Corp leaderboards disappear

| Error report |
| Describe problem and what you saw | PvE Effectiveness, Influence, Corp titles and Dmg dealt in wars disappear sometimes randomly when you click on one of them |
| What you expected to see | that it’s always there |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | when you click on one of them |
| Problem details | screenshot |
| Frequency of reproduction | sometimes |
| Time of bug |   |


[2022.04.09](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=21885&key=aa9eac0947c6eb1f94cca6f0f7f4d95c)

On 4/9/2022 at 1:58 PM, Boczek121 said:

PvE Effectiveness, Influence, Corp titles and Dmg dealt in wars disappear sometimes randomly when you click on one of them

Can you make video?

I can try but it will be hard to catch on video since it appears when you least expect it

14 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

Can you make video?

Accepted as SC-116350