Discussion: Final dreadnought construction stage

They all work the same, except for the differences that were mentioned in this post.


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/26561-choose-dreadnought-to-build/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26561-choose-dreadnought-to-build/)


Only the numbers are missing, but I guess those are still in work.

Even numbers are things we need to have, we need to be able to make educated choices instead of just based on a few sentences describing the dreadnought.

Even numbers are things we need to have, we need to be able to make educated choices instead of just based on a few sentences describing the dreadnought.


I agree with you that numbers would be nice.  As for the rest, I’m guessing on Thursday, when the first corps start to have their dreadnougth fully built, there will be a devblog or something explaining how battles will take place.  Just be patient until then.

I agree with you that numbers would be nice.  As for the rest, I’m guessing on Thursday, when the first corps start to have their dreadnougth fully built, there will be a devblog or something explaining how battles will take place.  Just be patient until then.

Thursday, next week!

They all work the same, except for the differences that were mentioned in this post.


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/26561-choose-dreadnought-to-build/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26561-choose-dreadnought-to-build/)


Only the numbers are missing, but I guess those are still in work.


What “experimental weapons” does the Maelstrom have??? What post tells me that?? Not only the numbers are missing.


The information we have got so far could have been released a year ago. It says so very little about anything at all.

Sigh… Deadlines… I hate them too.

Our dreadnought is almost complete.

It’s going to be fun, unless if it’s locked behind the next patch/update again.

Why does the Russian site gets more info than we do!?


Guys, use google chrome to translate this for you.




There is a little more detail of how they will work. Not TOO much but a little more than we got here in the English site. 

Why does the Russian site gets more info than we do!?


Guys, use google chrome to translate this for you.




There is a little more detail of how they will work. Not TOO much but a little more than we got here in the English site. 



"Work in progress.


// Refer to this part of the article should not be in any way, it is a parody, thoughts and delusions of the author who wrote it. Read at your own risk."


Yeah, right.  So where is this extra info you talk about?  I see nothing that hasn’t been mentioned on the English forum.  Also from what I gather, that wiki is player-made, not published by the devs.


"Work in progress.


// Refer to this part of the article should not be in any way, it is a parody, thoughts and delusions of the author who wrote it. Read at your own risk."


Yeah, right.  So where is this extra info you talk about?  I see nothing that hasn’t been mentioned on the English forum.  Also from what I gather, that wiki is player-made, not published by the devs.


I apologize for my mist interpretation then.

Did the models in shipyards get updated?

They are being updated constantly


Why hasn’t any real important information been released yet? We are on the last stage of this thing and I’m getting tired of telling members in my corporation that VERY little information has been released, essentially nothing of substance. Dreadnoughts is obviously a big attraction for the game right now, and I barely know anything about it. Even though dreadnoughts is years in the making, we get stuff like this:


Warning! The success of the installation directly affects the dreadnought’s combat capabilities.


That’s it?! I wouldn’t even know, because I don’t know what the real capabilities of my dreadnought even are.

There would be an update 1.1.3 on the 23rd of April, where you would get all usefull information.


Why does the Russian site gets more info than we do!?


Guys, use google chrome to translate this for you.




There is a little more detail of how they will work. Not TOO much but a little more than we got here in the English site. 

As for the ingame wiki, it is players who are filling it in. There is not more information it just has pictures. If you or any other players wish to participate in the filling in ingame wiki, please let any GM know and you can do so. You would always be rewarded for your work and effort.

There would be an update 1.1.3 on the 23rd of April, where you would get all useful information.


And players wonder why I was so cynical about the hype surrounding your dreadnoughts.


You are luring players into dumping tons of money into this game, and for what? So you can release the “useful” information after they have locked in their one-time choice and spent all their iridium?


Do you even realize how backwards that is as far as professionalism is concerned? The only companies that ask people to invest money without providing details of their products are companies that run scams. There should have been detailed patch notes, tech demo videos, or spreadsheets (ANYTHING!) with relevant numbers and details before you even thought about running an event like this!


And that Top 10:


 Top - 10 Corporations for the Stage 3


  2. RED Star

  3. Star Storm


  5. VIP

  6. Rage


  8. CCCP

  9. ACC A WAR



Yeah, no surprise there. “Everyone stands a chance. Everyone can claim the prize. You too could be a winner.” What a load of bull. It was a foregone conclusion even before the contest started.



Just release the last of the frakkin Secret Project ships already so I can go shoot what few people remain in Invasion, ok? You can keep your dreadnoughts…

There would be an update 1.1.3 on the 23rd of April, where you would get all usefull information.


After all I wrote pleading for more information I get a simple one sentence response?? I feel as if you wrote off what I’m saying completely, you know the whole asking for MORE INFORMATION part.


I tell you what. There better be a lot of information this next patch, or I’m gonna drop this game like a hot sack of dog xxxx, and never touch it again.


The guy who misquoted the wiki got a more thoughtful response, haha.

I have serious hopes that you guys actually release all of the necessary information for the next update. There have been far too many updates where this forum has not been given all of the details. Unlike past updates, this one it is EXTREMELY important that this forum be given the same amount of information as the RU forum, otherwise you are giving them a benefit (and possible and advantage) of knowing something we don’t about dreadnought battles.


I’m not quite as mad as teo, as I don’t think I will quit this game outright if sufficient information about dreadnoughts isn’t released, but it would definitely make me lean more towards quitting…

Well, guys, there is a snail in their Logo.

They need lettuce (money) and patience (time).

The real question in the end is: What will we lose?

Time, money or both? Will the end justify the means?

Guys calm down. The devs have their reasons for giving info at the right time. I agree it was a hard choice of dreadnought without the numbers, but have you all considered that either way they should all be balanced (numbers-wise) so the numbers don’t really matter? No dreadnought will have a clear advantage, I hope, and so only the different mechanics are relevant (and honestly, they are not THAT different).

I see the choice we made as a more aesthetic one, not one that will give an advantage in battle.

Guys calm down. The devs have their reasons for giving info at the right time. I agree it was a hard choice of dreadnought without the numbers, but have you all considered that either way they should all be balanced (numbers-wise) so the numbers don’t really matter? No dreadnought will have a clear advantage, I hope, and so only the different mechanics are relevant (and honestly, they are not THAT different).

I see the choice we made as a more aesthetic one, not one that will give an advantage in battle.


Balance is something this game struggles with, remember the scatter gun…remember all the issues???(that’s just one of many unbalanced guns/modules that have taken a long time to get fixed)


Also, if the choice of dreadnought is mostly aesthetic, then tell me that. Why is that so difficult? Don’t make me poke in the dark hoping my choice is a good one. It cost a lot of iridium, so I sure hope the difference is more than just aesthetics. When you look at how different the mechanics of the dreadnoughts are, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if there are balance issues. 


1 Dreadnought has it’s own drones

2 Dreadnoughts give direct buffs to pilot’s ships


This big difference alone is difficult to balance. Mind you I know essentially nothing else about dreadnoughts so who can really say, but you obviously have a lot more faith in the devs than I do. Since I haven’t got a response that will boost my confidence in the slightest.

Yeah there seems to be a sense of dread in this room. Looks like it’s working!

Yeah there seems to be a sense of dread in this room. Looks like it’s working!

Super-testers had more than enough time to suggest certain improvements and since we got multiple delays on the Dreadnoughts, I think that all the wait was worth it in the end.

Well, we won’t know for sure, until we build one and upgrade it to T4 and T5!

Everyone happy now? :stuck_out_tongue: