 16348863.720000001,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 28334.139999999999,
                ‘totalKill’: 350.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                ‘uid’: 2790650.0},
 ‘Romanian Air Force []’: {‘effRating’: 3675.1700000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 159.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 75.0,
                           ‘karma’: 781.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 959.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 67453680.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 492.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 15445440.800000001,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 735934.03000000003,
                           ‘totalKill’: 429.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 129.34999999999999,
                           ‘uid’: 1112398.0},
 ‘Romanian Legion [RO]’: {‘effRating’: 5444.6999999999998,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2962.1700000000001,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1487.3499999999999,
                          ‘karma’: 31637.0,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 22042.52,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 1265550780.3900001,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 5662.7799999999997,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 586165285.20000005,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 82305437.590000004,
                          ‘totalKill’: 7917.3900000000003,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12548.620000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1933896.0900000001},
 ‘Ronnin Star Empire []’: {‘effRating’: 3768.6900000000001,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 97.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 53.0,
                           ‘karma’: 8921.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 348.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 36006640.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 198.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 8778355.9000000004,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 311609.34000000003,
                           ‘totalKill’: 162.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 1536598.0},
 ‘Rovers [Rover]’: {‘effRating’: 3957.77,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1051.2,
                    ‘gameWin’: 511.80000000000001,
                    ‘karma’: 30755.400000000001,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 6731.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 439988400.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 2259.8000000000002,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 158947284.06999999,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 33093982.460000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1871.4000000000001,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1828.0699999999999,
                    ‘uid’: 1373976.3999999999},
 ‘Royal Air Force []’: {‘effRating’: 2144.5500000000002,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 589.0,
                        ‘gameWin’: 275.0,
                        ‘karma’: 145.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 2571.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 208277468.0,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 1165.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 32342448.390000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 2054585.78,
                        ‘totalKill’: 938.0,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                        ‘uid’: 1063045.0},
 ‘Rules under Motion [RUM]’: {‘effRating’: 3218.1199999999999,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 356.25,
                              ‘gameWin’: 141.5,
                              ‘karma’: 50892.25,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3400000000000001,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 1562.0,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 148442905.0,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 838.75,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 37676891.640000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 3723126.27,
                              ‘totalKill’: 368.0,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 65.989999999999995,
                              ‘uid’: 2210833.0},
 ‘RussiaCosmosWar [RCW]’: {‘effRating’: 3235.0799999999999,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 219.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 118.0,
                           ‘karma’: 2156.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 1382.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 72623003.0,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 387.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 22296107.399999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 4217979.21,
                           ‘totalKill’: 499.0,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                           ‘uid’: 2830776.0},
 ‘Russian Federation [TheRF]’: {‘effRating’: 5709.4200000000001,
                                ‘gamePlayed’: 3795.79,
                                ‘gameWin’: 1953.74,
                                ‘karma’: 21.629999999999999,
                                ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,
                                ‘totalAssists’: 27726.580000000002,
                                ‘totalBattleTime’: 1593469529.47,
                                ‘totalDeath’: 7789.21,
                                ‘totalDmgDone’: 575550018.16999996,
                                ‘totalHealingDone’: 53805065.689999998,
                                ‘totalKill’: 10019.68,
                                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14898.0,
                                ‘uid’: 1739727.3200000001},
 ‘Russian imperium [xRIx]’: {‘effRating’: 4642.1599999999999,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1011.22,
                             ‘gameWin’: 465.57999999999998,
                             ‘karma’: 15449.799999999999,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 6731.6400000000003,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 412857952.69,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 2468.4000000000001,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 151553240.22,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 19127749.190000001,
                             ‘totalKill’: 1761.4000000000001,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2770.6900000000001,
                             ‘uid’: 1907630.5600000001},
 ‘RussianBears [SOBR]’: {‘effRating’: 5538.7200000000003,
                         ‘gamePlayed’: 2624.71,
                         ‘gameWin’: 1262.6199999999999,
                         ‘karma’: 38924.589999999997,
                         ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
                         ‘totalAssists’: 17478.650000000001,
                         ‘totalBattleTime’: 1144324114.29,
                         ‘totalDeath’: 6205.4700000000003,
                         ‘totalDmgDone’: 442466608.87,
                         ‘totalHealingDone’: 66229919.640000001,
                         ‘totalKill’: 6064.1800000000003,
                         ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16293.030000000001,
                         ‘uid’: 1565645.6499999999},
 ‘RustyDragons [RD1]’: {‘effRating’: 2960.6500000000001,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 1084.5999999999999,
                        ‘gameWin’: 516.39999999999998,
                        ‘karma’: 2152.8000000000002,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 6347.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 427570897.39999998,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 2693.5999999999999,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 116592810.14,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 11872712.050000001,
                        ‘totalKill’: 2499.1999999999998,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1518.6800000000001,
                        ‘uid’: 971004.80000000005},
 ‘S E Asia Squad [SEA]’: {‘effRating’: 4111.1300000000001,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 1135.46,
                          ‘gameWin’: 540.62,
                          ‘karma’: 5166.3100000000004,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 7699.9200000000001,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 470213181.85000002,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 2223.6199999999999,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 183236583.97999999,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 34615394.109999999,
                          ‘totalKill’: 2699.6900000000001,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1636.9100000000001,
                          ‘uid’: 1886814.23},
 ‘SA smiters [SMC]’: {‘effRating’: 5083.9300000000003,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 826.0,
                      ‘gameWin’: 398.0,
                      ‘karma’: 1554.0,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 3888.0,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 353084680.0,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 2215.0,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 67189084.599999994,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 6389406.71,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1988.0,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1729.49,
                      ‘uid’: 623332.0},
 ‘SALLE GOSSE [SG]’: {‘effRating’: 4205.0500000000002,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 501.67000000000002,
                      ‘gameWin’: 246.66999999999999,
                      ‘karma’: 54027.330000000002,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.04,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 3635.6700000000001,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 212123167.66999999,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 1345.6700000000001,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 82599563.5,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 6643357.5800000001,
                      ‘totalKill’: 1811.6700000000001,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 449.82999999999998,
                      ‘uid’: 1322644.0},
 ‘SALT [SALT]’: {‘effRating’: 3967.8800000000001,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1755.3299999999999,
                 ‘gameWin’: 937.33000000000004,
                 ‘karma’: 15258.33,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 12968.67,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 762361638.33000004,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 3927.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 313132979.10000002,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 39986142.340000004,
                 ‘totalKill’: 5899.3299999999999,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16421.209999999999,
                 ‘uid’: 931155.67000000004},
 ‘SAMOURAI [SAM]’: {‘effRating’: 4613.3100000000004,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 1277.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 764.0,
                    ‘karma’: 87988.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.24,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 10241.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 441955722.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1280.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 158770986.84,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 21883340.620000001,
                    ‘totalKill’: 4796.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 211.30000000000001,
                    ‘uid’: 2151604.0},
 ‘SAMUR [SAMUR]’: {‘effRating’: 3439.5999999999999,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 725.66999999999996,
                   ‘gameWin’: 359.26999999999998,
                   ‘karma’: 4331.1300000000001,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.25,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 5000.7299999999996,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 283023280.39999998,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 1498.6700000000001,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 84069617.920000002,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 16031666.810000001,
                   ‘totalKill’: 1253.2,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 477.85000000000002,
                   ‘uid’: 2196589.8700000001},
 ‘SARS [SARS]’: {‘effRating’: 3186.04,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 151.5,
                 ‘gameWin’: 83.5,
                 ‘karma’: 1133.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 1036.5,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 53782652.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 297.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 16085578.359999999,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 5718741.3600000003,
                 ‘totalKill’: 422.5,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 23.370000000000001,
                 ‘uid’: 2371305.0},
 ‘SC Fun Corporation [SCFC]’: {‘effRating’: 6889.4899999999998,
                               ‘gamePlayed’: 3520.0,
                               ‘gameWin’: 2021.0,
                               ‘karma’: 1964.0,
                               ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.9199999999999999,
                               ‘totalAssists’: 29127.0,
                               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1624591665.0,
                               ‘totalDeath’: 5088.0,
                               ‘totalDmgDone’: 254441662.62,
                               ‘totalHealingDone’: 107351844.86,
                               ‘totalKill’: 12512.0,
                               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 15068.74,
                               ‘uid’: 362.0},
 ‘SCL []’: {‘karma’: -10.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
            ‘uid’: 2779257.0},
 ‘SCORPIONS [SC0RP]’: {‘effRating’: 5011.8500000000004,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 2145.9499999999998,
                       ‘gameWin’: 1034.8699999999999,
                       ‘karma’: 22024.82,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 14548.879999999999,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 899019549.03999996,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 4668.9099999999999,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 316197809.37,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 54478113.259999998,
                       ‘totalKill’: 4497.0500000000002,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10275.82,
                       ‘uid’: 1654798.8500000001},
 ‘SDF Macross [SDF]’: {‘effRating’: 1768.4300000000001,
                       ‘gamePlayed’: 619.0,
                       ‘gameWin’: 290.0,
                       ‘karma’: 0.0,
                       ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                       ‘totalAssists’: 1942.0,
                       ‘totalBattleTime’: 247138965.0,
                       ‘totalDeath’: 1185.0,
                       ‘totalDmgDone’: 36655277.119999997,
                       ‘totalHealingDone’: 4688211.6299999999,
                       ‘totalKill’: 1239.0,
                       ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 145.50999999999999,
                       ‘uid’: 732206.0},
 ‘SFERA [SFERA]’: {‘effRating’: 4984.8800000000001,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1180.1199999999999,
                   ‘gameWin’: 565.25,
                   ‘karma’: 11529.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 7196.8800000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 485575287.5,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 2849.1199999999999,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 103841764.84,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 19116940.07,
                   ‘totalKill’: 1875.5,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2534.4400000000001,
                   ‘uid’: 1417868.25},
 ‘SIGMA [SIGMA]’: {‘effRating’: 4718.0100000000002,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 1371.25,
                   ‘gameWin’: 662.0,
                   ‘karma’: 15333.5,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 9068.6700000000001,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 564008437.83000004,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 3282.4200000000001,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 174915231.22,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 24143976.629999999,
                   ‘totalKill’: 3256.0799999999999,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3799.2399999999998,
                   ‘uid’: 1814241.5},
 ‘SIRIUS II [SR2]’: {‘effRating’: 5730.54,
                     ‘gamePlayed’: 2134.46,
                     ‘gameWin’: 1005.54,
                     ‘karma’: -16727.310000000001,
                     ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
                     ‘totalAssists’: 13109.459999999999,
                     ‘totalBattleTime’: 874459073.76999998,
                     ‘totalDeath’: 4897.54,
                     ‘totalDmgDone’: 233758300.25,
                     ‘totalHealingDone’: 40411110.75,
                     ‘totalKill’: 5028.3100000000004,
                     ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3806.2800000000002,
                     ‘uid’: 1056048.23},
 ‘SIRIUS [SRS]’: {‘effRating’: 6860.3000000000002,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 8285.3700000000008,
                  ‘gameWin’: 4492.4799999999996,
                  ‘karma’: 14839.940000000001,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.24,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 58536.720000000001,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 3666891191.4299998,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 16686.07,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 1540054615.6700001,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 225175819.87,
                  ‘totalKill’: 26267.02,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 82597.139999999999,
                  ‘uid’: 1173828.6299999999},
 ‘SKY ETHEREAL [ETHER]’: {‘effRating’: 5198.5,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 2296.77,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1122.99,
                          ‘karma’: 17829.360000000001,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 16994.369999999999,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 964190612.74000001,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 4559.7299999999996,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 390737029.10000002,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 66668672.960000001,
                          ‘totalKill’: 4786.5699999999997,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14091.6,
                          ‘uid’: 1800039.6799999999},
 ‘SKY []’: {‘effRating’: 5925.5900000000001,
            ‘gamePlayed’: 1334.0,
            ‘gameWin’: 709.0,
            ‘karma’: 5519.0,
            ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
            ‘totalAssists’: 9078.0,
            ‘totalBattleTime’: 516090253.0,
            ‘totalDeath’: 2477.0,
            ‘totalDmgDone’: 149824702.37,
            ‘totalHealingDone’: 13356998.119999999,
            ‘totalKill’: 3826.0,
            ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 78.209999999999994,
            ‘uid’: 1110397.0},
 ‘SLOVAKIA [SVK]’: {‘effRating’: 1540.52,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 17.0,
                    ‘gameWin’: 10.0,
                    ‘karma’: 0.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 114.0,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 7273752.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 34.0,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 2039859.25,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 53535.239999999998,
                    ‘totalKill’: 73.0,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                    ‘uid’: 2162497.0},
 ‘SMILE [Smile]’: {‘effRating’: 5746.1899999999996,
                   ‘gamePlayed’: 2894.0,
                   ‘gameWin’: 1376.0,
                   ‘karma’: 0.0,
                   ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
                   ‘totalAssists’: 15010.0,
                   ‘totalBattleTime’: 1272879433.0,
                   ‘totalDeath’: 8679.0,
                   ‘totalDmgDone’: 254037604.47,
                   ‘totalHealingDone’: 80801375.650000006,
                   ‘totalKill’: 2341.0,
                   ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5234.0,
                   ‘uid’: 988836.0},
 ‘SNRG corporation [SNRG]’: {‘effRating’: 4344.6999999999998,
                             ‘gamePlayed’: 1242.1199999999999,
                             ‘gameWin’: 574.30999999999995,
                             ‘karma’: 10510.41,
                             ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
                             ‘totalAssists’: 7754.0900000000001,
                             ‘totalBattleTime’: 510349294.11000001,
                             ‘totalDeath’: 2923.4200000000001,
                             ‘totalDmgDone’: 140386120.96000001,
                             ‘totalHealingDone’: 22481230.75,
                             ‘totalKill’: 2071.98,
                             ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2406.4899999999998,
                             ‘uid’: 1801195.05},
 ‘SOLACE [SLC]’: {‘effRating’: 5642.8900000000003,
                  ‘gamePlayed’: 2344.1999999999998,
                  ‘gameWin’: 1072.4000000000001,
                  ‘karma’: 6801.1999999999998,
                  ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
                  ‘totalAssists’: 11377.4,
                  ‘totalBattleTime’: 939301654.0,
                  ‘totalDeath’: 5545.3999999999996,
                  ‘totalDmgDone’: 285577151.06,
                  ‘totalHealingDone’: 23453911.879999999,
                  ‘totalKill’: 4128.8000000000002,
                  ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7853.9700000000003,
                  ‘uid’: 1885324.3999999999},
 ‘SOLO [UNO]’: {‘effRating’: 6866.6899999999996,
                ‘gamePlayed’: 3070.0,
                ‘gameWin’: 1363.0,
                ‘karma’: 138361.0,
                ‘prestigeBonus’: 1.8600000000000001,
                ‘totalAssists’: 34354.0,
                ‘totalBattleTime’: 1222986981.0,
                ‘totalDeath’: 6709.0,
                ‘totalDmgDone’: 508409624.33999997,
                ‘totalHealingDone’: 34434659.890000001,
                ‘totalKill’: 4593.0,
                ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 28091.07,
                ‘uid’: 2272362.0},
 ‘SOUTH FRONT []’: {‘effRating’: 4911.3299999999999,
                    ‘gamePlayed’: 606.33000000000004,
                    ‘gameWin’: 321.0,
                    ‘karma’: 7457.0,
                    ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
                    ‘totalAssists’: 4178.3299999999999,
                    ‘totalBattleTime’: 225964935.0,
                    ‘totalDeath’: 1193.3299999999999,
                    ‘totalDmgDone’: 89793109.620000005,
                    ‘totalHealingDone’: 17642133.629999999,
                    ‘totalKill’: 1288.3299999999999,
                    ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 438.22000000000003,
                    ‘uid’: 1723916.0},
 ‘SPACE INQUISITION [SINQ]’: {‘effRating’: 3253.5900000000001,
                              ‘gamePlayed’: 491.55000000000001,
                              ‘gameWin’: 237.44999999999999,
                              ‘karma’: 5945.3599999999997,
                              ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.25,
                              ‘totalAssists’: 3205.27,
                              ‘totalBattleTime’: 186477168.44999999,
                              ‘totalDeath’: 1151.0,
                              ‘totalDmgDone’: 59404020.210000001,
                              ‘totalHealingDone’: 8810603.7200000007,
                              ‘totalKill’: 938.82000000000005,
                              ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 234.03999999999999,
                              ‘uid’: 2284106.9100000001},
 ‘SPACE KILLERS [SKILL]’: {‘effRating’: 3923.4699999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 594.66999999999996,
                           ‘gameWin’: 267.17000000000002,
                           ‘karma’: 6945.5,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 3861.5,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 238059092.33000001,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 1545.0,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 92107465.590000004,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 7003010.3600000003,
                           ‘totalKill’: 1086.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 98.260000000000005,
                           ‘uid’: 2453933.3300000001},
 ‘SPACE PIRATE [nupam]’: {‘effRating’: 5186.9399999999996,
                          ‘gamePlayed’: 3678.0,
                          ‘gameWin’: 1771.71,
                          ‘karma’: 25071.139999999999,
                          ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.93000000000000005,
                          ‘totalAssists’: 25268.0,
                          ‘totalBattleTime’: 1567140439.29,
                          ‘totalDeath’: 8514.5699999999997,
                          ‘totalDmgDone’: 550801556.30999994,
                          ‘totalHealingDone’: 80997029.409999996,
                          ‘totalKill’: 8431.4300000000003,
                          ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 13147.17,
                          ‘uid’: 753279.56999999995},
 ‘SPB [SPB]’: {‘effRating’: 4623.1700000000001,
               ‘gamePlayed’: 2698.4000000000001,
               ‘gameWin’: 1265.5999999999999,
               ‘karma’: 14021.4,
               ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
               ‘totalAssists’: 18643.299999999999,
               ‘totalBattleTime’: 1151229443.0999999,
               ‘totalDeath’: 6165.8999999999996,
               ‘totalDmgDone’: 472769433.16000003,
               ‘totalHealingDone’: 46459530.890000001,
               ‘totalKill’: 5692.5,
               ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6022.1499999999996,
               ‘uid’: 1793291.1000000001},
 ‘SPM CORPORATION [SPM]’: {‘effRating’: 4749.6999999999998,
                           ‘gamePlayed’: 1855.0,
                           ‘gameWin’: 811.33000000000004,
                           ‘karma’: 298.0,
                           ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.54000000000000004,
                           ‘totalAssists’: 10409.0,
                           ‘totalBattleTime’: 771098764.33000004,
                           ‘totalDeath’: 6278.6700000000001,
                           ‘totalDmgDone’: 157554524.13999999,
                           ‘totalHealingDone’: 10389977.710000001,
                           ‘totalKill’: 2674.3299999999999,
                           ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6077.25,
                           ‘uid’: 1319378.6699999999},
 ‘STAR SNAKES [STSN]’: {‘effRating’: 5549.3699999999999,
                        ‘gamePlayed’: 2374.5999999999999,
                        ‘gameWin’: 1148.8,
                        ‘karma’: 24198.0,
                        ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,
                        ‘totalAssists’: 16095.0,
                        ‘totalBattleTime’: 984840505.79999995,
                        ‘totalDeath’: 4938.0,
                        ‘totalDmgDone’: 357949085.55000001,
                        ‘totalHealingDone’: 44039300.020000003,
                        ‘totalKill’: 6273.6000000000004,
                        ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5664.2700000000004,
                        ‘uid’: 1069473.8},
 ‘STINGER S [RUMB]’: {‘effRating’: 4564.5100000000002,
                      ‘gamePlayed’: 2847.1399999999999,
                      ‘gameWin’: 1332.29,
                      ‘karma’: 10217.709999999999,
                      ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
                      ‘totalAssists’: 17792.709999999999,
                      ‘totalBattleTime’: 1175819613.5,
                      ‘totalDeath’: 6954.6400000000003,
                      ‘totalDmgDone’: 407488635.18000001,
                      ‘totalHealingDone’: 50215007.490000002,
                      ‘totalKill’: 5184.9300000000003,
                      ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9980.3999999999996,
                      ‘uid’: 2024054.3600000001},
 ‘STOB [STOB]’: {‘effRating’: 1000.0,
                 ‘gamePlayed’: 1.0,
                 ‘gameWin’: 1.0,
                 ‘karma’: 185.0,
                 ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
                 ‘totalAssists’: 0.0,
                 ‘totalBattleTime’: 631195.0,
                 ‘totalDeath’: 2.0,
                 ‘totalDmgDone’: 50191.300000000003,
                 ‘totalHealingDone’: 1125.0,
                 ‘totalKill’: 5.0,
                 ‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
                 ‘uid’: 144649.0},
 'SUH PAY ': {‘effRating’: 4996.2700000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 1950.0,
‘gameWin’: 907.0,
‘karma’: 1022.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 8565.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 857537795.0,
‘totalDeath’: 6545.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 85456272.670000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 4855385.2400000002,
‘totalKill’: 1346.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2587.9200000000001,
‘uid’: 785066.0},
‘SUOMI PERKELE []’: {‘effRating’: 1503.8499999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 29.0,
‘gameWin’: 11.0,
‘karma’: 393.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 158.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 7829255.0,
‘totalDeath’: 70.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1597402.1599999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 39053.160000000003,
‘totalKill’: 53.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2431653.0},
‘SZERSZENIE PL [HORN]’: {‘effRating’: 5166.4399999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 2215.0,
‘gameWin’: 1116.0,
‘karma’: 13111.33,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
‘totalAssists’: 15796.33,
‘totalBattleTime’: 921129027.33000004,
‘totalDeath’: 5382.6700000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 293900235.24000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 63456927.240000002,
‘totalKill’: 4785.6700000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7214.2700000000004,
‘uid’: 2157460.6699999999},
‘Sacrum Arius []’: {‘effRating’: 5988.1499999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 3579.0,
‘gameWin’: 1753.0,
‘karma’: 4104.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,
‘totalAssists’: 19769.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1494647413.0,
‘totalDeath’: 4477.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 522640160.81999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 35650363.219999999,
‘totalKill’: 12950.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2386.8600000000001,
‘uid’: 555427.0},
‘SahneSchnittenSnack []’: {‘effRating’: 3770.9099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 285.0,
‘gameWin’: 145.0,
‘karma’: -169.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
‘totalAssists’: 2140.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 120959225.0,
‘totalDeath’: 939.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 31077475.649999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 3685814.6299999999,
‘totalKill’: 874.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1624643.0},
‘SappfireDiamant [SFD]’: {‘effRating’: 3882.3499999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 435.0,
‘gameWin’: 195.0,
‘karma’: 3332.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 2480.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 180822492.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1018.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 50970553.689999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 10082508.300000001,
‘totalKill’: 1205.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 129.0,
‘uid’: 694891.0},
‘Sapphire Division [SaDi]’: {‘effRating’: 5437.8999999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 2406.8899999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1134.55,
‘karma’: 33185.300000000003,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68000000000000005,
‘totalAssists’: 16503.810000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1010252738.29,
‘totalDeath’: 5669.9700000000003,
‘totalDmgDone’: 373329301.0,
‘totalHealingDone’: 51912522.07,
‘totalKill’: 4442.3999999999996,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5725.1899999999996,
