SecCon Discussions

This topic is meant to give more attention to Sector Conquest mode which I think it deserves. Suggestions, experience, opinions and everything about dreads.

We have this guide on STEEL forum. Any info that you can add to it is appreciated.



Launching SecCon is possible solo or in groups. However, in each case the player has to be in a corporation that has a dreadnought which is moved either to a sector owned by the corporation (defending, collecting defense/influence points) or to an enemy corporation’s sector (attacking, collecting capture/influence points). Moving a Dreadnought is done by CEO/VP/Officers on the ‘Corporate Battles Map’ by right clicking on a sector then on the ‘Change deployment’ text in the pop-up window. This operation costs a certain amount of corporate iridium.  

Sectors are divided into three different levels: level 3 (rank 7-9), level 4 (rank 10-12) and level 5 (rank 13-15). In order to launch SQ, players have to have at least three rank 7-9 (or rank 10-12 or rank 13-15 resp.) ships in their ship slots and no ships from any other ranks.


There are several (4 to be exact) distinct hours for SQ battles each day. To see the times of these battles one has to open the Galaxy Map then switch to Corporation Battles Map with the little dreadnought icon in the bottom right corner of the map window. The times displayed above the sectors mean the player’s local time and when SecCon battles begin. There may be one hour difference (+1 hour during summer time) between the time displayed and the actual battle time due to daylight saving changes. Summer time change is currently in effect. SecCon battles start one hour later than the times displayed on the map. ![:excl:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/excl.gif “:excl:”)

Each hour, when there is a SecCon session, battles start as follows: 1. Rank 7-9 at round hour. 2. Rank 10-12 at hour 15 minutes. 3. Rank 13-15 at hour 30 minutes. (SO, for example in Empire sectors, rank 7-9 at 19:00, rank 10-12 at 19:15 and rank 13-15 at 19:30 CET (Central European Time)). Battles for sectors are available for 30 45 minutes on each level/class. One battle is max 12 minutes long. 


SecCon players can use the ‘Conquest’ button that is located in the main “Launch” screen along with other game modes like PvP or PvE. When the button becomes highlighted battles begin.


SQ has multiple rounds depending on how fast a team wins and launches again.

The usual squad/wing forming rules apply here as well. Starting battle with inappropriate ships is not possible. Inviting others into the squad/wing from outside of the corporation is not allowed. Wing size: max. 8 players.

Players may face Bot (AI) enemies in case no opposing team is available.

Locations available for a corporation to fight in is depending on the technical level of the corporation’s dreadnought. (class 1, 2, 3 = T5, 4, 3)

Tokens can be used and rewards collected by right-clicking at the sector owned by the corporation in ‘corporate battles map’ mode and by choosing “Collect Tax” in the pop-up window. Then players have to win PvP battles until all tokens have been used. All corporation members are awarded tokens and not only those who play in SecCon if the corporation owns a sector. Tokens are awarded every other day but they don’t stack so unused tokens will be lost.


SecCon rules as described in patch 1.4.1:  [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/32889-star-conflict-141/)

Sector Conquest preserves the map of locations with regular time windows for battles. (During battle sessions at round hour, hour 15 minutes and hour 30 minutes depending on sector level.) Victories in battles are rewarded with loyalty vouchers. All corporation members are also awarded tokens spent on rewards for victories in combat missions (PvP).

Corporation CEOs and VPs can build dreadnoughts and CEOs, VPs and OFC (officers) can move dreadnoughts to locations with a level not higher than that of the dreadnought at any time.

Influence Points

Corporations earn influence points for taking part in SecCon battles. They accumulate in the location where the corporate dreadnought is located, and remain there when the dreadnought is moved to a different one.  ![:excl:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/excl.gif “:excl:”)

Influence points are earned directly in sector battles as follows: Depleted durability points of enemy dreadnoughts. In this case, if the enemy dreadnought is completely destroyed, half the remaining durability points of the corporation’s own dreadnought are also added to influence points.
Influence points are divided between players according to their total effectiveness in combat. If a player earned 0 effectiveness, he would not get points.
Influence points of players in wings and squads are added to the location with the corporate dreadnought of the wing or squad’s leader.
Location for rewards is ‘stored’ when players queue for battle, and then the dreadnought can be moved further.

At the start of the battle window (“Conquest”) opening, the owner corporation loses 50% influence points and challengers lose 10% of their influence points. Location battles take 30 45 minutes in each sector, then the owner loses part of the challengers’ influence, which depends on the challenger’s place in the location ranking. If the owner’s influence is reduced to 0 — the challenger with the most influence becomes the new owner.

When battles end, free locations are taken by the corporations with the most influence points. 

