Crazy kinds of Modes



Most of these sound like fun, flashback to old times. And chill with your DSR guys, lol.

Sound like mutators from UT series. (“instagib” was my favorite)

2 thumbs up lets do this! 

Nobody thought of Atomic Bomberman? Recons with parasitic remodulators, invisibility and whatever spy drone and proximity mines. No repairs, no guns, no resists of any kind - including collision comensators - no shield / hull mods, no repairs etc. Basically have a squishy as hell ship and let minesweeping begin! Drop a mine and show your middle finger to everyone on the field to fly into it :stuck_out_tongue:

Best if FFA (free for all), but it can be done team sided now as well.

Best playground: Abandoned Outpost between the 3 middle static warp gates around the destroyed whatever piece of sh*- … i mean, ‘debris’, there in the middle.


All this would have been much better when Cov Ops could fit mines and go with energy lances and mines only, no guns again.

Might be interesting game modes for a Star Conflict Marathon. 

Might be interesting game modes for a Star Conflict Marathon. 

You made me think of Death Race the movie. How about Space Death Race? :slight_smile: