Favourite ships

That lonely T3 at the bottom…

Invasion synergy? Cool I’m not so alone!

That plus the fact that I kept the invasion build spectre falcon in my hangar so I could plant bombs at 700 m/s (or 650+ without afterburners).


Hilarious. But not as much enjoyment as I would have gotten otherwise.


![10985314_425655787606088_663877853230298](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/p417x417/10985314_425655787606088_6638778532302985097_n.jpg?oh=cb60d18c19c8c46aceee9436decc8d5d&oe=55D4730A& gda =1437149220_671e6cb444a96beb9de879d64a88713c)



Kite all day, everyday.










Everyone above, you are all pew pew trolls!!!



I love you now.

Please, please make him cry.


O what comfort things like this give me.


Like a warm blanket.

I wanna see rakza’s all-guard top-7



It is nearly impossible, but if one player has it…


I just loled at this, 100% tackler nerd… I post it for him :smiley:



I just loled at this, 100% tackler nerd… I post it for him :smiley:




The faggiest of the thread! over nine thousand games and still T3, the only T5 ship a ECMn00b woop

The faggiest of the thread! over nine thousand games and still T3, the only T5 ship a ECMn00b woop

well, at least it’s not mine.

The faggiest of the thread! over nine thousand games and still T3, the only T5 ship a ECMn00b woop

and they from your corp  :005j:

and they from your corp  :005j:





well, at least it’s not mine.


You’re a feggit too.

Nothing feggity about flying tacklers…! Unless you use two drones that is

Nothing feggity about flying tacklers…! Unless you use two drones that is

Agree. One of my favourite ships is the Panther. Awesome ship. And I’m finding the Rockwell enjoyjable as well.

Agree. One of my favourite ships is the Panther. Awesome ship. And I’m finding the Rockwell enjoyjable as well.


The lions are where it’s at!

Agree. One of my favourite ships is the Panther. Awesome ship. And I’m finding the Rockwell enjoyjable as well.


The Rockwell is a fantastic ship. Amazeballs for gauss-cannons.

The Rockwell is a fantastic ship. Amazeballs for gauss-cannons.

I want that ship so bad :frowning: I’m waiting for a sale on t5 ships but I think there was one a couple of weeks ago that I missed

I want that ship so bad :frowning: I’m waiting for a sale on t5 ships but I think there was one a couple of weeks ago that I missed

I would say buy a dlc half-off… but that sale ended (if not, go buy a dlc and use the GS for the rockwell, you wont regret it… maybe)

There may be another later on, if you have the gs now

There will always be more ship sales. It’s just a question of when… My bet is sometime in the next month or two there will be a ship sale. (Maybe for beginning of summer? no clue)

I want that ship so bad :frowning: I’m waiting for a sale on t5 ships but I think there was one a couple of weeks ago that I missed

There will be sale on 9-th of May wait for it,last year it was -70% on all ships or something

There will be sale on 9-th of May wait for it,last year it was -70% on all ships or something

Ooh nice :slight_smile: Yeah I have the GS now, but I find the t5 premium ships really too expensive. I could get like a whole year of licence for that price!! I’ll wait a bit