[GUARD] Reaper Guide (Advanced) Full Thermal Reaper

I invite you before starting reading this guide to check this one First “[[GUARD] Reaper Guide (Standard and Basis)V2.0](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23174-guard-reaper-guide-standard-and-basisv20/)” if you never used a Reaper before or have the strange feeling of being fraich meat for other in it.

The Reason is pretty simple, this is not a beginner / Newcomers Fitting Guide and the requested Knowledge and Mechanics are explained in the first one. I will not come back on already explained things or Game’s mechanics that I judged outside of the beginner scheme.

You will also see that I voluntary let some “Blanks” in my Guide :wink: They are here to not conform you to 1 gameplay or 1 idea around the differents fittings but let your mind free to think, imagine and rework the builds regarding your own idea and own gameplay.

This is not to be “bad” or anything else with you but (it’s always a question of But) I saw that some players had some difficulties to use some of my explanation (they were following it too hardly) and it was problematic.

With this guide (and the little advices/tips hidden in it) you will be able to use it, make it evolve, complete it and rework it as you wish and as you want your gameplay to be around the Idea/Knowledge I developped here :wink:


If order to see your stats or work on your builds you should read :

  • [A Guide to Resistance](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24645-a-guide-to-resistances/) (For Optimization)
  • [Mk.III modules, Loyalty Vouchers costs](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21874-mkiii-modules-loyalty-vouchers-costs/) (To know what reputation you need to farm)



Udapte to V2.0.1 (Advanced Thermal Fit)

A Song of Lazor and Anomaly Generator


Due to the recent change on Implants and some weapons, it is time for a new and special including a new fitting based on the Anomaly/Beam and Anomaly/Heavy Blaster (Aloe Vera have no power here !)


I) Introduction :


At the difference of most of other builds, this fitting is going to be hot, really hot ! As you can imagine, we are going for a full thermal build. 

Today, we are talking of 2 Weapons which could not be trully Optimized for the Reaper but a Recent change, on the Anomaly Generator and the Engine Slot is  allowing a new Gameplay that we can name : 

The Space Cleaner


We are not talking about Useless files or troublemaker programs here !

We are going to delete Long Range Frigates (Sniping from nowhere) and Interceptors (Sneaky Capturing our beacons) from the Galaxy !


The Beam Cannon will be our Death’s Light !

The Heavy Blaster will be the Rain of our Wrath !


We are going to change the rules…


II) What is it implying?


Po-Si-Tion-Ning !

For your team-mates, Squadmates (Randomates, Newbiesmates ectect) It will change nothing. You will still be the same Reaper as they known.


For your ennemies, especially in Gamemode with Immobile objectives (Domination, Beacon Hunt and Detonation) you will become a Pain in the Rear Side.

To explain a bit : All the build are based on the 9800m Range Anomaly Generator for a good Reason : Range > +10% damages > 0.3 secs

The more range you have, the more you will be able to impact different points of the Battlefield. No more - No less. It will allow you to select a zone, stay in / Fly Around / Guard it and keeps a strong impact.


As exemple, I can mention the “Ice Reef” map : You can protect directly the “A” beacon and still keep an eye on “C” or “B” with the Anomaly Generator.

And for Other map, just stay where the bomb spawn and Anomalyze every stations :D.

Your offensive/Defensive Power will be higher and faster than with an EM torpedo.


The Second point is about Long Range Frigates, most of the time, they are sitting on the back line and going for them is not always the best option :confused: Especially when they decide to annoy you !

The Thing is, if they decide to use only “one time” their special modules in a bad spot, they are going to remind who you are and what you did.

Sniping Sniper that are Snipering your Sniped Team-mates… Wait…

Long Ranges that are guiding the Torpedo or tracking a target with the Desintigrator are Christmas Gift for you.

First because they are not paying attention to other things and secondly cause a dead long Range is a good Long Range.


III) Fitting & Details :


So why no Positron or no Coil Mortar?

Pretty simple : You need something working correctly in close/med Range to compensate the Anomaly Generator.

The Slow Barrel on the Positron will prevent you to be effective, and the Self Damage with the Coil Mortar’s Explosion will be more dangerous for you than for the ennemy.


Beam Reaper :



Hull Resistance / Range + Sensor Range / Shield Resistance (buffed) / Anomaly Generator Range (New) / Rotation Speed / More base Damage / Energy Consumption / Anti Engine Inhibition


  • Range + Sensor Range : 2 Importants things, First more range for the Beam Cannon and secondly (Really Important) MORE Sensor Range. The first one is just a Weapon Optimization but the Second one is a “GAMEPLAY” Optimization ! You need to seek and destroy specifics targets. And you should not expect your allies to provide you sensor Range. (I’m still dreaming to see Recon that are actually doing recon mission but hey it’s another story)
  • Anomaly Generator Range (New) : The MUST of the new patch ! The Positionning limit due to the old Anomaly are gone ! No more Range Limit ! 9.8 km will provide you everything you need to be efficient with this missile type ! (Disclaimer : A brain is the minimal Requirement, not provided with the implant !)


