Federation Frigates

I’ve been toying with speed mods on my t3 frig, I’m up to about 326m/s it really helps when closing the distance, then I use eng. inhib, and pulsar.  Quite fun.


326m/s ??? is that fast or average? cause that’s speed of interceptor in T1

326m/s ??? is that fast or average? cause that’s speed of interceptor in T1


For a frig it’s fast…frig is no interceptor when it comes to speed.


i personally drove fed frigate from t1 to mid t3

t1 it’s a pretty versatile ship built to be front line buffer lol

t2 it’s still the same thing

t3 boom your useless ;D 


you can say well you have drones and buffs, i mean normal drones are useless in t3 while the anti missile drones cannot be an active anti missile system and the vanguard drones… they disable themselves when someone scratches your shield… and usually your shield is weaker than your hull and then makes you die faster LOL! 

on the other hand buffs and aoe… why use fed frigate when you can put these on other frigates (LOL jericho frigates get aoe increase on command aoe by 50%)


i personally drove fed frigate from t1 to mid t3

t1 it’s a pretty versatile ship built to be front line buffer lol

t2 it’s still the same thing

t3 boom your useless ;D 


you can say well you have drones and buffs, i mean normal drones are useless in t3 while the anti missile drones cannot be an active anti missile system and the vanguard drones… they disable themselves when someone scratches your shield… and usually your shield is weaker than your hull and then makes you die faster LOL! 

on the other hand buffs and aoe… why use fed frigate when you can put these on other frigates (LOL jericho frigates get aoe increase on command aoe by 50%)


Have you flown a Rank 9 Fed frig with Armada drones, close range weps, and some serious hull/shield tanking?

fed frigate = warp. that’s the most strategic ability in the game and even if it won’t affect your score it will make you win games

i am in mid t3

also you are addressing the balance in one tier whereas i have experienced all the tier flying this fed frigate and mostly sitting behind rocks to give hp/shield and anti missile buffs what not



btw i am currently running :

Anaconda, full resist add-on with pulse heavy cannon and weapon speed(kill interceps/fighters) ← you would be surprised if i say i cannot actually kill frigates with this LOL! but i really can’t.
Modules of hull heal + warp gate + anti missile

and my role in combat… sit in the middle of the battlefield and shooting and die when anyone approaches with missiles (i havent reach late game t3 for armada)




I have also noticed vanguard have higher hull resist than armada BUT the vanguard drones…

Should be getting the rank 9 with armada drones today, and will feedback on it soon.

From my experience, missile defense and pulsars are incredibly useful for a front line federation frigate. You need missile defense because you are incredibly vulnerable to missiles: you can’t maneuver and your drones will get blown up. The pulsar is necessary for interceptors, as well as crowd control. Pulsars are able to hit any enemy within a nearby area, making them incredibly useful for interceptors that stay in your blind spot, as well as clumps of enemy ships. Without those two modules, it is incredibly hard to play a Federation Frigate in my opinion. Even then, I find I die far more often with federation frigates than with any other ship type.


EDIT: If any one is curious, I am currently using the T3 vanilla Federation Frigate. I have yet to get the armada or vangaurd variant.

Maybe we should be using hull +% and shield +% instead of resists… lol

btw striker dude if you don’t carry hp/shield … then you might be a less effective front line support lol 

even so pulsars is quite close range unless your going to try to drive into them :/ 

the only route i am seeing fed frigate(ARMADA ONLY!) is as a hull repair/shield repair + missile defense + warp gate/pulsar/boost debuff thing

I don’t really see the point of the fed frigate, until they make it harder to kill an empire frig that doesn’t snipe is just going to do a better job at healing because it does not get instagibbed whenever fighters look at it.

Maybe we should be using hull +% and shield +% instead of resists… lol

btw striker dude if you don’t carry hp/shield … then you might be a less effective front line support lol 

even so pulsars is quite close range unless your going to try to drive into them :/ 

the only route i am seeing fed frigate(ARMADA ONLY!) is as a hull repair/shield repair + missile defense + warp gate/pulsar/boost debuff thing


Thought that was a given. If you intend on fighting front line, you will obviously need to stack resistances. I’ve got the jericho skill resistance traits, as well as composite armor and adaptive shields. I may also add on a raw hull and shields.


As for pulsar, don’t worry-the enemy will come to you. The main point of the pulsar is for killing enemies that dive on you. But yeah, I do agree with your load out. Shield and Hull Resistances, Hull/Shield Repair AoE, Missile Defense, Pulsar and Warp Gate/Propulsion Inhibitor are currently the way to go.

At a certain point the effectiveness of resistance mods falls off drastically and you’re better off getting more hull hp.

its hard to even go above 100 base resist for fed frigates lol…

I’ve had a enemy last night fire his guide mission in to the group(captain game) every time he did my anti mission system took it out I pretty much took him out of the game with a passive.it was so good.

lol i have killed several anaconda captains just by warping into him with my friend lololol food

First time I use the warp gate I slam myself in to a rock it was so not cool but I did laugh.

you shud try like a special tactic frigate LOL

warp gate super nova heavy plasma cannons with nukes and stuff 

its liek throwing a brick in their face

First time I use the warp gate I slam myself in to a rock it was so not cool but I did laugh.

I remember when I first found out about that. Good times.

Personally I think that Federation Frigates should have more hull/shield’s than their Empire/Jericho counterparts since they are designed to get into the middle of things, also their drones should have their hp buffed and damage output increased.

As it is, I see no reason to brawl in a federation frigate over an empire frigate, because while the latter does not have drones, it can mount the same support modules and weapons while maintaining a much stronger tank.


Speed isn’t helping a frig much, as anyone who can aim at all will hit you even when taking evasive maneuvers.