‘uid’: 1706455.6799999999},
‘Scales Of Justice [SOJ]’: {‘effRating’: 3424.5700000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 555.75,
‘gameWin’: 248.25,
‘karma’: 4064.75,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 2262.25,
‘totalBattleTime’: 220989527.5,
‘totalDeath’: 1275.25,
‘totalDmgDone’: 43897525.25,
‘totalHealingDone’: 5883267.5999999996,
‘totalKill’: 697.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 206.08000000000001,
‘uid’: 1237415.0},
‘Scattered Eagles [SE]’: {‘effRating’: 4330.1099999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 1242.1900000000001,
‘gameWin’: 589.01999999999998,
‘karma’: 13894.02,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 8263.9599999999991,
‘totalBattleTime’: 517344463.19,
‘totalDeath’: 2991.96,
‘totalDmgDone’: 170338124.37,
‘totalHealingDone’: 23170939.879999999,
‘totalKill’: 2519.1700000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2554.2199999999998,
‘uid’: 1878840.4099999999},
‘SchattenderSchakale []’: {‘effRating’: 5161.5900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 1403.0,
‘gameWin’: 761.0,
‘karma’: 27586.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.53,
‘totalAssists’: 8249.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 557289634.0,
‘totalDeath’: 2651.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 200060985.78999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 29359617.010000002,
‘totalKill’: 5385.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 818.90999999999997,
‘uid’: 858956.0},
‘Schlachtschiffe []’: {‘effRating’: 2949.27,
‘gamePlayed’: 1182.0,
‘gameWin’: 551.0,
‘karma’: 1177.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
‘totalAssists’: 6678.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 513552600.0,
‘totalDeath’: 2065.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 82133450.5,
‘totalHealingDone’: 7661201.5099999998,
‘totalKill’: 2969.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 980.45000000000005,
‘uid’: 749285.0},
‘Scorpion Knights [ScpKN]’: {‘effRating’: 3657.1500000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 458.22000000000003,
‘gameWin’: 213.02000000000001,
‘karma’: 12470.75,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 2696.8600000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 185574333.44999999,
‘totalDeath’: 1069.4300000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 58064783.200000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 8111531.1100000003,
‘totalKill’: 814.88,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 653.32000000000005,
‘uid’: 1940907.6899999999},
‘Self Med [SM420]’: {‘effRating’: 7014.6999999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 7632.0,
‘gameWin’: 3772.0,
‘karma’: 4.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.03,
‘totalAssists’: 37877.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 3243880461.0,
‘totalDeath’: 18010.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 996559837.14999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 143151481.66999999,
‘totalKill’: 14668.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 43087.110000000001,
‘uid’: 806124.0},
‘Sentinel [Sent]’: {‘effRating’: 5394.6999999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 3050.0,
‘gameWin’: 1332.71,
‘karma’: 14701.860000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 17305.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1324448836.29,
‘totalDeath’: 7795.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 317443918.58999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 37696733.869999997,
‘totalKill’: 3384.5700000000002,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2542.52,
‘uid’: 1459431.1399999999},
‘Shadow Strangers OD []’: {‘effRating’: 4061.52,
‘gamePlayed’: 1976.0,
‘gameWin’: 905.0,
‘karma’: 45956.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0700000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 13614.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 791738515.0,
‘totalDeath’: 5265.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 182666879.94,
‘totalHealingDone’: 13430713.84,
‘totalKill’: 4682.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 688.74000000000001,
‘uid’: 21426.0},
‘ShadowBroker []’: {‘effRating’: 1088.8299999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 20.0,
‘gameWin’: 12.0,
‘karma’: 16.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 98.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 7102782.0,
‘totalDeath’: 52.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1330048.3600000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 30446.98,
‘totalKill’: 50.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 887856.0},
‘ShadowHuntersAMK []’: {‘effRating’: 3395.3600000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 148.0,
‘gameWin’: 73.5,
‘karma’: 1523.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 590.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 60740500.5,
‘totalDeath’: 412.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 13178828.84,
‘totalHealingDone’: 375294.51000000001,
‘totalKill’: 394.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 519068.0},
‘Shadows Of War []’: {‘effRating’: 3439.8299999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 338.0,
‘gameWin’: 145.0,
‘karma’: 3456.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 1686.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 139563301.0,
‘totalDeath’: 611.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 29730724.530000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 3996068.8900000001,
‘totalKill’: 875.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1815.1099999999999,
‘uid’: 1895774.0},
‘Shapeshifter []’: {‘effRating’: 3685.1700000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 598.5,
‘gameWin’: 334.5,
‘karma’: 8375.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.88,
‘totalAssists’: 3312.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 208071597.5,
‘totalDeath’: 1304.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 48428175.689999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 3647232.7799999998,
‘totalKill’: 1291.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 41.0,
‘uid’: 1533176.0},
‘Shenanigans []’: {‘effRating’: 1045.97,
‘gamePlayed’: 435.75,
‘gameWin’: 213.5,
‘karma’: 401.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 2026.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 193219260.25,
‘totalDeath’: 936.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 26117400.510000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 4004466.7999999998,
‘totalKill’: 979.75,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 477.38999999999999,
‘uid’: 353159.75},
‘Shinigamis [RlP]’: {‘effRating’: 4561.2799999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 812.0,
‘gameWin’: 447.0,
‘karma’: 1320.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
‘totalAssists’: 4361.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 325206460.5,
‘totalDeath’: 1462.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 114517339.91,
‘totalHealingDone’: 6388798.75,
‘totalKill’: 3437.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1029.3099999999999,
‘uid’: 823943.0},
‘Shining Fire [SHINE]’: {‘effRating’: 5292.6300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 2782.1900000000001,
‘gameWin’: 1323.1199999999999,
‘karma’: 29547.560000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.65000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 18446.119999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1164790212.8800001,
‘totalDeath’: 6161.6199999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 451818399.73000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 64591573.770000003,
‘totalKill’: 5874.9399999999996,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 13841.940000000001,
‘uid’: 1611279.6899999999},
‘ShotGun Senorita [SGS]’: {‘effRating’: 5667.6800000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 6216.0,
‘gameWin’: 4149.0,
‘karma’: 2063.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 54386.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2706919368.0,
‘totalDeath’: 6701.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 603554638.92999995,
‘totalHealingDone’: 270866577.35000002,
‘totalKill’: 17463.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 35287.510000000002,
‘uid’: 97783.0},
‘Shriketeam []’: {‘effRating’: 3210.3800000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 54.0,
‘gameWin’: 16.0,
‘karma’: 423.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.98,
‘totalAssists’: 381.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 21614023.0,
‘totalDeath’: 75.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 3270738.3500000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 3177965.8100000001,
‘totalKill’: 51.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1215560.0},
‘Siberia [sibir]’: {‘effRating’: 4258.5299999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 1567.7,
‘gameWin’: 740.89999999999998,
‘karma’: 20274.799999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 11715.4,
‘totalBattleTime’: 663870606.89999998,
‘totalDeath’: 3097.3000000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 209822626.99000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 50659703.359999999,
‘totalKill’: 2708.0999999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2992.8400000000001,
‘uid’: 1572131.2},
‘Sig []’: {‘effRating’: 2078.8099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 12.0,
‘gameWin’: 7.0,
‘karma’: 4390.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
‘totalAssists’: 62.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 4503121.0,
‘totalDeath’: 18.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1728901.1499999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 272854.09000000003,
‘totalKill’: 35.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2960845.0},
‘Silitek []’: {‘effRating’: 4868.3800000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 128.0,
‘gameWin’: 53.0,
‘karma’: 7861.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 900.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 46160640.0,
‘totalDeath’: 258.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 14424759.24,
‘totalHealingDone’: 5436224.1900000004,
‘totalKill’: 144.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2002070.0},
‘Single []’: {‘effRating’: 8270.5799999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 8734.0,
‘gameWin’: 4741.0,
‘karma’: 128104.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 2.1099999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 74852.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 3803338957.0,
‘totalDeath’: 16289.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 2258008157.98,
‘totalHealingDone’: 670809362.90999997,
‘totalKill’: 25674.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 19227.59,
‘uid’: 1569380.0},
‘SinnerS [SINN]’: {‘effRating’: 5023.2600000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 1317.1700000000001,
‘gameWin’: 589.33000000000004,
‘karma’: 14405.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.60999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 9028.1700000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 552121349.66999996,
‘totalDeath’: 2435.1700000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 205979810.06,
‘totalHealingDone’: 25061578.280000001,
‘totalKill’: 2404.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1102.9000000000001,
‘uid’: 1771793.5},
‘Sinnlos im Weltraum []’: {‘effRating’: 3800.8200000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 761.0,
‘gameWin’: 378.0,
‘karma’: 4015.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 5066.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 288607532.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1270.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 64280090.369999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 8949773.75,
‘totalKill’: 2096.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 40.710000000000001,
‘uid’: 1788250.0},
‘Skill Not Found [4o4]’: {‘effRating’: 2854.96,
‘gamePlayed’: 712.0,
‘gameWin’: 415.5,
‘karma’: 313.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
‘totalAssists’: 4144.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 299561581.5,
‘totalDeath’: 1347.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 86506798.060000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 11716884.880000001,
‘totalKill’: 6015.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 390.67000000000002,
‘uid’: 1605854.0},
‘Skill and Style [SKAS]’: {‘effRating’: 6003.1499999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 4805.5500000000002,
‘gameWin’: 2436.71,
‘karma’: 77558.649999999994,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1299999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 34303.610000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2016651068.1300001,
‘totalDeath’: 8939.9400000000005,
‘totalDmgDone’: 893279050.02999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 146444174.06999999,
‘totalKill’: 13672.26,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17316.779999999999,
‘uid’: 1710247.23},
‘Skull and Bones [SAB]’: {‘effRating’: 4759.4899999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 3134.5,
‘gameWin’: 1479.4400000000001,
‘karma’: 21590.060000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.66000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 21933.439999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1317911026.5599999,
‘totalDeath’: 7185.1899999999996,
‘totalDmgDone’: 357373135.56,
‘totalHealingDone’: 63587097.880000003,
‘totalKill’: 4838.75,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6384.1700000000001,
‘uid’: 1369274.6200000001},
‘Sky Alliance [SKYAL]’: {‘effRating’: 4512.5200000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 1333.0699999999999,
‘gameWin’: 603.86000000000001,
‘karma’: 7145.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 8237.9300000000003,
‘totalBattleTime’: 537454633.5,
‘totalDeath’: 3037.71,
‘totalDmgDone’: 135666459.0,
‘totalHealingDone’: 19226649.550000001,
‘totalKill’: 2360.71,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1963.24,
‘uid’: 2026141.1399999999},
‘SkyLyne Arc [SKLA]’: {‘effRating’: 4258.0,
‘gamePlayed’: 1256.0,
‘gameWin’: 561.5,
‘karma’: 11808.25,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 7106.8800000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 508216287.0,
‘totalDeath’: 2649.3800000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 141199170.33000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 28165085.140000001,
‘totalKill’: 2213.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1260.53,
‘uid’: 997454.38},
‘Skye Interstellar [SKYIS]’: {‘effRating’: 2488.4400000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 124.0,
‘gameWin’: 60.670000000000002,
‘karma’: 1684.6700000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 744.33000000000004,
‘totalBattleTime’: 47964166.0,
‘totalDeath’: 354.32999999999998,
‘totalDmgDone’: 10040927.76,
‘totalHealingDone’: 606737.59999999998,
‘totalKill’: 291.67000000000002,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2122724.0},
‘Skye Ranger Omega [SRO]’: {‘effRating’: 4125.1899999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 1916.0599999999999,
‘gameWin’: 910.11000000000001,
‘karma’: 38551.360000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.65000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 11370.719999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 808775366.88999999,
‘totalDeath’: 4213.1099999999997,
‘totalDmgDone’: 275870926.39999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 42300934.549999997,
‘totalKill’: 3267.1900000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3524.54,
‘uid’: 1738482.5},
‘Slavs []’: {‘effRating’: 4756.75,
‘gamePlayed’: 261.5,
‘gameWin’: 133.5,
‘karma’: 756.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 1726.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 95760296.5,
‘totalDeath’: 570.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 21038482.07,
‘totalHealingDone’: 829294.06999999995,
‘totalKill’: 643.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 190.36000000000001,
‘uid’: 2134361.0},
‘Slovak Ravagers [UFO]’: {‘effRating’: 4923.2700000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 1865.9400000000001,
‘gameWin’: 924.80999999999995,
‘karma’: 18909.84,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.66000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 12354.299999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 796364361.40999997,
‘totalDeath’: 4298.5500000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 334269864.75,
‘totalHealingDone’: 42663694.490000002,
‘totalKill’: 4881.7700000000004,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5466.4700000000003,
‘uid’: 1660392.53},
‘Sombres Presages []’: {‘effRating’: 4799.4499999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 1570.0,
‘gameWin’: 670.0,
‘karma’: 10977.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 9528.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 663143498.0,
‘totalDeath’: 4641.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 177944011.08000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 24874237.550000001,
‘totalKill’: 2220.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 176.65000000000001,
‘uid’: 1738301.0},
‘Sons of Anarchy [SONS]’: {‘effRating’: 5190.3000000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 2196.2800000000002,
‘gameWin’: 1001.08,
‘karma’: 23647.880000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
‘totalAssists’: 14512.360000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 933832577.55999994,
‘totalDeath’: 4689.2399999999998,
‘totalDmgDone’: 317077299.69,
‘totalHealingDone’: 55939994.210000001,
‘totalKill’: 4165.1999999999998,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9468.2299999999996,
‘uid’: 1486026.3200000001},
‘Soul Side [Side]’: {‘effRating’: 4764.3500000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 1314.5999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 666.37,
‘karma’: 18444.07,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 9401.3500000000004,
‘totalBattleTime’: 540575869.88,
‘totalDeath’: 2808.0900000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 197707679.55000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 30282402.859999999,
‘totalKill’: 3604.21,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1680.26,
‘uid’: 1744984.79},
‘SoulFire [SFire]’: {‘effRating’: 4626.96,
‘gamePlayed’: 728.0,
‘gameWin’: 324.0,
‘karma’: 1491.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
‘totalAssists’: 3492.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 296828955.0,
‘totalDeath’: 2001.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 74117280.370000005,
‘totalHealingDone’: 4606317.8300000001,
‘totalKill’: 1391.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 464.44,
‘uid’: 173723.0},
‘Southern Lights [SL]’: {‘effRating’: 5062.8900000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 3840.8400000000001,
‘gameWin’: 1914.78,
‘karma’: 18552.970000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
‘totalAssists’: 25976.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1654880789.0,
‘totalDeath’: 8923.4500000000007,
‘totalDmgDone’: 581737136.74000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 83794901.569999993,
‘totalKill’: 8939.0799999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 19378.450000000001,
‘uid’: 1506523.29},
‘Space Explorers [SpEx]’: {‘effRating’: 4648.8900000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 4103.2700000000004,
‘gameWin’: 1877.0899999999999,
‘karma’: 15989.18,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
‘totalAssists’: 25596.18,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1710660522.8199999,
‘totalDeath’: 11160.73,
‘totalDmgDone’: 619997787.25999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 86075897.120000005,
‘totalKill’: 8011.5500000000002,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10026.959999999999,
‘uid’: 1341432.8200000001},
‘Space Fighter [SPFT]’: {‘effRating’: 2833.1199999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 249.5,
‘gameWin’: 114.5,
‘karma’: 2082.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
‘totalAssists’: 1273.75,
‘totalBattleTime’: 86685512.25,
‘totalDeath’: 547.75,
‘totalDmgDone’: 18440597.09,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1344850.5,
‘totalKill’: 579.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2080240.75},
‘Space Freelancer [Lance]’: {‘effRating’: 5654.4099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 1225.0,
‘gameWin’: 544.5,
‘karma’: 8066.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 5818.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 431332658.5,
‘totalDeath’: 2568.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 102372964.97,
‘totalHealingDone’: 10616561.85,
‘totalKill’: 1655.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 41.140000000000001,
‘uid’: 2124096.5},
‘Space Patrol [SPL]’: {‘effRating’: 4309.46,
‘gamePlayed’: 1294.5999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 610.13,
‘karma’: 8823.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 8434.3999999999996,
‘totalBattleTime’: 530628411.06999999,
‘totalDeath’: 3316.0700000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 157417249.40000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 26486402.43,
‘totalKill’: 2614.3299999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1235.1099999999999,
‘uid’: 1786367.0},
‘Space Pirates [SP]’: {‘effRating’: 5257.1300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 902.5,
‘gameWin’: 404.5,
‘karma’: 2195.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
‘totalAssists’: 5511.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 339744906.0,
‘totalDeath’: 2558.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 70467166.799999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 3060631.1099999999,
‘totalKill’: 939.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 648.26999999999998,
‘uid’: 2007212.5},
‘Space Rangers [SpRg]’: {‘effRating’: 3861.7800000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 1721.71,
‘gameWin’: 775.13999999999999,
‘karma’: 21234.860000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.5,
‘totalAssists’: 10600.139999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 707982776.28999996,
‘totalDeath’: 4691.71,
‘totalDmgDone’: 172417700.78,
‘totalHealingDone’: 22976100.109999999,
‘totalKill’: 2814.5700000000002,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2077.8299999999999,
‘uid’: 1159346.29},
‘Space Stalkers [SpSt]’: {‘effRating’: 5193.5299999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 3479.4499999999998,
‘gameWin’: 1584.2,
‘karma’: 43662.400000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 23861.25,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1468715304.9000001,
‘totalDeath’: 8436.7000000000007,
‘totalDmgDone’: 518551416.10000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 67793181.370000005,
‘totalKill’: 5519.3500000000004,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6055.0,
‘uid’: 1530131.8},
‘Space Titans [SpTi]’: {‘effRating’: 5012.1800000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 2024.6700000000001,
‘gameWin’: 980.66999999999996,
‘karma’: 40350.669999999998,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1200000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 15528.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 860122167.0,
‘totalDeath’: 3840.6700000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 367755451.88999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 75611856.950000003,
‘totalKill’: 5241.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5250.5500000000002,
‘uid’: 963959.0},
‘SpaceMafia [M5]’: {‘effRating’: 4144.5900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 752.75999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 359.42000000000002,
‘karma’: 9199.3700000000008,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 4797.75,
‘totalBattleTime’: 310528479.33999997,
‘totalDeath’: 1700.4000000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 121052024.39,
‘totalHealingDone’: 16557548.470000001,
‘totalKill’: 1590.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 962.16999999999996,
‘uid’: 2128549.5099999998},
‘Spark [SPARK]’: {‘effRating’: 3272.6100000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 527.95000000000005,
‘gameWin’: 261.51999999999998,
‘karma’: 3249.9499999999998,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
‘totalAssists’: 2919.48,
‘totalBattleTime’: 178053085.86000001,
‘totalDeath’: 962.33000000000004,
‘totalDmgDone’: 52676310.579999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 6823996.3499999996,
‘totalKill’: 1242.29,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 185.33000000000001,
‘uid’: 2232733.8999999999},
‘SpecTeR SeeKerS [HYDRA]’: {‘effRating’: 6173.1499999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 4393.4300000000003,
‘gameWin’: 2425.71,
‘karma’: 15121.290000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.84999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 32993.860000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1955908472.5699999,
‘totalDeath’: 7207.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 857312632.0,
‘totalHealingDone’: 88966295.620000005,
‘totalKill’: 16335.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 48393.110000000001,
‘uid’: 1578596.1399999999},
‘Specnas Russia []’: {‘effRating’: 2406.3099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 32.0,
‘gameWin’: 15.0,
‘karma’: 1063.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.029999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 174.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 11364810.0,
‘totalDeath’: 109.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 3815278.0600000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 4494.79,
‘totalKill’: 65.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2309146.0},
‘StRaDo [FAQ]’: {‘effRating’: 4737.0799999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 2254.0,
‘gameWin’: 1098.1800000000001,
‘karma’: 13068.09,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 14802.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 967787490.63999999,
‘totalDeath’: 4718.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 351351686.17000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 40536476.630000003,
‘totalKill’: 5379.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11461.66,
‘uid’: 1868860.9099999999},
‘StWanderersCorp [StWCo]’: {‘effRating’: 3882.98,
‘gamePlayed’: 873.25,
‘gameWin’: 388.0,
‘karma’: 5083.75,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 4225.25,
‘totalBattleTime’: 351555317.5,
‘totalDeath’: 2142.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 52813765.189999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 12696634.92,
‘totalKill’: 667.25,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 306.67000000000002,
‘uid’: 1460173.75},
‘Stab in the Dark [SiD]’: {‘effRating’: 5547.21,
‘gamePlayed’: 9120.0,
‘gameWin’: 4860.0,
‘karma’: 4859.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3899999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 54503.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 4051564842.0,
‘totalDeath’: 19071.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1118961970.96,
‘totalHealingDone’: 97623437.739999995,
‘totalKill’: 26397.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 67796.380000000005,
‘uid’: 742396.0},
‘Star BerkuT []’: {‘effRating’: 3174.6300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 435.0,
‘gameWin’: 180.0,
‘karma’: 70587.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 2040.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 143718404.0,
‘totalDeath’: 579.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 68982028.170000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 6358585.9500000002,
‘totalKill’: 854.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 104.44,
‘uid’: 2681392.0},
‘Star Citizen 2942 [2942]’: {‘effRating’: 3660.4200000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 87.0,
‘gameWin’: 45.0,
‘karma’: 2386.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
‘totalAssists’: 389.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 27341228.0,
‘totalDeath’: 184.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 6522783.9000000004,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1926580.1200000001,
‘totalKill’: 149.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2980141.0},
‘Star Conflict Fr []’: {‘effRating’: 1359.0,
‘gamePlayed’: 8.0,
‘gameWin’: 3.0,
‘karma’: 5364.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
‘totalAssists’: 40.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 3038167.0,
‘totalDeath’: 29.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 352510.42999999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 79403.520000000004,
‘totalKill’: 4.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2027708.0},
‘Star Gem [TG]’: {‘effRating’: 7069.21,
‘gamePlayed’: 1913.0,
‘gameWin’: 985.0,
‘karma’: 1661.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.92000000000000004,
‘totalAssists’: 16576.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 819417909.0,
‘totalDeath’: 3644.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 305666557.57999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 30663036.52,
‘totalKill’: 7359.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1701.24,
‘uid’: 534.0},
‘Star Storm [ST0RM]’: {‘effRating’: 6431.75,
‘gamePlayed’: 5783.9300000000003,
‘gameWin’: 3008.46,
‘karma’: 25230.939999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.0900000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 41033.349999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2519226798.4099998,
‘totalDeath’: 12078.450000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1125888783.95,
‘totalHealingDone’: 153115979.22999999,
‘totalKill’: 16513.209999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 37156.669999999998,
‘uid’: 1346889.6499999999},
‘Star Wolves [SWolf]’: {‘effRating’: 4120.3100000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 554.0,
‘gameWin’: 238.0,
‘karma’: 2898.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 3206.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 250105292.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1262.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 51515484.869999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 12074095.460000001,
‘totalKill’: 1461.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 675.13999999999999,
‘uid’: 74484.0},
‘StarF0X [F0X]’: {‘effRating’: 4218.8800000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 2468.0,
‘gameWin’: 1073.0,
‘karma’: 4556.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 8839.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1098471943.0,
‘totalDeath’: 5151.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 108447578.05,
‘totalHealingDone’: 12456833.390000001,
‘totalKill’: 1943.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4454.8400000000001,
‘uid’: 470349.0},
‘StarFighter [LAST]’: {‘effRating’: 5365.21,
‘gamePlayed’: 3194.0,
‘gameWin’: 1535.5,
‘karma’: 4294.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 18304.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1430047172.0,
‘totalDeath’: 8257.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 383556543.89999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 40716495.490000002,
‘totalKill’: 8188.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11727.17,
‘uid’: 456603.5},
‘StarGate Revival [SGR]’: {‘effRating’: 5049.6099999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 1684.3399999999999,
‘gameWin’: 819.97000000000003,
‘karma’: 15157.879999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.52000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 11478.83,
‘totalBattleTime’: 705120438.07000005,
‘totalDeath’: 3689.7600000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 287420670.42000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 38104009.479999997,
‘totalKill’: 4142.6599999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5965.4700000000003,
‘uid’: 1856882.03},
‘Starfleet Dental [DENTL]’: {‘effRating’: 7549.7799999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 458.0,
‘gameWin’: 213.0,
‘karma’: 174226.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 2327.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 203382221.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1029.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 110565858.22,
‘totalHealingDone’: 8494521.4800000004,
‘totalKill’: 1162.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1468.3199999999999,
‘uid’: 897545.0},
‘Steel Brotherhood []’: {‘effRating’: 4049.4099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 409.67000000000002,
‘gameWin’: 205.0,
‘karma’: 25607.330000000002,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 2484.6700000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 175121079.66999999,
‘totalDeath’: 1096.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 57555926.560000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 7903343.71,
‘totalKill’: 747.66999999999996,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1.0900000000000001,
‘uid’: 2438926.6699999999},
‘Steel Guardians []’: {‘effRating’: 2326.8499999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 227.66999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 107.33,
