Rank 9 fighting rank 13

A frigate with no strafing implant or Inertia Stabilizer can’t get away from BH epicenter without forwarding thrust, but if you have an implant, any frigate can get pretty far by strafing in 2 directions + reverse thrust. even if frig pilot went to sleep and BH was dropped dead in the center.

Not a bug

Maybe not a bug… but still a thing that should not happen… can’t you guys just accept that you made a mistake?

Seems like you can’t. Pilot base is constantly complaining about such match-maker issues. And the changes you make in order to maintain this systhem never work. Just give us back our tiers… please!

10 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

Not a bug

Please read again because it is most certainly a bug.

Patch notes [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/33047-new-changes-in-the-matchmaking-system/) say: 


  • Easy: battles between ships from rank 1 to 5

  • Medium first level: battles between ships from rank 5 to 7

  • Medium first level: battles between ships from rank 7 to 10

  • Hard: battles between ships from rank 10 to 15


There is nowhere in those ranges that a rank 9 should meet a rank 13!

Please ask me questions if you do not understand what I’m trying to say or if require more details or more proof.

Hello there ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) It’s not a bug, rank 9 ships can be matched in high ranks battles. With current bonus system and matchmaker system working, rank 9 ships became competetive in these fights, that’s why made this adjustments. This’s a part of our experimenting with MM system, and it means that we will make some changes there from time to time, and we’re watching closely how it is going. To not encounter any high rank battles, it’s only need to pick up rank 8 ships for example and launch yourself into battle.

37 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

Hello there ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) It’s not a bug, rank 9 ships can be matched in high ranks battles. With current bonus system and matchmaker system working, rank 9 ships became competetive in these fights, that’s why made this adjustments. This’s a part of our experimenting with MM system, and it means that we will make some changes there from time to time, and we’re watching closely how it is going. To not encounter any high rank battles, it’s only need to pick up rank 8 ships for example and launch yourself into battle.



Is the goal to have r1 and r15 together or what? 

do those r9 ships get into a special queue then? because sometimes it seems r15 come still into other games

i do not care about r9 and r10 being “dual”*, it should just be officially told (as until now it was only r10 doing this), but minimum r11 and r12 should ensure a high rank game, with r15s present.

or please simply just remove rank restrictions between r10 and r15, so r12 / whatever can still squad with someone using r15 and you can mix those ships together.

atm it feels those restrictions work contrary the other goal, to make high difficulty span across multiple ranks. which imho works great.

changing bonuses on the ships are also hard to prepare for, if there is suddenly a medium+t4 inbetween.

with the official statement, i would say, this bug report was indeed a bug, but a bug of communication ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

edit: i actually do care, but it does not affect me, please keep r9 in medium and only make it optional to bring it into hard. this is atm. really creating an atmosphere of “leaving the game” population. this back and forth is … .

13 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

Are you telling me Ira Deus can compete with Mauler? Or Wolf-M with Thar’ga?

One Queue to rule them all, One Queue to find them,
One Queue to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

On 17/03/2017 at 10:32 PM, xKostyan said:

so instead of just strafing to the side of an asteroid, he instead chose to strafe to the forum.


8 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Hello there ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) It’s not a bug, rank 9 ships can be matched in high ranks battles. With current bonus system and matchmaker system working, rank 9 ships became competetive in these fights, that’s why made this adjustments. This’s a part of our experimenting with MM system, and it means that we will make some changes there from time to time, and we’re watching closely how it is going. To not encounter any high rank battles, it’s only need to pick up rank 8 ships for example and launch yourself into battle.

You need to modify your patch notes when there is a change, or we are unable to give correct feedback. Hence why I assumed it was a bug.

So if this is intended, then I can tell you it is not a good idea. Rank 9 ships do not have the speed, choice of modules or implants to be competitive against ships such as the mauler, apollo, grey falcon, wakizashi etc, even with the buffs (which after all only affect damage and tank, and not the other very important parameters I have mentioned!). Please reconsider this ninja change you have implemented.

They just fish R9 players and put in “HARD” mode (maybe there are not enough players in Hard ? Desertion ?)… But, maybe, R9 players (like me with my all poor standard ships) just don’t want to play in hard against all OP ships (dart, gargoyle, R13 thar’ga, R11 dessy etc…) ? No ? I’m not a “pro” player and medium was fun before this change (ofc without thar’ga)… just my opinion.

On 23.3.2017 at 8:00 AM, wolfkyler said:

They just fish R9 players and put in “HARD” mode (maybe there are not enough players in Hard ? Desertion ?)… But, maybe, R9 players (like me with my all poor standard ships) just don’t want to play in hard against all OP ships (dart, gargoyle, R13 thar’ga, R11 dessy etc…) ? No ? I’m not a “pro” player and medium was fun before this change (ofc without thar’ga)… just my opinion.

this is a very balanced feedback, which i actually totally support, so i edited myself up. keep those crazy ships in the endgame.

medium has enough ships to form its own meta. and the r10 duality was enough, as r10 is still manageable for “high medium” mostly. the announced plans were awesome, the reality is not. R11+ belongs to hard. R9-R10 should only be optional in hard. you can easily pre-synergize from medium into hard if you dont want to play actively there with that system. it also allows to play r9’s without going back to medium for those who want the challenge.