Energy Converter- Broken?

Good whatever your timezone to you guys, I had a quick question… is the Energy Converter broken??? I was just in a 1v1 (last man standing) in my destroyer on a rank 9 match against a Phoenix… he activated the Converter and as soon as I saw I quickly stopped firing my Gar’du’Cannon not realizing I got one shot out before… and got one shotted, I dealth 6824 damage according to the popup. And I took 83,834 damage according to the battle report… I dont know in what country this math is right but this must be a bug. 

  1. Nobody else was firing

  2. He didnt take more than 1-shot of damage

  3. He was not within 750m(2.5x) 

So really whats wrong here?


it’s called Gajin’s Logic.  If it doesn’t make sense, it’s working as intended…

Energy converter always works derply for me, sometimes its just tickles under heavy fire, other time it does 1k per tick out of nowhere. At least shield res works properly. For now.

Actually there are one thing to know :

The damages reverted are the damage done before reduced by resistances. 

If the target has 100 EM resist and you shoot 2k EM damage ; he’ll take only 1k damage, but 2k will be reverted. 


But still, 80k seems a bit off. 

Was it survival? Because if he have 100 EM resist, the 6k8 damage would be reverted to 13k6 then multiplied by 3 due to survival, for a 40k damage. 

And if he were in the 750m area, it’s be 90k damage. 

Which fits the values (OP, but still works).

Reflect damage before resists applied, not to mention 100% reflected (Hence > 100%), ahem-cough and 2.5x multiplier? I’ve never seen this in a game before… probably for good reason.

Don’t even get me started on the Survival 3x multiplier which benefits DPS/sniping classes. Abomination.

Post logs in bug section to see whats wrong.

They could have also been under fire by your allies, and the damage reflected could have been enough to kill you. Not sure though. 


I did not fire at the enemy, nor was anyone else. I should receive minimal damage on my destroyer. However, I was receiving x2,5 damage from the multiplier, but even so, 57480 damage with no reflected damage makes no sense.


I am not saying that this is a bug, but it should certainly be getting looked at.

Oh guys, you can just instakill destroyers with it in the danger zone, it’s fine. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Might I suggest a damage per second cap of maybe 10,000 or something? Dealing 130kps hits with it is kinda crazy.

Had an event a while ago where you could get points towards a free Blood Tormentor by dealing something like 3,000 damage to me via the EC, and only one or two people actually ever made it happen, while on the other end of the fight I was one-shotting four people per press. No idea how some people don’t know how to take damage.

maybe it is broken, is there a bug that you can borrow your teammate’s damage (if teammates fire on you) and concentrate them on a certain target?


I did not fire at the enemy, nor was anyone else. I should receive minimal damage on my destroyer. However, I was receiving x2,5 damage from the multiplier, but even so, 57480 damage with no reflected damage makes no sense.


I am not saying that this is a bug, but it should certainly be getting looked at.

The damage of the energy converter is fine.


First and foremost your death history is wonky at best. It groups damage from the same damage dealer together and only the last hit is being separated and not even all that good sometimes.


With my guard i dealt way more than 50k per tick with the energy converter already. It blew up destroyers left and right, literally 100k ticks and more, outright one-shotting them. Which is absolutely fine taking into account that i have to take absolutely tremendous punishment both from the target and my surroundings, i hardly ever survive it and i only do it to get rid of destroyers that are sniping or pushing my team.


The ACTUAL problem with the energy converter is that its targeting is absolutely broken. I’ve hit people with it not even aiming at them, i’ve hit people aiming at their shield bubble, i’ve hit people aiming anywhere at their ship and most of the time i don’t hit anything regardless of where i aim, sometimes i have to aim absolutely pixel perfect on a ship’s center (destroyers have this issue, 100% reproducible) and sometimes i don’t have to aim at all, it seems completely random and makes the energy converter a pure luck-based weapon that is possibly capable of one-shotting anyone no matter its HP, Shields or resistances given you receive enough punishment first.


I’d REALLY like to see the aiming getting fixed. If you don’t believe me, aim it at someone closer than 1.000m, you’ll see that the beam has a visual offset too, wouldn’t surprise me if you had to aim the visuals rather than your actual weapon aim…wait… i think… i just realized something. Could it be that the energy converter aiming is influenced by the used module slot? Technically its a turret on a module slot… so… i gotta test this.


EDIT: My god…

See the images.



Energy Converter mounted on slot 2 (center top of my ship)



Energy Converter mounted on slot 1 (front top of my ship)



Energy Converter mounted on my usual slot 3 (left wing of my ship)