‘karma’: 330.67000000000002,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,
‘totalAssists’: 1364.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 96936742.329999998,
‘totalDeath’: 571.33000000000004,
‘totalDmgDone’: 34473226.960000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 3394242.96,
‘totalKill’: 576.66999999999996,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 35.590000000000003,
‘uid’: 1893189.6699999999},
‘Stellar Marines [STEEL]’: {‘effRating’: 4406.6300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 1626.2,
‘gameWin’: 780.55999999999995,
‘karma’: 13572.389999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
‘totalAssists’: 10134.129999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 680488606.25,
‘totalDeath’: 3698.5700000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 210016061.13,
‘totalHealingDone’: 29172967.870000001,
‘totalKill’: 3472.7199999999998,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5104.2600000000002,
‘uid’: 1756443.54},
‘Sturzkampf Bomber []’: {‘effRating’: 4642.3500000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 244.0,
‘gameWin’: 121.0,
‘karma’: 6595.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
‘totalAssists’: 1499.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 92660430.0,
‘totalDeath’: 548.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 35116805.950000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 12178496.76,
‘totalKill’: 506.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5.3899999999999997,
‘uid’: 2287919.0},
‘SuperLamy []’: {‘effRating’: 5292.3900000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 1286.0,
‘gameWin’: 595.5,
‘karma’: 16555.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.62,
‘totalAssists’: 9394.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 574303858.5,
‘totalDeath’: 3632.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 205697910.38999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 15696946.93,
‘totalKill’: 2242.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2302.1799999999998,
‘uid’: 1306309.0},
‘Supreme League Kill [SLK]’: {‘effRating’: 5143.54,
‘gamePlayed’: 3782.4000000000001,
‘gameWin’: 1801.0,
‘karma’: 21995.099999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
‘totalAssists’: 26647.099999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1605324683.5999999,
‘totalDeath’: 8545.3999999999996,
‘totalDmgDone’: 505337693.93000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 78915150.069999993,
‘totalKill’: 7409.1999999999998,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14198.700000000001,
‘uid’: 1382657.8999999999},
‘Svoboda Inc [SVBD]’: {‘effRating’: 5379.6400000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 1607.9200000000001,
‘gameWin’: 745.91999999999996,
‘karma’: 9638.75,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 10232.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 682694132.16999996,
‘totalDeath’: 4296.4200000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 181504655.00999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 27142532.07,
‘totalKill’: 2301.1700000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1585.71,
‘uid’: 1482441.3300000001},
‘Swedish Elite [SwE]’: {‘effRating’: 1379.8599999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 37.329999999999998,
‘gameWin’: 16.670000000000002,
‘karma’: 657.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 189.33000000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 12896587.33,
‘totalDeath’: 75.670000000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1429567.0700000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 71106.869999999995,
‘totalKill’: 47.670000000000002,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2009227.0},
‘Swedish Maffia []’: {‘effRating’: 500.0,
‘karma’: 223.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
‘uid’: 1564093.5},
‘Swords of Glory [SWoG]’: {‘effRating’: 4778.4499999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 382.67000000000002,
‘gameWin’: 159.33000000000001,
‘karma’: 80182.330000000002,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81000000000000005,
‘totalAssists’: 1917.3299999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 163667331.0,
‘totalDeath’: 833.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 84629976.700000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 10984649.99,
‘totalKill’: 604.66999999999996,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1301.27,
‘uid’: 1586459.6699999999},
‘Syndicate [SYN]’: {‘effRating’: 6279.5,
‘gamePlayed’: 8288.6700000000001,
‘gameWin’: 4520.54,
‘karma’: 17101.119999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1899999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 59092.330000000002,
‘totalBattleTime’: 3724435394.3800001,
‘totalDeath’: 12259.17,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1367994785.8900001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 214052633.88,
‘totalKill’: 29248.540000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 73926.869999999995,
‘uid’: 632036.32999999996},
‘TAO []’: {‘effRating’: 431.88999999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 3.0,
‘karma’: 5640.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.39000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 0.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 23914.0,
‘totalDeath’: 0.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘totalHealingDone’: 0.0,
‘totalKill’: 0.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1590835.0},
‘TEHb [ShDW]’: {‘effRating’: 5113.0100000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 1742.0,
‘gameWin’: 862.0,
‘karma’: 70143.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.4399999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 15336.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 694602128.0,
‘totalDeath’: 2776.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 451017786.37,
‘totalHealingDone’: 56760597.539999999,
‘totalKill’: 4882.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3077.4499999999998,
‘uid’: 2286706.0},
‘TFS [TFS]’: {‘effRating’: 1515.27,
‘gamePlayed’: 173.0,
‘gameWin’: 70.0,
‘karma’: 438.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 1009.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 67316459.0,
‘totalDeath’: 490.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 13843273.82,
‘totalHealingDone’: 67515.960000000006,
‘totalKill’: 587.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1213553.0},
‘THE BLAST FORCE [BLAST]’: {‘effRating’: 4376.0600000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 1325.9000000000001,
‘gameWin’: 616.0,
‘karma’: 10581.799999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.57999999999999996,
‘totalAssists’: 8369.3999999999996,
‘totalBattleTime’: 546993701.29999995,
‘totalDeath’: 2734.8000000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 178657668.72,
‘totalHealingDone’: 18830558.190000001,
‘totalKill’: 2451.5999999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 954.15999999999997,
‘uid’: 1382784.8999999999},
‘THE ELITES []’: {‘effRating’: 4695.1300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 84.0,
‘gameWin’: 42.0,
‘karma’: 633.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
‘totalAssists’: 592.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 38040864.0,
‘totalDeath’: 273.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 18846065.109999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1527478.3100000001,
‘totalKill’: 364.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2754236.0},
‘TO4KA G [LoL]’: {‘effRating’: 5268.9899999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 1435.0,
‘gameWin’: 727.75,
‘karma’: 27018.75,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
‘totalAssists’: 10288.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 641062143.75,
‘totalDeath’: 2612.75,
‘totalDmgDone’: 292884750.38999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 24688796.800000001,
‘totalKill’: 3187.75,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9162.2000000000007,
‘uid’: 1704233.5},
‘TPOH [TPOH]’: {‘effRating’: 4861.5900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 965.44000000000005,
‘gameWin’: 459.25,
‘karma’: 12621.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
‘totalAssists’: 5951.1199999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 414114484.5,
‘totalDeath’: 2100.4400000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 115257187.48,
‘totalHealingDone’: 19378791.079999998,
‘totalKill’: 1297.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1495.6199999999999,
‘uid’: 1741034.5},
‘TRIADA [TR]’: {‘effRating’: 4580.2299999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 1078.1199999999999,
‘gameWin’: 529.0,
‘karma’: 6218.3800000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 7900.1199999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 452676245.62,
‘totalDeath’: 2400.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 170959021.27000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 23995220.350000001,
‘totalKill’: 2587.8800000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1322.3199999999999,
‘uid’: 2139435.0},
‘TURKEY TR [1453]’: {‘effRating’: 2267.1500000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 77.0,
‘gameWin’: 33.0,
‘karma’: 77.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.040000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 317.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 31957693.0,
‘totalDeath’: 229.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 4124864.3999999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 191469.44,
‘totalKill’: 149.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 852912.0},
‘TYCOBKA tm [party]’: {‘effRating’: 7370.6300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 8990.0,
‘gameWin’: 4361.0,
‘karma’: 44730.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.90000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 63684.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 4058061723.0,
‘totalDeath’: 13578.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1658628646.5599999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 326999574.37,
‘totalKill’: 16724.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 32739.400000000001,
‘uid’: 499206.0},
‘Taiidan Raiders [TRaid]’: {‘effRating’: 6265.5,
‘gamePlayed’: 3479.5,
‘gameWin’: 1549.25,
‘karma’: 78015.25,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,
‘totalAssists’: 22528.75,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1467431111.0,
‘totalDeath’: 8820.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 877205167.55999994,
‘totalHealingDone’: 99631274.620000005,
‘totalKill’: 7269.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17303.189999999999,
‘uid’: 1900184.5},
‘TakaTari []’: {‘karma’: 0.0, ‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0, ‘uid’: 2826715.0},
‘Tauri Cyberdyne [Tauri]’: {‘effRating’: 3305.5100000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 289.0,
‘gameWin’: 128.0,
‘karma’: 2676.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
‘totalAssists’: 1640.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 119017994.0,
‘totalDeath’: 734.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 36102110.799999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 5530683.0199999996,
‘totalKill’: 559.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2486596.0},
‘TbMA [TbMA]’: {‘effRating’: 4387.9700000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 1936.3399999999999,
‘gameWin’: 935.80999999999995,
‘karma’: 18458.970000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 13398.120000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 835678023.59000003,
‘totalDeath’: 4658.5900000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 280103526.31,
‘totalHealingDone’: 41920025.520000003,
‘totalKill’: 4195.6899999999996,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5636.3800000000001,
‘uid’: 1821558.53},
‘Team Bloop [BLP]’: {‘effRating’: 2190.9499999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 75.0,
‘gameWin’: 34.289999999999999,
‘karma’: 565.86000000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
‘totalAssists’: 299.29000000000002,
‘totalBattleTime’: 26517547.859999999,
‘totalDeath’: 174.71000000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 5082037.9699999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 764633.28000000003,
‘totalKill’: 149.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6.1699999999999999,
‘uid’: 2172677.1400000001},
‘Team Ramrod []’: {‘effRating’: 2651.1100000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 758.0,
‘gameWin’: 384.0,
‘karma’: 1865.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.29999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 4526.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 303925271.0,
‘totalDeath’: 2230.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 62647717.340000004,
‘totalHealingDone’: 7018961.8499999996,
‘totalKill’: 1923.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 207.90000000000001,
‘uid’: 1672234.0},
‘Team Toxic [Toxyk]’: {‘effRating’: 3372.96,
‘gamePlayed’: 375.88,
‘gameWin’: 180.5,
‘karma’: 5312.25,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
‘totalAssists’: 2752.25,
‘totalBattleTime’: 152481421.25,
‘totalDeath’: 606.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 60589825.369999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 13576566.619999999,
‘totalKill’: 887.88,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 126.34,
‘uid’: 1974615.3799999999},
‘Team Triple Threat [TTT]’: {‘effRating’: 4174.5900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 1324.5,
‘gameWin’: 643.90999999999997,
‘karma’: 14187.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
‘totalAssists’: 9711.3600000000006,
‘totalBattleTime’: 551619310.32000005,
‘totalDeath’: 3064.27,
‘totalDmgDone’: 157274375.12,
‘totalHealingDone’: 34285668.810000002,
‘totalKill’: 2715.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2875.5799999999999,
‘uid’: 1849516.02},
‘TerraLuX [LuX]’: {‘effRating’: 5267.1300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 2582.8699999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1340.73,
‘karma’: 13368.559999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
‘totalAssists’: 18094.560000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1100310458.76,
‘totalDeath’: 5105.1499999999996,
‘totalDmgDone’: 416022993.25,
‘totalHealingDone’: 71476792.870000005,
‘totalKill’: 7288.54,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11440.4,
‘uid’: 1422049.96},
‘TerranConfederation [TTC]’: {‘effRating’: 2189.4099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 539.0,
‘gameWin’: 218.0,
‘karma’: 1366.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.13,
‘totalAssists’: 1515.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 193640374.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1101.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 12965595.050000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 924433.06999999995,
‘totalKill’: 521.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 384.35000000000002,
‘uid’: 533668.0},
‘Tesla [Tesla]’: {‘effRating’: 4623.29,
‘gamePlayed’: 1561.5999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 744.54999999999995,
‘karma’: 14203.15,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 10452.35,
‘totalBattleTime’: 647916605.70000005,
‘totalDeath’: 3438.9000000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 215256863.06999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 36646347.0,
‘totalKill’: 2890.3000000000002,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1677.3599999999999,
‘uid’: 1824266.75},
‘TestCorpPlzIgnore [TCPI]’: {‘effRating’: 832.91999999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 147.0,
‘gameWin’: 79.0,
‘karma’: 344.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
‘totalAssists’: 1091.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 59122430.0,
‘totalDeath’: 249.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 12403371.609999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1648891.79,
‘totalKill’: 704.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1064341.0},
‘The Anime Front [TAF]’: {‘effRating’: 3470.6999999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 739.5,
‘gameWin’: 368.12,
‘karma’: 1470.75,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
‘totalAssists’: 4526.3800000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 288157497.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1648.25,
‘totalDmgDone’: 82591358.650000006,
‘totalHealingDone’: 11708678.189999999,
‘totalKill’: 1826.8800000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 156.90000000000001,
‘uid’: 2037006.6200000001},
‘The Black Angels [TBA]’: {‘effRating’: 5118.4300000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 1200.5,
‘gameWin’: 498.5,
‘karma’: 6385.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
‘totalAssists’: 5407.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 509074713.0,
‘totalDeath’: 2865.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 99893878.379999995,
‘totalHealingDone’: 16263047.1,
‘totalKill’: 1382.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2778.04,
‘uid’: 589654.0},
‘The Blood Armada [BL00D]’: {‘effRating’: 3176.52,
‘gamePlayed’: 461.67000000000002,
‘gameWin’: 229.66999999999999,
‘karma’: 2076.6700000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 2626.3299999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 182749582.66999999,
‘totalDeath’: 949.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 56354350.859999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 8581474.1199999992,
‘totalKill’: 1184.3299999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 269.62,
‘uid’: 1919584.0},
‘The Blood Brothers [BLUD]’: {‘effRating’: 4478.7299999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 2828.0,
‘gameWin’: 1312.5,
‘karma’: 22029.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
‘totalAssists’: 15697.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1185001958.5,
‘totalDeath’: 4947.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 442329672.72000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 70128927.900000006,
‘totalKill’: 5364.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5851.5200000000004,
‘uid’: 625919.0},
‘The Blue Angels []’: {‘effRating’: 2655.27,
‘gamePlayed’: 96.5,
‘gameWin’: 55.5,
‘karma’: 24.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.070000000000000007,
‘totalAssists’: 565.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 36236929.0,
‘totalDeath’: 211.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 7227645.6299999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 269868.34000000003,
‘totalKill’: 350.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1518065.0},
‘The CONQUERORS [TCors]’: {‘effRating’: 7093.1999999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 5873.25,
‘gameWin’: 3081.5500000000002,
‘karma’: 64575.75,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1799999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 45437.050000000003,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2578330142.8499999,
‘totalDeath’: 12063.1,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1329762008.21,
‘totalHealingDone’: 189225053.02000001,
‘totalKill’: 17406.450000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 44559.480000000003,
‘uid’: 1359170.75},
‘The Collectors []’: {‘effRating’: 1666.48,
‘gamePlayed’: 75.200000000000003,
‘gameWin’: 42.600000000000001,
‘karma’: 221.59999999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
‘totalAssists’: 472.60000000000002,
‘totalBattleTime’: 26731197.0,
‘totalDeath’: 149.19999999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 4856204.1600000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 408615.12,
‘totalKill’: 133.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2391154.2000000002},
‘The DNO Inc [DNO]’: {‘effRating’: 6526.4300000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 13093.0,
‘gameWin’: 8893.0,
‘karma’: 11663.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.6000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 142276.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 5815791777.0,
‘totalDeath’: 17735.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 3216746569.5599999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 680080625.11000001,
‘totalKill’: 79705.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 24363.959999999999,
‘uid’: 751767.0},
‘The DeathStar [VADER]’: {‘effRating’: 2799.9699999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 1261.1400000000001,
‘gameWin’: 682.38,
‘karma’: -387.86000000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 8547.1399999999994,
‘totalBattleTime’: 528028701.05000001,
‘totalDeath’: 2624.0999999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 249410430.47999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 21292061.41,
‘totalKill’: 4246.29,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4853.8500000000004,
‘uid’: 2123048.8999999999},
‘The Eternal Fire []’: {‘effRating’: 3502.5,
‘gamePlayed’: 71.0,
‘gameWin’: 34.0,
‘karma’: 112.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 486.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 29516692.0,
‘totalDeath’: 141.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 8052970.71,
‘totalHealingDone’: 2430183.2200000002,
‘totalKill’: 316.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1981192.0},
‘The Evil Dragon [xTEDx]’: {‘effRating’: 5263.5200000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 1753.78,
‘gameWin’: 838.80999999999995,
‘karma’: 23396.209999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 12110.799999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 727921992.77999997,
‘totalDeath’: 3708.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 300321328.44999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 44804485.32,
‘totalKill’: 3805.96,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6172.1300000000001,
‘uid’: 1774164.72},
‘The Fighting Ducks []’: {‘effRating’: 2168.9299999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 41.0,
‘gameWin’: 17.5,
‘karma’: 4232.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
‘totalAssists’: 160.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 18562699.5,
‘totalDeath’: 79.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 5144964.5899999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 243093.89000000001,
‘totalKill’: 81.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 172.66,
‘uid’: 288573.5},
‘The Galaxy Alliance []’: {‘effRating’: 4746.1899999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 517.75,
‘gameWin’: 232.62,
‘karma’: 15573.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 3000.6199999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 222395592.75,
‘totalDeath’: 1075.6199999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 79447831.989999995,
‘totalHealingDone’: 10461074.800000001,
‘totalKill’: 1089.25,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 744.13,
‘uid’: 1400315.75},
‘The Gold of Dragons [G0ld]’: {‘effRating’: 3555.5300000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 753.07000000000005,
‘gameWin’: 385.87,
‘karma’: 3080.4000000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 3865.73,
‘totalBattleTime’: 264773745.80000001,
‘totalDeath’: 1703.8,
‘totalDmgDone’: 68099517.640000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 6510365.5499999998,
‘totalKill’: 1495.4000000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 489.38,
‘uid’: 2254068.6699999999},
‘The Ilrowan Empire [IMPRL]’: {‘effRating’: 4905.6000000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 3607.5,
‘gameWin’: 1682.5,
‘karma’: -3217.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
‘totalAssists’: 20654.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1446826059.5,
‘totalDeath’: 6882.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 515219774.66000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 51974745.539999999,
‘totalKill’: 8897.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7526.6499999999996,
‘uid’: 679625.0},
‘The Kamikaze inc [ANGER]’: {‘effRating’: 7024.4700000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 5907.5699999999997,
‘gameWin’: 3561.29,
‘karma’: 25256.43,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.27,
‘totalAssists’: 46579.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2543033782.29,
‘totalDeath’: 8405.1399999999994,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1118322798.28,
‘totalHealingDone’: 143561090.81999999,
‘totalKill’: 27972.57,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 33473.470000000001,
‘uid’: 1138423.29},
‘The Last Hope []’: {‘effRating’: 1956.6099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 249.80000000000001,
‘gameWin’: 100.59999999999999,
‘karma’: 767.60000000000002,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 1071.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 70889654.799999997,
‘totalDeath’: 591.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 13365880.109999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 810879.92000000004,
‘totalKill’: 481.60000000000002,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1994249.3999999999},
‘The Mothership []’: {‘effRating’: 4634.8199999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 355.5,
‘gameWin’: 184.5,
‘karma’: 1154.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 2306.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 139228294.5,
‘totalDeath’: 820.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 58329540.079999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 5235885.8600000003,
‘totalKill’: 743.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 305.64999999999998,
‘uid’: 1732538.5},
‘The NASA [NASA]’: {‘effRating’: 7539.8699999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 7790.29,
‘gameWin’: 4379.5699999999997,
‘karma’: 40584.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3700000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 58349.040000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 3426020306.4400001,
‘totalDeath’: 14617.43,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1773064344.47,
‘totalHealingDone’: 234129439.34999999,
‘totalKill’: 26360.889999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 66978.850000000006,
‘uid’: 1279320.6399999999},
‘The Aces [Ace]’: {‘effRating’: 4147.5900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 1103.9400000000001,
‘gameWin’: 500.20999999999998,
‘karma’: 8495.0400000000009,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.33000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 6562.04,
‘totalBattleTime’: 453745968.54000002,
‘totalDeath’: 2717.77,
‘totalDmgDone’: 136641487.5,
‘totalHealingDone’: 19257936.710000001,
‘totalKill’: 1907.98,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1451.55,
‘uid’: 1915343.96},
‘The Red Shirts []’: {‘effRating’: 4144.6499999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 1356.75,
‘gameWin’: 597.5,
‘karma’: 16220.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 8686.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 509311133.25,
‘totalDeath’: 3503.75,
‘totalDmgDone’: 139632503.77000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 19234776.530000001,
‘totalKill’: 2093.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 615.71000000000004,
‘uid’: 2266370.5},
‘The Rout [Rout]’: {‘effRating’: 1253.9300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 9.0,
‘gameWin’: 5.0,
‘karma’: 436.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 63.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 3398286.0,
‘totalDeath’: 28.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 621463.18000000005,
‘totalHealingDone’: 13286.389999999999,
‘totalKill’: 17.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2482074.0},
‘The Royal Remnants []’: {‘effRating’: 2456.4299999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 133.0,
‘gameWin’: 66.0,
‘karma’: -268.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
‘totalAssists’: 534.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 56676033.0,
‘totalDeath’: 412.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 9237994.7799999993,
‘totalHealingDone’: 866950.71999999997,
‘totalKill’: 283.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 762035.0},
‘The Scourge [TSrge]’: {‘effRating’: 5521.4700000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 2924.77,
‘gameWin’: 1516.3699999999999,
‘karma’: 16804.110000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 21975.110000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1239377532.3099999,
‘totalDeath’: 5619.5100000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 559825181.13999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 94344310.5,
‘totalKill’: 7481.7700000000004,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 10457.67,
‘uid’: 1496017.8},
‘The Sons Of Earth [TSOE]’: {‘effRating’: 4620.3699999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 991.91999999999996,
‘gameWin’: 469.92000000000002,
‘karma’: 15488.08,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
‘totalAssists’: 7018.2299999999996,
‘totalBattleTime’: 407245824.69,
‘totalDeath’: 2544.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 124915078.19,
‘totalHealingDone’: 18479044.52,
‘totalKill’: 2365.54,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 921.48000000000002,
‘uid’: 1778578.9199999999},
‘The Tempelnights [Templ]’: {‘effRating’: 4402.3100000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 392.29000000000002,
‘gameWin’: 183.56999999999999,
‘karma’: 12973.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.73999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 2584.71,
‘totalBattleTime’: 161534833.13999999,
‘totalDeath’: 963.13999999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 67048405.18,
‘totalHealingDone’: 6550395.7999999998,
‘totalKill’: 1107.8599999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 188.72,
‘uid’: 1630829.4299999999},
‘The Vanguard [GU4RD]’: {‘effRating’: 2521.02,
‘gamePlayed’: 150.0,
‘gameWin’: 81.0,
‘karma’: 4601.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 618.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 51730002.0,
‘totalDeath’: 307.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 9936008.5,
‘totalHealingDone’: 748184.32999999996,
‘totalKill’: 335.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2117342.0},
‘The Viking Knights [Vking]’: {‘effRating’: 5618.3299999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 2311.5999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1151.2,
‘karma’: 19568.200000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
‘totalAssists’: 14795.299999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 960060866.60000002,
‘totalDeath’: 4972.3000000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 379106651.89999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 57943779.590000004,
‘totalKill’: 6024.1999999999998,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7286.25,
‘uid’: 1428525.0},
‘The Wild Cards [WILD]’: {‘effRating’: 3087.6900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 321.24000000000001,
‘gameWin’: 159.91,
‘karma’: 3658.77,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.25,
‘totalAssists’: 1695.73,
‘totalBattleTime’: 121485512.55,
‘totalDeath’: 664.75999999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 31177239.329999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 3556317.4199999999,
‘totalKill’: 688.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 117.91,
‘uid’: 2093480.97},
‘The WolfPack [WPK]’: {‘effRating’: 6013.3500000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 6161.0799999999999,
‘gameWin’: 3787.3099999999999,
‘karma’: 5941.6899999999996,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.23,
‘totalAssists’: 46848.620000000003,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2721933565.0,
‘totalDeath’: 9817.3799999999992,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1068520284.9,
‘totalHealingDone’: 181450265.25999999,
‘totalKill’: 27332.919999999998,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 47144.779999999999,
‘uid’: 674603.77000000002},
‘The space Knights [TSK]’: {‘effRating’: 3991.1999999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 1886.0,
‘gameWin’: 943.0,
‘karma’: 7019.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.40000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 16120.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 793386737.5,
‘totalDeath’: 2980.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 246805767.69,
‘totalHealingDone’: 79880726.469999999,
‘totalKill’: 4639.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1549.1400000000001,
‘uid’: 1094410.5},
‘The united front [TUF]’: {‘effRating’: 4739.7299999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 3187.6199999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1539.0,
‘karma’: 23305.380000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.91000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 17925.619999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1371640871.1199999,
‘totalDeath’: 6549.3800000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 334282205.88,
‘totalHealingDone’: 92870481.200000003,
‘totalKill’: 6269.3800000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17446.84,
‘uid’: 760133.25},
‘TheFlock []’: {‘effRating’: 2786.48,
‘gamePlayed’: 90.0,
‘gameWin’: 44.0,
‘karma’: 795.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 556.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 34829742.0,
