Discord-BOT - Great functionality right on your server!

Hello forum residents! Some time after launching our bot in Russian, we translated it for you!


In the current version there are a huge number of commands!

Here is a list of commands:


  • !commands - Displays a list of bot commands;
  • !info -Displays information about our service and future plans.
  • !drone [location] - Helps you find the closest drone to your current location. Displays a screenshot of the area with the drone, the name of the location and approximate coordinates.
  • !stat [nickname] -Displays game statistics of the pilot.
  • !ovstat [nickname] - Displays general and corporate data of the pilot.
  • !pvpstat [nickname] -Displays the PvP data of the pilot.
  • !pvestat [nickname] -Displays PvE pilot data.
  • !comp [nickname1] [nickname2] - Fully compares the statistics of the two pilots.
  • !pvpcomp [[nickname1] [nickname2] -Compares PvP stats of two pilots.
  • !pvecomp [nickname1] [nickname2] -Compares PvE stats of two pilots.
  • !ovcomp [nickname1] [nickname2] -Compares the оutside combat statistics of two pilots.
  • !coopcomp [nickname1] [nickname2] -Compares COOP stats of two pilots
  • !blogbot - Displays the latest entry with the update of the bot, as well as information for those interested in the development.
  • !loot [location] -It gives a complete list of modules, weapons and modifiers that can be obtained at this location.
  • !loot [ship] -It gives a list of locations and where you can find unique items ONLY for this ship and the list of items. Works on craft ships and craft rentals, as well as DLC ships that have PERSONALLY THEIR ITEMS, NOT SUITABLE FOR OTHER SHIPS.
  • !loot [resource] -Provides information about where a certain type of mineral falls from ordinary stones.
  • !craft [ship] -Displays a list of resources needed to build a specific ship.
  • !map -Displays an open world map.
  • !patch - Sends links to the official patchout and document with found undeclared changes.
  • !obinf - Sends a link to a google page containing information about the update that is not listed in the patchout.
  • !stream - Displays information about the near or reaching stream of our friends.
  • !eventsc  - Displays information about upcoming official events, persimmon events or friendly events.
  • !contacts - Displays information on responsible persons in bot development and corporate posts.
  • !error - Start a message with this command to send an error message.
  • !onserver - Sends instructions to add the bot to your server
  • !translate - Causes an error handler to report incorrect translation of commands.
  • !support - Your support is incredible help for us. This command will send instructions if you want to support our project.
  • !instruction - Sends instructions for using commands.

How to use the bot?

You can use it directly on our server -> https://discord.gg/tbRuqXd in the “#флудильня” channel, find it in the participants block on our server and write to it in the LAN, or invite it to your server.


To make the bot work on your server, you must:

  1. Follow the link

  2. Choose the server you need from the list of servers available to you

  3. Click “Add” and pass the test for the robot

  4. After an invitation to the server, it is desirable to set up a special role for bots so that the bot can see your text channels and respond to them.


It is worth noting that this is our first such launch of the bot in English. Therefore, we carefully observe all possible errors and drops of the bot, so we will be grateful for your feedback! Please, if you find translation errors, report to this topic or with the help of a special command! We believe that together we can do a lot!

Bot provided by the corporation Xenomorph [XYRMA] for all pilots! ![:012j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012j.png “:012j:”)

We receive your messages with the wrong translation! Thank you so much for the support!

We added an update in which we fixed the errors you sent! Thank you for helping us become better!

We regularly update our bot, but by coincidence we do not always publish a list of updates on the forum. It’s time for us to fix this and talk about recent innovations!


  • The new team - !history [nick] [days]
    Displays the change in statistics for the specified number of days. ATTENTION Functional stories may not be available for some people due to the lack of their nicknames in the database. If it was not at the start of the command-it will automatically be added, and its history will be recorded the next day. In addition, not everyone has the same number of saved days. The history for each active day in the game is recorded DAILY.
  • Command !stat [nick] 
    Now sends generated structured image with statistics! The old output of statistics as text is now called by the command !textstat [nick]
  • Changing the statistics display 
    We took into account your wishes that the pilot statistics takes up too much space in the text channels. Now it will be presented in a more compact version in all teams working with statistics.
  • In the test statistics 
    Now in statistics instead of displaying the hours played will be more accurate time-in days, hours, minutes
  • Changing the command list
    You asked - we did! Now the list of bot commands is sent to the private messages of the user who requested them. The appearance of the list has also been changed to be more pleasing to the eye. Thanks for your feedback! It turned out really cool!
  • Mineral maps 
    Now when you enter the command ‘!loot [resource]’ you will receive a detailed map with the location of minerals.
  • Comparison commands
    Due to the limitations of the discord in the number of characters, we had to remove the command !comp [nick1] [nick2]. You can still compare statistics using other comparison commands.

Error correction 

  • Some bugs with translations and display of some variables have been fixed.
  • Fixed bug with missing some modules in commands !loot
  • Fixed a bug with an incorrect value of ‘average deaths’
  • Fixed a bug with incorrectly issued pve level of the mission ‘Operation monolith’
  • Now the bot correctly handles the lack of data in the statistics commands.


Soon in bot

  • Mailing LISTS
    Very soon you will be able to receive information directly in private messages. It will be enough to enter a command to subscribe to newsletters!
  • Translate all statistics commands into a graphical version you heard right!
    We want to add a graphical representation similar to the novelty in the team !stat [nick] in the rest of the team. We will collect statistics and get to work in the event That you like this solution and it will really be used.
  • Modified craft count. 
    The current ship craft count system doesn’t quite suit us. We want you to clearly see the full list of resources, so we are working on it!

Well done,
Perhaps you will need an open graph of my website
Displays drone coordinates, tooltips and sector names in 4 languages. Chinese, English, Polish and Russian.
On Discord it shows up like this:
After clicking on the image thumbnail it opens in a larger size:


It is enough to use the link and insert the sector id in the [ID] place:

For example:

ID list:

ID - 2
Sector name:
CHN: 尊严星系 | 被控制的无畏
EN: PRIDE | Captured Dreadnought
PL: PRIDE | Przechwycony Drednot
RU: ПРАЙД | Захваченный дредноут

ID - 7
Sector name:
CHN: 安特洛斯星系 | Iridium矿场
EN: ONTREGOS | Iridium Mines
PL: ONTREGOS | Irydowa kopalnia
RU: ОНТРЕГОС | Иридиевые копи

ID - 8

Sector name:
CHN: 安特洛斯星系 | '保卫者-17’空间站
EN: ONTREGOS | Station ‘Guardian-17’
PL: ONTREGOS | Stacja ‘Straż-17’
RU: ОНТРЕГОС | Станция «Страж-17»


ID - 12
Sector name:
CHN: 囚笼星系 | 突袭者领域
EN: CAYDE | Raider Range
PL: KAYLEED | Poligon poszukiwaczy
RU: КЕИД | Полигон рейдеров


ID - 13
Sector name:
CHN: 米纳尔星系 | '黑木’船厂
EN: MENAR | ‘Blackwood’ Shipyard
PL: MENAR | Stocznia ‘Blackwood’
RU: МЕНАР | Верфь «Блэквуд»


ID - 21
Sector name:
CHN: 海德拉星系 | '北极星号’撞击点
EN: YDRA | ‘Northstar’ Crash Site
PL: YDRA | Miejsce wypadku ‘Northstar’
RU: ИДРА | Крушение «Northstar»


ID - 22
Sector name:
CHN: 海德拉星系 | '星云-392’设施
EN: YDRA | Naberia-392 complex
PL: YDRA | Kompleks Naberia-392
RU: ИДРА | Комплекс Наберия-392


ID - 24
Sector name:
CHN: 室宿二星系 | '阿尔法-7’设施
EN: SCHEAT | ‘Alpha-7’ Complex
PL: SCHEAT | Kompleks ‘Alfa-7’
RU: ШЕАТ | Комплекс «Альфа-7»


ID - 25
Sector name:
CHN: 船帆座星系 | 'Ellydium’废弃设施
EN: VELORUM | Abandoned ‘Ellydium’ plant
PL: VELORUM | Opuszczona baza ‘Ellidium’
RU: ВЕЛОРУМ | Покинутая фабрика «Эллидиум»


ID - 27
Sector name:
CHN: 船帆座星系 | 加工环带
EN: VELORUM | Processing rig
PL: VELORUM | Stacja górnicza
RU: ВЕЛОРУМ | Добывающая станция


