Difference between the value of the patchnote and the value in Game - Bastion Shield

| Error report |
| Describe problem and what you saw | Difference between the value of the patchnote and the value in Game - Bastion Shield

The PatchNote for Public Test Server indicate a +50% Cooldown on the Bastion Shield.

Cooldown on Live Server = 18 Seconds
Cooldown on Public Test Server = 36 Seconds

Increase value isn’t equal to +50% / Increased Value is equal to +100% |
| What you expected to see | Expectation :

Base Value + (0.5 x Base Value) = New Bastion Shield Cooldown
18 seconds + (0.5 x 18) = 27 Seconds

Expected Bastion Shield Cooldown on Public Test Server = 27 seconds
Real Bastion Shield Cooldown on Public Test Server = 36 Seconds |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | 1.Login on Live Server
2.Select Ship “Reaper”
3.Select Special Module “Bastion Shield” |
| Problem details | Patchnote Indicate +50% Increased Cooldown
Patch on Public Test applied a +100% increased Cooldown

Cooldown went from 18 to 35 seconds instead of 27 seconds |
| Frequency of reproduction | always |
| Time of bug |   |



Hmm looks like an incorrect value thankfully.

Glad the rest of my suggested values went through though - didn’t have a chance to test since my PT account is bugged and I can’t really be bothered to get it solved since I’m rarely awake during PT sessions.