Explained Ship Modifiers & Weapons and Modules :


Beam/Anomaly Video :smiley: (was too lazy to move and No worries, My keyboard is fine :smiley:





Heavy Blasting Reaper :


Hull Resistance /  Control + Spread Reduction  / Shield Resistance /  Anomaly Generator Range (New) / Rotation Speed /  Projectile Speed + OverHeating time  / Energy Consumption / Anti Engine Inhibition


  • Control + Spread Reduction :  Heavy Blaster Optimization (2° Spread vs 2.5° spread is extremly important in Close/Med Range), secondly, due to the Heavy Blaster, you need your locking pointer and in case of “IR Pulsar” or “White Noise Jammer” you will be in trouble. And since nobody like ECM (YEAH I SAID IT), better use something to annoy them !
  • Anomaly Generator Range (New) : The MUST of the new patch ! The Positionning limit due to the old Anomaly are gone ! No more Range Limit ! 9.8 km will provide you everything you need to be efficient with this missile type ! (Disclaimer : A brain is the minimal Requirement, not provided with the implant !)
  • Projectile Speed + OverHeating time :  The Little Secret on this Implant and the Heavy Blaster : It’s also Impacting the Projectile speed of the Heavy Blaster and Improve the Overheating time :smiley: Let’s say that this implants is really, really strong for the Heavy Blaster.


Explained Ship Modifiers & Weapons and Modules :



Final Explanation :


This fitting are not made to RoflStomp Everything (It’s not because I  can do it that everybody can) but to force the ennemy to ask himself about his positionning and his capacity to go alone on the objectives.

An ennemy who is not taking care of his positionning/movement will be a Free target for you.

Technically, you will be able to punish every missplay on slow/bad positionned ships while keeping a good Fighting capacity in close/medium range.

This kind of build will make you do “Mistake” like overextend, overcommitting ectect as well as the ennemies will do the same errors to engage you.

So here the Protips : Use this mistakes (yours and ennemies ones) at your advantage, if you can die while forcing 1-2-3-4… ennemies coming at you instead of going on an Objective, you will earn time for your team (Movements, regeneration, cooldown). Dying in a guard is not a problem, but make it worth is your priority.


I like the shorter warm-up time implant.

  • Warp up is now the same amount of time from the start of the purple period to the free period of the ECM bubble. Now all you need to do is activate it as soon as the bubble turns purple to instakill the ECM. The only way the ECM can survive, even if you do everything right, is if the ECM beforehand built his ship to accelerate superfast.

  • Gives less time for targets to react.

  • Makes it easier to get moving targets.

Anyways I’d rather get a 4th option to increase the blast radius.

No one wants to dispute my choice of implant? Oh well.

I put on a purple missile pylon and it brings cassette reloading to 80 seconds and charge reloading to about 9 seconds. Adding another purple will be about 57/6.2 it might be a waste of hull slots to use both of them though for the anomaly. I don’t expect to get down to hull though except if I do smth superstupid.


Tell me, what are the Anomaly Generator Mechanics? and what are the Reaper Specificities compared to others frigates?




Adding another purple will be about 57/6.2 it might be a waste of hull slots to use both of them though for the anomaly. I don’t expect to get down to hull though except if I do smth superstupid. 

When I’m reading this, I wonder if you know what the post is about.

Anomaly has 120 cassette reload default and 15 charge reload default.

Adding a purple has an effect of reduction of about 32ish. Can’t remember exact.

You have to maintain the same direction or the genny will stop. It has a default range of 5600. What else is needed?

I wasn’t talking about the reaper I was talking about any guard in general that had 2 hull slots.

I wasn’t talking about the reaper I was talking about any guard in general that had 2 hull slots.

So, you are on a Guide about Reaper and you talk about other GUARDS that have 2 Hull slots knowing this number is limited to 2 in the game actually (Grizzly Mk2 / Inquisitor S)?




What else is needed?

Tons of more important things than what you mentionned.



Swear to god, if some gun-freak saw you posting that, he’d have your head.


Relating to the fit: You’re a damned nutter, Rakza. Just fly towards their spawn area if you’re gonna die. That’ll delay the enemy another couple valuable seconds.

Udapte 1 : Beam/Anomaly Video Added

We need an Arcadia guide now. X3

why not a guide on the perfect LRF Gunship build?

I think I almost have one but Im not sure. It feels more like a heavy support LRF with nice defensive capability but it is ****ed up close.