
I didn’t mind playing the occasional T4 ship when I was in my R9 full synergy ships. What I don’t like is dropping down to play T1 with a friend who is new to the game, and because we are in a Squad we have to try and fight T3 ships in R1 & R2 ships. My friend said screw it after just a couple of games, and I don’t blame him. I had another friend that was going to check out this game when he got back home, but after these idiotic changes the DEVs did I told him to not even bother.

To avoid being negative. I give you this.


Ok people just let this system do its job before condemning it as the “worst thing evar” at least it makes much more sense that the bullshit matchmaker over on World of Tanks!

Ok people just let this system do its job before condemning it as the “worst thing evar” at least it makes much more sense that the bullshit matchmaker over on World of Tanks!

Made more sense back in the 0.7 days with fixed tiers. That’s primarily why almost everyone wants to go back to it.

Heh. I’m reading some replies here that basically say:


“If I am a good and skilled player, the matchmaker should cut me some slack, not punish me”.

“It’s unfair that our squad gets matched higher, even though we use TS to improve our teamwork 100fold”.


Man, talk about people that only care about themselves, rather than look at this from the game’s point of view.

Heh. I’m reading some replies here that basically say:


“If I am a good and skilled player, the matchmaker should cut me some slack, not punish me”.

“It’s unfair that our squad gets matched higher, even though we use TS to improve our teamwork 100fold”.


Man, talk about people that only care about themselves, rather than look at this from the game’s point of view.

Problem is when 3 dudes that ain’t “pro” decide to squad-up with their T2s only to find themselves in the middle of a mixed T3 and T4 fight. That makes sense to you?

Heh. I’m reading some replies here that basically say:


“If I am a good and skilled player, the matchmaker should cut me some slack, not punish me”.

“It’s unfair that our squad gets matched higher, even though we use TS to improve our teamwork 100fold”.


Man, talk about people that only care about themselves, rather than look at this from the game’s point of view.

Half true. As a part of the top tier of pilots, I can say I’m fenced. I like, as a squad member, to face opponents on the squad’s level. However, this just isn’t true for anyone below the 1100 DSR threshold. If 4 of those pilots squad up, they are STILL going to get pitted against pilots 2 Tiers above them. THAT’S what I don’t like about the MM.


They don’t deserve that treatment. They can’t do anything about it, either, because they want to play together.

The thing is, the loudest complaints are the pro squads, not the friendly squads.  We’ve only had two or three friend squads post on the forums.  The devs don’t really report every MM change, so who knows how it’ll be in a few weeks.

Now I see why I get T3 level games in my Swift Mk3.

Yesterday I tried t2 again with swift mk3, stiletto and brand new deimos. I usually got t2s below me (dvergr knight, swift-m, fox, dagger ae…) but then MM hurr durr i place you against Templar S. With purple weapon. Calculated rating was 27.

Yesterday I tried t2 again with swift mk3, stiletto and brand new deimos. I usually got t2s below me (dvergr knight, swift-m, fox, dagger ae…) but then MM hurr durr i place you against Templar S. With purple weapon. Calculated rating was 27.

AFAIK, Deimos is Tier 3. That is the ship that’s being used to calculate your MMR. You were queueing for Tier 3.


Also, Tier 4 Premium ships are rated as Rank 11 instead of Rank 12, how they should be rated. After all, you get the R12 implant bonus with them.

Deimos is T2. It’s the Phobos that’s T3.

Heh. I’m reading some replies here that basically say:

“If I am a good and skilled player, the matchmaker should cut me some slack, not punish me”.

“It’s unfair that our squad gets matched higher, even though we use TS to improve our teamwork 100fold”.

Man, talk about people that only care about themselves, rather than look at this from the game’s point of view.

But why should good players be punished. No successful game punishes you for doing well. The ones that do ramp up the difficulty also ramp up the rewards. Current MM does neither; they’re just fixated on letting people use T1 tactics in T3 and up, instead of forcing players to either get better at the game or tier back down to the training tiers where they belong.

Deimos is T2. It’s the Phobos that’s T3.

Technically, they’re both the same ship model, the Deimos. But the ship tree decided it would have none of that and pimp-slapped the Phobos to R7.

Oh, yeah. I was mistaking that for the Deimon - if that’s what the t3 empire recon (premium) is called. sorry.

Ok people just let this system do its job before condemning it as the “worst thing evar” at least it makes much more sense that the bullshit matchmaker over on World of Tanks!


Heh. I’m reading some replies here that basically say:


“If I am a good and skilled player, the matchmaker should cut me some slack, not punish me”.

“It’s unfair that our squad gets matched higher, even though we use TS to improve our teamwork 100fold”.


Man, talk about people that only care about themselves, rather than look at this from the game’s point of view.


Hmmmm… ok. First guy has 1 total posts, second guy has 4.


Not sure if they’re just clueless or Dev alts.

So you feel that simply because some people are able to communicate and work together as an effective team, they should be punished or held back because of it? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a team-based game entirely?

It’s not about the matchmaker giving people slack, but about giving them the exact same opportunity and chance as everyone else. Think of it - do they purposefully nerf the weapons of pro players in counterstrike or similar competitive games? Do they match teams using teamspeak in League of Legends against even higher level/elo teams just to compensate? No.

Good teamwork and organisation are things a game should never punish you for. Everyone has the same opportunities and just because someone else chooses not to play as a team at a semi professional level, doesn’t mean that those who do should be punished for it. So you have less chance of winning against such teams, isn’t that kind of logical? With a sufficient player base and good match maker, you’d rarely encounter those kind of squads anyway - and when you do, you’re on their side half of the time.

So really, it’s an aspect I don’t understand. If anything, it’s the players who feel that such squads SHOULD be punished who are being selfish. They want the same chance to win (through artificial means of punishing their opponents) despite having less teamwork, less effort, less organisation and less skill. How is that fair in what’s meant to be a competitive environment?

In my opinion, the only method at a player’s disposal for increasing their chances to win, should be to practice and get better at the game. Ya know, like any other competitive game and/or sport…

Have you heard about the new rules the World Cup is going to play by? Every time you win your team size is reduced by one player so that it’s fair on the teams that aren’t as good.

Have you heard about the new rules the World Cup is going to play by? Every time you win your team size is reduced by one player so that it’s fair on the teams that aren’t as good.


I heard they were going to make anyone who scored a goal switch to dress shoes with no tread. No spikes for the good players.


On a serious note. I think the base MM values should be less severe for squads. The original calculations are too harsh. In my opinion, squads’ wins should be the determining factor for MM penalties. Instantly slapping a 4 man squad with a +5 point MM penalty based solely on its size is not fair to the groups who want to work together without facing ships that outclass them severely. Repeatedly winning should be the factor that decides if a squad will move up to the next MM rank.


Also, I think they should do away with the new matchmaking system altogether for Tiers 1 and 2. Their modules just aren’t powerful enough to overcome what they will face if they end up in a game with a bunch of ships that are faster, more durable , and more deadly. Once pilots from tier 2 start to dominate as teams, their natural progression will take them to Tier 3 where the rewards and sector control points are actually worth their time.

It should be impossible for T1 to be matched with anything but other T1.