ID - 28
Sector name:
CHN: 船帆座星系 | 轻水采集站
EN: VELORUM | Water Harvest
PL: VELORUM | Zbiory wody
RU: ВЕЛОРУМ | Водосбор


ID - 30
Sector name:
CHN: 南河三星系 | 走私者藏身处
EN: PROCYON | Smugglers Hideout
PL: PROCYON | Przytułek przemytników
RU: ПРОЦИОН | Убежище контрабандистов


ID - 32
Sector name:
CHN: 厄里布斯星系 | 研发中心
EN: EREBUS | Research Center
PL: EREBUS | Centrum Naukowe
RU: ЭРЕБУС | Научный комплекс


ID - 34
Sector name:
CHN: 奥林匹斯星系 | 设备交易所
EN: OLYMPUS | Service Shop
PL: OLYMPUS | Warsztat
RU: ОЛИМП | Ремонтный цех


ID - 35
Sector name:
CHN: 奥林匹斯星系 | 冰带
EN: OLYMPUS | Ice Belt
PL: OLYMPUS | Pas lodu
RU: ОЛИМП | Ледяной пояс


ID - 38
Sector name:
CHN: 奥林匹斯星系 | 殖民中心
EN: OLYMPUS | Colonization Hub
PL: OLYMPUS | Centrum kolonizacji
RU: ОЛИМП | Центр колонизации


ID - 39
Sector name:
CHN: 奥林匹斯星系 | '新伊甸’空间站
EN: OLYMPUS | Station ‘New Eden’
PL: OLYMPUS | Stacja ‘Nowy Eden’
RU: ОЛИМП | Станция «Новый Эдем»


ID - 42
Sector name:
CHN: 哈尔盾星系 | 荒废据点
EN: HALDON | Derelict Stronghold
PL: HALDON | Opuszczony posterunek
RU: ХАЛДОН | Покинутый аванпост


ID - 44
Sector name:
CHN: 新谷神星系 | 东区矿场
EN: NEW CERES | Eastern Mining Station
PL: NOWE CERES | Wschodnia stacja górnictwa
RU: НОВАЯ ЦЕРЕРА | Восточная добывающая станция


ID - 48
Sector name:
CHN: 索拉利斯星系 | 失落边哨
EN: SOLARIS | Abandoned Outpost
PL: SOLARIS | Opuszczony posterunek
RU: СОЛАРИС | Заброшенный форпост


ID - 50
Sector name:
CHN: 索拉利斯星系 | 地质融化站
EN: SOLARIS | Terramorphing Station
PL: SOLARIS | Stacja terramorfingu
RU: СОЛАРИС | Станция терраморфинга


ID - 54
Sector name:
CHN: 帕拉斯星系 | 采矿区域
EN: PALLAS | Mining Site
PL: PALLAS | Wydobycie asteroid
RU: ПАЛЛАДА | Разработка астероидов


ID - 55
Sector name:
CHN: 帕拉斯星系 | '门德斯-IX’空间站
EN: PALLAS | Station ‘Mendes-IX’
PL: PALLAS | Stacja «Мendez-IX»
RU: ПАЛЛАДА | Станция «Мендес-IX»


ID - 59
Sector name:
CHN: 帕拉斯星系 | 瓦斯采集站
EN: PALLAS | Gas Harvest Station
PL: PALLAS | Stacja wydobycia gazu
RU: ПАЛЛАДА | Станция добычи газа


ID - 63
Sector name:
CHN: 普鲁斯码星系 | Iridium矿流带
EN: PROCSSIMA | Iridium Strand
PL: PROCSSIMA | Irydowy strumień
RU: ПРОКССИМА | Иридиевый поток


ID - 68
Sector name:
CHN: 美查星系 | 分选设施
EN: MEZZA | Sorting Facility
PL: MEZZA | Centrum sortowania
RU: МЕЗЗА | Сортировочный центр


ID - 71
Sector name:
CHN: 莫拉格星系 | 6号遗迹挖掘点
EN: MORAG | Excavation site №6
PL: MORAG | Wykopaliska nr.6
RU: МОРАГ | Область раскопок №6


ID - 73
Sector name:
CHN: 象牙星系 | PB-42
EN: VIOR | PB-42
PL: VIOR | PB-42
RU: ВИОР | PB-42

Greetings  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)