High Ping & Packet Loss

This is indeed a good tool, can you add ‘save log’ capabilities?

Thanks. Everything is possible. You could have offered to name a ship after me though.  :lol:

Thanks. Everything is possible. You could have offered to name a Drone after me though.  :lol:



And I could be orbiting every beacon. Awesome! :slight_smile:


Snib, why dont you apply to for the makers of Star Conflict!!? You already contributed, you should be paid to do this! 

Snib, why dont you apply to for the makers of Star Conflict!!? You already contributed, you should be paid to do this!

Well my “could have named a ship after me” comment went in that direction but this would be the first game developer to actually pay me, usually they ban me. :wink:

Or in case you meant apply to for a permanent job - coding is just a hobby of mine plus I don’t speak Russian. :wink:

PS: Oh in EQ2 I had/have a free lifetime account so I guess that’s some sort of remuneration.

Well my “could have named a ship after me” comment went in that direction but this would be the first game developer to actually pay me, usually they ban me. :wink:

Or in case you meant apply to for a permanent job - coding is just a hobby of mine plus I don’t speak Russian. :wink:

PS: Oh in EQ2 I had/have a free lifetime account so I guess that’s some sort of remuneration.


You dont need Russian. you need the Ones and Zeros to communicate with them. 

You dont need Russian. you need the Ones and Zeros to communicate with them.

Haha. :wink:

You dont need Russian. you need the Ones and Zeros to communicate with them.

There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those that don’t

Can you add a traceroute too?

This is indeed a good tool, can you add ‘save log’ capabilities?

Done and done. Made it a separate thread in case you want to move it to the community projects forum again like my log analyzer: [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/22771-snibs-star-conflict-ping-tester/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22771-snibs-star-conflict-ping-tester/)

Well at least, they may have kind of fixed that spike lag… i’ve noticed i haven’t experienced it again for like a week now…