‘totalDeath’: 312.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 8094956.3300000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 247243.63,
‘totalKill’: 273.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1175536.0},
‘TheKillers []’: {‘effRating’: 2096.75,
‘gamePlayed’: 405.0,
‘gameWin’: 178.0,
‘karma’: 454.19999999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 2164.8000000000002,
‘totalBattleTime’: 150595433.40000001,
‘totalDeath’: 1014.2,
‘totalDmgDone’: 38129298.57,
‘totalHealingDone’: 4925328.8399999999,
‘totalKill’: 865.39999999999998,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14.32,
‘uid’: 1550952.3999999999},
‘Therian fleet []’: {‘effRating’: 3833.79,
‘gamePlayed’: 352.5,
‘gameWin’: 185.5,
‘karma’: 2311.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 2261.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 138216977.0,
‘totalDeath’: 747.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 48426599.07,
‘totalHealingDone’: 5740375.96,
‘totalKill’: 837.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 532.45000000000005,
‘uid’: 1958632.5},
‘Thizich [TZH]’: {‘effRating’: 607.00999999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 9.0,
‘gameWin’: 3.0,
‘karma’: 0.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
‘totalAssists’: 27.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2507061.0,
‘totalDeath’: 29.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 361330.96000000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1387.3199999999999,
‘totalKill’: 2.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2739440.0},
‘Thralian Scouts []’: {‘effRating’: 3891.8699999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 1281.0,
‘gameWin’: 544.0,
‘karma’: 5917.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81000000000000005,
‘totalAssists’: 7089.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 576826942.0,
‘totalDeath’: 3169.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 202296472.31999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 34847325.649999999,
‘totalKill’: 1547.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 197.97,
‘uid’: 1244716.0},
‘Thunder Hawks []’: {‘effRating’: 3085.9000000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 1381.5,
‘gameWin’: 654.0,
‘karma’: 5870.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.66000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 8075.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 566352398.0,
‘totalDeath’: 3107.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 128434254.3,
‘totalHealingDone’: 22402095.010000002,
‘totalKill’: 3656.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1915.4400000000001,
‘uid’: 1017159.5},
‘ThunderBird [Bird]’: {‘effRating’: 5317.9700000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 2087.0799999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1086.8499999999999,
‘karma’: 21986.310000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.67000000000000004,
‘totalAssists’: 15206.540000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 896979076.91999996,
‘totalDeath’: 4381.1499999999996,
‘totalDmgDone’: 366883011.74000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 49119091.409999996,
‘totalKill’: 6762.8500000000004,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2597.8400000000001,
‘uid’: 1312113.0},
‘Total Eclipse [TZT]’: {‘effRating’: 7129.3100000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 4492.0,
‘gameWin’: 2448.0,
‘karma’: -28585.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.91000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 36129.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1926020711.0,
‘totalDeath’: 8089.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 708303580.75,
‘totalHealingDone’: 84837084.5,
‘totalKill’: 18373.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 18053.939999999999,
‘uid’: 538049.0},
‘Toxiiccaos []’: {‘effRating’: 5228.4399999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 218.0,
‘gameWin’: 105.0,
‘karma’: 4756.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 828.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 78794733.0,
‘totalDeath’: 449.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 26967140.620000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 2163729.0699999998,
‘totalKill’: 506.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 82.840000000000003,
‘uid’: 728737.0},
‘Traskon []’: {‘effRating’: 1217.97,
‘gamePlayed’: 13.0,
‘gameWin’: 4.0,
‘karma’: 168.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
‘totalAssists’: 95.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 5212806.0,
‘totalDeath’: 49.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 888316.91000000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 108263.5,
‘totalKill’: 20.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2648553.0},
‘Tricolor Hawks [IT4LY]’: {‘effRating’: 4626.9899999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 2589.6199999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1348.9400000000001,
‘karma’: 16214.129999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 16326.51,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1107238759.0899999,
‘totalDeath’: 5454.5100000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 431398327.97000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 64787480.869999997,
‘totalKill’: 6198.3299999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 18046.779999999999,
‘uid’: 1719849.6100000001},
‘Tron []’: {‘effRating’: 5293.3800000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 668.0,
‘gameWin’: 266.0,
‘karma’: 5829.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
‘totalAssists’: 4236.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 297808222.0,
‘totalDeath’: 797.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 117388071.25,
‘totalHealingDone’: 23374320.550000001,
‘totalKill’: 1836.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2222.3299999999999,
‘uid’: 1618583.0},
‘Trump []’: {‘effRating’: 2866.3600000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 291.0,
‘gameWin’: 159.0,
‘karma’: 2947.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 1454.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 131770248.0,
‘totalDeath’: 615.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 37506141.799999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 8155868.9900000002,
‘totalKill’: 894.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.95999999999999996,
‘uid’: 2772448.5},
‘Tryton Dynamics [TDN]’: {‘effRating’: 2210.5300000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 145.0,
‘gameWin’: 51.0,
‘karma’: 1177.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 613.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 55720291.0,
‘totalDeath’: 445.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 7522558.4800000004,
‘totalHealingDone’: 648393.10999999999,
‘totalKill’: 213.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3.4700000000000002,
‘uid’: 1187942.0},
‘UDR [UDR]’: {‘effRating’: 3926.9499999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 2143.0,
‘gameWin’: 1014.0,
‘karma’: 81.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.69999999999999996,
‘totalAssists’: 9836.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 883394303.0,
‘totalDeath’: 4989.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 128266847.86,
‘totalHealingDone’: 23433804.510000002,
‘totalKill’: 3105.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 333.11000000000001,
‘uid’: 216034.0},
‘UKR [UKR]’: {‘effRating’: 5829.4099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 2203.75,
‘gameWin’: 1097.0,
‘karma’: 54757.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.82999999999999996,
‘totalAssists’: 16806.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 940677107.75,
‘totalDeath’: 4825.75,
‘totalDmgDone’: 298778365.02999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 77127144.700000003,
‘totalKill’: 4780.25,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4692.7399999999998,
‘uid’: 1169617.75},
‘UNGDF []’: {‘effRating’: 3332.8600000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 41.0,
‘gameWin’: 19.0,
‘karma’: 3263.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.27000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 173.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 15012292.0,
‘totalDeath’: 84.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 5335176.46,
‘totalHealingDone’: 438682.92999999999,
‘totalKill’: 92.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2.3599999999999999,
‘uid’: 1900286.0},
‘URAL [URAL]’: {‘effRating’: 3620.77,
‘gamePlayed’: 603.5,
‘gameWin’: 269.25,
‘karma’: 7928.29,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 3528.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 239591646.21000001,
‘totalDeath’: 1258.5699999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 67192055.530000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 8487619.8599999994,
‘totalKill’: 909.57000000000005,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1296.27,
‘uid’: 2082601.25},
‘US Space Marines [USSMC]’: {‘effRating’: 2179.3699999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 323.70999999999998,
‘gameWin’: 153.56999999999999,
‘karma’: 293.43000000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
‘totalAssists’: 1633.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 112723687.0,
‘totalDeath’: 789.57000000000005,
‘totalDmgDone’: 20185664.800000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1335996.1100000001,
‘totalKill’: 415.43000000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 25.989999999999998,
‘uid’: 2186619.71},
‘USSR [USSR]’: {‘effRating’: 4736.3500000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 1236.5,
‘gameWin’: 637.0,
‘karma’: 36390.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.73999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 8947.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 530513418.5,
‘totalDeath’: 2642.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 131647047.17,
‘totalHealingDone’: 36434540.549999997,
‘totalKill’: 2463.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1671.9100000000001,
‘uid’: 1799048.0},
‘Ukraine Kiev [KIEV]’: {‘effRating’: 5243.5900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 3400.4200000000001,
‘gameWin’: 1637.8499999999999,
‘karma’: 31909.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.76000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 23306.959999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1446607158.6199999,
‘totalDeath’: 6776.96,
‘totalDmgDone’: 564769889.50999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 91675610.189999998,
‘totalKill’: 7894.1499999999996,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16609.610000000001,
‘uid’: 1561794.3500000001},
‘Ukraine cri []’: {‘effRating’: 4036.4099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 237.0,
‘gameWin’: 119.0,
‘karma’: 6793.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.12,
‘totalAssists’: 1232.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 90937775.0,
‘totalDeath’: 561.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 21829341.260000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 2902320.0699999998,
‘totalKill’: 639.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1839346.0},
‘Ultra [Ultra]’: {‘effRating’: 4940.6300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 1735.3900000000001,
‘gameWin’: 803.25999999999999,
‘karma’: 15121.780000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.57999999999999996,
‘totalAssists’: 9829.4300000000003,
‘totalBattleTime’: 738241064.38999999,
‘totalDeath’: 3813.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 204475488.28999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 27440806.940000001,
‘totalKill’: 3352.3499999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6982.8199999999997,
‘uid’: 1333042.5700000001},
‘Umbrella Corps [SOTA]’: {‘effRating’: 4979.1899999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 2326.0999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1156.1600000000001,
‘karma’: 16399.349999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 16299.02,
‘totalBattleTime’: 982001420.17999995,
‘totalDeath’: 5150.5500000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 375842911.10000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 54835620.850000001,
‘totalKill’: 5850.0200000000004,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7402.8199999999997,
‘uid’: 1609397.1699999999},
‘Umbrella [Umbra]’: {‘effRating’: 5672.46,
‘gamePlayed’: 3063.1700000000001,
‘gameWin’: 1558.3299999999999,
‘karma’: 5207.6700000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.51000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 21205.330000000002,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1311125998.5,
‘totalDeath’: 7434.3299999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 585508310.75,
‘totalHealingDone’: 76164608.409999996,
‘totalKill’: 6853.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 19646.459999999999,
‘uid’: 1191062.0},
‘United Nations [UN]’: {‘effRating’: 4706.0299999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 5407.25,
‘gameWin’: 2688.0,
‘karma’: 5891.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.68999999999999995,
‘totalAssists’: 31852.25,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2304364205.25,
‘totalDeath’: 11359.25,
‘totalDmgDone’: 772836156.23000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 98599438.049999997,
‘totalKill’: 12728.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 33615.879999999997,
‘uid’: 1029088.5},
‘United Vets Militia [UVM]’: {‘effRating’: 4819.4099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 2928.6700000000001,
‘gameWin’: 1330.6700000000001,
‘karma’: 21261.669999999998,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 15025.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1326043495.6700001,
‘totalDeath’: 6526.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 547213895.20000005,
‘totalHealingDone’: 76845257.489999995,
‘totalKill’: 3975.3299999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14064.0,
‘uid’: 1796594.6699999999},
‘UnitedTerranDefense [UTDC]’: {‘effRating’: 2036.78,
‘gamePlayed’: 140.5,
‘gameWin’: 61.5,
‘karma’: 8783.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 727.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 58376036.5,
‘totalDeath’: 310.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 12996831.98,
‘totalHealingDone’: 2725945.2400000002,
‘totalKill’: 249.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2045400.0},
‘Universe [RU]’: {‘effRating’: 4046.5,
‘gamePlayed’: 2971.0,
‘gameWin’: 1434.0,
‘karma’: 9307.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3,
‘totalAssists’: 20197.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1248201887.5,
‘totalDeath’: 6431.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 426913313.52999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 44622489.780000001,
‘totalKill’: 8038.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5957.6300000000001,
‘uid’: 557017.5},
‘Unknown Department [XXX]’: {‘effRating’: 4661.0,
‘gamePlayed’: 4598.0,
‘gameWin’: 2208.0,
‘karma’: 9472.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.55,
‘totalAssists’: 34840.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1999161378.0,
‘totalDeath’: 9668.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 715875452.71000004,
‘totalHealingDone’: 132672297.01000001,
‘totalKill’: 12776.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 24162.369999999999,
‘uid’: 1234436.0},
‘VC91 [VC91]’: {‘effRating’: 5570.3299999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 1424.5,
‘gameWin’: 703.0,
‘karma’: -1178.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.21,
‘totalAssists’: 7525.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 592850326.5,
‘totalDeath’: 3281.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 167787178.77000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 26781848.300000001,
‘totalKill’: 3357.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4565.4899999999998,
‘uid’: 573022.5},
‘VEGA [VEGA]’: {‘effRating’: 4299.2700000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 489.0,
‘gameWin’: 227.59999999999999,
‘karma’: 10021.4,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
‘totalAssists’: 3450.4000000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 202087802.59999999,
‘totalDeath’: 1306.4000000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 66694951.759999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 6815482.6200000001,
‘totalKill’: 1276.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 976.12,
‘uid’: 1197693.8},
‘VIII SAS Buran [VIII]’: {‘effRating’: 6311.1499999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 3843.25,
‘gameWin’: 1969.3800000000001,
‘karma’: 15821.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.80000000000000004,
‘totalAssists’: 27037.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1712472240.3800001,
‘totalDeath’: 9431.3799999999992,
‘totalDmgDone’: 741378276.91999996,
‘totalHealingDone’: 83548310.980000004,
‘totalKill’: 10214.25,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 20175.48,
‘uid’: 777220.75},
‘VIP [VIP]’: {‘effRating’: 5019.1599999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 2243.0999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1055.1900000000001,
‘karma’: 25088.169999999998,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
‘totalAssists’: 14544.57,
‘totalBattleTime’: 954574167.23000002,
‘totalDeath’: 5470.1199999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 293541075.33999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 52049996.460000001,
‘totalKill’: 4172.6000000000004,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7458.6999999999998,
‘uid’: 1548496.3400000001},
‘VIkingr []’: {‘effRating’: 4519.4300000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 309.0,
‘gameWin’: 155.0,
‘karma’: 1364.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.089999999999999997,
‘totalAssists’: 1634.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 114534624.0,
‘totalDeath’: 717.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 26611114.449999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 5855095.5800000001,
‘totalKill’: 665.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 193.58000000000001,
‘uid’: 704752.0},
‘Vagabond of Limbo [limbo]’: {‘effRating’: 5023.8599999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 3199.5900000000001,
‘gameWin’: 1573.5899999999999,
‘karma’: 41890.18,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.65000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 19633.529999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1321789716.24,
‘totalDeath’: 7604.7600000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 571025374.41999996,
‘totalHealingDone’: 95622659.150000006,
‘totalKill’: 7350.29,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17192.369999999999,
‘uid’: 1627879.1799999999},
‘Valkyria [VLK]’: {‘effRating’: 3503.3800000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 576.75,
‘gameWin’: 264.25,
‘karma’: 11086.75,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.19,
‘totalAssists’: 3076.25,
‘totalBattleTime’: 236421810.25,
‘totalDeath’: 1506.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 64003302.799999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 4604472.6100000003,
‘totalKill’: 1047.75,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 213.72,
‘uid’: 2147955.0},
‘Valkyrie [misty]’: {‘effRating’: 6524.6499999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 3522.0,
‘gameWin’: 1667.0,
‘karma’: 1571.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 19791.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1577147115.0,
‘totalDeath’: 5446.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 305021410.73000002,
‘totalHealingDone’: 60848946.049999997,
‘totalKill’: 9566.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9254.6700000000001,
‘uid’: 21970.0},
‘Vanadium Razorbacks [VR]’: {‘effRating’: 3189.6399999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 296.13999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 138.13999999999999,
‘karma’: 3323.71,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 1558.29,
‘totalBattleTime’: 108313897.70999999,
‘totalDeath’: 724.86000000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 23822048.82,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1886155.46,
‘totalKill’: 480.86000000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 147.46000000000001,
‘uid’: 2206896.1400000001},
‘Vasiliev1980 []’: {‘effRating’: 5166.71,
‘gamePlayed’: 206.0,
‘gameWin’: 82.0,
‘karma’: 3308.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.20999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 597.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 84018021.0,
‘totalDeath’: 495.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 18982421.57,
‘totalHealingDone’: 708327.05000000005,
‘totalKill’: 286.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 14.029999999999999,
‘uid’: 864274.0},
‘Velocity Gaming [VGS]’: {‘effRating’: 3036.9899999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 51.0,
‘gameWin’: 23.0,
‘karma’: 1595.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.050000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 197.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 22556504.0,
‘totalDeath’: 131.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 4560765.6699999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 460558.71000000002,
‘totalKill’: 139.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 72.849999999999994,
‘uid’: 204746.0},
‘VesmirnaFlotila CSK [CZaSK]’: {‘effRating’: 2781.0599999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 359.67000000000002,
‘gameWin’: 155.66999999999999,
‘karma’: 2100.6700000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 2077.3299999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 140128292.0,
‘totalDeath’: 500.32999999999998,
‘totalDmgDone’: 47421459.850000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 4876150.7199999997,
‘totalKill’: 905.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3.8700000000000001,
‘uid’: 1748901.3300000001},
‘ViP Alliance [VipAl]’: {‘effRating’: 4742.3699999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 1223.9200000000001,
‘gameWin’: 578.15999999999997,
‘karma’: 17525.639999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
‘totalAssists’: 7941.6800000000003,
‘totalBattleTime’: 516043510.88,
‘totalDeath’: 2831.8400000000001,
‘totalDmgDone’: 191250349.88999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 36838026.18,
‘totalKill’: 2224.3200000000002,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 4247.3800000000001,
‘uid’: 1968829.72},
‘Vikings Stars []’: {‘effRating’: 3869.79,
‘gamePlayed’: 320.25,
‘gameWin’: 150.75,
‘karma’: 6509.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
‘totalAssists’: 1594.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 126687149.5,
‘totalDeath’: 774.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 21795004.489999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 2331489.5299999998,
‘totalKill’: 668.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7.9199999999999999,
‘uid’: 1635517.25},
‘Voie Du Mercenaire [VDM]’: {‘effRating’: 5779.04,
‘gamePlayed’: 497.0,
‘gameWin’: 278.0,
‘karma’: 14685.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 3511.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 195159098.0,
‘totalDeath’: 936.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 110310196.78,
‘totalHealingDone’: 21985006.75,
‘totalKill’: 1876.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 631.00999999999999,
‘uid’: 898144.0},
‘Voleurs de Kills [VdK]’: {‘effRating’: 5231.4700000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 1277.25,
‘gameWin’: 603.75,
‘karma’: 37268.75,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56999999999999995,
‘totalAssists’: 9203.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 537341139.25,
‘totalDeath’: 3308.25,
‘totalDmgDone’: 149555198.38999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 26450086.550000001,
‘totalKill’: 1887.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1335.0999999999999,
‘uid’: 1370136.0},
‘Volki Virgona [VV]’: {‘effRating’: 2145.4099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 1499.5,
‘gameWin’: 666.0,
‘karma’: 16515.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.48999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 7925.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 655519592.0,
‘totalDeath’: 3604.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 81174728.769999996,
‘totalHealingDone’: 17036121.09,
‘totalKill’: 1944.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1244.2,
‘uid’: 634796.0},
‘Vorlon Empire [VOR]’: {‘effRating’: 5705.8599999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 5319.0,
‘gameWin’: 2621.6700000000001,
‘karma’: 4196.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.67000000000000004,
‘totalAssists’: 43110.669999999998,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2329611280.6700001,
‘totalDeath’: 10409.33,
‘totalDmgDone’: 817622715.83000004,
‘totalHealingDone’: 95152627.599999994,
‘totalKill’: 14247.33,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12993.790000000001,
‘uid’: 1475210.6699999999},
‘WAAAGH [Mek]’: {‘effRating’: 7804.25,
‘gamePlayed’: 10715.0,
‘gameWin’: 6630.0,
‘karma’: 21883.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.77,
‘totalAssists’: 87238.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 4902618549.0,
‘totalDeath’: 14964.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1917128576.9400001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 305365791.23000002,
‘totalKill’: 48568.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 76463.660000000003,
‘uid’: 60389.0},
‘WARHOOM 5TH CARTEL [MAFlA]’: {‘effRating’: 7460.79,
‘gamePlayed’: 670.0,
‘gameWin’: 466.0,
‘karma’: -2026.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 2.2599999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 5329.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 290512780.0,
‘totalDeath’: 583.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 482669197.00999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 34843262.030000001,
‘totalKill’: 4668.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3029.8000000000002,
‘uid’: 1697001.0},
‘WARHOOM ONE HOLDING [W1]’: {‘effRating’: 6540.1199999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 4348.0,
‘gameWin’: 2249.0,
‘karma’: 21973.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.94999999999999996,
‘totalAssists’: 32722.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1820606516.0,
‘totalDeath’: 8428.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 647917465.25,
‘totalHealingDone’: 79245904.560000002,
‘totalKill’: 12214.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2921.8200000000002,
‘uid’: 1885600.0},
‘WARHOOM ONE INC [WI]’: {‘effRating’: 4603.5900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 1572.5699999999999,
‘gameWin’: 787.62,
‘karma’: 10813.860000000001,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.46999999999999997,
‘totalAssists’: 12520.379999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 691589492.04999995,
‘totalDeath’: 3359.0500000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 271398121.20999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 57855078.979999997,
‘totalKill’: 3467.8600000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2969.96,
‘uid’: 2070727.0},
‘WARLON NATION [RIGEL]’: {‘effRating’: 4690.8400000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 2319.3299999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1170.04,
‘karma’: 22174.439999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 16440.130000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 975595651.16999996,
‘totalDeath’: 4859.2399999999998,
‘totalDmgDone’: 350991894.27999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 60787483.630000003,
‘totalKill’: 5316.4399999999996,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6463.3299999999999,
‘uid’: 1734587.3100000001},
‘WHAAAAAG [WAG]’: {‘effRating’: 1719.6400000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 545.0,
‘gameWin’: 278.0,
‘karma’: 0.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
‘totalAssists’: 3036.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 230693472.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1112.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 30045442.07,
‘totalHealingDone’: 10262396.48,
‘totalKill’: 1092.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 751.12,
‘uid’: 712459.0},
‘WHITE SCORPIONS [WSP]’: {‘effRating’: 4759.2799999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 2030.4300000000001,
‘gameWin’: 1011.52,
‘karma’: 15441.889999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
‘totalAssists’: 14202.799999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 848119839.95000005,
‘totalDeath’: 4488.54,
‘totalDmgDone’: 301984624.56,
‘totalHealingDone’: 49266935.07,
‘totalKill’: 4846.1599999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 5887.3500000000004,
‘uid’: 1678402.77},
‘WOLF []’: {‘effRating’: 3688.0999999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 323.0,
‘gameWin’: 152.0,
‘karma’: 1592.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 2098.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 138991002.0,
‘totalDeath’: 821.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 15846250.24,
‘totalHealingDone’: 2915191.2000000002,
‘totalKill’: 423.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 620.23000000000002,
‘uid’: 956113.0},
‘WPMC []’: {‘effRating’: 2042.96,
‘gamePlayed’: 89.0,
‘gameWin’: 41.0,
‘karma’: 116.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.02,
‘totalAssists’: 524.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 31125986.5,
‘totalDeath’: 257.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 6810687.4800000004,
‘totalHealingDone’: 213567.32999999999,
‘totalKill’: 236.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 981345.5},
‘War Corporation []’: {‘effRating’: 2263.9499999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 301.0,
‘gameWin’: 124.0,
‘karma’: 48.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
‘totalAssists’: 1576.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 102057675.0,
‘totalDeath’: 867.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 14943712.380000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 26776.48,
‘totalKill’: 267.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2404142.0},
‘WarKings [750th]’: {‘effRating’: 2946.6199999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 26.0,
‘gameWin’: 12.0,
‘karma’: 4551.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 190.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 12672097.0,
‘totalDeath’: 59.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 3025512.77,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1635632.6899999999,
‘totalKill’: 45.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 17.920000000000002,
‘uid’: 280303.0},
‘Warp Gopnik [DESU]’: {‘effRating’: 6931.6800000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 9348.5499999999993,
‘gameWin’: 5836.2799999999997,
‘karma’: -34074.839999999997,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3799999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 72020.600000000006,
‘totalBattleTime’: 4091995955.5900002,
‘totalDeath’: 13491.17,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1821017355.1600001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 311904003.81,
‘totalKill’: 41005.529999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 76730.300000000003,
‘uid’: 628386.41000000003},
‘We Always Retaliate [W4R]’: {‘effRating’: 5330.8900000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 254.66999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 114.33,
‘karma’: 18978.330000000002,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.57999999999999996,
‘totalAssists’: 1671.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 104339919.33,
‘totalDeath’: 692.33000000000004,
‘totalDmgDone’: 27616272.120000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 3656986.7799999998,
‘totalKill’: 823.33000000000004,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 234.38999999999999,
‘uid’: 911700.32999999996},
‘WeskeriTribal [WTL]’: {‘effRating’: 3253.9000000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 970.0,
‘gameWin’: 426.0,
‘karma’: 32206.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 4944.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 420058253.0,
‘totalDeath’: 2817.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 121666890.98999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 22257547.609999999,
‘totalKill’: 777.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 510.13999999999999,
‘uid’: 1540933.0},
‘West Range [FAF]’: {‘effRating’: 4577.1800000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 823.5,
‘gameWin’: 387.60000000000002,
‘karma’: 11899.23,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.47999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 5245.8100000000004,
‘totalBattleTime’: 339059286.31,
‘totalDeath’: 1970.6199999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 130471947.31999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 15788640.1,
‘totalKill’: 1590.1500000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1079.01,
