Appeal to seemingly permanent chat-mute


     I recently (sometime yesterday) received an in-game mute that would appear to be permanent. It claims that I am muted for “1 day,” but I have waited over twelve hours and it still says “1 day.” In addition to not being able to use the English chat, I also cannot trade with any members of the community, nor PM them. I am not exactly sure what caused the ban, but I do admit to abusing the chat filter a few times for comedic effect. Arguing that what I did was OK would be immature, so I am not going to bother. I would just like to promise not to abuse the chat filter again, and if needed I can help the administrators fix the filter permanently. Thank you for your time,


In game name - Sergalicious


Nevermind, it was not permanent, just a misleading 2 day ban. Please delete this ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)



18 hours ago, ShadowOfNone said:

I am not exactly sure what caused the ban, but I do admit to abusing the chat filter a few times for comedic effect


As I see, the ban was due to the amount of reports about “FUCKMYBUTTS” phrases. These phrases violated the p. 3.2. of game rules.


18 hours ago, ShadowOfNone said:

I would just like to promise not to abuse the chat filter again


I do hope so. Please do not break the rules. And respect other players. I’ve canceled the ban.


Best regards,