New camera settings

Yet again no direct reply to anything from devs whatsoever, all we get is the squad thing is fixed. These devs just do as they please, you have lost a player yet again.


Good. one less Ace to kill.  :crazy:

I must say i agree with the points made by the devs. Camera works fine for me, but i also think it`s limiting for content going forward. I would like a camera functionality that combines the action camera with a startegic camera.


I would like the current zoom, but also add something at both ends of the spectrum. When you zoom in, you can zoom all the way into the cockpit and when you zoom out you zoom to the current end of the spectrum and when you zoom out further you enter strategic camera mode- a top down camera angle that you can`t use to pilot your ship, but allows the introduction of other functionality:


  1. Increased ability command the squad/fleet - maybe introcude a squad command menu as well (including objective markers etc). Maybe give ability to organize fleets in multiple squads of 4 in order to more

    easilly define multiple objectives for the fleet. This command feature would allow greater use for “roles” and teamwork.


  1. Toggle tactical overlay to see range circles of all logistical ships - in order to move yourself into optimal position, others into optimal position or decide whether that hostile logistic should be a primary target.


  1. Deployment of strategic weapons and effects. (none currently in-game)


This kind of zoom would both be in keeping with developer focus for gameplay, but would also allow for greater flexilbility and easier introduction of new mechanics and possibly new and larger ships with new roles.

WTB cockpit view!!!  =D

Why has the view changed?

Ships of different classes differ significantly from each other in size and feel of controls, but the camera as it was almost nullified the differences.

What are the aims pursued by the developers making these changes?

New settings more clearly convey a sense of speed for ships of small tonnage and a feeling of smoothness and calmness - for the big ones.

In conclusion: The new camera settings are implemented on Thursday, and we will continue to monitor your feedback!


Ever since I started playing again, I had to keep telling myself, “Huh, guess you just imagined/mis-remembered that you used to be able to control how far zoomed in or out you were. Oh well!” Looks like I was wrong - or rather, right. You used to be able to zoom in or out to whatever level was most comfortable for you. Now, there’s a forced “One size fits all” that doesn’t “fit all” at all. Why was the ability for players to choose how far in or out they wanted to zoom, based on their own personal preferences, taken away?


Now, call me an unfeeling automaton, but in response to those above quotes: no, they don’t. I get neither a feeling of speed nor calmness when flying ints and frigs respectively. Back then, if I wanted to feel a sense of speed, all I had to do was zoom in. If I wanted to feel a sense of calmness, all I had to do was zoom out. Not that anyone bothers thinking in terms like that when they play. All they care about is what’s most comfortable. They’re not busy doing mental calculations to figure out how the feng shui of their ship impacts their mood. They’re either thinking nothing at all about their camera, or if the camera is at an uncomfortable level, “Whoa, this camera is zoomed [in/out] way too much. Guess I’ll zoom it [out/in]. Oh, there we go; much better.”


Problem solved.


But not anymore. I can’t even use the only T2 tackler I have, the Fox, due to how zoomed in the camera is on it. The ship itself takes up waaayyy too much of my screen, and due to this update, I’m powerless to change that. Why do you enjoy making your players feel powerless, and why do you think that’s a positive change? Why do you say you’ll accept constructive criticism, then say, “It’s an intended feature, so there’s no way it could be a problem,” or “It’s only a vocal minority that thinks this is bad! [Poll: 50-100% think the change is awful, 0-49% think it’s good.]” or outright ignore criticism altogether?


Why do developers often think that restricting a player’s freedom will make them feel better? Why do developers think they know what’s more fun for all individual people, when it’s actually the individuals who knows themselves and their individual preferences best? Why should control over the camera be so restricted?


The problem is obvious. In the old system: a degree of being 0 to 100% zoomed in or out, so to speak. In the new system: a degree of being 40 to 60% zoomed in or out. You say that limiting our ability to control the camera helps us feel like we’re going faster or slower, based on how you want it to appear. But 1: shouldn’t it be up to individuals to decide what they like best? And 2: how is forcibly making everything more mediocre, whether we like it or not, supposed to make things feel more exciting or more calm?


Seriously: this has benefited no one. People who were already using these exact camera setups at these exact levels of being zoomed in: “Who cares? Nothing changed on my end. This update was completely neutral.” People who were using different camera setups - ones that were more zoomed in or out, as they preferred, AKA more than 90% of players in the game: “What the hell? Why should I be forced to change how far my camera is zoomed in, due solely to the opinions of less than 5 people? Their opinions of how they want their cameras zoomed in shouldn’t affect me in the first place. This update was completely xxxx - thanks for forcing your opinions down my throat, devs. It still doesn’t change the fact that I preferred being more zoomed [in/out].”


As for that last quoted line: why? What’s the point in monitoring our feedback when you refuse to act on it?


That’s the big question when it comes to all these repeated failures. Why say you’re going to change for the better when you refuse to do just that? Why do you keep telling us, “Don’t worry; we’ll act on your feedback!” … and then refuse to act on our feedback?