‘uid’: 1870025.3100000001},
‘Weyland Corporation [Weyne]’: {‘effRating’: 5543.0,
‘gamePlayed’: 971.0,
‘gameWin’: 456.0,
‘karma’: 174.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
‘totalAssists’: 4689.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 341473841.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1784.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 105691562.98,
‘totalHealingDone’: 8993092.7599999998,
‘totalKill’: 2543.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 69.439999999999998,
‘uid’: 2240450.0},
‘White Crows [WhCrS]’: {‘effRating’: 5108.5600000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 1702.6700000000001,
‘gameWin’: 827.95000000000005,
‘karma’: 42166.239999999998,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.53000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 12116.049999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 698864040.10000002,
‘totalDeath’: 3328.4299999999998,
‘totalDmgDone’: 288450431.18000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 53555374.600000001,
‘totalKill’: 3685.6700000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1983.99,
‘uid’: 1724886.1899999999},
‘White Rhinoceros [WR]’: {‘effRating’: 3239.27,
‘gamePlayed’: 967.0,
‘gameWin’: 493.17000000000002,
‘karma’: 4650.3299999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.31,
‘totalAssists’: 7933.6700000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 404289016.67000002,
‘totalDeath’: 1858.3299999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 157821818.94999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 21861195.350000001,
‘totalKill’: 3314.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 768.45000000000005,
‘uid’: 1896500.1699999999},
‘Wild Ace Revolution [xWARx]’: {‘effRating’: 5043.6899999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 841.17999999999995,
‘gameWin’: 397.36000000000001,
‘karma’: 23704.27,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.64000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 5416.5500000000002,
‘totalBattleTime’: 336396749.44999999,
‘totalDeath’: 1906.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 130556993.81,
‘totalHealingDone’: 17711079.210000001,
‘totalKill’: 1432.27,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2370.3099999999999,
‘uid’: 2080286.27},
‘Wild Ravens []’: {‘effRating’: 2660.4200000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 793.0,
‘gameWin’: 357.0,
‘karma’: 467.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.34000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 4268.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 312029828.67000002,
‘totalDeath’: 2272.3299999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 54073274.840000004,
‘totalHealingDone’: 5040381.0099999998,
‘totalKill’: 1677.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 114.90000000000001,
‘uid’: 1354002.6699999999},
‘Wildlings [FR33]’: {‘effRating’: 4159.3800000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 646.0,
‘gameWin’: 296.0,
‘karma’: 6569.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.88,
‘totalAssists’: 3612.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 241355485.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1431.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 92656577.599999994,
‘totalHealingDone’: 5926591.0300000003,
‘totalKill’: 1252.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 44.979999999999997,
‘uid’: 1921858.0},
‘Wings of Equestria [WoE]’: {‘effRating’: 2771.3499999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 103.0,
‘gameWin’: 44.329999999999998,
‘karma’: 9878.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.25,
‘totalAssists’: 404.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 37335117.0,
‘totalDeath’: 224.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 7529986.5700000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 873004.56000000006,
‘totalKill’: 203.33000000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1849837.3300000001},
‘WinterStrike [SNOW]’: {‘effRating’: 5346.4099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 1036.0,
‘gameWin’: 500.0,
‘karma’: 1365.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,
‘totalAssists’: 5799.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 461378920.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1921.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 89311775.75,
‘totalHealingDone’: 22515098.690000001,
‘totalKill’: 1221.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2909.3699999999999,
‘uid’: 257428.0},
‘Wo Zhi Dao []’: {‘effRating’: 1204.47,
‘gamePlayed’: 8.0,
‘gameWin’: 3.0,
‘karma’: 642.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
‘totalAssists’: 32.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2980166.0,
‘totalDeath’: 19.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 732126.16000000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 142484.06,
‘totalKill’: 9.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2828038.0},
‘WoD []’: {‘effRating’: 6159.0,
‘gamePlayed’: 4413.0,
‘gameWin’: 1726.0,
‘karma’: 2458.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.45000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 19960.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1832136506.0,
‘totalDeath’: 9577.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 326267809.26999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 49259863.100000001,
‘totalKill’: 9418.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 12595.92,
‘uid’: 43851.0},
‘Wolf Squad [Wolfe]’: {‘effRating’: 3544.3699999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 368.75999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 173.63999999999999,
‘karma’: 7626.8000000000002,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 2164.71,
‘totalBattleTime’: 148194880.27000001,
‘totalDeath’: 846.41999999999996,
‘totalDmgDone’: 58061014.049999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 9254832.9499999993,
‘totalKill’: 756.69000000000005,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 539.33000000000004,
‘uid’: 1970969.0},
‘Wolf howl [WH]’: {‘effRating’: 4462.1199999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 2847.75,
‘gameWin’: 1256.5,
‘karma’: 23873.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.58999999999999997,
‘totalAssists’: 20120.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1261366599.5,
‘totalDeath’: 6161.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 528299945.45999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 114374484.26000001,
‘totalKill’: 4041.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 36433.970000000001,
‘uid’: 2748553.25},
‘Wolfe Logistics []’: {‘effRating’: 894.74000000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 2.5,
‘gameWin’: 3.0,
‘karma’: 412.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.71999999999999997,
‘totalAssists’: 15.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1093208.5,
‘totalDeath’: 2.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 467147.70000000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 37701.610000000001,
‘totalKill’: 8.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1899761.0},
‘Wonderbolts [MLPxW]’: {‘effRating’: 4309.8699999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 1720.4000000000001,
‘gameWin’: 875.0,
‘karma’: 18290.599999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 11981.200000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 759074287.79999995,
‘totalDeath’: 3485.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 239552727.36000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 39278184.890000001,
‘totalKill’: 4900.1999999999998,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 7651.1300000000001,
‘uid’: 1103866.8},
‘World Positive [WP]’: {‘effRating’: 3944.52,
‘gamePlayed’: 589.85000000000002,
‘gameWin’: 288.19,
‘karma’: 19408.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 4014.48,
‘totalBattleTime’: 243340355.56,
‘totalDeath’: 1307.74,
‘totalDmgDone’: 94084931.849999994,
‘totalHealingDone’: 14963318.25,
‘totalKill’: 1240.4400000000001,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 785.83000000000004,
‘uid’: 2182306.52},
‘World United Gamers [WUG]’: {‘effRating’: 3616.1999999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 1183.5,
‘gameWin’: 519.5,
‘karma’: 13775.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.81999999999999995,
‘totalAssists’: 5440.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 431681988.0,
‘totalDeath’: 2783.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 91012237.900000006,
‘totalHealingDone’: 8282396.5700000003,
‘totalKill’: 965.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 274.94,
‘uid’: 2132967.5},
‘Wyverns [WYV]’: {‘effRating’: 6356.5299999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 690.0,
‘gameWin’: 297.0,
‘karma’: 51597.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.42999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 3369.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 270202857.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1555.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 139772092.00999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 8749770.3800000008,
‘totalKill’: 1164.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1089.4200000000001,
‘uid’: 1963398.0},
‘XIII Legion [13th]’: {‘effRating’: 3132.8800000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 153.0,
‘gameWin’: 73.0,
‘karma’: 1095.3299999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 866.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 53269410.670000002,
‘totalDeath’: 387.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 12212165.51,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1450379.05,
‘totalKill’: 289.67000000000002,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2080007.0},
‘XIII [XIII]’: {‘effRating’: 6286.3000000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 2729.3299999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1505.6700000000001,
‘karma’: 29668.330000000002,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.63,
‘totalAssists’: 19341.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1115635829.0,
‘totalDeath’: 5663.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 369630637.06999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 66616449.479999997,
‘totalKill’: 11259.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3337.2199999999998,
‘uid’: 1421014.0},
‘XXI Century [XXI]’: {‘effRating’: 3588.0,
‘gamePlayed’: 651.0,
‘gameWin’: 287.0,
‘karma’: 9032.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.41999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 5388.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 253454646.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1283.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 83655154.969999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 43785649.689999998,
‘totalKill’: 865.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3073.54,
‘uid’: 2451103.0},
‘Xeno Alliance [XEN]’: {‘effRating’: 4017.4699999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 697.42999999999995,
‘gameWin’: 321.70999999999998,
‘karma’: 4651.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.37,
‘totalAssists’: 5065.29,
‘totalBattleTime’: 282533028.43000001,
‘totalDeath’: 1399.71,
‘totalDmgDone’: 85456318.239999995,
‘totalHealingDone’: 13108686.42,
‘totalKill’: 1580.71,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 411.61000000000001,
‘uid’: 2236054.8599999999},
‘XenoCorp Inc [XC]’: {‘effRating’: 3273.1999999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 23.0,
‘gameWin’: 7.0,
‘karma’: 210.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
‘totalAssists’: 107.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 9653277.0,
‘totalDeath’: 50.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 3456603.04,
‘totalHealingDone’: 406758.21000000002,
‘totalKill’: 53.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 575209.0},
‘Xplosive Kill Squad [EKS]’: {‘effRating’: 3676.8299999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 210.5,
‘gameWin’: 58.5,
‘karma’: 6791.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 1009.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 88973415.5,
‘totalDeath’: 612.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 16125279.939999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1705359.9399999999,
‘totalKill’: 290.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2470809.5},
‘YAKI [YAKI]’: {‘effRating’: 5133.4899999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 2789.1100000000001,
‘gameWin’: 1398.6800000000001,
‘karma’: 17714.639999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.85999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 18126.889999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1213287743.25,
‘totalDeath’: 5791.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 411112393.94999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 68832479.760000005,
‘totalKill’: 5873.9300000000003,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 20629.759999999998,
‘uid’: 1296536.1799999999},
‘ZION [ZION]’: {‘effRating’: 6310.7399999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 4277.6999999999998,
‘gameWin’: 2082.1999999999998,
‘karma’: 130220.7,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.25,
‘totalAssists’: 29786.299999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1813298461.0999999,
‘totalDeath’: 9301.2999999999993,
‘totalDmgDone’: 705317416.65999997,
‘totalHealingDone’: 116364413.13,
‘totalKill’: 9730.2999999999993,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 16583.59,
‘uid’: 1373588.8999999999},
‘ZOO [Z00]’: {‘effRating’: 4160.6400000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 820.0,
‘gameWin’: 402.0,
‘karma’: 5976.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
‘totalAssists’: 4921.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 312335172.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1435.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 97190306.650000006,
‘totalHealingDone’: 15398286.73,
‘totalKill’: 1194.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 123.72,
‘uid’: 2077855.0},
‘ZombieSpacePigs [ZSP]’: {‘effRating’: 4795.5600000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 2761.0,
‘gameWin’: 1349.0,
‘karma’: 16392.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.03,
‘totalAssists’: 18563.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1122118984.0,
‘totalDeath’: 8199.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 239279588.22,
‘totalHealingDone’: 42143368.009999998,
‘totalKill’: 6349.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2695.3699999999999,
‘uid’: 1108956.0},
‘Zona K45 [ZONA]’: {‘effRating’: 4187.3800000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 2805.0,
‘gameWin’: 1306.0,
‘karma’: 4447.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.73999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 16344.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1151783132.0,
‘totalDeath’: 8208.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 220156503.08000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 24414487.170000002,
‘totalKill’: 2777.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 738.82000000000005,
‘uid’: 57926.0},
‘bIG bANG tHEORY []’: {‘effRating’: 3601.6700000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 1730.5,
‘gameWin’: 708.66999999999996,
‘karma’: 7949.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.28000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 6562.6700000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 718158794.66999996,
‘totalDeath’: 6112.3299999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 97336190.319999993,
‘totalHealingDone’: 9416951.9299999997,
‘totalKill’: 892.83000000000004,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 996.52999999999997,
‘uid’: 1734301.8300000001},
‘black angels [ARX]’: {‘effRating’: 5205.9099999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 1124.0,
‘gameWin’: 500.5,
‘karma’: 112356.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.78000000000000003,
‘totalAssists’: 8012.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 457781368.5,
‘totalDeath’: 2893.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 201292256.94999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 9077641.9600000009,
‘totalKill’: 2288.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1611.77,
‘uid’: 1623190.5},
‘cristalguardians []’: {‘effRating’: 4398.3999999999996,
‘gamePlayed’: 435.0,
‘gameWin’: 171.0,
‘karma’: 3701.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.32000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 2527.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 192628345.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1113.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 42431747.280000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 8926773.6600000001,
‘totalKill’: 504.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1095.72,
‘uid’: 1110509.0},
‘dfaf []’: {‘effRating’: 3230.6300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 62.0,
‘gameWin’: 20.0,
‘karma’: 775.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
‘totalAssists’: 325.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 24844334.0,
‘totalDeath’: 133.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 8353643.8499999996,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1054690.74,
‘totalKill’: 100.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1651672.0},
‘eXe []’: {‘effRating’: 8552.0100000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 9737.5,
‘gameWin’: 6860.5,
‘karma’: -72151.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 2.02,
‘totalAssists’: 72384.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 4247117741.0,
‘totalDeath’: 10470.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 2798133277.1700001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 154971694.11000001,
‘totalKill’: 63807.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 115411.16,
‘uid’: 537844.5},
‘edda []’: {‘effRating’: 5436.0900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 174.0,
‘gameWin’: 79.0,
‘karma’: 38420.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
‘totalAssists’: 983.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 80198684.0,
‘totalDeath’: 613.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 25348798.289999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1626919.8300000001,
‘totalKill’: 215.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 282.08999999999997,
‘uid’: 2766960.0},
‘evo unchained [EVOuc]’: {‘effRating’: 3385.27,
‘gamePlayed’: 2506.29,
‘gameWin’: 1410.4300000000001,
‘karma’: 9224.5699999999997,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.56000000000000005,
‘totalAssists’: 19430.290000000001,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1101912761.5699999,
‘totalDeath’: 4592.1400000000003,
‘totalDmgDone’: 345945073.64999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 64762488.899999999,
‘totalKill’: 9119.8600000000006,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 19185.279999999999,
‘uid’: 1525367.29},
‘free sector [free5]’: {‘effRating’: 3178.29,
‘gamePlayed’: 509.25,
‘gameWin’: 255.5,
‘karma’: 562.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.22,
‘totalAssists’: 3169.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 195976098.75,
‘totalDeath’: 1156.75,
‘totalDmgDone’: 41964403.100000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 3768633.9700000002,
‘totalKill’: 998.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 33.399999999999999,
‘uid’: 1754157.25},
‘gods of war []’: {‘effRating’: 4144.5299999999997,
‘gamePlayed’: 402.32999999999998,
‘gameWin’: 186.0,
‘karma’: 198.66999999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 2657.3299999999999,
‘totalBattleTime’: 163980960.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1150.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 40084734.880000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1881008.22,
‘totalKill’: 665.66999999999996,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 124.14,
‘uid’: 1671771.6699999999},
‘heliosesport []’: {‘effRating’: 1623.8599999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 42.0,
‘gameWin’: 18.0,
‘karma’: 659.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
‘totalAssists’: 265.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 17259775.0,
‘totalDeath’: 132.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 2568229.0600000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 431665.06,
‘totalKill’: 51.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1839419.0},
‘i0x [i0]’: {‘effRating’: 4531.8000000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 1264.1800000000001,
‘gameWin’: 644.73000000000002,
‘karma’: 6648.7299999999996,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.35999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 9310.2999999999993,
‘totalBattleTime’: 512560464.26999998,
‘totalDeath’: 2555.8499999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 194354411.81,
‘totalHealingDone’: 30673142.550000001,
‘totalKill’: 2928.0599999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2360.3400000000001,
‘uid’: 1953731.3},
‘jarovit []’: {‘effRating’: 4982.9899999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 924.5,
‘gameWin’: 455.5,
‘karma’: 5141.5,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 7555.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 405601428.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1832.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 189054208.41,
‘totalHealingDone’: 29840893.289999999,
‘totalKill’: 2576.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 321.45999999999998,
‘uid’: 1367450.5},
‘join in the army []’: {‘effRating’: 3414.5700000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 723.75,
‘gameWin’: 325.75,
‘karma’: 9995.25,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.23999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 3556.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 297646425.75,
‘totalDeath’: 1671.75,
‘totalDmgDone’: 64712717.079999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 9742476.4100000001,
‘totalKill’: 1200.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 630.47000000000003,
‘uid’: 1340781.75},
‘kosmanavt [kos]’: {‘effRating’: 5089.5799999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 1998.48,
‘gameWin’: 950.40999999999997,
‘karma’: 21119.98,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.59999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 13353.67,
‘totalBattleTime’: 843546072.07000005,
‘totalDeath’: 5020.8000000000002,
‘totalDmgDone’: 311503785.76999998,
‘totalHealingDone’: 44050869.280000001,
‘totalKill’: 4356.3699999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 11273.17,
‘uid’: 1730280.6100000001},
‘los de siempre []’: {‘effRating’: 5254.8900000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 1228.0,
‘gameWin’: 601.5,
‘karma’: 7600.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.44,
‘totalAssists’: 6653.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 467896261.5,
‘totalDeath’: 2664.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 161525242.75999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 15388728.82,
‘totalKill’: 2733.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1415.8699999999999,
‘uid’: 1895407.5},
‘mandal [mndal]’: {‘gamePlayed’: 18.0,
‘gameWin’: 6.0,
‘karma’: 0.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.0,
‘totalAssists’: 77.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 6341970.0,
‘totalDeath’: 47.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1093376.8100000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 153866.31,
‘totalKill’: 64.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1132657.0},
‘monsters industries []’: {‘effRating’: 6010.9300000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 1345.0,
‘gameWin’: 586.0,
‘karma’: 42969.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 8073.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 507319541.0,
‘totalDeath’: 3109.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 144228109.36000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 12111900.59,
‘totalKill’: 1956.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 335.95999999999998,
‘uid’: 1774756.0},
‘niji no ressha [Deft]’: {‘effRating’: 6780.5900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 6671.1599999999999,
‘gameWin’: 3926.9499999999998,
‘karma’: -8754.3799999999992,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.1599999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 52318.620000000003,
‘totalBattleTime’: 2904510146.54,
‘totalDeath’: 10602.73,
‘totalDmgDone’: 1269665319.8900001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 182467724.16999999,
‘totalKill’: 25510.68,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 48188.669999999998,
‘uid’: 914296.85999999999},
‘player [play]’: {‘effRating’: 4388.3100000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 733.80999999999995,
‘gameWin’: 334.44,
‘karma’: 24185.189999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.38,
‘totalAssists’: 4558.5600000000004,
‘totalBattleTime’: 310786578.69,
‘totalDeath’: 1518.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 100142856.72,
‘totalHealingDone’: 13895615.779999999,
‘totalKill’: 1099.0599999999999,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 840.10000000000002,
‘uid’: 1710819.6899999999},
‘red bull [reb]’: {‘effRating’: 3081.6300000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 109.0,
‘gameWin’: 56.0,
‘karma’: 1448.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.17999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 624.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 37719163.0,
‘totalDeath’: 271.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 8605538.4000000004,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1498698.8,
‘totalKill’: 236.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1878360.0},
‘rurganec [wolfs]’: {‘effRating’: 3730.02,
‘gamePlayed’: 507.62,
‘gameWin’: 232.75,
‘karma’: 6455.75,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
‘totalAssists’: 3176.25,
‘totalBattleTime’: 206339062.5,
‘totalDeath’: 1057.1199999999999,
‘totalDmgDone’: 51961044.950000003,
‘totalHealingDone’: 11154876.15,
‘totalKill’: 751.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 243.08000000000001,
‘uid’: 1944671.0},
‘savage crew [SAVED]’: {‘effRating’: 5017.6800000000003,
‘gamePlayed’: 2491.5999999999999,
‘gameWin’: 1178.0,
‘karma’: 26035.599999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.83999999999999997,
‘totalAssists’: 14501.4,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1073180779.6,
‘totalDeath’: 5534.8999999999996,
‘totalDmgDone’: 289550607.25999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 50733585.670000002,
‘totalKill’: 4912.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 9037.5699999999997,
‘uid’: 1047524.0},
‘space Spartans []’: {‘effRating’: 3604.79,
‘gamePlayed’: 200.0,
‘gameWin’: 101.0,
‘karma’: 636.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.059999999999999998,
‘totalAssists’: 749.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 74809809.0,
‘totalDeath’: 512.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 15148960.130000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1112783.8100000001,
‘totalKill’: 469.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 779136.0},
‘space monkeys []’: {‘effRating’: 3781.9000000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 2990.0,
‘gameWin’: 1713.5,
‘karma’: 51578.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.3500000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 20728.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 1275333865.0,
‘totalDeath’: 6814.5,
‘totalDmgDone’: 534472831.55000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 95251311.310000002,
‘totalKill’: 11887.5,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 6100.4899999999998,
‘uid’: 360800.0},
‘star Atlantis [SETI]’: {‘effRating’: 5703.7600000000002,
‘gamePlayed’: 1005.0,
‘gameWin’: 448.0,
‘karma’: 22770.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.14999999999999999,
‘totalAssists’: 5772.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 414550005.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1463.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 306614546.49000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 33134308.940000001,
‘totalKill’: 1831.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1922.3499999999999,
‘uid’: 2115480.0},
‘star fox reload []’: {‘effRating’: 4443.0900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 392.0,
‘gameWin’: 185.0,
‘karma’: 588.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.11,
‘totalAssists’: 2220.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 149517018.0,
‘totalDeath’: 782.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 28468838.379999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 1191341.8700000001,
‘totalKill’: 525.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 74.599999999999994,
‘uid’: 2121610.0},
‘testov []’: {‘effRating’: 6062.1000000000004,
‘gamePlayed’: 1208.0,
‘gameWin’: 667.0,
‘karma’: 946.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 2.29,
‘totalAssists’: 9748.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 505498276.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1420.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 274088731.80000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 70508515.790000007,
‘totalKill’: 3270.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 3085.9000000000001,
‘uid’: 1696870.0},
‘testov3 []’: {‘effRating’: 6693.9899999999998,
‘gamePlayed’: 668.0,
‘gameWin’: 355.0,
‘karma’: 1070.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.77,
‘totalAssists’: 5333.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 299958912.0,
‘totalDeath’: 1126.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 104783357.45999999,
‘totalHealingDone’: 28555306.239999998,
‘totalKill’: 1505.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 1743.02,
‘uid’: 2353403.0},
‘the engi []’: {‘effRating’: 3756.8899999999999,
‘gamePlayed’: 1208.0,
‘gameWin’: 643.0,
‘karma’: 323.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 1.04,
‘totalAssists’: 8712.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 501440001.0,
‘totalDeath’: 3188.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 154952388.22,
‘totalHealingDone’: 22973263.149999999,
‘totalKill’: 4345.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2954.27,
‘uid’: 910424.0},
‘thefruitsClan [TFC]’: {‘effRating’: 4113.46,
‘gamePlayed’: 118.0,
‘gameWin’: 55.0,
‘karma’: 568.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.080000000000000002,
‘totalAssists’: 735.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 45748072.0,
‘totalDeath’: 279.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 14456936.02,
‘totalHealingDone’: 514291.22999999998,
‘totalKill’: 215.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 2384981.0},
‘velloop inc [vllp]’: {‘effRating’: 3107.48,
‘gamePlayed’: 333.11000000000001,
‘gameWin’: 152.83000000000001,
‘karma’: 3376.3899999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.16,
‘totalAssists’: 1957.22,
‘totalBattleTime’: 122693157.0,
‘totalDeath’: 723.55999999999995,
‘totalDmgDone’: 36299196.140000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 6478600.6200000001,
‘totalKill’: 511.22000000000003,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 508.56999999999999,
‘uid’: 2381254.4399999999},
‘w/o corp [>.<]’: {‘effRating’: 3281.3400000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 803.5,
‘gameWin’: 406.69999999999999,
‘karma’: 6584.5799999999999,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.26000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 5364.5,
‘totalBattleTime’: 331652552.63,
‘totalDeath’: 1693.04,
‘totalDmgDone’: 112871380.01000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 16838757.030000001,
‘totalKill’: 1961.28,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 2116.73,
‘uid’: 1895009.0700000001},
‘weekend []’: {‘effRating’: 1770.1900000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 46.0,
‘gameWin’: 20.0,
‘karma’: 280.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.01,
‘totalAssists’: 207.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 16150080.0,
‘totalDeath’: 150.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 2806917.1400000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 31369.049999999999,
‘totalKill’: 120.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 1231753.0},
‘wolfshowl [whl]’: {‘effRating’: 1206.05,
‘gamePlayed’: 200.0,
‘gameWin’: 85.0,
‘karma’: 118.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.10000000000000001,
‘totalAssists’: 681.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 73177035.0,
‘totalDeath’: 587.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 6794711.2300000004,
‘totalHealingDone’: 259165.82000000001,
‘totalKill’: 262.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 0.0,
‘uid’: 418469.0},
‘zoolandia []’: {‘effRating’: 2833.6500000000001,
‘gamePlayed’: 477.0,
‘gameWin’: 227.0,
‘karma’: 2868.0,
‘prestigeBonus’: 0.55000000000000004,
‘totalAssists’: 2061.0,
‘totalBattleTime’: 197958546.0,
‘totalDeath’: 850.0,
‘totalDmgDone’: 27467361.710000001,
‘totalHealingDone’: 2735626.8300000001,
‘totalKill’: 1040.0,
‘totalVpDmgDone’: 272.52999999999997,
‘uid’: 269655.0}}


