why a ban?

greetings, i was just kicked out of the game during a match none the less and it says i am now banned?

why is this happening? it says as reason unrelated to other categories. why are you doing this and why are you not communicating with me??? how long do i have to sit and wait and ask you for the reasons?? how do you expect this to work when you just ban people and give no explanations?

best, voyd



Report was automaticly applied after violation of rule 9.1. of game rules:


Spam, insults and false reports in the in-game complaint system:

9.1. If the in-game complaints system is used for sending spam, messages containing knowingly false information, insults against game masters, chat or forum moderators or company developers and employees, a game master may set a penalty in the form of banning the offending player’s account for 1 day. In the case of a repeated violation, the administration may ban the player’s account for 7 days or more.


I understand that in-game complaint system is very important during the game process, but please use it wisely. I’ve canceled the ban by now. Enjoy the game!


Best regards,