3 hours ago, xKostyan said:
blue circles are the locations with known drones + coordinates
Could you translate the legend description, i just wanna know what it says.
3 hours ago, xKostyan said:
blue circles are the locations with known drones + coordinates
Could you translate the legend description, i just wanna know what it says.
23 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:
Could you translate the legend description, i just wanna know what it says.
From top to bottom:
I’m planning to fully translate map to english in near future.
20 minutes ago, _Mirolog_ said:
I’m planning to fully translate map to english in near future.
That would be great. ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)
3 hours ago, _Mirolog_ said:
From top to bottom:
- Location difficulties (according to in-game data), green is easy, yellow - medium, red - hard.
- Locations with space stations
- Corporation’s shipyard
- Crystallid frigates
- Crystallid gunships
- Locations with drones
- Hard to kill or very damaging AIs in location
- Dreadnought in location (not really useful info)
- Drone coordinates
I’m planning to fully translate map to english in near future.
Thanks man, since you’re going to translate the map, mind borrowing it to me to update my os guide?
4 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:
Thanks man, since you’re going to translate the map, mind borrowing it to me to update my os guide?
Neat. Can’t stand how the cargo drones moved…I had many of the locations memorized.
6 hours ago, Phalnax811 said:
Neat. Can’t stand how the cargo drones moved…I had many of the locations memorized.
There are 28 cargo drones. Believe me - most of them are in pretty optimal locations.
4 hours ago, niripas said:
There are 28 cargo drones. Believe me - most of them are in pretty optimal locations.
Optimal location was at jump gates where everyone can see them, but ok if you think different then rest of us np np np np.
15 hours ago, niripas said:
There are 28 cargo drones. Believe me - most of them are in pretty optimal locations.
Optimal locations would be at Jump Gates or visually above those allied turret platforms (a la Service Shop). Optimal would be a cargo drone at EVERY jump gate. I mean every.
55 minutes ago, Phalnax811 said:
Optimal locations would be at Jump Gates or visually above those allied turret platforms (a la Service Shop). Optimal would be a cargo drone at EVERY jump gate. I mean every.
Or at mining buildings like in Mining Station, Alpha-7, Sorting Facility and few others? Or near the jumpgates where there are most of containers, like Smugglers Hideout? Or at big warehouse building like on PB-42 or maybe at the extraction station - like on Excavation site? Basically at every location drone exists it’s located at one big pretty characteristic place. I disagree that they should be located at the gates - check the mining station - the main cluster of resources is in the middle of the map - 10 km from the nearest gate. If any - I would ADD the drones to the jumpgates, not move them there.
12 hours ago, GatoGrande said:
Optimal location was at jump gates where everyone can see them, but ok if you think different then rest of us np np np np.
Mate - stop saying about yourself in plural. If you would be doing any OS farming, you would know that drone location at the jump gates instead of the current place - usually in the middle of the resource patch - would be just annoying. After some flying you would notice that only few sectors are actually worth farming and if you somehow find yourself with full cargo in transit you can just check the location of the nearest drone if you cannot memorize them. Cmon, even my kid can remember position of 6 or 7 items she uses daily.
Heck - Abandoned Outpost or Sorting Facility - you literally have 5 or 6 containers in 2 km radius from the drone, making farming gold ammo/duplicators a breeze. Same story with Mining Station, with addition of ores nearby. Iridium Strand - drone located at the mining building - in 5km radius you have 7 containers, 2 pirate stashes, 2 mysterious containers and almost instantly respawning Silicon ore.
At first i was kinda meh at the changes but now that i’ve seen their locations its far better than before, positioned at the right place in most cases so it seems to me they invested some thought into positioning them better this time around.
3 hours ago, niripas said:
Mate - stop saying about yourself in plural
Strange statement since you are replaying to same remark from two different people in one post
4 hours ago, Phalnax811 said:
Optimal locations would be at Jump Gates or visually above those allied turret platforms (a la Service Shop). Optimal would be a cargo drone at EVERY jump gate. I mean every.
![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”) see?
Also I pick just Mystery containers and containers with modules or weapons that I’m forced to farm in open space.
Smart people would make reasrch-poll before implementing or changing something to see what community think.
But if I look at new icons and new locations of cargo drones we don’t have smart people here ![:beee:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/beee.gif “:beee:”)
I will never understand why waist energy from developers to break something that worked perfectly? ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)
36 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:
Strange statement since you are replaying to same remark from two different people in one post
Where one person was saying “Drones should be moved to the jump gates” and the second one “Drones should be at the jump gates or visually above those allied turret platforms (a la Service Shop)” which I read as “in convenient locations” or at the jump gates. So no, the two of you are not saying the same thing for me. Also - why would I answer in two different posts, when I can answer in one using two different quotes? You are claiming that “The rest of us” which means EVERYONE except me is thinking “drones should be moved to the jump gates”. Not a single person I was talking to that does any OS farming wanted to move those existing drones to the gates. If anything - they were voicing for convenience of the current location with mentioning that it would be even more convenient to have more drones located like this in main farming sectors with ultimate convenience being the above plus drones at the gates. So if you don’t mind - can we stop that useless word fencing and get back to the main topic?
I have a question, the Drones are still working?
I know that possibly I will be awarded a “golden shovel” award for that question but…
How can I find cargo drones using grids marked in wiki?
F.ex. : position 370/-130/235
Is there a way to turn that kind of location seen somwhere in HUD?
On 10/9/2020 at 2:39 PM, ZygZagRK said:
I know that possibly I will be awarded a “golden shovel” award for that question but…
How can I find cargo drones using grids marked in wiki?
F.ex. : position 370/-130/235
Is there a way to turn that kind of location seen somwhere in HUD?
press F11 to see camera coordinates