  Reveal hidden contents

from json import loadfrom numpy import averagefrom pprint import pprint dumpy = load(open(‘raw.txt’, ‘r’, encoding=‘ISO-8859-1’))stats = {}corps = {}averages = {}for player in dumpy: player = dumpy[player] corp = ‘{} [{}]’.format(player[‘name’], player[‘tag’])try:for key in player:try: corps[corp][key].append(player[key])except KeyError: corps[corp][key] = [player[key]]continueexcept KeyError: corps[corp] = {}for key in player:try: corps[corp][key].append(player[key])except KeyError: corps[corp][key] = [player[key]]continuecontinuefor corp in corps: averages[corp] = {}for stats in corps[corp]:try: averages[corp][stats] = round(average(corps[corp][stats]), 2)except:continue pprint(averages)

You could have added the numbeer of members of a corp and it’s kinda funny yhat you have also the average uid in it

1 minute ago, John161 said:

You could have added the numbeer of members of a corp and it’s kinda funny yhat you have also the average uid in it

Filtering uid need more lines… and u can see if it’s newbie corp or old timers

about number of players,

if you want you can always do it your self ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 


for corp in corps: averages[corp] = {}


for corp in corps: averages[corp] = {} averages[corp]['amount of players'] = len(corps[corp]['GamePlayed'])


2 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:

Filtering uid need more lines… and u can see if it’s newbie corp or old timers

about number of players,

if you want you can always do it your self ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 


for corp in corps: averages[corp] = {}


for corp in corps: averages[corp] = {} averages[corp][‘amount of players’] = len(corps[corp][‘GamePlayed’])


Better to much info then lacking some.

