CDF Alliance

It would be my pleasure.

i like what you did there

It would be my pleasure.




Make sure you watch your back in Invasion…  :012j:

I guess will have to take care of that…pew,pew

The CDF now has an official teamspeak, any corporation of the CDF alliance is allowed to make it their official teamspeak, and can be given custom channels plus passworded channels if they need it.


To join the teamspeak, simply use this IP address.


Anyone is welcome to join us anytime!

anyone? 0_0 


I got on Ultra’s TS server and i could sense a slight, slight, slight, little hostility towards me. Speaking of which, i do still have admin on that server…

anyone? 0_0 


I got on Ultra’s TS server and i could sense a slight, slight, slight, little hostility towards me. Speaking of which, i do still have admin on that server…

While we Vikings like to loot and taunt the corpses of our victims, hostility to guests is not tolerated. Tell me what happened and i ll take care of it.

While we Vikings like to loot and taunt the corpses of our victims, hostility to guests is not tolerated. Tell me what happened and i ll take care of it.

Ur CEO hates my guts and i’m on his ignore list again LOL. It has something to do with him losing all his ships in sec con before i lost my first one and then he blamed me because i “didn’t do teamwork”. I told him to shut up cuz he was dead and cuz it’s not my fault he tried to solo 3 enemies repeatedly. the berserker mindset is good in some cases, but not in sec con unless you’re really good. his guard frigate melted in 3 seconds flat.


It’s a general hostility from some CDF members that i sense, but it never came around till after we retaliated for them hunting our guys down. do i sense some major butthurt? 


I have said it a billion times, stop targeting our guys and we will stop hunting yours. 


We are pirates and we’ll still kill CDF members, but we won’t go out of our way to do so. 

Ok, this is not for a lowly officer to decide. Political stuff like that must be considered seperately.

:smiley: Yeah it does. 

I don’t have any problem with you ArcTic, you’ve been quite helpful actually so far

Ty :slight_smile:


I don’t have any problems with you either. we be homies. :smiley:

Ty :slight_smile:


I don’t have any problems with you either. we be homies. :smiley:



Oooh, so official. You have a thread and everything.


Oooh, so official. You have a thread and everything.


Yes, that is the official discussion over star conflict, its encoded very well though.

Oooh, so official. You have a thread and everything.



Any corporation in the CDF or not, can make the official CDF teamspeak their official one. You will be given a few channels, and channel admin. Reason for doing so? Too meet new people! And help the community.


PM me if you’re interested.

cool :smiley:

This is good. Much like chicken.

to the current CDF members of Behem and SRO we are creating a CDF logo comprising all the corporation members logo, plz submit your’s in the CDF forum under the thread of Alliance Emblem


Note: the emblem is still a work in progress but we need does 2 following corp logos 




After jimothybob’s request to change it from Gang,