Plasma gun and Plasma arc

The lasers seen in Star Conflict probably aren’t lasers, as indicated by the fact that they emit light in all directions along the entire length of the beam. My guess is they use some kind of ultra-hot fuel / ammo that can be fired as a continuous, mostly coherent beam.

The beam you see is not laser, is a “tracer” made of highly focused but not coherent light. The laser beam is inside.

I’ve got it! The lasers don’t pass through the shields because the shields focus on the point of impact and turn opaque as seen when any projectile hits.

The beam you see is not laser, is a “tracer” made of highly focused but not coherent light. The laser beam is inside.



If you compare Pulse Laser and Ion Emitter/Beam Cannon, Ion and Beam are much thicker than pulse.

The moment I learned that the Plasma Arc was thermal, my mind was shattered…definitely needs to be changed.  Perhaps “Hyperthermal Saber” or something like that.

Yea, i want a kinetic plasma arc!

Yea, i want a kinetic plasma arc!

EM- Plasma Arc

Therm- Thermal Vent

Kin- Particle Bombardment Module

And technically Plasma IS thermal. >.>

EM- Plasma Arc

Therm- Thermal Vent

Kin- Particle Bombardment Module

And technically Plasma IS thermal. >.>

Well, plasma could quite possibly be either em or thermal, given that it’s both ionized, and typically rather hot.

Lasers could also be either em or thermal, given that they’re em waves, and that low frequencies tend to heat things up rather efficiently.

Kinetic’s the only odd one out that actually fits into its role.

Don’t worry, plasma is thermal damage.  Plasma is super heated gases to the point they’re no longer gases.  EM is an electromagnet.  You’d need a very flawed ship design to die from EM weaponry.


In the future, they forget about EM shielding.