41 minutes ago, John161 said:

Better to much info then lacking some.

probably, yeah

[@Shotan](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/248677-shotan/) close this thread!



The Wild Cards [WILD] has 35 players
w/o corp [>.<] has 17980 players
Legionarios Corp [LGNRS] has 65 players
Global Tactics [GTE] have 1 player
Fire Blood [FIRE] has 146 players
Supreme League Kill [SLK] has 10 players
Ray of death [Ray] has 37 players
Izgoi [IZG] have 1 player
Galaxy fighters [GalF] has 63 players
SNRG corporation [SNRG] has 124 players
Odins Law [Odins] has 107 players
kosmanavt [kos] has 46 players
Southern Lights [SL] has 38 players
Skull and Bones [SAB] has 16 players
Stellar Marines [STEEL] has 142 players
SIRIUS [SRS] has 54 players
Proximus Corvus [PC] have 1 player
BTR [BTR2] has 9 players
Skye Ranger Omega [SRO] has 36 players
Black Star [Black] has 35 players
Cyborgs [Cybrg] has 74 players
The Blue Angels [] has 2 players
RED Star [RDS] has 39 players
Legends Never Die [Lgs] have 1 player
Gold Dragons [GolD] has 51 players
The Evil Dragon [xTEDx] has 89 players
ARES AREY [ARES] has 22 players
VIP [VIP] has 107 players
Black Shadow [Devil] have 1 player
REGION [REG] has 50 players
Team Triple Threat [TTT] has 44 players
The Galaxy Alliance [] has 8 players
Polish Hunters [POL] has 83 players
Russian imperium [xRIx] has 45 players
Red Dragon [xReDx] has 83 players
I F I [IFI] has 19 players
Last Man Standing [FAITH] has 142 players
Pilum murialis [] has 5 players
Omega Strike Force [OSF] has 18 players
MAXHO UA [ACbI] has 70 players
Other Side [uHbIE] has 125 players
New Atlantis [NeAt] has 37 players
Umbrella Corps [SOTA] has 123 players
Blades [BLAD] has 79 players
Tesla [Tesla] has 20 players
TerraLuX [LuX] has 91 players
Fowler Defence [FDEF] has 65 players
First alliance [1st] has 73 players
The Collectors [] has 5 players
333 [333] has 12 players
AntsInThePants [ANTS] has 2 players
NLO [NLO] has 35 players
Dojo [Ninja] has 78 players
Leading Fear [FEAR] has 11 players
Owl Initiative [OWL] has 56 players
InterGalacticUnion [IGU] has 27 players
Slovak Ravagers [UFO] has 64 players
Nika [NIKA] has 78 players
IaniteSpaceFed [] has 3 players
BORG [BORG] has 133 players
The NASA [NASA] has 247 players
RadiX [RadiX] has 18 players
OPDEH 4EPHbIu [nayk] has 14 players
Valkyria [VLK] has 4 players
TPOH [TPOH] has 16 players
Czech Rebels [DnB] has 7 players
RED Stars [xRDSx] has 108 players
Advent Empire [TheAE] has 40 players
B4sterds [B4] has 10 players
Wolf Squad [Wolfe] has 46 players
WHITE SCORPIONS [WSP] has 61 players
AwesomeSpaceFerrets [ASF] has 29 players
Blazing Phoenix [BL4ZE] has 56 players
INTERNOS [IN] has 3 players
DDT [DDT] have 1 player
The CONQUERORS [TCors] has 20 players
Heavens Wing [WINGS] has 13 players
IOx [iO] has 105 players
Hante [Hante] has 7 players
SpaceMafia [M5] has 101 players
Behemoth [Behem] has 97 players
Russian Federation [TheRF] has 19 players
ALPHA STAR [AS] has 128 players
ViP Alliance [VipAl] has 25 players
Shining Fire [SHINE] has 16 players
Chaotic Legion [CH4OS] has 67 players
SCORPIONS [SC0RP] has 136 players
WinterStrike [SNOW] have 1 player
Wolf howl [WH] has 4 players
Midgard [MID] has 10 players
WARLON NATION [RIGEL] has 54 players
The Aces [Ace] has 48 players
SKY ETHEREAL [ETHER] has 84 players
Sapphire Division [SaDi] has 97 players
Latin Hope [LH] has 32 players
Dead Space [DS] has 66 players
niji no ressha [Deft] has 37 players
ZION [ZION] has 10 players
Revens Kronos [RvNs] has 34 players
West Range [FAF] has 48 players
DNS [DNS] has 101 players
Ravens Shadow [RvSh] has 19 players
Avenging Angels [] have 1 player
Federal Star Forces [FSF] has 84 players
Dragon Masters [DMS] has 6 players
EXPLOSIONS [BOOM] has 20 players
DEEP SPACE X [DSX] has 88 players
Star Storm [ST0RM] has 187 players
ACC A WAR [ACC] has 70 players
SAMUR [SAMUR] has 15 players
Apple 1nc [Applo] has 70 players
White Crows [WhCrS] has 21 players
Soul Side [Side] has 43 players
Die Gummibaeren [DEU] has 11 players
Slavs [] has 2 players
CZech Ravagers [CzR] has 65 players
Conquerors [] have 1 player
Tricolor Hawks [IT4LY] has 100 players
AUT [AUT] has 19 players
GwiezdnaEskadra Zet [ZetPL] has 70 players
Nexus Staffel [NXS07] has 2 players
MARODER [MAR] has 49 players
mandal [mndal] have 1 player
Free Wolves [] has 7 players
AVCI [AVCI] has 2 players
Dom Surii [DaVos] has 23 players
TbMA [TbMA] has 32 players
Neon Lights [NL] has 7 players
The DeathStar [VADER] has 21 players
DRAKON [DRAKO] has 8 players
ALTAIR STAR [ALT] has 3 players
Revolt of the VIRUS [VIRUS] has 37 players
Ultra [Ultra] has 23 players
Space Patrol [SPL] has 15 players
gods of war [] has 3 players
LORDSofDESTRUCTION [LoD] has 3 players
Bulgarian Alliance [BG] has 23 players
Rules under Motion [RUM] has 4 players
Syndicate [SYN] has 24 players
Skill and Style [SKAS] has 31 players
Dawn of Legends [DAWN] has 5 players
Spark [SPARK] has 21 players
Romanian Legion [RO] has 23 players
Amur Tigers [Tiger] has 15 players
KSK GERMANY [KSK] have 1 player
i0x [i0] has 33 players
FrogSwarm [FROG] has 24 players
BKC BC [Pycb] has 32 players
Gr33dy B4st4rds [MINE] has 14 players
Galactic Spaning [GalSp] has 24 players
Aigles de Nemesis [AdN] has 19 players
Delta Star [DWARF] has 49 players
DEMONESS LILITH [LILIT] has 13 players
RUSH [RUSH] has 13 players
Destiny Multigaming [Dsty] have 1 player
Genesis [GEN] has 8 players
FEAR Incorporated [F3AR] has 4 players
Nova Corporation [Nova] has 73 players
GRAND [GRAND] has 53 players
187 HUNGARIAN Gods [187] has 9 players
Skye Interstellar [SKYIS] has 3 players
Precision [] has 2 players
The Viking Knights [Vking] has 10 players
ApertureScienceLAB [ASL] has 44 players
Team Bloop [BLP] has 7 players
Ksenotech Ink [KSENO] has 13 players
ParadoX [PDX] has 5 players
BEASTS OF JERICHO [BEAST] has 153 players
Clear sky [SKY] has 17 players
KristallTower [KT] has 4 players
Jericho Knights [NighT] has 15 players
Siberia [sibir] has 10 players
New Balance [NewB] has 43 players
2x2 [2x2] has 26 players
Knights Forsaken [KF] has 3 players
SPACE KILLERS [SKILL] has 6 players
Black Joker [JOKER] has 27 players
GreySky [GREY] has 5 players
Scattered Eagles [SE] has 54 players
Division Star Storm [STR] has 29 players
Flying Dragons [xFLYx] has 2 players
Armata Star [Armat] has 21 players
Kitti [Kat] has 2 players
DEVIL BG [BUL] has 7 players
GalacticArc [GArc] has 18 players
Gates of Darkness [xGoDx] has 30 players
Mixed Martial Arts [MMA] has 9 players
Failheap Challenge [FHC] has 2 players
Coza Nostra [CoNo] has 5 players
JungfahaCorp [JungC] has 47 players
Companions [] has 3 players
EUREKA [ERK] has 17 players
PIRATbI [PlRAT] has 27 players
Hunters night [71777] have 1 player
space monkeys [] has 2 players
Czech destroyers [CzSk] has 11 players
Dark Dead Space [DDS] has 50 players
Arc [Arc] has 5 players
Scorpion Knights [ScpKN] has 51 players
Dominators of War [GRAVE] has 14 players
Sons of Anarchy [SONS] has 25 players
N211 [N211] has 2 players
Vagabond of Limbo [limbo] has 17 players
Dragon of FIRE [xDoFx] has 8 players
Divergent [DvR] has 60 players
StarGate Revival [SGR] has 58 players
Misericord [Pekc] has 13 players
Dementia and Valour [] has 5 players
NIKA junior [NIKA2] has 10 players
KvAzAr [KVZR] has 13 players
free sector [free5] has 4 players
Ghosts Bears [BEARS] has 6 players
Havocs [Havoc] has 31 players
EsadHUN [EHUN] has 27 players
La Triade [LTR] has 2 players
Another Lost Fleet [ALF] has 29 players
Trump [] has 2 players
Adeptus Astartes [ADS] has 10 players
IMMORTALS [xMEN] has 18 players
Wildlings [FR33] have 1 player
Meditative Lich [ML] has 7 players
Hetlanci [Het] has 20 players
Gamma Ray Burst [GRB] has 2 players
HEROES [HER] has 20 players
BrotherhoodRulez [] have 1 player
Hungarian Alliance [HGA] has 37 players
Wild Ace Revolution [xWARx] has 11 players
OneShotEnDeuxCoups [] have 1 player
Iron Phoenix [IPHNX] have 1 player
PL Space Academy [PLAS] have 1 player
YAKI [YAKI] has 28 players
World Positive [WP] has 27 players
Dark Brotherhood [DJB] has 4 players
Evolution [EVO] has 44 players
Alien Sympathizers [PEACE] has 22 players
wolfshowl [whl] have 1 player
Xeno Alliance [XEN] has 7 players
SoulFire [SFire] have 1 player
GenLA [] has 2 players
Exile Phoenix [Exile] has 12 players
Therian fleet [] has 2 players
FRENCHPIRATE II [FP2] has 3 players
Ice Dragons [IceDS] has 28 players
HassassiN [] has 21 players
Nika Sword [NlKA] has 43 players
velloop inc [vllp] has 18 players
NEXT [NEXT] has 2 players
KOSMOFLYER [KPN] has 8 players
S E Asia Squad [SEA] has 13 players
The Scourge [TSrge] has 35 players
SpecTeR SeeKerS [HYDRA] has 7 players
URAL [URAL] has 28 players
savage crew [SAVED] has 10 players
Emperors Hammer [EH] has 18 players
DRAGO [DRAG] has 13 players
Art of WAR [AoWAR] has 23 players
Die eiserne Faust [KRAFT] has 13 players
United Nations [UN] has 4 players
OPTIMA [TIMA] has 14 players
Die Hanse [Hanse] has 4 players
The united front [TUF] has 8 players
US Space Marines [USSMC] has 7 players
ThunderBird [Bird] has 13 players
Belt of Osiris [Osirz] has 8 players
THE BLAST FORCE [BLAST] has 10 players
INTOXZONE [ITZ] has 14 players
Pirates [Pirat] has 7 players
FURIA [FURIA] has 32 players
Red Sun Empire [RSE] has 8 players
MERCY [MERCY] has 2 players
Galspan Corporation [GEF] has 7 players
Enclave Frontier [] have 1 player
Fevered Imagenings [] have 1 player
The Ilrowan Empire [IMPRL] has 2 players
Anonymous [ANON] has 20 players
Warp Gopnik [DESU] has 58 players
Brothers [Bros] has 18 players
Dragon and Heads [GiG] has 17 players
VIII SAS Buran [VIII] has 8 players
Apollon 18 [A18] has 20 players
Hg Mercury [Hg] has 4 players
No Limits Team PL [NoTM] has 4 players
Ukraine Kiev [KIEV] has 26 players
Velocity Gaming [VGS] have 1 player
TO4KA G [LoL] has 4 players
Pycckue [Pyc] has 15 players
Asgard Erie [ASE] has 17 players
The Sons Of Earth [TSOE] has 13 players
INFINITE SPACE [IS] has 13 players
Advent [Adv] has 17 players
StRaDo [FAQ] has 11 players
32nd Black Eagles [32nd] has 9 players
Gens D holding inc3 [GESU3] has 8 players
SPB [SPB] has 10 players
Kopcap [CRSR] has 2 players
BlobCo [] have 1 player
Hellcorporation [Hellc] has 54 players
DiRoNi [] has 3 players
Rider of Apocalypse [RoA] has 13 players
MERCENARIES [mis] has 7 players
AUSEZ Gaming [AUSEZ] have 1 player
LIBERTY [LIB] has 9 players
Raptors [] have 1 player
Phoenix Corps [] has 3 players
Independent Earth [MuP] has 2 players
ROADHOUSE [BRUH] has 31 players
Fleet of prosperaty [Wing1] has 3 players
The Gold of Dragons [G0ld] has 15 players
GREED [GREED] has 13 players
Night Ghost [NiGh] has 10 players
MEGA GURREN DAN [TTGL] has 7 players
Loki Corp [L0KI] has 19 players
SAMOURAI [SAM] have 1 player
Shenanigans [] has 4 players
BLACK SCORPIONS [SCORP] has 19 players
rurganec [wolfs] has 8 players
Cerberus [CSA] has 15 players
Crazy Dwarfs [Crazy] has 3 players
BELLATRIX [BAX] has 12 players
Les Ailes Celestes [AC] has 8 players
RussianBears [SOBR] has 34 players
Alien Liquidators [ALQ] has 16 players
Black Hole Empire [] have 1 player
RED SCORPIONS [Skorp] has 4 players
Sky Alliance [SKYAL] has 14 players
CORT [CORT] has 20 players
Vasiliev1980 [] have 1 player
SkyLyne Arc [SKLA] has 8 players
Blood Dragon Mercs [xBDMx] has 2 players
Dinastija [DIN] has 18 players
Evil Space Nyashka [NYASH] has 10 players
SIGMA [SIGMA] has 12 players
Fyrefly Corporation [FYRE] has 2 players
The Last Hope [] has 5 players
WPMC [] has 2 players
My Little Pony FIM [Pony] has 9 players
Star BerkuT [] has 2 players
Heros of the Void [V0ID] has 12 players
Osiris Inc [OSR] have 1 player
Insanity Pirates [IPW] has 3 players
Final Fantasy [FF777] has 11 players
The Mothership [] has 2 players
Hentai Love 666 [SeXy] have 1 player
Faton [] have 1 player
SPM CORPORATION [SPM] has 3 players
NoQuestions [NQ] has 11 players
Rise Of Abyss [xROAx] has 26 players
LEGION [ODIS] has 4 players
Monolith [MON] has 15 players
Voleurs de Kills [VdK] has 4 players
The Anime Front [TAF] has 8 players
INFINITE [IE] has 8 players
Hungarian OWLS [HOWL] have 1 player
Lone Wolf [] have 1 player
Helios Legion [HLLG] has 8 players
Couch Moose Inc [CMI] has 3 players
Admirals Club [AdCl] have 1 player
Wyverns [WYV] have 1 player
Evil Space Bears [ESB] has 6 players
CCCP [CCCP] has 28 players
TEHb [ShDW] have 1 player
H E L I C O N [HEL] has 4 players
BarbariansFR [BBR] has 3 players
Road To Olympus [] has 3 players
Vanadium Razorbacks [VR] has 7 players
bIG bANG tHEORY [] has 6 players
Global Trust [GTS] has 18 players
SOLO [UNO] have 1 player
Gwiezdna Eskadra [PL] has 39 players
Zona K45 [ZONA] have 1 player
Jolly Roger [ROGER] has 11 players
Phantom [] has 9 players
Crusaders Eternal [] have 1 player
Estoc [ESTOC] has 2 players
Space Stalkers [SpSt] has 20 players
ACAB [ACAB] has 4 players
Only the Best [OTB] has 17 players
Planetary Dynamics [PlDyn] has 8 players
eXe [] has 2 players
SIRIUS II [SR2] has 13 players
BlackHandZocker [BHZ] has 5 players
Fully Xposed Gaming [FXG] has 7 players
Chirno [] have 1 player
LUNA [NLR] has 9 players
Blackstars [BLST] has 4 players
Apple inc [Apple] has 14 players
Swedish Elite [SwE] has 3 players
The WolfPack [WPK] has 13 players
Bringers of Death [BoD] has 3 players
Orden Tamplier OT [OTr] has 3 players
SFERA [SFERA] has 8 players
The Blood Brothers [BLUD] has 2 players
Immortal Red Dragon [] has 2 players
Clan Assassins [CASS] has 2 players
PIRAT [] have 1 player
ASM Expansion Fleet [ASMEF] has 4 players
United Vets Militia [UVM] has 3 players
Wolfe Logistics [] has 2 players
TheFlock [] have 1 player
Die Krassen [krass] has 2 players
Dutch Space Cobra [DSC] has 11 players
Alpha Generation [MS13] has 2 players
Team Toxic [Toxyk] has 8 players
Bad Company [BCOM] have 1 player
Blood Raven [Raven] has 5 players
star Atlantis [SETI] have 1 player
French Kiss [] has 8 players
Homeless Jedi [Yoda] have 1 player
Doerfania [] have 1 player
Gens Dracos [GESU] has 25 players
MOB [] have 1 player
Rage and Terror [RAT] has 2 players
Incredible Aim [Inc] have 1 player
Midgard Earth [MiE] has 13 players
Kamikaze [Fubar] has 2 players
Space Rangers [SpRg] has 7 players
Sentinel [Sent] has 7 players
Volki Virgona [VV] has 2 players
Crazy Insane Asylum [] has 2 players
player [play] has 16 players
MOLOX [] have 1 player
Black Hawks [HawK] have 1 player
TRIADA [TR] has 8 players
HC GAMERS [HCG] has 3 players
Galactic Pirates [GaLaK] has 5 players
Umbrella [Umbra] has 6 players
Beta Syndicate [BSYN] has 3 players
Galactic Rebels [REBEL] has 12 players
DAREDEVILS [] has 5 players
New USSR [NUSSR] has 4 players
Wings of Equestria [WoE] has 3 players
PAHAROS [PHS] have 1 player
zoolandia [] have 1 player
Vikings Stars [] has 4 players
The Rout [Rout] have 1 player
Galactic Congress [gCONg] have 1 player
Praetorian Guard [11X] has 5 players
The Blood Armada [BL00D] has 3 players
The Fighting Ducks [] has 2 players
TheKillers [] has 5 players
Die Blaue Armada [BLU3] have 1 player
RAZORS [RZ] has 9 players
the engi [] have 1 player
DROIDS AND Co [Droid] has 14 players
Independance Corp [] have 1 player
Alpha Connection [ITACI] has 2 players
Los Porcos [LPC] have 1 player
DeMoniC HellFire [DHF] has 2 players
XenoCorp Inc [XC] have 1 player
Thizich [TZH] have 1 player
Champs of Caos [CPU] has 6 players
SLOVAKIA [SVK] have 1 player
Rovers [Rover] has 5 players
Kiryaku [Ky] has 2 players
EPECb CO [EPECb] has 5 players
Scales Of Justice [SOJ] has 4 players
Bucaneros [BUCAN] has 3 players
Inspired Aggression [AGGRO] has 2 players
Brotherhood of Symf [] has 3 players
High School Techno [DxD] have 1 player
MARODYOR [Mar2] has 19 players
WARHOOM ONE INC [WI] has 21 players
STINGER S [RUMB] has 14 players
jarovit [] has 2 players
4EchoSquad [4ES] have 1 player
OCTPOB [Isle] have 1 player
WARHOOM ONE HOLDING [W1] have 1 player
USSR [USSR] has 2 players
Black Legion Inc [BLInc] has 3 players
Planet Earth [Earth] has 15 players
Guradian HolyHammer [GHH] have 1 player
Space Explorers [SpEx] has 11 players
IXLEG [] have 1 player
Moskitos [MOS] have 1 player
StarF0X [F0X] have 1 player
SinnerS [SINN] has 6 players
SZERSZENIE PL [HORN] has 3 players
Black Saints [Saint] has 2 players
Mis Fits [MFs] has 7 players
Cookie Jar [CJar] has 4 players
Ebon Flame [Ebon] have 1 player
Jesters of war [] have 1 player
The Black Angels [TBA] has 2 players
ShotGun Senorita [SGS] have 1 player
SARS [SARS] has 2 players
The Red Shirts [] has 4 players
RISE [RISE] has 3 players
Shadows Of War [] has 2 players
Self Med [SM420] have 1 player
Krecha Wysypana [] has 3 players
SKY [] have 1 player
Night Hunters [7177] has 8 players
Swedish Maffia [] has 2 players
Svoboda Inc [SVBD] has 12 players
The Kamikaze inc [ANGER] has 7 players
Cosmica [CSMC] has 3 players
Gens D holding inc [GESU2] has 2 players
We Always Retaliate [W4R] has 3 players
WOLF [] have 1 player
Requiem of eternity [] has 8 players
XIII Legion [13th] has 3 players
Escadron Skull fr [] has 4 players
StarFighter [LAST] has 2 players
Plutarch [PLU] has 2 players
SuperLamy [] has 2 players
Dywizjon 303 [303] has 6 players
BrotherhoodOfSteel [BoS] have 1 player
Steel Guardians [] has 3 players
Gods Guns [GG] has 8 players
KoA [KoA] has 2 players
Universe [RU] has 2 players
Guns and donuts [] have 1 player
ONE SPACE ACADEMY [OSA] has 11 players
KJIUHUKA [] has 2 players
SALT [SALT] has 3 players
Nightmare Ascendant [NA] has 2 players
Korea player [KP] has 4 players
Star Conflict Fr [] have 1 player
HunSiege [Siege] has 7 players
Guard of the Galaxy [GotG] has 2 players
Haggis Corp [HAGGI] has 7 players
ALPHA [ALPHA] has 2 players
Cloaked Republic [NRNS] has 2 players
Force Crusaders [FC] has 6 players
RT DFW [] has 3 players
JEDI [JD] has 14 players
Italian Space Force [I5F] has 2 players
LUSITANIA [TUGAS] have 1 player
Shapeshifter [] has 2 players
join in the army [] has 4 players
KrankeGamer [Krank] have 1 player
115th Squadron [115th] has 2 players
GR aegean [GReek] has 4 players
FREE [iFree] has 3 players
Sinnlos im Weltraum [] have 1 player
Guild Star Wolves [GSW] has 6 players
League of Shadows [TeHb] has 2 players
Schlachtschiffe [] have 1 player
Man of Korea [MOK] has 2 players
Delta Squadron [DESQ] has 2 players
testov3 [] have 1 player
DRAGONASEN [DragN] has 3 players
DerelictDeathDealer [DG1] has 2 players
SALLE GOSSE [SG] has 3 players
Addicted2Kill [A2K] has 6 players
KSENOMORPHS [KSEN] has 3 players
Knights of BORG [KBORG] have 1 player
Nomad [] has 7 players
SOLACE [SLC] has 5 players
DFM [DFM] have 1 player
SPACE PIRATE [nupam] has 7 players
Loliforce [LOLI] has 2 players
Cookie Collective [] have 1 player
EuroUnion [] has 2 players
Swords of Glory [SWoG] has 3 players
Skill Not Found [4o4] has 2 players
Clan Reckoning [RECK] has 3 players
1up [1up] has 4 players
AGNI [AGNI] has 2 players
420 [420] have 1 player
White Rhinoceros [WR] has 6 players
Ayakashi [YOKAI] has 5 players
Shinigamis [RlP] has 2 players
Taiidan Raiders [TRaid] has 4 players
Corporacion Hispana [CH] has 14 players
KillZone [KillZ] has 4 players
Deus Motus [Motus] have 1 player
NovaCorps [NVAC] has 4 players
Garda [ace] have 1 player
Fragile Allegiance [FA] has 2 players
0 3 0 [030] has 2 players
Last Request [Heart] has 2 players
Gruthar [RRT] has 4 players
Rattenfaenger [RvH] have 1 player
RVKS [] have 1 player
Wild Ravens [] has 3 players
Thralian Scouts [] have 1 player
Sturzkampf Bomber [] have 1 player
DANDELIONS [DONS] has 3 players
RedAcidDemonAssualt [RADA] have 1 player
The Tempelnights [Templ] has 7 players
NME [NME] have 1 player
MYCOP [MYCOP] have 1 player
League Of Assassins [Ghoul] has 2 players
La Legion de LimDul [] have 1 player
Rising Empire [] have 1 player
FOX Live [] have 1 player
Arcane Bond [] have 1 player
Oracles Bartle [] have 1 player
WarKings [750th] have 1 player
HORNETS [HSSF] has 5 players
DAS RUDEL [] have 1 player
POLTERGEIST [Geist] have 1 player
black angels [ARX] has 2 players
GRA Republic Fleet [] has 6 players
Pepper [Demon] have 1 player
Steel Brotherhood [] has 3 players
Recios Apatridas [] have 1 player
Sacrum Arius [] have 1 player
Galactic Alliance [GA] have 1 player
VEGA [VEGA] has 5 players
VC91 [VC91] has 2 players
SC Fun Corporation [SCFC] have 1 player
HAC PATb [PATb] have 1 player
Heavens Horrors [] have 1 player
Shadow Strangers OD [] have 1 player
Mostly Harmless [] has 2 players
ComanDo EsTeLar [CE] has 2 players
Gamer Junkies [] have 1 player
Traskon [] have 1 player
Imperials [Imper] has 2 players
Federal Netherlands [] have 1 player
Finniric Inc [FINN] has 2 players
star fox reload [] have 1 player
Burning Phoenix Ind [BPHXI] has 3 players
Ronnin Star Empire [] have 1 player
Stab in the Dark [SiD] have 1 player
Natural Born Killer [NBK] have 1 player
CILGIN TURKLER [KURT] has 3 players
Houblon Company [HC] has 2 players
Element [oS] has 2 players
Die Ravagers [REACH] have 1 player
Galaxy Strike Force [oGSFo] have 1 player
Free Wings [FW] has 4 players
World United Gamers [WUG] has 2 players
StWanderersCorp [StWCo] has 4 players
STOB [STOB] have 1 player
KueBcKa9 Pycb [KRIP] has 3 players
Damnation [Damne] has 2 players
Deaths Respect [] have 1 player
Night Shadow [] have 1 player
red bull [reb] have 1 player
thefruitsClan [TFC] have 1 player
Bogatyri Of Galaxy [xBOGx] has 4 players
Comando Brazil [CBRA] has 4 players
Sombres Presages [] have 1 player
Deutscher Stahl [HATE] has 2 players
The Eternal Fire [] have 1 player
Carebears [CBA] have 1 player
Wonderbolts [MLPxW] has 5 players
Blazed [BZD] have 1 player
Die Freien [DF] has 2 players
Federation of Night [FoN] have 1 player
ShadowHuntersAMK [] has 2 players
SappfireDiamant [SFD] have 1 player
DSC [] have 1 player
evo unchained [EVOuc] has 7 players
A2D [] have 1 player
Circle Of Five [] has 2 players
Rage [R4ge] has 2 players
Matreshki Inc [] has 2 players
EvilEvolutionSquad [Evill] have 1 player
Unknown Department [XXX] have 1 player
VesmirnaFlotila CSK [CZaSK] has 3 players
Bleu Blanc Rouge [] have 1 player
SMILE [Smile] have 1 player
GOW [] have 1 player
MasSacRe [MsR] have 1 player
BATTLESTAR [STAR] have 1 player
SchattenderSchakale [] have 1 player
N0RTH WIND [] has 5 players
Estonian Community [ESTF] has 2 players
Avalon [] have 1 player
Tron [] have 1 player
Tryton Dynamics [TDN] have 1 player
HeadHunters [HH] have 1 player
German Veterans [VET] have 1 player
TYCOBKA tm [party] have 1 player
ASTRON [ASTR] have 1 player
Star Wolves [SWolf] have 1 player
SOUTH FRONT [] has 3 players
BotN [] has 2 players
Space Pirates [SP] has 2 players
TFS [TFS] has 2 players
GalacticPeaceKeeper [GPK] have 1 player
testov [] have 1 player
Wo Zhi Dao [] have 1 player
Freedom and Unity [FaU] has 4 players
Aseveljet [Aseet] have 1 player
RAKI [PAK] has 4 players
Firepower Unlimited [xxxx] have 1 player
German Space Ops [] has 4 players
WARHOOM 5TH CARTEL [MAFlA] have 1 player
Star Gem [TG] have 1 player
GALAXY EMPIRE [GALEM] have 1 player
Crispy Frozen Lotus [] have 1 player
Star Citizen 2942 [2942] have 1 player
STAR SNAKES [STSN] has 5 players
Die Loser [] has 2 players
Rangers [] have 1 player
The space Knights [TSK] has 2 players
Thunder Hawks [] has 2 players
TakaTari [] have 1 player
TURKEY TR [1453] have 1 player
Nemesis [NMS] have 1 player
Fugworld [FuG] have 1 player
Space Freelancer [Lance] has 2 players
Ghost of Communism [GoC] has 6 players
Shriketeam [] have 1 player
Total Eclipse [TZT] have 1 player
PyroCode [] have 1 player
Absolute Hell [HELL] have 1 player
SDF Macross [SDF] have 1 player
DENFER [Bo0M] has 9 players
Vorlon Empire [VOR] has 3 players
ANTARES [ATS] have 1 player
Silitek [] have 1 player
CERBERE [CBR] has 3 players
Red Tails [RT] has 3 players
Fugitive Wolf Pack [] have 1 player
SahneSchnittenSnack [] have 1 player
Mandalorians [Fett] has 2 players
Nezavisimye [] have 1 player
AtlantiS [AtiS] has 2 players
KillBro InkSis [KBIS] have 1 player
UKR [UKR] has 4 players
Toxiiccaos [] have 1 player
Girthoks Space Lads [] has 4 players
KpakeH [Kpppp] has 2 players
Cold Storage [] have 1 player
COSMIC STORM [] have 1 player
BattleStars [BAST] has 4 players
War Corporation [] have 1 player
League of Guardians [] have 1 player
UDR [UDR] have 1 player
AsteroidDust [] has 2 players
Die Vagabunden [dVb] has 2 players
Le PacTe [PacTe] have 1 player
41 First EliteCorps [MSk] has 3 players
RustyDragons [RD1] has 5 players
Rift [RIFT] have 1 player
Weyland Corporation [Weyne] have 1 player
Little Toy Soldiers [x1L] has 2 players
Valkyrie [misty] have 1 player
Metal Marauders [UMM] have 1 player
Critical [] have 1 player
Bravo Corp [BRAVO] have 1 player
TAO [] have 1 player
Space Titans [SpTi] has 3 players
L N I B [LNIB] have 1 player
Red Star Rising [RSR] have 1 player
Dragons [] have 1 player
los de siempre [] has 2 players
Enigma [ENGMA] has 2 players
XIII [XIII] has 3 players
cristalguardians [] have 1 player
TerranConfederation [TTC] have 1 player
Fallout [] have 1 player
Nightcore [River] have 1 player
FSB [] have 1 player
Best of the best [PRO] has 3 players
Kopfgeldjeager [KGJ] have 1 player
TestCorpPlzIgnore [TCPI] have 1 player
ZOO [Z00] have 1 player
heliosesport [] have 1 player
UnitedTerranDefense [UTDC] has 2 players
Exsilium Continuum [] have 1 player
Anime No Sekai [Anime] has 2 players
Protect Ultim Dark [PUD] have 1 player
Ukraine cri [] have 1 player
SUH PAY have 1 player

APPLE [] have 1 player

Romania [] have 1 player

Team Ramrod [] have 1 player

Single [] have 1 player

Legion of blood [] have 1 player

Romanian Air Force [] have 1 player

Droid [R2D2] have 1 player

RightFighterGermany [RFG] has 2 players

Overlord Sanctum [LAIR] have 1 player

Guardians of Order [MARS] have 1 player

THE ELITES [] have 1 player

Helion [] have 1 player

Overlord Coalition [Lords] has 2 players

Bregan Daerthe [BD] have 1 player

Ghost Recon [] have 1 player

Royal Air Force [] have 1 player

Elite Wolfes [Gamma] have 1 player

Space Fighter [SPFT] has 4 players

Blackspirits [i9C4i] have 1 player

Mulisha Munitions [CSEQ] has 2 players

monsters industries [] have 1 player

Morgenstern [] have 1 player

412th Flotte [412th] have 1 player

INTENSIFIES [ALIVE] have 1 player

RED WINGS [RW] has 2 players

Best Military Wing [BMW] has 2 players

WeskeriTribal [WTL] have 1 player

Rofin Kofin [RK] have 1 player

Cannon Fodder [MEAT] has 5 players

AMQRUSH SQUAD [Ru5H] have 1 player

Cold Steel [CS] has 2 players

Ases Indomaveis [ASES] have 1 player

Expectation [ReaI] have 1 player

weekend [] have 1 player

The Royal Remnants [] have 1 player

Clan Jade Falcon [CJF] have 1 player

One Person Army [OPA] have 1 player

SA smiters [SMC] have 1 player

Carbon Core [CORE] have 1 player

SCL [] have 1 player

8th Corsair Guard [8th] has 2 players

Specnas Russia [] have 1 player

WHAAAAAG [WAG] have 1 player

VIkingr [] have 1 player

FriedensGildeOester [FGAUT] have 1 player

Black Cat [Cat] have 1 player

Ex Machina [EM] have 1 player

Bombers [] have 1 player

edda [] have 1 player

WoD [] have 1 player

Xplosive Kill Squad [EKS] has 2 players

Dark Wolf Corp [DWC] has 3 players

Lanthearis [LANTH] have 1 player

RussiaCosmosWar [RCW] have 1 player

ZombieSpacePigs [ZSP] have 1 player

UNGDF [] have 1 player

Frilancer [] has 3 players

Die Strategen [] has 2 players

Baum Corporation [] have 1 player

CyberDong [D1k] have 1 player

German Wings [GEWI] have 1 player

Voie Du Mercenaire [VDM] have 1 player

Invisibilis Nebula [INNEB] have 1 player

XXI Century [XXI] have 1 player

Limitless [LMLS] have 1 player

space Spartans [] have 1 player

AEVUM [AEVUM] have 1 player

Tauri Cyberdyne [Tauri] have 1 player

Nemezida [] have 1 player

AWTCE [AWTCE] have 1 player

SUOMI PERKELE [] have 1 player

The DNO Inc [DNO] have 1 player

Argentum Encarmine [] have 1 player

WAAAGH [Mek] have 1 player

Kernel panic [] have 1 player

The Vanguard [GU4RD] have 1 player

Starfleet Dental [DENTL] have 1 player

Islo [] have 1 player

Lordowie Kosmosu [Lordy] have 1 player

Fun AND Fight [FF] have 1 player

Sig [] have 1 player

dfaf [] have 1 player

Polite People [PP] have 1 player

Brazucas [BRAS] have 1 player

ShadowBroker [] have 1 player

Barbatos Corps [BARC] have 1 player

Red Fives [] have 1 player

JAPAN AIRLINES [JAL] have 1 player

Gryphon Squadron [] have 1 player


625 corporations with less than or equal to 10 active players 229 corporations with over 10 active players 59 corporations with over 50 active players 18 corporations with over 100 active players


Got 853 corporations


![mkCxzgr.jpg.51c85c034a9d659660631e164b94](< base_url >/uploads/monthly_2016_07/mkCxzgr.jpg.51c85c034a9d659660631e164b94b63c.thumb.jpg.d66fa4248c1ccdb6126fdd49b3f16672.jpg)

I did a thingy too

All data is taken from there



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{ "timeStamp": "2017-06-01", "headCount": 52, "members": [{ "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Archimond", "uid": "1101428", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "AvengerRabbit", "uid": "1733461", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "BlackLoTus", "uid": "31809", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Broadway", "uid": "599768", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Carantin", "uid": "232541", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Cr0", "uid": "156188", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "CUBINABANANA", "uid": "1305678", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "CYBREATH4", "uid": "1733840", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "d1vert", "uid": "1537835", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Dabakiel", "uid": "1804129", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "DariY", "uid": "1473083", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Derqar", "uid": "1118260", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Disinfector", "uid": "823411", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "DonPewsky", "uid": "704888", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Dreamcast", "uid": "350235", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Exstinctor", "uid": "1263047", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Eyjafjallajokul", "uid": "1177623", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Gladiator", "uid": "94977", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "GREG", "uid": "1485745", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "HaiS", "uid": "846925", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "ibanan", "uid": "286796", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "InquisitorOFF", "uid": "298885", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "kai9", "uid": "1670617", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "KAMATO3A", "uid": "1496499", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "KoffeWite", "uid": "1830867", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Laean", "uid": "1275464", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Leto", "uid": "703196", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Lion777", "uid": "1117878", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Malfeasance", "uid": "1494749", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Monsters", "uid": "645197", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Nash", "uid": "289470", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Nefalem", "uid": "1075818", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Nemo0", "uid": "33183", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "nubius", "uid": "1774421", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "ObereG", "uid": "1171348", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Omegis", "uid": "2209161", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "OzKent", "uid": "415626", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "ProstoVlad", "uid": "388251", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Re1ncarnat1on", "uid": "599138", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "ScreameR", "uid": "1631420", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Se0Gabriell", "uid": "2419606", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "SHAGAN", "uid": "82707", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "SHPION", "uid": "757594", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Stinglerid", "uid": "869174", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Thrent", "uid": "2415", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "TURBO1", "uid": "1382868", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Uni", "uid": "2035486", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "VanPaul", "uid": "1297891", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Xuguk", "uid": "842706", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Zaknafein", "uid": "88533", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Zazie", "uid": "1327645", "userLink": "" }, { "clanTag": "Ninja", "nickname": "Zologis", "uid": "1152206", "userLink": "" }], "corpTag": "Ninja" }






Json schema for the object:


    “$schema”: “”,
    “title”: “corporate members JSON schema”,
    “description”: “JSON schema defines the sctructure for corporate members data”,
    “type”: “object”,
            “description”: “when data has been acquired, in YYYY-MM-DD format”,
            “type”: “string”
            “description”: “corporation tag used in a request and whom all the memebrs belonge to”,
            “type”: “string”
            “description”: “Members head count on a day of request”,
            “type”: “number”,
            “multipleOf”: 1,
            “minimum”: 0
            “description”: “information for each corporation member”,
            “type”: “array”,
            “uniqueItems”: true,
                “type”: “object”,
                “additionalProperties”: false,
                        “description”: “user ID in SC database”,
                        “type”: “string”
                        “description”: “members current name, this can be cahnged by user, but players id can never change”,
                        “type”: “string”
                        “description”: “members current name, this can be cahnged by user, but players id can never change”,
                        “type”: “string”
                        “description”: “each member’s personal link his history”,
                        “type”: “string”
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