SC Leagues - How to win a match in less than 40 seconds!

1 minute ago, Spongejohn said:

Nope there aren’t.

That’s the only reason this cash grabbing stuff still exist.



Exactly, I’ve searched all over. I hope Roger’s stuff works! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Although I think he’s changing focus after playing so much stellaris ^^

We all do man! But unteel he don’t quit his actual job and start to appreciate me bashing him for not working hard enough (aka 24h on 24, no other meals apart bread and water, no stellaris breaks) I’m a bit concerned! We should start to use the whip with him :confused:




This is a bad joke there is no way to counter this. Also I cound’t take down 2 guard drones with an Octopus while Taikin captured a beacon.
Guard drones should be more effective against Taikins.

Actually any T5 recon can do this as long as you aim well and don’t crash. I have an old screenshot from 2 years ago that we managed to 3 cap around 40 seconds. Gonna find it after I finish work in 2 hours.

How to win in SCL most of the times: take a group of 5 random people. Equip them with the green stuff. No TS needed. Result?


8 minutes ago, niripas said:

How to win in SCL most of the times: take a group of 5 random people. Equip them with the green stuff. No TS needed. Result?




3x mk4 R15 talkins with above average players + 2x mk4 thargas



Yeah the league games, even the random group I had did beacon rushing in random ships, we actually won a few times because we were playing other randoms.


When we came across a full NASA squad we lost, and if this isn’t an indication idk what is, there were ZERO non-special ships in their squad. Only craftable, premium and alien. Though they didn’t use Tai’kin spam, so that’s a plus. Sure they could have won with normal ships, but obviously there is a preference for premiums and craftable these days, and wonder why people complain when they find out how long it takes to get a load of these craftable things when you don’t already have tons of ships, bonuses, resources and weren’t there during the event where resources are 10x easier (or were, but couldn’t participate because of requirements)


As for doing it 2 years ago, yes, there were not so many special ships flying around back then, but you could probably counter it a little better. With Tai’kin, they blow up destroyers and frigate using green balls, and are too fast to be hit by other things. They also could have better mobility since they don’t have to wait for a microwarp ( lots of small teleports vs one big warp)