Battle creation system in sector conquest ![:excl:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/excl.gif “:excl:”)
Sector Conquest mode is available 4 times in 24 hours, as usual. By clicking on ‘Conquest’ the player joins a queue for dreadnought battles. The system creates a battle for wings, squads and individuals in the queue:
You can join the queue if the corporation dreadnought is in one of the active locations, and there are 3 ships of the location’s level in slots.
Players who are not members of any corporation, can not get in the queue.
Selection of opponents takes place among those whose dreadnoughts are in the same location.
The system significantly reduces waiting time for wings and all players in the queue.
Players in the same corporation can not fight against each other.

General Changes
    Location technical level on the map is now displayed with a range of ranks
        T3 -> 7-9               T4 -> 10-12               T5 -> 13-15
    Display of tech level for dreadnoughts and their modules has been replaced by classes
        T3 -> 3rd class      T4 -> 2nd class         T5 -> 1st class

Dreadnought Battle
    Maximum battle time has been reduced to 12 minutes.

Reworked ‘Sector Conquest’ will be working in test mode for some time.


Patch 1.4.1b

Locations highlighted for active conflicts to space map.
Corporation officers can move dreadnoughts between locations.
Ships of ranks 7-9 will no longer be able to come together in a battle with ships of ranks 13-15.
Battles for ranks 10-12 now start 15 minutes later, and in systems of ranks 13-15 half an hour later.
Battle duration in locations is 30 minutes.
    Replacing ships and moving the dreadnought allow fighting for an hour.
Pilots get loyalty for Dreadnoughts battles only when they win and earn of at least 100 efficiency points.
Pilots, who left the match before it ends, do not receive loyalty.

Patch 1.4.2:  [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/33223-star-conflict-142/#comment-396089)

Duration of location battles increased from 30 to 45 minutes
    Ship replacement and dreadnought movement allows battles for 1 hour 20 minutes
Now all rewards for owning locations are only issued in iridium
Improved ticket output system for control of locations
Now Thar’Ga automatically drops a bomb when using special module ‘Combat reconstructor’
Now using ECM special modules and gunship combat reboot does not affect the limited radar range in combat

Attention! Battle mechanics have not changed significantly:


Sector Conquest Battle Guide by Mecronmancer:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29926-pvp-dreadnought-battle-mode-primer/)

Igromania lesson about Dreadnoughts:



First of all, could anyone clear up how influence points are calculated? I know it was mentioned somewhere but I can’t find it. I mean other than in patch 1.4.1.

Also looking for those changes in battle mechanics like sensor range reduction, etc. 

3 hours ago, Sinaka said:

Influence points of players in wings and squads are added to the location with the corporate dreadnought of the wing or squad’s leader.

Just wanna get this one right. If I queue solo I still get influence for my sector, right? or am I just helping another corp for nothing? 

4 hours ago, Sinaka said:

First of all, could anyone clear up how influence points are calculated? I know it was mentioned somewhere but I can’t find it. I mean other than in patch 1.4.1.

Also looking for those changes in battle mechanics like sensor range reduction, etc. 

If u have influence points you win.

1 hour ago, Chernoplot said:

Just wanna get this one right. If I queue solo I still get influence for my sector, right? or am I just helping another corp for nothing? 

Good question. If I look at the patch notes it suggests that only those points add up that pilots make in squad or wing.

“Influence points of players in wings and squads are added to the location with the corporate dreadnought of the wing or squad’s leader.”

I would say solo queuing is good for practice and you can get 10K vouchers in case of victory.

I added this for review so feel free to add your ideas further but dont spam unnecessarily.

I think SecCon MMer could be better with a few changes:

  • Keep the 4 time windows.
  • Remove 15 minutes time delays between the three levels.
  • Remove sector levels in SecCon mode. The amount of reward for owning a sector should determine how desirable a sector is.
  • Allow corporations collect points in any sector with any of the 3 tech levels. The higher the ranks the harder the battle but in turn more influence points could be earned. E.g.: T3 = 100%, T4= 110%, T5= 120%  
  • Allow corporations collect points for any sector they move their dreadnought in for a maximum of one hour. Current time is too short.
  • All teams with the same technical level should be in the same MMing pool but corporations fighting in the same sector should be prioritized.  

This is about it. The basic idea is that corporations could fight for every sectors with any of the 3 technical levels. If a corporation decides to use T3 ships then the MMer will search among other T3 teams only. If they choose T4 or T5 then they would fight other T4 or T5 teams respectively. No matter what sector they collect influence points for.   

Since sector rewards contain only iridium and tournament gives only iridium too, my concept for a new SQ MMer is even more relevant.

Seccon battles could serve as four daily tournament sessions but with three different technical levels.

And basically, MM could be a combination of the tournament, the regular pvp and SecCon MMer. Nothing new to invent or test here. 

Once again:

Make every sector available for t3, t4 and t5 battles.

Allow corporations collect points for any sectors with wings/squads of any of the three technical levels.

Give battles for every sector one hour long time window.

Put all teams in the same technical level into the same MM pool.